Introductory Quote:

A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

The cited passage is taken from Taylor Caldwell’s novel, “A Pillar of Iron,” published in 1965. See “Short Biography of Taylor Caldwell.”

Taylor Caldwell, a prolific and accomplished writer, (born  1900 and died 1972), utilized the vehicle of fiction to express basic truths about society and man.

Through years and decades, of observing and processing world events and the operation of governments, she realized that many of the evils prevalent in the world didn’t come to be by accident or happenstance but by design.

This disturbing reality did not “except” the United States, notwithstanding that it had emerged as a Phoenix free and independent from the raging fires of Tyranny, a dominating force for Freedom and Liberty.

Indeed, it is precisely because of the import of the Bill of Rights and the indomitability of Americans that has made it a prime target for destruction by the powerful forces that crush countries and people—those forces intent on creating a worldwide tyranny.

These powerful malevolent and malignant forces at work to destroy a Free Constitutional Republic and independent sovereign Nation-State and a free and sovereign people know that to make their nightmare vision a reality, they must first Crush the will of the American people.

To do that, they must Dissolve their Constitution, Deny to the American People their National Emblems, Dismantle their Monuments, Desecrate their Art, Erase their History and Heritage, Make Mockery of their Culture and Ethos, and, above all, Eradicate their Faith in the Divine Creator, upon which Moral Truth and the Sanctity and Inviolability of the Spirit and Soul and Selfhood and Individuality and Personal Autonomy alone resides.  

This is a monumental task, but their first order of business. And they have made substantial strides in the last thirty years to accomplish this, but then, unexpectedly, for Four Years, from January 2017 to January 2021, the Presidency of Donald J. Trump brought their Agenda to a Screeching Halt, almost Derailing Decades of Prodigious Effort to cut the Legs of a Mighty and Proud Nation.

The American People have long prided themselves on the idea that it is they and they alone who decide the fate of their Nation. They do this through belief in the integrity of their electoral system. It is they who decide who shall run for High Office and it is they who elect those members of Congress and that individual who serves as leader of the Nation, the President of the United States. And the people elect these people to High Office with the belief that they  will best serve their interests and the interests of their Nation, consistent with the import and the purport of the U.S. Constitution. But is that true? Was it ever really true? And if not, what has prevented absolute Tyranny? Might it be the forces that crush has been unable to date, try as they might, to dismember the Bill of Rights, a codification of Natural Law Rights that cannot easily be—and certainly not lawfully—eliminated because these rights are of a different order of magnitude.


No other nation or group of nations, such as those of the EU, and no NGO, i.e., the UN, make such a portentous pronouncement or allude to such, or imply such in their pretentious but vacuous delineation of “rights of men” as set forth in their tracts or constitutions.

Americans have their natural law rights that the powers that crush have not been able to dislodge although they have made inroads in confining, constraining, and even ignoring in the past several years, despite the efforts of one Branch of the Federal Government, the U.S. Supreme Court to prevent this.

But these forces that crush have neutralized the integrity of America’s Electoral Process, that many Americans, through the machinations of a compromised “Free Press” and powerful social media organizations deny. And many Americans believe the lies conveyed to them through the Press and through the airwaves. They believe they control the destiny of their Nation through their elected leaders whom they have duly and fairly elected. That is a strong belief and a necessary one. For, if the people doubt the integrity of the electoral process, then they would have to acknowledge that they have no control whatsoever over the Federal Government. Many Americans don’t believe that, refuse to accept that, and the propaganda mill does its best to foster the myth of a fair electoral process, going so far as vehemently condemning and censoring any voice to the contrary. And so many Americans—perhaps even most Americans—believe that their elections are fair and aboveboard, and, therefore, that the American people do in fact control their Nation’s fate and destiny.   

Taylor Caldwell provides a compelling argument that this is a false notion.

Like Sir Thomas More, a philosopher and politician and advisor to King Henry VIII, centuries ago, who realized the dangers inherent in those who wield absolute power, and who described those dangers and foibles through the vehicle of fiction—a little work titled, “Utopia,” which spawned an entire genre of literature bearing the name of that title—Taylor Caldwell does the same.

Thomas More utilized fiction, expounding basic truths, to avoid certain death were he to draft a non-fiction account of the ruthlessness of Henry VIII.

More was later beheaded anyway, becoming an object lesson to anyone who crosses a Tyrant. Sir Thomas More was, however, a principled man, thoughtful and of profound courage. He would rather face death than deny his sacred principles and bow to Tyranny.

The founders of the United States, centuries later, would do the same. They would suffer not Tyranny, but would willingly sacrifice their life to secure liberty for themselves and their fellow man.

Today, in America, people aren’t hanged for expressing a thought contrary to that of the Ruler. Or are they? And, in that regard, who IS the present Ruler of the United States?

Is that Head of State and those seemingly elected by the people of the United States to serve Congress truly bound to service to the U.S. Constitution?

Is the legislation enacted by Congress and supposedly implemented by the U.S. President consistent with the Supreme Law of the Land, the U.S. Constitution? And are the American people truly in control of their Nation’s fate and destiny?

Taylor Caldwell suggests otherwise, and what she saw transpiring in the Country, during the mid-Twentieth Century in the middle years of her life, during which she wrote the preponderance of her great novels, she perceived that things were not as they might seem.

What profound works would she have penned today if she could but see the horrors impacting the Country and threatening the world in this, the first decades of the 21st Century under such “elected Presidents” as George Bush, Barack Obama, and, presently, Joe Biden.

George Bush, with the backing of or inaction of Congress, and awfulness of the privately owned central banking system referred to by the abbreviation, the “Fed,” (as if to suggest this is a public institution), and, at the time, under the tutelage of the pompous Alan Greenspan, drove the Country to war with Iraq. George Bush said the war would cost only $50 Billion to $60 Billion. See the article in the Guardian.

Lawrence B. Lindsey, . . . was ousted as President Bush’s first economic adviser partly because he predicted the war might cost $100 billion to $200 billion. . . . [and] Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, and critic of the war, pegs the long-term cost at more than $4 trillion.

This is all Taxpayer dollars gone to waste and causing substantial harm to the Nation’s security in the process. 

A report from Brown University revealed that 20 years of post-9/11 wars have cost the U.S. an estimated $8 Trillion and have killed more than 900,000 people.”

To this day, no Mainstream Media account would remark the Iraq War was grounded on a lie—which it was, but only a “mistake.”

CNN calls the war a “terrible mistake.”

Forbes calls the Iraq war “The Biggest Mistake in Military History.”

And Slate calls the war “a grotesque mistake.”

Apart from that “military mistake,” and partly because of it, Bush and Greenspan destroyed the American economy. See, e.g., Judiciary Report, written in 2007.

After this mess the people voted a Democrat into Office, Barack Obama, a man of “many slogans.” See the Washington Post article.

