Both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have said, repeatedly, that this election is a battle for the soul of the Nation. See, e.g., USAToday story. In all other respects they are both duplicitous liars, often contradicting themselves, positing the most ludicrous and monstrous of ideas. But they are dead-on right in their assertion that the coming election amounts to a battle for the soul of the Nation. And, if Satan wants our Nation's soul, then Biden and Harris are his agents, intent on obtaining it for him, gladly wresting it kicking and screaming, if necessary, from the Nation's psyche.At no other point in time, since the opening salvo of muskets marking the commencement of the American Revolutionary War in 1775, a war against the tyranny of King George III, a war that gave birth to the most powerful, most prosperous, and most beneficent Nation on Earth, have we Americans—the beneficiaries of the sacrifices made by those founders of our Nation, the first Patriots, and of the millions of soldiers who have fought and of the many who died to protect and preserve our Nation since—faced our truest test of faith.


A general election is rapidly approaching to choose a U.S. President. The election of a U.S. President is as much an historical tradition as a Constitutional requirement under the Twelfth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The upcoming election will determine not only which Party controls the critically important Executive Branch of Government, but which will control the all-important U.S. Senate.This is no ordinary U.S. Presidential election. For this election will determine, once and likely for all subsequent time, whether our Nation continues to exist in the form the framers of our Constitution constructed and intended for it, a free Constitutional Republic where the people themselves are sovereign and where Government exists to serve the people, not the other way around, or whether Americans capitulate to ruthless, jealous forces both here at home and abroad, who have made patently clear their desire and intention to dismantle it.This isn’t hyperbole notwithstanding that many Americans, those seemingly sensible middle and upper-middle class Americans who define themselves as socially and politically liberal—and who may, or may not, object to the antics of the Radical Marxists and Anarchists who have been rioting and causing general mayhem in our Cities for months on end—think that a Biden/Harris White House and a Democrat controlled Senate, along with a Democrat Controlled House of Representatives, doesn’t portend the end of our Republic, but simply a return to normalcy. But, in that, these ostensibly sensible, pragmatic middle and upper-middle class Americans are dead wrong.Unbeknownst to these Americans, a war is being waged against the United States. This war has been taking place for decades and it’s a war that is rapidly coming to a head. This war is being fought between two factions.One faction consists of those Americans who seek to preserve our Nation as handed down to us by the founders of it: an independent sovereign Nation-State and free Constitutional Republic grounded in a formal Constitution, governed by the American people themselves—through their elected representatives. The other faction consists of Counterrevolutionaries: those who are dead-set intent on tearing our free Constitutional Republic down, and constructing an entirely new Order—a true Marxist State—not to be seriously construed as a genuine sovereign, independent nation at all, one that is defined by geographical borders.The Counterrevolutionaries have in mind an ambitious project. They seek to create an amalgam, comprising the remains of western nation-states, where the governments of these nation-states exist are paper relics, as the real dictates of these nations—these geographical regions, emanate from Brussels. This is apparent from an analysis of the governing authority of the purported nations-states comprising the European Union. The Western titans of industry and finance are the true rulers of this new Order, governing the world through their proxies.The European Union constitutes the germ of these Counterrevolutionaries grand design. Other western nations are to be brought into the EU’s orbit, including the Commonwealth Nations. But the Counterrevolutionaries real prize, the one they covet most of all, is the United States.With its technological expertise and vast natural resources, along with its extensive and unparalleled array of military, police, and intelligence apparatuses, the forces that crush intend to bring the United States into their fold.The Chinese Communist empire has its own designs, ambitions, and objectives for the Nation, and Joe Biden is their “Manchurian” Candidate in a very real sense. China has bought and paid for him and they intend to profit handsomely from him.Communist China’s aims are primarily geopolitical and military. The aims of the Counterrevolutionary Western titans