The Electorate would have to look to the American Civil War of 1861 to find a situation to rival the toxic brew fermenting in America today.

The Federal Government under the Biden Administration has DEVOLVED into Tyranny. But is that true? No. For, that implies Joe Biden and his Administration did not exist as a Tyrant at the outset and, further, had not sought to become one, even as it became one thereafter.

And we do not mean to imply that——

Biden and his Administration—be it the Cabinet or Biden’s Chief of Staff, or even Barack Obama running things on the QT—is the real Tyrant.

They are seditious monsters to be sure. But are they “THE Tyrant” if, by that, Americans are to infer it is THEY who are truly running the show? That is unlikely.

Since assuming Office, Biden and his Administration have immediately reversed most of Trump’s policies and initiatives that have protected and strengthened our Country and promoted our Country’s interests.

The Biden Administration then designed and implemented policies that left our Country defenseless, weakened our Country, and promoted the interests of our competitors and enemies.

What the Biden Administration has wrought for our Country, in over three years, are horrors that cannot be adequately explained away as mere incompetency. Those policies and actions demonstrate a devious design to destroy every vestige of a once secure, powerful, vibrant Country: economically and financially, socially and culturally, politically and geopolitically.

To do what the Biden puppet and his handlers are doing to the Country, Constitution, and people, and getting away with it, one must infer they are taking their marching orders from someone or something much more powerful, sinister, secretive, and malevolent than Biden and the other public faces of his Administration, including Barack Obama, whose name is blithely tossed about, obviously as a blind to deflect and misdirect the public’s attention away from the true orchestrators of our Country’s ruin.

And it is this unacknowledged force—a force the Press does not even allude to—behind the scenes that protects Biden and his Administration from serious scrutiny and recriminations for the horrific actions taken to the detriment of the Country, Constitution, and people.

This is not to excuse Biden and the other scoundrels involved in the rape and pillage of America. They must all atone for their treachery.

But a rational mind must deduce from the circumstantial evidence that something other and much more powerful and malignant behind the scenes is directing the play. Otherwise, this Administration would not dare so blatantly to lay ruin to the Country.

Biden and his compatriots are willing servants of the Tyrant.

So, then, who is this Tyrant that has taken over our institutions, including our Federal Government and several State Governments, and that controls 99% of the Press and Social Media?

It is a Counterrevolutionary Radical Left Oligarchy.

This Oligarchy is an amalgamation comprising two core groups: a Neo-Marxist Internationalist Cultist leadership group whose aims, interests, and agenda concern the radical social and cultural transformation of society; and Neoliberal Globalist Elites whose aims, interests, and agenda are directed to wealth acquisition, concentrating it in the hands of a few, and creating governmental structures that serve their ends. This, then, is THE TYRANT, that orchestrates the actions and policies of the Biden Administration.

The scope of the Tyrant’s power is so vast that it can effectively hide its Tyranny in plain sight and claim to be the protector and savior of Democracy. And much of the public, seduced by the messaging of media, believes this nonsense.

The Tyrant has ensconced the Harlequin, Joe Biden, into the Executive Branch, giving him de facto legal access to Article 2 powers and authority in service to the Tyrant. And this Despot has insinuated itself throughout our Country.

It has hand-selected Joe Biden to serve an agenda: one directed to Dismantling a Free Constitutional Republic, Destroying an Independent Sovereign Nation-State, and Usurping the Sovereignty of the American people.

Joe Biden and his Administration are simply placeholders—the public personae—the stand-ins for the True Tyrant whom the citizenry must never gain a clear impression of.

This Despot intends to stay entrenched in Government in 2025, and beyond until its task—the ruin of all that we Americans cherish—is attained so that the Tyranny can fully blossom, and the Tyrant need no longer hide.

There is, however, a problem for this Tyrant. It hearkens back to Trump’s election as U.S. President in 2016—a thing that seemed so improbable that the Tyrant missed it—assured that the puppet, Hillary Clinton, would succeed Barack Obama, its previous puppet.

Even now, the Tyrant misreads and misjudges the fortitude of Donald Trump and that of a large segment of the American Electorate who support him.

Trump will be the Republican nominee for U.S. President in the upcoming election in 2024. There is no doubt about that unless the Tyrant can prevent it.

This Tyrant is relentlessly, unceasingly making every effort to prevent it.

