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“‘The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, ‘Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?’ With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, ‘A republic, if you can keep it.’”  ~quotation from an article by John F. McManus, published on November 6, 2000, in The New American, referencing an “exchange . . . recorded by Constitution signer James McHenry in a diary entry that was later reproduced in the 1906 American Historical Review.”Benjamin Franklin’s seemingly droll, yet, at once, sagacious response to Mrs. Powel’s query as to the salient nature of our new independent sovereign Nation, “A Republic If You Can Keep It,” echoes down from the ages to this precarious moment in our Nation’s history.While most Americans do fervently wish to retain our Nation in the form the founding fathers bequeathed to us, a free Constitutional Republic, some there are who do not. Their hostility toward the Nation’s continued existence as a free Constitutional Republic is both intense and blatant; and disturbingly, they control the Government, the legacy Press, social media, our educational system, and our financial system; and, most importantly, many of the “TOP BRASS” of the military.These would-be Destructors and Obstructors of our free Republic are ruthless, even rabid in their condemnation of our Country’s history, heritage, culture, and Judeo-Christian ethic. They intend to destroy all of it. To date, they have undermined much of it, and they have corrupted the minds of many Americans: youth, adolescents, and adults alike.They have corrupted innocent, impressionable school-age children, who are unable to comprehend the poisoning of their young minds. They have corrupted undergraduate university youth, who—so enthralled with and enraptured by a Marxist college professor’s pretentious, false erudition—are unable to recognize and therefore appreciate the difference between a cogent, logical, sound argument on the one hand, and what amounts to elaborate, artful sophistry, on the other. And they have corrupted tens of millions of adults—those too simple-minded to notice, or too gullible to accept the mounting evidence before them; or those who feel too intimidated or threatened to voice an objection, or simply too jaded to care.Yet there are many Americans who do see the Nation transforming into a disgusting, leprous monstrosity. There are Americans who have taken notice of the dire threat to the Republic and cannot and will not deny the truth. They do care, and this is what they see: Two mutually exclusive, antagonistic visions for America; the one in open conflict with the other. Only one WILL prevail. Only one CAN prevail—One pure and sanctified by the Lord; the other a product of the Beast, the defilement of nature, the poisoning of all that is good and proper in America.See the Arbalest Quarrel articles, detailing the distinguishing features of INDIVIDUALISM and COLLECTIVISM in The Modern American Civil War: A Clash of Ideologies;” posted on October 6, 2018; and our prescient article on the dismantling of the Nation, In the Throes of America’s Modern-Day Civil War,” posted on October 28, 2018.One vision holds true to the Declaration of Independence and to the United States Constitution. That vision preserves the Nation in the form the founders gave to us and intended for us: an independent sovereign nation-state and free Republic, grounded on the tenets and precepts and principles of INDIVIDUALISM, sanctified by the Divine Creator.The other vision looks to the Communist Manifesto for guidance. That vision portends the end of a free Constitutional Republic and, further, the end of the very concept of a nation-state and true morality. The political, social, and economic scheme envisioned is diametrically opposed to that of a free Republic and a sovereign people, a vision of America grounded on the tenets and precepts of COLLECTIVISM; the needs, wishes, and concerns of the individual not only denigrated but denied.The Collectivist vision eschews individual needs, wants, and desires as irrelevant and antithetical to the goals of COLLECTIVISM. It is a vision of America that denies and rejects the Divine Creator outright, and worships, instead, such false gods as Satan, Mammon, and Asmodeus: the gods of wrath, greed, and lust.The architects of this new model for America view people as little more than cattle. People are herded into groups. Uniformity and conformity of thought and conduct are engineered into society to better effectuate control. The enslavement of mankind is the result. The subjugation of man’s will and spirit is the end goal.George Orwell, in his epochal work, “1984”, published in 1949, showed the FACE of the BEAST; and Taylor Caldwell displayed the BEAST’S UNDERBELLY, in her monumental work, “Captains and the Kings,” published in 1972.One cannot but wonder that some Americans would willingly surrender their Fundamental Rights and Liberties and forsake the sanctity and inviolability of the individual spirit for a life of servitude and perpetual misery under transnational alien rule—all for a few crumbs doled out by a Nanny State guilefully intent on keeping the polity indolent, somnolent, and dependent. It is happening even now.Is it not true the United States became the wealthiest, most productive, and most powerful Nation on Earth—the veritable envy of the world—through the foresight of the Nation’s founders, who fashioned a Country, unlike any other then existent or presently existent on Earth?The founders fashioned A TRULY FREE REPUBLIC, WHERE THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES ARE SOVEREIGN, NOT TYRANTS. They were of one mind against the construction of a MONARCHY, DIARCHY, TRIARCHY, OLIGARCHY or other AUTOCRATIC, DICTATORIAL “—ARCHY,” composed of plutocrats or monarchists who would, through those systems, systematically and brutally oppress, repress, and suppress the human will and spirit—all ostensibly, as they would no doubt tell themselves—for the well-being of a proper, well-ordered, well-engineered, society, operating in a perpetual, albeit meaningless, vacuous stasis.Prime examples of the sort of governmental schemes the framers of the Constitution would abhor include the LENINIST/STALINIST REGIME imposed on the people of Russia, and the MAOIST DICTATORSHIP imposed on the people of China.How well did these seemingly harmonious societal constructs pan out? How well are they working out now? How are the TOTALITARIAN regimes of Venezuela, Cuba, and other countries across the globe doing?How is it that those who viciously condemn our Nation’s history, heritage, culture, and Judeo-Christian ethic, can explain away the fact that so many people in countries around the world seek to come to ours if our Nation is such a terrible place to anchor as the haters of our Country proclaim? The answer is: they cannot do so, and they do not even try. Rather, they simply create false narratives of America as a racist Nation; an ignoble Nation; a Nation that lacks, in their words, proper “DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION.” Yet, what DO THEY REALLY MEAN by those words, in practice, that they plaster all over the place? We have a pretty good clue given what we have seen. It is all a façade:


