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Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interréd with their bones; So let it be with Caesar. The noble Brutus Hath told you Caesar was ambitious: If it were so, it was a grievous fault, And grievously hath Caesar answer'd it. Here, under leave of Brutus and the rest— For Brutus is an honourable man; So are they all, all honourable men— Come I to speak in Caesar's funeral. He was my friend, faithful and just to me: But Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honourable man. He hath brought many captives home to Rome Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill:  Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept: Ambition should be made of sterner stuff: Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; And Brutus is an honourable man. You all did see that on the Lupercal I thrice presented him a kingly crown, Which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition? Yet Brutus says he was ambitious; And, sure, he is an honourable man. I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke, But here I am to speak what I do know. You all did love him once, not without cause: What cause withholds you then, to mourn for him? O judgment! Thou art fled to brutish beasts, And men have lost their reason. Bear with me; My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar, And I must pause till it come back to me.Act III, Scene 2, Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare


Bureaucrats of the Deep State and Congressional Democrats are frightened, and discontented, and are quietly seething with rage. There is no other accurate way to put it. Since Hillary Clinton lost the election, they have been hard at work, attempting to destroy Donald Trump and the Trump Administration--partly as payback for the audacity of Trump to snatch the Presidency from the grasp of Hillary Clinton. The problem for these Congressional Democrats and Bureaucrats of the Deep State is that they must come out of the shadows and demonstrate not only how much they loathe Trump but the extent of their contempt for the American people.Had Hillary Clinton prevailed in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, as these Bureaucrats of the Deep State and as Congressional Democrats  had hoped, and, indeed, had assumed, the slow dissolution of our Country as an independent sovereign Nation, and the slow undermining of our sacred Bill of Rights would have continued, quietly, surreptitiously, inexorably, unabated. But, because Hillary Clinton lost the election, the betrayers of this Nation must show their hand. They are forced to cover their tracks, and, at one and the same time, they brazenly attempt to undermine the President of the United States, Donald Trump. Even now they are hard at work to warp this Nation into a thing completely alien to it--something completely at odds with the founders vision for it. These Congressional Democrats and Bureaucrats of the Deep State operate seemingly oblivious to the fact that the American electorate has spoken. Clinton has not won the election. Her imperial ambitions are done, finished.The American electorate has had enough of the Clintons and of Obama. It has seen the damage wrought by the Obama Presidency--damage that would not have been redressed but that would have continued into a Clinton Presidency--and the electorate has voted into Office, a man who has a new vision for this Country, a man who seeks to set the Nation on its proper course, a course consistent with the vision that the founders of the Nation, the framers of our Constitution, had desired for this Country.Yet, the betrayers of our Nation will not abide this. Unfortunately, their reach extends well beyond the Bureaucratic institutions of our Government. These betrayers have infiltrated the business, financial and technology sectors of the economy, and they have infiltrated the institution of education and they have infiltrated the entertainment and media industries.The mainstream news media Press continues its rampant, rabid assault against President Trump, all the while claiming disingenuously, that it is simply reporting the “truth.” But, "this truth” to which they ascribe is an amorphous, flexible concept and they use their notion of “truth” to discourage, trouble, and confound the public.And, the Deep State Bureaucrats of the DOJ and FBI and intelligence agencies, for their part, misuse regulatory power, all the while claiming to do so to secure our national security. How it is that senior officials of the FBI would fail to recommend that charges be brought against a likely career felon like Hillary Clinton and how it is that officials of the DOJ would fail to indict this person, doing their damnedest to see to it that she continue her run for President of the United States stretches credulity. Yet, the mainstream media Press assert the integrity of these senior Officials of the DOJ and FBI, and Congressional leaders of the Democratic Party also assert and proclaim the integrity of these senior Officials of the DOJ and FBI. And these men and women, these senior Officials of the DOJ and FBI do, themselves, proclaim their integrity and forthrightness. And, of course  these men and women of indelible integrity, that exude such purity and piety, are honorable, all of them truly honorable men and women.Should the American citizenry doubt this, any of it? And, what of Hillary Clinton? What an abundance of integrity stuffed in the encasement of her body. Did Hillary Clinton commit numerous felonies? Of course not! How do we know. We know this because FBI Officials such as James Comey and Andrew McCabe and Peter Strzok say so. And, we can take them at their word. Because these men, of course, all of them, do exude an abundance of integrity. And they are all, all of them, truly honorable men.And, Robert Mueller? What can we say about him? Robert Mueller is said by his proponents to exude the utmost integrity. Can anyone reasonably doubt that? But, if he had such integrity, would this man—this man of integrity, this honorable man—deign to have reason to investigate the President of the United States? Robert Mueller, this man of integrity, of honor, of rectitude, must think that the President and the President’s Campaign Officials and the President’s Cabinet have engaged in subterfuge with Putin and the dastardly Russians. After all, Russia, the evil empire of Vladimir Putin, is attempting to destroy our Democratic Republic, don’t you know? And, how do we know? We have it on faith. We have it from the words of an honorable man, Adam Schiff and we have it from the words of an honorable woman, Dianne Feinstein—for they are all, both of them truly honorable people. This honorable man and this honorable woman has the best interests of the American people at heart. Who among the American citizenry can reasonably doubt that? Can any American citizen truly doubt that?Look at all that these Congressional Democrats have done for us, and all that they will do for us if Americans would just give them the chance. And, yet, with so many months that have gone by and with so much taxpayer money expended, with so many Federal Governmental resources at his disposal, what has this man, Robert Mueller—this man of integrity, this man of honor—come up with? Nothing! There is not shred of evidence of criminal dealings between Trump Campaign or Administrative Officials and the Russians that can be presented to a Court of competent jurisdiction But, how can this be? There must be evidence of collusion! So, Robert Mueller and his team keep looking, and digging, and expending millions of taxpayer dollars. and utilizing substantial Governmental resources chasing after bugaboos. What a quandary. Robert Mueller and his team must come up with something concrete. And, if, when all is said and done, Robert Mueller and his team come up empty, what then? They will just try to come up with evidence of another crime. Perhaps, they have found it: the amorphous, flexible crime, “obstruction of justice.” That’s it: obstruction of justice! And, if obstruction of justice doesn’t exist, well, then, why not manufacture it?  And, Congressional Democrats give Robert Mueller and his team, their blessing. And, they continue their merry way. The American citizen loses out as the U.S. President continues to be relentlessly attacked and besmirched.


