Imagine if you will a change to the U.S. Constitution—inclusion of an addendum to the language of the Second Amendment :

“WARNING: “A Weapon Or Firearm In The Home Is Hazardous To Your Health.”

If you warm to that idea, you will be happy to learn that the Great Loyalist Tory State in the Nation’s Northeast, New York, has done just that.

On Monday, June 3, 2024, the New York Legislature in Albany passed a bill that treats firearms like cigarettes and other tobacco products: Assembly Bill 2023 A.B. 2882 (Senate Bill 2023 S6649).

Invoking a warning label on tobacco and many other products is nothing new, but imposing a warning label on an implement embracing and entwined with the elemental eternal God-given Right of self-defense is novel, and may rightly cause more than a few Americans to question the sanity of those proposing it.


The Bill amends the State’s Handgun Law, Section 400 of the Penal Code, by adding a new subdivision 20 to the Handgun Law.

Provision (A) (I) says,

Every Person Licensed As A Gunsmith Or A Dealer In Firearms Shall Post The Following Notice At The Site Where Such Weapons Or Firearms Are Sold, Displayed Or Delivered To The Purchaser, At The Entrance To The Site And In At Least One Additional Area Where Sales Occur, Conspicuously Stating, In No Smaller Than Twenty-Six-Point Type On A Sign At Least Eight And One-Half By Eleven Inches in Bold Print:


|Access To A Weapon Or Firearm In The Home Significantly Increases The Risk Of Suicide, Death During Domestic Disputes, And/or Unintentional Deaths To Children, Household Members And Others.

If You Or A Loved One Is Experiencing Distress And/Or Depression, Call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline At 988.

 The Bill reinforces this warning with a further reminder to handgun licensees as well.

Provision (A) (II) says,

Every Firearms Dealer Shall Distribute A Notice To The Purchaser At The Time Of Each Individual Sale Of A Weapon Or Firearm, Conspicuously Stating, In No Smaller Than Twenty-Six-Point Type And On Paper At Least  Eight And  One-Half By Eleven Inches In Bold Print The Following Warning:

 Access To A Weapon Or Firearm In The Home Significantly Increases The Risk Of Suicide, Death During Domestic Disputes, And/Or Unintentional Deaths To Children, Household Members And Others.

If You Or A Loved One Is Experiencing Distress And/Or Depression, Call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline At 988.|

These two warning provisions aren’t enough to satisfy the Hochul Government. The Government throws yet another one at a person who doesn’t get the message that Governor Hochul and Albany DO NOT LIKE FIREARMS and detest the notion of “YOU” insisting on keeping and bearing one in defiance of the Government's clear, vociferous, caustic, visceral message.

Provision (A)(III) says,

Upon The Issuance Of Or Amendment To A Firearm Or Weapon License And/Or Permit, The Licensing Officer Shall Provide The Licensee/Permittee A Written Copy Of Warning Notice [The Warning Notice Set Forth In Provision (A) (II)] Conspicuously Stating In No Smaller Than Twenty-Six-Point Type And On Paper At Least  Eight And One-Half By Eleven Inches In Bold Print. . . .

These Warning provisions harm gun dealers’ businesses, creating a chilling effect, likely intentionally, because such “in your face” warnings plastered on walls and in handouts will intimidate and frighten some Americans, especially those who are considering purchasing a firearm for the first time.

The Government’s raw, rabid hatred and fear of firearms is palpable and its constant, contentious vilification of New York firearms owners and its interminable opprobrium is undeserved and insulting.

This is all reflected in increasingly draconian and absurd gun laws directed to a population that is not a threat to public safety but an adjunct to it. But the Hochul Government wants none of it.

Such prospective first-time purchasers may have second thoughts on viewing the signs and reading the handouts. This is surely by design. It is blatant propaganda.

Worse, the Warning Signs are injurious to and an affront to the sanctity of our most sacred right and attack the very notion of adulthood, personal autonomy, personal responsibility, respect for one’s selfhood, and faith in one’s ability to make informed and educated decisions. These Government “Warning” messages by Globalist “elites” attack this. They treat American adults like disobedient children who must be kept in line.

But America is not a servile component of the British Commonwealth—a relic of a bygone empire whom America’s Patriots defeated convincingly in war—The American Revolution of 1776. And America’s Patriots of the present day will never agree to surrender the sovereignty of their Country and the people’s sovereignty over all governments.

