The Arbalest Quarrel took a look at a New York Times Section called “Room for Debate.” As the title suggests, it’s an opinion page. “In Room for Debate, The NY Times invites knowledgeable outside contributors to discuss news events and other timely issues. Reader comments are moderated Monday through Friday.” Three editors and a “researcher and fact checker” manage it. Catching our attention is a debate titled, “Toe to Toe with the NRA.”The NY Times gave a brief recitation of the topic debate. “Michael Bloomberg is planning to spend $50 million this year building a nationwide network of advocates to motivate voters who feel strongly about curbing gun violence. What will this new campaign need to succeed? And what can gun control advocates learn from the gun lobby in terms of political strategy, messaging and grass-roots mobilization?”In the topic’s description the NY Times shows its bias. First, the topic outline suggests the NRA isn’t interested in curbing gun violence. That’s absurd. Second, the NY Times suggests, yet falsely, the NRA doesn’t represent the American public’s interest. That’s also absurd. The public has a personal interest in preserving its Bill of Rights. The Second Amendment secures the other nine. Third, the NY Times connects the two words, ‘lobby’ and NRA, suggesting lobbying is a disreputable practice. But, the NRA didn’t invent the practice. And the antigun zealots make use of it as does Bloomberg – the preeminent lobbyist. But, unlike Bloomberg who seeks to destroy the Second Amendment, the NRA wishes to preserve it. To work for the preservation of our sacred Bill of Rights is the highest calling of any American. Our Bill of Rights is the bedrock of our Nation’s culture, history and heritage. Of the first ten Amendments that comprise the Bill of Rights, it is the Second Amendment that constrains the Federal Government and its standing army.The Second Amendment represents a sacred trust that exists between the Federal Government and the People. The Second Amendment serves as a reminder. The Federal Government emanates “from the People” and exists “at the pleasure of the People.” We created it. We reserve the right to dismantle it. The Second Amendment makes the point clear. No other part of the U.S. Constitution makes that clear.The antigun zealots never discuss the Founders’ reason for carving the Second Amendment in stone. Indeed, they never mention it. They do not wish to debate that. They only talk about gun violence. But, curiously, the antigun zealots fail to talk about law-abiding citizens successfully defending themselves and their families with guns. They display an odd selective amnesia in their discussion of guns. For the antigun zealots the Second Amendment doesn’t exist. Guns do exist, but they wish they didn’t. Gun confiscation isn’t simply a priority of the antigun groups. It’s their raison d’etre. They think their cause is noble and their motives pure. But they’re dupes.There exists a sinister undercurrent. As the United States, Canada and Mexico drive toward a North American Union, modeled after the EU, a need will arise to amend our “Bill of Rights.” The architects of this plan – the “global elites” – seek to scrap the Second Amendment. They strive for uniformity. Mexico and Canada don’t have a Bill of Rights embodying the right of their people to keep and bear arms. A stated need to curb gun violence is nothing but propaganda laden messages filling the airwaves – a smokescreen. The antigun zealot rank and file buys it. The antigun zealot rank and file believes gun confiscation will promote peace and tranquility. It won’t.The billionaire “global elites” are instigators. Their principal goal – their true agenda – is both sinister and unholy: A North American Union. An armed American citizenry poses a threat to that goal. They fear and loathe it. So they seek to discredit the Second Amendment, to dismantle it. The Second Amendment is incompatible with the Surveillance State and a North American Union. They know it. So do we.[separator type="medium" style="normal" align="left"margin-bottom="25" margin_top="5"] Copyright © 2014 Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) and Roger J Katz (Towne Criour) All Rights Reserved.