We have an open letter from Dianne Feinstein (S-CA) and Adam Schiff (R-CA), directed to Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Facebook, Inc., Mark Zuckerberg, and directed to Jack Dorsey, Chief Executive of Twitter, Inc., pleading with these Billionaire to take action against— “the Russians.” And, how is it that this ogre, “the Russians,” are undermining this Country? Feinstein and Schiff claim the Russians are now using “Bots” in a campaign to manipulate public opinion to undermine the Mueller investigation. Senators Feinstein and Schiff exclaim that it is the Russians, and not the American people, who are clamoring for release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo. And, if it is, indeed, the Russians, who are shouting for release of the Memo, then, why should it be released? Obviously, this Nation need not appease the Russians. But, if it were really the American people who seek release of the Memo, then, why not release it? Does not Congress need to appease the American people? Senators Feinstein and Schiff don’t think so, but they can’t say that. It has to be a Russian conspiracy.So, then, the American people are to believe that the bogeyman, this Chimera, the Russians, are behind the attempt to malign Mueller, and Officials of the DOJ and FBI, and that release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo would demonstrably detract from Robert Mueller’s investigation. And, we should believe Dianne Feinstein and Adam Schiff because they are, after all, both of them, honorable people. They seek only what is best for the citizens of this Country and what might that portend, apart from undermining the Trump Presidency. Well, consider: (1) providing amnesty and citizenship to millions of illegal aliens and keeping our Nation’s borders open and porous, as this will ensure a ready influx of ever more illegal aliens and provide a useful conduit for introduction of illegal drugs into this Country, cheap labor, bloated Welfare rolls, and “votes” by their grateful minions; (2) repealing the Second Amendment because firearms are dangerous American citizens cannot be trusted to wield them and therefore should not have access to them; (3) destroying statues and monuments across our Country and rewriting our Nation’s history to better fit a fictional narrative they wish to convey for our Nation; (4) clamping down on freedom of speech, under the First Amendment, to prevent Americans from saying anything that may offend some individuals’ finer sensibilities, notwithstanding U.S. Supreme Court rulings on that very issue; (5) increasing rampant globalization across all business and financial sectors as this will assist in the continued destruction of small business in this Country and undermine American craftsmanship and labor; (6) flooding this Nation with millions of Muslim refugees, as they are incapable of assimilation and their presence here will help create further upheaval in our Nation, assisting in the fracture of the American psyche, which is deemed to be a good thing; (7) subordinating our Constitution and system of laws to international laws and subordinating our Courts to foreign courts and foreign tribunals, as the undermining of our Nation’s laws will allow for a smoother transition of this Nation into a new pan-world Order, controlled by a small cadre of people who know what is best for everyone else; (8) denigrating the concept of ‘citizenship’ because Americans are to be considered “citizens of the world,” not citizens of the United States, which is considered parochial, and nationalistic, which is considered a bad thing; (9) continuing endless wars because war will fill multinational corporate coffers and volatility around the world serves the goals of the trans-nationalist, internationalist globalist "elites." And, under no circumstances should Americans malign senior Officials of the DOJ AND FBI because doing so tends to undercut the cohesiveness of those organizations and causes the American citizenry to doubt the integrity of those organizations. Well, that is the whole point, isn’t it? If the illusion of integrity is shattered, then it is for good cause, as the American people have to put that “house in order.” But, the senior leadership of the DOJ and FBI don’t see it that way. And, now we have, an Assistant Attorney General castigating the House for pushing for release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo to the American people, as reported by the political news website, "the hill":“Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd in a letter to the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), said the Republican push to release a memo they say reveals political bias at the DOJ AND FBI would be ‘extraordinarily reckless' without a review by those agencies.” Yes, and the DOJ and FBI have always been so forthcoming to Congress. Here’s a news flash for Stephen Boyd: Congress doesn’t work for the FBI or the DOJ or, for that matter, for any other department, agency, or bureau of the Executive Branch of Government; and, so Congress doesn’t answer to the DOJ and FBI or to any other Executive Branch Department, Bureau or Agency. Congress is a co-equal Branch of Government and works for and answers only to the American people. Congress provides—or is supposed to provide—oversight of the DOJ, FBI, and of the myriad and certainly bloated intelligence apparatus of this Nation—not the other way around. And, Congress needs to exercise oversight in light of decades of abuses of these Departments, Bureaus, and Agencies. What has been extraordinarily reckless are the actions of Senior Officials in the DOJ and FBI. And, Stephen Boyd’s letter on its face demonstrates disrespect toward Congress, incredible insolence, and unbridled arrogance. In a word, the letter is ‘insulting.’Contrary to Boyd’s protestations release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo to the American citizenry, is just what this Country needs from the Federal Government--transparency, the thing much mentioned by Congressional leaders and then-President Barack Obama, too, but never embraced. The contents of the Memo are certainly meant to alarm the American citizenry as Americans will immediately be privy to gross and pervasive abuses in the bloated Federal DOJ and FBI—abuses that amount not merely to wrongs that may be ascribed to momentary ethical lapses and poor judgment but, matters that rise to the level of serious crimes against this Nation, against this Nation’s Constitution and laws, and against this Nation’s citizenry. Release of the House Intelligence Committee Memo that Republicans of the House Intelligence Committee prepared simply helps to set matters right. House Republicans simply wish to inform the American public of the fact of rogue elements in the DOJ and FBI that are doing a disservice to this Country, and to this Country's Constitution and laws, and to this Country's citizenry and that these individuals within the Justice Department must be brought to justice themselves. That was certainly the point of the Memo's creation. And, where is the harm in that?  None! There is harm, indeed, if rogue elements in the DOJ and FBI are not brought to justice. It is not surprising that Stephen Boyd would argue against release of the Memo, masking his concern over its release under the cloak of national security, when, what it is he really wishes to do is prevent the American public from seeing evidence of criminal conduct at the top law enforcement organization of the Nation.Nothing is worse than top police officials of the FBI and top attorneys of the DOJ who have besmirched their duty to this Nation, to the Nation’s Constitution and to the American people and who seek to keep their crimes secret. The House Intelligence Committee Memo does not need to be reviewed by and ought not be reviewed by and must not be subject to review by the DOJ and FBI Officials, who, in testimony before Congress, in recent months, have, themselves, for their part, been less than forthcoming and less than forthright.Stephen Boyd shows incredible nerve and audacity in his admonishment to Congress. The letter operates—as it obviously was meant to—as a scurrilous threat to Congress, really—as Boyd obviously wishes to keep the Memorandum away from the eyes of the American citizenry and to bury the Memorandum in the hidden recesses of the FBI.What is evident is that many Congressional Democrats and many senior Officials of the Deep State are about to be found out for what they are: corrupt, vindictive, belligerent, and arrogant functionaries of Government who are all “too full of themselves.” Their arrogance makes them blind to the ludicrousness and audaciousness of their actions. They clearly have nothing but contempt for the American people and that is shown in their actions and recent “letters.” They may see themselves as safeguarding this Nation; and even that may be giving them more credit than they deserve. For, despite their high-minded oratory, they truly care not one whit about the American people. They care only for and about themselves. The goals and aims they have for this Nation do not reflect the will of the American people and are at odds with the Founders’ vision for this Nation. The actions of Congressional Democrats and of these senior Officials of the Deep State ultimately belie their words. They have betrayed this Nation and continue, cavalierly, to do so. They have betrayed this Nation’s Constitution and its laws and believe they can continue to do so, for who will stop them? And they have betrayed the American people, and, even now, show their absolute contempt for the people. And, yet, for all that, they perceive themselves to be honorable, all of them, honorable men and women.’


If there are monsters roaming about in the Land, they aren’t the Russians. They are, unfortunately, all too many Americans in high Office—those occupying leadership positions in Congress and senior leadership positions in the Federal Bureaucracy. These individuals live among us and have insinuated themselves, apparently inextricably, into the deepest recesses of our Nation’s institutions—something the Russians, whom they castigate, could never do and probably would never care to do even if they had the opportunity.Russians and Americans would serve each other better, today, as allies, on many fronts, than as opponents. The Democrats don't see it that way. They are still fighting the Cold War. But, too, these Congressional Democrats and Congressional Centrist Republicans, too, seek to entangle the U.S. into the political horror of the EU. Brussels and the Rothschild clan constitute more of a threat to the continued independence and sovereignty of the United States and more of a threat to the supremacy of our Constitution and laws than anything posed by Russia.These “Americans,” Congressional leaders like Schiff, and Feinstein, Schumer, and Pelosi and the rest of that motley troupe, along with senior Bureaucratic Officials of the DOJ and FBI and their minions seek to thrust their will on the rest of us, as they believe that they know what is in the best interests for all of us. Or, perhaps, they don’t care as they are working for their benefactors, those shadowy, secretive trans-nationalist, internationalist globalist “elites” who have a view of and goal for the World that serves their interests, not those of the American people or, for that matter,  for the interests of the people of any Nation State, either.The Democratic Party leadership and senior Officials in the Federal Bureaucracy seek to thrust their reality on all Americans even as, in so doing, they blatantly trample on our laws, our Constitution, and even as they boldly lie to the American people, claiming, disingenuously, that they support our laws, our Constitution, the “rule of law.” They do not.They and their trans-nationalist, internationalist globalist benefactors are the real monsters as they pose the real and continuous threat to the continued existence of our Country as a Free Republic and as an independent sovereign Nation. They are the real threat to the sanctity of the American soul and psyche and they seek to thwart the American people, viewing them less as citizens and more as servile subjects who are meant to serve them and their interests. They seek a metamorphosis of our Nation and its people; they seek to undercut the sacred rights and liberties the framers of our Bill of Rights etched in stone. They are the betrayers of our Nation and of our heritage, and they intend to defeat the American people.


“The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices – to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill – and suspicion can destroy – and a thoughtless frightened search for a scapegoat [Martians? Russians?] has a fallout all of its own – for the children – and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is – that these things cannot be confined – to the Twilight Zone.” Closing remarks of Rod Serling, from the Twilight Zone Episode, “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street.” First Aired, March 4, 1960.