But the Destroyers of our Country are cunning. They are masters of subterfuge. They must disarm Americans if they are to succeed in gaining control over them. They attempt to sow doubt in the psyche of Americans. That doubt lodges in a person’s mind—a persistent thought bubbles to the surface and that thought becomes, in time, an oath that one recites to himself:

“I am small and insignificant and would do best to defer to the grace of Government, for it is all-powerful yet righteous, benevolent. In its divine benevolence, I know in my heart that it will protect me, nurse me as my mother once did, and I will be safe and all will be good. As a token of good faith, I will, as my Benevolent Government urges, relinquish possession of all dangerous instrumentalities, of all harmful ‘toys,’ and I will steadfastly refrain from purchasing new ones, for I know they are harmful to my health and well-being and harmful to the well-being of the Government that only wants the best for both me and the Greater Open Society.”

“Warning messages” on retail gun stores strongly suggest, if tacitly, that you, an adult, cannot make informed, responsible decisions on important matters and should therefore rely on the Government to make those decisions for you.

The “Warning” signs suggest that the Government simply wishes to protect you from hurting yourself—that guns are bad and dangerous, devoid of any utility. They provide you with no benefit. The Government frowns on such things. The signs’ messages are not mere declarations. They are subtle rhetorical interrogatories, commands, imperatives: “You don’t want to anger Kathy Hochul and the New York Government, do you? Of course not. SO THEN: BE KIND TO YOURSELF AND OTHERS: DO NOT PURCHASE A FIREARM.”

These messages not so subtly promote a subconscious urge in a person toward dependency on the Government at the expense of faith in one’s intelligence and resourcefulness.

Telling a citizen, matter-of-factly, that having a firearm “significantly” increases the potential for committing suicide, carrying out a homicide, or causing an accident is meant to dissuade a citizen from purchasing a firearm, especially a handgun, since handguns are readily concealable, operating like a dark tinted glass on a motor vehicle’s window, but much more dangerous. The latter assertion is true. That is the point of having a handgun on one’s person, concealability, and that it is readily available to thwart danger should it arise, a fact commonplace in New York City.

But that having a firearm constitutes a threat to one personally, is a false pronouncement. Yet it is presented with an aura of undeniable truth— creating a sense of doubt in one’s decision-making ability and going so far as to promote the idea that faith in oneself is contrary to correct thought and behavior in today’s American society. Yet, such an idea is at odds with the concept of Individualism, the foundation of free will and the cornerstone of a Nation built on the idea of God-given rights and liberties that rest beyond the lawful power of the State to intrude upon.

Having a firearm in one’s possession is proof of the sanctity and inviolability of one’s selfhood. That idea is anathema to States like New York, grounded on the ideology of Collectivism.

New York smugly and brashly engages in a war of attrition to defeat the most basic right of the Common Man, the right of armed self-defense against predatory assault on one’s body and mind, spirit and soul.

They chastise those who happen to disagree with Government edicts and go their way, refusing to kowtow to conformist doctrines promoting peculiar thoughts and actions.

The Government censures, ridicules, and attacks head-on the core values of Americans. Recall Obama’s off-the-cuff but honest remark, scoffing at the average American.

“They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

See the quote from the Guardian, posted on April 14, 2008.

That misbegotten Obama quote became condensed as a slogan, and chant, echoing down through the years.

Recently, the ex-Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, made a similar comment during a recent debate she took part in at Oxford University in England in April 2024. Fox News report pointed this out:

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., was rebuked as an ‘elite’ during a recent Oxford Union debate, where she argued that populism in the United States is a threat to democracy.

 Pelosi — a self-described ‘devout’ Catholic — said during the April 25 debate that certain Americans, whom she considered to be ‘poor souls who are looking for some answers,’ refuse to accept the answers Democrats give them on particular topics due to their beliefs about ‘guns, gays, [and] God.’

The Federal Government and many of the State Governments run by or otherwise beholden to Neo-Marxist Cultists and Neoliberal Globalists have continuously and caustically attacked American’s faith in the Divine Creator. They have promoted deviant behavior, and continuously denigrate those who seek to arm themselves to safeguard their life and well-being and to thwart Tyranny.

The Forces that Crush cannot crush the American people as long as the Common Man has the will to resist the Tyranny of thought and action thrust on them by a Tyrannical Government and as long as the Common Man has on his person the means to effectively resist instances of Tyranny: a physical. tangible firearm. That fact perplexes, dismays, and frightens those who seek our Country’s demise, as it is TYRANNY they intend to thrust on our Nation. This is occurring now.

