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Perpetrating and perpetuating the myth of “systemic racism” in American society serves the Neo-Marxist and Neoliberal Globalist goal of creating volatility in society and social upheaval.The Harris-Biden Administration at the behest of their Neo-Marxist and Billionaire Globalist handlers, along with the Marxist Democrat Party leadership, need societal volatility—demand that volatility—if they are to succeed in overturning a free Constitutional Republic, transforming it into an obedient vessel of a in new Autocratic Marxist-Globalist world trans-superstate structure, spanning the entre globe.To that end, they have cunningly devised many strategies. One that they have had most success with involves the application of “race” and “racism” to everything Americans hold dear and holy, corrupting it, desecrating all of it—profanely, erroneously claiming that the very foundation of our Nation is rooted in the subjugation of Africans and their descendants.These Neo-Marxists have deliberately thrust on Americans a fairy tale surrounding slaves and slavery, claiming that race and racial identity is the defining feature of American society; that racism and the incitement of racial hatred are endemic to America; that “white extremism” and “white supremacism” are prevalent throughout society, endemic to the core of our Nation even though the fact of the matter is that white extremism and white supremacism is de minimis, representing no tenable threat to the stability of American society. Such instability and volatility that exists and is extant in the U.S. is that manufactured by Marxist Democrat Party leadership and the Harris-Biden Administration, itself, not by infinitesimally small and hardly influential groups like the KKK.The volatility and instability evident in society is a product of Government policy. It is seen in the Harris-Biden Administration’s open borders policy. It is seen in its dismissive attitude toward soaring violent crime permeating society and toward a curious permissive attitude held toward criminals and psychopathic and psychotic lunatics, given incredible latitude to prey on hapless, innocent Americans. And it is seen in the Administration’s cavalier attitude toward agitators belonging to rabid Marxist, Anarchist groups—in particular, “Black Lives Matter” and “Antifa” and other such groups—that have caused and continue to cause mayhem and substantial damage to the institutions of a free Republic. But, of extremist “racist” groups on the Right of the political spectrum, where are they? If the KKK and other “racist” hate groups have threatened a free Republic recently, where does evidence of the damage they cause exist? Answer: there is none. And of the January 6 disturbance at the U.S. Capitol Building, where does evidence exist of a “racist” motive; where does evidence of insurrection exist; a carefully designed, coordinated, and executed plan to take over the Government? Answer: There isn’t any.But Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and her gang are busy at work manufacturing a narrative of white extremism and white racism behind the disturbance at the Capitol, even as such evidence THAT DOES EXIST, points to possible culpability on Pelosi’s own part in having allowed the disturbance to occur, so that she and the other Neo-Marxist Democrat leaders, along with the quiet acquiescence of the Republican Leaders, could use the disturbance as a pretext to institute autocratic actions against the entire Nation. See, e.g., article in en-volve and article in Forbes.The perpetration of, propagation of, and perpetuation the myth of “racism,” “race hatred,” “white extremism,” and “white supremacism” serves the Neo-Marxists’ and Neoliberal Globalists’ end goal: dismantling a free Republic and installing a Marxist totalitarian construct to replace it, to be merged eventually into a transformative transnational world governmental scheme.Thus, in propounding a basis to upend a free Constitutional Republic that Democrat Party Marxists and the Kamala Harris and Joe Biden marionettes desire to accomplish and fully intend to accomplish so long as they can maintain power, it behooves them to resort to chicanery to confuse Americans and to create dissension among Americans.And these Destructors of a free Nation-State—with the assistance of a loyal, avid legacy Press, and with the cooperation of Wall Street financiers and “Big Tech,” and with the FBI, DOJ, DHS, ATF, and other bloated Executive Branch Departments, bureaus, agencies, on their side, including the turgid intelligence apparatuses that are supposed to be accountable to the American people through Congress but aren’t—are pulling out all the stops to succeed in dismantling a free Republic so they can then erect a Marxist totalitarian regime, and they can accomplish that in short order to short-circuit the reelection of a populist President and populist Senators and House Representatives who would return the Country to its rightful heirs and owners: the American people.In much that the Democrat Marxists and the Executive Branch puppets do to bring about a rupture of society they must, at present, resort to psychological measures. Only later, once they have achieved their goal of undermining the confidence and will of most Americans, will they resort to violence to break the back of the remaining third of the Nation, tens of millions of American citizens who are well armed, and well versed in the use of firearms, and who are of the mindset and who have the wherewithal to defend themselves and their Country and their Countrymen against all enemies both foreign and domestic—including a repressive and oppressive Marxist regime.The salient tool of the propagandists is language and the manipulation of it to affect a desired response in the target population, a willing compliance to authority, and to obtain a desired outcome—the destruction of American culture and society and subjugation of the masses; ergo the Propagandist resorts to the manipulation of “race.” And he operates with complete abandon in generating volatility in society through the device of “systemic racism” and “white extremism.”


