“Much of the debate about China’s rise in recent years has focused on the potential dangers China could pose as an eventual peer competitor to the United States bent on challenging the existing international order. But another issue is far more pressing. For at least the next decade, while China remains relatively weak compared to the United States, there is a real danger that Beijing and Washington will find themselves in a crisis that could quickly escalate to military conflict. Unlike a long-term great-power strategic rivalry that might or might not develop down the road, the danger of a crisis involving the two nuclear-armed countries is a tangible, near-term concern—and the events of the past few years suggest the risk might be increasing.” Introduction to article, titled, “China’s Real and Present Danger: Now Is the Time for Washington to Worry,” appearing in “Foreign Affairs, September/October 2013, (seven plus years before the deadly Chinese Coronovirus outbreak) Xi Jinping, the current Premier of the autocratic Communist Chinese Government, headquartered in Beijing, intends for China to supplant the United States as the preeminent world economic and military power. This isn’t mere wild speculation. It’s ice-cold fact. Evidence of this fact is legion: in academic treatises, in textbooks, in periodicals, in news accounts; and in a multitude of commentary and analysis on the internet.The virulent Chinese Coronovirus arose outside the United States, in the Wuhan Province of China. That, too, isn't mere speculation. It's ice cold fact. No one can legitimately deny this; not that Premier Xi’s Government hasn’t tried, claiming that the Chinese Coronovirus originated in the U.S. The British newspaper, The Guardian, reports  Chinese propagandists for the Chinese “news” paper, the “People’s Daily,” ridiculously claiming that:“‘The US has finally acknowledged that among those who had died of the influenza previously were cases of the coronavirus. The true source of the virus was the US!’ one commentator said. ‘The US owes the world, especially China, an apology,’ another said. “American coronavirus,” one wrote.China also ludicrously asserts that American soldiers brought the virus to China. Yet, even The New York Times that reported the China's claim, pointed to the utter absurdity of it.Try as Premier Xi might to offload responsibility for the viral plague on to the United States, the Chinese Coronovirus must be placed squarely at the feet of China. That fact is clear and inescapable. But two matters aren’t clear: first, how the Chinese Coronovirus happened to manifest and propagate itself in China; and, second, how the Chinese Coronovirus happened to propagate and to disseminate rapidly across the world. Was the origin of the virus and its massive spread to the rest of the world due to accident? reckless disregard? Negligence? Diabolical design on the part of China’s autocratic Government?Whether or to what extent the unleashing of the viral pandemic on America and the world was due to naivety, or to indifference, or to reckless disregard, or to gross or ordinary negligence, or to outright cold, calculating, malevolent design on the part of the autocratic Communist regime of  Xi Jinping, one matter is indisputable and irrefutable: Premier Xi’s Communist regime bears initial and ultimate responsibility for the horror unleashed here, at home, and around the world, and specifically, for the Government's failure to timely warn the U.S. and the rest of the world of the new anomalous virus that can lead to deadly pneumonia in its victims.Why do we accuse Premier Xi and the Government of China? We do so because of what we do know, as events unfolded.First, we know that Premier Xi hid evidence of the Coronovirus. The Chinese Government deserves our condemnation for concealing the Chinese Coronovirus from the outside world. This enabled the rapid spread of the virus.U.S. News and World Report confirms this:“The disclosure of [Premier Xi’s February 23, 2020] speech indicates top leaders knew about the outbreak’s potential severity at least two weeks before such dangers were made known to the public. It was not until late January that officials said the virus can spread between humans and public alarm began to rise.” Second, Xi would not allow epidemiologists and virologists into China to study the virus, and to assist the Chinese Government in effectively containing it. That is one matter that remains to be studied in depth at a later date. But, Bloomberg news, in a February 2020 article, titled: “U.S. Experts Seeking Outbreak Access Kept Waiting by China,” said:“U.S. officials have said they’ve offered for weeks to send front-line disease experts to China to study the outbreak, which originated in the city of Wuhan, and consult with colleagues there on how to stop it.‘We haven’t been invited yet,’ Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters Wednesday.”“ ‘We’ve offered the Chinese the opportunity to have American doctors from CDC, NIH and others,’” National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said Tuesday evening {February 11, 2020} in Washington. “ ‘That offer’s not been accepted at this point, but it’s an outstanding offer.’” Third, Xi’s Government knew of the serious threat posed by the virus outbreak, as his Government wanted him to take no chances when he made a publicity tour visit to Wuhan Province. The Asian Times reported on March 11, 2020, in a news article, titled, “Xi’s trip to Wuhan fails to restore confidence:“Chinese President Xi Jinping has finally visited Wuhan, ground zero of the still-unfolding pneumonic plague, reportedly spending less than 10 hours in the virus ravaged central Chinese city on Tuesday, before flying back to Beijing in the evening. . . . Reporters with state media told Asia Times on condition of anonymity that Xi’s whirlwind visit only lasted for a little over nine hours. After