In Part 1 of this Article series we laid out twenty-one salient strategies the Globalists have both concocted and implemented through their toadies to weaken the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. In this post we provide our rationale for this series – to make abundantly clear why we are doing this, to explain what really is at stake here for the American public. In Part 3 and subsequent parts of this Article series we provide an analytical account of the strategies. You will see not only how each of these strategies works, but you will, hopefully, gain an understanding of how they mesh. And, you will appreciate the expansiveness of each of these strategies; their sinister nature; the obvious scorn the creators of these strategies have for the American People. You will come to realize, indeed, the noxious, utter audaciousness of their entire enterprise.


This Article is presented in multiple parts. Its purpose is two-fold: first to consolidate and provide you with a detailed compilation of the principle strategies the obscenely wealthy, powerful, ruthless globalist cabals, through their toadies, have devised and implemented to wreak havoc on America’s Second Amendment and, second, to place those strategies in the broader context of the ultimate goal, the endgame for these silent, extraordinarily secretive cabals: the destruction of the U.S. Constitution and, with its destruction, the dissolution of our Country as an Independent, Sovereign Nation State. On September 2nd we posted Part 1 of this Article. In that Article we gave you a detailed list of the principle strategies, designed to thwart the import and purport of the Second Amendment. With the posting of Part 1, we completed the first aspect of our two-fold purpose for doing this Article series. In this post, Part 2, as pointed out above, we provide you with our rationale for doing this series. We then move to the nitty-gritty – the second part of our two-fold purpose for doing this series.In our next post, Part 3, we begin the second task, proper: giving you a comprehensive, coherent, cohesive, compact look at the nature of the various strategies themselves: how they in fact work; what they are designed to do. We give you cogent, irrefutable, empirical evidence for each of them. Some of these strategies employed for destruction of the Second Amendment are well known; others less so, some, perhaps, not at all; and a few may not even be recognized for what they really are – destroyers of the Second Amendment in particular and of the rest of the Bill of Rights, generally. We look at all of them and describe the essence of each of them. Once we have completed that task, the second of our two-fold purpose for this Article series will be met.The strategies the globalists, through their toadies, employ for the destruction of the Second Amendment are in various stages of implementation. Most of them are designed to be ongoing – cumulative enterprises in their own right, involving refinement and tinkering in accordance with public reaction. If viewed as a whole, the strategies exhibit a curious mosaic, emblematic of something more and other than a mere mechanism directed to destruction of the Second Amendment alone. For, when viewed as a unified whole, these strategies -- this arsenal of destruction -- demonstrate the desire of and extent to which these powerful transnationalist, secretive, plutocratic cabals desire not only the destruction of the Second Amendment of the United States but the erasing of the Bill of Rights, and the replacing of the Bill of Rights with something other, something banal, something completely innocuous, something completely devoid of anything remotely like our Second Amendment. Then, too, these sinister globalist, plutocratic cabals are ambiguating the very notions of ‘citizen’ and ‘nation state.' Their intentions are sometimes plain; more often hidden; and clearly not benign. Indeed, one of the strategies we list is in fact the most damning of all. It is coextensive with their endgame: the disassembling of America – the destruction of America as a culturally significant, independent, Sovereign Nation State.We wish to impress upon you, to make you acutely aware of, to sensitize you to the insidious nature of, the sheer audacity of, the vast scope of the globalist cabals’ agenda, calling for a One World Government. To accomplish this enormous and ignoble feat, well underway with the creation of the European Union, the globalists understand the need to denigrate the U.S. Constitution, commencing with the fracturing of our Bill of Rights. And, in that regard, they realize the attendant need to dispose of the Second Amendment in particular. Thus, the idea thrust on a somnolent American public – that erosion of the Second Amendment is necessary to reduce gun violence – is a blind – an absolute fiction. The ludicrousness of this antigun position, broadcast loudly and ever more incessantly through the bullhorn of the mainstream news media, will become clear, will become dispositive beyond disproof – not through the tit-for-tat recitation of statistical data – but by waking you up to a new perspective – one where you can truly appreciate the dangers to our Republic that the antigun effort poses, given the vast scale of the antigun effort landscape and the extent of its reach. When seen from the vantage point of an eagle rather than from the narrow vantage point of an ostrich, the false idea that antigun measures are nothing more than an expression of the desire for reduction in gun violence will dissolve of its own accord. That false idea will be seen for the shallow absurdity that it is. The globalist cabals’ penultimate goal is substantially more ambitious. They seek nothing less than the undermining and dismantling of the United States Constitution, commencing with the undercutting of the Bill of