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“You know what a miracle is. . . another world’s intrusion into this one. Most of the time we coexist peacefully, but when we do touch there’s cataclysm.”

“Everybody who says the same words is the same person if the spectra are the same only they happen differently in time, you dig? But the time is arbitrary. You pick your zero point anywhere you want, that way you can shuffle each person’s time line sideways, till they all coincide.”

Two Quotations from the novel, “The Crying of Lot 49,” by Thomas Pynchon

America rests at the intersection of two possible realities.


According to the first and dominant theory of quantum mechanics, based on the idea of the “wave function collapse,” only one world, one universe, one reality of many possible realities exists. And that reality is dependent on the OBSERVATION by a SENTIENT AGENT.

Is this only theory? What if it is true?

In the macro socio-political realm of present-day America, what do American citizens— TENS OF MILLIONS OF US—THOSE COMPRISING “SENTIENT OBSERVERS’ perceive of their Country when they “OPEN THE BOX”—to observe “Schrödinger’s Cat?” Is the Cat alive, or is it dead? Is America living, or is it Dead? And if America Goes, so Goes The World.


  • AMERICA, A NATION PRESERVED AS A FREE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC AND A SHINING EXAMPLE FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD OF WHAT LIBERTY AND FREEDOM MEAN AND THE WONDROUS LIFE THAT OPENS UP FOR EACH HUMAN BEING. SUCH IS THE PROMISE AND IMPORT OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 1776—seen in the creation of a Free Constitutional Republic upon which an Independent, Sovereign, Powerful Nation-State Flourishes, and a free and Sovereign People remain free and Sovereign over Government—holds true and continues unabated through the Twenty-First Century, and beyond indefinitely at least for the next few hundred years, A SHINING BEACON OF LIGHT AND EXEMPLAR FOR THE WORLD—OR,

  • A DEAD AMERICA and, by EXTENSION, a DEAD WORLD: One in which a Monolithic, Neoliberal Globalist cum Neo-Marxist Internationalist Counterrevolution prevails, superseding the Promises Made to the American People—a Nation conceived in Liberty for People who cherish Liberty—all lost. And all of it dashed, for us and the world. In this World, this Reality, one sees the DESTRUCTION of the ONLY TRULY FREE Constitutional Republic, heretofore existent in the world. Additionally, one sees the DISSOLUTION of an Independent, Sovereign, Powerful Nation-State and the DISSOLUTION of all nation-states.


  • The subjugation of the American people and all peoples, as a new socio-political reality, fuzzy at first, takes shape, and soon, sharpens into clarity, forcing out the old REALITY

  •  The emergence of a Neo-Feudalistic world empire, governed by an OLIGARCHY comprising extremely wealthy, powerful, and ruthless businesspeople and financial interests

  • The populations of Earth at once reduced to abject poverty, unrelenting misery, oppression, and the suppression of all dissent—courtesy of the 2030 UNITED NATIONS AGENDA FOR SUSTAINED DEVELOPMENT (AGENDA 2030) SOLD TO THE MASSES AS “A shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.”

This is one possible scenario once the “Wave Function” Collapses if the tens of millions of Americans—the Electorate—are induced to observe and seduced into observing, through psychological conditioning, an America that the Destroyers of the Country want America to observe. This is forced on Americans through carefully constructed “measuring tools of observation” (vigorous propaganda) an artificial projection, through which Americans are urged to see the world that the “film director” creates. But Americans can have the power within themselves “to look away.”

They can reject the measuring tools of propaganda thrust upon them if they have the strength of will to do so.


What sort of Country, and, by extension, what sort of world, will YOU, the AMERICAN CITIZEN wish TO OBSERVE? One created for you by propagandists in accordance with the wishes of the Government and those forces controlling the Government? Or, one which your own mind and physical senses and sense of ethics tell you are right and proper and the way things are and ought to be.

What SORT OF REALITY do you wish for yourself and for your children, and for your grandchildren to reside in: A Country envisioned by our wise Founders that has served the Nation and its people well for over two hundred and forty years, or a new one, a nightmare construction created by forces that are intent on engineering a world reality that serves THEIR interests, not that of Americans nor that of the rest of western civilization? It is a REALITY that IS rapidly overlaying the reality cemented into place through the American Revolution of 1776.

What ultimately transpires depends on what YOU, the SENTIENT AMERICAN OBSERVER and tens of millions of SENTIENT OBSERVERS—THE AMERICAN ELECTORATE “CHOOSE TO OBSERVE as they “OPEN THE BOX” to view “Schrödinger’s Cat.”