The Marxists and Neoliberal Globalists utilize the vehicles of ‘race’ and ‘racism’ and ‘systemic racism’ because they know Americans are acutely sensitive to the concepts—hence the expansive use of these words to drive a wedge among Americans, to cause an ever-widening rift among Americans that cannot be bridged; to change Americans’ perceptions of themselves, to soften them up, and make Americans amenable to the transformative influences of Marxism. And the extensive, intensive use of these concepts in the media is having the desired effect.Thus, the worst elements among the so-called black race, go about rampaging, pillaging, and running amok, knowing full well the police will likely not arrest them, or if the police do arrest them, then the prosecutors will dismiss the charges against them, or the courts will find them not guilty, or merely slap them on the wrist if they are convicted of a criminal act at all.And the so-called white race finds itself uniformly scorned, ridiculed, shamed, and debased, in effect becoming a victim class itself, along with the “colored” race. And, in the end the entire American commonalty is brought low.


The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy says this about ‘race’:The concept of race has historically signified the division of humanity into a small number of groups based upon five criteria: (1) Races reflect some type of biological foundation, be it Aristotelian essences or modern genes; (2) This biological foundation generates discrete racial groupings, such that all and only all members of one race share a set of biological characteristics that are not shared by members of other races; (3) This biological foundation is inherited from generation to generation, allowing observers to identify an individual’s race through her ancestry or genealogy; (4) Genealogical investigation should identify each race’s geographic origin, typically in Africa, Europe, Asia, or North and South America; and (5) This inherited racial biological foundation manifests itself primarily in physical phenotypes, such as skin color, eye shape, hair texture, and bone structure, and perhaps also behavioral phenotypes, such as intelligence or delinquency.Both in the past and today, determining the boundaries of discrete races has proven to be most vexing and has led to great variations in the number of human races believed to be in existence. Thus, some thinkers categorized humans into only four distinct races (typically white or Caucasian, Black or African, yellow or Asian, and red or Native American), and downplayed any biological or phenotypical distinctions within racial groups (such as those between Scandinavians and Spaniards within the white or Caucasian race). Other thinkers classified humans into many more racial categories, for instance arguing that those humans “indigenous” to Europe could be distinguished into discrete Nordic, Alpine, and Mediterranean races.The ambiguities and confusion associated with determining the boundaries of racial categories have provoked a widespread scholarly consensus that discrete or essentialist races are socially constructed, not biologically real.” This Essentialist notion of race was taken as self-evident true, and it tore Germany and the rest of the world apart, leading to a conflagration commencing in 1939 with the outbreak of the Second world war.Curiously, the Great War from 1914 to 1918, also a conflagration, did not involve “race.” Many of Germany’s Jews fought alongside Germany’s non-Jews, seeing themselves as fervently German, no less so than the “Aryan” or “Nordic” German.Jump to present-day America. The use of ‘race’ as a weapon—this time by the Harris-Biden Administration and Marxist Democratsare again on full disgusting and noxious display.The propagandists have taken a cue from the race proponents of Nazi Germany although with a decidedly peculiar twist.This time it isn’t the German Nordic white “Herrenmensch” who is extolled but the purportedly black “Untermensch,” albeit the rabid Anti-American Anti-white current head of the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ, Kristen Clarke, has unabashedly argued that it is the “black race” that is markedly superior to the “white race.” See article in LA Times, referring at the end of the article to remarks of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, which explains why Republicans opposed her confirmation to head the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ.

“In opposing her nomination, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in a statement Monday that Clarke had a ‘long history of statements that place the nominee on, frankly, the far-left fringe of the political spectrum . . . This is not the right nominee for a crucial post at a crucial time. ’” See also article in the North State Journal:

“Kristen Clarke, Joe Biden’s nominee for assistant attorney general of the United States, once promoted racist pseudoscientific quackery, arguing that the human brain was structured in a way that makes Black people superior to white people, and that “human mental processes” in the brain have chemicals that imbue one race with “superior physical and mental abilities” and “spiritual abilities.”After confirmation, Clarke says, as reported in fox news, that she doesn’t “necessarily” hold to those beliefs. In other words, Clarke still professes a belief in this nonsense, but she cannot be overt and explicit about it. For those who would interject “race” into politics, then it must be faced head-on, rationally, logically, especially in those instances where one accepts the reality of “race” in a concrete, absolute biological sense, and dares to extol the righteousness and superiority of this or that “race.” But what we are seeing is that the would-be Destroyers of our Nation have used the concept of ‘race,’ and ‘racism’ and continue to use “race” and “racism” as an odious political device, a tool, a bludgeon, a battering ram directed against our Nation, against our People, and against our Constitution—with the aim of destroying all of it and replacing it with something loathsome, something detestable, reprehensible. And they seek to erect their evil societal construct to ensnare and enslave us all.