Biden may have intended, as metamorphical, his statement about making Trump a target (see WSJ news article), but the would-be assassin, who intended to kill Trump and who did kill an attendee at the rally while seriously wounding two others and injuring Trump, plainly took Biden’s assertion literally. See the article in Reuters.

Biden, his aides, his Cabinet, and Congressional Democrats wanted to turn the political conversation and narrative back on Trump after Biden’s disastrous first debate (see, e.g., the articles in “Business Insider” and CBC News).

That didn’t happen, not by a long shot.

On the contrary, Americans will fixate, as they should, on the horrible trainwreck Biden and his Administration bear responsibility for.

The Country and the world have suffered incalculably. That will be Biden’s legacy and that will be the legacy of the Progressive movement that sought to transform our Free Constitutional Republic into a disastrous Social Welfare State—the polar opposite of what our Founders had intended.

In less than three short years, the Biden Administration and the Democrat Party, infested with selfish Neoliberal Globalists, Neo-Marxist Radicals, and “Goody-Goody” Progressives, and with the assistance of a Seditious Press and Social Media, have transformed the most powerful and prosperous Nation the world had ever seen into a laughing stock and pushover.

The Destroyers, of a once Great Nation, intend to complete the dissolution of it if they can somehow eke out a win for the decrepit brain-addled stooge in the Oval Office and the power-hungry “Democrat Party” machinery.

Most Americans have had enough of this rot infecting our Nation, people, and institutions.

If Americans need further encouragement to cast their vote in the upcoming election for Trump, they should be thankful they have the opportunity to do so. For, only by the Grace of God is Trump here with us. It is indeed a miracle.

It is now up to the Electorate to elect Donald Trump for a Second Term in Office.

This requires assistance from ten million gun owners who have not yet registered to vote in the upcoming election. Do they intend to do so? AQ will deal with this disconcerting state of affairs in our next article.

The Nation needs Trump. Our Free Republic will not withstand another four years with Democrats in control of the Executive Branch of Government.

Just compare the first four years of Trump’s successful tenure to the three-plus years of Biden’s to understand what is at stake for all of us.

Had Trump served these past three years, America’s strength, vitality, and prosperity would likely have increased a thousandfold, and our unalienable and eternal Rights would have been secured.

Instead, our Country and its institutions are in shambles. Americans can thank Joe Biden and his Administration for that!

Many Americans struggle to make ends meet due to runaway inflation.

Our Nation’s Southern Border is open. Millions of illegal aliens, crossing that Border, come from over one hundred and fifty countries. They stretch our financial resources to the breaking point. They disrupt our societal well-being and threaten the physical safety of our citizenry. Many Americans have lost their lives to vicious attacks from maniacs who had no right to be in our Country.

Bizarre dogmas like “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (“DEI”), and “Identity Politics,” and other artifices have permeated through all our institutions, including Education, corrupting our youth.

Our enemies have taken notice. A weak foreign policy and a weak military have created insecurity not only for America but for the world.

This volatility cannot be rationally explained as mere incompetence. It is by design: To break the back of the United States.

Most Americans know this. And one of these Americans, Donald J. Trump our 45th President, certainly knows this.

The perpetrators of this monstrous effort know this too, and they don’t like what a Trump Presidency portends.

Trump would end the Biden Administration’s diabolical plan to destroy our Country from within.

This is why for the last eight years the would-be destroyers of our Country have waged continuous war on Trump and his “MAGA” supporters. They will not stop. They have not stopped.

They have an enormous organizational structure, and substantial sums of cash to force their will on our Nation. They have worked feverishly, fanatically, and tirelessly, devising all sorts of stratagems to defeat Trump while he served as President and to prevent or discourage him from running in 2024. All their attempts have failed.

Did these ruthless forces embrace the final instrument—one emblematic of acute exasperation and desperation they hitherto would not dream of venturing into?