The American citizenry should be appalled by the extravagant misuse of Government power and authority. Please contact your House Representative. Demand release of the House Intelligence Committee Memorandum that Representatives Jordan and Gaetz refer to, at once. The phone number is: 202-224-3121.______________________________________________Copyright © 2017 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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 “Rory knew all about this Invisible Government which decided the destinies of nations, their survival or their obliteration, for his father had told him. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘They are all bastards,’ Joseph had told his son. ‘They are without doubt, the wickedest men on earth, though I am sure they would be astonished to hear they were wicked. They might even be outraged. . . . The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes!’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . They were a criminal conspiracy, but they did not consider themselves either criminal or conspirators. They were businessmen, realists. What gave them power was, in their eyes, virtuous and righteous and reasonable, for who was more worthy than themselves to control and manipulate the world of men. Someone had to rule, and who better than men of intellect, money, strength, and unemotional judgment.” Part 2, Chapter 3, pages 475 through 479, passim, Captains and the Kings, by Taylor Caldwell There are ignoble, dishonorable influences and forces at work in the world today. These forces and influences have been at work in the world for some time. They are not benign. They are not kind. They are not benevolent, compassionate, or forgiving. They are terrible, immoral, dispassionate, corrupting, and evil. They act deliberately, calculatingly, and coldly. They are well-organized and ruthlessly efficient. They have introduced and continue to promote chaos into Western Civilization, generally, and into our own Nation, particularly, as they work toward their singular goal: the breakup of the ‘Independent, Sovereign Nation State’ and, further, rendering the very concept, incoherent. And, what is a ‘Sovereign Nation State’? It is one operating under its own supreme Constitution, beholding to no other Nation and subordinate to no other Nation, organization, person or persons, or entity of any kind. A Sovereign Nation State is one whose first interests and concerns are those that pertain to and adhere to the well-being of the Nation and to the well-being of the Nation’s citizenry, and not to that of any other Nation, or people, or to the world at large. A Sovereign Nation State is one whose policies, foreign and domestic, are framed to benefit the Nation and its citizenry first. A Sovereign Nation State is one that embraces a unique heritage, identity, culture, common currency, and common language. A Sovereign Nation State is one whose laws are never subordinated to or abrogated to those of any other Nation or group of Nations or to a political or economic entity or interest of any kind. A Sovereign Nation State is one that could not even conceptually allow for a treaty or pact with another Nation or group of Nations or geopolitical or corporate interest group to subvert or subordinate the Sovereign Nation’s system of laws and jurisprudence to the dictates of any treaty or pact that the Nation’s Government might enter into.Today, though, the idea of adherence to the importance of the notion of, ‘Sovereign Nation State,’ is considered antiquated, xenophobic, even obsolete. So it is, the dismemberment of our Sovereign Nation marches forward to end, possibly, finally, in a whimper, not a bang—nary a word of protest; not a shot fired in her defense—the results of a quiet, insidious, invidious coup d’etat—the end result being not a change of government for this Nation but the very destruction of the Nation as an independent, Sovereign State. The end of our Nation as an independent, Sovereign Nation State is the goal of those who propose a New Order for the Western Nations of this World. There exist supremely powerful, well-organized, extraordinarily wealthy interests who wish for this—indeed, who have been and who are presently actively working for it. But they do so always in the shadows, forever in the shadows. These shameful, depraved influences and forces seek to create a new political and economic and legal paradigm for Western Nation States. This new paradigm would consist of a federation of global financial and mega-corporate interests that operate in every sphere of life, dictating domestic and foreign policy for all Western Countries under their control. They would rewrite laws and draft new codes of conduct. Such rights and liberties that exist would be those they deign to bestow or withhold, at their pleasure, on individuals—subjects, essentially indentured servants, and not citizens, in this new polity. The EU is a manifestation of the early stages of a dramatic shift in the political contours of Countries—of what it means for a Country to exist as a Country. Is that in store for our Country as well? The answer is, “yes.” If the U.S. completes the TransPacific Partnership (“TPP”) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (“TTIP”), the U.S. will have moved one step closer to the fulfillment of the agenda of those sinister influences and forces that seek to dismantle the U.S. as an independent Sovereign Nation State.You don’t hear of these sinister influences and forces very often, or directly. They quietly machinate and conspire and contrive behind the scenes. You hear of them, at best, infrequently and, then, only obliquely—through a casual comment here or there in the newspapers or on the airwaves. Yet these sinister influences and forces control the destiny of nations.The dire effects of the powers they wield and exert are manifested through the puppets in Government they own and control.In the United States, they have been operating through the U.S. President, Barack Obama. They have, these past several months, been priming and grooming his replacement, Hillary Rodham Clinton, whom they have promised as Obama’s heir apparent. The most notorious of the puppet masters is the Rothschild clan. The Rothschild family has spread its tentacles throughout the world, not least of all in this Country. The artifice of privatized central banking is the basic mechanism through which they hold entire Nations hostage.Is there a connection or link between the Rothschild family and Hillary Clinton? Consider: the New York Times—in a September 3, 2016 article titled, Where has Hillary Clinton Been? Ask the Ultrarich”— reports that “Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a backer of Democrats and a friend of the Clintons’, made sure attendees did not grill Mrs. Clinton at the $100,000-per-couple lamb dinner Mrs. Forester de Rothschild hosted under a tent on the lawn of her oceanfront Martha’s Vineyard mansion. “‘I [Mrs. Forester de Rothschild] said, Let’s make it a nice night for her [Hillary Clinton] and show her our love,’ Mrs. Forester de Rothschild said.” Is it not singularly odd that the NY Times, a fervent supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, would wish to explicitly report a link between Clinton and the so-called “elites” in society and is it not especially odd that the NY Times would bother to report the saccharine sweet sentiment of Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild at the dinner Rothschild hosted for Clinton?Does not that NY Times article undercut the notion her campaign incessantly trumpets that Hillary Clinton cares about the welfare of the masses? Does not that NY Times article simply, candidly, and, in fact, glaringly illustrate that Clinton cares for no one but those whom she may personally profit from; those from whom she has received and continues to receive an overabundance of personal wealth; those for whom she owes all the fawning praise she has ever received and the trappings of power she could ever hope to obtain; those whom, alone, are capable of fulfilling every lustful ambition her insatiable soul craves?Didn’t the also-ran candidate, Bernie Sanders allude to these very points, during the Democratic Party U.S. Presidential debates, berating Clinton for the inconstancy of her message, the inconsistency of her remarks, the hypocrisy of her words in relation to her actions? Did Sanders not make the point that a person who rakes in tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars from donors can’t reasonably, rationally serve the interests of both the extraordinarily wealthy—those who dwell in the most rarified aethers, who have promoted her, paid her way, bought her the station in life she holds—and everyone else, who toils and drudges in the muck below? Would Clinton dare betray her benefactors? Of course not. But it isn’t the monies of the wealthiest few among us who will be assisting the laziest and least deserving among us, including the illegal aliens who shouldn’t be here at all. Whom do you think that task will, ultimately, fall upon?Hasn’t Donald Trump perceptively pointed out that, when one person gives another person money—especially, considerable sums of money, or some other thing of great monetary value—the giver expects the taker to give something in return? Is that not the foundation of all dealings, whether in business or government—the quid pro quo—“I give you something; you give me something in return?” If so, how can one realistically believe that Clinton would—or reasonably could, even if she wanted to, and she most certainly doesn’t—give everyone “a fair shake?” That is incongruous, mind-boggling.But, then, it is mind-boggling to consider that any average, rational American citizen would actually wish to raise a person to the status of President of the United States on the drivel Hillary Clinton spouts. Even more mind-boggling is the thought that some Americans would seriously consider positing a person, such as Hillary Clinton, in the White House, when clear, substantial and substantive evidence supports a finding that Hillary Rodham Clinton has violated federal law—multiple federal laws, and multiple counts of law-breaking under each of those laws—and all of them extremely serious breaches of conduct. The Arbalest Quarrel discusses this matter at length in a series of recent articles posted on this site.But, why would a major newspaper, such as the New York Times support a candidate for the U.S. Presidency whose respect for our Constitution and our laws is non-existent; who breaks our laws cavalierly; and who dismisses, out-of-hand, any suggestion that her actions require close scrutiny? And, why would a major newspaper such as the New York Times draw the public’s attention to Clinton’s obvious connection with the notorious, international Rothschild family of bankers, in the first place? We discuss this in Part 2 of this Article.