We, as a Nation, have come full circle, from 1776 to 2021: from the inception of our Nation as a free Constitutional Republic to the possible collapse of it.Are Americans witnessing the death throes of a free CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, and doing so in REAL-TIME?Just as Americans now seek to preserve a Republic from those who seek to wrest it from our grasp, back then there were colonists who sought to sever ties with Great Britain and there were those who sought to retain those ties. See the article on the website“The Revolution is usually portrayed as a conflict between the Patriots and the British. But there is another narrative: the bloody fighting between Americans, a civil war whose savagery shocked even battle-hardened Redcoats and Hessians. As debate and protests evolved into war, mudslinging and rhetorical arguments between Rebels and Tories evolved into tar-and-feathering, house-burning, and lynching.The colonists themselves were divided. Tories were colonists who helped and even fought with the British during the American Revolutionary War. Also known as Loyalists for their loyalty to the British crown, their contention with the Whigs (Patriots) was so intense that their savage fighting can justly be called America’s first civil war.By one process or another, those who were to be citizens of the new republic were separated from those who preferred to be subjects of King George. Just what proportion of the Americans favored independence and what share remained loyal to the British monarchy there is no way of knowing. The question of revolution was not submitted to popular vote, and on the point of numbers we have conflicting evidence. On the patriot side, there is the testimony of a careful and informed observer, John Adams, who asserted that two-thirds of the people were for the American cause and not more than one-third opposed the Revolution at all stages.”And, now today, there are Americans, most of us, who wish to preserve the Republic. They are the true Patriots, true to the vision of the founders of the Republic, true to the tenets and precepts of INDIVIDUALISM the blueprint of our Republic, the U.S. Constitution, and its Bill of Rights. And, then there are those, the Collectivists; those who intend to unwind the Republic and to rend the Constitution as the Constitution is wholly inconsistent with the tenets and precepts of COLLECTIVISM.Among those who seek to destroy a free Republic and independent sovereign Nation-State, there are various factions. They include, inter alia, Neoliberal Globalists, Marxists, Socialists, Communists, Anarchists, and Maoists, Leninists, Stalinists, and Trotskyites—all bound by a common desire to bring to a close the era of a free Republic forged in steel on THAT FATEFUL DAY of JULY 4, 1776, that ushered in the AMERICAN REVOLUTION and the Birth of a new Nation, conceived in LIBERTY. But, the Collectivists of the 21st Century in America disparage it; want none of it; are bent on destroying all of it.The COLLECTIVISTS are a selfish lot. The COLLECTIVIST MEGA-BILLIONAIRE NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST FINANCIERS AND CORPORATISTS, never sated, want to control ALL copper, gold, silver, platinum coinage, and, by flooding the market with worthless paper, i.e., “Federal Reserve Notes,” reduce the American polity to a state of abject poverty, penury, indigence, and misery, and despair, completely dependent on Government largess for basic survival.And the POLITICAL AND SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIONIST COLLECTIVISTS look forward to a day when they can lower the American Flag one last time; celebrate the fall of the Republic; and observe the remains of the United States, “ONE NATION, UNDER GOD,” at long last merged into a mammoth global political, social, economic, transnational Governmental scheme—a new regime; one devoid of the very concept of an American citizenry, and of an American ethos, and of an American psyche, and of a Nation sanctified by the Divine Creator.Unfortunately, many Americans, while definitely loath to sacrifice a free Constitutional Republic, feel helpless to prevent its demise and, so, have resigned themselves to accept defeat. Still, there are those Americans who will fight, as the Patriots of old, to protect their birthright.THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 1776 PRESERVED versus THE NEO-MARXIST INTERNATIONALISTS’ COUNTERREVOLUTION OF 2021 ATTEMPT AT REVERSALDo Americans retain and maintain their Republic as founded or allow it to be extinguished, erased, abandoned? WHICH SHALL IT BE?____________________________________________Copyright © 2021 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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THE SEVEN COMMANDMENTS1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.3. No animal shall wear clothes.4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.5. No animal shall drink alcohol.6. No animal shall kill any other animal.7. All animals are equal.~ George Orwell, “Animal Farm” ((a satire on the duplicity and idiocy of the Communist vision of the perfect world order)(published in 1945)) (quotation from Chapter 2)


The Rothschild clan and its minions in the EU are no longer even attempting to disguise their contempt for Western Nation States and for the populations of those Nations States. And, they are no longer attempting to disguise their plans to destroy the Nation States of Europe, along with the Commonwealth Nations—those that embrace Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.  They intend to destroy the independence and sovereignty of all Western Nations, including the destruction of the independence of the United States. These ruthless, diabolical, insufferable transnationalist “elites” have made their contempt of Western Nation States and of the common people of those Western Nation States transparently, poignantly obvious.’Consider the words of the outgoing European Commission President, Jean-Claude Juncker, as reported by the website, Kentucky Hunting:"Ahead of the EU elections, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has blasted 'stupid nationalists,' who dare to 'love their own countries' and dislike migrants. Juncker took to CNN on Wednesday to share his belief the nationalist politicians pose a distinct threat to European unity with their stance on migration.