of industry and finance are, as they essentially have always been—monetary—but they cannot ignore the import of geopolitical and military dominance lest they be run over by China. The formation of an uneasy world Dyarchy appears to be on the horizon for the world.Of the mass of the commonalty in Europe, the Commonwealth Nations and of the commonalty of China, and of Russia, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, they are already doomed. It is no accident the poor, impoverished, or outright lazy, would make a mad dash for the United States.And, what of the citizenry of the United States. At the moment all that stands between them and annihilation, is their fundamental, natural, unalienable, illimitable, and immutable, right of free speech right and right to keep and bear arms—rights bestowed on man by the Divine Creator himself, as etched in stone in the Nation’s Bill of Rights. Both these crucial God-given rights are being whittled away to nothing.If sleazy, Manchurian Joe and the sordid, horrid Kamala get into Office and if the contemptible, deceitful Chuck Schumer becomes Senate Majority leader, we Americans—who have, to date, seen but a foretaste of erosion of their fundamental, illimitable, immutable, unalienable right of free speech and right to keep and bear arms— will see these rights not only sharply curtailed, but obliterated, extinguished.An armed citizenry and a citizenry that speaks its own mind cannot long remain in tyranny. Such rights are inconsistent with the objectives of the tenets of Collectivism and cannot be condoned and, so, must not, will not be tolerated. The threat posed to the rulers of the New World Order, and the uniform, exacting order they impose on the commonalty would not be possible. Their New World Order would all come crashing down.The American Heritage Dictionary defines ‘counterrevolution’ as ‘a revolution whose aim is the deposition and reversal of a political or social system set up by a previous revolution.’ That is precisely what is taking place in our Nation today.Ruthless, malicious, malevolent, antagonistic forces both inside and outside the United States are responsible for the unrest and violence emanating in our Nation’s Cities today.These extraordinarily, inordinately powerful, wealthy, devious, malignant forces have orchestrated, bankrolled, fomented, and provoked a Counterrevolution in our Nation. And this Counterrevolution, along with the Chinese Communist Coronavirus plague, is metastasizing across the Nation, encouraged by placid, weak, and favorably disposed politicians; milked by a seditious Press, supportive of, and receptive and responsive to the aims of the Destructors of our Nation.You will note that the definition of ‘counterrevolution’ doesn’t mention or even allude to the use of firearms.This present war isn’t being fought with guns and cannons—at least not yet—but that is likely to change if the forces that dare crush Americans into submission do take complete control of the reins of Government.But the absence of use of firearms at the moment is not to say or to suggest that the present Counterrevolution—the Revolt against the American Revolution—isn’t being waged with weapons. For there exist many kinds of weapons. This Counterrevolution is at the moment being fought with words, conveyed with great effect through the most potent information dissemination engine yet devised by man: The Internet.The Internet has, just in the space of a few decades, grown into a behemoth. Thousands of Petabytes of data—information—are continually disseminated around the world. It is both a new battlefield and turf to the Counterrevolutionaries intend to gain control over. But can they? Will they?It is virtually impossible for one person or one organization to gain complete, exclusive control over the internet But, a few powerful technology companies, true behemoths, have nonetheless, through the space of two or three decades, gained control over broad swaths of it. Their names are known to the public—Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter. The inner workings of these multi-layered Goliaths are tightly guarded, unfathomable, formidable.These technology goliaths are an empire unto themselves, contained by and constrained by no Nation, their tentacles large and sprawling, entangling the world in their embrace.The originators of these beasts and their chief executive officers have forged an unholy alliance with Globalist Billionaires in finance and industry both here and around the world and they have entered into pacts with China. They, together, plan to take control over the resources of our Nation, jettisoning the Nation’s institutions, its culture, its traditions, its history, the very Constitutional framework of it—leaving the Nation a dry, barren husk, an empty shell; its people subjugated, thoroughly demoralized, wholly or primarily dependent on Government largess, reduced to abject penury and servitude.And therethrough they are being assisted with the help of a massive Fifth Column in our Nation—comprising Democrats and Bush-centric Republicans in Congress; a massive federal Bureaucracy, the Administrative Deep State; rabid, radical Marxist and Anarchist groups, and the Marxist intelligentsia; and a compliant, obsequious, sympathetic Press.With unimaginable wealth and tenacity the forces that seek to crush our Nation and its people into submission can succeed, and they intend to succeed, and they will succeed if they take control of the Executive Branch of Government along with the U.S. Senate.____________________________________________________