____________________________________Copyright © 2021 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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During his first two weeks in Office, Joe Biden signed over 40 executive orders or similar executive edicts. And he isn’t done. A few days into February and we can expect to see 50 or more Presidential executive orders and other edicts.Even 40 edicts far exceed the number signed by any previous U.S. President during his first days in Office. In fact, during his first five days in Office, Biden’s total is far greater than the signed orders of three recent Presidents, combined: Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, as reported by the website, Great American Politics:“As of January 25, 2021, Biden has ‘issued 33 executive orders, actions, proclamations, memoranda and agency directives,’ according to CNN. Twenty-one of these, according to the White House website, are executive orders.President Donald Trump signed four in his first week in 2017; President Barack Obama signed five in 2009; President George W. Bush signed none in his first week in 2001; and President Bill Clinton signed one in 1993.”If Biden is remembered for little else, he likely will be remembered for the sheer number of executive orders he signed during his first few days as President.Of course, Biden didn’t draft these orders and edicts, himself. Biden’s staff did, and, likely, these documents were drafted well before Biden took the Oath of Office. All they needed was Biden’s signature, his imprimatur as President. And with great pomp and flourish before the cameras, he gave the public that.A propaganda machine of Joe Biden’s Party, the cable “news” station, CNN, lays out the gist of these official orders and edicts. Many involve the reversal of Trump’s policies and initiatives, and they all lay the groundwork for an expansive Radical Left agenda.Biden has, to date, signed several orders pertaining to immigration, the environment, the Chinese Communist coronavirus, and health; one order each for the census, ethics in government, and government regulation; and a couple pertaining to the Radical Left’s newest invention, something called ‘equity,’ apparently not to be confused with ‘equality.’  Democrats in Congress and in Biden’s Administration have mentioned the term ‘equity’ incessantly of late, albeit without bothering to explain what they mean by it, which begs a person to ask:


In a recent Press conference, Susan Rice emphasized the importance of “equity” in Biden Administration policy. Susan Rice, who served as Obama’s National Security Advisor, is now Biden’s Director of the White House Domestic Policy Council. Biden’s Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, has also used the word ‘equity’ in her Press briefings; so has Kristen Clarke, Biden’s new head of the powerful Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice.Clearly, the Biden Administration wants to sensitize the public to the mere mention of the word and wants the public to become familiar with it. But that raises a question—and one the Press seems loath to ask anyone in the Biden Administration.The word ‘equity’ seems to mean nothing more than ‘equality,’ a synonym. Okay. But if the two words are synonyms, then why not use the term, ‘equality.’ After all, the word ‘equality’ has historical weight behind it. The word ‘equity,’ by contrast, does not.Apart from extensive use of the word in politics and in the Press, ‘equality’ is a legal term of art, as is the adjectival form of the word, ‘equal,’ appearing prominently in both the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and in federal legislation and the import and purport of ‘equality,’ are discussed at length in legal treatises.So, then, what devious intention or nuance lurks behind the use of the word, ‘equity,’ in lieu of the word, ‘equality,’ by Biden’s people?  The Biden Administration can’t be alluding to the expression ‘private equity,’ which applies to and sees prominent use in business and economics.With no apparent allusion to business finance or to the law of contracts, the reference to ‘equity’ by Biden's officers and staff at the Administration's Press conferences is singularly odd and markedly discordant.Is the Biden Administration using the word ‘equity’ in a novel way? If so, then offer an explanation for it.If no novel use for the term ‘equity’ is intended, then why use it at all? The word, ‘equality,’ works just fine. But, having thrown the word out in the public domain, and with Biden’s people excruciatingly mindful of employing and emphasizing the word in their public discourse and when directing that talk especially to the Press, there must be some reason for doing so, and that is itself telling.



The American public has seen that Democrats, generally, and the Radical Left-wing of the Party, especially, have a penchant for using common words and phrases in cryptic ways and for inventing new words and phrases, the meaning of which remains confoundingly mysterious. This must all be by design.How often in the last several months have Democrat Party politicians and their friends and compatriots in social media and in the Press thrown the expression ‘systemic racism’ around? No one bothers to define it or provide evidence for its existence; why is that? Even so, in asserting the words ‘systemic racism’ over again, the expression operates as a viral meme, a painful splinter in the public's psyche, as it was meant to do. The public blithely accepts the existence of this thing, ‘systemic racism’, as it is expected to do, and many Americans obediently comply, accepting the existence of ‘systemic racism’, unskeptically, unconditionally, and uncritically. The expression is thrown out to the masses as a self-evident truth, an assumption that no one can seriously question, or even be permitted to question, as with the issue of the integrity of America's federal elections and whether Trump actually did win the 2020 U.S. Presidential—mainstream media exposition and proclamation to the contrary. Evidently, America's seemingly Free Press takes its cue from the postulates of Reich MinisterJoseph Goebbels, from whom the Press and social media today have inserted Goebbels' profound, elucidating thoughts on the theory and practice of propaganda, into their own playbook: an educational treatise on the practice of manipulating and swaying public opinion over to your side. See Inspiringquotes; AZQuotes; and Quotes from The Goebbels' Diaries, as posted by Goodreads:“A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”“This is the secret of propaganda: Those who are to be persuaded by it should be completely immersed in the ideas of the propaganda, without ever noticing that they are being immersed in it.”“Not every item of news should be published. Rather must those who control news policies endeavor to make every item of news serve a certain purpose.”