“'These populist, nationalists, stupid nationalists, they are in love with their own countries,'” he said, urging the EU to show 'solidarity' with migrants instead."U.S. legal scholar, Jonathan Turley, perceives the ominous portents existent in the pronouncements of the EU overseers; sees, in fact, the deviousness inherent in the entirety of the EU project, and Turley is not at all amused, as he makes clear in a post  on his website,, in May 2019: "We have previously discussed President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and his controversial statements. Juncker for many is the face of the detached and arrogant bureaucracy that dictates policies and practices in various nations. While the EU has long tried to assure people that it is not replacing their national identity or self-determination, Juncker has always been dismissive of such concerns, even with growing anti-EU movements. That dismissive attitude was evident this week when Juncker said on CNN 'These populist, nationalists, stupid nationalists, they are in love with their own countries.'"The notion of people being stupid for being 'in love with their own countries' embodied the fears of critics that the EU was always an effort to erase national identity, as least in governance and policy. He added 'They don’t like those coming from far away, I like those coming from far away. . . we have to act in solidarity with those who are in a worse situation than we are in. . . It’s always easier to mobilize negative forces than to mobilize positive forces.' Of course, Juncker has never mobilized any forces beyond the top European elite. His CNN interview embodies his leadership style of disdainful and cavalier comments. He previously blasted the very notion of national borders.It is remarkably stupid for Juncker to openly maintain such a position when the EU is fighting to dampen calls for exits from the organization."Obviously, arrogant jackasses, like Jean-Claude Juncker of the EU, and such “luminaries” like Andrew Cuomo and Eric Swalwell, and, other similar vultures in the U.S., don’t care what the commonalty of the Nations of Western Europe and of the U.S. think. They pretend to know better. These Radicals are so enamoured with themselves, so convinced that a  single and singular transnational system of governance will succeed, and should succeed, that they now let fly their true feelings toward the peoples of Europe and of the United States—all those who ascribe to the spirit of “Nationalism”—those who profess pride in their own Nation, culture, history, and language.Transnationalists—those pushing for an end to Western Nation States—tend to treat “Nationalists” as close-minded, reactionary elements, who would hold to their unique history and cultural heritage. And, THAT attitude is considered wrong, even outrageous? Apparently so. And so it is that the Radical elements both here and abroad, those seeking to establish, among Western Nations, a new transnational, trans-global political, social, economic, cultural, and legal system of governance, are now ever more open to letting the people of Europe and of the U.S. know the true horrific extent of their aims for Western Civilization. They are convinced that Great Britain will never actually leave the EU; that the Nationalist wave in Europe will burn itself out; and that Donald Trump will never secure a Second Term in Office—perceiving both Donald Trump’s victory in 2016 and Britain’s majority vote to leave the EU, and Nationalist fervor in Europe as no more than momentary anomalies, a temporary setback to their plans for Global domination.So, through the first of a two-prong attack on Western Civilization, the transnationalist Rothschild clan and its minions clamp down hard on Nationalist fervor in the EU and they denigrate and ridicule and rebuff efforts of the populations of the Europe to reassert their National Sovereignty and independence and they place obstacles in the path of the British people who voted to leave the EU.Contemporaneously, through the second of a two-prong attack on Western Civilization, the Rothschild clan and its minions, through their cohorts in the U.S. to denigrate President Trump. They attempt to derail the work of his Administration; to keep Trump preoccupied, fighting endlessly, aimlessly, all efforts to topple him. They seek to frustrate Trump at every turn. They operate in secret, machinating to undermine the U.S. Constitution; particularly, the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. They seek to undercut the U.S. Constitution, because that sacred document does not cohere with the Rothschild plan for a transnational global system of governance. Is it any coincidence, then, that we see heretical speech emanating from Leftist Radicals, and, thence, echoed in the mainstream media Press and in such propaganda media sources as CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, and PBS, becoming ever more strident and bizarre?


Consider: only in very recent years have Progressive and Radical Left-wing politicians and their friends in the mainstream media dared openly to call for restraints on speech and on freedom of association among the polity; abridgment of the free exercise of religion; abrogation of the right of the people to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures; encroachment on the right to own and possess personal property; and outright eradication of the Second Amendment’s right of the people to keep and bear arms—audaciously refusing to accept the simple truth of the right to own and to possess firearms as a fundamental, natural, individual right, notwithstanding the clear and categorical meaning of the right codified in the Second Amendment, and openly contemptuous of the U.S. Supreme Court rulings in Heller and McDonald, that set the high Court’s imprimatur on the transparently clear meaning of the Second Amendment, if anyone happened to harbor any misunderstanding of the import and purport of the Second Amendment.Further, these Radical Leftists and Progressives in our midst have called for repeal of the Electoral College; have sought to pack the high Court with individuals who would demonstrate no reluctance in imposing their own Collectivist belief system on the Constitution, when deciding cases. And, it doesn’t stop there. They dare to create out of whole cloth an entirely new set of rights—rights that nowhere exist tacitly or expressly in the U.S. Constitution; In fact, these new “Rights” that the Radical Left and Progressives would impose on the American citizenry are  antithetical to very meaning and purpose of the Constitution that the framers of our Nation bequeathed to us. But, they don’t care. As it is their intention to destroy the Constitution, they have drummed up a “new” set of nonsensical “rights,”—as nonsensical as the “Seven Commandments” that Orwell dreamed up for inclusion in his satire, “Animal Farm.”