The Counterrevolutionaries—the powerful, wealthy, and ruthless Neoliberal Globalists—whom the Democrats’ contender, the frail Joe Biden calls our duplicitously and disingenuously calls our allies—want to take control of the Nation’s vast land and resources, technological knowledge, and institutions of Government, but they want the physical structure of the Nation to remain, intact, not in ruins, as does the Chinese regime under the ruthless, conniving Xi Jinping that has its own designs on our Nation. But that is no easy task. It requires winning over the hearts and minds of over hundred and twenty million Americans, whom these evil, poisonous malignant forces perceive as mere fodder; riff raff; the Proletariat; the Hoi Polloi—a populace that must be contained and constrained; corralled and controlled.Americans, though, had pierced through the multivarious veils of deception, although it took fifteen years for them to do so, following the Neoliberal Globalist Presidents Bill Clinton; George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, both members of the secretive Skull and Bones Society; and Barack Obama. All of these reprobates were slowly, inexorably, through their execrable foreign and domestic policies, dismantling the very foundation of an independent sovereign Nation and free Constitutional Republic, insinuating the United States into an intricately framed and inextricable new geopolitical, social, cultural, and economic world order whose system of laws and norms would override and supersede the Constitution of the United States. The process of inclusion of the U.S. into this new world order would achieve completion through the Billionaire Neoliberal Globalist puppet, Hillary Clinton.Americans saw what was coming if Hillary Clinton succeeded Barack Obama, but the electorate—apart from the liberal, progressive, and radical Left, situated primarily in the Country’s North East, West Coast and in historically Leftist run Cities such as the Midwest’s Chicago—had had more than enough.The election of an outsider Populist and Nationalist, Donald Trump, who promised to hold firm to the dictates of the Constitution as written, consistent with the tenets of Individualism, upon which the Nation was founded, was seen as the only way to avoid the otherwise certain takeover of the Country and the certain bloodbath that would follow once the Counterrevolutionaries gained iron control over the Government and proceeded to gain similar control over the citizenry itself through massive reformation and revision of the citizenry’s fundamental rights, commencing with a firm lock on speech and association, and a complete ban on private ownership and possession of firearms.But with the defeat of the Globalists’ placeholder, Hillary Clinton, they were forced temporarily to shelve their agenda. They had to devise and carry out detailed plans to take down Donald Trump; and, in the process, they were compelled to make plain—albeit they didn’t want to until they obtained control of Government—their intention to systematically denigrate and thence to obliterate Americans’ cherished history, traditions, Judeo-Christian ethic, culture, and historical symbols.In the proceeding four years of Trump’s Presidency they utilized several mechanisms in a reprehensible attempt to frustrate Trump’s Administration, and to unseat him. These included shameless calumny; sabotage; sedition; betrayal by several of those closest to him; impeachment in the House, and trial in the Senate; even preposterous and bizarre utilization of the 25th Amendment. Everything these Billionaire Neoliberal Globalist Destructors, and their puppets in Congress and in the Federal Bureaucracy, attempted, failed, often backfiring on them. But, their insidious attempts, funded no less by the American taxpayer, cost the Country tens of millions of dollars in the process of engaging in their despicable, fruitless endeavors. All the while Democrat Party politicians and Bush Republicans cared not one whit that their incessant and insufferable ridicule of and caustic enmity directed toward Trump has caused the Country a significant loss of prestige and respect in the eyes of the world, from which the Nation may never recover. But, then, it is the desire of the Destructors of our Nation to destroy the Nation and the citizenry’s very national identity anyway, as the U.S. is to be de facto or de jure merged