Its control over the DOJ and many State courts and prosecutors’ offices is so commanding that it has corrupted much of it.

The Tyrant has warped the law inanely, excruciatingly, resulting in an endless sweep of illegal actions against Trump, all under the guise of falling under the rubric of the letter of the law. This is unheard of. There is no precedent for this.

The Press gives cover to this wild, vast, miscarriage of justice, vilifying Trump, instead of carefully scrutinizing the actions of people like Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Letitia James, and the actions of judges that rubber stamp the actions of these persecutors of Trump.

This is all done NOT in the pursuit of justice but to halt the prospect of a second Trump Presidency and to prevent the American people from choosing whom they wish to represent them and the Country.

The Tyrant would undoubtedly prefer to simply assassinate Trump and be done with him. The Tyrant certainly has the means to do so. But that won’t happen. The public has seen assassinations before and has grown suspicious of explanations meted out to it by the Press.

The “lone gunman” theory has played out much too often. The public had doubts about the veracity of that theory before and would be less inclined to accept it now.

Trump’s Assassination would likely spark an immediate, irrevocable, and violent Civil War—one the Tyrant cannot win at this time, and, so, does not want.

In lieu of assassination, the Tyrant has devised two strategies to increase its chances of success.

One involves keeping the odious, fraudulent, fractious candidate Nikki Haley in the running, propped up with infusions of cash.

Haley serves as a stopgap. She cannot gain the nomination fairly. She had suffered irrevocable defeat in Iowa. And she is going down to defeat in her own State, South Carolina next week, and by a large margin.

Two-thirds of voters according to the latest poll, as of the posting of this article favor Trump in the upcoming Republican Primary. See the articles in The New York Times and Politico.

And yet, Haley continues her run. Why?

The Tyrant hopes to keep Trump off the ballot or, failing that, then obtain a criminal conviction. That might suffice to give Haley the Republican Party nomination at the convention, notwithstanding that Trump has slaughtered her in every primary to date and likely will continue to do so in every primary to come, as every poll indicates.

If the Tyrant does succeed in keeping Trump’s name off the ballot as it hopes—and a case is before the U.S. Supreme Court to decide that issue now—or the Tyrant can taint Trump to such an extent that Party bigshots at the convention rewrite the rules, ignoring the results of the primaries, proclaiming Nikki Haley the Republican Party nominee for U.S. President, this would suit the Tyrant just fine.

Haley is a crass opportunist, who would serve the Tyrant well.

Haley likely doesn’t give a damn about either the Country or the rank-and-file members of the Republican Party. If she did care, she would have dropped out of the race after her defeat in New Hampshire and announced her support for Trump. She did not do that. Instead, she declared that she intended to stay in the race at least through the South Carolina Primary. Now, she proclaims she is in it for the long haul. Why?

A New York Times article that just came out, midday Sunday, February 18, 2024,  gives us a clue of the Tyrant’s rationale.

One week before the Republican presidential primary in South Carolina, where polls suggest she trails by an insurmountable margin, Nikki Haley was in Texas, promising to go national, as most primary candidates, even in the most dire circumstances, usually do.

Despite big losses in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, and the steep odds facing her in South Carolina, her home state, Ms. Haley is showing no signs of relenting. She is still raking in donations and building out her national footprint, as she pledges to move her party past former President Donald J. Trump.

‘He said he’s going to spend more time in a courtroom than he is going to be on the campaign trail,’ she said of Mr. Trump on Friday in San Antonio, referring to the hours he spent in New York last week facing criminal and civil cases. ‘But let me tell you what we are going to be doing. We are going to be on the campaign trail.’

Ms. Haley, a former governor of South Carolina and a United Nations ambassador under Mr. Trump, is projecting confidence even as her path to victory looks stark. In many South Carolina polls, she trails Mr. Trump by roughly 30 points — and the picture beyond next week’s contest does not look much brighter.

If Ms. Haley continues with her plans to stay in the race beyond South Carolina, as she has pledged, here is a look at how she intends to take her long-shot bid national. . . .