“It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion.”“The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never escape from it.”“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will.”“Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state, for every form of power politics and any dictatorship-run state has its roots in the street.“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.”“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”“. . . the rank and file are usually much more primitive than we imagine. Propaganda must therefore always be essentially simple and repetitious.”“The war we are fighting until victory or the bitter end is in its deepest sense a war between Christ and Marx. Christ: the principle of love. Marx: the principle of hate.”“Peoples do never govern themselves. That lunacy was concocted by liberalism. Behind its people's ‘sovereignty’ the slyest cheaters are hiding, who don't want to be recognized.”“You can’t change the masses. They will always be the same: dumb, gluttonous and forgetful.”“That propaganda is good which leads to success, and that is bad which fails to achieve the desired result. It is not propaganda’s task to be intelligent, its task is to lead to success.”“One should not as a rule reveal one's secrets, since one does not know if and when one may need them again. The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should like big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.”“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”Is it any wonder that the Biden/Harris Administration intends to dummy down the entire public educational system. This Brave New World that they have in mind can't function where people are free thinkers! But, the success of the Press in manipulating and controlling the thought processes of adults who have progressed through traditional public school education, before it had been dummied down and had become an indoctrination mill to create a population of unthinking drones, still demonstrates the emphatic power of propaganda over even highly educated Americans who consider themselves critical thinkers.Give some thought to the ability of the Press and social media to instill into the mind of many Americans the idea the 2020 U.S. Presidential election was completely fair and aboveboard. Was it really so? Did the DOJ and FBI truly undertake a serious investigation into numerous concrete allegations of election tampering? If so, when did that investigation take place? How extensive and intensive was it? What did the DOJ and FBI investigate? Isn't there a report of the findings of the DOJ and FBI? If so, where is it? Why can't the public see it? Why should the public simply take on faith William Barr's perfunctory, dismissive assertion, as reported by PBS, for one, that the Department found no evidence of widespread fraud? And, apart from the issue of massive vote tampering, isn't it odd that the U.S. Supreme Court would dismiss out-of-hand a serious State versus State elections' case when only the U.S. Supreme Court can provide relief as the Constitution only provides the U.S. Supreme Court with jurisdiction to hear and decide cases between States, as sovereign entities, when a federal question arises. As reported by Market Watch,“Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas dissented from the decision to not hear the case, arguing that ‘we do not have discretion’ to turn down suits filed between two or more states, which fall within the Supreme Courts ‘original jurisdiction.’ ” ’The Press and social media not only scoff at the idea of a stolen election, exclaiming, with cavalier and constant bravado that such an idea is false and baseless, but that it is a crime for one to simply utter the possibility of it, and so any discussion is forbidden, as the argument for a stolen election is deemed too outlandish for discussion, dismissed out-of-hand as fantasy, as disinformation or misinformation. But, is it so? Also strange is the fact that the Democrat Party and social media are adamant that no evidence for a stolen U.S. Presidential election can even be entertained. That in itself is food for thought. The Democrat Party, the Press, and social media don't merely dismiss the issue out-of-hand, they become apoplectic if one simply harbors suspicions about the integrity of the election. Given the seriousness of the election of a U.S. President, one would think that, at the very least, the Democrat Party, Press, and social media would at least allow those who would challenge the prevailing opinion a forum to express their belief and to present their case. But, challengers are peremptorily and unceremoniously shut out and down from expressing their doubts about the integrity of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, and, more, challengers are contemptuously and vigorously denounced. Why does their exist such raw anger directed against those Americans who would dare express a contrary opinion, and one that has substantial and significant data to support a contrary finding pertaining to the integrity and fairness of the 2020 Presidential election?Can it be that Trump actually did win the election as he and his supporters claim? But no one dare be permitted to say it, lest the charade of the Great Pretender in Chief be recognized for whom and what he really is? Can it be that the forces that seek to transform our Nation into a Collectivist State cannot, must not, allow for dissension in the public marketplace? Can it be that this free Constitutional Republic is not so free, after all? Can it be that that the Republic no longer exists or else is surely on its deathbed, where only the trappings of liberty remain? Soon, will even the trappings of liberty be dispensed with as things no longer necessary to keep dissident thought at bay because all dissension in public and social thought will at some point be stamped out?If the Country cannot return to its roots, irreparable harm and catastrophe will befall the Nation. That is an ice-cold fact.Division, divisiveness, and suspicion of ‘the other’ have become widespread, and are deliberately being fostered by an Administration that falsely and ironically accuses Trump and his supporters for division and divisiveness in our Country. The fact of the matter is that Biden and his handlers have no desire to unify the Country because the unity they seek isn't really unity at all or otherwise  has taken on a most unusual form, or surely so in a free Constitutional Republic if that is what our Nation still is? Biden's unity is no more than a function of uniformity in thought and conformity of behavior, the antithesis, then, of free, critical thought. The unity the Biden/Harris Administration has in mind is compliance: unity imposed on the polity by Government edict or, where deemed necessary, unity imposed on the polity through the use of brutal, physical force, where the military and police target political dissent. How ironic that our Nation that has hitherto chastized other Nations for not permitting open dissent would not openly embrace its own cardinal sin.This demand for unity through conformity leads inevitably, inexorably into violent conflict and confrontation in society; assaults on innocent people, and the wanton destruction of public and private property. But, this, too, must be by design.  