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“ ‘The Reproductive Health Act is a historic victory for New Yorkers and for our progressive values. In the face of a federal government intent on rolling back Roe v. Wade and women’s reproductive rights, I promised that we would enact this critical legislation within the first 30 days of the new session—and we got it done. I am directing that New York's landmarks be lit in pink to celebrate this achievement and shine a bright light forward for the rest of the nation to follow.’” New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s boastful, defiant comment, as he preens before the cameras, having just signed into law, on January 22, 2019, New York’s abominable, Reproductive Health Act—a law that permits at-will abortion under any and all circumstances that heretofore amounted to Manslaughter under New York law.* Quotation obtained from the Daily WireWhat Lord Cuomo giveth, Lord Cuomo doth taketh away. So, this presumed preserver of life is very much the destroyer of life. Less Saint, more Sinner, except to his besotted flock of worshipers, Cuomo seems to be a permanent fixture in New York City. And Cuomo gloats over this "achievement," as reported by the Governor's own news source, just as he had gloated over enactment of the New York Safe Act, years earlier. The number of human beings murdered every year through abortion dwarfs the number of Americans  who lost their lives through the horrific attack on our Country by Islamic terrorists on September 11, 2001; and dwarfs the number of Americans who lost their lives through the reprehensible Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.**In 2016, alone, over 87,000 abortions took place in New York, as reported by abort., citing statistics of the New York State Department of Health.*** Reflect on this: that number, 87,000, is the number of human lives that were destroyed in New York before enactment of the Reproductive Health Act. How many abortions will occur in 2019 and in subsequent years in the State of New York, given that abortion, in New York, under any circumstances, is, henceforth, no longer a crime?**** That number will most certainly skyrocket with enactment of the Reproductive Health Act, especially now that abortion, under any circumstances, is no longer a crime in New York, as any reference to abortion as a crime has been repealed in every section of the Penal Code of New York; and New York's Police Coroners are now forbidden to investigate any incidence of abortion. See the Arbalest Quarrel article, "A License to Kill," Part Eight of this series, for details on the State Legislature's changes to New York law, mandated by the Reproductive Health Act.Too bad the Nation cannot quarantine this man, Andrew Cuomo, (Governor of New York), as a carrier of virulent plague, and quarantine, as well, those who share his bizarre world view—his base that, perennially, is of one mind with the idea that an unborn child is just one of many non-sentient body organs to be disposed of at whim.


There is nothing pretty about abortion. That is a fact that those who argue for abortion, especially who no are pushing even for late term abortion, up to the very moment of birth, do not want the American public to know. Not surprisingly, the mainstream Press doesn't even hint at the horrors of late term abortion, fearing a massive public outcry and backlash. But, the Ghouls that seek to censor the horrific facts of late term abortion cannot control the entirety of the Web, at least at this present moment in time, much as they would like do so; albeit they have obtained Court Orders blocking the few major cable news networks that would otherwise report the sordid details. Still, abortion-rights fanatics cannot censor every news resource. View this video clip, provided by; and this, from Lifesite; and this one from the Daily Wire. And, there are many more.Yet, despite the horror of abortion, the Dead Souls, the God Denying Atheists of the Radical Left, sing Cuomo’s praises with ebullient comments. The National Institute of Reproductive Health (NIRH) President, Andrea Miller gushes:“Today, Governor Cuomo recommitted to passing the Reproductive Health Act within the first 30 days of the new session – a position supported by New York voters who in November delivered a mandate to pass the RHA. . . . New Yorkers need and deserve stronger laws to protect their reproductive freedoms and enshrine them into state  NIRH applauds Governor Cuomo for recognizing that access to abortion care is a fundamental right, and for his promise to advance that right through New York law. Through our recently launched campaign to build grassroots support throughout the Hudson Valley and Long Island and raise awareness of and swiftly pass the RHA, NIRH looks forward to continuing our