Did America have enough of wars and the costs and all the ravages of them? Would Barack Obama do something to alter that? With a little urging from his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton—who was expected to succeed him in 2017—the two created a new vacuum in the Middle East, by giving the Green Light to destroy Libya’s Ruler, Ghaddafi. See, e.g., the article in CATO. And Obama added to the mess in Afghanistan. See the article in Yahoo News, citing the Washington Times, citing Brigadier General Don Bolduc.

The American public had had enough. Unhappy with both Bush Republicanism and the Democrats’ sense of “feel-goodism,” the polity opted for a person with a new vision, Donald Trump, and decided to give him a chance. They elected him to the Office of the President of the United States.  

Trump’s lasting legacy, promulgated on a campaign slogan for his policies and initiatives, as promised, “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) did just that, but the Biden Administration subsequently reversed all of Trump’s crowning achievements in service to the U.S. Constitution and the American people.

To besmirch the prior President’s policies, the Biden Administration transformed the acronym, “MAGA,” into a pejorative, even an obscenity—aided by a sympathetic Press and compliant social media.

Biden’s Administration made a mess of all of Trump’s gains. The Administration’s policies negatively impacted both foreign policy and domestic policy.

Worst of all, the Biden Administration demonstrated a perverse propensity, not merely to criticize, denounce, and even condemn the legitimate rulings of the Nation’s Third Branch of Government, the U.S. Supreme Court. But that wasn’t enough. It went much further. The Administration contemptuously, arrogantly, and illegally, defied those rulings. See, e.g., the article in Next News Network.

The many perverse and damaging actions and policy aims of the Biden Administration are too numerous to discuss, even to list in this essay. But AQ goes into that in another essay we are presently at work on and will publish shortly.

All this alludes to the matters that Taylor Caldwell saw at the time she worked on her novel, a work that became her magnum opus, “Captains and the Kings.”

What she observed she wrote about, and the inference she drew from this is damning.

Her conclusion is that a conspiracy is afoot to manipulate both the Federal Government and the governments of other Western nations.

The propaganda machine working overtime for this conspiracy against the population of the United States and the populations of other Western nations talk glowingly about “Democracy” and the virtues of the “Democratic Process” but without ever defining what they mean by the use of those expressions. It is all illusion, but one cunningly conceived, carefully crafted, assiduously cultivated, and meticulously disseminated to the populations of America, the British Commonwealth Nations, and the Nations of the EU.

Caldwell plainly and unmistakably exclaims the existence of a criminal conspiracy and of the conspirators who control the United States Government. That is the central theme of “Captains and the Kings” and is a major theme in many of her writings.

She writes, in Captains and the Kings,

“They were a criminal conspiracy, but they did not regard themselves as either criminal or conspirators. They were businessmen, realists. What gave them power, was in their eyes, virtuous and righteous and reasonable, for who was more worthy than themselves to control and manipulate the world of me? Someone had to rule, and who better than men of intellect, money, strength, and unemotional judgment.” ~ passage from Taylor Caldwell’s magnum opus, “Captains and the Kings,” published 1972.

This statement of a conspiracy against the polity of the United States, and of western civilization generally, is the essence of her magnum opus. And this conspiracy is her greatest concern, and it should be of grave concern to us.

There are forces at work that override the political process and they have clout and money to do this.

And, as Caldwell points out, they do this because they believe their decisions better serve the interests of the people whom these forces consider too stupid and naïve to be entrusted to make such decisions affecting the nation themselves. This is evidence of a criminal conspiracy.


The word, ‘conspiracy’ although utilized by propagandists who have crafted a colloquial meaning for use of the term for political purposes to manipulate the American public, the word is a legal term of art.

In federal law, the word, ‘conspiracy,’ refers to a crime—a felony—and it is defined thus:

“If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.” 18 USCS § 371.

As used in popular culture for malicious purposes by the legacy Press, the word has nothing to do with the crime of conspiracy, as understood in law.

Rather, the Press uses the word to describe people whom the Press wishes to mock: Americans who ascribe to a belief that the Press dismisses as false and spurious, even absurd.

In popular parlance, the word ‘conspiracy’ (to which the word ‘theory’ is attached, yielding, ‘conspiracy theory’) is defined as “a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators” (Merriam Webster Dictionary Definition).

The online encyclopedia, adds this:

Conspiracy theory [is] an attempt to explain harmful or tragic events as the result of the actions of a small powerful group. Such explanations reject the accepted narrative surrounding those events; indeed, the official version may be seen as further proof of the conspiracy.”

A detailed explanation of ‘conspiracy theory’ in pop psychology (see the article in “Psychology Today”), asserts a connection between those “conspiracy theory” and “psychosis.”

Conspiracy theories are defined as a minority theory, or alternative explanation, for important events. Conspiratorial thinking typically challenges conventional wisdom, and has often been likened to paranoid ideations. In fact, recent evidence suggests there are commonalities underlying certain personality traits of individuals who strongly endorse conspiracy theories to those with psychological illness.

Conspiracy theories often result when an explanation for a major event is unfounded or believed to be insufficient. It is, therefore, the result of the human tendency to need resolution and understanding. Specifically, conspiracy theories attempt to explain events in ways that foster a sense of control and safety in the mind of the believer (Douglas, Sutton, & Cichocka, 2017). Conspiracy theories tend to be formed in monological thinkers (i.e. those who garner information from a singular source that is believed to be true and is without consideration of contrasting discourse).

It is not surprising, then, that conspiracy theories tend to flourish, and they do so for a number of reasons. For one, conspiracy theories are attractive as they appeal to the emotions of belief-holders. Conspiracy theories offer an answer, or explanation of events, that reduces anxiety. In doing so, conspiracy theories give a false sense of control to the believer. Conspiracy theories also flourish by nature of their tendency to be neither testable nor, as a result, falsifiable. Take, for example, the classic hypothesis-testing paradigm: if you want to prove that all swans are white, you shouldn’t look for white swans. You must look for black swans. The design of conspiracy theories is to look for white swans, it is thus both unscientific and self-perpetuating.

However, conspiratorial beliefs also persist in spite of strong evidence to the contrary. Herein lies the correlation to psychotic processes. A primary symptom of psychosis is delusional thinking. Delusions are defined as false beliefs. They can be paranoid, grandiose, or persecutory in nature, however, they all share their tendency to be unwavering in the face of contrasting evidence. This type of poor reality testing is also found amongst individuals who hold strong beliefs in conspiracy theories.

Other commonalities amongst individuals with psychosis and those who hold conspiratorial beliefs are a tendency to be anxious, to hold other paranormal and paranoid beliefs, to engage in monological thinking, and to overly endorse their own intuition/causal attributions rather than engage in analytical and rational problem-solving. The jumping-to-conclusions bias, which is well-documented in individuals with psychosis, has also been attributed to conspiratorial believers (Drinkwater, Dagnall, & Parker, 2012).