“From nowhere came the memory of what he had been taught in random religious lessons concerning the Revelations of St. John, who had prophesied these men and had written that one day they would rule the world entirely, and that none could buy or sell without their permission, ‘both small and great, rich and poor, free or bond.’ Was it the mark of the Beast that men would have to wear on their foreheads? Rory could not remember, and his smile became more respectful and even a little tender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .To obtain what they had plotted for so long, from grandfather to father to son, they must first throw the world into chaos, dismantle governments, incite violence and fury among the mindless masses, cause enfeebling wars which would weaken any nation ready to contest with them, raise up tyrants who would subdue the people, destroy the validity of nations’ currencies. Then, in the general catastrophe they could exert their unbelievable power and assume command.” Part 2, Chapter 3, pages 480 through 481, passim, Captains and the Kings, By Taylor CaldwellOne may reasonably infer the NY Times, a media giant though it be, is, as with Hillary Clinton herself, but a lackey of the secretive, immensely powerful, and fabulously wealthy Rothschild family and that, as a lackey of the Rothschild family, the NY Times would not publish anything that might alert the American people to the truth. And the truth is that the people of the United States no longer control their Government—that they have not controlled their Government for some time; and that the international Rothschild family of bankers is prepared, soon, to throw off the illusion that there exists at all a Government of the United States that belongs to the people of the United States.The publishers of the New York Times certainly would not dare suggest that the federal Government does not take its orders from the American people. To even suggest that would require explicit permission from the Rothschild family.The Rothschild family controls the federal Government, and therefore, holds dominion over the American people. The matter of ending the charade that this Government does not take orders from the international Rothschild banking cartel is at hand.If Hillary Rodham Clinton actually wins the coming U.S. Presidential election, the NY Times and other major mainstream newspapers will likely slowly begin informing the American people that the Sovereignty of the United States and the sanctity and inviolability of the U.S. Constitution and the supremacy of our Nation’s system of laws are all rapidly drawing to a close. The American people will then know, clearly and categorically, and without any doubt, that powerful, evil, insatiable interests do in fact exert rapacious control over the vast machinery of global finance and global trade, of which our Nation, the United States, is one component—an important component to be sure—but one component, nonetheless. The American people will learn from the mainstream media of plans of the Rothschild family and its underlings to remake our Country, consistent with the aims and desires of the international banking class.Our Country has been weakened by incessant, unwinnable wars. The rights and liberties codified in the Nation’s Bill of Rights are faltering. The Fourth Amendment’s unreasonable searches and seizures clause is blatantly ignored. The Second Amendment right of the people to keep and bear arms is on shaky ground, supported essentially by the U.S. Supreme Court’s Heller and McDonald decisions—case law that will—not may—be overturned if Hillary Clinton is elected President of the United States and her nomination to the Supreme Court is confirmed.The First Amendment’s freedom of speech clause is held hostage by those invoking the standard of political correctness—a dubious notion at best and one that has no basis in our law, in our jurisprudence, or in our traditions, and is a thing altogether antithetical to the right of free speech guaranteed in the First Amendment.The lazy among us claim a right, defined nowhere in our Constitution or our laws, to be fed, clothed, and housed through the labor and taxes of others. And, the illegal aliens among us claim a right to remain here when, under our Constitution and our laws they have no such right to be here at all. Yet they claim the problem rests with our laws, not with them; and the media heralds their irreverent, audacious call—the emptiness of that call which is exposed by the absence of any supporting statute, by the absence of case law precedent, by the absence of cohesive logical argument, and by the absence of any coherent ethical standard.Perhaps the Rothschild family, through the NY Times, is testing the waters. The Rothschilds seek to ascertain just how gullible the American people truly are and how willing they may be to accept the most outrageous ideas and policies as tolerable, even exemplary.Apparently, all too many Americans are extraordinarily gullible—ready to hug to their bosoms the most bizarre ideas and the most outlandish Government policies with alacrity. If so, then the Rothschild family is correct in their assessment. If so, then the Rothschild family’s goal for dissembling the United States, as an independent Sovereign Nation, through the eager assistance of their puppet, Hillary Rodham Clinton, along with her husband, Bill, can continue, according to plan. Psychological conditioning of the masses has obviously progressed by leaps and bounds to a point never before believed possible.And so it is, we are witnessing, at an increasingly rapid and rabid pace, the destruction of the political, economic, social, cultural, historical, and ethical fabric of our society.We are beholding the systematic, methodical, and inexorable destruction of our Country. We are seeing this take place on an unprecedented scale as strange, alien ideas, and practices, and policies—ideas, and practices, and policies that are antithetical to this Nation’s history, to this Nation’s culture, to this Nation’s morality, to this Nation’s educational and religious traditions and underpinnings, to this Nation’s laws and jurisprudence, and to this Nation’s very Constitution—take hold and begin to break apart the foundation of our Nation, like a jackhammer breaking apart concrete.This, the Rothschild clan and their ilk seek to do and need do if the Sovereignty of the United States is to be undone, and they have a candidate to do their bidding, Hillary Rodham Clinton, waiting eagerly, even lasciviously, in the wings for just the opportunity to show her love for Lady Lynn de Francesca Rothschild, in return for Lady Lynn de Francesca Rothschild’s espoused love for Clinton, as reported in the NY Timesas the Rothschild clan does its part to sit Hillary Rodham Clinton in the White House. We see clearly how this Country begins to lose its footing. Americans are nudged and prodded to accept bizarre and foreign ideas, and philosophies, and paradigms that go under the names of multiculturalism, globalization, free trade, neoliberalism, open borders, global communities, political niceties and correctness, moral relativity, new age Enlightenment, commonsense gun laws, and utilitarian consequentialism—the last of which is an ethical system that looks solely at the consequences of an action, not on the actions and intentions of the agent, in determining whether an in action is to be deemed morally good or evil. Utilitarian consequentialism, as an ethical system, is inconsistent with the rights and liberties expressed in our Bill of Rights. We see the Judeo-Christian belief system fractured, as a faction of Islam, radicalized—extolling bloodshed and terror and murder as a virtue—takes hold around the world—and slowly, insidiously, creeps—is, in fact, allowed to creep—into our Nation’s venues and consciousness. For more on the dangers posed by radical Islam, as seen through the eyes of a Muslim, check out Raheel Raza’s website.We see our educational system torn asunder as new, uniform curricula are introduced nation-wide, dictated by Washington’s leaders—the puppets of the Rothschild clan and their ilk.We are now seeing, too, the seemingly immateriality of our Nation’s laws and of our Constitution—the very foundation of our Republic. For, how is it pragmatically and ethically possible that an individual who has been under investigation by the F.B.I. for several months—who has been under investigation by the F.B.I. for having committed serious criminal misconduct—can blithely run for the highest Office of the Land? How is it within the realm of empirical possibility that a person under a cloud of criminal wrongdoing—on such a massive scale—can rationally,  realistically one day occupy the Office of President of the United States? It is as if the perceptions of the American people have been vacuumed up and deposited into the mind of a psychotic—a mind where rationality, logical reasoning, and moral considerations are no more than vapors, and the irrationality of the psychotic mind is the only “real” reality.The American people must wake up from their stupor.The Arbalest Quarrel has previously discussed the factual evidence supporting Hillary Clinton’s violation of federal laws and the application of law to those facts: directed to one, Hillary Clinton’s intentional or grossly negligent mishandling of classified Government information during her tenure as a Cabinet Level Official in the Obama Administration; two, the matter of and practice of Hillary Clinton’s habitual lying to federal law enforcement officers during the course of their official criminal investigation into her criminal wrongdoing and during the course of their official criminal investigation into the criminal wrongdoing of her flunkies; and, three, bribery and corruption permeating and underlying the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.Did Hillary Rodham Clinton break any other federal laws? Did she commit the most heinous crime of law: treason? And, what kind of character does this character truly have when one considers a person’s fitness to hold the highest Office in the Land? We explore these matters in the next several articles, as Election Day rapidly approaches.[separator type="medium" style="normal" align="left"margin-bottom="25" margin_top="5"] Copyright © 2016 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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“It’s déjà vu all over again.” ~Yogi Berra, Baseball legend and cultural icon. In November 2014, in an article posted both here and on Ammoland Shooting Sports News, the Arbalest Quarrel predicted that centrist Republican Senators—more concerned about promoting themselves and maintaining the status quo than in serving Americans and acknowledging the needs and desires of their base—would create dissension, tearing the Republican Party apart, thereby handing the U.S. Presidency over to a thoroughly despicable individual: Hillary Rodham Clinton. We said,“Unfortunately, there are already disturbing signs from some centrist Republican Senators that, when dealing with Obama, compromise and conciliation will be the strategies employed. Confrontation is the strategy centrist Senators will reserve for their own Tea Party base. They intend to keep the base in line. Should that occur, these centrist Republicans will certainly tear the GOP wide open, and they may very well hand the White House over to Hillary Clinton in 2016.”The first part of our prediction has, we are sad to say, already come true. Centrist Republican Senators and Centrist House Republicans have torn the Party apart as we predicted. If those Republicans don’t mend their fences, and do so quickly, Hillary Rodham Clinton will take the White House. No doubt about it. In that event, our second prediction will, as well, also prove true. That will be absolutely disastrous for our Country and for the Nation’s citizenry even if those average Americans, who relish a Hillary Clinton Presidency, think that this would be something to applaud. Such Americans are wrong in their thinking, but they will realize their error too late—much too late—to rectify that error. And all Americans will suffer the horrific consequences of the erroneous beliefs of those Americans who had supported Hillary Clinton’s bid for the White House.Mainstream newspapers are already proclaiming a Democratic Party victory this November. The mainstream newspapers believe—or, if not, are nonetheless, sowing the seeds in the mind of the electorate, through application of yellow journalistic exploitation and distortion, that a Hillary Clinton victory is inevitable. But, as Yogi Berra also sagely said—as the above title to this article may possibly be attributed to: “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over.’” And, the matter of bringing Hillary Rodham Clinton to justice isn’t over just yet—not by a long shot. But it is up to those Americans—Americans who hold sacred our unique and priceless Constitution, who truly believe in the sanctity of our system of laws and of our jurisprudence, and who demand that the “rule of law” be applied and adhered to, not simply mouthed as one would an empty, trite platitude—to demand that Hillary Rodham Clinton be brought to account for serious misconduct against our Nation, against our Nation’s Constitution, against our Nation’s laws, and against our Nation’s citizenry.What can we Americans do to preclude a catastrophe from occurring in November 2016? One thing will definitely operate as a wrench thrown into Hillary Rodham Clinton’s plans to secure the U.S. Presidency: Clinton’s indictment on federal criminal charges. Is this still possible? You bet, but only if more Republicans in Congress grow a backbone. Americans must see that they do.The mainstream media, working overtime on behalf of the Democratic Party machinery, says an indictment of Hillary Clinton on federal criminal charges won’t happen—that Hillary Clinton’s indictment on felony charges is essentially “old news” and“water under the bridge.”The mainstream media refers to and relies on the July 2016 statement of Loretta Lynch, Attorney General, when Lynch said: “Late this afternoon, I met with FBI Director James Comey and career prosecutors and agents who conducted the investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email system during her time as Secretary of State.  