work with Governor Cuomo to turn this bill into law as soon as possible.” Miller also said this: “Governor Cuomo has tirelessly advocated for a woman’s access to quality reproductive health care, especially in the face of hostile attacks from the president, U.S. Congress and Supreme Court. Today, in signing the RHA, the CCCA, and the Boss Bill, he has cemented New York’s role as a progressive stronghold that prioritizes access to abortion care and contraception.” Planned Parenthood of New York adds its sentiments, writing:“Planned Parenthood of New York City applauds advocates and the New York State Legislature who today moved our state forward with milestone legislation securing sexual and reproductive health care and rights, including passing a groundbreaking bill updating New York’s abortion law for the first time since the law was originally passed in 1970.” A pro-abortion advocate and defender of late term abortions, Monica Klein, founding partner of the radical Left-wing Group, Seneca Strategies, one-time communications director for Mayor de Blasio’s re-election campaign in 2017, and regional press secretary for the Clinton campaign in Ohio in 2016 (according to her Bio), happened to be interviewed on Tucker Carlson, a few months ago. When asked about late term abortions, Klein refused to discuss the horror of infanticide. Instead she sarcastically, caustically attacked Tucker Carlson on his own program. Her facial mannerisms, in the video clip are telling: acutely disrespectful.And, the Left-wing weblog, HuffPost, apparently thinks Monica Klein’s behavior is not only acceptable, but commendable.In fact, abortion on demand is, or certainly will be, a principal platform of the Democratic Party going into the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. And each of the candidates hoping for the Party's nomination for U.S. President in 2020 are falling all over themselves, establishing their unqualified support for abortion--all that is but for Joe Biden, who is attempting to cast himself as an apparent hold-out centrist candidate. But, in Biden's present support of the Hyde Amendment, he has thereby incurred the wrath of abortion rights zealots. The Hill reports"Former Vice President Joe Biden infuriated abortion rights advocates Wednesday when his campaign confirmed he supports a policy that blocks Medicaid and other federal health programs from paying for abortions, making him the only Democratic presidential candidate to hold that position.Biden's support of the the Hyde Amendment puts him at odds with party leaders, congressional Democrats and his 2020 competitors amid growing momentum to repeal the federal prohibition."That, at any rate, was Biden's position up to June 5, 2019. But, wait! Biden just reversed course. The New York Times reports, now, on June 6, 2019, that:"After two days of intense criticism, Joseph R. Biden Jr. reversed himself Thursday night on one of the issues most important to Democratic voters, saying he no longer supports a measure that bans federal funding for most abortions." This change of heart should come as a surprise to no one. We see politicians, generally, and Democrats in particular, routinely changing their position on the issues. They claim they were wrong, before, as for example, on the immigration issue, and they are correct, after; that their new position accurately reflects their "real" position. That is, of course, until they change their position once again, ever again, as they have a mind to do, with disturbing regularity and frequency.The fact of the matter is that these jackasses do not hold a consistent position on anything, even though, at any given moment of time, when you find them proselytizing, they claim to hold a firm and unyielding position on everything. It would've been refreshing if Joe Biden had the decency, at least, to be honest with his remarks to the American citizenry. He could have stated that he espouses no particular view on the killing of unborn human beings. The public could have, then at least, respected him for his honesty; for having demonstrated the courage to admit the simple truth, namely that he doesn't care; that, in fact, he couldn't care less, one way or the other, about the life of an unborn child. But, then, honesty isn't Biden's strong suit. Biden must revert to form, namely that of a slug. He must engage in pretense. He must provide a pathetic rationale for his "U-Turn" on the Hyde Amendment--an utterly implausible 180 degree turn, especially as Biden proffers it just a few days after having clearly, succinctly, categorically, and unequivocally asserted his support for the Hyde Amendment. So, then, are we supposed to believe the truth of Biden's earlier statement, or are we supposed to believe the truth of his later statement? Or, for that matter, should we