While finding causal explanations for events is a crucial part of understanding the world around us, the deviant cognitive processes underlying both psychosis and conspiratorial thinking can be dangerous. For example, delusions are a key factor in psychosis that leads to poorer quality of life and are typically resistant to antipsychotic medications.

One might wonder how it is and whom it is that came up with the modern concept of “conspiracy theory” as a pejorative.” Likely, it did not materialize out of the void. As with expressions, like ‘assault weapon,’ ‘MAGA Republican,’ ‘Gun Violence,’ ‘White Privilege,’ ‘Christian Nationalist,’ and ‘Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,’ and dozens of others, these phrases were carefully crafted and utilized by news people, psychologists, and propagandists to serve a purpose: the manipulation of public thought, to obtain a  consensus in support of Government policy, to serve an agenda—one contrary to the well-being of the American people, contrary to the Nation’s interests, and contrary to the strictures of the Constitution.

It is the Press, propagandists, and psychologists that fabricate, with abandon, extravagant “conspiracy theories” about America’s 45th President, Donald Trump. Many Americans, treat THESE conspiracy theories as gospel, never bothering to question the veracity of the assertions made, nor the motivations of the news organizations that thrust such outrageous and defamatory assertions about Trump on the public.

Of course, the newspapers and cable and broadcast news organizations that spread this nonsense don’t dare refer to their own fairy tales about Trump as “conspiracy theories” but as verifiable Truth, that they never trouble themselves to verify, nor bother to proffer sources by which audience or readership might verify for themselves, the assertions made.

So, then, when a person holds to a theory that runs contrary to the narrative propounded by a seditious Press, then that person is deemed a proponent of a “conspiracy theory,” that is to say, a ‘conspiracy theorist.’

And once so categorized, that person is held up to public ridicule, and contempt.

But, if it is the Press itself that creates a myth and foists it on an unsuspecting, naïve public to effectuate a political outcome, and the public accepts unquestioningly the myth crafted and propagated, with the aim that it become a part of the American psyche, those members of the public that immerse themselves in the myth are deigned “normal” members of the community. And, those Americans who think something amiss are deemed abnormal, “conspiracy theorists.”

Were she alive today, Taylor Caldwell would not be one subject to mass amnesia.

Reality is not so easily malleable. Either public policy that leads to negative consequences for the American public is accidental or it is purposeful.

Ineptitude does exist in Government. There is no question about that, but incompetence cannot account for the same negative consequences occurring with regularity and then worsening over time.

One must then conclude that such awful states of affairs are due to constant accident—unintended consequences of sound policy happening over and over again that cannot be avoided regardless of the ability of the policy advisors and policy makers intentions to create and implement sound Governmental policy, in service to the American people, consistent with law and the Constitution—or one is left to consider and ultimately to infer that incidences of horrible states of affairs occurring with regularity are and must be deliberate. And if so, that suggests an evil intention at play. This is a matter of logic, not political rhetoric.

Taylor Caldwell writes,

“But the ‘Captains and the Kings’ haven’t ‘departed’ at all! They were stronger than ever, . . . . They would continue to grow in strength, until they had the whole silly world, the whole credulous world, the whole ingenuous world, in their hands. Anyone who would challenge them, attempt to expose them, show them unconcealed and naked, would be murdered, laughed at, called mad, or ignored, or denounced as a fantasy-weaver”

——and, we might add, prosecuted, as we see in the endless ludicrous and quasi-legal and pseudo-legal prosecution (really persecution) of Donald Trump.

Why it is that such powerful and ruthless forces should be motivated to destroy a successful Constitutional Republic need not be considered here. That such forces do exist and are at work in this Country is of major importance, given the extent of the damage they have already done to the Nation and to the people and the damage yet to be done. And the end goal is plain: the destruction of the United States as an independent sovereign Nation-State and free Republic to bring to fruition the creation of a world socioeconomic and political empire.

Such people do exist and do exert influence on Congress and on the U.S. President and his Administration, and to such an extent that they essentially run the Country as unelected officials.

These people constitute a malevolent and malignant force whose harm to the Country is so extreme their actions do constitute Conspiracy or worse.

They must be found out, and named, and prosecuted for heinous crimes committed against the Nation.

IF, IN FACT, there are such people exerting such force on Government and on our institutions, to rule with impunity as TYRANTS (and unelected TYRANTS at that), they obviously would not wish to be found out, or caught, much less charged, and convicted of federal conspiracy or of something worse. They would wish and must reside in the shadows.

Consider possible other charges that may be levied on these people——

The Federal crime of “Insurrection and Rebellion”:

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. 18 USCS § 2383

And, if such people who manipulate elected policymakers  operate to such an extent that such manipulation amounts to overthrowing the Government, they have committed the serious crime of “Advocating the Overthrow of the Government”:

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.” 18 USCS § 2385.

And if such individuals owe allegiance to the United States, especially those individuals who as U.S. citizens owe allegiance to the United States by law, (unless they take steps to renounce such allegiance), these people have effectively levied war against the U.S. They should then be charged with the crime of Treason, which, if convicted, is punishable by death, or by some lesser punishment. 18 USCS § 2381.

Taylor Caldwell no doubt inferred that such criminal conspiracies do exist. But she would wish to avoid the appellation of “Conspiracy Theorist” with all the baggage attached to that appellation. Writing a novel avoids that.

There are forces that intend to manipulate the public for their own evil and this is mentioned in “Captains and the Kings” as well, noting that the forces that crush are ever-present.

Caldwell makes clear, in “Captains and the Kings,” that elected officials were taking their marching orders from forces beyond what the public had wanted, and what they thought and had reason to believe they had agreed to through the electoral process.

Caldwell realized that the public had been sidelined, and whatever policies aims and goals they sought to see assiduously implemented, just the opposite had occurred.

Through years of careful observation and processing of America’s political processes, in the middle decades of the Twentieth Century, she came to realize the public was played for a fool.

Although Caldwell thought that these forces that had captured control of the Federal Government had believed such to be necessary to serve the best interests of the people as well as themselves—even if this bespeaks the height of arrogance as well as a serious violation of the U.S. Constitution and contrary to the concept of a Free Republic, where elected officials of the people craft and implement policy consistent with their wishes, in strict accordance with the U.S. Constitution—today the forces that crush, that have captured this Government, have no interest in serving the people of the Country and make no pretense of doing so. This is clear from the dire effects of the policies their pawns, the elected representatives of the people, have implemented.

These ruthless, malevolent, malignant people serve THEIR OWN interests.

Their interests ARE NOT the interests of the American people. their interests DO NOT promote the Nation’s security. Their interests are in fact diametrically opposed to those of the Nation and its people. Their interests are contrary to the strictures of the Constitution.