Rights. Thus, the cabals give particular attention to the Second Amendment – the first step in that direction; and once the Second Amendment has been dismantled, the Bill of Rights ended, and the United States demoted to the ranks of a mere appendage to a One World Government -- and with the confining of, the strangling of Western Civilization's populations -- the globalist cabals' ultimate wish will have been realized, their final goal attained.As we delve into the arsenal of destruction, keep uppermost in mind, then: the effort to destroy our Second Amendment is not the endgame for these cabals. It is, rather, merely one goal in a larger pursuit: the destruction of the entirety of the Bill of Rights and of the rest of the U.S. Constitution. The endgame involves dismantling the United States so that the United States no longer exists as an independent, Sovereign Nation State. And, with its demise as an independent, Sovereign Nation, so too will end the very concept of ‘citizen of the United States.’  The globalist cabals' New World Order may then, at that point, as originally envisioned, have been realized.So, why do we concern ourselves here with the Second Amendment specifically and not with the Bill of Rights generally? We do so because the globalists are most concerned with the mere fact of the Second Amendment. It is important for you to understand, indeed, for all Americans to understand, that the Second Amendment is the cornerstone, the linchpin of our free Republic. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution – more so than any other aspect of our Constitution – is, to date, among all other constitutions of purported Western democracies, the most accurate expression of a free People – of what it truly means to be an American. It is the clear, unmistakable expression of what it means to be an American. So, the globalists must deal with it, must eradicate it, must destroy every vestige of it.Take a look at the constitutions of any other Western nation. It is highly unlikely you will come across anything remotely like the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.This Amendment, more so than any other, is the best defense – the only real guardian against tyranny. The tyranny that we face today, though, is unlike any tyranny our Founders might reasonably have imagined. It is a tyranny springing not merely from ruthless plutocratic powers within the Republic who seek to erode the basic rights and protections of the People as set forth in the first Eight Amendments of the Bill of Rights and who seek, too, to usurp the powers retained by the States and by the American People as guaranteed under the Ninth and Tenth Amendments of our Bill of Rights. Rather, it is a tyranny of and by a secretive cabal of plutocratic powers both within the United States and outside it. What these ruthless powerful, cabals are engineering is not simply an independent Country that happens to be governed by a plutocratic dictatorship. The Grand Design is broader in scale and much more sinister. These cabals are orchestrating the demise of the United States as an independent Sovereign Nation State.As the creation of the European Union has served to undercut the economic independence of the individual Nation States of Western Europe and as the creators of the EU are, even now, working on undercutting the political framework of those Nation States as well – which will mark their demise – so, too, in this Country, we are seeing early signs of erosion of the notion of the United States as an independent political entity. First we shall see the creation of a North American Union (“NAU”). Such Union will require the disassembling of the Constitutions of the constituent Countries, Mexico and Canada, of the NAU. Disassembling of the United States Constitution will be the most difficult – a most monumental task, and such task is undoubtedly a top priority of the globalists. Why is this so? It isn’t simply because the Constitution embodies a Bill of Rights. Many Countries have a bill of rights. But ours is quite unique, given its clear, cogent, emphatic import and purport: it is backed in particular by the Second Amendment that has no parallel or antecedent in the Bill of Rights of any other nation we have come across; for the Second Amendment of the United States cannot lawfully be disengaged from the American People by the Federal Government. It is not subject to simple legal foreclosure. It can only be lawfully repealed under the strictures of Article V of the U.S. Constitution, and that is virtually impossible as repeal  of any Constitutional Amendment was made deliberately difficult by our Founders and for good reason: to prevent usurpation of the essential rights and liberties of the People. Lastly, the Second Amendment acts like a “Notice Provision” to would-be dictators, for the Second Amendment isn’t merely an expression of the personal autonomy of the individual American citizen, and the Second Amendment isn't merely an acknowledgement of the citizen’s right of self-defense, and the Second Amendment isn’t merely the Founders’ order to the federal government and to its standing army that the American citizen is not to be interfered with -- that he has the inalienable right to be left alone. Yes, the Second Amendment is a written expression of all these natural rights. But, it is also something more – much more – something that isn’t intimated, let alone explicitly expressed in the constitution of or in the bill of rights section of such constitution of any other Western Country. For, unlike any other provision of our Bill of Rights -- and certainly unlike any provision even remotely like our Second Amendment that might be written in the constitutions of the  few Western Nations were those Nations to have articulated  such a provision in their constitutions at all – the Second Amendment is the ultimate