believe what it is that this man has to say about anything at all? Well, there is one thing that the public can reasonably take to be true about Biden, and that is his desire to secure his Party's nomination for U.S. President; and that, of course, is the only thing the rest of the disgusting horde of Democratic Party candidates, vying for their Party's nomination care about, as well. To that end, Joe Biden, and the rest of this odious bunch will say and do anything.And so, Biden reverts to form, namely that of a spineless slug, as he offers a pathetic, implausible, and, in fact, ludicrous, rationale for his seeming reasonable change of heart on the Hyde Amendment.The Hill had this to say about Joe Biden's flip-flop:"Democratic presidential hopeful former Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday he no longer supports the Hyde Amendment, just one day after reaffirming his decades-long support for the ban on federal funding for abortions.'If I believe health care is a right, as I do, I can no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone's ZIP code,' he said at a Democratic National Committee gala in Atlanta.Biden cited abortion restrictions recently passed by Republican governors for his change in position. 'I can't justify leaving millions of women without the access to care they need, and the ability to exercise their constitutionally protected right,' he said.The presidential front-runner added that he makes 'no apologies'  for his previous support for the Hyde Amendment [of course not, after all Joe Biden is slug]."But circumstances have changed. I've been working through the final details of my health care plan like others in this race, and I've been struggling with the problems that Hyde now presents," he said. Biden’s presidential campaign had said Wednesday that he still supported the controversial ban.The news sparked intense blowback from members of his party, including fellow presidential hopefuls, who criticized Biden for maintaining his stance amid a spate of abortion restrictions passing state legislatures.  The remarks also drew criticism from women's health and abortion rights groups, including Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America.Planned Parenthood CEO Leana Wen lauded Biden's announcement on Twitter.'Happy to see Joe Biden embrace what we have long known to be true: Hyde blocks people—particularly women of color and women with low incomes—from accessing safe, legal abortion care,' Wen wrote."And, we are supposed to take Biden at this word? But, think about this: "safe, legal abortion care?" Safe for whom? Definitely, not for the unborn child, who is unceremoniously and perfunctorily dispensed with like so much detritus. And, "legal" by what standard? Such makeshift expedient that is less law and more perversion and travesty, a thing merely masquerading as "law." And, the public is expected to kowtow to this sacrilege; to accept this out-of-hand, without recourse, without question, without debate?Clearly, the radical elements in society, who would dare turn law and morality on its head, don’t want debate, and, having essentially taken over the mainstream Press and the Democratic Party, they wish to shut down debate on all political, social, ethical, and legal issues; and that includes their refusal to discuss the issue of late-term abortion. They absolutely, adamantly, shamelessly, refuse to take well justified criticisms of their positions head-on, which they would clearly lose, given the unsoundness of their positions. They instead invoke fallacious straw man arguments and red herrings in an illogical, irrational attempt to make a case for the killing of the unborn child.And, especially in matters of the killing of an unborn child, these fanatics, these Dead Souls, prefer to use, and they invariably resort to indiscriminate use of, verbal slurs, insults, snubs, barbs, and rebuffs, even physical altercations against all those who disagree with them. That is how they proceed to make their case, ever preferring the use of vitriol and violence to that of calm and open discussion, as we see in this Lifenews clip. Threats of physical violence and actual physical violence, outbursts of vitriol and venom, and the use of harsh emotional rhetoric, devoid of rational, deliberate, intellectual substance is, after all, really all these Dead Souls have in their tool chest.And, where, in all of this, is the calm, reasoned, but forceful voice of Pope Francis to refute and rebuke these Radical Left fanatics, and to refute and rebuke, especially, the fanatic, Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York, a Roman Catholic no less, who has cajoled, coerced, and maneuvered the New York State Legislature into turning at-will, late term abortion--heretofore a serious crime, manslaughter--into a lawful act! 