WHAT Americans CHOOSE to OBSERVE IS A PRODUCT of what they have COME to BELIEVE. And——

WHAT Americans COME to BELIEVE IS A PRODUCT of a COMPLEX of SOCIO-POLITICAL-ECONOMIC-CULTURAL-ECONOMIC-EHTICAL-PHILOSOPHICAL presuppositions, propositions, principles, and hypotheses that underlie that BELIEF SYSTEM,


THAT complex of factors induces a world view—an OBSERVATION that manifests as an OBJECTIVE REALITY—FORMED BY MILLIONS OF MINDS THAT DISCERN A REALITY BUILT ON A CONSENSUS THEORY OF TRUTH—It is one the majority of people wish to accept and have accepted —forcing NONBELIEVERS to RESIDE IN THE REALITY OF THE MOB MAJORITY.


Is it any wonder that Democratic Party Pawns of the Neoliberal Globalists and Neo-Marxist Cultists extol the virtues of Rule by DIRECT DEMOCRACY? This has nothing to do with creating an America that represents the WILL of the People when that WILL is the product of subtle and—often—not-so-subtle psychic manipulation, A TECHNIQUE HONED BY neuroscientists, PSYCHOLOGISTS, and PROPAGANDISTS, in AN ONGOING illegal, unconstitutional campaign directed to “MANUFACTURING CONSENT” (See Noam Chomsky’s Book on the subject of propaganda employed on an industrial scale, and, although published over twenty years ago, in 2002, it is a compelling read today—still relevant today and even more compelling given the present state of affairs).

One’s Will becomes subject to MOB-RULE. And, what IS “MOB RULE” if not the conscious MANIPULATION of the PUBLIC PSYCHE—unconscionable EXPLOITATION of the masses to effectuate Public acceptance of GOVERNMENT POLICY that would not meet with PUBLIC APPROVAL if the Public was aware of the manipulation?




A controlling agent, generally unbeknownst to the target population, surreptitiously injects ideas, subtle hints, at first, about how to think toward a particular state of affairs, around which policy is generated to effectuate an outcome the controlling agent wants. That agent then utilizes the manufactured consent of the populace as evidence that the agent is simply conforming policy to the “WILL” OF THE PEOPLE when the “WILL” OF THE PEOPLE is nothing but ARTIFICE made all the worse because of PSYCHIC DAMAGE to the PUBLIC. The public has nothing but THE ILLUSION that they are in control and that it is their wishes and desires the Government fulfills. It is nothing of the sort. That is the nature of “manufactured consent.”

Manipulation of the Public Psyche can also be directed to controlling how the public thinks toward a given person or object.

Government generates policy around the manipulation of public thought pertaining.




A MAJORITY of People, for good or naught, determine BOTH for themselves and for THE MINORITY inured to PROPAGANDA, THE ILL EFFECTS OF MANIPULATION OF THE PSYCHE:

Speech of “DISSIDENTS” is CENSORED, and, if “DISSIDENTS” were on social media, they find they and their accounts—to use the vocabulary of the present day—“CANCELLED” and “SHADOW BANNED,” and “DOXXED,” and the MOB is encouraged “TO GHOST” that disaffected minority).


Powerful, shadowy interests and forces seek to impose their own desired REALITY on us AMERICANS, and that REALITY serves to benefit THEM, NOT US.

The new REALITY DOES NOT serve to benefit the average American, THE COMMON MAN.

The mechanism of manipulation, propaganda, is old. But advances in neuroscience and technology have devised sophisticated means for INSERTING fabricated belief systems in the target population’s psyche and rapidly disseminating the mental viruses into that population, blanketing the entire Country.

The success of the targeted campaign to hoodwink Americans to become disciples of a false belief system is seen in the effects:

  • The Failure of Government to abide by and adhere to the very laws it has itself created because they do not benefit, or no longer benefit, the interests of powerful forces that control that Government

  •  The Utilization of Taxpayer money against the Taxpayers’ interests and often directed against Americans, thereby destroying their fundamental rights and liberties.

  •  The Deliberate Misapplication of Law and Justice to effectuate a desired outcome and a Contemptuous Disregard for the Strictures of the U.S. Constitution.

The American public is induced to observe Schrödinger’s Cat, i.e., the Nation’s FREE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC, ALONG with the Nation’s sacred documents, namely the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE and the U.S. CONSTITUTION, and the BILL OF RIGHTS, in a negative light.

And, so, the society created that embodies the precepts of these documents as immoral overlays the old and is the obverse of the old, projecting a new and harmful socio-political philosophical reality on the Nation.

These are the conclusions AQ draws from the propaganda tools utilized to induce a belief system in Americans designed to turn Americans against their own Country. See, e.g., articles in “,” and the “Heritage Foundation.”

How are Americans led to accept an entirely new Belief System—one completely contrary and antithetical to one that has enabled this Country and its people to prosper for decades and centuries?


The NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST “ELITES” and NEO-MARXIST INTERNATIONALIST CULTISTS, the TRUE OPPRESSORS of the COMMON MAN, have devised a multitude of communication tools to disseminate the ideas they wish to inculcate in the masses.




Many Americans, having FULLY absorbed the ILLOGICICAL FACT of the messaging, have begun to view a new Reality taking shape—ONE IN WHICH THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 1776 is perceived to be an inherent evil— a REVOLUTION that never should have taken place.

This idea, something relatively new, a non-subtle direct onslaught on our Nation’s most sacred ideas, SUFFUSING THE POLITY and the COUNTRY, means the Destroyers of our Nation feel secure in the powers they have accumulated and that they now wield. And they are using those powers to attack, directly and boldly, the Nation’s most sacred ideas. And they feel a new urgency to do so with the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election just around the corner.


But, Even the American Civil War pales in significance when one sees that it isn’t just the secession of some States from the Union.

For, neither the North nor the South had forsaken the cause of LIBERTY, as each had, appealed to it, relied upon it, and, having appealed to the strictures of the Constitution, they had found in it both moral and legal justification for their CAUSE—one proclaiming the right to leave the Union and the other demanding the Union remain whole.

The States that seceded from the Union DID create a new Constitution, BUT it was one modeled after that of the original Constitution ratified in 1788:

The constitution resembled the Constitution of the United States, even repeating much of its language, but was more comparable to the Articles of Confederation —the initial post-Revolutionary War U.S. Constitution–in its delegation of extensive powers to the states. The Constitution also contained substantial differences from the U.S. Constitution in its protection of slavery, which was ‘recognized and protected’ in slave states and territories. However, in congruence with U.S. policy since the beginning of the 19th century, the foreign slave trade was prohibited. The constitution provided for six-year terms for the president and vice president, and the president was ineligible for successive terms. Although a presidential item veto was granted, the power of the central Confederate government was sharply limited by its dependence on state consent for the use of any funds and resources.

Slavery, while reprehensible, is as old as civilization. It wasn’t an American invention, contrary to the pronouncements of some American politicians.

The engine that drove slavery in the South, was ECONOMIC, NOT RACIAL. See the article on

Although racial bigotry was embedded in the SLAVERY of BLACKS, it was likely MORE THE EFFECT of the SOUTH’S economic reliance on slave labor and LESS THE CAUSE OF IT.

The North, not a major agricultural economy had no economic need for slavery. There was nothing to be gained from it. They could and would argue, vociferously, for an end to it, and many ABOLITIONISTS did so.

The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution ended slavery AS AN INSTITUTION, but not until after the American Civil War had concluded, in 1865. 

If the South had won the Civil War, slavery would have continued in the South—FOR A TIME, TRUE ENOUGH.

But, likely, with industrialization on the horizon, in the South as well as the North, at the turn of the Century, slavery would have ended anyway. Economics that gave rise to it in the South would be the cause of its demise thereafter.

See the article in

While some may dismiss this, the fact remains the impact of machines on labor would make slavery obsolete, just as robotics (and recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI)), and cheap labor overseas has wrecked and continues to wreck the economy in the U.S. today.

This has NOTHING to do with race. In fact, the emergence of AI will likely decimate those in the PROFESSIONS, as well as the TRADES. 

When Blacks entered the labor force at the end of the Civil War, Whites began to fight that—again the cause was economic, not social. And such laws occurred in the North no less than in the South, including New York. Id.

Today, the enactment of comprehensive Civil Rights Laws and U.S. Supreme Court case law have made persecution and injustice toward Blacks AND, in fact, against, any person, on the basis of Race, National origin, religion, sex, age, and infirmity too, ILLEGAL.

Yet, dogmas espoused by the Neo-Marxists resurrect racial bigotry to destabilize society. The Neoliberal Globalist Business “Elites” know these dogmas are false, even ludicrous, but they play along because doing so serves their interests, too: bringing to fruition the dissolution of a free Constitutional Republic in hopes of sparking a race war, one where the Common Man regardless of race wastes energy battling among itself, rather than directing its attention where it rightfully belongs, namely on those elements that are deliberately, unconscionably, fueling this strife—the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALISTS and NEO-MARXIST INTERNATIONALIST CULTISTS.

Is this to suggest that racial animosities and suspicions and tensions don’t exist? They do, but not to the extent the NEO-MARXIST CULTISTS would have the public believe.

The NEO-MARXIST CULTISTS fabricate ill will among the Common Man so they can coax animosities and suspicions and tensions to the surface, from the darkest parts of one’s psyche, and they do this so they can then exploit these things for their own evil purposes.