into the EU or whatever the EU further mutates into.But the salient weapon in the Billionaire Neoliberal Globalist Destructors’ arsenal—a slow-acting poison—had been injected into the body politic since the first days of Trump’s campaign for U.S. President and that poison has worked on many Americans; and the effects of that poison may well impact the outcome of the election. This is the Destructors’ last shot, and they know it!These Destructors of our Nation realize they need to bring Americans over to their way of thinking. But that involves use of a specific kind of military weapon: psychology; but psychology employed on an industrial scale.The utilization of Psychology as Psychological warfare is referred to as Psychological Operations, or, as it is known in the trade: PSYOPS. A principal tool of Psychological Operations, or PSYOPS, is Propaganda. Forged originally for, and actively utilized by the military, against foreign governments, and foreign nationals, Psychological Operations, PSYOPS, have been reconfigured and reprocessed for use against the American citizenry, right here at home.But propaganda isn’t something new, even if it is generally considered a modern phenomenon. It has actually been around for centuries. Through the ages, though, it has come to be a well-honed tool for controlling the thought processes of entire populations. If done correctly, it works marvelously well. But what is propaganda, really?One source, the Cambridge Dictionary, defines ‘Propaganda, ’as ‘information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people's opinions.’But this definition doesn’t really capture the truly diabolical nature implicit in it or give the student of propaganda a true appreciation of the enormity of it.Further explanation of propaganda is given by the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers: ilab. See also, the American Historical Association’s explanation for it, demonstrating the multivarious dimensions and facets of it. The concept is a multifaceted one; not easy to grasp when closely peered at.Perhaps the concept is best understood, in its modern incarnation, by someone, a practitioner of it, who was truly adept in its use: Reich Minister, Joseph Goebbels, an avid proponent of it, developed the modern use of it and used it to great advantage to condition and control the mindset of the German people. The Reich Minister provides, perhaps, the best explanation of it, showing the true insidiousness of it, as its impact drills deep into the mind of the target. That target comes to believe, erroneously, that his perceptions—political persuasions—are his own when in fact, they are not; they are delusions projected onto the target’s psyche by the propagandist. Joseph Goebbels has said,“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”“Success is the important thing. Propaganda is not a matter for average minds, but rather a matter for practitioners. It is not supposed to be lovely or theoretically correct. I do not care if I give wonderful, aesthetically elegant speeches, or speak so that women cry. The point of a political speech is to persuade people of what we think right. I speak differently in the provinces than I do in Berlin, and when I speak in Bayreuth, I say different things than I say in the Pharus Hall. That is a matter of practice, not of theory. We do not want to be a movement of a few straw brains, but rather a movement that can conquer the broad masses. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths.”It should not be too difficult for an American to step outside the box the seditious Press has placed him in, and consciously, candidly reflect on and assess the many instances, in the past four years, that the Press, along with the Democrat Party leadership, has attempted to poison American's attitudes toward the President Trump and to poison Americans' attitudes toward their own history, traditions, culture, and, indeed, themselves, by floating ideas that, at first glance, may seem lofty and sensical, but on even  a cursory analysis can be seen for what they really are: superficial, simplistic, trite, flawed, vacuous, even self-contradictory. Has not the Press taken a page out of Joseph Goebbels' playbook?___________________________________________________


