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Americans should not only be concerned with but greatly alarmed by Trudeau’s declaration of martial law in Canada. His actions over there have repercussions here, a Nation that resides next door.A declaration of martial law could happen here, but the presence of tens of millions of armed citizens operates as an extraordinarily powerful deterrent against the imposition of it if the Government’s inducement for it were grounded on the notion the armed citizenry itself posed an imminent threat to it.Yet, given the nature of events at home in the U.S. this past year, under a feckless, corrupt, inept, idiotic Administration and an equally feckless corrupt Democrat-Party controlled Congress, the Government could attempt it. If the Biden Administration is that stupid, a bloodbath would ensue—no doubt about that. But it will be the Government’s call. The Government will have to be the instigator of violence against the American people.Americans will not suffer tyranny. That much is clear. The question is how far will this Government go in testing the citizenry's patience? At what point would the Government feel brazen enough to take the risk by pushing the American people against a wall?There are forces both here and abroad that would love to see the Biden Administration call for martial law, as the Trudeau Government did, notwithstanding here, as there,  lack of sound reason—or even flimsy pretext—to do so. Americans have certainly witnessed in the last few years a clear and callous constriction of their fundamental rights and liberties. But the Federal Government hasn’t dared to strangle a person’s life by freezing his or her bank account—at least not yet. And, a truck strike, such as the one in Canada, is not likely to result in anything of the sort occurring here in the U.S. for the very reason that tens of millions of Americans possess firearms. The Canadian citizenry does not. Americans would not tolerate a massive attack on their ability to provide for themselves and their families as a means to subjugate them.Any attempt to destroy one’s life—and that includes an attempt to destroy one’s ability to make a living and having access to their monetary funds—is likely to be met with an equally harsh response by the American people. This is an application of Newton’s Third Law of Motion applied to society. Still, Americans must take notice of what just transpired in Canada. And an analysis of that is in order for there is an elaborate and unpleasant mosaic taking shape in the world—one that impacts all western nation-states.Recent events in Canada mark a major step forward in a massive, albeit secretive global enterprise that transects and transcends the needs, desires, and wishes of the commonalty of all western first-world countries. The goals of that global enterprise are incompatible with the needs, desires, and wishes of the common people of those countries.Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, declared martial law in Canada a few days ago, on February 15, 2022. He delivered the declaration of martial law coolly, caustically, perfunctorily, in monotone as if reading a script prepared for him by others, which it undoubtedly was.This declaration of martial law could have been avoided if Trudeau had deigned to meet with spokespeople for the truckers, allowing them the courtesy of airing their justifiable grievances to which, as citizens, they were certainly entitled. That would have obviated the need for an irresponsible, horrific response to their strike—a peaceful act of civil disobedience. But, then, the declaration of martial law wasn't something to be avoided. It was precisely what Trudeau wanted—or rather, and more to the point, it was what those pulling Trudeau’s strings wanted. It was what the Neoliberal Globalist ruling elite wanted—the imposition of totalitarianism on Canada. And the Truckers' strike gave the Neoliberal Globalists the pretext they needed and wanted.Yet, truth to tell, totalitarianism already existed in Canada. The Canadian people didn't know that a week ago. Now they do. The declaration of martial law—i.e., invocation of Canada's Emergencies Act—simply made the fact of totalitarian rule in Canada transparent. The declaration of martial law was little more than a formality.And, the cruel assault of the RCMP and Ottawa’s police on both Canadian truckers and their supporters, that followed, only made the brutality of Totalitarianism, visited on the truckers and on their supporters, more emphatic.The obscene actions of the RCMP and Ottawa’s police simply punctuated the contentious, contemptuous attitude of the ruling Global “elite” toward the Canadian commonalty: a cold, calculated indifference toward the plight of the average Canadian citizen that manifested clearly, definitively as sheer loathing. The Government obviously gave the RCMP and Ottawa police carte blanche in its dealings with the truckers and its supporters. The message heard was loud and clear:Do whatever you want out there!” And, giving in to the beast within them, they did just that. See, e.g., the story in Daily Mail, and article in Toronto Sun.Easy enough it surely was for Trudeau to declare martial law, sans Court order or Parliamentary consent. There was no hint of reluctance exhibited on his part.Still, the rationale for it from a legal sense, let alone ethical sense, is problematic and the implications of it for both Canada and other western nation-states, including, and especially ours, as Canada’s closest neighbor, is deeply troubling.This is no small matter. It marks an unprecedented step backward—to outright barbarism—and it is a dire omen for Americans.But, to think of Canada as a “democracy” that, through a set of unfortunate circumstances turned toward totalitarianism is false. Of course, the term ‘democracy,’—overused and bandied about ad nauseum as it is today, as, for example, among “Progressives” here in our own Country—has little, if anything, to recommend it either here or in Canada. And it is of little note in any event.Despite a hitherto close rapport with Canada, the fact remains that, in its governance, Canada isn’t like the United States, and never was.As a British Commonwealth Country, Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy. It is also described as a Parliamentary Democracy. On its public website, one learns that——“The Prime Minister heads the federal government based in Ottawa. [And at the moment that person is Justin Trudeau].