The Protocols that the Radical Left and Progressive Elements envision might very well include the following, preposterous--indeed imbecilic--protocols, as predicated on their own pronouncements:

  • Abrogation of the original Bill of Rights
  • The right of a pregnant woman to kill her unborn child up to and including the very moment of birth.
  • The right of non-citizens to insist the United States grant them asylum
  • The right of anyone residing in the United States to obtain free, public-supported higher education
  • The right of anyone residing in the United States to access unlimited, free health care
  • The right of non-citizens to free housing, free health-care, and unlimited welfare, all at taxpayer expense
  • The right of non-citizens and convicted felons to vote in Federal elections
  • The right of those groups of people, deemed to be victims in times past, to obtain reparation payments
  • The right to receive public assistance, sustenance, and remuneration even if a person doesn’t wish to work
  • The right of Government to determine what rights inure to the people and who may enjoy them.
  • The right of Government to add to, modify, suspend, or revoke and right as exigency demands.
  • Adoption of the European Union's Convention for the Protection  of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms*

What is difficult to believe is that the aforesaid protocols are not satire. They are in fact the feverish dream of Radical Left and Progressive politicians, and they are deadly serious about making them a reality. Imagine if these reprobates had their way and could actually substitute their “rights” for those codified in our Nation’s Bill of Rights? If that were to happen, then slowly, inexorably, the U.S. would begin to look much like the EU, and the EU would begin to look increasingly like this new version of the U.S.; and who, then, would be able to tell the difference between us and them?“Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” ~ George Orwell, Animal Farm (Chapter 10, last paragraph).How much easier it would be, then, for the U.S. to slip easily into the throes of the New Global World Order. Americans would hardly know it were even happening--until it were much too late to do anything about it!___________________________________________________*There are several important implications that beg to be addressed apropos of the “Convention for the Protection  of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms” and which we must needs consider, as they may not be obvious, but are critical to an understanding of the inherent limitation on “rights” as perceived by the Governmental EU bureaucrats who created these rights at the behest of the silent true rulers: the Rothschild clan and their ilk.First, this set of rights, bespeaks an autonomy that is beyond the member States of the EU to question, once the respective State Governments ratify this Convention. Second, as a corollary to the first point,  these “rights” qua “protocols” take precedence over the laws of the individual member Nations of the EU. Thus, the European Commission and European Parliament and the European Court of Justice, have political, legal, and legislative authority and control over each of the member State Governments. Third, while several of these protocols may seem on their face, at first glance, to be eminently fair—as a few allude to our own fundamental rights as set forth in our Bill of Rights—still, there is a major difference between the EU protocols set forth in the "Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms" and the Bill of Rights of the United States; for, every one of the European prootocols comes with conditions attached, as specifically set forth in the Articles, that reduces the protocols to a set of nonsensical rather than commonsensical "rights and freedoms. For, unlike our Nation's Bill of Rights, the protocols of the European Union operate with built-in constraints on the free exercise of such presumed "rights." And, it is through those conditions, which follow the recitation of the purported "rights" that it becomes manifestly clear that the engineers who constructed the "rights" intended them to be understood to be mere man-made creations--subject to modification, suspension, or outright abrogation at the whim and caprice of the overseers of the European Union. Thus, the "rights" (or protocols as they are often referred to) are understood not to be the creation of the Divine Creator, and, therefore, are understood not to be preordained in the people, unlike the rights that comprise our own Nation’s Bill of Rights, which renders them legally incapable of being modified, weakened, suspended, ignored, or altogether abrogated by Government.Unlike the natural, fundamental, primordial, immutable, unalienable rights of the American people, as codified lovingly by the framers of our Constitution into the Bill of Rights, the "rights" referred to in the EU's Convention" are all constructs of Government, subject to the EU Government’s built-in conditions that operate as constraints and as restraints on the exercise of any right or freedom. In that regard, it is incumbent on those who peruse the European Union's Convention for the Protection  of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms to realize, fourth, that the protocols are worthless, even as they seem pertinent and demonstrative of tangible force and efficacy. For the Human Rights the EU speaks of clearly are not to be perceived as a check on or guard against Government encroachment on the lives, thoughts, and actions of the people of the EU, but, rather, as simple Rules of Etiquette as between one person and another. Also, pay close attention to Article 15 of the Protocol, titled, “Derogation in Time of Emergency.”  To wit: “In time of war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation any High Contracting Party may take measures derogating from its obligations under this Convention to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation, provided that such measures are not inconsistent with its other obligations under international law.”Essentially, Article 15 means that each of the “Rights” set forth in the preceding “Articles 1 through 14” of Section I of the Convention, may be suspended when the overseers of the EU deem suspension of rights to be necessary, namely, when the the EU's overseers then determine what state of affairs operates as a “public emergency.” There is no debate; no appeal by any person or by any member Nation. While, it may be noted that secret (with particular emphasis on the word, ‘secret’) Executive Orders may exist in our own Nation that might serve to suspend the writ of Habeas Corpus and other Rights and Liberties of our Bill of Rights when public exigency demands, such secret U.S. Presidential Executive