The attempted assassination of Trump may point to that. Trump may have alluded to it in his pronouncements to his supporters. He stated,

“They've launched one witch hunt after another to try and stop our movement, to thwart the will of the American people. . . . “At the end of the day, they’re not coming after me, They’re coming after you, and I’m just standing in the way.”

Donald Trump delivered those remarks at a rally on June 10, 2023, in Columbus, Georgia after the first injudicious indictment against him. See, e.g., the articles in Sky News and NBC News.

Trump would echo these assertions and bolster them at several rallies in the ensuing months. And those assertions would become prophetic.

Disturbing questions have arisen about this attempted assassination of a man whose probability of securing the U.S. Presidency in November 2024 has remained persistently strong and has increased substantially in the past few months.

Can Biden, his Administration, and Congressional Democrats be relieved that Trump escaped by a hairsbreadth, a bullet to the brain, plainly intended for him?

If the shooter had succeeded, Democrats’ chances of prevailing in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election would have increased exponentially. Who could Republicans possibly nominate at the last minute who would have the stature, fortitude, and indomitable strength of character of Donald J. Trump? The question is rhetorical.

This suggests that comments by Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Hakeem Jeffries have exuded false concern over Trump’s health and well-being.

Sure, they offer their prayers to Trump and condemn the violence (see, e.g., the article in USA Today). But it is what these people don’t say that should give all Americans pause and which reduces their seemingly magnanimous remarks to vacuous, pretentious, utterings.

And hearing this now, when Americans almost lost the one man who can secure our heritage, is excruciating. We would bet dollars to donuts that Democrats are less than exuberant at the failure to eliminate the one man who has the best chance to beat them in three and a half months.

None of them in their initial comments has called the attempt on Trump’s life what it is, an attempted assassination. After all, the shooter did hit Trump with a bullet. This is definitively an attempted assassination of the Republican nominee for U.S. President. The upcoming Convention is a mere formality.

Recall, it was the Press that added the words, ‘attempted assassination,’ to the Congressional Democrats’ remarks, as they demonstrated an odd reticence.

The Press did not doubt the precise nature of this act of terrorism. How can anyone rationally deny the attempt on Trump’s life as anything but an attempted assassination?

Yet, Joe Biden deliberately refrained from using the phrase ‘attempted ‘assassination’ when he delivered his first address (of two minutes) to the Nation. This was no accident because a reporter specifically asked Biden about that, and Biden responded he did not have enough facts. Really? See the BBC audio and video of Biden’s first remarks to the Nation on this.

Moreover, not one of these Politicians stated or suggested, at least in their initial remarks, that the DOJ/FBI and DHS should undertake an immediate and thorough investigation to discern whether or not the shooting is the final step in an elaborate, sophisticated operation involving powerful individuals or organizations. Again, why is that?

We suspect that, in the days and weeks ahead, Americans will hear no one denying the violent attack on Trump as anything other than “an attempted assassination.” But Americans should expect to hear Democrats and a compliant Press referring to the shooting as an isolated, one-off “lone wolf” happenstance, involving one disturbed young man. Recall the unanswered questions surrounding the assassination of John F. Kennedy sixty years before.

But the linguistic gyrations are of less significance at this moment in time. What is significant is that this assassination attempt happened at all and that, if it can happen once, it can occur again.

With the election just a few months away, the Destroyers of our Country are losing time and patience to rid themselves of Trump and that will make them increasingly dangerous and reckless.

What is the Secret Service doing about this?

Already, excuses are flying. The Secret Service is denying they did anything other than all they could to protect Trump. See the article from the Radical Left “Daily Beast.” But is that true?

How is it that the would-be assassin could climb onto a roof just 400 feet from Trump, outside the defensive perimeter, and take a clear shot at him, striking him, narrowly missing, by millimeters, what would have turned into a certain “kill shot?”