And this, too, is all by design. The malicious, malevolent forces that crush have unleashed their fury against our Nation. A violent clash is apparently welcomed. It is certainly ordained. That is the cost of success for a counterrevolution to overturn the American Revolution. And that is a price the forces that crush are willing to pay, must pay, to overturn 200 plus years of freedom that itself was the price many Americans were willing to pay and did pay to create and then preserve a free Constitutional Republic.Thus the forces that crush deliberately, calculatedly foment chaos throughout the Country. They foster ill-will among America's myriad ethnic groups. They create the very conflict and dissension they disingenuously say they wish to avoid, as they know that only through both psychological persuasion, i.e., propaganda, and through the threat of and through the use of physical force can they contain the righteous indignation of those Americans who are averse to relinquishing their sacred, fundamental, natural, unalienable, immutable, illimitable rights. The forces that crush must destroy all opposition.These forces that crush must undermine social cohesion to make their wishes for a one-world political, social, economic, cultural, and juridical system a reality. Thus, they denigrate America's f0unding founders. They defile our cherished history, heritage, traditions, mores, and core values with their lies. They disdain national pride and patriotism, perceiving these as feelings as archaic, atavistic, parochial; such feelings have no place in the new world order they intend to erect.Anything deemed archaic, atavistic, and parochial, these forces that crush intend to eradicate. Even the sacred institution of the family isn't beyond ridicule condemnation.Privacy is also considered quaint and anachronistic. Our Nation has become a surveillance society. Each individual is encouraged to become a shoofly; a spy against one's neighbor and even against a family member.very American is encouraged to report dissenting conduct and speech to the police or whomever the new authority, as established by an oppressive and repressive Government, happens to be.The forces that crush intend to replace our unique national identity with a multicultural perspective that transcends individual nation-states; that transcends OUR Nation-State. The forces that crush intend to replace our Nation's Judeo-Christian ethic with a new ethical standard grounded in the will of the State, where the State itself purports to be a god, and the sole god.Messaging is delivered through old vehicles and new, radio, television, and social media: through the airwaves, digital media, hard copy news media, and even word-of-mouth. The public is systematically subjected to highly efficacious, effective, and efficient modern propagandistic techniques. Yet, the full range, potential, and destructive power of propaganda are visible to those people perceptive enough to peer directly at it, and in so doing be immune from the effects of it. Unfortunately, many people aren't cognizant of the onslaught of propaganda on their psyche, and the impact it has had and continues to have on shaping their belief structures.And, now with the word ‘equity’ bandied about regularly in the Biden/Harris Administration's Press conferences, the propagandists have injected a new viral meme into the public psyche. The full impact and purpose of it have yet to play out, but something is definitely afoot: intimations of something far-reaching that will impact each American. And none of it is good.Consider Democrats’ policy positions on guns and on civilian gun ownership and possession, particularly. None of that is good either. Words DO have meaning. And those words that Democrats and the Press use when talking about guns are meant to amplify their abhorrence of them and to enact laws and to inject social policy directives that serve to undermine the very framework of a stable, cohesive society. The American public had learned the disturbing truth pertaining to Federal and State antigun policy and rhetoric. And that painful truth will shortly be revisited upon them and with a vengeance. This is a major concern for the forces that dare to crush a free Constitutional Republic and a free people, and it is all part of their plan for complete domination over the individual American citizen.________________________________



Antigun laws and policies aren’t meant—were never meant—to create a cohesive, stable society, to protect public safety and order. They were meant—are meant and were always meant—to hobble the American people, to subordinate the citizenry to Government. This is contrary to the import and purport of the U.S. Constitution. The framers of the Constitution intended for the American people to be sovereign, not for Government to assume that role, else tyranny looms.Through the incorporation of the Nation's Bill of Rights into the Constitution, and especially through the exercise of the natural, fundamental right of free speech and the right of the people to keep and bear arms, the citizenry would have and was meant to have the ability to keep a powerful, deceitful, jealous Government and a riotous majoritarian mob, operating at the behest of a tyrannical Government, both in check, and thereby maintain its sovereignty over those forces that would dare to usurp the natural sovereignty of the people.Obviously, the enactment of unlawful, restrictive gun laws and unlawful policies, together with—as we are seeing today—unprecedented restrictions on free speech are designed not to benefit the American citizenry but to harm it, and to do so irreparably, by removing from Americans