Pope Francis refuses to speak out against Governor Cuomo, by name; and he refuses to attack specific abortion policies, particularly the abhorrent the Reproductive Health Act of 2019, that has now been enacted into law. Of course, if Pope Francis did speak out, it follows that Governor Cuomo must be excommunicated from the Church, as, indeed, many Catholics have called for; and this is the takeaway from Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s own righteous denunciation of Governor Cuomo, as referenced in the National Catholic Register. See also this Fox News clip.It isn't by accident that  Pope Francis has remained reticent—apparently not willing and not prepared to take on a Governor of a major City in the United States, head-on.But, by doing nothing, by remaining noticeably silent, Pope Francis, as the religious leader of well over one billion Roman Catholics, has essentially acquiesced to the Governor of New York and to others like him. Pope Francis could could have denounced Andrew Cuomo, without suffering international backlash since the Governor is, after all, a Roman Catholic. He isn't an Islamist or a Jew, even though abortion is reprehensible to adherents of those mainstream religious faiths as well.The Pope would clearly have been targeting someone within the Roman Catholic faith, whose words and actions are inconsistent with Roman Catholicism. And, as a Roman Catholic, Andrew Cuomo's words and actions fall, then, squarely within the purview and jurisdiction of the Pope, on all matters having a spiritual nexus. And the matter of abortion certainly has that. What then explains the Pontiff's reticence in condemning Cuomo's words and actions. After all, Governor Cuomo bears personal, grave, and ultimate responsibility, for enactment of the Reproductive Health Act of 2019 as he was always the driving force for it and behind it.But, Pope Francis may have thought that speaking out directly against Cuomo--Roman Catholic though Cuomo be--might have negative repercussions for the Vatican. But, what could be more detrimental to the well-being of the Catholic Church than failure to speak out on behalf of the most innocent human beings among us; those who cannot speak for themselves; a human infant? Failure of Pope Francis to speak out against New York’s Reproductive Health Act, as a matter of pragmatic politics does not bode well either for New York or for the Vatican.It is only recently, on May 25, 2019, that Pope Francis did speak out on the horrors of abortion but he did so obliquely, directing outrage to no one in particular; nor to any specific radical abortion policy. The Hill reports,“Pope Francis compared having an abortion to hiring a ‘hitman’ and called the procedure always unacceptable on Saturday. ‘Is it legitimate to take out a human life to solve a problem?’ . . . . The pope characterized aborting an unhealthy fetus as “inhuman eugenics. ‘Human life is sacred and inviolable and the use of prenatal diagnosis for selective purposes should be discouraged with strength,’ Francis said. . . .”The Pontiff’s  remarks come as anti-abortion legislation sweeps across several U.S. states. In recent weeks, several state legislatures have advanced or passed bills outlawing abortion at about six weeks into a pregnancy. This month, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R) signed a bill into law that would outlaw almost all abortions." The Pope’s remarks are tepid at best, demonstrating that he would rather play the role of the follower, than that of a leader. This is decidedly contrary to what one would expect of a Pontiff. This isn’t the time for passivity and timidity. Andrew Cuomo and other Left-wing extremists must be called out for their deleterious, monstrous words and sinful actions--words and actions that have no parallel in our Nation’s history._________________________________________________________*A Reporter for The Daily Wire, reports: “On Tuesday [January 22, 2019] New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, delighted that the New York legislature passed the Reproductive Health Act which would allow mothers to kill (pardon me, abort) their babies up until birth, celebrated this legalized murder by ordering that the spire at One World Trade Center, the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, the Kosciuszko Bridge and the Alfred E. Smith Building in Albany all be lit in pink on Tuesday night.”**The website reports that, a total of 2,996 people lost their lives as a result of the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center Buildings, more loss of American lives, 2,335, than occurred on the day Japan attacked the Naval Base at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, (as reported by the website,, horrific as that attack on our Country was.***Perhaps, Cuomo intends, through his “Pink Light,” “ to commemorate” the death of American infants by abortion. Consider these New York State abortion statistics in light of According to the website, Abort, “The New York State Department of Health reports that 87,325 abortions took place in New York during 2016 [and] this number includes abortions performed on out-of-state residents. . . .”  That same website reports that, from 2006 through 2012, there were, for each year, well over 100,000 abortions in New York. Now, however, with enactment of New York’s Reproductive Health Act, these numbers, high as they are, will undoubtedly climb much higher, increasing exponentially. Might one expect 500,000 abortions? 