Through the pernicious invasion of the U.S. Government, these pretentious unelected, uninvited guests deign to take over the reins of Government. They comprise a criminal cartel. And the Government officials who obsequiously bend to their will are cowards as well as criminals, who, through bribes, threats, or flattery, have betrayed their Oath to the Country and have sold out their Nation and their Countrymen. Such people deserve the contempt of the American people. They should be imprisoned for their crimes and publicly denounced, shamed, and condemned.

Public officials such as George Bush, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and now Joe Biden and Cabinet Level officials of Biden’s Administration are implementing policy that manifestly harms the well-being of the Nation and the people and is contrary to the strictures of Congressional Statute and the U.S. Constitution.

This is not mere ineptitude we are seeing. It is deliberate orchestrated destruction of a free Republic.

These public officials are taking their order from extraordinarily powerful and wealthy people whose intention it is to dissolve the U.S. Constitution and to destroy the United States as an independent and sovereign Nation-State and Free Constitutional Republic.

Unlike the assertions made in Captains and the Kings, there is no longer any pretense of serving the interests of the people, grounded on the idea that these wealthy, powerful “businessmen” know what is best for the common man. They have nothing but contempt for the common man. And it is ironic that these very people would invoke “Democracy” as the catchword to describe what they are doing.

If the word has anything to do with the notion that the people, qua “common man” in deciding policy through their elected officials who purportedly act on the will of the people to effectuate policy aims that they promised to the people but renege on because they are taking their cue from forces who deem “the American people,” mentally deficient, having not capacity to realize what is in their best interests anyway.

This means their use of the word, “Democracy” to describe both the system of our Government (which, by the way, is a “Republic” NOT a “Democracy”) and the inherent morality of “Democracy” are both a bad joke and outright lie propounded by politicians, from the get-go. It is parody or burlesque. Worse, it is outright farce.

Most Americans see the joke played on them and are not amused. Many Americans, however, do not and would not care if they knew the truth, and that is unfortunate for the rest of us.

But the use of public officials as pawns by unscrupulous, arrogant individuals to obscure the manipulation of public policy is another matter. That fact is so outrageous, it cannot be tolerated.

The idea must be wiped from the public conscience and consciousness. And much of the American public refuses to believe what their senses show them and their mind tells them. Rather, they engage in cognitive dissonance and in other psychological tricks to avoid admitting the truth to themselves.

They play mind games. People have a knack for avoiding unpleasant realities when they wish to block them out of their consciousness, and many Americans are doing just that

They tell themselves all the evil they see around them is accident, or that it is the result of an act of nature, or that it is Trump’s fault, or that the current state of affairs is not so bad after all, or that such evil that exists is due to white extremism and to centuries of oppressing the black man or oppressing “people of color” or they block out the evil altogether by taking vacations away from the dangers of noxious places, and lunatics, and criminals if they can afford vacations or can afford to reside in castles surrounded by moats.

But most people cannot easily avoid the noxious reality around them—a reality they did not ask for, and do not want, but that was thrust upon them by a wholly corrupt Government taken over by forces that have long ago—a half-century past the time that “Captains and the Kings” was published.

Yet, the average American must bear a measure of responsibility for it. For there was and still is enough of the rights secured in our Bill of Rights to take stock of our situation and do something about it if the public has the will to resist.

The first order of business is to recognize that a problem exists by looking for evidence of a problem. And that part is easy. Just take a look at our Country. Dick Morris, in his book, “The Return,” published in 2022, devotes an entire Chapter to this, with evidence aplenty. The Chapter is titled, appropriately, “The Unrecognizable America.”

He says, in part,

The radical Marxist, and revolutionary forces that propped up a senile and dysfunctional Joe Biden”— [which itself raises a few evidentiary questions: Who in their right mind would vote to elect such a man to the Highest Office in the Land? How many Americans did actually vote to elect Biden, President? And why are the voting machines “proprietary” denying the public access to the voting tabulation tapes?]—demanded the enactment of legislation and executive action that would has fundamentally altered our nation as to render it unrecognizable were they to have been enacted. . . .

Partisanship Becomes a Blood Sport. . . Election Fraud Becomes Normalized. . . Impeachment Becomes Routine. . .”

In the chapter of the book titled “Race and Gender,” Morris writes,

“Let’s start with race—and Everything now is about race. Even as race disappears from the American demographic—due to inter-racial marriage—our politics has become polarized around race and issues of privilege and discrimination.

After the civil rights movement of the ‘60s, race seemed to be on its way out as a dividing line in our society. . . .

Today, about nine million people live in bi-racial households, including a large number of African Americans.

But despite the demographics, race is back, stronger than ever, as a dividing line in our politics and society. The idea of a colorblind America is farther from reality now than it has been.

Segregation has made an astonishing comeback. No longer is it the exclusive province of racist Southern Democrats and the Ku Klux Klan. Now, it is openly embraced and spread by the leftist academic, corporate, and political elite.

In 2021, Congress passed Biden’s stimulus program, which contained a $5 Billion program only to “people of color” in rural areas. . . .

And reverse racism continues.

Back in the sixties and seventies, Black Muslims, led by Elijah Mohammed and Malcolm X, rejected integration and touted Black supremacy. But, now, in our unrecognizable America, this twisted, racist thinking lies at the core of both the current civil rights movement and much federal legislation. . . .

[And] Democratic race-based policies are especially destructive. . . .

The Left has drawn a line in the sand to distinguish equity from equality. While we have come to see these terms synonyms, leftist dogma holds that they are, instead, opposites.

Equality means the treatment of all people equally, regardless of race.

To the new, racist Left, that dream is nightmare.

They prefer to emphasize equity, in which people of color are given preference over whites to compensate for past injustice and discrimination, presumably going back nine generations. . . .

Paula Dressel of the leftist Race Matters Institute wrote, ‘The route to achieving equity will not be accomplished through treating everyone equally. It will be achieved by treating everyone justly according to their circumstances.

In that dichotomy, the Biden Administration casts its lot—and its money—decisively behind equity and rejects equality. . . .

Now let’s look at gender. Of all the nutty policies the Left is trying to foist on us, the most absurd is its attempt to change our gender and sexuality. . . .

They go to extreme lengths to eliminate gender from the national language. . . .

This evidence of the deliberate destruction of the National Ethos, and the Judeo-Christian Ethic, is the Billionaire Neoliberal Globalists’ nod to the Neo-Marxist Theocrats. The Globalists “Elites” couldn’t care less about this Neo-Marxist nonsense. But they realize that the Neo-Marxists share with them, the same ultimate goal: Destruction of the United States as a sovereign independent Nation-State and Free Constitutional Republic, having clearly defined and defended geographical Borders.

The Globalists who comprise the shadowy force drafting and preparing the Biden Administration’s foreign and domestic policies directed to weakening the Nation’s economy and security, know that the Neo-Marxist agenda as implemented weakens the psyche of the Country.