It is important to keep in mind the Secret Service Sniper teams set up their rifle mounts and neutralized the shooter only after the shooter had wounded Trump and killed one innocent Rally attendee with a headshot and seriously injured two others. So, the Secret Service did not do its job effectively. This is disastrous.

There is nothing for the Secret Service to be proud about. Much of the problem can and ought to be laid at the feet of Biden’s Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle. Biden may place faith in her, but the American people should not. The New York Post writes of calls for her to resign.

Even if Trump’s Secret Service Detail could not be everywhere and even if his detail would not be as large as that of a sitting President, could not deficiencies in staffing be augmented through the use of Pennsylvania Police SWAT teams, positioned on all rooftops that have direct access to the stage where Trump spoke? This is just one pertinent question that begs for an answer.

Another question goes to those Democrats who dared to remove Trump’s Secret Service Protection altogether.

One such person, a Democrat Congressman from Mississippi, Benny Thompson introduced legislation to do just that See, e.g., Newsweek and New York Post articles.

Several other Democrats co-sponsored this infamous House bill, H.R. 8081.

Congressman Thompson’s aides reflect his penchant for endangering the lives of people he doesn’t like. Case in point, there is Jacqueline Marsaw.

This staffer for Thompson exhibits no reluctance in exclaiming her desire to see Donald Trump dead, and she wants the world to know that.

The New York Post writes,

A staffer for a Democratic congressman from Mississippi was fired for her inflammatory comments saying she hoped the shooter who targeted Donald Trump ‘wouldn’t miss next time.’

‘I don’t condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time ooops that wasn’t me talking,’ Jacqueline Marsaw wrote on Facebook Saturday evening, shortly after Trump narrowly avoided being shot in the head during a rally in Pennsylvania. . . .

Marsaw also wrote that the shooting – which killed one rally attendee and critically wounded two others – ‘couldn’t [have] happened to a nicer fellow,’ though she insisted that it was a ‘staged’ incident.

‘That’s what your hate speech got you!’ she added in a third post, seemingly referring to Trump’s often-controversial takes on social and political issues.

As of Sunday morning, all of the posts had been deleted.

“Hate Speech?” Let’s talk about the true sponsors of “Hate Speech”—Biden, Congressional Democrats, and those Americans who consider themselves Political Liberals or Progressives.

Consider a few choice examples——

  •  Equating Donald Trump with Adolph Hitler

  • Creating the phrase ‘Christian Nationalist’ for use as a slur against Christians and Christianity  

  • Treating the acronym ‘MAGA’ as an insult leveled against one-half the Country

  • Castigating Whites as inherently Racist

  • Referring to Political Conservatives as “Deplorables” and Fascists

After the attempt on Trump’s life, Biden and his Campaign are trying desperately to backpedal, as exemplified by Biden’s speech to the Nation, on Sunday evening, July 14, 2024, after the horrific events that unfolded the day before, in the afternoon of July 13, 2024. But it’s a little late in the day for that.

Three-plus years of incessant demagoguery and vitriol emanating from Biden and Congressional Democrats, and a sympathetic Press and Social Media cannot be instantaneously whitewashed away.

Americans are tired of a wimp for President and the policies that have debilitated our Country.

Trump has always represented strength both in character and deeds.

The many photographs of Trump injured by a would-be assassin’s bullet will forever memorialize him in the eyes of Americans, and those images will be remembered by our foes and allies alike for decades to come.

The American people must hold on as Trump has. It’s a simple task for Americans. We must vote for Trump. We must not become complacent about this. Otherwise, we and our Republic are doomed.

Trump’s statement “We Want a Landslide too Big to Rig,”—which his detractors in the Press scoff at—is not hyperbole. (See e.g., audio segment of speech on YouTube).

The Press constantly claims that Trump is lying about the results of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. He isn’t.

But, let’s make sure that, in the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, Trump garners support at the ballot box so convincingly that nothing the naysayers say can prevent his inauguration as U.S. President in January 2025 (whatever the designation — 45th or 47th U.S. President — may happen to be.