1,000,000? Certainly many women residing in other States will now flock to New York to obtain abortions, given the ease with which they can obtain them, no questions asked. The pro-abortion group Women’s Choice doesn’t hide its adulation over New York’s permissive abortion policy, asserting,“New York State has the most open and least restrictive laws regarding abortion. Many women travel from other states and other countries to New York to receive abortion care. New York State has the most open and least restrictive laws regarding abortion. Medicaid covers abortion for low-income women. Teenagers do not need a parent’s permission to have an abortion. There are no 24-hour waiting periods so abortions can be performed in one visit.” Keep in mind, too, that Governor Cuomo’s radical abortion policy is not something he conjured up in the last several months. Cuomo’s radical abortion initiatives hark back at least to the early days of  2017, and probably well before that. The Reproductive Health Act of 2019 is simply the culmination of a massive effort, commencing years before, to legalize at-will abortion up to the very moment of birth. With Democratic Party control of both Houses of the New York State Legislature in 2019, Cuomo found that he could now make his abortion policy goals a reality, and he proceeded to do so, with diabolical glee.****We invite the interested reader to see the Arbalest Quarrel article, "A License to Kill," Part Eight of this series.______________________________________________________Copyright © 2018 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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"The self-deceived person may even think he is able to console others who became victims of perfidious deception, but what insanity when someone who himself has lost the eternal wants to heal the person who is extremely sick unto death!" ~Søren Kierkegaard, from Works of Love (1847)


Radical Left politicians, along with a compliant Press, carry the message of the Collectivist vision—a vision that overrides concern for the health, safety, and well-being of the Nation and of the Nation’s citizenry.Like the crass hypocrites they are, radical Leftists love to go on about how they respect the rule of law, but ignore it when they find it convenient to do so to support their radical agenda. Lacking all visible restraint and common decency, they flagrantly, even exuberantly, attack our Constitution, our institutions, our history, our culture, our ethos, our Nation’s Judeo-Christian ethical underpinnings and belief in the Divine Creator.These Dead Souls, these transgressors of the Creator’s sacred Commandments attack all our citizenry holds most dear and these extremists do so with increasing frequency and ferocity. Everything about them bespeaks ill-will, anger, hatred, resentment, intemperance, rage. They don’t seek to preserve our Nation; rather, they seek to destroy it. Both in their words and actions, they intend to rend everything, both tangible and intangible, that represents and constitutes the very soul-memory of our Nation and its people. These radical Leftists, these God-deniers, these Dead Souls, will suffer no one that dares disagree with them.These Dead Souls ignore, out-of-hand, fundamental rights etched in the Bill of Rights, but show no reluctance in creating out of whole cloth other “rights” that cohere with their Collectivist precepts. They claim as fundamental rights: the right to attend college; the right to abortion on demand; the right of non-citizens to reside here under a general prescription of seeking asylum; and the right to be free from so-called “hate speech” and hurtful speech in the public space.But such purported “rights” exist nowhere, tacitly or expressly, in the Bill of Rights or, for that matter, anywhere else in the Nation’s Constitution. Indeed, one presumed fundamental right catalogued by the Radical Left—the claim of a fundamental right to abortion on demand, abjectly unnatural, is transparently contradicted by Federal Statute and Supreme Court precedent, as is the right to be free from such vague notions as “hate speech” and hurtful speech.Yet, as these Dead Souls don’t profess a belief in the concept of natural rights preexistent in the citizenry, such new panoply of “rights,” that are permitted to exist at all, shall consist only of those that Government deigns to grant to the polity, whether to a few members of the polity or to several of its members; whether to most members of the polity or to all its members—but with the understanding that such set of rights and liberties may be amended, ignored, or abrogated as Government needs and goals change, or as Government simply wishes.And Government, as Government is conceived by these Radical Leftists, these Dead Souls, may at will, amend ignore or abrogate any and all such rights and liberties; doing so if for no other reason than to make the point that all lawful power, authority, and control emanates from and proceeds through Government to the Governed, the people, and not to Government through the consent of the Governed, the people. Thus, the Radical Left seeks to turn the very political framework of our Nation on its head.These Leftist extremists in the United States—these proponents of the political and social philosophy of Collectivism—will seek the “consent of the governed” one final time. By turns, they persuade, urge, and cajole the public to relinquish all power and authority to Government, claiming, all the while that this will all be for the best: for the good of society, for the good of the Collective, for the good of the Hive, albeit not good, at all, for the individual, the American citizen.And, this fact explains the Radical left's single-minded obsession with the Second Amendment in particular, and the heavy-handed efforts to defeat it. The Radical Left uses the mantras of "public safety" and "gun violence" to make its goal of de facto repeal of the Second Amendment, deceptively, "disarmingly" plausible and palatable to the citizenry so that it acquiesces, blindly, willingly; surrendering its firearms; ceding its Birthright to the Radical Left. Thus, the total disarming of the American citizenry proceeds, without a whimper; or, so the Radical Left believes and hopes. And, for these Americans who are not so easily duped, who do not wish to acquiesce, the Radical Left is not reluctant to use threats. Recall the remarks of the “illustrious” Congressional Representative from the “Sanctuary” State of California, Eric Swalwell, who, in November 2018, brazenly, spouted that he would be ready “to nuke” gun owners who do not willingly surrender their “assault weapons.” Many Americans took offense at the remark and rightfully so. Yet, the liberal “fact-checker” website, Snopes, counters that Swalwell had never really meant what he said. Trying to cast a positive light on Swalwell’s remark, Snopes reports:What's True [about Swalwell’s remark]In a tweet on 16 November, Swalwell responded to a gun rights enthusiast who said the Democrats' proposal to confiscate or buy semi-automatic rifles would result in "war" due to resistance from the gun owners, stating "it would be a short war" because "the government has nukes."What's False [about Swalwell’s remark]Swalwell quickly insisted that his reference to the government's possession of nuclear weapons was intended as no more than a joke and emphasized that he was not warning gun owners about such a response to their (hypothetical) resistance to gun confiscation.But, who is the joke really on? Obviously, the remark was hyperbole. That much is true. But Swalwell’s sentiment wasn’t, and isn’t hyperbole. Swalwell is deadly serious. Eric Swalwell is one of a large bevy of Democratic Party candidates campaigning for his Party’s nomination for U.S. President in the upcoming 2020 election, and, while all of these Candidates are virulently antigun, Eric Swalwell, in particular, is running prominently on an antigun platform.Lauding the Australian Government’s gun confiscation policy, Swalwell is openly critical of our own Nation’s Second Amendment right of the people to keep and bear arms, and he has made clear that he intends to confiscate all firearms Government defines as 'assault weapons.'What isn’t humorous about Swalwell’s remarks—not the least bit humorous—and isn’t meant to be a joke, is a point that Swalwell has stated and reiterated often, and it is a cornerstone of his antigun plank. Swalwell has made it abundantly clear and is deadly serious when he asserts his intention to confiscate all firearms that Government—his Administration—defines as ‘assault weapons.’ And, he has also made it crystal clear that any American citizen who fails to surrender those weapons will be arrested and prosecuted.Consistent with the pronouncements of Obama and Hillary Clinton, Swalwell waxes poetic about Australia’s extraordinarily restrictive gun measures. But, keep in mind that Australia’s heavy-handed antigun stance and actions that Swalwell and that Obama and Clinton applaud, isn’t a Constitutional Republic in the vein of our own Nation. Australia is a Commonwealth Nation, presided over by a Governor General, who answers to the Queen of England. Moreover, Australia, unlike our Nation, never did recognize a right of the people of Australia to own and possess firearms, independent of Government say-so. Hell, Australia doesn’t even have a Bill of Rights and its overseers have vigorously fought against inclusion of one. Not surprisingly, then, the Australian Government can by,  fiat, restrict gun ownership and possession, and Australians--less citizens than subjects of the realm--have no legal recourse. And, this is the Country that Swalwell, and Obama, and Clinton, and all of the other Leftist extremists emulate?To say these Leftist extremists hold a vision of America different from that of the founders’ vision, indeed a vision diametrically opposed to that of our founders’, is a crass understatement. For the assertion fails to capture the sheer scale and scope of the Radical Left's horrific agenda--what it is the Radical Left wants to accomplish and what it intends to force upon Americans, all of us--in the event it gains control of all three Branches of Government.What these extremists, these Dead Souls, seek to accomplish is the creation of an entirely different kind of America; an America no longer conceived as a free Republic, no longer existing as an independent, Sovereign Nation State. What these Dead Souls have in mind for Americans and for the Nation is the Nation's dissolution and the subjugation of its citizens. They perceive the remains of what once existed as a free Republic and independent Sovereign Nation State subsumed into a new Governmental and societal construct entirely—indeed, completely consumed by a new international world order that, like a giant serpent, swallows Nation’s whole.Thus, these Radical Leftists, these Dead Souls, seek to demolish the very existence of our Country as a Sovereign Nation State and free Republic; and, in so doing, they seek to undercut the very notion of a Bill of Rights that embraces fundamental, natural rights, preexistent in the Nation’s citizenry—rights, then, that, in the founders' vision, precede and transcend Government and rest well beyond the lawful power of Government to constrain. The Radical Left’s objectives  for this Nation are ruthlessly, remorselessly and frightfully diabolical; its rhetoric, transparently duplicitous; its lack of concern for the Nation's citizenry, abjectly shameful; its methods, rapaciously mercenary. Americans would do well to keep all this uppermost in mind when they go to the polls in 2020.______________________________________________________Copyright © 2018 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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The current generation now sees everything clearly, it marvels at the errors, it laughs at the folly of its ancestors, not seeing that this chronicle is all overscored by divine fire, that every letter of it cries out, that from everywhere the piercing finger is pointed at it, at this current generation; but the current generation laughs and presumptuously, proudly begins a series of new errors, at which their descendants will also laugh afterwards.” ~ Nikolai Gogol, (born March 31, 1809; died March 4, 1852); Russian Dramatist; quotation from Gogol’s seminal satire on imperial Russian venality, vulgarity, and pomp, “Dead Souls.”