The Hochul Government and other Anti-Second Amendment advocates would much prefer simply to ban civilian possession of all firearms outright and confiscate all arms and ammunition from those Americans who already possess them.

But they cannot lawfully do this, and do not, at present, have the power to unlawfully force mass confiscation of arms on the public. That might change come this November, as the Destroyers of our Country complete their consolidation of all Government.

Congress isn’t waiting. Already, concerned about the possibility that the present rancor embroiling the Country can lead to open rebellion against Government Tyranny, Democrats in the House (narrowly controlled by Republicans) have introduced a bill, one sweeping in its scope to ban all “gas-operated semi-automatic” firearms. The Bill, referred to by the shorthand descriptor, “GOSAFE ACT,” borrows the verbiage of New York’s 2013 ban on assault weapons called the “NY SAFE ACT.”

What is noteworthy about the present incarnation of a bill to ban semiautomatic weapons, nationwide, is that Democrats no longer use the pretense of disguising their goal through political jargon, i.e., using the nebulous words, “assault weapon,” in a weak attempt to hide their objectives. They no longer rely on pretense.

Their objective is plain as they target “semiautomatic weapons” directly. That fact alone shows a significant change in strategy, suggesting that many Americans are fine with clear, unambiguous language of intent. But for most of us, this new threat is cause for alarm.

These Destroyers of our Republic intend to remove weapons that pose a threat to the Tyranny they are imposing on all Americans. And they want all Americans to know this—especially those Americans, the Nation’s Patriots, who strenuously oppose the insinuation of Tyranny in a Country formed as a truly Free Constitutional Republic.

The Forces That Crush have made plain their intention to disarm the citizenry, suggesting another phase in the hijacking of a Free Republic is about to occur. See the post by one of the sponsors of the “GOSAFE ACT,” Democrat Congressman, Martin Heinrich. See also the text of the bill article in, and the article discussing this bill, posted on the website, on June 4, 2024.

The disassembling of our Free Constitutional Republic can only happen, can manifest in reality only if, by hook or by crook, these ruthless Anti-American forces succeed in keeping the doddering, fragile, half-dead fool, Joe Biden, upright and semi-awake, and semi-sentient, capable of babbling, blabbering, blundering about, long enough, at least, to sit his barely functioning brain and body, or, if not that, then a cadaver, in the Oval Office in January 2025, at which point the catty, servile, imbecilic puppet, Kamala Harris can serve as the new pyrrhic head of the Executive Branch of Government.


The Bill, 2023 A.B. 2882, was introduced a year and a half ago by five assemblymen and women: Dinowitz, Tapia, Weprin, Kelles, and Forrest.

The public heard nothing about it and remained in the dark concerning it until a mass of news reports broke on it: on Monday, June 4, 2024.

Debate among the State’s Legislators is sketchy and difficult to obtain. What little is known is limited to proponents’ rehashing of biased, loaded statistics about firearms’ connection to suicides and accidents, and avoids reference to violent criminal use of firearms on the streets.

The statistics that the sponsors of the Bill presented to the New York Assembly were done so perfunctorily and cursorily, but posited, apparently, as gospel to a receptive Democrat Party majority.

When displayed as “WARNINGS,” predicated on deceptive statistics, they convey an air of majesty and undeniability—a thing intended.

“Warning” Labels on products are meant to give the prospective purchaser pause. As with “Warning Labels” on any product, these are emphatic and vehement. That is the point. But as presented here, the assertions aren’t true.

Suicide in modern societies is an intractable problem. That much IS true. See, e.g., the article in “Frontiers for Public Health.” But if a person is intent on killing him or herself, will the absence of a gun prevent a person from doing so through other means? Those who detest firearms in the hands of civilians presume the absence of a firearm prevents a person from following through on suicide.  Does the presumption hold up to scrutiny? Does the presumption wrongly conflate the intention to commit suicide with the means to see that intention through to completion? Or are the means to the end and the end goal inextricably tied to each other?


The causes of suicide are multivarious. Often, and oddly enough, Government policy is the principal cause for a surge of suicide in a population.

The government can sustain it, enable it, and even encourage it. Trudeau’s Government enables suicide in Canada, and judging by the success of its “assisted suicide” program, actively abets it. See the article posted on crime (CPRC) titled, “The Assisted Suicide Rate in Canada is 4.45 times the Firearms Suicide Rate in the United States.”