This nonsensical notion of WHITE OPPRESSOR and BLACK (COLORED) OPPRESSED has got to end.






And the PUPPETS of THE FORCES THAT CRUSH maliciously run with the MYTH CREATED and PROPAGATED. In fact, the Biden Administration has institutionalized it.

The Biden Administration, the puppets of the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST “ELITES” and NEO-MARXISTS INTERNATIONALIST CULTISTS have openly, callously, blatantly betrayed the Nation, the U.S. Constitution, and the American People.


The fact remains that, trying to purge Racial prejudices through indoctrination—if, in fact, the NEO-MARXISTS are really attempting to do that and not really diabolically just “messing with” the human mind to encourage the very prejudices they claim they wish to erase (in order to destabilize and fracture society, as that is what they seek and that is in fact what is occurring). But, this is a fool’s errand. And, the attempt will lead to irreparable psychic harm.

Even if Marxist Cultists believe one’s biases can be easily purged by brainwashing without destroying the psyche (assuming they even care about that), there are moral constraints to be considered in the attempt to do so through the vehicles of social engineering and psychological conditioning.


Prejudice is not simply a WHITE vs. BLACK phenomenon. NO ONE IS IMMUNE.

The Irish have suffered prejudice by the English and vice versa.

Catholics and Protestants have waged wars against each other for centuries.

Even Scandinavians (“Nordic Supermen”) with their foreign languages and accents suffered prejudice when they first came to America.

And when Italians immigrated to America in the early Twentieth Century, they suffered prejudice.

In fact, New York’s notorious Gun law, the Sullivan Act, that introduced handgun licensing to the State in 1911—and which remains to this day, and much more noxious and debilitating than back in 1911, when first enacted—targeted Italians whom New Yorkers perceived to be biologically predisposed to be criminals.

The Chinese people have suffered brutal discrimination in America, and the Roosevelt Administration interned Japanese in detention camps during World War II.

And of course, everyone hates the Jews, and on many fallacious, spurious, scurrilous grounds, one common one of which is that they are by nature all moneychangers who live for and lust over money.

To this day, ethnic animosities exist and persist.

But, people get over this, get on with their lives, and they do just fine.

The U.S. has promoted more freedom of opportunity for everyone than any other Country on Earth, and this has resulted in America becoming the wealthiest, most prosperous Country on Earth for the majority of citizens. All those who by effort and motivation do invariably succeed.

Americans, regardless of their racial, religious, or ethnic differences have carved out a place in the sun for themselves and their families.

Americans retain their ethnic identities. But, even so, an American ethos has emerged and there is no contradiction in Americans holding onto their ethnic origins and inculcating an American ethos.

But, the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALISTS and their compatriots, the NEO-MARXIST INTERNATIONALIST CULTISTS want to destroy this “American Identity.”

These malignant forces denigrate the very idea of assimilation. Why is that?

They do this because an American Identity is tied to a love of Nation and family. Patriotism and Nationalism are the hallmarks of the Nation-State—the very thing that the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALISTS and NEO-MARXIST INTERNATIONALIST CULTISTS wish to destroy.

These ruthless forces intend to pave the way for a new world order—sans nation-states and national borders, and concepts of a unique national history, heritage, and culture that identify a people.

In the world that these FORCES THAT CRUSH seek to create, there is only conformity, a confounding, bland sameness that infects a person down to that person’s very core and essence. They seek to destroy one’s sense of Individual Uniqueness and Selfhood—destroying one’s Spirit and Soul, one’s very reason for being. And that they deem to be the ultimate GOOD.

To the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST ELITES the corralling of both the human body and mind—herding the populations of Earth into dense structures to bind them physically to a place and enslave their minds—is a way to maintain control lest violence breaks out as the COMMON MAN seeks FREEDOM—A NATURAL HUMAN CONDITION, a NATURAL HUMAN RIGHT AND YEARNING.

But, the GLOBALISTS can’t be bothered by that. To them, the COMMON MAN is a danger to the well-being of the Collective, the “Hive”—a “THING” THAT MUST BE CONTAINED.

To rule a world empire—to do so effectively—demands that tight constraints on human conduct and human thought be maintained. And once they have erected their world empire they will control the populations with edicts and with “religious dogma” generated by their Neo-Marxist compatriots. All of this is designed to keep the masses in check. And military, paramilitary police and municipal police will stand at the ready to clamp down harshly on any inkling of grumbling among the masses.