Guardian of the Republic; the absolute Fortress of the American People against Tyranny. No other Constitution, in any other Country that we are aware of, boldly informs its federal government that the government exists solely and exclusively at the pleasure of and for the benefit of its People and that the People – the People alone – reserve for themselves the right to effectively dismantle that government once that government turns toward autocracy and tyranny. And, the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives the People the means to do so. This simple truth gives the plutocrats, the globalists -- those secretive entrenched interests -- deep concern. An armed public is not to be lightly dismissed. So, an armed public must be dealt with. The Arsenal of Destruction is the means to do so. When one looks at the sheer number of and complexity of and manner in which these various strategies are designed to insinuate themselves into the fabric of American society, the manner in which they may operate together as well as singly to attack each American's right to keep and bear arms, and the clear insistent, omnipresent manner in which they undermine the Second Amendment, the only reasonable conclusion to be drawn is that this effort is not accidental. This effort to undercut the Second Amendment isn't simply and solely a response to "gun violence." Rather, the strategies to undercut the Second Amendment are part of a plan that has been carefully orchestrated. There is a concerted effort afoot by secretive moneyed interests to undercut the moral, cultural, and historical fabric of this Nation. And this is taking place clearly, and callously and cleverly: partly seen and partly shielded. Americans are losing their basic rights as citizens. Their power over their own Government is being quietly, purposefully derailed.In other Countries, if the people can keep and bear arms, that the people may do so at all, is only and solely at the pleasure of that Country’s government: the king, or other despot. It isn't an inalienable right. It isn't any kind of right. It isn't a right at all. It's merely a privilege. And it's a privilege that can be taken away as easily as given: one that the government creates and one the government can, in, and with, and at its imperial discretion, break. This means, of course, that governments of other purported Western Democracies – every one of them – have the seeds of “lawful” tyranny within them. Any Country that can lawfully deny its citizens’ right to keep and bear arms out-of-hand is potentially one that may rule autocratically. Such a Country is one in which the People serve at the pleasure of the State, not the other way around. Such a Country is one in which the People are merely subjects of the State, not citizens of the State. There is a critical difference. Such a Country where the People are essentially subjects, not citizens, is a Country that is not in the least beholden to its People. In such a Country, tyranny exists "up around the corner, just around the bend."Once an autocracy is established, the first thing it does is gather the weaponry of the citizens who might happen to have weapons. That is how an autocracy works: through the disarming of the public. It is how autocratic governments have always worked. It is an autocracy’s first order of business.  Can that happen in the U.S.? Not likely! Certainly, not easily! Clearly, not lawfully! The globalists’ toadies, though, use deception. They are very good at it. They have had a lot of practice at it.If a problem arises, the globalists are adept at designing workarounds – specially adapted to an intractable, intransigent, wary, and, from their perspective, incorrigible American Public. They know, well enough, the tenacity – indeed, temerity – of the American spirit. Such spirit will be very difficult to break. The globalists don’t care. They are very patient. They move ponderously, inexorably ahead. What they have planned for the U.S. – for Western Civilization generally – has been in operation for decades. They have many resources: not least of which are money, manpower, organization, control of all major business sectors, control of technology, and control of all news outlets. And they have a surplus of intangible resources, as well, that include cunning, amorality, ruthlessness, and absolute contempt for the sanctity of the individual. So, there is a contest of equal forces here: the indomitability of the American Spirit versus the rapacious internationalist, plutocratic, neoliberal, oligarchic Ego.And now you know: the transnational globalist cabals, through their toadies, must undermine the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution to realize their ultimate goal of a One World Government. Once the Second Amendment has been dismantled -- once that task has been accomplished – if that task can be accomplished – the Will of America withers and dies.So, as the globalists proceed on their merry way, we see their Arsenal of Destruction is thus directed to that end: To break America’s Will. But, to break America's Will, they know that they must first break America’s Back. And, to break America’s Back they must first destroy the Second Amendment.The sine qua non of America is its Second amendment. Once gone, the rest is easy for the globalists. A dire fate for America is not, however, a foregone conclusion. It need not be if Americans remain ever vigilant. And, it is our wish to assist you in maintaining that vigilance. Awareness of the globalist cabals' Arsenal of Destruction assists you in maintaining that vigilance.In our next post, Part 3 of this Article series, to be published forthwith, we will take a close look at the first strategy in the globalists' Arsenal of Destruction – an oblique end run around the Second Amendment:


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