While there were about 3,839 suicides per year in Canada in 2020, there were 13,500 assisted suicides in Canada in 2022. With a population of about 38.25 million people, that implies an assisted suicide rate of 35.294 per 100,000 people. The total suicide rate is about 45.

The assisted suicide rate in Canada in 2022 is about 4.45 times the firearms suicide rate in the US in 2021 (the latest year for both numbers). Even if you take Canada’s assisted suicide rate in 2021, when the program was ramping up, there were 10,500 assisted suicides, for a rate of 27.5 per 100,000 people. That is 3.46 times the US firearm suicide rate.” See report in “Crime Prevention Research Center” (CPRC). 

 Apart from the government’s assistance in abetting suicide in some countries, which is frightening to contemplate, societal stressors are at work that pushes people to follow through on it.

While a gun may serve as a popular means to end one’s life, the lack of it has no statistical effect on preventing a determined person from ending his or her life.

Firearms are prevalent in America. But eliminating them would have no statistically significant effect on suicide rates even if, for some, the converse seems to be intuitively true, which is to say, the means, (the availability of a firearm, and the end desired, the death of oneself) are inextricably tied to each other. They are not. See, May 25, 2023 article in criminal (CPRC)

[T]he common claim is that if guns are eliminated, people either won’t try to commit suicide or cannot do it successfully. Yet, in places where guns are banned, total suicide rates remain unchanged — people change how they commit suicide.”

The proponents of more and more stringent anti-Second Amendment measures also claim that firearms are the principal cause of accidental deaths among children. This notion, too, is erroneous. Id. (CPRC)

For those under 18, total vehicle deaths are over 35% greater than firearm deaths from murder, suicides, and accidents. Even when you use homicides instead of murders, which includes justifiable homicides, vehicle deaths are 10% greater.

When you look at deaths for those under 20, firearm deaths from murder, suicides, and accidents were less than vehicle deaths in 2019 and 2020 (the FBI data on murder for those ages wasn’t available yet for 2021). Firearm deaths from homicides, suicides, and accidents exceeded vehicle deaths in 2020 and 2021, but it was driven by the difference between the CDC measure of homicides and the FBI measure of murder. Even if you use the CDC numbers on homicides, the results are driven by 18- and 19-year-olds likely to be involved in gang violence.

The Hochul Government attaches the “gun” policy to the wrong premise. It takes as axiomatic the erroneous idea that the prevalence of “guns” in New York and nationwide is the salient source of society’s problems.

This false assumption is a major component of a faulty belief system around which the Government crafts its policy. Blind adherence to that belief system prevents the Government from considering any other reason for societal breakdown.

Might not a lax criminal justice system and the handcuffing of police be more likely causes of societal instability and concomitantly, increasingly and extraordinarily high instances of crime, especially violent crime in major urban cities in America?

But, oddly, a belief system that mollycoddles dangerous psychopaths and lunatics is the same system that happens to target guns and the “Common Man” who wishes, as is his fundamental, unalienable right, to take upon himself, responsibility for his own Personal Safety. This need is most acute in Cities like NYC.

Yet, the New York Government finds the idea of the armed citizen abhorrent, and, so, arrogantly frustrates exercise of the right at every turn. And, at the same time, this Government provides neither for the Public Safety of the Community, which is its duty, nor for one’s Personal Safety, which it is not. New Yorkers have little control over the actions of their public leaders who shirk their responsibility to the public. The New York electorate can only vote them in or out of office.

But, New Yorkers do have the right to bear arms in their defense against aggressive life-threatening assaults against them—both at home and in the public sphere. The U.S. Supreme Court cases when taken together—Heller, McDonald, and Bruen—make this abundantly and categorically clear.

Yet, the Hochul Government frowns on civilian possession of firearms. This is exemplified in the labyrinthine maze of laws enacted to frustrate a person’s possession of a firearm, especially a handgun, for self-defense.

The Hochul Government’s firearms policy coheres with and reflects its belief system—one antithetical to the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms—resulting in a nonending and steady stream of outlandish, outrageous, fanciful, extravagant, unconstitutional, and noxious “gun” laws, making for an incomprehensibly vast and tortuous regulatory regime.

