The events of the last two weeks will be remembered by Americans as the day Congress sold America down the river. Over sixty members of the U.S. Senate, along with the House of Representatives, voted to give President Obama carte blanche “fast track authority” to enter into trade agreements with foreign nations without need to obtain any input from Congress. The majority of the House of Representatives, on June 18, 2015, and two-thirds of the U.S. Senate, on June 23, 2015, cast their votes in favor of the “Trade Promotion Authority” (“TPA”), thereby giving Obama exactly what he wanted.Through the “TPA,” which extends to July 1, 2018, Congress has abdicated its own authority to represent and protect the interests of American citizens as well as many American businesses. With passage of “TPA,” which the President had been anxiously awaiting, Obama will sign “TPA” into law. With that signature Congress has permitted the President to negotiate all trade deals in the name of the American People, without adequate input from Congress.Secret negotiations, between President Obama on the one hand and foreign countries and multi-billion dollar transnational companies on the other, have been taking place for several years, unbeknownst to most Americans, including, apparently, members of Congress. And to date, Congress has had precious little opportunity to scrutinize the proposed Treaty. And the American Public, ostensibly living in a Free Republic, is not permitted to see it. Americans do care what is in this proposed Treaty, but all too many members of Congress, apparently, do not; nor do they wish to enlighten the American Public as to the content of this thing.With passage of “TPA,” having now greased the wheels for implementation of “TPP,” Congress will not have the opportunity to debate the merits of the Treaty, nor will Congress have the opportunity to attach any amendments or make changes of any kind to it; nor will any member of Congress be permitted to use the tactic of filibuster to delay "TPP" or prevent it from being brought to a vote. Congress can do nothing but merely vote "up or down," for or against the Treaty, as "TPP" is written, as "TPP" is given to it. Congress can do nothing more. Congress has willingly handcuffed itself by granting "fast track authority" to the President -- which is precisely what Obama wanted -- and, in so doing, Congress has essentially turned its Article I, Section 1 law-making authority over to the Chief Executive. It has done this without a fight, with hardly a whimper of protest.Now, it is true that Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution does confer, upon the President, the power to make treaties. But, two-thirds of the Senators must agree to it to give it force. Why, then, would Congress wish not to closely scrutinize the language of any treaty the President happens to negotiate, suspending its own power to debate it, to filibuster it, to offer amendments to it given the all-encompassing influence that it will have on America’s economic life and well-being? That Congress, especially the U.S. Senate which, alone, can agree to a treaty between the U.S. and other Countries or not, would abdicate its duties under the Constitution and forsake its responsibility to the American People is all the more ironical and all the more troubling as both Houses of Congress are controlled by Republicans. Curiously most Democrats are fighting Obama over the "TPP." Yet, Republicans for their part, except for a courageous few, are in lockstep with Obama on this. Indeed, the Republican Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, and the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, worked in secret with Obama on this. But, is that not a bit odd? Perhaps the distinction between the two parties – at least in the muddled middle of centrism – is illusory, a fabrication to suggest to the American people that a real distinction exists between the two parties when such is not the case at all.Consider: Republicans have consistently, and rightfully, questioned Obama’s judgment on many things in the past. So, why would most Republicans, now, trust Obama’s judgment on a matter that has such all-embracing influence over the lifeblood of this Nation’s economy? Are Americans being played for dupes?Congress has asserted, oddly enough, that while it does not trust Obama on military policy and domestic policy, it does trust Obama on an all-encompassing trade deal that he negotiates with foreign countries. With enactment of TPA, which Obama will sign, this Country is but one step closer to joining an International Socialist Order. But, in the interim, more is at stake here than simply the removal of tariffs to benefit the multinationals; much more.If TPP is enacted, America’s system of laws will become superfluous. International companies will be permitted to contest American laws in foreign tribunals, not in U.S. courts. This means that a decision of a foreign tribunal will have the force of law in our own Country. State Governments