  • the Queen or King of Canada is the head of state
  • the Prime Minister is the head of government

The Governor General represents the Queen in Canada. The Sovereign appoints the Governor General on the Prime Minister’s advice. The appointment is usually for five years.”One thing Canada definitely isn’t is a “Republic.” The United States is a true Republic.Specifically, “The United States, under its Constitution, is a federal, representative, democratic republic, an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States.” See govinfo pdfUnlike Canada, Australia, and New Zealand—there is no foreign head of state in the United States, whether of “royal blood” or not. Americans threw the yoke of tyranny off once and forever in the American Revolution of 1776.Unlike the Commonwealth Nations, our Constitution established three co-equal branches with carefully limited and demarcated powers and authority. This was calculated to keep the Nation’s Federal Government from descending into tyranny. This hasn’t worked out so well. But, then, the Framers of the Constitution wouldn’t be altogether surprised by this. They were not so naïve as to believe that carefully delineated and demarcated powers among three co-equal Branches would of itself prevent unscrupulous types from consolidating powers in two Branches of the Government and eventually in all three, and, upon accomplishing that, attempt to usurp from the American people the sovereignty over Government that belongs solely to them.Only the Bill of Rights would keep Government truly in check, and among those sacred, natural, illimitable, immutable, unalienable rights, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is the final arbiter of the power and authority of the American people over Government. If tyranny were to reign supreme over the American people it would only do so by clashing with the armed citizenry and vanquishing the citizenry in armed conflict.Application of martial law against a citizenry constitutes the erasure of the exalted values of civil liberties and a tacit declaration of war on one’s own citizenry. Western Countries talk glowingly of  “liberal democracy” as if such a thing were a godsend, even though it isn’t. It is merely a political trope of the ruling “elite” suggesting to the commonalty the existence of a beneficent, benevolent system of governance that hides a sinister aim—complete subjugation of the populations of all western nation-states.Just how illusive “democracy” was in Canada was made depressingly clear through the ease by which Canada’s civil liberties were summarily erased.And, what was the rationale and motivation for Trudeau’s invocation of Canada’s “Emergencies Act?”The Conservative Institute says this:“Canada’s embattled tyrant Justin Trudeau declared martial law Monday in a desperate bid to crush the truckers who have been protesting his COVID mandates for more than two weeks.Effectively labeling the protesters terrorists, Trudeau announced he would invoke a never-before-used law, the Emergencies Act, that would give him the power to ban public assembly and freeze the bank accounts of anyone helping the demonstrators.The Emergencies Act can only be invoked in a dire emergency” that ‘seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians.’ It has never been used in Canada’s history.By invoking it Monday, Trudeau was essentially declaring peaceful demonstrators who have blockaded the capital of Ottawa to demand an end to COVID restrictions an unprecedented threat to Canada’s security. He laid out a series of extreme measures to deal with the ‘threat.’Trudeau warned that protesters who fail to obey his orders could lose their vehicle insurance and have their personal bank accounts frozen without a court order. Tow truck drivers could also be coerced to cooperate in breaking up the demonstrations. The authoritarian measures, Trudeau said, are ‘necessary and responsible,‘ and would be ‘time-limited.’” See also the article in NY Post.Trudeau’s invocation of martial law in Canada does not, in his very utterance of it, speak of the need for it, but begs the question,“ ‘Can it truly be said the security of Canada is threatened by largely non-violent protests? Certainly, our sovereignty and territorial integrity are not at risk.’” See article in the New York Post, citing, “Leah West, an assistant professor at Carleton University in Ottawa,” who pointed out that ‘The federal government [of Canada] must consult with provinces and Cabinet must believe the protests rise to the level of a national emergency.’”And, there’s the rub. The territorial integrity of Canada was never at risk. Trudeau apparently never did this. He never consulted with the Parliament and with the Canadian Provinces, as he is required to do. In fact, Parliament would not have granted authority in any case. See article in Lifesitenews. Many critical questions are raised that have gone unanswered. “Conservative Party interim Leader Candice Bergen. . . suggested that Prime Minister’s antics were unneeded & making the situation worse, [asserting, on January 16, 2022] in the Canadian Parliament, ‘Yesterday, I noted that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would have to get approval from the Canadian Parliament to enact the odious ‘Emergencies Act.’ Given the fact he heads a minority government and that many Canadian citizens support the goals of the Freedom Convoy protest, Members of Parliament may not be too keen to grant it.It appears I was right. Less than 24-hours after declaring wide-ranging powers, including terror finance laws to defund the trucker, Trudeau came to parliament to persuade them to support his move.’” “Trudeau responded with blather, completely dodging Bergen’s pointed queries. Bergen even noted that there were significant developments that negated the need to invoke the Act:

  • The Coutts border between the US and Alberta has been cleared.
  • The Ambassador Bridge is fully
  • Ontario is ending its vaccine mandate.

When Trudeau explained he was implementing the “Emergencies Act” for the safety of Canadians, he was booed loudly.  When he said he was demonstrating exemplary leadership, there were laughter and jeers.  The Speaker of Parliament had to step in to quiet the uproar several times.Interim Conservative Party leader Bergen made one exceptional point: What if what Trudeau is doing makes things worse?Indeed, the situation appears to be poised to be far more problematic as the truckers remain defiant.” See article on the website, legal insurrection.Indeed, the situation is problematic! Martial law shall exist in Canada indefinitely. The Neo-liberal Globalist masters have tightened the noose around Canada, just as they have done so in Australia, New Zealand, and as they are doing so in the EU. Only the U.S. remains obstinately, indefatigably resistant and defiant to despotic rule. Shall it remain so?_____________________________________Copyright © 2022 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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