Neo-Marxists only recognize people as members of GROUPS, not INDIVIDUALS. The Neo-Marxist philosophy—whether from a social, racial, or economic framework—is perceived from the perspective and standpoint of GROUP DYNAMICS. And all policy is grounded on what they perceive to be in the best interests of the SOCIETAL COLLECTIVE, not from the framework of INDIVIDUAL NEEDS, CONCERNS, FEELINGS, DESIRES, WISHES, GOALS AND AIMS, PERSONAL IDIOSYNCRACIES, AND PREDILECTIONS. All of that is irrelevant, even meaningless to the NEO-MARXISTS. In this, the Neoliberal Globalists agree. In a nutshell, that is their socio-political philosophy.

In this NEO-FEUDAL WORLD EMPIRE, the GLOBALISTS and MARXISTS envision, the MARXIST LEADERSHIP will serve as the PRIEST CASTE. And their GOD is the STATE.


The Common Man, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex, is the target of subjugation, slavery affecting most of America and most of the world. He becomes a veritable SLAVE BOTH IN BODY AND MIND.

But the American public, especially, isn’t permitted to see the EMERGENCE OF THIS HELL WORLD. So, the PROGPAGANDISTS MANUFACTURE the fiction of OPPRESSED and OPPRESSOR CLASSES: WHITE VERSUS BLACK (AND “COLORED”).


It is MONEY and POWER and not just some MONEY, but EXTRAVAGANT WEALTH: Tens or hundreds of Billions of Dollars, or, in the case of the CENTRAL BANK DYNASTY CLAN, a COUPLE OF TRILLION DOLLARS AND THE POWER THAT DERIVES FROM SUCH WEALTH THAT MOTIVATES THESE PEOPLE. They have that kind of wealth ALREADY, and they already exert substantial power over entire nations and populations but they intend to GROW THAT POWER AND WEALTH EXPONENTIALLY, and in that desire and aim, they find nation-states and national governments, too confining, fundamental hindrances.

Economic pacts, treaties, and agreements go only so far as to assist these powerbrokers in accumulating ever more monetary wealth and power.

They want to dissolve all nation-states, and they intend to end them all.

They treat the concept of the ‘nation-state’ as an anachronism, of no service to them, and so they intend to dismantle them.

Such a belief that informs the policy aims of these people poses an existential threat to the continued existence of the United States as a free Constitutional Republic and a threat to LIBERTY and FREEDOM of the American people.

That threat facing our Country is of an order of magnitude above the issue at the heart of the AMERICAN CIVIL WAR.

Consider: The AMERICAN CIVIL WAR focused on the composition of the Republic, NOT ON THE FACT OF A REPUBLIC.

Depending on the outcome of the War, the Republic would either continue as a single entity, where all States were united in ONE United States, or the Republic would become TWO, not ONE, where some States would go their own way, forming a new Republic, each with its own Constitution. But the Country, whether one Nation or two, would still exist AS A REPUBLIC (or if the South had won the war, then there would be two independent, sovereign nation-states, and each a Constitutional Republic).

As the North saw it (in the days leading up to the American Civil War), the secession of the Southern States from the Union was an outrage.

But, as the South saw it, secession was the only way the South could grow and prosper as Northern Businesses were destroying the economic life of the South. See the article on

Throughout the first half of the nineteenth century, the Northern and Southern regions of the United States struggled to find a mutually acceptable solution to the slavery issue. Unfortunately, little common ground could be found. The cotton-oriented economy of the American South continued to rest on the shoulders of its slaves, even as Northern calls for the abolition of slavery grew louder. At the same time, the industrialization of the North continued. During the 1820s and 1830s, the different needs of the two regions' economies further strained relations between the North and the South. . . .

Then, in the late 1820s, federal actions on two major issues made Southern lawmakers angrier than they had ever been before. First, the federal government attached high purchase prices to most of the territory out west in order to increase its revenues. Southerners had hoped that the land would be inexpensive so that they could buy land to increase their production of cotton and other crops without spending too much money.

The action that most angered Southerners, however, was the federal government's decision to impose high tariffs, or taxes, on goods from other countries. This system of tariffs was passed in 1828 at the insistence of Northern businessmen, who knew that people would continue to buy their products if European goods were made more expensive by the tariffs. Southerners reacted furiously, calling the 1828 tariff a ‘tariff of abominations.’ They said that the tariff would force Southerners to buy products from Northern merchants who, protected by the tariff on foreign goods, would be able to charge higher prices. Ignoring Southern complaints, Congress passed a second Tariff Act in 1832 that was also seen as providing benefits to the North at the expense of the South.”

THAT WAS THEN. But TODAY, it is the continued existence of FREE REPUBLIC, in ANY form, regardless of composition that is endangered.

The THREAT TO A FREE REPUBLIC must be viewed against the backdrop of and in the context of the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST’s fear—TERROR REALLY—over the possibility of a second Presidential Term for Trump.