During the Cold War, our Government had used propaganda extensively, targeting both the people of the USSR and foreign nationals of the Soviet Socialist Republic, “SSR”, Baltic States. The U.S. Government did this as an application of the Government’s foreign policy objectives to weaken the Soviet Union; and the Soviet Government, for its part, targeted the American citizenry, enlisting the aid of a Fifth Column here at home, the Communist Party USA, the CPUSA.The CPUSA still exists today although Americans never hear about it. But, the Party is likely actively involved with and in league with the Press and with Democrats in Congress, albeit surreptitiously, along with the Socialist Party USA, SPUSA and all working in unison, fomenting a Marxist Revolution: their Counterrevolution to undercut the success of the American Revolution, paving way for a one-world Governmental scheme, a New World Order.And, while the Governments of Russia, Iran, and, yes, China, too, especially China, engage in covert propaganda operations against us, it would be a mistake to believe that our Government is no longer involved in the same activities against those Countries as well; as well they ought to be, even if the Press cares not to shed light on that little fact. For propaganda is a powerful tool in implementing foreign policy.Realizing the power and efficacy of propaganda in manipulating the thought patterns of populations and, therein, fully cognizant of the danger of it if turned against our own people, Congress enacted the Smith-Mundt Act, in 1946.The Smith-Mundt Act made it unlawful for the U.S. Government to target its own citizens. And it remained unlawful for the U.S. Government to target Americans for 70+ years—until, that is, recently.Something happened in the last few years. Our own Government, under the Obama Presidency, decided that it would be okay, indeed, a worthwhile endeavor, to target the American public itself.This is particularly disconcerting, as one must infer that our own Government seeks to manipulate the American psyche to serve and further its own selfish ends--which ends are often, if not invariably, at loggerheads with the beneficial needs and wishes of the the Country and its people, and inconsistent too with the dictates of the Nation’s Constitution that those Government servants took an oath to protect.“For over sixty years, the Smith -Mundt Act [1946 22 USCS § 1461] prohibited the U.S. Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) from disseminating government-produced programming within the United States over fears that these agencies would ‘propagandize’ the American people. However, in 2013, Congress abolished the domestic dissemination ban, which has led to a heated debate about the role of the federal government in free public discourse. Although the 2013 repeal of the domestic dissemination ban promotes greater government transparency and may help counter anti-American sentiment at home, it also gives the federal government great power to covertly influence public opinion.” See “Apple Pie Propaganda? The Smith—Mundt Act Before And After The Repeal Of The Domestic Dissemination Ban, (Abstract), 109 NW. U.L. Rev. 511 (Winter 2015), by Weston R. Sager, Northwestern School of Law, Fulbright Scholar.Of course the targeting of the American citizenry with overt propaganda had been occurring well before Congress gave its imprimatur on the matter, having decided it would be okay to deceive the American public. George W. Bush did it, and we then became immersed in a trillion plus dollar clusterf*ck in the Middle East. And, Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton doubled down on that mess, when they decided how nice it would be to take out Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, effectively destabilizing a region in North Africa, allowing the rabid Islamic State to further spread its cancer, and leaving it for President Donald Trump to clean up the mess, for which the seditious Press gives him no credit, as that would not serve their narrative, a narrative that requires the discrediting of Trump at every turn.Unlike the Government itself, powerful Internet Companies, such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Twitter do not come under the purview of the Smith-Mundt Act, and never did. But they should because these information platforms have a decided and decisive impact on the dissemination of information and therefore on our fundamental right of free speech.Indeed, the Government itself utilizes these platforms for its own propagandizing purposes. But these Internet Companies, too, propagandize by controlling whom it is that may utilize their platforms and what information can be acquired from a search. We have seen the pernicious effect of this dominance in massive censoring of information of those deemed Conservative voices, especially in weeks leading up to the U.S. Presidential election. This is no accident. And it is especially reprehensible that Twitter and Facebook would dare inhibit President Trump himself from reaching out to the American public.That these powerful Internet Companies dare censor the President and those who support him, and do so frequently, with impunity and with bravado, and that the Press itself fails to condemn such actions of censorship, says much of the power of propaganda to sway public opinion.These Companies may claim that they seek only to filter out misinformation and so-called “hate speech.” But who is to say what constitutes false or otherwise misleading information and what constitutes “hate speech?” But, more to the point, does it and should it even matter? The U.S. Supreme Court, historically, takes a dim view—and rightly, an exceedingly dim view—of