The Neoliberal Globalists have allowed the Neo-Marxist Cultists to implement, through the Biden Administration, policies designed to weaken and eventually destroy the moral fabric of the Country.

The David Horowitz book, “Dark Agenda,” published in 2018, four years before his latest book, “Final Battle,” is devoted specifically to the Marxist war on Religion in America.

The Arbalest Quarrel uses the expression, “Neo-Marxism,” to distinguish this American-driven version of Marxism from “Classical Marxism.” David Horowitz uses the term, “Cultural Marxists” to describe this dangerous phenomenon. But, David Horowitz and AQ are referring to the same negative force that, when given free rein, can tear down America’s Judeo-Christian Ethical system upon which the moral foundation of the Country.

Marxism has no use for America’s natural law rights. In fact, the idea of God-Given rights beyond the power of the State to lawfully tamper with is anathema to Marxists, whether of the modern, American “cultural” bent or of the Classical bent. David Horowitz says this:

Religious liberty is America’s first freedom and the foundation of all American freedoms.” [AQ believes that Horowitz is referring to the idea of the sacred autonomy of the human “Self”. If so, we would agree that the sanctity and inviolability of the Individual Self is the cornerstone of U.S. Constitution, as it is based on the tenets, precepts, and principles of Individualism, that recognizes the sanctity of the Individual. This idea is antithetical to that of the Marxists who hold the Collective as superior to the Individual. In fact, Marxists insist that Individualism is a threat to the power and authority of the State, which demands conformance of all behavior and thought, lest the individual threaten the State. Further the State is perceived as a Supreme Being, eschewing any idea of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and morally perfect Divine Being, whose power and authority is of an order of infinite magnitude beyond that of even the most powerful Government on Earth. Marxist Rule is not possible where the people look to the Divine Creator for moral guidance].

Horowitz adds:

The left’s attacks on religious freedom, and general hatred for those who don’t agree with them, are driven by ‘identity politics.’ Identity politics is an anti-American ideology and a sanitized name for cultural Marxism. Marx viewed market societies as divided into capitalists and workers, to which he ascribed moral attributes: oppressors and oppressed. Society was the site of continual warfare between these classes. Cultural Marxists have extende this picture of class warfare to races, genders, and sexual orientations, attributing all inequality to the institutions and actions fo the oppressor groups: whites, males, heterosexuals, and religious ‘reactionaries’—in particular Christians—whose views allegedly serve the interests of the oppressors.

Contrary to Marx and the identity politics left, which now includes the Democratic Party, the source of inequalities between individuals is not the work of oppressor groups but is a combination of circumstances (often beyond one’s control), individual talents, and choice. As Christians, the American founders believed in freewill—the responsibility of individuals for their actions and the results of those actions and the results of those actions. . . .” [Deontological ethical systems predicate morality on one’s intentions unlike utilitarian ethical systems which place essential or exclusive emphasis on the consequences of one’s acts, grounded on the notion of utility (however the State defines the “good”, where maximizing utility for the benefit of the State, the Hive, the Collective, is the essence of morality. Concepts of ‘Free Will’ and ‘Motive’ or ‘Intention’—internal characteristics of morality, springing from a Higher Power are either irrelevant or meaningless to those who espouse utilitarianism and advocate for the application of Utilitarian Ethical systems in all facets of American life and in all of its institutions. One can see that, if Marxists were to employ their concept of utilitarian consequentialist ethics to criminal law, State and Federal Criminal Codes, along with our Nation’s massive body of jurisprudence would have to be replaced because they are all inconsistent with utilitarian ethical systems. Deontological approaches to morality, ‘Free will” and intention, are the mainstay of our present Criminal Codes that spring from the English Common Law and from the Nation’s Christian heritage, as Horowitz accurately asserts].

Horowitz continues,

Free will is what makes us equal, so long as the government does not restrict our freedom. Recognizing that individuals make choices, which affect their destinies, puts responsibility for overcoming the handicaps of circumstance squarely on the individual’s shoulders. This is a liberating idea. It is why triumph of the underdog, the ability of individuals to overcome their circumstances, to rise above their allotted stations in life, to achieve something better. For over 200 years that vision has been the American dream.

Until now. Identity politics—which is currently the politics of the Democratic Party—rejects this inspirational idea and attributes inequality to the machinations of oppressor groups, who are defined by race, gender, and sexual orientation, characteristics that an individual cannot change. This is a prescription for true oppression, as the government steps in to create ‘social justice’ by depriving those who have earned it, the fruits of their labor, and distributing them to those who have not. It is a prescription for irreconcilable conflict and division, not the compromise and coexistence that the American founders worked so hard to achieve. The success fo the cultural Marxists in reshaping our institutions is why America now appears to be two nations instead of one. . . .

Of course, Trump was halfway through his Presidency when Horowitz published his book. Horowitz realized that “Cultural Marxism,” a product of the Obama years was deeply entrenched in America. Horowitz says that

Observers were bewildered by Trump’s success, particularly his support from evangelicals and religious Americans. According to Pew Research, 81 percent of evangelicals voted for Trump, a man who seemed anything but a model of Christian morality. Evangelicals still voted for him—and it made leftists apoplectic. . . . The left could not fathom why Christians preferred a morally flawed man in Trump, who promised to defend religious liberty over a morally flawed woman, in Hillary, who was bound to take it away.

Not only did liberals attack Trump viciously, but they held Trump responsible for the unhinged nature of the attacks on him. To Trump’s enemies, he provoked this bitterly personal warfare against him by unorthodox, combative political style. They thought: What should Trump expect after tagging his opponent, ‘Crooked Hillary’?

In fact, Trump is more accurately seen as a political counterpuncher and most of his barbs were reactions to others’ attacks on him. . . .”

The 2016 Democratic presidential campaign was a classic prosecution of these identity politics. . . .

A seminal moment occurred during the 2016 presidential campaign when Hillary addressed an ‘LGBT for Hillary’ fund-raising event. Speaking to the crowd of radical activists, she said, ‘You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic—Islamophobic—you name it. . . . Now, some of those folks—they are irredeemable, but thankfully, they are not America.”

This is a revealing statement. According to Hillary and her supporters, America is divided into two kinds of people. On the one hand there are real Americans who care about gay people, minorities, and other victim groups. On the other, there are the Trump supporters, the un-American ‘deplorables’ who hate an oppress society’s victims.

This was a frank expression of the Democrats’ hatred for their political opponents. It’s also a major departure from traditional American values of tolerance, compromise, and respect for dissenting opinions. It exposes how the very language of the Democrats’ politics is designed to dehumanize and delegitimize anyone who disagrees with its leftist agendas. . . .

Remember, Horowitz published “Dark Agenda” five years ago. The polarization of America was already well underway. And Trump, who the Left refers as the cause for the polarization wasn’t that at all.