And, so, The NEOLIBERAL GLLOBALISTS through their collaboration with the NEO-MARXIST INTERNATIONALISTS have created a new set of stressors for Donald Trump and for the American electorate:

An elaborate set of taxpayer-funded criminal actions undertaken by the Biden Administration/DOJ puppets to drain Trump MONETARILY, MENTALLY, PHYSICALLY, AND EMOTIONALLY, and TO SUBVERT the ELECTORATE’S support of his Presidency.

Never before in the history of this Country, have Americans seen such concerted effort by and TREACHERY of GOVERNMENT, and AT THE BECK AND CALL OF powerful unelected interests—all directed at delivering the physical, mental, emotional, and economic ruin of one man.

No less, it is a thing to behold that this man would be able to generate the strength of will to continue to fight against the unlimited power and money, and resources at the disposal of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to crush him.

Given the extent of treachery and corruption, and raw anger and rage at work here—such effort and boundless energy fed by such all-consuming wrath and fury, one must marvel at the 45th President’s staying power—and marvel at his ability to channel the anger and rage directed at him and throw it right back at those FORCES THAT CRUSH and at their puppets in the Federal Government.

Still, it is frightening to watch a Government so obsessed with the destruction of ONE MAN, that it would marshal the forces of the PRESS (A FREE PRESS?) and SOCIAL MEDIA to bring him down and would continue to exert such monumental power and expend unlimited human and monetary capital and organizational resources to utterly destroy a man.

Trump is up against dynamic forces that are not at all restrained.

Merrick Garland and Jack Smith demonstrate the traits of psychopathy.

The few words they speak to the public are vacuous. But their treachery, expressed in their actions speaks volumes.

These men are not bounded by ethics and morality, which one would expect from “Officers of the Court” whose zeal one would also expect to be tempered by a measure of humility for the power they wield, ostensibly on behalf of the Nation and the Constitution and the people.

But from what we see, Criminal Law and Procedure are simply tools to be exploited by men like Garland and Smith. They perceive the strictures of the U.S. Constitution and the Code of Professional Responsibility as tools to be manipulated or as nuisances to be ignored.

The treachery and corruption of this Biden Administration so consume it that one wonders if Americans can still honestly, justifiably call the Nation a FREE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. But they still have some semblance of their Bill of Rights, and they are armed. And these facts are not lost on the FORCES THAT CRUSH, and on the puppets they have installed in Government, who do their bidding.

But it isn’t Americans making the decision to dissolve a free Republic here. That is coming from outside the Country.

Americans within the Country, like Biden, his Cabinet, his under-officers, and many members of the U.S. Congress, and much of the Bureaucracy are taking their orders from forces emanating outside the Nation. And the ruthlessness of those forces is apparent in the actions of the Government that those forces control and whip into a frenzy.

What the Nation and its people face today is something entirely new, frightening in the conception and that in the horror unfolding, beggars the imagination.

What has happened to this Country? Consider:

The duty of those people who SERVE in the Federal Government, IS to preserve, protect,  and defend the Constitution of the United States, and, in so doing, serve and protect the security of the Nation and the interests of the Sovereign American people.

The U.S. President is the Principal Agent through which the Laws of Congress and the strictures of the Constitution are carried out. The importance of that position is reflected by the fact that the Oath the President takes during his Inauguration is the only Oath that appears in the Constitution itself. All other elected officials and bureaucrats, including the military, do take a similar Oath but that Oath is Statutory.

Thus the content of the Oath of the U.S. President and the fact that it appears in the U.S. Constitution itself attests to both the Founders’ realization of the importance they placed on it and the justifiable concern they felt over the power the Chief Executive wields, trusting, hoping that future Presidents would not be consumed through the exercise of the power of the Office of the President.

The Framers had good cause for worry.

The President can exercise humility in his service to God, Country, Constitution, and People, or he can become a Despot—OR, other people (unelected officials, wealthy, powerful GLOBALISTS) can hover like birds of prey in the wings, flattering the President, bribing him to follow their orders, to implement THEIR policies. And it is this last situation that we see has occurred IN OUR COUNTRY. For the Office of the President is now in the hands of powerful outside forces.

If a President is unwilling to take their bribes and dismisses their flattery, these powerful interests can resort to cajoling or threatening the President. Such was what the FORCES THAT CRUSH found in their dealings with Trump. So, they resorted to more strenuous means to control him: Cajoling and Threatening.

But, if cajoling or threatening doesn’t work to dissuade the U.S. President to follow their dictates (and this didn’t work with Trump), they will resort to a more extreme measure: removal from Office.

Attempts at removal can take one of two basic forms.

The surest, but most extreme form, is Assassination—in other words, MURDER. The other involves the manipulation of the Nation’s laws and legal procedures to effectuate removal. The latter method takes time—often substantial time, and it offers no guarantee of success. That makes the use of assassination desirable to malevolent, malignant forces.