Order—if such does exist (and there may be more than one such secret Order)—is prima facie Constitutionally unlawful, and therefore invalid. See, Ex parte Merryman, 17 F. Cas. 144 (Circuit Court, D. Maryland) (April 1861, Term).Government--any Government, including our own--may, through dint of power, prevail on subduing the populace, but power to act against the people does not equate with right. In any event, an armed citizenry--our armed citizenry--is the ultimate guard against ("failsafe")  against misuse of power by the Government against the citizenry—and 'misuse of power' here is meant to be used in reference to "misuse of power" by any of the Three Branches of our Government, as against the citizenry. This brings us to the Fifth  and final point pertaining to the EU's Convention for the Protection  of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Not one of the 14 Articles of “Rights” says anything about a right of individual citizens within a Nation of the EU to possess firearms. Fancy that? Was this just an oversight? Obviously, not. For, only an armed citizen can enforce rights that Government would seek to constrain, ignore, or revoke. Article 15 provides for and reserves one very specific right for itself, that it bestows only on itself: the right, as pointed out supra, to suspend or abrogate any of the 14 other purported rights mentioned in the Convention. It would hardly do for the EU to provide for the citizens' right to keep and bear arms--even if only understood as a man-made construct--for an armed citizenry might have much to say about Government that would dare reserve for itself the overriding, ultimate right to suspend or abrogate all of the protocols--Article 1 through 14--of the EU Convention. That would prove exceedingly difficult were the populations of the EU armed. For the populations could then really and truly compel the EU Government, to honor and commit to the rights and freedoms that it so pompously and sanctimoniously presents to the populations of the EU, through the Convention for the Protection  of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. That the EU Government fails, then, to provide for the right of the populations of the EU to keep and bear arms--even if such right as articulated specifically mentioned, as its stated purpose, the right of self-defense--that should tell the populations of the EU all it needs to know about the speciousness of Articles 1 through 14 of the Convention. For, clearly it isn't misuse of firearms by the occasional lunatic or criminal that frightens the EU overseers. It is, rather, the very real power existent in the populations of the EU that the overseers fear if the populations of the EU are armed. The EU, after all, belongs to the Rothschild clan and to the other architects of the EU. Only the police and military, who serve the EU, not the public, will be permitted to have access to firearms. And, the overseers, themselves, will equip themselves with firearms to protect themselves from the public if the public should at long last realize that the EU does not serve the interests of the public; that the EU overlords never intended to serve the interests of the public; that the EU overlords never did serve the interests of the public; that the EU was never  created to serve the public; and that the EU overlords will not, ever, serve the interests of the public. Rather the architects of the EU intended the populations of Europe to serve as mere subjects and serfs of the EU overlords, themselves. And with each passing day, that fact becomes ever clearer. The overlords of the EU operate with impunity. Their power increases. The Government of the EU becomes more entrenched; the lives of the public worsens. Their rights and freedoms--if such ever existed--is a thing of the past. If they truly expect to regain rights and freedoms, they will first have to reclaim their own Nation's sovereignty and independence from the EU puppet masters.______________________________________________________Copyright © 2018 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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Radical Left elements, with the connivance of the mainstream news media—the Dead Souls existing among us—slowly, methodically, systematically work toward completing their Marxist agenda, notwithstanding the failure to install their candidate, the duplicitous, innately evil Hillary Clinton, in the White House. But, to make their abominable policy objectives palatable to a wary, discerning American public, this Radical Left realizes the need to control the narrative and to foreclose debate on all Second Amendment related matters, and on any other matter that touches upon their policy goals. And, so, through mass, repetitious story-telling, the most ludicrous of proposed changes to our Nation and to its Constitution become commonplace and then accepted as normal and proper. They have their own tenets, their own set of principals, their own Commandments: right out of the Marxist Playbook.A compliant Press, sold on the idea of a Marxist style Amerika, willing to take—indeed, ecstatically taking— marching orders from the Marxist enterprise that the Democratic Party has slowly, inexorably, systematically, and inevitably devolved into and that, in turn, likely takes its orders design from the extraordinarily powerful, inordinately wealthy, and innately corrupt, ruthless, and decadent Rothschild clan, dispensing its orders and edicts through its apparatchiks ensconced in their plush offices in Brussels—has focused all of its attention on denouncing, ridiculing, debasing, vilifying, and destroying the duly elected U.S. President, Donald Trump.Disrupting Trump at every turn has been the raison d’être of the mainstream Press since Donald Trump took the Oath of Office on January 20, 2017. The mainstream media Press and Democratic Party leadership, along with most of the rank and file Party membership and the Deep State Federal Government Bureaucracy, and with the acquiescence of not a few Republicans, has sought to disrupt Donald Trump and his Administration at every turn, lest Trump continue to sully their plans: plans that go far beyond orchestration of a mere Center Left-wing agenda for the Country. For, the forces at work both within the U.S. and outside it, intend something much more ambitious and horrific.This ruthless lot intends to capture the United States, drawing it, kicking and screaming, if need be, into the orbit of the EU. These Radical Left reprobates intend to force the United States into the arms of EU’s planners: those orchestrating a New World Order; relegating the United States into one of many vassal States—like the Nations of Europe—a mere appendage of a transnational, trans-global political, social, economic, legal, and cultural system of governance—a post Nation State