NYSAFE Advocate Breaks Law: Brings Loaded Gun Into Elementary School

According to breaking news reports, Dwayne Ferguson, a 52 year-old, father of three, and well-known gun control advocate, was arrested on February 6, 2014 for carrying a gun into the Harvey Austin Elementary School, in Buffalo New York.Ferguson lobbied for passage of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s NYSAFE Act. The New York State Legislature enacted NYSAFE in January 2013 ostensibly in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The shooting occurred in December 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut.Among the restrictive firearms provisions in NYSAFE, “criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds is a Class E felony.”Ferguson reportedly told a local TV station he frequently carries a gun, has a permit for it, and didn’t realize he had a gun on him when he went to the school. A friend of Ferguson, Rev. James E. Giles, said, “I’m sure Dwayne went into the School not thinking he had the gun on him.” But Kevin Brinkworth, the District’s Chief of Police, said, “I don’t know why he had it [the gun] on him.”According to further news accounts, Ferguson appeared in Court and pleaded not-guilty to two counts of criminal possession of a weapon. The prosecutor requested that bail be set at $10,000. The presiding Judge released Ferguson on his own recognizance. Ferguson was ordered to surrender all of his guns.[separator type="medium" style="normal" align="left"margin-bottom="25" margin_top="5"]

Here’s What I Think:

If news accounts are true, Mr. Ferguson is a hypocrite. A person cannot both claim to be a pacifist and carry a loaded weapon. A true advocate for non-violence and peace would find gun ownership immoral. Such a person would disapprove of all forms of aggression, including the use of defensive force against a violent attack. I, therefore, must question why Mr. Ferguson would apply for a pistol license in the first place. Why would he possess a gun and carry it loaded on a regular basis while advocating for non-violence and peace. Then too, I find it odd that he would lobby for stricter gun control laws, and walk into a school filled with children with a concealed gun. This is deceitful. That’s what I think.“Publius”see also: AmmoLand Article | Re: FergusonWhat do you think? We would like to know. Write us at info@arbalestquarrel.com


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