These powerful, ruthless forces are not averse to using assassination. They have utilized it in our Country, before.

And they have sold the idea of the “LONE GUNMAN” theory of assassination many times in the past.

Many Americans bought into that idea. Many more HAVE not. There were always holes in the theory—a lot of holes, but so long as an armed revolt did not transpire, the powerful interests behind the assassinations didn’t care what some dissidents, in the public, thought.

But, in America, at least AT PRESENT, assassinations cannot be utilized whenever dealing with a problematic President who refuses to comply with the wishes of those FORCES THAT CRUSH NATIONS AND PEOPLE.


Controlling Governments such as the British Commonwealth Nations and the nations of the EU is fairly easy for the FORCES THAT CRUSH but not so easy to accomplish in the U.S., precisely because of the nature of our Government—grounded on the doctrine of THREE CO-EQUAL BRANCHES, each with a set of clearly defined, demarcated powers and authority—and because Americans have, in their possession, a true BILL OF RIGHTS, where the concept of an ARMED CITIZENRY to keep TYRANNY at bay sits deep in the psyche of Americans, who have always retained a healthy suspicion of powerful governments.

Yet, for all that, the Country sits, today, on a razor’s edge. The Forces that Crush had successfully engineered a quiet coup of Government, setting aside the will of the voters who sought to elect Trump to a second term in Office, and casting aside Trump who resisted the Forces that sought to control his policies and agenda, to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, for those policies and agenda were antithetical to theirs. They ensconced a willing puppet in Office, Joe Biden. Although Biden’s incipient dementia was problematic for them. They could work around that. But that dementia would work to their advantage, too. A willing slave to them. He would provide, with his signature, all they needed to reinvigorate their agenda. And in two and half years, the Biden puppet and his puppet Administration have wrought the worst destruction on this Country—economically, socially, politically, geopolitically, juridically, culturally, and even impacting basic governance—that this Nation has ever suffered. And, by extension, the destruction of this Country has negatively impacted world stability. Reality had undergone considerable fracturing. The FORCES THAT CRUSH WERE PLEASED.

An entirely new world order, a new social and political reality, negatively impacting the entire world—the erection of a completely new socio-political structure—a Neo-Feudalistic World Empire was now feasible, and rapidly taking shape, as envisioned.

The importance of the United States in the creation of a one-world government is not only helpful to the realization of that end but essential. And, to that end, the Republic must fall. This is why the Globalist Elites have spent considerable resources to undermine the Country, its Constitution, and its institutions, and to obliterate the idea that Americans have that they are EXCEPTIONAL by virtue of the rights they exercise—rights and liberties that come to them from the Divine Creator, not from Government of men. That idea is unlike any that exists on any other nation on Earth.

As we posited at the beginning of this essay —One of two kinds of America is possible but only one can become a reality.

Many Americans have accurately posited that malevolent forces have gained control of the Executive Suite and much of Congress, and that is and has been AQ’s central thesis since we began our website over 10 years ago. And we have been in continuous existence since, we have not changed that stance or qualified it or modified it.

We have constantly reiterated that position and have further expounded upon it, and, as our investigations have continued, we have seen and heard of nothing to suggest that our general inference is in error.

And, as our understanding of the nature of this threat to our Nation and to our Constitution, and to our way of life, grounded on the sacred principles that this Nation has never denied—at least as true of most of the Electorate—we feel the need to exhort to the public to follow our lead and that of other American Patriots, too, such as the writers David Horowitz and Dick Morris, who have recognized the very real danger to our Republic and have expressly made their concerns known, clearly evidenced and substantiated, through their many writings and public discussions.

THE TRUTH IS: Donald Trump has served our Nation well for four years, repairing some of the damage caused by the Clinton, Bush, and Obama Administrations that have devastated our Country, financially, politically, economically, militarily, geopolitically, and societally. They have delivered our Country as a boxed gift to our enemies.

Those enemies are many and powerful and many of them are presented to the American polity as our allies. They aren’t. They never were.

The ultimate aim of the Forces that Crush is the overthrow of the U.S. Government, the governments of all nation-states and the dissolution of the very concept of ‘nation-state.’ With their vast wealth, organizational skills, and abject ruthlessness, they have made many strides in the last twenty-five years, to bring to fruition, the de facto demise of the United States as a free Republic.

Trump’s election to the U.S. Presidency in 2016 threw a wrench in their plans for world conquest. Worse, the inexorable process to defeat this Nation from within and the strides made were skillfully hidden, and, so, barely recognizable and cognizable to the American people.