The radical Left in this Country acts like petulant children. Ever disdainful of our Nation’s rich cultural and historical and ethical heritage, and contemptuous of the profundity of the sacred Document upon which our Nation has been structured and upon which the foundation of our Nation securely rests, this radical Left, ascribing to the tenets of Collectivism, peevishly, presumptuously presumes it knows better than the framers how a Nation ought to be structured, and how a Nation ought to be governed. This extremist left-wing Marxist element in our Nation exhibits no restraint as it dares to tamper with the U.S. Constitution that the framers, through their blood, through their selfless sacrifice, lovingly bequeathed to their descendants—this Nation’s proud citizenry.And what is THIS extremist alien Marxist element that would upend our Nation? It is a heterogeneous horde of unrepentant Dead Souls. These Dead Souls adhere to the tenets of Collectivism. Collectivism embraces a set of principles completely at odds with that set of principles inherent in our Constitutionprinciples predicated on the philosophical concept and tenets of Individualism that the radical Left contemptuously spurns. Convinced of the absolute infallibility of its beliefs—ever prey to delusions of grandeur—the radical Left exhibits rancor toward the founders of our Nation, as it goes about unceremoniously, indiscriminately, rapaciously destroying and ravaging the monuments to our forebears.These Dead Souls operate with rabid ferocious, feverish, and all too characteristic abandon, yet with clear, cold, callous, calculated purpose, as they are fixated on erasing, annihilating, obliterating our Nation’s rich cultural history and heritage—the totality of our Nation’s ancestral memory. Screaming like maniacal banshees, they denounce those who disagree with them; outrageously daring to cripple or abrogate outright the Articles of our Constitution that constrain Government; and, at one and the same time, they attempt to obliterate the fundamental rights and liberties that ensure our citizenry’s freedoms—all the while proclaiming that this is all for the best. But all for the best for whom, exactly: for illegal aliens, who have no comprehension of our system of laws and governance, or for the sanctity of, indeed, the very conception of natural, fundamental, and unalienable rights? for convicted felons, gangbangers, and other assorted maniacs, lunatics, sociopaths, and psychopaths, who pose a constant threat to the safety and well-being of the average, law-abiding, sane American citizen? for nihilistic Anarchists, Marxists, Communists, and Socialists, whose aim is the dissolution of our independent, Sovereign, Nation State, and, indeed, who desire to destroy all Western Nations? for a handful of billionaire neoliberals and Globalists who seek to institute a new world order, consisting of one political, social, economic, financial, and cultural system of governance that they alone rule and preside over? for obdurate, headstrong, boisterous, teenagers and rowdy college kids, and for the radical instructors and administrators of our educational institutions who urge them on, often joining them in their charges mindless ecstatic escapades, intent on destruction of the very soul of our Nation? for Hollywood moguls and actors, and for technology company CEOs, who use their wealth and influence heedlessly, arrogantly and self-righteously to attack the U.S. President, in support of the radical left agenda? for the bureaucrats and their minions in Government, and for those politicians who, having a voracious, insatiable lust for for power, would dare use it to destroy the institution of the U.S. Presidency and bring, as well, dishonor, disrepute to the Government and to the American people for whom, ostensibly, they work? for those publishers, editors, reporters, and commentators of the mainstream media who, hiding behind the First Amendment Freedom of the Press, spew invective and venom, and who hurl epithets incessantly, spitefully at the President? for all those people in America who would dare launch reckless ad hominem attacks against anyone, indeed, everyone, who happens to adhere to a different set of political and philosophical beliefs—political and philosophical beliefs that, unlike their own, entail a deep, abiding respect for our Nation’s rich and unique cultural heritage and history, and who revere our Nation’s Constitution, and who venerate our Nation’s founding fathers, and who appreciate our Nation’s Judeo-Christian ethic, and who would rather demonstrate to the world an abiding admiration for, rather than a loathing for, our system of law and jurisprudence, and for our Bill of Rights, and for our institutions, and for our free market economic system that has brought wealth and prosperity to millions of Americans and has made our Nation the envy of the world?In our Nation, unlike any other