Ms. Haley and her allies have kept up a steady drumbeat of criticism on Mr. Trump in national media appearances and in television and digital ads. Her message has largely remained consistent: that it is time for a new generational leader who can move her party beyond the ‘chaos’ that is Mr. Trump. But her attack lines to underscore that most recently have become sharper-edged and more numerous. She has criticized him for disparaging her husband, Maj. Michael Haley; for suggesting he would encourage Russian aggression against U.S. allies in Europe; for skewing the delegate count; and for tightening his grip over party institutions, including the Republican National Committee.

She has continued to blast Mr. Trump for spending time and campaign donations on his legal troubles. She has sought to brand him and President Biden as ‘grumpy, old men.’

But as of last week, Ms. Haley had not spent any money on television ads beyond Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. Her allied super PAC, Stand for America Inc., had invested only about $144,900 in other states, according to AdImpact, a media-tracking firm. The Trump campaign, by comparison, had spent nearly six times as much, or about $855,200, nationwide.

Pointing to Ms. Haley’s losses, Karoline Leavitt, Mr. Trump’s national press secretary, contended he would not only ‘crush’ her in own backyard and ‘demolish her on Super Tuesday.’ ‘Only a birdbrain would stay in this race,’ she said in a statement, using Mr. Trump’s insulting nickname for Ms. Haley.

The Funding

Mr. Trump’s war chest dwarfs Ms. Haley’s campaign funds. He had more than $33 million cash on hand at the end of December, while Ms. Haley had $14.6 million.

But as it has been from the start of her campaign, one bright spot for Ms. Haley is her ability to raise money. She pulled in $16.5 million in January, her highest monthly total so far. She has the backing of a number of wealthy donors. Her campaign turned Mr. Trump’s ultimatum against her donors into an opportunity to sell about 20,000 T-shirts that read “Barred. Permanently.” This month, she brought in at least $2.7 million at fund-raisers in Texas and California, according to her campaign, and $1 million more in the 48 hours after Mr. Trump disparaged Ms. Haley’s husband at a rally.

The Rationale

In interviews, some of Ms. Haley’s high-dollar donors in Texas and California echoed her focus on Mr. Trump’s and President Biden’s advanced ages, and cited Mr. Trump’s legal cases as signs that anything remains possible in the race. Mr. Trump spent Thursday in a Manhattan courtroom on criminal charges stemming from a hush-money payment to a porn star in 2016. A New York judge on Friday ordered him to pay a penalty of nearly $355 million plus interest after finding him liable for conspiring to manipulate his net worth.

‘A lot can happen in politics and in our legal system,’ said Timothy Draper, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and Haley donor. ‘And the American people usually come to their senses when they come to the polls.’

Yes, a lot can happen between now and November 2024, and it seems clear now that the Tyrant is banking more on Haley as U.S. President Haley.

The Despot has no further use for the Democrat Party. Consider—

Joe Biden will either drop dead before November or become so visibly incapacitated he cannot plausibly continue to perform no matter how much scotch tape, shoestring, and sealing wax the medical scientists use to keep him propped upright, semi-mobile, semi-conscious, and somewhat capable of a few vocalizations, however incoherent. He is visibly decaying before the Nation’s (and the world’s) very eyes.

The Press likes to compare Joe Biden and Donald Trump by age, ignoring the fact that Trump is physically vigorous, mentally sharp (and can make a convincing argument extemporaneously)—and all the more remarkable given the constant invective thrown at him by the Press and media and the Government juggernaut directed against him.

Biden is physically and emotionally frail. A discussion of his mental acuity presumes he has some. He doesn’t. The man’s mind is effectively gone. His speech is incoherent. He doesn’t walk stridently, but ambles about weakly, stiffly, aimlessly. He now needs his wife to show him off the stage. He is an embarrassment.

A more apt comparison may be drawn between him and Jimmy Carter.

What does this portend?

If the 2024 election is truly fair and aboveboard, the Republican nominee will be the next President of the United States. The Democrats are finished.

If the Tyrant machinates successfully to prevent Donald Trump from securing the Republican Party nomination, then Haley will become the presumptive Republican Party nominee, and likely Presidential winner in November 2024.

That is what the Tyrant is banking on and that is why she remains in the race. It isn’t her call. It is the Tyrant’s call—and the money behind her.

There is no acceptable replacement, on the Democrat Party end, at this late date, who can defeat either Trump or, for that matter, Haley.

Kamala Harris is a moron and less popular than Biden if that is empirically possible.