touching down at Wuhan’s airport, he was whisked off to a local hospital in a limo fitted with top-grade antiviral and biohazard gear.” Fourth, Xi’s Government hid and continues to hide evidence of the impact of this virulent disease from the world, as it forces U.S. reporters to leave China. See, e.g., articles posted online in theguardian.com and in news.com.auFifth, while it is clear the Chinese Coronovirus originated in China, what isn’t clear is how the virus manifested in China. Did the virus originate and spread from an outdoor food market, as widely reported? If so, that would suggest mere accident at best or, at worst, gross negligence or reckless disregard for the health and well-being of the common people of China apropos of, one, how food happens to manufactured and distributed in China and, two, the sort of things the Chinese people consume. But, what if the Chinese Coronovirus did not originate from disseminate from an outdoor food market, as widely reported. What if the virus did not arise in nature but was artificially created by the Chinese Government, in a biological weapons lab? If so, was this virus then recklessly unleashed, or, conceivably, deliberately deployed on the world? Is this idea far-fetched? One U.S. Senator thinks the matter deserves investigation. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) suspects that the Chinese Government created this virus as a biological weapon, as he reports his suspicions on Fox News.And, the dailymail.co.uk reports:“Chinese scientists believe the deadly coronavirus may have started life in a research facility just 300 yards from the Wuhan fish market. A new bombshell paper from the Beijing-sponsored South China University of Technology says that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control (WHCDC) could have spawned the contagion in Hubei province.'The possible origins of 2019-nCoV coronavirus,' penned by scholars Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao claims the WHCDC kept disease-ridden animals in laboratories, including 605 bats. It also mentions that bats - which are linked to coronavirus—once attacked a researcher and ‘blood of bat was on his skin.’”The Conservative New York Post writes:"At an emergency meeting in Beijing held last Friday, Chinese leader Xi Jinping spoke about the need to contain the coronavirus and set up a system to prevent similar epidemics in the future.A national system to control biosecurity risks must be put in place “to protect the people’s health,” Xi said, because lab safety is a “national security” issue.Xi didn’t actually admit that the coronavirus now devastating large swaths of China had escaped from one of the country’s bioresearch labs. But the very next day, evidence emerged suggesting that this is exactly what happened, as the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology released a new directive titled: ‘Instructions on strengthening biosecurity management in microbiology labs that handle advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus.’ What’s more, the People’s Liberation Army’s top expert in biological warfare, a Maj. Gen. Chen Wei, was dispatched to Wuhan at the end of January to help with the effort to contain the outbreak.According to the PLA Daily, Chen has been researching coronaviruses since the SARS outbreak of 2003, as well as Ebola and anthrax. This would not be her first trip to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, either, since it is one of only two bioweapons research labs in all of China.Does that suggest to you that the novel coronavirus, now known as SARS-CoV-2, may have escaped from that very lab, and that Chen’s job is to try to put the genie back in the bottle, as it were? It does to me.Add to this China’s history of similar incidents. Even the deadly SARS virus has escaped — twice — from the Beijing lab where it was (and probably is) being used in experiments. Both “man-made” epidemics were quickly contained, but neither would have happened at all if proper safety precautions had been taken.And then there is this little-known fact: Some Chinese researchers are in the habit of selling their laboratory animals to street vendors after they have finished experimenting on them.”Curiously, the seditious Leftist mainstream media won’t touch this story. Perhaps The New York Times and the Washington Post, along with CNN and MSNBC, believe the story to outlandish to investigate and comment on. Or perhaps they don’t wish to antagonize Premier Xi.  Not that these seditious “news” sources don’t ever concoct wild yarns and endlessly regurgitate nonsense.Certainly, the origin of the Chinese Coronovirus deserves more attention. Yet the mainstream media accepts the notion and propagates the basic story line that the virus somehow arose, accidentally, in an outdoor food market. It then leaves the matter at that, apparently afraid to antagonize Premier Xi; and yet demonstrates no reluctance in castigating President Trump for what he did or didn’t do, after the fact, to contain the spread of the deadly virus in the U.S. We discuss the reprehensible actions of the seditious U.S. Press, in our next, upcoming, segment on the Chinese Coronovirus. Yet, the Slate, despite its left-wing bent, is one website that seems to have developed a pang of conscience. The Slate is no friend of the U.S. President, but, even a leftist website apparently feels there is a limit to the onslaught of vituperative vitriol that mainstream journalism pours without letup onto Trump, in this time of crisis.The Slate writes, in its article, titled,China Is Not the Hero of the Pandemic:“You can criticize Trump without parroting Beijing’s propaganda.