The Left’s attack on its opponents is notable for the ease to which it posits on its opponents the very faults that not only exist in itself but that are policy predicates of all that it does.

The Neoliberal Globalists use this to their advantage. They allow these Cultural Marxists (Neo-Marxists) to force confrontations among Americans on every social, political, and philosophical point. But the Leftists don’t debate. They just shout. And the Press emboldened them to do this, actually joining in. This manifests itself as a major clash of ideologies. A COUNTERREVOLUTION OF 2024 embracing the techniques of TOTALITARIAN CONTROL discussed in George Orwell’s Classic, “1984” directly attacking the historical and sociopolitical and ethical philosophical system upon which the AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 1776 based its struggle against Tyranny. And it appears that the AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 1776 is not to be construed as absolute victory over TYRANNY, but rather, an HISTORICAL EVENT THAT MUST BE CONTINUALLY DEFENDED FROM THE DEADLY FORCES THAT CRUSH EMANATING FROM WITHIN THE NATION AS MUCH AS FROM ANY THREATS EMANATING FROM OUTSIDE THE NATION.  


Unfortunately, there are too many Americans too far gone—having been taken in by incessant propagandist messaging, becoming seduced by the media and the Press and politicians telling them how to think and what to think and that they are bad people and that all the bad heaped on them is due to their own behavior or due to the “sins of their fathers” that they must now bear. Many Americans have become rueful and soulful and accepting of this nonsense even as they don’t become outright disciples of it.

Other Americans flagellate themselves mercilessly, becoming Neo-Marxist Cultists, joining the ranks of the most extreme and alien systems known to man, and having to deal with them right here in the only truly Free Republic on Earth. And, it is precisely because of this, our Country is attacked with such ferocity. Many Americans have fallen to the viral messaging emanating from the Biden Administration, from Congress and from Social Media, from the Entertainment Industry and Big Tech; from Big Business and Finance. Very little remains of American that has been untouched and left unscathed by the relentless attack on every core value and belief; on every sacred precept upon which this Nation was built. Many Americans—especially many young people have succumbed to this. These people are too far gone to be successfully “deprogrammed.” Any attempt to decouple the noxious virus of cultism from their sentient mind would result in psychosis or death.

Then there are many Americans who simply don’t give a damn about anything. In fact, they would be hard-pressed to notice, difficult as it is to believe this.

For these people, as long as their appliances are working and they have clothes on their backs, and food in their belly, and are left pretty much to their own devices—not complaining to give a conspiratorial Government reason to go after them—they remain contented sheep.

These Americans remain oblivious to the fact that they are about to lose their Country and those little freedoms, set down in the Nation’s Bill of Rights.

But, as long as they have access to the necessities of life and a modicum of comforts and they are content to live with the illusion of freedom, that is enough for them. But even that illusion of freedom will eventually be lost to them, and the necessities and comforts of life in America will be denied them, requiring them to rely exclusively, not just extensively on Government largess to care for their needs.

Defending one’s fundamental rights from those intent on eradicating them, takes conscious effort. The founders knew that—and fought a war to assert their fundamental, unalienable rights bestowed upon them by the Divine Creator—a hard fought war against a mighty foe—the British Empire.

The Founders of our Nation would be absolutely appalled to see the slow dissolution of a free Republic that they had placed their own life on the line to create.

They would visit contempt, and with good reason, on those Americans who exhibit apathy.

Fortunately, there are enough Americans—the rest of us—who see the inexorable dissolution of their Country, the corruption of public officials, the shadowy presence of a monstrous evil that has taken hold of our Government and has robbed many Americans of rational thought.

At least a few authors today bear the mantle of Taylor Caldwell. They lay out, clearly, plainly and painfully, the fact of and the nature of the threats to our Nation, to our Constitution, our people, our entire way of life.

AQ has looked intently at what Horowitz and Morris have  said. We point to their assessment and discuss what we see as the endgame fate of our Country and of the western world if the American public doesn’t wake up to the danger and put a stop to it.

The authors David Horowitz and Dick Morris have written extensively about the attack on America. Their works are prescient, and what they have to say is frightening. The attack on our Nation’s core values are very real and this is no accident.

There is a concerted effort to destroy this Country. And the forces behind this are powerful and they are winning.

See AQ’s recitation of select passages from the book, “Dark Agenda,” by David Horowitz and, “The Return,” by Dick Morris, that we recite, supra.

These authors show in plain and forthright language, with clear supporting evidence—something missing in much of the hallowed institution of what was once known as the “Free Press”—the PLAIN, UNVARNISHED TRUTH, what we Americans face. A day of reckoning is quickly coming upon us.

David Horowitz lays this out at length in a book that is due to become a classic, “FINAL BATTLE,” published in 2022. See, generally, the Arbalest Quarrel essay, posted on July 20, 2023.


The American institution of the “Press,” which has itself fallen prey to corruption, jealously guards the Freedom provided to it under the First Amendment while showing no reluctance in denying the exercise of the Right of Free Speech and exercise of other fundamental Rights to the common man. And, so, this vaunted Press has become not the guardian of a free Constitutional Republic, but as one with those forces that seek the destruction of it.


Many Americans are oblivious to the danger. Bizarrely, and frighteningly, some Americans even welcome this. That demonstrates the power of psychological conditioning and the technology that has permitted the dissemination of propaganda on an industrial scale over a period of many years.


The Neo-Marxist Internationalist Counterrevolution of 2023 cum Neoliberal Globalist expansionist program to overturn the American Revolution of 1776 is full upon us, the people of the United States. This is, as Horowitz accurately proclaims, the “Final Battle.” The shared goal of both of these forces is the destruction of all independent, sovereign nation-states, and the emergence of a multicultural, socio-economic, and political Neo-Feudalist empire that spans the globe. Proof of this is all around us. Tracts, treatises, policy, and position papers drafted by the UN; and the creation of international organizations. See, e.g. the website Defense Adda for a list.

As these world organizations increasingly become more powerful—less mere advocates and more dictators of policy—treacherous national Governments, including the Biden Administration secede power to them.

Not that long ago, in March of 2022, the Globalist Elites’ messenger boy, and Great Pretender, Joe Biden, said this, as reported by Steve Forbes, himself, the Editor-in-Chief of Forbes:

In off-the-cuff remarks at a recent meeting of the Business Roundtable, President Biden said, ‘There’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it.’

This episode of What’s Ahead argues that if the President is serious about the U.S. leading positively for a better world order, there’s one crucial area in which we’ve been negligent and need to make a course correction: international monetary policy.

Sounds boring, but the 1930s demonstrated what happens when we get this wrong.

We got it right after WWII, with the creation of the Bretton Woods monetary system, whereby the dollar’s value was fixed to gold and the value of other currencies were tied to the dollar at a fixed rate. Bretton Woods was a critical reason that the U.S., Western Europe and Japan experienced incredible economic booms even after prewar levels of production were exceeded.