Gavin Newsome, Hillary Clinton, J.B. Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer, and Phil Murphy are vile. They will win millions of votes in the major cities controlled by the Radical Left, true, but they will lose tens of millions more around the Country and will lose in the Electoral College.

Michelle Obama has no public office or business experience and Americans would see her as a stand-in for her husband Barack—serving a third term through his wife. She likely doesn’t want the job anyway. And why would she? She has obviously grown accustomed to the lifestyle of one of the wealthy leisure class and doesn’t have the strength of will or fortitude, let alone the desire or stamina, to take on the challenges of the U.S. Presidency.

Trump has demonstrated well the ability to carry the world on his shoulders. She has neither the wherewithal nor the ability to do that.

She has seen what the relentless forces that crush are doing to Donald Trump, a strong and vigorous soul, and she has witnessed in real time what the Presidency can do to an inherently weak and corrupt man like Biden. He is physically decomposing before our eyes.

So, Nikki Haley is the Tyrant’s candidate of choice—a Radical Left surrogate. She’s a perfect emblem for the times: female, treated by the woke mob as a “colored” person (even though denizens of India are “White,” i.e., Caucasians), she is youthful, and has a modicum of intelligence and personality. She is the perfect package to hide a vicious, ambitious, corruptible nature. For political purposes, she creates an effective illusion of bringing America back to its core values.

The Tyrant would make effective use of her as his new puppet. And the Press would make much of the fact that America would have its first female President.

To “get” her into the winner’s circle the Tyrant has launched and continues to carry out a series of malicious, legally dubious criminal and civil lawsuits against Trump, in both Federal and State courts.

Arguably, the most important case is the one before the U.S. Supreme Court today: Trump vs. Anderson.

Recall, the Colorado Supreme Court holding:

“The Colorado Supreme Court held that President Donald J. Trump is disqualified from serving as president under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

Counsel for the Petitioner Trump argued the holding is wrong for many reasons. And he is correct.

If the majority of the Court concurs (hopefully a unanimous decision), that will send a clear message to the States, forbidding them from denying the electorate the right to vote for their candidate of choice for U.S. President merely on the ground that a State Government proclaims a candidate for Public Office an insurrectionist under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

It is not our purpose here to go into an examination of and explication of the import of Section 3 nor to go into the arguments pro and con that scholars and commentators have elucidated to date for keeping Trump’s name on or off the ballot in Colorado (and by extension, on or off the ballot in other States), based on the interpretation of Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The idea of Trump as an insurrectionist is false, even absurd.

He isn’t an insurrectionist, but it is not the purpose of this article to go into the whys and wherefores of that issue either.

But it is necessary to discuss the concept of ‘insurrection’ as it relates to this Country.

During the Oral Argument, on February 8, 2024, the High Court dealt at length with the import of “insurrection.” The transcript mentions the word at least 85 times.

Our purpose here is to propound a matter the High Court didn’t consider and, to our knowledge, no one has. Yet it is one that implicates a matter that goes to the heart of the salient issue:

Whether the American people do have the right to rebel against tyranny, and from a legal standpoint, apart from the decidedly moral one.

There is a question of what Government’s acts are so egregious as to amount to Tyranny of Government and therefore sufficient justification for the citizenry’s taking up arms against that Government.

But even that question isn’t the first and central question to be asked and answered.

For, we don’t get to that question if, under no set of circumstances, Americans are not legally permitted to take up arms against the Government.

That is an argument many scholars have made, and it is one presumed by the myriad of articles one comes across in the mainstream media as well.

But is that true? The inference is that, even if the Government does become indisputably dictatorial, hence tyrannical, the citizenry does not have a legal (statutory) right or a right under the Constitution to use force of arms to topple that Government.

And we are assuming here that a Despot would not permit a fair election.

There cannot, of course, be free and fair elections in a dictatorship. That would be a contradiction in terms.

So, if the public cannot resort to the Electoral Process to rid itself of a Tyrant, and, if the public cannot resort to force of arms, then where does that leave the American public? Nowhere!

This suggests the Constitution tacitly bears the seeds of its dissolution, except for the fact that the public is well-armed. And THAT explains why the Government—this Biden Administration, along with the Press and social media—has long argued for stringent constraints on firearms and continues to do so, more and more vociferously with each passing month.