I received and accepted their unanimous recommendation that the thorough, year-long investigation be closed and that no charges be brought against any individuals within the scope of the investigation.” The Justice Department has closed its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s misuse of private email servers to conduct sensitive Government business. It did so by simply handing the public a short, perfunctory statement, essentially washing its hands of the entire matter.Clearly, the United States Department of Justice refuses to mete out justice, failing to follow through on the F.B.I.’s manifest obligation to the American people as set forth on the F.B.I.’s website: The Bureau’s Public Corruption program focuses, inter alia, on: "Investigating violations of federal law by public officials at the federal, state, and local levels of government." Yes, the investigation of Clinton’s serious misconduct may be over for the U.S. Department of Justice, but that investigation is not over for the American people—not by a long shot.What can be done? Well, we know that at least a few honorable Republicans in Congress—and we may forget about the dishonorable Republicans who explicitly or implicitly support a Clinton Presidency and we may certainly forget about the Democrats in their entirety—are trying to do something to bring Hillary Clinton to account for her misdeeds and clearly criminal conduct even as the U.S. Justice Department has failed to do so—even as the U.S. Department of Justice has in fact failed our Nation and has failed the American people.These honorable, concerned Republicans have duly requested a copy of the F.B.I.'s interview notes of Hillary Clinton—the F.B.I.’s Form 302—although Americans have learned that those notes will not be released to the public.The Director of the F.B.I., James B. Comey, has, at least, responded appropriately to those Congressional Republicans who requested a copy of the F.B.I.’s notes of the Hillary Clinton interview. He has, we have learned, dutifully turned over the F.B.I.’s investigative summary, “Form 302,” to Congress. This, apparently, is rarely done; the F.B.I. doesn’t ordinarily turn its closed investigative files over to Congress.Not surprisingly, the mainstream media, an obvious tool of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (“DCCC”)—and a tool, too, of other secretive, nefarious individuals and organizations both here and abroad—manifests a concern over the general release of F.B.I. agents’ notes through Form 302, even the limited release of notes to members of Congress. Clearly, foreign and domestic power brokers and corrupting interests and influences, along with the DCCC, want to see their puppet, Hillary Rodham Clinton, seated in the Oval Office. They do not want Congress, much less the U.S. citizenry, to view the F.B.I.’s criminal investigative files on Clinton. That’s very American of them, isn’t it? So, Congress has obtained the F.B.I.’s Form 302—the document summarizing the F.B.I.’s interview of Hillary Clinton. That is an impressive first step. But, it is only a first step. By itself, it isn’t enough to bring Hillary Rodham Clinton to justice.The Report will undoubtedly demonstrate—as strongly implied in the F.B.I. Director’s unprecedented statement to the American people, delivered to the American people on July 5, 2016—that Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, lying, criminal scoundrel who should be indicted on federal criminal charges. Even so, the United States Congress can do nothing to compel the Justice Department to do its job—to indict Hillary Clinton on federal criminal charges. Congress can do nothing, at this point, because the Department of Justice has closed its case on Hillary Clinton, and, at the moment, only the Justice Department has authority, under the law, to bring action against Hillary Rodham Clinton on federal criminal charges. And that places this Nation in a bind.The U.S. Department of Justice does not—notwithstanding the most serious matter to face our Nation in recent times—choose, as it should, as is required of it, to uphold the law. And that places this Nation in a bind. The U.S. Department of Justice apparently answers to some secretive cabal of crafty and treacherous outsiders who will do whatever it takes to prevent a Donald Trump Presidency; and the best way to prevent that—in fact the only way to prevent that—is to guarantee that no individual or entity has legal standing to bring federal criminal charges against Hillary Clinton and that the one entity that, at present, does have legal standing to bring federal criminal charges against Hillary Clinton, the U.S. Department of Justice, a Department that falls within the purview of the Executive Branch of Government, is prevented from doing so. Barack Obama, through the puppet masters who pull his strings, has, one may reasonably conclude, seen to that.The U.S. Department of Justice apparently answers to evil forces intent on seating their puppet—Hillary Rodham Clinton—in the White House. The U.S. Department of Justice apparently answers to those ruthless, wealthy, powerful individuals and entities who seek to place, in the highest Office of the Land, a person they can control; a person whom they have controlled in the past; a person whom they can count on controlling in the future; a person whom they have paid hard cash for; a person whom they know will always do their bidding—who will do what they, the puppet masters demand, even though such demand is in contravention to and in defiance of the laws of our Nation, and in contravention to and in defiance of our sacred Constitution, and contrary to the well-being and security of our citizenry.Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband Bill will, as ever before, operate to the detriment of our Nation, lining their pockets with cold, hard cash, titular rulers to the puppet masters who control them, selling our Country out and throwing its citizenry down the drain, even as they claim, duplicitously, that they have the best interests of our Nation at heart and that their policies are designed only to effectuate what is best for our Nation. Nonsense!Something more must be done to prevent Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton from stepping foot in the White House—apart from the mere hope that the American public will come to its senses on election-day and preclude a Clinton Dyarchy from taking root. But, what can Congressional Republicans do to follow through on Comey’s release of the F.B.I.’s Form 302 to Congress? What must they do? Just this: Congress must appoint independent counsel to reinvestigate Hillary Clinton’s misconduct and to prosecute Clinton on federal criminal charges if independent counsel finds probative evidence to indict her. Two Republican Congressmen have already taken the necessary steps to see that this is carried out.Ohio Republican Congressman, Michael Turner sponsored, and Georgia Republican Congressman, Rick Allen, cosponsored, a bill, the Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act of 2016,” H.R. 5271. If enacted, the bill—introduced in the House, on May 17, 2016, over three months ago—would allow for the appointment of outside counsel to reinvestigate the serious misconduct of Hillary Rodham Clinton, involving, one, Clinton’s mishandling of classified Government information; two, Clinton’s prevarication to Government officials engaged in official criminal investigative work; and, three, Clinton’s likely criminal use of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, as a vehicle for the funneling of cash bribes to the Clintons in exchange for favors she was in the position to deliver, as Secretary of State in the Obama Administration, and likely, has delivered.But, what is the status of H.R. 5271? No one seems to know. The mainstream media isn’t asking, and Congress isn’t saying.Take it from a liberal Op-Ed writer for the New York Times, though, to point out why Republicans, en masse, aren’t bending over backwards to enact H.R. 5271. The reason is this: Centrist Republicans are flocking to Hillary Rodham Clinton’s corner. This is unheard of—something truly bizarre. Yet, true all the same. Many Congressional Republicans want Hillary Clinton to succeed Barack Obama as President of the United States. Lest there be any doubt about this, take a look at Frank Bruni’s opinion piece, titled, Hillary’s Summer of Love,” that appeared in the New York Times Sunday edition, on August 7, 2016. Bruni asserts in critical part: Dozens of prominent Republicans have come out and said that they’ll vote for her [Hillary Clinton] or consider it, including, just last week, the Silicon Valley titan Meg Whitman, the Jeb Bush confidante Sally Bradshaw, and Maria Comella, a former spokeswoman for two of Trump’s most pugnacious promoters, Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani. You can expect that list to grow. The Clinton campaign clearly does. As Bloomberg Politics and The Washington Post reported last week, Clinton’s aides have gone so far as to set up something of a special operation — a defection watch — to monitor news accounts and any other public hints that a Republican leader is thinking of renouncing Trump, so that someone on Team Clinton can reach out and ask him or her to take the next step. The Times’s Jonathan Martin revealed that Clinton herself called Whitman a month ago. The breadth of G.O.P. affection for Clinton shouldn’t be overstated. The grudging nature of it can’t be overlooked. If Trump stormed off and a more appetizing Republican was put on the menu, these Clinton converts would most likely revert to their usual diet. And there’s a real limit to the number of Republicans who will publicly embrace her.But many, many more Republicans are privately rooting for her. By making clear that they won’t vote for Trump, they intend to throw the election her way. After decades of demonizing her and all those Benghazi hearings, a noteworthy contingent of Republicans are giving her a degree of active and passive help that less polarizing Democratic presidential nominees never received.”You can bet the Bushes, who audaciously and contemptuously snubbed the Republican nominee for President of the United States, Donald Trump, through their failure to appear at the Republican National Convention, held in Cleveland, Ohio in July 2016, certainly rank among those secretly supporting a Hillary Clinton Presidency.With many Republicans covertly, and, in some cases, even overtly, actively supporting a Hillary Clinton Presidency, should there be doubt in anyone’s mind why the bill, H.R. 5271, rests, apparently, dormant in Committee. House Republicans will not, apparently, allow it out of Committee. If that is true, then those House Republicans are secretly colluding with House Democrats to keep the bill stalled in Committee. We do not need to speculate why certain Republicans would wish to do this since Bruni has provided us with a depressingly clear answer: they want Hillary Clinton to win the election. No question.Certain House Republicans—the Centrists—don’t want an open debate. And, they don’t want a vote on the bill. Why is that? For this reason: if the bill proceeds to the Floor of the House for a full House vote, and some Republicans vote, “nay,” those Republicans are, then, clearly acknowledging their acquiescence in Executive Branch corruption. They are on record of saying they willingly accept corruption in the Executive Branch of the United States Government. We say this with conviction and logical validity because H.R. 5271, if enacted, resurrects the Ethics in Government Act of 1978—in Act this Nation sorely needs to get the Nation back on track—to get this Nation on the right footing, to gets this Nation where it is supposed to be, as the founders of our Nation expected to be—one that demands that the federal Government abide by the Constitution our founders drafted and adopted. Our Constitution mandates integrity in its public officials.This Nation’s Government cannot ably do the business of Government, on behalf of its citizenry, if corruption exists in Government. Corruption in Government cannot, indeed, must not be tolerated. Corruption in Government must never be tolerated. For, if corruption is tolerated, it grows exponentially, infesting and negatively impacting everything and everyone it touches, including, and especially, the U.S. Department of Justice—a Department in whom Executive Department Officials are compelled to be held accountable to the people.If the U.S. Department fails to indict those officials of Government who have been entrusted to serve the people—and, we have seen that the Department of Justice has failed to serve the people, in whom power and authority ultimately reside, then the Department of Justice has committed a double sin.The U.S. Department of Justice has not only allowed corruption in Government to foster, it has condoned it. In condoning the presence of corruption in high level Executive Department Officials, the U.S. Department of Justice has tarnished its image as a bulwark of law and order, and has undermined the very system of law upon which this Nation derives stability and continuity. The U.S. Department of Justice has converted our Constitution to little more than a doormat, to be thrown out at the pleasure of the corrupters of Government who demonstrate no regard for it anyway.When the U.S. Department of Justice fails the American people, by turning a blind eye to the worst sort of crimes of Federal Officials, it behooves the Legislative Branch of Government to step in. And, Congress has, in the past, done so, demanding integrity in the Executive Branch, when the U.S. Department of Justice fails to police Executive Department Officials, itself.Congress enacted the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 as a response to the Watergate Scandal. The Act compels integrity in the Executive Branch of Government. If Congress doesn’t compel integrity in the Executive Branch of Government, then Congress is complicit in the corruption that besets the Executive Branch. The “Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act of 2016” resurrects the Ethics in Government Act of 1978—the very Act Congress failed to reauthorize in 1999, during the Senate’s impeachment of U.S. President Bill Clinton, on federal corruption charges. Corruption, Americans see, runs in the Clinton family. Must the American people suffer another conniving Clinton in the White House—actually two of them—a real two-fer for the American people: two duplicitous monsters for the price of one. Isn’t that nice?Centrist Republicans are willing to acknowledge their tacit—and in some cases, of late, even explicit—support of and endorsement of Hillary Clinton. That is most disturbing, to be sure. But, none of these Centrist Republicans wishes to be on record as saying he or she is content with corruption in public Office—in fact complicit in allowing corruption in public Office to exist—even though they are—to a person—certainly intelligent enough to know that Hillary Rodham Clinton, and her husband, Bill, are as corrupt as the worst individuals can possibly be.Indeed, the very name, ‘Clinton’ is synonymous with ‘corruption.’ Thus, for any politician, Democrat as well as Republican, to refuse his or her support of the “Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act of 2016” is to expressly acknowledge support for corruption in the Executive Branch of Government. Perhaps, the two Parties have become two sides of the same coin after all.The Centrist Democrats silence their progressive wing and the Centrist Republicans silence the Tea Party Wing, and neither Party is answerable to its base. Neither Party ever wished to be answerable to its base. The goals of the Centrists in both Parties are essentially the same: the dissembling of our Country and our Country’s Constitution in the pursuit of neoliberal policies and Globalist interests, to the detriment of the economic well-being of both workers and businesses in this Country, and in contradistinction to the very sovereignty of this Nation.The Centrists of both Parties are Statists and internationalists at heart. They are not nationalists. They think of nationalism as “old-school.” They tend to think of the very notion of National Sovereignty as a relic of a bygone age. Their policy goals reflect this. The Centrists of both political Parties are content with matters just the way they are and are content with the way matters are slowly and quietly proceeding; and, while seemingly playing off their base—one against the other—the Centrists of both political Parties are secretly working together, selling our Country out for pennies on the dollar.The Centrists of both political Parties support illegal immigration. The Centrists of both political Parties support disastrous trade policies. The Centrists of both political Parties support an influx of millions of Islamists into our Country, notwithstanding that Islamists can’t be properly vetted. Centrists support the WTO and the IMF. The Centrists of both political Parties emulate the EU, and are quietly, secretly working toward the creation of an EU styled Corporate-Governmental structure in this hemisphere.The Centrists of both political Parties support the continued existence of the central banking system—the scourge of Western Civilization, engineered, back in the eighteenth century, by the undeniably powerful, extremely secretive, deathly sinister, and unbelievably wealthy Rothschild clan (reportedly having a net worth running into trillions of dollars).The European Rothschild family is unaccountable to anyone, yet silently controls everyone. The family’s tentacles wrap around continental Western Europe and extend to Asia and to the Americas. The Rothschild family dictates policy to its puppets in Europe and even in this Country. It operates silently, insidiously and is not any true, meaningful sense answerable to Congress—as its presence is opaque. But the effects of its sinister operations are evident through the actions of the Centrists in Congress and in the White House.The Centrists of both political Parties support the spending of trillions of dollars on interminable, unwinnable wars—the true purpose of which is hidden from Americans—wars that have nothing to do with our National Security, but wars that, in fact, have, in the waging of them in the first instance, threatened our National Security. The Centrists of both political Parties truly care nothing about preserving our Nation’s sacred, Bill of Rights—a document also seen by the Centrists as a relic of a bygone era—an era they would wish better forgotten—a relic that must at some point in the not too distant future, be shredded. How can Centrists in Congress care about our Bill of Rights? Their actions forever belie their words. They seduce the ignorant and gullible and frightened among us—all the while working on behalf of the puppet masters—the Rothschild clan—to rend the very fabric of this Nation.The Arbalest Quarrel will not stand idly by as mere witnesses to the travesty of Hillary Clinton’s run for the U.S. Presidency. We won’t rest even as many Americans appear resigned to a Hillary Clinton Presidency—the Rothschild’s choice to occupy the White House. Evil begets evil.Because we won’t allow this matter to rest, we have drafted a letter to the sponsor and cosponsor of H.R. 5271. We will be mailing it shortly. We are asking the two U.S. Congressmen, Turner and Allen—the sponsor and cosponsor of the bill, H.R. 5271—to provide us with the status of their bill. We are imploring these men to take action now, to move this bill along.We intend to force the Republican Centrists’ hands in this. If Centrist Republicans don’t wish to see passage of this bill, then we want do know who they are. We want for both them and those in the Democratic Party to be on record as having opposed a bill that compels integrity of Executive Department Officials.If these Centrist Republicans don’t wish to see passage of this bill, then they are worse than their Centrist Democratic Party counterparts. They are hypocrites. They pretend to preside over a Party that holds to the sanctity of the U.S. Constitution when they, in fact, do not. We intend to smoke them out.Apparently these Centrist Republicans feel no sense of duty to Party or to their base, no sense of guilt, having, as they do, the gall to blatantly support Hillary Rodham Clinton for U.S. President. Yet, they obviously do feel the need to refrain from actively opposing a bill that is designed to preclude corruption in Government. Hence, they would rather such a bill not come up for debate, much less a vote—at all.We insist that these Centrist Republicans take responsibility for their actions. If these Republicans honestly support Hillary Rodham Clinton—a likely criminal and the most corrupt politician to run for the Office of the U.S. Presidency in recent times, if ever the most corrupt politician—then we insist that they be placed on record, consistent with their support of a corrupt politician, of having actively opposed enactment of a bill designed to curb corruption in Government. You can do your part too. Contact your Representatives in Congress. Demand that they bring H.R. 5271 to the House Floor for debate and for a Floor vote. We must act now to preserve our precious Constitution and our Free Republic. If Hillary and Bill Clinton secure the White House, we can bid our Constitution and our Republic, “goodbye,” forever.Once we receive confirmation of receipt of our letter by the addressees, we will post the letter on the Arbalest Quarrel website.Hillary Clinton and her supporters in Congress—Republicans as well as Democrats—think that Hillary Clinton has the 2016 U.S. Presidential election wrapped up. They are welcoming this creature with open arms. For true Americans, though, a Hillary Clinton Presidency is as welcome as a plague of cholera.For the sake of our Nation’s continued sovereignty and for the sake of our unique and precious Constitution, we intend to upend the Clinton applecart. For the sake of our Nation’s citizenry and for the sake of Americans unborn, we intend to wipe that smug look off Hillary Rodham Clinton’s face.We, at the Arbalest Quarrel, have worked, and we will continue to work, tirelessly and unceasingly to prevent a Hillary Rodham Clinton Presidency. We have done so and will continue to do so to the best of our ability.[separator type="medium" style="normal" align="left"margin-bottom="25" margin_top="5"] Copyright © 2016 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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Bribery At Its Worst: Selling Out America For Cold, Hard Cash

“Whereas it appeareth that however certain forms of government are better calculated than others to protect individuals in the free exercise of their natural rights, and are at the same time themselves better guarded against degeneracy, yet experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms, those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny; and it is believed that the most effectual means of preventing this would be, to illuminate, as far as practicable, the minds of the people at large, . . . whence it becomes expedient for promoting the publick happiness that those persons, whom nature hath endowed with genius and virtue, should be rendered by liberal education worthy to receive, and able to guard the sacred deposit of the rights and liberties of their fellow citizens, and that they should be called to that charge without regard to wealth, birth or accidental condition of circumstance.” ~Thomas Jefferson, Writings: Notes on the State of Virginia/Public & Private PapersGive the Clintons one dollar, and they will send you on your way. Give the Clintons one thousand dollars, and they will deign to give you their ear. Give the Clintons one million dollars, and they will bend American policy to your advantage. Give the Clintons ten million dollars, and they will give you the keys to our Nation, laughingly sending our Nation, its People, the sacred Constitution of our Nation, and the sacred rights and liberties of the American People—all to the dark abyss of hell. ~Personal Reflections on the Clinton Dynasty by the Arbalest Quarrel.


American citizens who believe in the sanctity of and who work diligently to preserve and strengthen our sacred Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms believe in the inviolability of the United States Constitution. Even citizens who fail to appreciate the Second Amendment and who seek to upend it are reluctant to relinquish the U.S. Constitution in its entirety and prepared to redraft a new one. Through her actions we know Hillary Rodham Clinton scoffs at the import and purport of the Second Amendment, belittles those who support it, and has little, if any regard, for the rest of the Constitution. She believes, wrongly, that our system of laws, grounded in our Constitution, and comprising a massive body of case law, statute, and jurisprudence do not apply to her.Under her watch as an employee of the federal Government, in her capacity as Secretary of State, a Cabinet level position in the Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton mishandled classified Government information. That is fact. There is no longer any reasonable doubt about it.What does the mishandling of classified information mean? It means that legal grounds exist for charging Hillary Clinton with a felony. It means that legal grounds exist for indicting Hillary Clinton on multiple counts of violating federal law, namely and particularly, 18 U.S.C. § 793. That Statute falls within Chapter 37.Chapter 37 is titled, “Espionage and Censorship.” 18 U.S.C. § 793 is titled, “Gathering, transmitting, or losing defense information.” Specifically, 18 U.S.C. § 793(f) and (g) reads, “Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer—Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.”Mishandling of classified information cannot be excused or cavalierly dismissed on the ground of poor judgment or innocent mistake. Hillary Clinton’s actions were calculated and callous. Hillary Clinton’s misdeeds, scrupulously catalogued by the F.B.I.—laid out in clear, cogent, and horrific detail by James B. Comey, Director of the F.B.I., in an unprecedented statement to the American people, delivered over the airwaves, on July 5, 2016, one day after the date of our Independence from tyranny—unquestionably supports Hillary Rodham Clinton’s indictment under specific federal law. Hillary Clinton compounded her misdeeds by lying about them. Lying to federal officials support Hillary Clinton’s indictment under another federal law: 18 U.S.C. § 1001 of Chapter 37.


Lost, though, in the moment of the Hillary Clinton private email server scandal and her intentional cover-up of her scandalous outrageous mishandling of classified data is discussion of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation scandal. The public knows precious little about the relationship between the State Department’s foreign policy decisions and monies flowing into the Foundation. But news is trickling out. The American public has the right to know about the relationship between the State Department’s foreign policy decisions and monies flowing into the Clinton Foundation. The American public should not and must not be kept in the dark. It is patently clear that any seemingly altruistic activities of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation are merely “a front,” “a mask,” for the sale of political favors to those willing and able to pay for such favorable treatment. The Department of Justice is silent about this. Why?The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Foundation isn’t simply a vehicle for the performance of altruistic activities, as the Clintons claim publically. The Foundation masks seedy, nefarious, illegal activities, undermining the sovereignty of our Nation and the sanctity of our Constitution, all the while contributing to the Clintons’ accumulation of personal wealth, on a massive scale. The Clintons would deny this, of course. On the Foundation’s website, the Clintons provide only this one innocuous remark, concerning the purpose of their Foundation:“We convene businesses, governments, NGOs, and individuals to improve global health and wellness, increase opportunity for girls and women, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity and growth, and help communities address the effects of climate change.” Stated purpose of the Clinton Foundation as set forth on its website. Stated purpose and goal of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Pay particular attention to the first sentence of the Clinton Foundation’s stated purpose. The Clintons claim their Foundation “convenes” businesses, Governments, NGOs (nongovernmental organizations), and individuals for altruistic purposes. But, do these businesses include international holding companies and multinational corporations? Do these Governments include Russia, China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and many others? Do these individuals include foreign nationals and wealthy, powerful oligarchs? Are these NGOs “authentic” NGOs? If so, they are tied to the United Nations. That alone should give Americans pause.


The Clintons—Bill and Hillary—do not like to discuss the businesses, governments, individuals and NGOs who have poured hundreds of millions of dollars into their Foundation’s coffers. But the American people have the right to know and, indeed, the duty to investigate the motives of these multinational businesses, these foreign governments, these billionaires and power brokers, and these NGOs. What are their desires, wishes, and goals for flooding the Clinton Foundation, collectively, with hundreds of millions of dollars? Might not their motives transcend mere altruistic concerns? Is that not a rational inference to draw? Did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton help formulate U.S. foreign policy on the basis of monies paid to the Foundation—irrespective of how that policy might impact the well-being and security of our Nation and our People? Is that not the one billion dollar question?Did not these multinational corporations, these foreign governments, these billionaires, these UN sponsored NGOs knowingly purchase the U.S. Government policy they wanted through monies paid to the Clinton Foundation? If so, those payments amount to bribes paid to the Clintons through their Foundation. The Clinton Foundation is, then, essentially a conduit, a front for illegal payments to the Clintons—a vehicle for doling out favors—in unlawful defiance of our Nation’s laws—but favors the Clintons are in a position to deliver because of their influence and power and ability to warp and bend government policy as they wish—favors the Clintons are unabashedly willing to deliver to those ready and able and willing to pay handsomely for it.Let’s take a look.


The New York Times reported, in 2015, in a story captioned, Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal,” “how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.”The Times article goes on to say, “But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies. Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.” The New York Times categorically states that Hillary Rodham Clinton used her Department for personal gain. Worse yet, both of the Clintons—Bill and Hillary—allowed their lust for personal wealth to override their duty to protect and defend our Country. Russia is our adversary. Clintons’ supporters and cronies assert that Donald Trump threatens our national security. Yet, here the Clintons sit actually selling out our Country for personal gain. Whatever speculations Hillary Clinton’s supporters may cast upon Donald Trump, Americans need not resort to speculation to know that Bill Clinton, a past United States President, and Hillary Clinton, a past Secretary of State and U.S. Senator who seeks to become the 45th President of the United States, do not, never have, and never will have our Nation’s best interests at heart. Their duty to Country will never outweigh their greed, and their lust for power and personal aggrandizement.As reported by the weblog, Politifact, the Clinton Foundation also received large sums of money from Middle Eastern Countries, namely, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Morocco, and Yemen. Receipt of monies from Yemen is particularly troubling, since terrorist groups are extremely active in that Country. The U.S. has conducted Drone strikes regularly in that Country, as reported in that same Politifact article.The Daily Caller reports that the Clinton Foundation took in nearly one hundred million dollars from other autocratic Middle Eastern Countries.Fox News Reports that the Clinton Foundation has taken in millions of dollars from Countries that imprison homosexuals. Curiously, Rights Groups, who fervently support the rights of homosexuals and transgender individuals, are notably “silent” about that fact. Why is that? Does that not illustrate hypocrisy?These incidents, of course, are just the tip of the ice-berg. But the gravity of the few incidents mentioned here explains Hillary Clinton’s true reason—the true true” and “the whole true for using private email servers. We know now that Clinton deliberately risked the hacking of her personal servers. Her use of private, personal email servers was intentional. She didn’t utilize private, personal email servers to conduct high level federal Government business—servers maintained in her home—as a matter of simple convenience. That rationale, as Hillary Clinton expressly conveyed to the public, is a hopelessly transparent ruse. We can dismiss that ridiculous notion out-of-hand.The American public can reasonably conclude that Hillary Clinton used private, personal email servers, instead of official Government servers to conduct federal Government business, precisely because she found it necessary to cover her tracks. She did so to preclude documentation of the Clinton Foundation’s illegal activities, for posterity, in the National Archives. She did so, as well, to make investigation of the illegal conduct involving the Clinton Foundation, difficult.But, if Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, manufactured foreign and domestic policies for the benefit of others, for personal pecuniary gain—channeling those proceeds through the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Foundation—she committed a federal crime—a felony—beyond the two felonies the public knows about which include: the mishandling of classified Government material, 18 U.S.C. § 793, and lying to a federal official, 18 U.S.C. § 1001. The third federal crime, another felony, is that of bribery. The federal crime of bribery is set down in 18 U.S.C. § 201, titled, "Bribery of Public Officials and Witnesses." The federal crime of Bribery says:

  • “For the purpose of this section—
  • the term ‘public official’ means Member of Congress, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner, either before or after such official has qualified, or an officer or employee or person acting for or on behalf of the United States, or any department, agency or branch of Government thereof, including the District of Columbia, in any official function, under or by authority of any such department, agency, or branch of Government, or a juror;
  • the term ‘person who has been selected to be a public official’ means any person who has been nominated or appointed to be a public official, or has been officially informed that such person will be so nominated or appointed; and
  • the term ‘official act’ means any decision or action on any question, matter, cause, suit, proceeding or controversy, which may at any time be pending, or which may by law be brought before any public official, in such official's official capacity, or in such official's place of trust or profit.
  • Whoever—
  • directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been selected to be a public official, or offers or promises any public official or any person who has been selected to be a public official to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent—
  • to influence any official act; or
  • to influence such public official or person who has been selected to be a public official to commit or aid in committing, or collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or
  • to induce such public official or such person who has been selected to be a public official to do or omit to do any act in violation of the lawful duty of such official or person;
  • being a public official or person selected to be a public official, directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for:
  • being influenced in his the performance of any official act;
  • being influenced to commit or aid in committing, or to collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or
  • being induced to do or omit to do any act in violation of the official duty of such official or person;
  • directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers, or promises anything of value to any person, or offers or promises such person to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent to influence the testimony under oath or affirmation of such first-mentioned person as a witness upon a trial, hearing, or other proceeding, before any court, any committee of either House or both Houses of Congress, or any agency, commission, or officer authorized by the laws of the United States to hear evidence or take testimony, or with intent to influence such person to absent himself therefrom;
  • directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity in return for being influenced in testimony under oath or affirmation as a witness upon any such trial, hearing, or other proceeding, or in return for absenting himself therefrom;
  1. shall be fined under this title or not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than fifteen years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
  • Whoever—
  • otherwise than as provided by law for the proper discharge of official duty—
  • directly or indirectly gives, offers, or promises anything of value to any public official, former public official, or person selected to be a public official, for or because of any official act performed or to be performed by such public official, former public official, or person selected to be a public official; or
  • being a public official, former public official, or person selected to be a public official, otherwise than as provided by law for the proper discharge of official duty, directly or indirectly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally for or because of any official act performed or to be performed by such official or person;
  1. shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than two years, or both.”

During the eight and one-half hour Hearing of the Full House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held on July 7, 2016, in Washington, D.C., U.S. Congressman, Jason Chaffetz, Republican, Utah, pointedly asked the Director of the F.B.I., James Comey, whether the F.B.I. had investigated the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation and whether that investigation was “tied” to Hillary Clinton’s use of personal email servers to conduct official Government business. Comey was, on that score, curiously reticent about answering. In fact, he was tight-lipped. CHAFFETZ: Did you look at the Clinton Foundation? COMEY: I’m not going to comment on the existence or non-existence of any other investigations.CHAFFETZ: Was the Clinton Foundation tied into this investigation?COMEY: I'm not going to answer that.That little exchange, concerning the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation, is the extent of Congressional inquiry into and the extent of James Comey's responses to Congressman Jason Chaffetz's questioning of the Foundation investigation tie-in to the Hillary Rodham Clinton private email server investigation--conducted by the F.B.I.--in eight and one-half hours of Hearing. Strange! Yet, the American public has a right to know if the Democratic Party’s candidate for President of the United States, Hillary Rodham Clinton, is in bed with multinational businesses, with foreign Governments, with UN affiliated NGOs, and with wealthy, powerful individuals.The simple suggestion that a foundation—any foundation—attracting the influential individuals and entities the Clinton Foundation does, generating hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue, does so because such individuals and entities simply have altruistic concerns and wish for the foundation, to spend the monies received accordingly, does precious little, in itself, to inspire confidence. Rather, and specifically, the machinations of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation inspires incredulity, at least, or otherwise simply defies rational belief.The Clinton Foundation does more—much more. The Clinton Foundation conducts business with major players around the world and generates tens and hundreds of millions of dollars because these players seek to influence foreign and domestic policies that benefit them. They know that Bill and Hillary Clinton wield influence within the highest levels of the U.S. Government. They know the Clintons can deliver! Selling out our Country for personal gain is the Clinton’s raison d’etre. The power brokers know this. They know that Bill and Hillary Clinton can be bought. They know that Bill and Hillary Clinton have been bought in the past, and in the present. They know that U.S. President Hillary Clinton would be willing to sell out our Country, in the future. If Hillary and Bill Clinton have manipulated the direction of this Country to benefit foreign interests and sponsors, to the detriment of U.S. interests and to the detriment of the well-being of the Nation’s citizenry, we must also consider the possibility that the Clintons have committed the most serious crime imaginable—treason.We will, in the next Arbalest Quarrel article, explore the legal grounds for indicting the two on charges of treason—the most heinous crime any American citizen can commit. The F.B.I. Director’s reticence in discussing the machinations of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation may bespeak the worst possible horror for this Nation: that the Clintons and their Foundation is not accountable to or beholding to U.S. law and that the Clinton’s Foundation, backed by their foreign donors, is more powerful than the U.S. Government!Most disheartening and disconcerting is the fact that the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation still exists. So, in the event Hillary Rodham Clinton secures the Office of United States President, she will be in the position to use, and will undoubtedly use, and leverage the Office of U.S. President to accumulate, unto the Clinton family, ever large masses of cash. That is bad enough. Worse, Bill and Hillary Clinton will be able to formulate, will have the desire to formulate, and will in fact formulate and implement American domestic and foreign policy to benefit their donors. That policy—sold to the American People—will actually benefit those foreign and domestic actors who remit tens of millions of dollars to the Clintons, through their Foundation. Those donors will expect and will receive favorable treatment—treatment that may and, in many instances, will be detrimental—perhaps severely detrimental—to the well-being of our Nation and to the well-being of our Nation’s citizenry, in contravention to our Nation’s Constitution and to its laws.What can Congress do to prevent the travesty of a Bill and Hillary Dyarchy in this country?


Since the Department of Justice will not perform its duties under the U.S. Constitution, Congress must act to demand integrity of the Executive Branch. A bill is pending before Congress to require integrity of Government: the Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act of 2016. The bill would reenact the Ethics in Government Act of 1978. Two House Republicans, Representative, Rick Allen, Republican from Georgia, and Michael Turner, Republican from Ohio, jointly introduced the new Act of 2016.Where is that bill now? Has the House acted on it? Does it intend to act on it before the General Election in November 2016? Why hasn’t the public heard about it? Are House Republicans stonewalling? If so, why?Enactment of the Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act of 2016 is the best impetus for investigating the serious misconduct of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, and the mysterious, likely illegal conduct of both Bill and Hillary Clinton through their “front,” the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.Failure of House Republicans to act on the Independent Counsel Reauthorization Act of 2016, and failure of Senate Republicans to coordinate efforts with the two U.S. Congressman who sponsored this bill, says much of the reluctance of centrist Republicans to mete out justice for Hillary Clinton. Failure to act on the bill, languishing in committee since May 2016, suggests that many Republicans do not take the corruption emanating from and permeating everything the Clinton dynasty does, seriously. We can only surmise that many Republicans in Congress secretly—and some, not so secretly—desire Hillary Clinton to win the U.S. Presidency. We, at the Arbalest Quarrel, do not. We, along with all Americans, who cherish the sanctity and inviolability of our Nation’s Constitution—which has stood the test of time—and who countenance the continued sovereignty of our Nation and of our system of laws, cannot allow this to happen, must not allow this to happen.The Arbalest Quarrel will continue to delve into the criminal conduct of the Clintons in upcoming articles.[separator type="medium" style="normal" align="left"margin-bottom="25" margin_top="5"] Copyright © 2016 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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