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Perpetrating and perpetuating the myth of “systemic racism” in American society serves the Neo-Marxist and Neoliberal Globalist goal of creating volatility in society and social upheaval.The Harris-Biden Administration at the behest of their Neo-Marxist and Billionaire Globalist handlers, along with the Marxist Democrat Party leadership, need societal volatility—demand that volatility—if they are to succeed in overturning a free Constitutional Republic, transforming it into an obedient vessel of a in new Autocratic Marxist-Globalist world trans-superstate structure, spanning the entre globe.To that end, they have cunningly devised many strategies. One that they have had most success with involves the application of “race” and “racism” to everything Americans hold dear and holy, corrupting it, desecrating all of it—profanely, erroneously claiming that the very foundation of our Nation is rooted in the subjugation of Africans and their descendants.These Neo-Marxists have deliberately thrust on Americans a fairy tale surrounding slaves and slavery, claiming that race and racial identity is the defining feature of American society; that racism and the incitement of racial hatred are endemic to America; that “white extremism” and “white supremacism” are prevalent throughout society, endemic to the core of our Nation even though the fact of the matter is that white extremism and white supremacism is de minimis, representing no tenable threat to the stability of American society. Such instability and volatility that exists and is extant in the U.S. is that manufactured by Marxist Democrat Party leadership and the Harris-Biden Administration, itself, not by infinitesimally small and hardly influential groups like the KKK.The volatility and instability evident in society is a product of Government policy. It is seen in the Harris-Biden Administration’s open borders policy. It is seen in its dismissive attitude toward soaring violent crime permeating society and toward a curious permissive attitude held toward criminals and psychopathic and psychotic lunatics, given incredible latitude to prey on hapless, innocent Americans. And it is seen in the Administration’s cavalier attitude toward agitators belonging to rabid Marxist, Anarchist groups—in particular, “Black Lives Matter” and “Antifa” and other such groups—that have caused and continue to cause mayhem and substantial damage to the institutions of a free Republic. But, of extremist “racist” groups on the Right of the political spectrum, where are they? If the KKK and other “racist” hate groups have threatened a free Republic recently, where does evidence of the damage they cause exist? Answer: there is none. And of the January 6 disturbance at the U.S. Capitol Building, where does evidence exist of a “racist” motive; where does evidence of insurrection exist; a carefully designed, coordinated, and executed plan to take over the Government? Answer: There isn’t any.But Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and her gang are busy at work manufacturing a narrative of white extremism and white racism behind the disturbance at the Capitol, even as such evidence THAT DOES EXIST, points to possible culpability on Pelosi’s own part in having allowed the disturbance to occur, so that she and the other Neo-Marxist Democrat leaders, along with the quiet acquiescence of the Republican Leaders, could use the disturbance as a pretext to institute autocratic actions against the entire Nation. See, e.g., article in en-volve and article in Forbes.The perpetration of, propagation of, and perpetuation the myth of “racism,” “race hatred,” “white extremism,” and “white supremacism” serves the Neo-Marxists’ and Neoliberal Globalists’ end goal: dismantling a free Republic and installing a Marxist totalitarian construct to replace it, to be merged eventually into a transformative transnational world governmental scheme.Thus, in propounding a basis to upend a free Constitutional Republic that Democrat Party Marxists and the Kamala Harris and Joe Biden marionettes desire to accomplish and fully intend to accomplish so long as they can maintain power, it behooves them to resort to chicanery to confuse Americans and to create dissension among Americans.And these Destructors of a free Nation-State—with the assistance of a loyal, avid legacy Press, and with the cooperation of Wall Street financiers and “Big Tech,” and with the FBI, DOJ, DHS, ATF, and other bloated Executive Branch Departments, bureaus, agencies, on their side, including the turgid intelligence apparatuses that are supposed to be accountable to the American people through Congress but aren’t—are pulling out all the stops to succeed in dismantling a free Republic so they can then erect a Marxist totalitarian regime, and they can accomplish that in short order to short-circuit the reelection of a populist President and populist Senators and House Representatives who would return the Country to its rightful heirs and owners: the American people.In much that the Democrat Marxists and the Executive Branch puppets do to bring about a rupture of society they must, at present, resort to psychological measures. Only later, once they have achieved their goal of undermining the confidence and will of most Americans, will they resort to violence to break the back of the remaining third of the Nation, tens of millions of American citizens who are well armed, and well versed in the use of firearms, and who are of the mindset and who have the wherewithal to defend themselves and their Country and their Countrymen against all enemies both foreign and domestic—including a repressive and oppressive Marxist regime.The salient tool of the propagandists is language and the manipulation of it to affect a desired response in the target population, a willing compliance to authority, and to obtain a desired outcome—the destruction of American culture and society and subjugation of the masses; ergo the Propagandist resorts to the manipulation of “race.” And he operates with complete abandon in generating volatility in society through the device of “systemic racism” and “white extremism.”