the only effective means by which and through which Americans can maintain their sovereignty over Government: through exercise of the natural, fundamental right of each individual to speak his or her own mind and through the right of each to own and to possess firearms in defense of self and family and to prevent the unlawful encroaching usurpation of power by and the onset of tyranny by the State.Restrictions on sacred rights are meant to tear down society. And the subordination of the Self to the group Collective is antithetical to the tenets of Individualism upon which our Nation was constructed and upon which it grew and flourished. The forces that crush intend to create something wholly alien to our Nation’s history and traditions and culture.The public meets with waves upon waves of new laws, policies, and initiatives, all meant to defeat this thing ‘systemic racism’ that doesn’t even exist except in the feverish minds of politicians and fanatics, who create a dangerous reality out of nightmarish fantasy harking back to a long ago, dead past. The forces that crush conjured up this fiction of systemic racism as a ploy to tear down the sanctity and inviolability of the individual. The inculcation of the bizarre and ludicrous doctrine of critical race theory now hawked as legitimate science, to be added to the curriculum of public school and higher education, has at its apparent objective the goal of raising up one ethnic group at the expense of the other, which, in itself is dubious and disheartening. In truth indoctrinating young Americans and old in this new doctrine of critical race theory is psychologically debilitating to everyone. It isn't meant to mend feelings among ethnic groups. The opposite is true. It is meant to sow divisiveness and division, discord and discontent, suspicion and hatred among the masses, thereby creating a means by which a small, ruthless elite ruling class can easily subjugate and control the rest of us.The actions of the obstructers and destructors of our Nation do long-lasting if not irreparable harm to the health, safety, and well-being of the populace. It is not something they worry about. It is not something they care about. They see this as necessary to their agenda for absolute control over the population. It is their intention to fracture, destabilize, and tear down society. Once that is accomplished they will then engineer a different social, political, economic, and cultural order from the rubble of the old.A substantial segment of the population sees the intentions of the destroyers of our Country clearly. But, another substantial segment of the population does not. Those that do not have been conditioned to believe that President Trump was an autocrat, a danger to Democracy. it is all false. It is all a ruse.The Democrats had no one to offer as a palatable replacement, other than a feeble, shell of a man, Joe Biden.The Press erroneously and deceptively convinced the public that Joe Biden is a political moderate. They did this to allay the public’s suspicion of Radical Left intentions. Many Americans felt that voting for Biden would be a safe bet for the welfare of the Nation. Sadly, they were wrong. But, what is Joe Biden really?To pin Biden down is a fruitless and pointless venture. He isn’t running the Executive Branch of Government. He isn't running anything, not really. Biden isn’t a leader. He's a follower. and he is being led, and those who voted for him and those who voted against him in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election both know it. Biden is being dictated to by his advisors and he is obediently doing what he is told. Everything he says and does is deliberately and carefully scripted for effect.The goal to be achieved is a radical transformation of society, consistent with the tenets of Collectivism. The EU and Communist China under Xi Jinping, as Collectivist political, social, economic, and cultural constructs, provide, each in its own way, a blueprint for a radical transformation of America that the obstructers and destructors of the Nation envision.And the Biden/Harris Administration is just getting started with the massive transformation of our Nation into a Dystopian Collectivist nightmare.The public is beginning to see the Collectivist vision for America taking shape with increasing top-down Federal Government control of all aspects of American life. And this mammoth undertaking to rupture and destroy a free Constitutional Republic is moving ahead rapidly. Severe restrictions on fundamental rights and liberties are taking shape rapidly.Dissent as protected speech is not only strongly discouraged; it is systematically attacked, debased, degraded. A coordinated attack against the First Amendment is well underway, and a reciprocal attack on the Second is about to be launched.The radical transformation of America has begun and will soon be in full swing. Americans must be proactive to prevent this, using all lawful means to do so.If we fail, we will all soon see our Nation taking a 180-degree turn from a free Constitutional Republic, securely grounded on the tenets and principles of Individualism, to a Marxist, Paternalistic State, grounded on the tenets of Collectivism. This is a thing alien to our Nation's rich and glorious history, heritage, culture, and ethical values; and a thing absolutely antithetical to our founders' beliefs; abhorrent to their sensibilities; and disparaging to their memory.__________________________________




As with the odd use of the word, ‘equity,’  in lieu of equality,’ which has been voiced by Biden Administration officials of late, and which is apparently one more vehicle through which the Biden/Harris Administration intends to introduce a mammoth new wave of repressive policy initiatives—yet to be formally announced but surely soon to be activated—the sinister forces that are working feverishly to undermine a free Constitutional Republic have, in the not so distant past, utilized another expression which operated as the springboard for launching a devastating concerted attack on the Nation’s cherished institutions and fundamental rights. And Americans will soon see it utilized actively once again.Recall that Democrat political strategists decades ago coined the phrase ‘assault weapon.’ Politicians and lawmakers utilized the expression as a propaganda tool to constrain, not preserve and strengthen, the exercise of the fundamental, natural right codified in the Second Amendment.The expression ‘assault weapon,’ a fictional phrase that is not used or referenced by the military or by the gun industry, is a vague expression— deliberately vague in meaning—and for good reason. If the expression were well defined, the public would know exactly what firearms fall within the meaning of ‘assault weapon,’ namely the many they own, and they would be perturbed to see those firearms targeted for confiscation.By keeping the expression vague, State and federal governments can place into the category of banned firearms, i.e., ‘assault weapons,’ any firearm they wish to prohibit the public from owning and possessing. And the result is that the domain of ‘assault weapon’ constantly expands under Federal and State law and with alacrity.Each State has its own legal definition for ‘assault weapon.’ In some States those definitions are more expansive than in the gun statutes of other States. And, so the expression, ‘assault weapon,’ remains deliberately amorphous.Had the propagandists began their attack on the Second Amendment by using the expression, ‘semiautomatic firearm,’—an expression that has unambiguous meaning in the gun industry and in the military—that would immediately raise alarm bells among American gun owners and justifiably so.Most firearms owned by the American public today are semiautomatic weapons. By deliberately refraining from the use of the expression, ‘semiautomatic weapon,’ or ‘semiautomatic firearm,’ the political strategists and the propagandists had hoped to disguise the full depth and breadth of their aims, and they have met with a measure of success by opting to target civilian ownership and possession of ‘assault weapons’, rather than by specifically targeting ‘semiautomatic weapon.’ Not that the average gun owner didn't know what was going on—even if many Americans truly did not—but, through the use of a neologism, a coined word, a legal fiction, even more astute members of the public could be under placed under a hypnotic trance, not quite getting the full measure of what was taking place. Such is the power of propaganda. And many Americans did go along, unaware of the deception, oblivious to the ruse. They would see and did see “ASSAULT WEAPONS” as a danger to public safety and public order when they didn't see “SEMIAUTOMATIC WEAPONS” as a danger to public safety and order. In other words they weren't led to believe that THEIR firearms were a danger to public safety and order and, so, they didn't see THEIR firearms as being targeted. Thus, they didn't have necessarily have a problem with laws that restrict access to such things, “ASSAULT WEAPONS” where they definitely would have had a problem if “SEMIAUTOMATIC WEAPONS” were targeted.Reference to the amorphous assault weapons rather than to well-defined semiautomatic weapons offered another boon to antigun zealots and antigun proponents, for it left Federal and State legislators free to fashion gun bans in whatever manner they wish. They were free to give specific legal meaning to the expression, ‘assault weapon,’ in whatever way they want, targeting the very firearms and the component parts of those weapons that Americans own and possess and would wish to keep. Those Americans, who might have deemed the assault weapon as a type of firearm that no civilian needs and that no civilian should be permitted to own and possess, would learn too late that they had been hoodwinked and that what they had taken to be a fundamental right to keep and bear arms had, indeed, been unlawfully, unconstitutionally infringed, after all, with an end-run around the problem of semiautomatic weapons in the hands of tens of millions of Americans, through a ruse concocted by the propagandists.When State governments ban “assault weapons,” they must obviously name the weapons they intend to ban; and now the public knows that the firearms they own and possess that were once legal, now aren’t. And that justifiably angers them, but it is much too late in the day to do anything about it. And, as restrictive gun laws are amended and refined, the public sees that more and more semiautomatic weapons are included under the rubric of highly regulated or outright illegal “assault weapons.”The federal assault weapons ban of 1994 (AWB) listed a substantial number of semiautomatic firearms, handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Democrats demonstrate a remarkable proclivity for making illegal a substantial number of semiautomatic weapons, and they relish the chance to do so.The AWB expired in 2004 and Congress didn’t renew it. Democrats attempted repeatedly through the years to reinstitute a federal “assault weapons” ban, but without success. Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein figured prominently in that effort, but, to date, had not met with success. This will soon change now that Democrats have control of the Executive Branch of Government and now that they also control both Houses of Congress.Yet, through the intervening years, between 2004 and 2021, when Democrats in Congress ran into problems convincing Republicans and the public at large to fashion a 1994 national assault weapons ban, did not affect the States. The seeming intransigence of Congress that galled the antigun zealots never impacted States that antigun zealots controlled. These Radical Left States created their own oppressive gun laws, severely restricting possession or banning altogether many semiautomatic firearms under the category “assault weapons.” Broadly construing ‘assault weapon,’ to mean whatever they chose it to mean, these States were free to ban many different firearms with a broad stroke, and they did so with abandon.If the expression ‘assault weapon’ were an industry term of art, as, for example, the expression ‘assault rifle’ is, legislatures would have struggled to lawfully ban large categories of firearms under the rubric of ‘assault weapon.’ But the phrase ‘assault weapon’ is not an industry or military term of art. So the drafters of legislation can include single-action or double-action revolvers, or any other kind of firearm under the rubric of ‘assault weapon’  if they wish. And, at some point, they may very well do so. There is nothing to constrain them.Look at the New York Safe Act of 2013. Under the list of banned “assault weapons” is included revolving shotguns. Revolving shotguns aren't semiautomatic weapons. The expression, ‘assault weapon,’ need not be confined to semiautomatic weapons or to any particular category of firearm.Now that Democrats control both Houses of Congress along with the Executive Branch of Government, we will soon see Presidential executive orders and legislative bills flying willy-nilly off the desks of antigun proponents and zealots. There is nothing to stop them._____________________________________