world; a mammoth, insatiable beast that gobbles up Nations whole, and reduces populations to abject poverty and servitude. For Americans this means the end of personal freedom and personal autonomy; the end of the right of the individual to be individual, to control one’s own destiny, to remain free from Government interference.These Godless, ruthless overseers of men, controllers of human thought and action, dare dismiss out-of-hand the very truth inherent in the concept of preexisting natural rights. These ruthless Dead Souls would dare to destroy exercise of the the fundamental rights of Americans—the foundation of one’s physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual Self and of one's aspirations: the core of the Bill of Rights. These include the right of free expression and association, the right of free exercise of religion, the right of the people to be free from unreasonable Government searches and seizures, and, most importantly, the right of the people to keep and bear arms. The right of the people to keep and bear arms, especially and singularly, sustains, nurtures, and ensures all the others, sanctifying one’s God-given right of self-defense and God-given right to defend one’s physical, intellectual, and spiritual Self against all State encroachment that, given its nature, would seek, must seek, to crush the individual into submission.The framers of the Constitution of the United States knew full well the danger of a powerful, overbearing centralized authority. Having thrown off the yoke of one such authority, they had no wish, if unintentionally, to create another. They were faced with a conundrum: how to establish a centralized Government strong enough to withstand attacks from outside the Nation but constrained from usurping its formidable power to subjugate the citizenry within the Nation?The Constitution the framers of our Nation hammered out is a testament to their diligence and ingenuity. The blueprint for a Constitutional Republic that the framers designed is unlike that existent in any other Nation on this Earth, existing either before or since the creation of the United States. The framers of our Constitution, the founders of our Constitutional Republic, created and implemented a Governmental structure for our Nation that, to the extent possible, responds to the dilemma they were faced with.This is made abundantly, categorically, and transparently clear in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution: the framers of our Constitution asserted that it is Government that exists to serve the American people and not the people that serve Government. The American people themselves are, then, the true and sole and ultimate authority; sovereign ruler; and final arbiter of the Nation:We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”It is “We the People” that do “form” the Nation. Does a Constitution or other Government forming document of any other Nation on Earth make this claim? And, if so, does the Constitution or other Government forming document of any other Nation on Earth establish the fact—in the language and in the context of that Nation's Constitution or other Government forming document, and not as mere platitude—that it is the people of the Nation themselves that create their Nation and who are therefore the ultimate authority, power, and arbiter of and for their Nation? Not likely.Combing the records for any Constitution or other Government forming document of any other Nation, confederation of Nations, or aggregation of regions will fail to yield anything remotely like our own U.S. Constitution, or one that has endured for so long as ours has.The framers of our Constitution created a centralized “federal” Government that would only be permitted to wield specific power. Thus, such power that the federal Government wields is limited. The primary roles of Government--Legislative, Executive, and Judicial--is exercised by three independent Branches, thus effectively checking the power of any other Branch, and preventing Government from growing ever more powerful. And the nature and extent of the power and authority of each Branch is established clearly and categorically.No Branch is permitted to usurp the power of any other Branch, nor override the power of any other Branch; nor is any Branch of the federal Government permitted to acquiesce to another Branch. Each Branch of the federal Government is constrained to exercise such powers and to wield such authority as precisely prescribed to it in the Constitution’s Articles; and to exercise no other power; nor wield more authority than the powers set for that Branch, as set forth in the Articles.And, to further check the power of the fledgling Nation’s Government, which, given the nature of the beast to accumulate more and more power for itself, if left unchecked, the framers incorporated into the Constitution a Bill of Rights. But, this Bill of Rights was nothing like that existing in any other Nation that happened to have one at all. For our Bill of Rights is not a collection of rights and liberties created by Government.Our Bill of Rights is a codification of preexisting rights intrinsic in each living soul. Our Bill of Rights is not mere platitude, niceties, inconsequential pleasantries, or whimsical touches, expressing, at best, a Nation's honorable intention but having no real effect other than what a Government wishes to give to it. No! the rights codified in our Nation's Bill of Rights is much, much more. Our Bill of Rights comprises affirmations of powers inherent in the American people themselves, preexistent, immutable, indestructible; unalienable;  existing before Government, and beyond the power of Government to lawfully tamper with. And, they are "real powers," not phantoms; They are powers that the framers of the Constitution expected the American people to exercise readily; and to do so in order to effectively corral the Beast--the federal Government. Yet, Andrew Cuomo, Eric Swalwell, and the other progressive and radical Leftist elements do not see the Bill of Rights in that way. They fail to realize and to appreciate the salient fact that the rights codified in the Bill of Rights were not created by the framers of the Constitution; they are simply assertions of rights intrinsic in the soul of each American, and, they need not have been incorporated into the Constitution, but were done so--at the behest of those among the framers who were most prescient, the Antifederalists--to serve as a constant reminder to those who wield power in Government that it is, not them, but the American people who ultimately are in charge. For, it is, after all, their Nation, and the Government belongs to them, to serve them.Those who wield power in Government must remember that it is they who are the servants of the American people; and not the American people