any attempt to constrain speech as to do so leads the Nation down a clearly steep slippery slope to thought control, ergo, tyranny.The so-called “free” Press has systematically—especially in the Trump years—stunted the reporting of information and slanted those stories that it does print. The NY Times is especially guilty of this false, malicious, and inflammatory reporting. The Times’ motto, “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” has more than a tinge of irony to it. The Times routinely masks Op-Ed pieces as news reports, conveying pernicious lies and false narratives to undermine not only the Trump Presidency but the very underpinnings of our free Constitutional Republic.The seditious Press attempts to mold and shape public opinion against the public’s own best interests, and worse, seeds doubt and hate in the minds of the public, turning American against American; creating political and social problems and issues where none existed, do not exist, and ought not to exist; claiming duplicitously all the while that its false and illusory constructions point to real problems and to real issues and that the cause therefor rests with Trump and with those Americans who support him.In so operating as they do these propagandists deflect attention away from the nefarious aims and goals of their benefactors. In that way they hope Americans will elect their stooges, who, at present, reside in their carefully chosen and groomed manikins; mere placeholders: Biden, and Harris.If successful, the Destructors of our Nation hope to get back on track with their original game plan: one requiring the dissolution of the Nation and its Constitution, and the systematic subjugation and degradation of the American people. But to succeed, it isn’t enough to gain control over the reins of Government alone. The Nation’s Destructors must gain control over the thought patterns of over 320 million people. And, that is not an easy task.________________________________________


The Destructors and Obstructers of our Nation cannot abide and will not abide millions of Americans thinking “bad thoughts” and wielding millions of firearms. This requires attacking Americans’ natural, immutable, illimitable, unalienable fundamental rights head-on.The propagandists’ attack on the First and Second Amendments of the Bill of Rights is the most odious; an attempt to manipulate the public psyche to loathe the very rights bestowed on them by a loving Divine Creator; but in the loss of their most cherished rights, Americans will lose their sovereignty and their very soul. But this attack against on the First and Second Amendments should not come as a surprise to anyone. It has been taking place for some time. After all, the forces that seek to destroy this Nation cannot do so if the citizenry has a well-honed critical mind, capable of independent, conscious thought and reasoning, a mind that perceives well the unconscionable wresting of the Country from its grasp, and is armed and able to resist; and is able to employ those firearms effectively against its usurpers.The question becomes, then, for the Destructors and Obstructers of the Nation: how does one control the thought processes of the citizenry so that the citizenry willingly surrenders the very means by which and through which it maintains its sovereignty over Government; defending itself capably against all manner of predators and tyrants?To be embroiled in guerilla warfare is costly and time-consuming where tens of millions of Americans are well-armed. The American Revolution is a testament to that, as George III learned.The Neoliberal Globalist Destructors’ Counterrevolution against the American Revolution, that forged a free Constitutional Republic, is no more likely to succeed than did the campaign of George III against our forefathers two centuries earlier, as Americans are no less well-versed today in the use of their firearms. They are well capable of employing those firearms to good effect when necessary and are not reluctant to do so now.This is a major conundrum for the Destructors and Obstructers of the Nation: how do Tyrants achieve their objective—creating a docile citizenry out of an inherently courageous citizenry? How do tyrants avoid the use of force of arms against a citizenry loath to surrender their arms; more inclined to use those arms against those who dare impose their will on a free, indomitable people.More seductive means must be employed. To date, the most effective means—one that has worked on millions of Americans—involves “training the mind” of Americans to be fearful of and to abhor firearms.Behind the campaign to defeat Donald Trump in the coming U.S. Presidential election lies the invidious propaganda campaign to push the public to embrace the most lackluster pair of individuals to ever lead the Nation—an obviously senile and servile Joe Biden, and a craven, duplicitous, hypocritical Kamala Harris—two brazenly corrupt puppets chosen by the Globalist puppet masters who have