and our Federal Government will not only be required to defer to the order of foreign courts and tribunals, but will be required to enforce the laws of those foreign tribunals. This facet of the TPP has received precious little attention but it is, in fact, the cornerstone of TPP. Its importance here transcends trade considerations. TPP weakens and displaces the foundation of America’s own Sovereignty by substituting the laws of foreign tribunals for its own.Where is this all going? As our institutions of law are undermined, our Constitution is invariably weakened. The next step toward a New International Socialist Order involves the creation of a North Atlantic Union that includes the United States, Mexico, and Canada, modeled after the EU. That will issue in the need for a new Constitution – one that is more palatable to powerful business and financial interests in Mexico and Canada and in the U.S. A new common currency will be minted. Spanish, which is insinuating itself into this Country at a record pace, may very well displace English as the common language. Our heritage and culture and history are dissolving.Also, keep in mind, no other Country on Earth has a Bill of Rights like ours. In no other Country’s Constitution does there exist recognition of the right to keep and bear arms that resides in the citizenry itself. It is only a matter of time when our Constitution, that has stood the test of time, is cast aside and rewritten in a manner palatable to and consistent with Globalist interests who see, in the implementation of TPP, a steady movement toward the ultimate dissolution of America as an independent Sovereign Nation State.If you think a slippery slope to America’s demise is far-fetched, consider that a few short years ago any talk of the existence of the “TPP” was met with skepticism, even derision. Only the weblogs brought this matter to the attention of concerned citizens of this Country. The mainstream news media rarely, if ever, even broached the subject. Quite likely, secret discussions are even now underway among internationalists, working out ways to dismantle the U.S. Constitution.Now, of course the United States Constitution spells out the manner in which new Amendments are proposed and ratified. Indeed, Article V sets forth concisely and unambiguously the ways in which Amendments to the U.S. Constitution may be made:“The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.”But, Article V, as pointed out by the great logician and mathematician, Kurt Gödel, who happened to take a close look at the U.S. Constitution during the time when he decided to apply for U.S. citizenship in 1947,  realized that Article V carries the seeds for the U.S. Constitution's own destruction. He pointed out that Article V permits Congress to amend the Constitution to invite the creation of a dictatorship in this Country. Moreover, consistent with Gödel's reasoned conjecture: nothing in the Constitution of the United States addresses the matter of revocation of the entirety of it outright. If there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution articulating a basis for its own continued existence against the ruthlessness of a duplicitous Executive, operating in tandem with a feeble Congress, what safeguards are in place to protect it? Moreover, secret Executive Orders can, and probably do, exist that are directed to the suspension of it, ostensibly in times of “National Emergency.” Might not those same Executive Orders be directed not merely to the suspension of the U.S. Constitution – horrific as that is – but to its revocation?Now, it is indeed true that the U.S. Constitution sets forth the specific powers and authority of each Branch of Government. No Branch can subsume unto itself more power and authority than is provided to it, as expressly set forth in the Constitution. Yet, in the absence of an express assertion in it that, under no set of circumstances shall any amendment or amendments to it allow for the weakening or total abolishment of it, it is well within the realm of possibility that amendments can slowly be included in the U.S. Constitution that operate together to reduce it, in effect, to a nullity: hence, Kurt Gödel's concern for the continued sanctity of the U.S. Constitution.Clearly, there is nothing to prohibit powerful, ruthless, selfish interests both within this Country and outside it, from taking steps, replacing the Bill of Rights, say, for a new innocuous Bill of Rights conducive to and favorable to the existence of a new International Socialist Order – the existence of which destroys the very fabric of a Nation State, the very fabric of our Nation State, as an independent and absolute Sovereign entity. And, from what we have seen in the recent past, how many members of Congress, do you think, would have the strength and fortitude and conviction to object to that?[separator type="medium" style="normal" align="left"margin-bottom="25" margin_top="5"] Copyright © 2015 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.