The Marxists and Neoliberal Globalists utilize the vehicles of ‘race’ and ‘racism’ and ‘systemic racism’ because they know Americans are acutely sensitive to the concepts—hence the expansive use of these words to drive a wedge among Americans, to cause an ever-widening rift among Americans that cannot be bridged; to change Americans’ perceptions of themselves, to soften them up, and make Americans amenable to the transformative influences of Marxism. And the extensive, intensive use of these concepts in the media is having the desired effect.Thus, the worst elements among the so-called black race, go about rampaging, pillaging, and running amok, knowing full well the police will likely not arrest them, or if the police do arrest them, then the prosecutors will dismiss the charges against them, or the courts will find them not guilty, or merely slap them on the wrist if they are convicted of a criminal act at all.And the so-called white race finds itself uniformly scorned, ridiculed, shamed, and debased, in effect becoming a victim class itself, along with the “colored” race. And, in the end the entire American commonalty is brought low.


The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy says this about ‘race’:The concept of race has historically signified the division of humanity into a small number of groups based upon five criteria: (1) Races reflect some type of biological foundation, be it Aristotelian essences or modern genes; (2) This biological foundation generates discrete racial groupings, such that all and only all members of one race share a set of biological characteristics that are not shared by members of other races; (3) This biological foundation is inherited from generation to generation, allowing observers to identify an individual’s race through her ancestry or genealogy; (4) Genealogical investigation should identify each race’s geographic origin, typically in Africa, Europe, Asia, or North and South America; and (5) This inherited racial biological foundation manifests itself primarily in physical phenotypes, such as skin color, eye shape, hair texture, and bone structure, and perhaps also behavioral phenotypes, such as intelligence or delinquency.Both in the past and today, determining the boundaries of discrete races has proven to be most vexing and has led to great variations in the number of human races believed to be in existence. Thus, some thinkers categorized humans into only four distinct races (typically white or Caucasian, Black or African, yellow or Asian, and red or Native American), and downplayed any biological or phenotypical distinctions within racial groups (such as those between Scandinavians and Spaniards within the white or Caucasian race). Other thinkers classified humans into many more racial categories, for instance arguing that those humans “indigenous” to Europe could be distinguished into discrete Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean races.The ambiguities and confusion associated with determining the boundaries of racial categories have provoked a widespread scholarly consensus that discrete or essentialist races are socially constructed, not biologically real.” This Essentialist notion of race was taken as self-evident true, and it tore Germany and the rest of the world apart, leading to a conflagration commencing in 1939 with the outbreak of the Second world war.Curiously, the Great War from 1914 to 1918, also a conflagration, did not involve “race.” Many of Germany’s Jews fought alongside Germany’s non-Jews, seeing themselves as fervently German, no less so than the “Aryan” or “Nordic” German.Jump to present-day America. The use of ‘race’ as a weapon—this time by the Harris-Biden Administration and Marxist Democratsare again on full disgusting and noxious display.The propagandists have taken a cue from the race proponents of Nazi Germany although with a decidedly peculiar twist.This time it isn’t the German Nordic white “Herrenmensch” who is extolled but the purportedly black “Untermensch,” albeit the rabid Anti-American Anti-white current head of the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ, Kristen Clarke, has unabashedly argued that it is the “black race” that is markedly superior to the “white race.” See article in LA Times, referring at the end of the article to remarks of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, which explains why Republicans opposed her confirmation to head the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ.

