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Piers Morgan and CNN Have Both Learned a Lesson: Don’t Tread On the Second Amendment!

Piers Morgan and CNN Have Both Learned a Lesson: Don’t Tread On the Second Amendment!CNN Talk Show Host, Piers Morgan, is going home. Morgan’s viewers, the common men and women of America, have spoken. They had enough of this self-righteous, arrogant proponent of gun control. They have tuned him out and rightly so.To ridicule America’s sacred Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, as Morgan has done, is to ridicule the American people: who we are, our very nature as Americans. Morgan’s behavior toward the Second Amendment is unacceptable and unforgiveable. CNN should have dumped Morgan long ago.Poor ratings spell disaster for a talk show host. Morgan does understand this. As reported by the New York Times, Morgan said, “Look, I am a British guy debating American cultural issues, including guns, which has been very polarizing, and there is no doubt that there are many in the audience who are tired of me banging on about it.” Yes, Morgan, practically everyone is tired of you “banging on about” this, that and the other.Morgan would have done well to study American History, before taking on a job at CNN. And he might have started his studies with the American Revolution. Perhaps he would have handled himself with a bit more humility and a trifle more discretion before giving his audience presumptuous lessons on American Constitutional Law. But at least Morgan is leaving intact. How would America’s founders have received Morgan’s utterances? Would they have simply tuned him out as modern Americans do, or would they have given him a crash course on real gun control from the business end of a musket?Of course CNN is not the innocent lamb in all this. After all, CNN hired the guy. And CNN is not exactly a proponent of America’s Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. This might explain why the station allowed Morgan to rant as long as he had and as stridently as he had. CNN liked Morgan’s rants, but did not like the loss of viewers. At the end of the day ratings, after all, are what count. Morgan’s had plummeted. That is unacceptable.CNN itself would do well to learn from this. Consider it an object lesson. If viewers can tune out a single program, they can also tune out an entire TV network.But, for Morgan, let us wish him a pleasant voyage home. Perhaps one day we’ll see you at the foxhunt, Piers. But be mindful of the shotgun. You shot yourself in one foot. Don’t shoot yourself in the other. “Tally-ho!”[separator type="medium" style="normal" align="left"margin-bottom="25" margin_top="5"]Copyright © 2014 Stephen L. D'Andrilli (Publius) and Roger J Katz (Towne Criour) All Rights Reserved. 

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