For fallacious reasons we destroyed Bretton Woods in the early 1970s. Since then, our historic average rates of economic growth have fallen by more than one-third. The performances of other developed countries have suffered as well.

We and the world would benefit enormously from a new Bretton Woods-type monetary system.

Referring to the U.S. as the world leader in creating the “new world order” is a remark both sly and sinister. This remark, contrary to Steve Forbes’ statement is definitely, not “off-the-cuff.”

There was no retraction here by Biden’s handlers, which is often the case when Biden DOES assert “off-the-cuff” remarks—those that do not cohere with, conflict with, or directly contradict the Globalists’ policy directives. The remark that Biden delivered is a message, probably well-rehearsed. Those dictating policy in the White House, had to be certain that their puppet, Joe Biden, physically and emotionally fragile, and riddled with dementia, would get the words right.

The message delivered by the Grand Harlequin in Chief is that the United States, under this Administration, is not an independent-sovereign Nation-State and does not ascribe any longer to be one.

Biden proclaims that his Administration the United States Government is no longer an independent, sovereign Nation-State and free Constitutional Republic whose sole allegiance is supposed to be directed to the Nation and to the Nation’s Sovereign, the American people, and whose sole duty is, as set forth in the Oath of Office of the U.S. President: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Article 2, Section 1, Clause 1, Clause 8.

Instead, Biden asserts his allegiance to some shadowy group of others, those unnamed, Mega-rich “Neoliberal Globalists,” who jealously guard their privacy, and with good reason for their goals and interests are not that of the United States, and whose allegiance is to the creation of a world empire through which they would reign supreme.

This world empire, a new socio-political entity, that is projected to supersede the power of all State governments of heretofore independent and sovereign nation-states is variously described as:

One, the “New World Order” (the first descriptor utilized and well recognized by Americans and, for this reason, utilized by the Biden puppet as an “in your face” assertion of contempt and a challenge directed toward Americans who wish to preserve a Free Constitutional Republic),

Two, the “Liberal International Order,”

Three, the “Rules-based International Order,”

Four, the “One World Government,”

Five, “Global Governance,”

Six, “Sustainable Development,”

Seven, the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,”

Eight, “Agenda 21/2030,”

Nine, the “Great Reset,” and

Ten, the (Soros) “Open-Society.”

So, then, by referring to the United States as the leader in promoting a grandiose world empire, Biden isn’t asserting the transcendence of the United States, but promoting and predicting something quite different: the Nation’s demise; its rout and ruin; its dissolution.

The Biden Administration like the Obama Administration before it, and as the Clinton Administration was destined to be, had the American electorate said otherwise in 2016, “is become” a giant caretaker institution whose allegiance is not to this Nation, “ONE NATION, UNDER GOD,” in which the strictures of the United States Constitution, as the Law of the Land are supreme, but to some other lesser god. This lesser god, Mammon, is this new world empire. And the remains of a once great Nation is destined to be unceremoniously passed to a new Ruler a new Caesar—  amoral, fabulously wealthy, extraordinarily covetous, and utterly ruthless: the Neoliberal Globalist Materialist Barons, descendants of the Rothschild international banking clan.

But, establishing political-social stability across the world will be a massive undertaking, albeit a necessary one to sustain a mammoth empire. But the masses, those living in Countries with their own history, culture, and morays, will resist.

The Neo-Marxist Theocrats, working in league with the Billionaire Neoliberal Globalist Robber Barons have an answer for that: teach a new dogma—a new religion, but a secular one—and give it a name. Develop precepts for the people to adopt and adhere to and entrust a new Unholy Order of Priests and Priestesses to deliver the Gospel and to ascertain that all the institutions of the State, adopt it and instill it in the members of those institutions by which “this new flock” become willing disciples. But this Gospel is not designed to enshrine free will but to trap it, imprison it, enslave it.

Those who inculcate this Gospel—meant to induce cult behavior—are not free but slaves, easily betraying friends and families to the STATE, not realizing they have first of all betrayed themselves TO themselves, having lost their own soul. And yet, they live with the illusion of freedom and morality, treating harshly those who do not readily accept the new Gospel. They will censor them, ostracize them, and ridicule them mercilessly, and remorselessly, as Taylor Caldwell points out in “Captains and the Kings.”

And for those dissenters who have a strong following, those people will be silenced quickly, and permanently, and this will be announced to the masses, as an object lesson for those tending to dissent and disobey the edicts, prerogatives of the STATE.

Today, in America, though, assassination, while employed in secret, cannot be so readily used against a person who is in the limelight. There are repercussions, possible Civil War and that is to be avoided for those that control the levers of Government, powerful as these individuals are, they do not yet wield absolute power.

But they can employ harsh punishment against those dissenters who have a massive following. In attempt to silence these people they have to be more circumspect. So they misuse the legal system. They indict these people on false charges to harass them, hound them, cause them misery, and they utilize sounding boards, such as the Press and cable and broadcast news organizations and social media to turn the public against them. And, while many Americans see through this, others are cowed by it. Even some previous supporters now exhibit doubt.

But the Neoliberal Globalists and Neo-Marxist Radicals who have met with some success in turning “Democratic” States into “Autocratic” ones while insidiously disguising that fact, have met with limited success in the United States. And there is a reason for that failure.

In the United States, the Law of the Land is premised on the Sanctity and inviolability of the individual.

The sovereignty of the American people over Government is grounded on fundamental rights and liberties bestowed upon him BY THE DIVINE CREATOR, NOT BY MAN, NOR BY GOVERNMENT OF MEN.

The history, heritage, culture, ethos, and Judeo-Christian ethic rests deep within the psyche of most Americans.

Dislodging that FAITH and BELIEF SYSTEM, grounded on a TRUTH beyond that of MAN or GOVERNMENT OF MEN that resides deep in ONE’s SOUL is not so easy a task.

THE NEED to destroy the United States—required if the aim of a Global Empire is to be achieved—coupled with THE DIFFICULTY in destroying a Free Constitutional Republic, A FREE REPUBLIC IN FACT, NOT JUST IN NAME, explains the monumental effort the would-be Destroyers of America have expended on the Nation and its people. For, IT WAS the power of this Nation, derived from FAITH in the Divine Creator, and upon a TRUTH upon which that FAITH rests that had allowed a band of upstart Colonists to revolt against Tyranny and to succeed in their Revolution, the American Revolution of 1776 against that Tyranny. And most Americans intend to keep the promise of that REVOLUTION and the gains derived from it, alive.


To bring three hundred and fifty million Americans and billions of people around the world—a world of so many different cultures and belief systems—into the frame of a ONE WORLD STATE requires the eradication of culture and ethos and national pride. It requires that the masses be forced into conformance upon which subservience may be easily derived and maintained.