nation, it is the American citizenry itself in whom ultimate power and authority resides. This is made pointedly and categorically clear, through the right of the people to keep and bear arms—a right that inures in and to the people themselves and not in Government. But, these Collectivists see the Second Amendment, not as a godsend, but as a blemish, an imperfection. Yet, in attacking the Second Amendmentand of late, attacking the First Amendment Freedom of Speech, as well—and by attacking the President, and by tearing down monuments, and by dishonoring our Nation’s Flag, these Collectivists, these Dead Souls, discredit themselves, as Americans. But, much worse, they bring dishonor to the Nation. And they bring dishonor to the men and women who have given their lives to defend and preserve our Nation and our way of life, since the very birth of our Nation.By assailing, berating, mocking, and discrediting our Nation, our President, our Constitution, our sacred rights and liberties, our history, our traditions, our core values—all those things that make us Americans, a unique and free people—these Left-wing extremists make jackasses of themselves in the eyes of the world, and, in so doing, would dare draw down the enmity of the world upon our Nation and all of its people. These radical elements in our Nation, these Dead Souls, hypocritically proclaim a moral need to act against the very Nation that has given them sustenance, and that continues, remarkably, to sustain them even as they flail out, rabidly against it.But, then, these Collectivists, these ghoulish apparitions, who live among us, aren’t really Americans. They have forsaken any right to call themselves Americans, to think of themselves as Americans, as they unconscionably sow disharmony and discord in our Country.Is this Nation, then, to fall to those who cast aspersions on it, from within the bowels of it? The hideous ghouls who desire to rend the entire fabric of our Nation--a Nation that has stood strong, unconquered, unyielding against external foes, since its birth--ought deal harshly with these contemptible malcontents. They who hate our Nation and its people and its Constitution must be cast out from our Nation. Perhaps, the EU, whom these ghouls admire so, will take them in. It is evident they wish to see our Nation folded into a new trans-world system of governance, where orders and edicts emanate from Brussels.Yet, these Dead Souls will suffer no one to tell them they are wrong and have been wrong all along, dead wrong. Their agenda serves only to wreak havoc across our Nation. Were they to succeed, they would bring nothing but ruin, desolation, and horror to this Nation and to its people; but they don't care. In their blind rage, it is sadly evident that these Dead Souls want to accomplish just that: to destroy the Nation outright. The fruits of their design are plentiful. We see their grand design today in their attempt to erase our history; in their attempt to weaken our fundamental rights and liberties; in their desire to redistribute the Nation’s bounty in accordance with the tenets of Marxism; in their dishonor of our Nation’s flag and in their antipathy toward other National emblems and monuments. And we see their insidious design in their stated desire to rewrite the United States Constitution—the foundation and framework of our free Republic.These ghouls demonstrate, plainly, in their every word and deed, that they disdain the very notion of the United States as an independent Sovereign Nation. Recall Obama, one of their smooth-talking stooges. Ever the apologist, ever emulating the EU, Obama used the Office of the Presidency to bind this Nation to the EU. President Trump, though, has worked ardently, stoically, on behalf of the American people, to reverse course; to reverse the Marxist agenda set by the previous President.Is it any wonder, then, why the Democratic “Socialists”—these Dead Souls—seek to regain the reins of all three Branches of Government. They wish to reset policy in accordance with the Obama/Clinton agenda?These Dead Souls continue, incessantly, obstinately, spinning their wheels attacking the President. They are apoplectic that Donald Trump won the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.But, perhaps these constant, insatiable, virulent attacks on the President may have a silver lining. The Dead Souls in Congress won’t succeed. The Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, couldn’t take down the President, and they won’t succeed to do so either. But, their buffoonish, imbecilic attempt does keep them preoccupied. Just, imagine, for a moment, the damaging legislation they would produce if they directed attention to their salient Article 1 pursuit, instead?______________________________________________________Copyright © 2018 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved. 

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