This most recent antigun “Guns Are Dangerous To Your Health” Bill, 2023 A.B. 2882 (Senate Bill 2023 S6649) is nothing more than a scarcely disguised attempt to harass and burden New York’s firearms dealers and gunsmiths.

Since Hochul cannot legally prevent, outright, a person, not under a disability, from exercising his fundamental right to keep and bear arms, she can only plot ways to frustrate Americans’ ability to acquire firearms, if they wish to exercise their right to keep and bear arms in New York, or use scare tactics in attempt to dissuade a person from acquiring a firearm.

This present Bill, 2023 A.B. 2882, attempts to do a bit of both: frustrate the dealer from conducting business, and dissuade the prospective buyer from effectuating his purchase of a handgun.

The New York Government interposes itself between buyer and seller, hovering like a ghostly presence over both parties, silently interfering with a legitimate business transaction.


Legislative prognostication had posited low passage for this Bill at the get-go. That is not surprising. The Bill is ludicrous.

What is surprising is that notwithstanding low passage for it—usually meaning it likely would not leave committee—the Bill, nonetheless and incongruously, made it out of Committee, and the New York State Assembly passed it.

As drafted, the Bill is unusually short. That undoubtedly helped to move it inexorably if slowly along to fruition. The Bill passed as initially drafted by the State Assembly where it had originated.

The Bill then wended its way to a State Senate Committee for consideration. The Committee released it, without revision, to the full Senate for a vote. The State Senate passed it forthwith.

It helped that Democrats control both Houses of the Legislature. And the Assemblymen who introduced the Bill made sure that a majority of Legislators would vote for its passage.

The Bill now goes to the Governor’s desk for signing.

Once Kathy Hochul receives it, which is imminent, she will sign it immediately. No one should doubt that.

The Bill is a partisan tactic grounded on suspicion of and outright hatred of the “Common Man.”

On enactment, New York will be the first State to treat a firearm more like an unwholesome and banal act of smoking a cigarette than to treat it circumspectly for what it is, a sacred, fundamental, unalienable, eternal right, deserving of respect, even reverence.


The police will verify compliance.

Once this Bill becomes enforceable law, ninety days after Hochul signs it (under Section 2 of this Subdivision of the Handgun Law), the police have the task of scrutinizing firearms dealers and gunsmiths to ascertain whether they fully comply with the law.

Provision (C)(II) of the Bill says,

The Provisions Of This Subdivision Shall Be Enforced Within  Each Municipality By The Applicable Local Police Force, Including Town, City And Village Police Departments Which Officers Are Authorized To Issue Appearance Tickets. Appearance Tickets Shall Be Served Personally.

Tasking the police with enforcing this Bill means prodding the police away from their most pressing task and their salient duty, protecting the community from the criminal element.

With New York awash in violent crime and property crime, the latter of which always has the propensity to become violent, it is a sacrilege to use scarce taxpayer monies for matters that do not serve the taxpayer's interests. This Bill works against his interests.

This Bill targets legitimate businesses devoted to serving the American citizen who seeks to do nothing more than exercise his God-given fundamental right to keep and bear arms.

Neither the citizens nor these legitimate businesses are a threat to the public order. But the Government still treats them as if they were a visible, omnipresent threat to the public order. That stance is reflected in the gargantuan, cumbersome firearms licensing regime—a regime that continues to group despite the numerous constitutional challenges pending in New York’s State and Federal Courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court.


The Penalties For Failure To Comply, whether inadvertent or intended, are harsh.

Provision (C) (1) provides,

Failure To Comply With Any Provision Of This Subdivision Shall Be A Violation Punishable By Imprisonment Of Not More Than Fifteen Days Or  By  A  Fine Of Not More Than One Thousand Dollars, Or Both. Each Day That A Violation Continues Shall Be Deemed A Separate Offense.

What isn’t said in the Bill follows from the State Licenses required to do business in the State. Retail gun dealers and gunsmiths must obtain—apart from the acquisition of a valid Federal License (FFL) to engage in selling firearms or working on a firearm—a valid New York State license, to do business in the State.

NY CLS Penal § 400.00 (1-a), says,

No person shall engage in the business of gunsmith or dealer in firearms unless licensed pursuant to this | An applicant to engage in such business shall also be a citizen of the United States, more than twenty-one years of age and shall be required to maintain a place of business in the city or county where the license is issued. . . .|

Additional New York jurisdictional licenses may also be required. All are in jeopardy when this Bill becomes law, ninety days after the Governor signs it Hochul signs it into law. (Section 2 of the Bill).