“When Chinese scientists identified a mystery virus in December 2019, they were ordered to stop tests, destroy samples, and suppress the news. When Chinese medical professionals began to sound the alarm, they were seized by police. For weeks, when Chinese state media went on air or to print, they ignored the virus’s spread. When government cadres heard rumors of some new SARS-like virus, they kept their heads down and continued praising party leader Xi Jinping. China’s strategy to fight COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, though later praised by the World Health Organization and scientists worldwide, consisted of cover-ups, lies, and repression. It also failed miserably, exposing the world to this deadly sickness. After claiming yesterday to have no new cases of the virus, China is now trying to take a victory lap, emphasizing the strength of its response—and the United States’ apparent failures—while spreading conspiracies that the U.S. government manufactured the virus. And while U.S. President Donald Trump’s sluggishness toward the outbreak merits criticism, China’s endangering of the world with its initial incompetence is certainly more to blame. Some of Trump’s fiercest public critics, however, have in their condemnations of the president remarkably ignored China’s faults or even praised the Chinese Communist Party’s response. In doing so, they are propagating falsehoods—and Chinese propaganda."Sixth, Despite the unrelenting seditious mainstream Press attack on the autocratic regime of Putin’s Russia, it is the autocratic regime of Xi Jinping’s China that has been, for decades, the greater threat to our Nation’s free Constitutional Republic.So, then, whether through accident or secretive, insidious design, the release of the Chinese Coronovirus into the world has had devastating impact on both the physical health and well-being of our people and on our Nation’s economic health and upon the rest of the world. And this viral pandemic plays well for China in its ongoing quest for world economic and military domination.As Xi asserts with great bombast and bravado, as reported by cnbc:“We absolutely will not permit any person, any organization, any political party — at any time, in any form — to separate any piece of Chinese territory from China,” Xi said to applause. “No one should expect us to swallow the bitter fruit of damage to our sovereignty, security and development interests.” Apparently, the Chinese Premier feels that Tibet is one of those Chinese territory pieces that China will not permit anyone to separate, and that includes the people of Tibet. And the U.S. doesn’t call China out!Apart from geographical regions of the world that Premier Xi considers to be a "piece of Chinese territory," Americans might rightfully ask if Xi’s “development interests,” extend to the United States. Does Xi wish to “swallow” the U.S.? Quite possibly. As illustrated in a CNBC youtube video, “Billions of dollars flow into the U.S. from China every year, and some of China’s biggest assets are held in New York."Investopedia reports that China holds $1.1 Trillion of American debt.What this means is that China need not attempt to destroy the U.S. militarily. Why would it bother to do so? why would it want to and risk its own demise, when it can pursue a safer course, purchasing the major assets of the U.S., making the U.S. into a satellite of China and hasten things along, by obliterating the economy and weakening the American spirit through the mechanism of a viral plague.Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, there exists another threat to America's free Constitutional Republic and to the preservation of a free sovereign people. A major aim of the Western Neoliberal Globalist Collectivist elites’ agenda is to pull the U.S. into its own orbit. The U.S. is caught in the middle between the two, in a viselike grip: Xi Jinping in the East, and the Neoliberal Globalist Collectivist elites of the West; each operating like an immense, competing private equity Goliath; each seeking to commandeer America’s many assets into its own portfolio, and in the process, hollowing out our once Great Nation.Unfortunately, Radical Left and New Progressive Left politicians and multinational business interests in this Nation, have, themselves, no love of and, apparently, no further use for the U.S. continuing as an independent, sovereign Nation State, and for a free sovereign people.  These ruthless, voracious Collectivist forces want our Nation-State to die, and with the unleashing of the Chinese Coronovirus, they realize they have a vehicle to hasten the Nation's death, along with reducing the citizenry population envisioning a new transnational world order, emanating from both the ruins of the U.S. and the Nations of Europe.Perhaps this new world order will comprise a Duopoly: a world in  which China, on the one hand, and the Neoliberal Collectivist Globalist elites of Europe and the U.S., on the other, divide the world up between them. And the seditious carpetbaggers, among the Democrats and Centrist Bush Republicans wouldn’t mind making a little profit, for themselves, from the “estate” sale of our Nation. Through Democrat Party ascendancy—with Biden as U.S. President, before he most certainly, and unceremoniously, steps down, in favor of his Vice-President successor, this would obviously benefit many anti-Constitutional, anti-American interests, at home, who see the divestiture of U.S. assets with greedy eyes.It is the American people who will lose out. But, then, their lives are of little if any consequence to domestic and foreign profiteers anyway.*__________________________________________*Biden and his son have made out like bandits selling America out for their own selfish interests. See NY Post articleAnd then there are the Multinational corporate executives, safely ensconced in the U.S., who, along with Congressional Democrats, appear more concerned about their personal well-being than of the well-being of our Nation. See, e.g., the hightower lowdown_____________________________________Copyright © 2020 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.