Democrats have complained long and hard that, as they see it, too many people have access to “military weapons of war,” a.k.a. ‘assault weapons.’ A flurry of State and local laws and, for a time, federal law, too, strictly regulated the ownership and possession of them. Congressional Democrats now have carte blanc to do what they want. And on the matter of guns, Joe Biden has never equivocated.Back in August 2019, when Biden was just another Democrat Party hopeful to be U.S. President, CNN reported him exclaiming that “he will push to ban assault weapons if elected President in 2020.” And, in March 2020, MSN news, citing a Columbus Dispatch story, reported Biden asserting, “‘Assault weapons and high-capacity magazines are designed for no purpose other than to kill quickly and as brutally as possible. No one needs them.’” Unlike with the issues of “court-packing,” coal mining, and fracking, where, during the campaign, Biden made vague pronouncements or outright inconsistent statements he has been unequivocal when it comes to guns.Biden has a deep-seated loathing of guns, especially those he refers to as ‘assault weapons,’—a fiction and pejorative.Yet, noticeably absent from the first few dozens of executive orders Biden signed, there is, momentarily, as of the posting of this article, no Biden order pertaining to guns and gun ownership. Has he forgotten about that? Not likely!Rest assured, those orders are coming, and coming soon. And we will soon see a gale of antigun bills flying of the desks of Congressional Democrats.The twin issues of “guns” and “gun violence” will be much discussed in the weeks and months ahead. That much is certain.Will Biden sign an executive order banning “assault weapons” and will he sign a flurry of other antigun laws as well, not bothering to wait for Congressional enactments?Don’t think this is improbable. In fact, with all the banter of gun-toting “white supremacists” and right-wing “domestic terrorists” and with thousands of National Guard troops camped out in the U.S. Capital, and with the constant denigration of and growing suppression of conservative dissent, something is definitely afoot. In fact, the Democrat Party propaganda machine is in overdrive. The propagandist newspaper, NY Times, for one, has laid the groundwork for an assault on “guns.”Proclaiming with majestic fanfare a massive threat to “democracy” posed by purported well-armed right-wing extremist groups, or so the public is told—and never mind the threat posed by truly dangerous Radical Left Anarchist and Marxist extremist groups that routinely get a pass despite having engaged in an unmistakable reign of terror against the public over the summer, and continue to do so even now—the vast propaganda machine of the “free” Press is setting the stage for a nation-wide gun confiscation program targeting average citizens, similar to the one instituted in Australia some time back, that Hillary Clinton championed.The propagandists have conjured up a new pretext for further undermining the Second Amendment: the threat of “domestic terrorism.”  Old expressions bandied about such as ‘white supremacist,’ and ‘white extremist,’ and new expressions such as ‘domestic terrorist’ and ‘equity’ aren’t defined—are deliberately kept vague—but the public is getting a ferocious blast of “news” reports meant to keep these words and phrases constantly in the public psyche. This isn’t an accident. The reason for this is plain.The Radical Left propaganda machine is softening up the public, turning the mind to mush, conditioning the public, most of them reluctantly, but some of them gleefully, to accept the need for curtailing the citizenry's fundamental rights. the Radical Left is constantly contorting and distorting the import of the U.S. Constitution out of all semblance to its original meaning and intent.The forces that dare crush the Nation and its people into submission—and they are legion—including mega-billionaire neoliberal globalists both here at home and abroad, Communist China, and avowed Marxists, Socialists, Communists, and Anarchists, found in all sectors of Government and in the economy, are succeeding. They have weakened much of the public’s resolve. The dangerous forces that crush entire nations into submission cavalierly usurp authority, denying the American people their rightful sovereignty, slowly suffocating and strangling the public’s will and spirit to oppose them, leaving Americans feeling remorseful, fearful, dejected, without hope, and thereby dependent on the Nanny State. Such is the power of propaganda to bend, shape, and warp the public psyche. The use of words and phrases can have and do have a tangible, debilitating effect.By deliberately keeping expressions vague and ambiguous, propagandists can define words and phrases in whatever way they want, changing the meaning of words and phrases at random, or dispensing with them and replacing them with others, or coining new words and phrases; lumping whatever they want into them. The propagandists have laid the groundwork for a new bogeyman, and they are using that bogeyman to undermine the U.S. Constitution, the foundation of our Government and they are blithely attacking our Nation’s fundamental rights.The forces that dare crush our Nation into submission have taken over the reins of Government. With the ouster of Trump and with control over two of three Branches of Government, and with that of the Judiciary, the third, on the radar, the forces that intend to destroy a free Constitutional Republic have attained much of their first goal. The second goal is now to rein in the sovereign American people themselves.How do you destroy the sovereignty of the American people? Get them to accept the false and dangerous notion that their fundamental, natural, unalienable, immutable, illimitable rights are no longer necessary; that the Democrat Party agenda, when effectuated, can better “serve” the American people and that all will be well with the world once the Nation's old, archaic, atavistic, anachronistic Bill of Rights is erased, and once the plain meaning of the Articles of the U.S. Constitution is modified, upended, reinterpreted, formally dispensed with, or, simply, ignored.____________________________________Copyright © 2021 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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