who serve them.Yet, we see in the political pronouncements of Cuomo, Swalwell and others, constant efforts to deceive the public, as they beseech the public to relinquish their sacred rights and liberties under the guise of doing so to protect the public, as if the public needs their protection, an arrogant attitude of its own. In truth, they intend to weaken the public, in order to effectively control it, subjugate it. And, to accomplish that end, they must destroy the Bill of Rights. And, to do that, they must somehow convince the public that the Bill of Rights is nothing more than a collection of man-made rights--some good, some not so good, and some, like the right set forth in the Second Amendment, altogether, bad--and all requiring modification, reinterpretation, or outright abrogation. These radical Left elements have, in recent years, become very vocal in their antipathy toward our Nation's Bill of Rights, as they have become ever more frustrated with their inability to transform the Nation into a Marxist, Collectivist construct, to be subsumed eventually into the EU and, thence, into a one-world, unified system of Governance.Radical Left-wing politicians and media personnel dare openly to call for restraints on speech and on freedom of association among the polity; abridgment of the free exercise of religion; abrogation of the right of the people to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures; encroachment on the right to own and possess personal property; and outright eradication of the Second Amendment, audaciously refusing to accept the simple truth of an individual right of the American people to keep and bear arms: and contemptuous then of the U.S. Supreme Court rulings in Heller and McDonald.Cuomo, Swalwell, and the rest of the sordid lot, engage in heresy and sedition and do so openly, bombastically, endlessly. They adamantly refuse to acknowledge the existence of fundamental, preexisting, immutable, unalienable rights; intrinsic to and preexistent in each American citizen and therefore beyond the power of Government to modify, ignore, or abrogate.These Dead Souls endorse the false notion that our Nation's Governmental structure is easily transformable. It isn't and should not be. And these Dead Souls argue that our rights and liberties are infinitely malleable. They aren't and cannot be. But, the false belief allows them to maintain our Nation’s Governmental structure can be manipulated to suit their ends and that our sacred rights and liberties can be modified or abrogated to conform to their vision of reality in a particular moment of time.People like Cuomo and Swalwell are the very manifestation of the real fear our founders rightfully felt could one day doom our Country: that arrogant, ruthless individuals from within our Nation would dare wrest control of the Nation from the American people. And so the framers incorporated the Bill of Rights into our Constitution, and made certain that the Nation's citizenry would be able, in accordance with their God-given right, to be well armed.The right of the people to keep and bear arms is a constant reminder to Cuomo and Swalwell and the rest of them, that a metamorphosis of our Nation into a Collectivist, Marxist nightmare they and other Radicals envision is not so easy to manifest in reality. Thus, they seek to destroy the sacred right that stands in their way—which the framers of our Constitution intended to stand in the way of all those who would dare usurp power for themselves.Cuomo and Swalwell and the rest of the Radical Left continue to debase, damn, and ridicule both the Second Amendment and those who support it. In doing so, they aptly illustrate their condemnation of, disgust with, contempt for, and outright abhorrence of a Governmental structure—a Constitutional Republic, predicated on and defended by an armed citizenry—that they cannot square with the tenets of their radical, Collectivist, Marxist belief system, and which they cannot and will not, then, ever abide by.______________________________________________________Copyright © 2018 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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No other Nation on Earth accepts the notion that its citizens—in many instances today, as in times past, more in the nature of “subjects of the realm” and less true citizens—have an inherent, independent right to keep and bear arms. But, the founders of our Nation conceived Americans as individuals who have their own personal needs and desires; their own individual hopes and dreams. The founders perceived each American to be a unique individual soul. They understood that each life is ordained and governed by the Divine Creator, not by the State. And they crafted a free Republic consistent with that belief. Government exists to serve the American citizen. The American citizen does not exist to serve Government.Americans, as individuals, are not an amorphous collective, to be shepherded and controlled with an iron fist. The founders recognized that a constitution for a new nation must be carefully crafted to uphold and respect the sanctity of the individual, lest the nation devolve into tyranny—the yoke of which the founders had fought hard to throw off, and which they certainly had no wish to impose anew on the fledgling Nation they sought to erect.The principle of the sanctity and inviolability of the individual over that of the societal collective was, for the founders of a Free Republic, self-evident, true. That salient principle is reflected in and manifested in the Nation’s Bill of Rights. No other Nation on this Earth has a Bill of Rights like ours--a Bill of Rights that makes clear that the Government of this Nation is subordinate to and subservient to the will of the American people; always and forever. In the event those who wield power in Government happen to think otherwise, or happen to forget this salient fact, the Second Amendment exists as an ever-present reminder to Government officials and legislators of that salient fact. This is the salient reason why the Radical Left is intent on destroying the Second Amendment, although failing to omit this important fact or otherwise dismissing it out-of-hand if anyone happens to bring the matter up; but that is the Radical Left's true fear; that is the Radical Left's ever-present concern: that an armed citizenry can bring their House of Cards down  and would do so if the Radical Left were ever to move this Country toward Dictatorial rule.So it is, that politicians such as New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo, and Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA)--and other politicians or Government bureaucrats like these two, as well as those who work for the mainstream media, or who are employed in our system of education, or those, unfortunately, who serve