The Radical Left knows how to scream and shout, but falls short on logic and internal consistency in its positions.

Trump versus Anderson is a case in point.

If, as the Colorado Supreme Court holds, Trump is an insurrectionist whose name must not appear on the State ballot for U.S. President, based on Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, then the Colorado Supreme Court has just held that the Government ITSELF can be a “Governmental” insurrectionist.

What does that mean? It means Colorado is proclaiming that the Second Branch of Government, the U.S. President, Donald Trump, was, himself, an insurrectionist, i.e., a TYRANT (DESPOT) when he served as President, through his actions on January 6, 2021.

BUT, THEN, if the head of Government is an insurrectionist, i.e., a Tyrant, then, by logical implication, that provides a LEGAL, not simply a MORAL basis, for the American people to rebel against Tyranny whenever it sees that Tyranny in their Government.

Colorado is itself a rebel then, rebelling against what it has determined to be a U.S. President as INSURRECTIONIST qua TYRANT, and Colorado is claiming to argue a legal basis for doing so and, further, claiming a right of action against THAT INSURRECTIONIST, qua, TYRANT.

The action Colorado has taken is to prevent Trump from running for a Federal Government position again by keeping Trump’s name off the Colorado ballot in the upcoming 2024 U.S. General Election.

Apart from Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, the word ‘insurrection’ does not appear in the Constitution but in the Congressional Statute, yet undefined.

18 USCS § 2383 (Rebellion and Insurrection) sets forth,

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Well, if Trump, as U.S. President, can be considered an insurrectionist, i.e., a Tyrant, then so can Joe Biden.

The point isn’t theoretical. The Colorado Supreme Court has proclaimed that Donald J. Trump, as President Trump, was an insurrectionist.

Again, this is tantamount to saying Trump was a Tyrant and that Colorado can act against a Tyrant by preventing that Tyrant from ever again serving as President or holding any other Federal Government position.

Colorado’s act of rebellion in this instance amounts to preventing Colorado voters from voting for a Past President of the United States to serve another term in Office, whom Colorado has declared to have been a Tyrant through an act or acts of insurrection having taken place on January 6, 2021.

This has serious implications for the Biden Government. For, if the Colorado Supreme Court is correct, then the question of whether the Biden Government is tyrannical is not theoretical. It is real and deeply problematic.

It means that, if the Biden Government truly is tyrannical (whether it is Biden and his Government or some shadowy, sinister force behind Biden and his Administration orchestrating Biden’s actions and the actions of his Administration), then the American citizenry does have a legal basis for overthrowing the Insurrectionist Despot Tyrant, Joe Biden and all those connected with him.

Again, keep in mind Colorado has said that Trump was an insurrectionist at a time when Trump still served as President of the United States, wielding legitimate Article 2 power and authority, as President.

So, from a logical point of view, does Colorado want to maintain that Trump is, or even could be, an insurrectionist, in his capacity as U.S. President? If so, then they just opened the door to the possibility that Biden and those behind them can be insurrectionists, ergo tyrants, and, if so, then the public has the legal right to depose them, under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Insurrection by the Government against the citizenry is tyranny. And the citizenry now has a statutory basis to revolt against a Tyrant if Colorado is correct.

A better claim can be made that Biden and his puppet masters are more the Tyrant than Trump ever was or could be, and Biden is presently serving as President. Trump isn’t.

Do Americans have a legal right to overthrow the tyrannical Biden Government and those behind him, then?

Colorado just made out a case for that, and never even knew it!

While we take exception to Colorado’s argument for proclaiming a U.S. President can be found to be an insurrectionist under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, we would argue that the right to rebel against the tyranny of Government is provided for in another section of the Constitution, through which the citizenry does have the legal authority to rebel against tyranny. It is right there in the Second Amendment.

Is it any wonder that the Radical Left in our Country and the Tyrant in command of our Government are attempting to abolish the Second Amendment? Surely, a Tyrannical Government would have reason to.

Our armed citizenry is a threat to a Tyrannical Federal Government. A Government operating within the bounds of the law need not fear the armed citizenry.

The Biden Administration (and those orchestrating the Biden Administration’s every move) do fear the armed citizenry. They have made their fear of the armed citizenry known through executive actions and vehement, virulent protestations against the Second Amendment.

We deal with these important issues further in the next article.