In the event of a violation of this new Subdivision 20 of NY CLS Penal § 400.00, once codified in law, the Dealer or Gunsmith will find he has also violated the “Good Moral Character” requirement of Section 400.00 which he must satisfy if he is to obtain and then maintain his State Dealer or Gunsmith license.

This means he is likely to lose his business and his livelihood if a police authority cites him for noncompliance with the signposting provisions and complementary warning handouts, in any particular.

That possibility had likely not gone unnoticed by the proponents of this new Bill. The proponents want to drive retail gun dealers and gunsmiths out of business just as they would like to drive gun manufacturers out of business.

SUPPOSE THAT, IN THE PERFORMANCE OF HIS DUTY UNDER THIS SUBDIVISION, A POLICE OFFICER HARMS OR INJURES AN ENTREPRENEUR OR HIS ESTABLISHMENTFirearms Dealers and Gunsmiths have no recourse against the police for harm or injury the police may cause in the performance of their duties under this Handgun Law Subdivision.

Provision B has only one part. It says,

No Licensing Officer, Local Government, Or  Any  Employee  Thereof Shall Be Liable To Any Person By Reason Of Any Injury Or Damage Resulting From The Failure Of Any Gunsmith Or Firearms Dealer To  Comply With This  Subdivision Or In Consequence Of Any Act Or Omission In Connection With The Implementation Or Enforcement Of This Subdivision.

This means the police have absolute discretion in the performance of their duty here and immunity from tortious conduct they may happen to cause in their performance whether such harm or injury occurs as a result of either accident or intentional misconduct since no provision is made to distinguish whether the harm or injury caused is accidental or intentional in this Bill.


The tenacity, deviousness, and ingenuity of these powerful forces in society that have crafted and continue to craft such absurd laws are as amazing as the hatred they exhibit toward our most sacred right and the contempt they hold toward those Americans who wish to exercise that right.

Without the exercise of the right of the people to keep and bear arms, our Free Constitutional Republic cannot continue to exist.

This does not perturb Progressives and Marxists who reside in our midst. It is our Free Constitutional Republic they and the Globalist “elites” intend to extinguish.

These forces that hate the unalienable and eternal right codified in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, intend fully to dismantle our sovereign, independent Nation-State, to dissolve our Republic, to annihilate the U.S. Constitution, to eradicate the exercise of our sacred Rights and Liberties, to stymie, corral, and control the sovereign and free people who had created all of it, and to reduce the Common Man to a state of total dependence on the Government once the State controls access to the Common Man’s finances, and inexorably drives him to a condition of penury through implementation of policies designed to destroy him financially.

But the Forces That Crush cannot accomplish any of this as long as the citizenry remains armed. And, so, these ruthless powers work feverishly, frenetically, tirelessly to flood the Nation with Rules, Regulations, and Laws meant to continually, inexorably chisel away at our most important Right, and, eventually, inevitably erase it.

Most Americans would strive to prevent the erasing of our most cherished and important Right, the unalienable Right to secure our life, well-being, and autonomy, our very selfhood, with the most effective means available to do so—by force of arms.

It is the right of the people to keep and bear arms that preserves our sovereignty over Government and serves as the ultimate bulwark against Tyranny. That fact explains why nothing frightens our Nation’s would-be Destroyers more than the tenacity of the armed citizens to remain armed.

For a Sovereign and Free citizenry to survive and thrive, the citizenry must have continuous access to arms and ammunition, and that means manufacturers of firearms and ammunition, retail dealers of firearms and ammunition that sell these items to the citizenry, and the gunsmiths that service the firearms must also survive and thrive.

For several years, Marxist and Neoliberal Globalist forces have sought, and with some success of late, to frustrate manufacturers of firearms.

Deleterious Marxist and Globalist forces have attempted, with a modicum of success, to have State Legislatures treat firearms as “inherently” or “abnormally” “dangerous instrumentalities,” and therefore to subject manufacturers to liability on nontraditional, novel theories as applied to firearms, namely on strict liability or even absolute liability, normally reserved to manufacturers of or users of “abnormally dangerous products,” such as nitroglycerine or dynamite.

Successful plaintiffs’ cases against manufacturers of firearms make business insurance prohibitively expensive and wipe out revenue when businesses are smacked with tens of millions of dollars in damage claims.