been appointed for one major purpose: returning the Nation to the trajectory of dissolution set for it before a wrench was thrown into their plans with the advent of Donald Trump.Biden and Harris are no more than props, just as the two Bushes, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama were “front men” for the Globalists, and as Hillary Clinton had she obtained the mantle of the U.S. Presidency; a thing that was expected to be a foregone conclusion. Americans, though, had other plans. They sensed they were losing their Country. So, it was no accident, no anomaly that led to the election of Trump in 2016, even if some people otherwise believe the election of Trump to be nothing more than a troubling aberration.The Propagandists have been busy at work ever since the inauguration of Trump, to set things right as the Propagandists saw it: to return to the agenda of slow disemboweling of the Nation that had been set for it decades before, an agenda that Bill Clinton, two Bushes, and Barack Obama had dutifully followed, and which Hillary Clinton would have continued to follow had she and the Party and the Billionaire Neoliberal Globalist Destructors not miscalculated the intelligence and perspicuity of the American electorate.The Propagandists spent the last four years attempting both to destroy the Trump Presidency and to soften the public up, turning the mind of many Americans to gelatin. They attempted to get the public to reject Trump out-of-hand. And many Americans have done so, without even understanding why, as Trump has proven to be an exceptional President—which was all the more remarkable given the forces at home and abroad working strenuously against him—succeeding in the areas of both domestic policy and foreign policy. To get the majority of the electorate to reject him, given such exemplary accomplishments, would require more than even the modern tools of propaganda could muster. What was required was no less than the likely intentional unleashing of a Global pandemic by the Chinese Communist Government upon the world, which could not have been unknown to the Billionaire Neoliberal Globalists, exemplifying the extraordinarily malevolent and horrific steps that both China and the Western Establishment Globalist elites would go to to undermine Trump's achievements, to harm his chances for reelection, exemplifying, too, just how desperate the New World Order overseers and Xi Jinping's Regime had become to get Trump out of the way, and the lengths they would go to, to undercut the one man who had done his level best to accomplish one primary goal: to return Americans to its historical and sacred roots, and its former greatness. That could not be countenanced. That would not be permitted.


In the next several articles, we discuss how many Americans have been slowly, inexorably, unconscionably conditioned, brainwashed—especially in the last thirty years—to develop a deep-seated, unnatural antipathy toward firearms and firearms’ ownership. As a result of this carefully cultivated psychological conditioning, more and more Americans have gravitated toward political leaders who promise to rid the Nation of the “plague of guns and gun violence.” Understand: To destroy a free Constitutional Republic—a Republic in which the people are sovereign and Government is the servant of the people—it is imperative that the Globalist Neoliberal Destructors and Obstructers of our Nation and its Constitution control the spread of information and implement a national plan designed to strongly urge Americans to surrender their firearms to Government authorities. And, for those Americans who are reluctant to do so, who have failed to be swayed by propaganda because the Bill of Rights has been deeply ingrained into their very being, then they will be forcibly compelled to do so.Recall what Kamala Harris, the mouthpiece and puppet of the Globalist Destructors said during a Town Hall in 2019: “Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the Courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws,” Harris responded, according to a transcript of the event. “And if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action.” See weblog, noisyroomIs this simple boasting and hyperbole? We think not.If Trump loses the upcoming election and Republicans lose control of the U.S. Senate, the loss cannot be regarded as something simply inconvenient for our Nation’s people. The loss will be catastrophic. Americans will lose their Country; their Sovereignty; their National Identity; their very Soul. What is at stake for Americans and for their Nation in the upcoming election is as simple and as straightforward as that.No American should think their vote doesn’t count; that their vote is unimportant; irrelevant. Not so. That one vote + one vote + one vote + one vote . . .  will make all the difference in the world._____________________________________________________________Copyright © 2020 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.


