“Who We Are, Where We’ve Been, And Where We Are Going”

There are many people in our Nation today who wish to thrust their notions of correct speech and conduct on the rest of us, despite the primacy of our Nation’s Bill of Rights and the authority of the U.S. Supreme Court to say what the law is.

These people will object to our writings merely because we, at the Arbalest Quarrel, are fervent supporters of our Nation’s Bill of Rights and especially that of the First and the Second Amendments. 

These people will take exception to our writings precisely because of our unabashed defense of the right of dissent and the right to armed self-defense. 

Some of these people actively seek the elimination of the fundamental, unalienable, illimitable right codified in the Second Amendment, and wish to place severe constraints on the other rights, especially the right of free expression and free association. And they assail the freedom from the unreasonable searches and seizures clause of the Fourth Amendment and the right of due process and of equal protection under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. 

These people even take exception to the ownership of and exclusive use and enjoyment of one’s personal property, free from Government encroachment and interference.

Some Americans feel the Constitution, including the Bill of Rights component, should be changed or eliminated, because, to them, the Constitution is outmoded, archaic, and inconsistent with international law and norms. 

They refuse to accept our Bill of Rights as Natural Law Rights—timeless, eternal, absolute—all preceding the creation of government. 

They scoff at Rights Divinely Inspired and Bestowed On Men By the Divine Creator that therefore fall outside and beyond the lawful power and authority Of Men to deny, dismiss, ignore, tamper or tinker with, or to abrogate.

It is these Natural Law Rights we, at the Arbalest Quarrel, extol and cherish. And it is these Natural Law Rights that we see at dire risk. And so it is in the matter of the risks to our Natural Law Rights and the safeguarding of them that we, at the Arbalest Quarrel, devote our attention.

Our State exists and persists, survives and thrives, not as a Plutocratic Oligarchy masked as a (Mob) Democracy but as a free Constitutional Republic, where Government serves the people and where it is the people who remain the first and sole sovereign over Government. 

As free citizens of a free Constitutional Republic, it is our right to express freely, without inhibition or reservation, and without fear of Government retaliation or retribution, ideas at once adverse to ours, and the obverse of ours. 

We have exercised that right. The Good Lord willing, we will continue to do so for the next ten years as we have done so for the previous ten. 

Consistent with personal policy constraints and within the parameters established by the U.S. Supreme Court, we will continue to express our views. In our writings we aim for objectivity, comprehensiveness, completeness, consistency, coherence, meticulousness, and precision.

In our work we pull together substantial source material from multiple areas of research.  

Through intensive and extensive analysis of legislation, bills, case law, political rhetoric, news commentary, and academic writings impacting our Natural Law Rights and Liberties, we often find ourselves directed to new areas of inquiry, intuit new angles and perspectives, see nuances that other writers miss, from which we generate theories and draw conclusions. 

What we see emerging is this: A Nation that we American Patriots must fight to preserve, against a concerted, well-funded, well-organized, determined, and ruthless foe that seeks to destroy it. The forces marshalled against us are many and diverse, and they reside both here at home and abroad.  

In four hundred plus articles published to date, we have articulated the nature of what we seek to preserve; the nature of those forces opposing us; and the multivarious tactics and strategies they have devised and implemented against us, to destroy all that has gone before.

We see this: 

Our Nation is rapidly approaching an inflection point. 

The question is this: Will our political, social, economic, cultural, juridical, and ethical system, upon which a free Constitutional Republic rests, remain intact, one founded on the precepts, principles, and tenets of Individualism, or will that system be erased; replaced by a completely new governmental and societal structure, one grounded on the precepts, principles, and tenets of Collectivism, reflecting and reminiscent of CCP China and, yes, of the West’s EU, too? 

The transformation of an independent sovereign Nation-State, relegated to inferior status of client state of a Neo-Globalist, Neo-Feudalistic world empire, and a once free and sovereign people, henceforth impoverished, forced into servitude, compelled to adopt to a life of uniformity and conformity of thought and action, consigned to a life, nay existence, of insignificance and meaninglessness, is horrific to contemplate, and anathema to our Founders.

Such a transformation would be massive and perpetual, changing forever the fabric of our perceptual reality. 

Are the American people prepared to see the Constitution eliminated; a free Republic destroyed; their fundamental and inalienable Rights and Liberties erased? 

Either the American people secure their Birthright here and now or accept their damnation.

There are two possible realities. Only one is possible, as one is the contradiction of the other. There is no common ground. From the standpoint of logic, Americans face an “either/or” situation. It is one or the other; not neither, and not an amalgam of the two.

Some people, proponents of the destruction of our Nation and our Constitution, argue that we Americans are in the midst of a new Revolution. Some refer to it as a second or even third Revolution. 

This idea is false but perpetrated on the American people and perpetuated to make a case out for toppling a free Republic. The proponents of a theory of two or three new Revolutions is to convince the American people that radical societal change is necessary to discard what these people say is a lasting legacy of evil going back to the dawn of the Republic.

Americans are in fact facing a crisis. But it isn’t a new Revolution that Americans face. We had our Revolution. There was only one, and it was successful. It was the American Revolution of 1776. Our Nation has become the envy of the world, demonstrating the validity and soundness of the principles underlying it. Yet there are those who are unhappy with it. What they propose and what this Nation finds itself in the midst of isn’t a new Revolution, but a Counterrevolution. 

This Counterrevolution commenced at the moment the American Revolution succeeded. Those elements opposed it never wished to see a strong, vibrant, independent sovereign Nation State with the people themselves as sole and supreme sovereign over Government. That Counterrevolution never succeeded. It is ongoing today. 

If a Counterrevolution to the American Revolution succeeds, a new supra-governmental authority will come into being, transcending all present nation-states and encompassing their remains. This will result in the subordination of the commonalty of the world to the status of a massive serf class ruled by a super-international governmental authority. 

The deliberate weakening of our Nation on all major indices—economic, political, geopolitical, social, financial, judicial, cultural—points to the dismantling of a strong Nation-State. 

The incessant, vicious, outrageous assault on our history, heritage, Judeo-Christian ethical system, and national ethos is directed to the conscious, concerted effort to destroy our ancestral memory. The end-result is the elimination of the American psyche or soul. 

All this we have outlined and will flesh out in our articles to come, pointing to tyranny of Government. We mention this not as mere rhetorical and empty flourish, but as a real phenomenon—the driving disruptive force in society here in the U.S.