"Why I chose to 'WalkAway' from the Democratic Party," By Tammy LaPorte, Hartford, Connecticut*

I was raised as a young woman to believe that the Democratic Party was the party that cared for all people. They were the party of acceptance, tolerance, and peace, unlike Republicans, I was told. Not once did I question why I was a registered Democrat. In hindsight this was incredibly foolish. Like others, I wanted to be a good person and a lover of all, regardless of a person’s race, color, or personal preferences. After all, you can’t possibly be a Republican and care for the welfare of others. Or can you?My “aha” moment came during the 2016 General Election Primary. I began following the Primary debates religiously on all networks. As time passed, I found myself drawn to the Republican Party. That Party made more sense to me. Much more sense. Not once did I see Republicans engage in the outrageous and appalling behavior of Democrats and those associated with them, on the far “Left.” Violent protests, vandalism, and threats to our courageous men and women in “Blue,” were becoming the norm. And Democrats were attempting to justify this behavior. I could not accept that. It wasn’t long before I turned to my husband and said, “I think I’ve been a Republican my whole life but just didn’t realize it!”Today, I can proudly say, I’m a registered Republican. As a proud Republican, I continue to be engaged in politics like never before.Listening to Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation against Judge Brett Kavanaugh was particularly hard for me, as a woman. I asked myself, “could the accusation against Judge Kavanaugh really be true?” Once again, I was told that I should believe Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation simply because she is a woman and because I am a woman. I was told what I should think and feel, based on my gender, alone. But, I have the right to think and feel for myself. I don’t need and I don’t want other people to tell me what I should think; or what I should believe; or how I should act. As a woman, wife, and mother I strongly believe in Due Process as a fundamental Constitutional right.During this difficult time, I happened to see Brandon Straka, a self-confessed former “liberal,” on Fox News, speaking about his growing movement, the #WalkAway Campaign. I was thrilled to hear that I need no longer be alone in my political journey. Through this true Grassroots movement many Americans, including former registered Democrats, like me, have united to carry the message that:You too can #WalkAway from the Democratic Party—the Party that has walked away from you!To show Democrats and the Far Left that there is, in fact, another voice in America, the #WalkAway Campaign is holding a March and rally in Washington D.C., on October 26-28.   There will be an evening Gala dinner at the Trump International Hotel, on Friday, the day before the march. Dinesh D’Souza a conservative author, filmmaker, and political commentator, and others, will be speaking.The march and rally itself will be held late Saturday morning, and will include several noted speakers. In addition, the entertainer, Kaya Jones, and others, will perform at the rally.The march will conclude with a Sunday farewell brunch at the Trump International Hotel, again with Dinesh D’Souza, as a speaker.U.S. Capitol Police, Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police, and Homeland Security agents and officers will be on hand to maintain order, and to provide for the safety, security, and well-being of those participating in the march and rally.Right Side Broadcasting will live stream the march. Go to https://walkawaymarch.com/  to register for the events today and to charter a group bus.It’s time for the silent majority to become “unsilent.” Whether you’re a #WalkAway or a #WalkWith, we urge you to take part in the march and rally in Washington D.C, on October 26-28.  We’re taking our Country back! Please join us!_____________________________________________*Qualification: The Arbalest Quarrel became aware of the #WalkAway march and rally through the writer of this article. AQ has no independent knowledge about the #WalkAway march and rally, or about the #WalkAway movement, or knowledge of the movement's creator, Brandon Straka. We therefore invite the reader to do his or her own research. But, AQ does point out that the Connecticut Republican Party supports the #WalkAway march and rally. And, a writer, Fredy Lowe, posted an article, in Ammoland Shooting Sports News, on August 7, 2018, about the #WalkAway movement. The article is titled, “Liberal Democrats, Please Join Us in MAGA, Please Just #WalkAway.”________________________________________________Copyright © 2018 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.