“In opposing her nomination, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in a statement Monday that Clarke had a ‘long history of statements that place the nominee on, frankly, the far-left fringe of the political spectrum . . . This is not the right nominee for a crucial post at a crucial time. ’” See also article in the North State Journal:

“Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s nominee for assistant attorney general of the United States, once promoted racist pseudoscientific quackery, arguing that the human brain was structured in a way that makes Black people superior to white people, and that “human mental processes” in the brain have chemicals that imbue one race with “superior physical and mental abilities” and “spiritual abilities.”After confirmation, Clarke says, as reported in fox news, that she doesn’t “necessarily” hold to those beliefs. In other words, Clarke still professes a belief in this nonsense, but she cannot be overt and explicit about it. For those who would interject “race” into politics, then it must be faced head-on, rationally, logically, especially in those instances where one accepts the reality of “race” in a concrete, absolute biological sense, and dares to extol the righteousness and superiority of this or that “race.” But what we are seeing is that the would-be Destroyers of our Nation have used the concept of ‘race,’ and ‘racism’ and continue to use “race” and “racism” as an odious political device, a tool, a bludgeon, a battering ram directed against our Nation, against our People, and against our Constitution—with the aim of destroying all of it and replacing it with something loathsome, something detestable, reprehensible. And they seek to erect their evil societal construct to ensnare and enslave us all.____________________________________Copyright © 2021 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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“Gun violence is a public health crisis in communities of color, and the Second Amendment has roots in slavery.” This is the opening remark in an article titled, “Racial equity agenda must include gun control,” as published in the Leftist website, “Crosscut,” by Clyde Ford, March 8, 2021.In tandem with the incendiary myth of “critical race theory,” thrust on the American public, and especially on our children by an entrenched Marxist-dominated and controlled Executive Branch and Democrat-Party controlled Legislative Branch of Government, quietly but inexorably and insidiously penetrating, permeating, and percolating through the Nation’s public educational system and even through the military—and all with the help of a seditious, legacy Press, an arrogant Marxist academia, and the inordinately wealthy, powerful, and abjectly ruthless Neo-liberal Globalist technology mega-monopolies—is the application of erroneous and dangerous critical race theory to the Nation’s fundamental Rights and Liberties.A new myth recently being propagated by Obstructors and Destructors of a free Republic and being projected into the psyche of the American citizenry is that the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights has its roots in racism:“The Second Amendment is deeply rooted in America’s racist past, and fundamentally connected to the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others. But to make this connection, one must be a “strict constructionist,” someone who looks beyond the Constitution’s written word to the underlying motives of the founders.At the Second Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, in 1787, Southern delegates were fearful the U.S. Constitution they were drafting would restrict their right to own, sell and transport slaves. In response, Northern delegates crafted a document in which nearly one-quarter of the clauses appeased the slaveholding South, and the words “slave” or “slavery” never appeared. The Second Amendment was key among these appeasements.Patrick Henry, a Virginia slaveholder, opposed ratifying the Constitution, fearing it would cede state control of slave patrols (politely called “militias” by the founders) to the federal government. James Madison, favoring ratification, said in a debate with Henry, “If the country be invaded, a state may go to war, but cannot suppress insurrection. If there should happen an insurrection of slaves, the country cannot be said to be invaded. They cannot, therefore, suppress it without the interposition of Congress.”Take either side, Henry’s or Madison’s, local or federal, and the same fundamental issue remained: preserve slavery at all costs.” FromCrosscut,” supra.This, in essence, as set forth in Clyde Ford’s article, is the argument perpetrated on the American people by Anti-Second Amendment Marxist zealots and, very recently, perpetuated by these Anti-American, Anti-Constitutionalist elements