as judges in our State or Federal Courts--incessantly, ferociously attack the Second Amendment, acting as if seemingly oblivious to the true import and purport of the Second Amendment, but clearly all too aware of it. This explains the Radical left's single-minded obsession with it and the heavy-handed efforts to defeat it. The Radical Left uses the mantras of "public safety" and "gun violence" to make its goal of de facto repeal of the Second Amendment, deceptively, "disarmingly" plausible and palatable to the citizenry so that it acquiesces, blindly, willingly; surrendering its firearms; ceding its Birthright to the Radical Left. Thus, the total disarming of the American citizenry proceeds, without a whimper; or, so the Radical Left believes and hopes.These politicians, pundits, educators, and jurists intend, unabashedly, to upend the very integrity and structural foundation of our Nation. They do so by masking their policy objectives in the guise of promoting the public good. But, through that very argument—denigrating the Second Amendment to promote and protect the welfare of society—the deviousness and insidiousness of their objectives become readily apparent. They seek to reconfigure the Nation into a societal collective, a dictatorship of a kind; one that many on the Left euphemistically, slyly, and disingenuously, refer to as “Democratic Socialism” --an expression coined merely to mask a demonic vision that is the antithesis of anything the founders of this Nation had sought for the Nation but which the radical Left in this Country intends to thrust upon this Nation anyway. Is it any wonder, then, that this radical Left would seek to destroy our Nation's heritage and history, that it would demand the dismantling of our statues and monuments, and that it would dare reserve for itself the right to declare what constitutes acceptable speech and conduct and what does not, lest our descendants recognize the true extent of their loss, and thereupon rightfully begrudge those who had so unceremoniously stolen their birthright?In the new America the radical Left in this Country conceives, there is no place for an armed citizenry. There is no protection from unreasonable searches and seizures. There is no room for individuals to speak their mind, freely and openly. Even the concept of personal property would rest on shaky ground as that concept is inconsistent with the precepts of socialism.These so-called Democratic Socialists are proponents of Collectivism, not Individualism. They argue that the needs and well-being of Society as a Whole, the Collective, is more important than the needs, the desires, the will of the individual American citizen. As they are aware that the goals and aims of the Collective are often at odds with the goals and aims of the Individual, these Collectivists--these so-called Democratic Socialists--show no reluctance in constraining and restraining the needs and desires of the Individual. The founders of our free Republic would vehemently disagree with the goals, beliefs, and predilections of these Collectivists. They would, in fact, be aghast.The Bill of Rights stands as a testament to the founders’ belief in the sanctity and inviolability of the individual over that of the Collective; over that of the herd. It should come as no surprise, then, as we see these Collectivists, the Radical Left in this Country, criticizing the Bill of Rights, attempting to second-guess the framers' reason for incorporating it into the Constitution, as a salient, critical part of it.The precepts and principles of Collectivism are inconsistent with the very existence of our Bill of Rights, as a clear and categorical codification of fundamental, natural, and unalienable rights. So, the Bill of Rights is slowly being criticized, and portions, like the Second Amendment, in particular, reviled. Nothing in the U.S. Constitution is sacred to the radical Left. Every part of the Constitution is subject to criticism, change, withering, even abrogation.The Collectivists are openly critical of the very idea that certain rights--indeed, that any right--is to be, or can rationally be deemed natural, fundamental, and unalienable. For them all rights are created by and therefore bestowed on the citizenry by Government. And, what Government bestows on a person is  solely within the prerogative of Government, according to the Collectivist belief system, to take away.Thus, Collectivists relentlessly attack the notion of the right of the people to keep and bear arms. They are adamant in their refusal to accept the idea that the right of the people to keep and bear arms exists-- or is even capable of existing--independent of Government authorization.But, there is reason why Collectivists refuse to countenance the notion of the right of the people to keep and bear arms as fundamental, natural, and immutable, quite apart from their rejection of natural law. To the Collectivist, an armed citizenry is an inherent danger to Society. As the Collectivist theorizes, a safe and secure society is one under absolute Governmental control, one under constant supervision and surveillance. So Collectivists remonstrate not only against the existence of an armed citizenry but against the right of unconstrained freedom of speech and freedom of association. And, they attack the basic idea that the American citizen has an unalienable right to be secure in their person and possessions from unreasonable searches and seizures. Collectivists place their sole faith and trust in Government, not in the citizenry. They presume that the citizen cannot be trusted. Contrariwise, the founders placed trust in and their faith in the individual, a sentient being endowed with an immortal soul, by a Divine, Loving Creator. For the founders, it is, then, Government that should not, and cannot be trusted. Thus, the founders designed and implemented a Constitution establishing a Government of limited power, authority, and reach; incorporating into the Constitution, a Bill of Rights, setting forth an expansive set of fundamental, natural, and immutable rights and liberties to be retained solely by the people, in the people themselves, beyond the power of Government to diminish or abrogate.The Collectivists in this Country are, however, humbled and respectful not at all by the singular achievement of our Nation's founders. These Collectivists are actively pursuing an agenda aimed at undoing a Constitutional Republic, grounded in a Constitution that has served the American people well for over two hundred years, and they are absolutely committed to seeing their bizarre vision for this Country come to fruition. We must make sure they don't succeed.______________________________________________________Copyright © 2018 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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