But how do the malevolent, malignant forces that seek to create a ONE WORLD STATE intend to accomplish that?

This requires implementation of a stratified hierarchical class structure, and a system of controls on human beings not hitherto possible, [in the time of Caldwell but recently made possible through substantial advances in technology and neuropsychology. But the stratification of society into a major caste system is nothing new. This one will be like others before it.

It will include Royalty and Noblemen (Mega-Billionaire Neoliberal Globalist “Elites” to issue legal edicts AND Neo-Marxist “Theocratic” “Elites to impose the ethical, moral, and cultural dogmas on the masses. These dogmas are designed to induce a compliant, docile populace. We already have seen the outlines of this as well as the effects from it: “DEI”—DIVIDING THE COMMON PEOPLE AGAINST EACH OTHER: CREATING A FICTION OF OPPRESSORS AND OPPRESSED YET ALL OF THEM SLAVES, UNAWARE THAT THE OPPRESSORS ARE THOSE WHO FEED THE DOGMA TO THE MASSES, THOSE THAT DESIGNED THE DOGMA.

Immediately below the Rulers, there are the Technocrats. These are the Rulers’ overseers, through which the daily mechanics of economic and financial matters are tended to, and through which the Rulers’ legal edicts and the Theocrats’ moral and cultural codes are operationalized.

Below the Technocrats are the Knight-Retainers (Military and heavily armed Paramilitary Police, and many more complementary Civil Police and Intelligence apparatuses). This class is tasked with ensuring the legal edicts and the moral and cultural codes are adhered to by the masses to keep them constrained.

At the bottom of this stratified structure is everyone else, the populations of Earth (the subjugated masses, that is to say, the “Serfs”) herded, corralled, constrained and cowed whose serried ranks—billions of people—will be quietly culled as inadequate food stores, and water, and energy resources dwindle from time to time as will invariably happen despite the best efforts of the Technocrat Class to deal effectively with this, aided by “AI” and automation.

This system will not suffer problematic people.

Common criminals will be carted off to prisons, sans trial.

Lunatics will be sent to insane asylums and tranquilized.

Dissenters/agitators will be carted off to detention/re-education centers or, in worse cases, to hospitals for the hopelessly insane, along with lunatics. In worst cases, these people will simply be erased.

Like all empires, this one eschews freedom of thought and expression and it will not tolerate, in the hands of serfs—that mass of peasants, cattle, serfs, preterite—weaponry of any kind, especially firearms.

But can America be goaded or tricked into selling its birthright?

In her classic, “Captains and the Kings,” the writer Taylor Caldwell dealt with the secret Government that seeks the demise of the United States as a Free Republic. Perhaps as a firm belief, or perhaps as a hope that the American Revolution could be eviscerated, one of the characters in that magnum opus, representing the Neoliberal Globalist would-be destroyers of the Nation said this:

Republics never survive, for their people do not like freedom but prefer to be led and guided and flattered and seduced into slavery by a benevolent, or not so, benevolent despot. They want to worship Caesar. So, American republicanism will inevitably die and become a democracy, and then decline, as Aristotle said into a despotism.

And it is a curious thing indeed that the puppets of the Billionaire Globalists who seek to destroy our free Republic constantly mouth the word, ‘Democracy.’

They never define it, but they keep mentioning it as if some sort of Divine Goodness exists in the term that should be self-evident, true.

But the ‘Democracy’ that today’s Neo-Marxists and Progressives and Liberals in Government and in the Press talk about is really Mob Rule—using the ignorance of the public to vote for something they do not understand but profess belief in just the same. And they are oblivious to the fact that the bastards who placed the thoughts in their heads about what to think and how to think have gone one step further, in coming to think that those thoughts were theirs all along, not germinating weeds.

That ignorance has led to the installation of a walking ghost—a man so feeble in mind and body—that to look at him and hear him speak makes one queasy. Americans are told this wreck of a man is the President of the United States, the leader of the Country and of the Free World. But no one really believes that Joe Biden leads anything. It is he that is kept on a leash and is led by others——


Still, America is a Republic, not a Democracy, and that Republic is still free because Americans still are able to exercise their natural law right of speech to dissent against the ravaging hordes of Marxists that seek to squelch any voice but their own. And Americans still have alternatives to see and hear over the B.S. that they hear day in and day out on the airwaves and that they see in the Legacy Press, and even if that alternative voice is often difficult to track down due to illegal censorship.

Dissent is not as free as it should be, as it must be, in a free Republic but it still exists.

And the American people still have access to firearms but the Biden Administration and some States, such as New York, fight extensively, vociferously, rigorously, against exercise of the right of the people to keep and bear arms—contemptuous of the right and contemptuous of the U.S. Supreme Court that issued a ruling on June 23, 2022. See the recent essay posted in the Arbalest Quarrel on July 11, 2023.

The High Court in Bruen reaffirmed the key rulings of the Heller case, making clear that the right to armed self-defense doesn’t stop at the doorstep of one’s house.

And see the recent article published Friday, July 28, 2023, by the website, “The City.” The article is titled, “NYPD Granting Fewer Gun Permits After Supreme Court Ruled It Had To Grant More, Data Shows.”

Despite the negative pronouncements of this essay. There is still a glimmer of hope.

First, the 2024 General Election is still months ahead. Despite the concerted effort of the Biden Administration’s DOJ to damage Trump politically, through these absurd Federal charges, those efforts have not borne fruit.

If anything Trump is stronger than ever. He has retained a commanding lead in the quest for the Republican Party nomination and a substantial portion of the electorate strongly support him in his bid for a Second Term that was wrongly, unlawfully denied him in 2020. The electorate is itching for payback.

Second, the Democrats, pawns of Neoliberal Globalists and the Neo-Marxist buffoons, have no one but the frail, brain-addled Biden as their Presidential nominee to serve a second term if they can keep him standing upright long enough to make it to November 2024. And, what then? Do they have a backup? And who might that be? They will need someone? And whoever it is, it will have to be someone the public is familiar with.

But would the public really vote for Kamala Harris? Gavin Newsome? Michelle Obama? Some members of the public would, of course. But how many? Seeing what the Biden Administration has wrought, the public knows that a Democrat Party win in 2024 will see the end of the Republic. That fact should give the electorate pause.

Third, the public is turning away in disgust from the abhorrent tenets of Collectivism and the bizarre ideological beliefs of the Neo-Marxist Cultists and their rude, abhorrent behavior. Americans have had enough of them.

One major concern rests with the integrity of the electoral system. How do we know it is secure? Why should we, Americans believe anything is different from the election of 2020 and 2022. There is much doubt, and little reason to trust the kind of system we have with proprietary digital voting machines, and few checks and balances to ensure security of ballot processing. And, we don’t see anything to suggest that Republicans are working to revamp the electoral system to correct the abuses of the prior two elections and the systems that allowed for those abuses to occur. That remains a nagging concern.