with a frantic, frenetic sense of urgency, for they are hell-bent on making as many substantive changes to a free Constitutional Republic as their fevered sociopathic minds can conceive.In their non-stop campaign to convert a Nation grounded on the precepts, principles, and tenets of INDIVIDUALISM, into a Marxist Hell grounded on the precepts, principles, and tenets of COLLECTIVISM, the latter of which are found operative in Countries such as China, Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela, and, too, are to be seen operative in the European Union since the Nations that comprise the EU are presided over by a COLLECTIVIST Government, presiding in Brussels, Belgium that has usurped much of the power that once resided in the Governments of the individual Countries of the EU and is continually usurping more power. Such is the goal of Marxism and Neoliberal Globalism. And these Marxists and Neoliberal Globalist monopolists intend to bring the people and resources of the U.S. under their umbrella.In their vision of the ideal political, social, economic, and cultural societal construct, individual thought and expression are not only discouraged, but are not to be tolerated; and a Sovereign people whose sovereignty is made clear in the words of the Constitution and whose sovereignty is assured by virtue of their God-given Right to Keep and Bear Arms in defense of Self and Family against those two-legged predators who would dare to harm them physically and in defense against an oppressive, repressive bloated Government that would dare to intimidate them, and to subjugate them, and to reduce them to penury. An armed American citizenry is, to these Marxists and Neoliberal Globalists, an anathema. And these reprehensible and ruthless forces are constantly devising ways to defeat exercise by the citizenry of their unalienable, immutable, illimitable, natural right to keep and bear arms.Although not a new idea, having had its beginnings going back at least as far as the last two decades of the Twentieth Century, the myth has gained renewed attention and vigor from Progressive and Radical Left social media, and Left-wing news organizations, and Marxist academicians. The myth of the Second Amendment having a racist origin, being propagated today is not accidental.The claim of ‘racism’ is, in fact, a major strategy employed by both the Marxists and Neoliberal Monopolist Globalists as they go about attacking and undermining the very foundation of a free Constitutional Republic. These Anti-American, Anti-Constitutionalist forces apply the appellation of RACISM with complete abandon, and amplify it, most notably to:


Yes, even our BILL OF RIGHTS, CHRISTIAN SENSIBILITIES, and JUDEO-CHRISTIAN ETHIC AND ETHOS are being senselessly and mercilessly attacked by America’s Marxists, and America’s Neoliberal, Globalist monopolists as “RACIST.” And in that, the American people are being systematically robbed of everything they hold dear. And why are these Destructive elements in our Nation employing the charge of racism to everything Americans cherish? These destructive forces and influences of ATHEISM and ANTI-NATIONALISM are attacking such things because these things denote the importance of and, indeed, the essence of American identity and American cohesion rooted in FAMILY, COUNTRY, PERSONAL AUTONOMY, INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY, AND INTEGRITY OF SELFHOOD.The forces of atheism—Marxists and Neoliberal Globalist Monopolists—can have none of that! They have replaced the aforesaid sacred, invaluable treasures of our Nation, upon which the very BEING of our Nation and our ancestral memory depends, with a radically new political, social, and economic paradigm:DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSIONOf all the schemes falling under this paradigm of “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion—a paradigm operating, too, as an irrepressible and boisterous MANTRA of the Destructors of our Nation, the fact that they are now applying the charge of “racism” very specifically to one fundamental, unalienable, immutable, natural right, demonstrates the importance these Destructors place on the Second Amendment.During the first couple of months in Office, the present Administration, comprising Marxist and Neoliberal Globalists, has consciously ignored tending to the immediate elimination of the Second Amendment, even as they are cognizant of it, having, during the 2020 campaign, made clear their abhorrence and abject fear of it. So, it has never been far from their mind.But now, unmistakably and undeniably, as the Marxists and Neoliberal Globalists have consolidated their power in Government and, therefore, consolidated their power over the American people, they have directed attention back to that favorite nemesis: THE SECOND AMENDMENT OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS.Of course, they planned to do this all along, but, had the Harris-Biden Administration attacked the Second Amendment head-on during the first few weeks of ascendancy, that would have drawn the ire of most Americans immediately, and they were not prepared to do that.The secretive handlers of the newly vested Great Pretenders, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris, wanted Americans to grow accustomed to THIS PAIR in the Executive Suites. Hence, even as the Great Pretender, Biden, signed many more Executive Actions in his first few weeks in Office than had any other past U.S. President, it was hands off the Second Amendment, even as the Second Amendment was always uppermost in mind, as the salient concern.The Harris-Biden Administration handlers believe they can proceed now, as they feel much of the populace has been softened up through weeks of propagandizing—through the constant drone of DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION, playing hypnotically through the various media organs, and they have made much headway, even as they stumble here and there and as they are facing a considerable public backlash against the insinuation of “CRITICAL RACE THEORY” in so many institutions: POLICE AND THE MILITARY; PUBLIC GRADE SCHOOL AND SECONDARY EDUCATION; HIGHER EDUCATION; BUSINESS AND FINANCE; and, now as it is coming to light, THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY, too.The problem for the Obstructors and Destructors of our Nation is that, despite the consolidation of power, they know full well that however well they might cajole Americans to accept many of the Marxist programs, and notwithstanding their successes in whittling away the right of free speech, and freedom of association, and notwithstanding their major successes in destroying the privacy of one’s personal effects, the Counterrevolution of 2021 cannot have a concrete effect and lasting success as long as Americans possess firearms.Claiming the Second Amendment has its roots in racism is just one more avenue of attack, preposterous as the claim is. Marxists will say anything, however absurd or inconsistent their remarks, if it furthers their agenda, and they need to make haste on defeating the Second Amendment before the 2022 midterm elections and the very real possibility of losing control of Congress. This is their most difficult but most critical task.After all, an armed citizenry is the first and last bastion of a Free People—the final FAIL-SAFE mechanism to ensure the continued existence of a Free Constitutional Republic and a Sovereign American people.It was force of arms—THIS AND THIS ALONE—that enabled a ragtag group of colonists to defeat the might and power of Great Britain, that made possible at all the success of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 1776. No less, it is only by force of arms that the American people can hope to prevent the AMERICAN MARXIST COUNTERREVOLUTION OF 2021 from succeeding. It isn’t that Americans will be compelled to resist Marxists and Neoliberal Globalist Monopolists by force of arms. It doesn’t have to come to that. It is in the exercise of the right that the threat to a TYRANNICAL MARXIST GOVERNMENT. Tyrants cannot and will not abide a population of armed citizens. TYRANTS NEVER HAVE ABIDED AN ARMED CITIZENRY AND NEVER WILL. Biden himself may not realize this. It is likely that this man, who is in a state of incipient, cascading, and permanent cognitive decline, understands little of anything that a secret cadre of handlers give him to read to the American people or permit him to utter extemporaneously. And Harris, who is so enamored of the thought of succeeding to THE THRONE—no less than Hillary, before she came crashing to Earth, and remains disgruntled over the reality of her defeat to Trump, to this day—has, as is apparent, no firm conviction about anything other than her own ambitions, and certainly no love of Country.But most Americans do have firm convictions concerning the necessity of preserving the Republic; realizing that loss of the Republic means loss of Country. Only in the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms can both a free Republic and the authority of the American people as sole, supreme Sovereign be preserved. And the reality of this sits firmly in the psyche of the American citizenry, and it is a thing not so easily dislodged. And the Marxists and the Neoliberal Globalists know this all too well and that makes them frustrated and, therefore dangerous, for in their anguish to dissolve the Country as a Free Constitutional Republic and to bring the American people to their knees, they might light a powder keg.____________________________________Copyright © 2021 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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