“Within the last year — ever since President Joe Biden signed his four-year lease on the White House — the word ‘freedom’ has taken on an unsavory, sinister connotation.” See report in Newsmax.  Wherefore is our freedom now if not in the armed citizenry? The U.S. Supreme Court can provide a leg-up from the United States Supreme Court.The current U.S. Supreme Court term ends on June 27, 2022, and reconvenes on October 3, 2022, the starting date of its next term. Two major opinions are due out momentarily: Dobbs and Bruen. Dobbs is a major abortion case. Bruen is a major Second Amendment case. A leaked version of Dobbs has unleashed a furor. And an opinion in Bruen, striking down the NYPD concealed handgun licensing procedures will cause its own furor, worsened by the recent elementary school shooting incident in Texas.Only the High Court, the Third Branch of Government, retains, at present, a modicum of independence. The Neoliberal Globalist puppet masters have firm control over both the First and Second Branches, but not yet, over the Third.The Country is in a precarious state: militarily, geopolitically, economically, societally. This is no accident. It is design.The seditious Press tries to explain this away partly by denial. But, knowing this to have doubtful impact, the Press resorts to something more sinister. It tells the public it must accept the fall of the United States from its stature of preeminence. It tells the public that Nations rise and fall, and so must the United States. That is not true. The rise and fall of civilizations and nations isn’t a law of nature. It isn’t written in stone. It may appear so out of empirical necessity, but it is not one of logical necessity.Strong nations weather any storm. Weaker nations do not.Weak nations are doomed to eventual ruin from any force whether that force manifests inside or outside it.Strong nations cannot be destroyed from outside forces, but only from within. Thus, was the fate of the Roman Empire.The stooge, Biden, controlled by powerful forces, malevolent and malignant, lurking in the shadows, sputters their dictates. He is the embodiment of corruption, feebleness and decay: what better emblem to proclaim the dying of the Nation. And he sputters the problems with the Nation, the problems the public must bear, the dying of the Nation, isn’t his fault.Biden implements strategies to disrupt and destroy the Nation, and yet denounces the American people for the very thing this Government fabricates, asserting that “terrorism from white supremacy” is the most serious threat to the Nation. It is not. There is no such threat, there is no such thing; but in the saying of it, Biden, the ever-compliant tool of the puppet masters, the real Tyrant, uses the lie, uses the Government, the proxy, the obedient stand-in for the Tyrant, to direct action against the American people. But the threat is a phantom. That is all it is. That is all it ever was. But it serves a purpose.The lie is but a pretext to cull the Federal Government of those Americans it deems to be a threat against it, against the tyranny that Government imposes on the American people. The lie also becomes the pretext to harass civilians. The Tyrant suppresses all dissent. It aims to quell all perceived threats to it. And threat rests in all that disagree with the Tyrant.The Tyrant proclaims the virtue of its actions to brutally quash dissent. Asserting the necessity for that, the Tyrant posits its wish to promote safety and security, peace and harmony. It is all a bald-faced lied. But many citizens fall for it, comply with it; some there are who even rejoice in it. And the dutiful, foolish citizen dutifully lays down his arms. But most Americans are not foolish. They will not lay down their arms. And therein lies the Tyrant’s phantom, the menace. The phantom threat is tacitly attached to one-third or more of the Nation: acrimonious, noxious descriptors are applied to this group: “Domestic Terrorist,” the “White Supremacist,” “The Racist.” By whatever name, this one-third or more of the Nation is deemed a dire threat to the “Open Society” a.k.a. “New World Order” that the stooge, Biden, humbles himself to. He has agreed to this. And so, he is but a titular Head of State. And the silent, secretive Tyrant has its submissive, pliant, compliant, empty shell of man through whom its edicts come to be realityJoe Biden, the Tyrant's present puppet.Donald Trump did not accept the concept of the “Open Society.” His “America First” and “Make America Great Again,” were not mere slogans. They were goals, and his policies and initiatives were directed to meeting those goals. Those slogans and aims are antithetical to the goals of the “Open Society,” of a new world order. The slogans are treated as an obscenity. The Tyrant would have none of it; could have none of it if the nightmare vision it had in mind were to become reality. Trump had to go. But, what of the armed citizenry? Trump may not have been a great boon to it, but he never dared to remonstrate against it. The American citizenry is and must always remain an armed citizenry. Make no mistake about that. The citizenry’s sovereignty over the Nation and over the Federal Government, and over any would-be Tyrant, demands that. True freedom and liberty of the people can only exist by dint of arms. For, only through dint of force of arms can Government be kept in check. Only through dint of force of arms can true freedom and liberty be maintained.And many Americans sacrificed their life to preserve a free Republic and a sovereign people. That is the reason for Memorial Day. It’s a day of remembrance to the supreme sacrifice they made.“Originally called Decoration Day, Monday's holiday honors all soldiers who died during service to the nation.Memorial Day was declared a national holiday through an act of Congress in 1971, and its roots date back to the Civil War era, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs.Unlike Veterans Day, Memorial Day honors all military members who have died in while serving in U.S. forces.” From the deaths of the first Patriots, fighting for liberty and freedom against tyranny, to those who lost their life in Afghanistan, we must now ask: were their sacrifices in vain?The Nation is in crisis. But the crisis today is unlike any other in history. For the enemy of a free people lies wholly within. Nothing in the past can compare to it. Even the American Civil War, the bloodiest in our history, cannot match the present threat this Biden Government poses to the American people.Americans face the loss of a free Constitutional Republic, the loss of all unalienable rights and liberties. Such “rights” that remain are treated merely as privileges to bestowed on one or rescinded, at the whim of Government—Tyrant. Americans thus face the loss of their freedom, their sovereignty; their historical memory; their very Soul as a singular sovereign, independent Nation.Only through the presence of the armed citizenry, can Freedom and liberty keep tyranny at bay.Unlike the American Civil War, this present conflict is insidious. It rots the Nation to its core. Americans witness this through the Tyrant’s attack on exercise of all natural law rights.But the Tyrant says this is good, this is right. The Tyrant dares to say our Nation is evil; its traditions, heritage, culture—all reflected in its sacred Documents—are perverse. And many there are who accept the Tyrant’s words as true. They see the necessity of dismantling the whole of a free Republic, and the necessity of surrendering their sovereignty over Government.Will this come to pass?The Midterm elections are soon upon us. The Tyrant and its servants are worried. Congress may be lost to them. And theTyrant and its servants are using the tool of propaganda to incense the public against itself, against its very Soul. They use raw emotion to convince the public that the murder of an unborn child is a good and proper thing if the mother so wishes it. And they use raw emotion to convince the public that disarming the public will serve to protect such of those children born if the Americans will but lay down their arms.Thus, the Tyrant demonstrates his contempt for the common people.And yet, the return of abortion matters to the States rightfully returns authority to the American people, who, through their States, make their own decisions concerning it. Some States will warrant, or have, like New York, already warranted it; other States will not.And, in Bruen, the public might see sanity and reason returned to the Country if the High Court strikes down, as unconstitutional, NYPD procedures for the issuance of concealed handgun carry licenses. The Tyrant worries endlessly over the Bruen decision. It abhors the armed citizen.The Tyrant cares not that the citizen might, with firearms, ably defend himself against predatory animal or predatory man, but cares much that the citizen may also defend himself quite ably with firearms against the Tyrant, itself. And it is the threat to its own security posed by the armed citizen that the Tyrant sees as reason enough to wage war against the American people—even a bloody one, if it comes to that.____________________________________Copyright © 2022 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved


