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It may seem of more interest to legal scholars than to those with a decidedly less academic bent to give serious consideration to the import of and, indeed, necessity for a Nation’s written Constitution, but no citizen of any Country should pass off an understanding of that citizen’s system of laws, considering it too complex a subject to devote substantial time to study. Still, in this day and age where the very concept of the ‘nation state’ has, for powerful and ruthless international socialists and socialist technocrats, outlived its usefulness and is seen as an anachronism that should be dispensed with, along with a nation state’s constitution, it is incumbent upon the citizen of a nation state to take a closer look at his or her nation’s constitution -- assuming a nation state has one at all -- to better understand what rights and liberties are also being dispensed with.In our own Country, where the expression, ‘isolationism,’ is today treated unkindly by the mainstream media, where the expression ‘Made in America’ has become archaic, and where our Country’s Bill of Rights is considered old and dusty, it behooves Americans now, more than ever, to take a very close look at the Constitution that the founders of our Republic created, and which our citizen soldiers have fought and died for in the years since, to preserve.There is pressure exerted by internationalists in our own Nation State who feel that our Constitution needs to be revised so that it “fits with” the reality of “globalization” and with “neoliberal economic principles” and with international jurisprudence – matters and notions truly antithetical to the continued existence of our Nation State as an independent and free Republic.As our Nation and other Western Nations are increasingly under attack by savages from the Middle East and from international socialists in the West who use the unrest in the Middle East to further their own agenda, citizens of all Western Nations -- and most importantly citizens of our own Nation -- ought to “think through” what they are being asked to trade: personal rights and liberties for seeming internal security.Americans, in particular, might reflect on the fact that our Fourth Amendment right to privacy is being slowly and systematically eradicated as surveillance becomes ubiquitous. Our First Amendment Right of Free Speech is being challenged by the agents of censorship who seek to ram “political correctness” down our throats. And, what of the Second Amendment. The right to keep and bear arms, unlike the notions of free speech and privacy, cannot be so easily molded and reconfigured like pottery clay by international socialists and their technocrats -- to be rendered “harmless.” The very physicality of firearms strengthens the reality of them so that their loss would be immediately felt by the American citizenry -- in a way and in a manner that the loss of the right to free speech and the loss of privacy may not be immediately felt.Now much is said, by those who wish to disarm the American public, of the harm that guns may cause to innocents, but virtually nothing is said of the necessity for an armed citizenry as the Founders of our Republic envisioned. Worse, for those of us who value the continued existence of our rights and liberties – much worse than any harm caused by guns in the hands of psychopathic, violent criminals and psychotic lunatics, that are but a tiny segment of the population, to be sure – is the lack of guns in the hands of an armed citizenry if it should ever have to deal with a federal government run amok. The Founders knew this and for that reason the inalienable right of the people to keep and bear arms was indelibly incorporated into our Constitution.Now our armed citizenry is sometimes compared to the armed citizenry of Switzerland and the armed citizenry of Israel. Those two Countries, Israel and Switzerland, do not suffer incessant attacks by gun grabbers. But, before we wax poetic over the virtue of Switzerland’s lenient attitude toward gun ownership, where able-bodied citizens are, in fact, required to keep firearms in their household, or, where, in Israel, its citizens are generally able to obtain licenses to possess firearms, relatively easily, including automatic weapons in some cases, one should understand that there is nothing in the Swiss Constitution that informs the Swiss citizen that he has a fundamental right to keep and bear arms. And Israel doesn’t even have a written Constitution.Even though Switzerland demands that its citizens be armed for defense of Country, Swiss law can change that requirement, literally overnight. So, the present maintenance of an armed Swiss citizenry must, then, be statutory, that is to say, not part of Switzerland’s Constitution. And, in Israel, a citizen must indicate a need for a firearm before a firearm is issued to that person – even if the application process is a simple and relatively painless. Moreover, Switzerland changes its Constitution quite regularly. The latest Constitution was adopted in 2000. And, Israel, for its part, has not, since its inception as a Nation State, in 1948, drafted a Constitution; nor has Israel indicated, to this day, any serious desire to do so.Keep in mind, too, that the population of Switzerland is or, at least, had been, at one time, essentially Germanic, homogenous, and the people are tied closely to their Country’s Government. In Israel, too, the population is essentially homogenous, since the majority of its citizens are Jews. So, a codification of a right to keep and bear arms may, perhaps, be deemed unnecessary and superfluous by the citizens of those Countries. But, in the absence of Constitutional language, enshrining a right to keep and bear arms, the idea that a codification of a right to keep arms is unnecessary would be given serious consideration if Swiss law and Israeli law were to change. Suppose the Swiss Government reversed its position on gun ownership by Swiss citizens – no longer allowing -- indeed no longer ordering -- its citizens to be armed, but, instead, requiring its citizens to surrender their firearms to Government authorities. And, suppose the Israeli government imposed stringent restrictions on gun ownership by Israeli citizens, making the process of obtaining a gun license extremely onerous. Neither Swiss citizens, nor Israeli citizens would appreciate that turn of events, but in the absence of a Constitutional guarantee, the citizens of those two Countries would have no legal recourse. Still the possibility that Swiss or Israeli attitudes toward gun possession and ownership would change in the foreseeable future is remote. Now imagine the likelihood of the average law-abiding American citizen continuing to own and possess firearms were the U.S. to adopt the Swiss Constitution and Swiss procedures for easily rewriting its Constitution. Or imagine the likelihood of the average law-abiding American citizen owing and possessing firearms were the U.S. to adopt the governmental framework of Israel which has no written Constitution.Now, the population in the U.S. – with millions of illegal immigrants, currently residing in the U.S., tens of thousands of whom are known criminals and probably drug cartel gang members – is hardly homogenous, unlike the populations in Switzerland and Israel. Nonetheless, American citizens emanating from many Countries – certainly the vast majority who came to this Country through legal channels – inevitably develop a love for this Country. They learn our Country’s history, study its laws, learn its language – English – even as they maintain, and rightfully so, their own unique history, and as they celebrate the traditions of their native Countries, in their homes. But, we are all Americans. And, what secures the rights and liberties of all Americans is our written Constitution – a remarkable Constitution that has stood the test of time. Most remarkably, our Constitution enshrines the importance of the individual over that of a central government. This was no accident. It was as the framers of our Constitution intended.The framers of our Constitution were, rightfully so, always suspicious of a strong central government and that fear is well borne out today as the U.S. Government has been taken over by plutocrats, whose desires and goals for the United States are not co-extensive with those of the People. Hence, the U.S. is the only Country on the face of the Earth that has codified the fundamental right of the People to keep and bear arms – a right preexistent in the People – not a privilege extended to the People by grace of the State as is the case in those Countries – those very few Countries that deign to permit, authorize and, in Switzerland, even require its citizens to keep and bear arms.Still, as weight of World Opinion is decidedly against an armed citizenry – especially an armed citizenry that exists by right, not by license – we, Americans, must be extremely and forever extra vigilant. The Second Amendment has become the bete noire not only of misguided, frightened sheep at home, but of powerful, ruthless, and cunning oligarchic international socialist groups abroad, such as those who designed and implemented the EU. And, they are hell-bent on world domination. Their principal goal extends to destruction of the very notion of the “Nation State.” These groups likely intend to reduce the American citizenry to abject penury – in mind and spirit, as well as in the American citizenry’s pocketbook.The existence of our Second Amendment is inconsistent with the objective of these groups. Through their agents in the U.S. Government, they can ignore out-of-hand, and by able sleight-of-hand, the precepts of the Fourth Amendment. And they can with a little more effort, shackle our Right of Free Speech as embodied in the First Amendment. But they cannot effectively dismantle or disregard the Second Amendment until or unless they can physically remove firearms from the hands of the U.S. citizens. That is an arduous task, as well the Founders of our Nation intended it to be.It is not, then, just a singular currency and a singular language that unites the American citizenry. It is the “Bill of Rights” as secured essentially by the “Second Amendment.” A strong central U.S. Government remains in check less by the three Branches of Government – for, as we have seen, these three Branches have been essentially subsumed into one – and more by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.And, the Second Amendment is the one clear, undeniable chink in the plan of these international socialist oligarchs for a one world government – a government ruled by them and by them alone. These international socialists know that they cannot adequately, effectively control Americans until they are able to control their access to physical firearms.In 1933 President Roosevelt – via executive order, ostensibly based on national emergency – demanded that every American turn in that American’s gold bullion and coins. And many Americans did so. Thus, the Government itself hoards most of the gold. How many Americans do you suppose would voluntarily turn in their firearms today if, by executive order, a President, at the behest of the puppet-masters – claiming national exigency or emergency – asked, or urged, or ordered every American to do so – that the Government itself may, alone, hoard weapons? Very few, would be our guess. Americans know that such executive order would be patently illegal. National exigency or emergency -- whether purported or real -- does not warrant -- can never legally warrant the trampling of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, so long as the Second Amendment exist. Americans certainly know this. Such an executive order would require not a surrender of arms but, rather, a call to arms![separator type="medium" style="normal" align="left"margin-bottom="25" margin_top="5"] Copyright © 2015 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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