Recall, for example, the 73 million dollar settlement reached in 2022, between Bushmaster [owned by Remington, which is a subsidiary of Roundhill Group, LLC] and the families of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, in Newtown Connecticut. See, e.g., the article published in The New York Times.

The shooting incident occurred in 2012. See, e.g., the story and timeline published by ABC News.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo utilized that shooting incident as a pretext to strongarm Legislators in Albany to pass the NY Safe Act of 2013. Through a feat of legerdemain and subterfuge, he accomplished his aim quickly, quietly, in utmost secrecy. The public therefore had no advanced knowledge of the Act or the machinations involved in getting the thing passed in Albany and then signed quickly into Law when it by the Governor when it landed on his desk.

Even many of the Legislators in Albany were kept in the dark. They were not given sufficient time to debate it or review the draft of it. On passage, Cuomo quickly signed the Act into Law when it came to his desk. See the article about this as published in the Syracuse News.

His successor, Kathy Hochul shares Cuomo’s sentiments. She has brazenly plowed ahead with a plethora of draconian anti-Second Amendment gun laws since taking office.

The Concealed Carry Improvement Act (CCIA) also passed Albany quickly and quietly. Hochul signed the Act into law the same day the Legislature voted to pass it.

The “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” of 2022 that she had engineered, now sits before the U.S. Supreme Court on a Writ of Certiorari, yet to be voted on. The Court should take up this case for review. The CCIA flagrantly violates the rulings in Bruen.

Hochul and her compatriots in Government continue to motor ahead machinating to conceive, craft, and implement countless new Anti-Second Amendment laws even as challenges remain pending before both State and Federal Courts on illegal statutes enacted only in the last few years.

The aim here is to overwhelm those Americans who simply wish to exercise their God-given right.

NOTE: The reader is invited to peruse this website. We have written and posted dozens of extensive essays to date on both the NY Safe Act and the CCIA. We have also posted a couple of detailed articles on the history of New York’s gun laws and are presently working on two more.

Every new draconian law requires an expensive, time-consuming challenge to attempt to defeat it. The Government has a treasure trove of taxpayer monies, staff, and resources to throw at the very people who, ironically, fund a Government that works against the people whom that Government is meant to serve.

Time and resources are always on the Government’s side. Hochul and Albany know this and use this to their advantage to continually weaken the exercise of the fundamental right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Further expenditures of personal expenses and time and effort will be necessary and ongoing to take on craven State Governments and this awful Federal Government under the Biden Administration. None of this bodes well for our Country or our people.

The present “Warning” Requirement of the most recent New York Bill, soon to become law in New York, now targets the retail end of the firearms chain. The Government is attacking every link in that chain. The endgame is clear.

If manufacturers of firearms and retail dealers are forced out of business, how are Americans to exercise their right to bear arms to protect themselves, their family, their Country, and the Constitution against predatory humans, predatory tyrannical States, and a predatory Tyrannical Federal Government? Not easily.

If the Federal Government—presently controlled by powerful, unelected parties whose interests are antithetical to those of the American people and antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and our Laws—and if States like New York that are sympathetic to the policies of this present rogue Federal Government and that are in league with it, succeed in effectively banning most popular firearms in common use and nullifying firearms and ammunition manufacturers, along with the retail sellers of same, then that will force everything underground. We see the trends. They are worrisome, to say the least.


Look to the many vile representatives and officials in Government whom Americans had voted into office and who will continue to vote such vile people into office.

How is it and why is it that so many Americans continue to vote into Office—at the local, State, and Federal levels—those people who openly express disdain for our Nation’s laws, Constitution, and fundamental rights and liberties, and who show outright contempt for the Common Man, the average American citizen? What explains this seeming anomaly?

This sad, bizarre state of affairs cannot rationally, convincingly be explained because the act of voting such awful people into office is itself irrational.

Such loathsome representatives and officials operating contrary to the interests of the American people have convinced many Americans to despise our Country just as those representatives and officials despise our Country. That suggests the power of propaganda and psychological conditioning operating against the Electorate on an industrial scale. It is a damned shame.

Until Americans who vote the worst sort of people into high office finally come to their senses, the rest of us—the majority of us—must suffer the consequences of the gullible, uninformed, misinformed Americans, and the wretched cultists and misfits among us who threaten to bring down all of us.

We are all sitting on a major powder keg—one poised to explode in the coming U.S. Presidential Election, this November 2024.