But Donald Trump cast a bright light on the entire clandestine affair, and THESE FORCES were apoplectic with rage, both for Trump’s having shut down further work on their agenda that was so close to completion and second for demonstrating to the public the extent of the deception and the nature of and the seriousness of the damage these forces had wrought.


The effort to overturn the success of the AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 1776 had actually started at the very moment the Nation’s first Patriots won the War for liberty against Tyranny, tough as that War was, and unexpected as the result turned out to be—A SHOCK to the defeated British and the Rothschild Bank of England that had bankrolled the operation, and a welcome SURPRISE to much of Europe. 

Yet, the plot to destroy a FREE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC and the strides made to accomplish that weren’t easily cognizable until the last decade of the 20th Century, when the FACT of the THREAT, the NATURE of the THREAT, the EXTENT of the THREAT, and the DESTRUCTION wrought by the plot to undercut this Nation’s free Constitutional Republic, clarified for much of the polity. The polity revolted, in the only way they could, short of Civil War, against the plotters and their stooges and the standing army they controlled—through the electoral process that, at the time, in 2016, had not suffered illegal manipulation, as the plotters saw no need to do so. That changed when, for the plotters and those in league with them, and for some members of the public, Donald Trump was elected to the Office of President of the United States. This happened because the majority of the American people had perceived, during the first decade and a half of the Twenty-First Century, more than an inkling of serious fractures in a Free Constitutional Republic, and they sought to repair those fractures.

In that first decade and a half, up until the election of a political outsider (the successful Businessman, Donald Trump), a majority of Americans came to the correct and no less painful conclusion that powerful outside forces had gained control over the Federal Government and that much of Congress and including U.S. Presidents were not servants to the American people, but their masters, as they were subservient vessels of unelected forces that resided in the shadows, to whom they gave their allegiance betraying their Oath of Allegiance to their Country, to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

STILL, THE EXACT NATURE OF THE THREAT, THE EXTENT OF IT, AND THE SPECIFIC OPERATIONAL METHODOLOGY WAS NOT KNOWN. Even now much of what AQ has deduced is a product of guesswork, well-thought-out guesswork, but guesswork just the same.


But regardless of subterfuge, the dire effects of the aims OF THESE FORCES THAT CRUSH are noticeable to all who trouble themselves to look and do not allow themselves to be misled by the PURVEYORS of dishonesty in the Government, and in the Press, Cable, and Broadcast “News,” and in Social Media, and in Academia, and in Entertainment.

The FORCES THAT CRUSH have an agenda, and the ultimate goal of that agenda had been inexorably, and without interruption, coming to fruition UP UNTIL January 2017 when Donald Trump took Office. And, the PLOT, designed to destroy the one truly Free Constitutional Republic on Earth, and the AGENDA designed to accomplish the aim of that PLOT, came to a screeching halt.

The polity elected Donald Trump to High Office precisely to put an end to that Plot, and to the Plotters’ Agenda. That is what he campaigned on, and his Campaign Slogan, “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,” became the title of a blueprint to restore the Nation to its former GREATNESS. The goal was to initiate a policy that cohered to the tenets, the precepts, and the principles of Individualism upon which the Constitution is grounded, and one, then, that is consistent with the idea that all actions taken must be designed with considering and placing the needs, and desires of the Country, FIRST.



But would he DENY the electorate that voted him into Office AND BETRAY his OATH? Would he renege on all those campaign promises and pledges and goals, change course, and “play ball” with the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST “ELITES” just as Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barach Obama had done, and as Hillary Clinton would certainly have continued to do had she come into Office instead of Trump. In other words, could Trump be corrupted?

These POWERFUL MALEVOLENT AND MALIGNANT FORCES tried the usual ploys: playing to Trump’s ego which—like all Presidents—was, admittedly, large. Trump was unmoved by their flattery and entreaties. And he could not be bribed, nor would he simply look the other way, and rubber-stamp the policies these FORCES THAT CRUSH generated for him.

And Trump would not willingly support and sign into law the enactments of the Pelosi House and Bush Republicans in the Senate that are harmful to Americans.

All this remained a MAJOR UNKNOWN to these FORCES THAT CRUSH. But, the TRUTH soon became painfully apparent to them.

The forces did not feel they had firm enough control over the military and police to assassinate Trump, much as they would have liked to. It would have been a simple matter for them if they could simply murder Trump, and get away with it, as they had in the past.

But the public was becoming wise to them. They knew there would be a backlash—true hell to pay, especially where, as here, in America, a massive armed citizenry lay at the ready.

They accepted the delay. They used taxpayer money against the taxpayer, undertaking expensive, unjustified investigations of Trump. When that failed, they came up with an implausible, truly ridiculous, excuse to impeach him—the entire thing orchestrated—including utilizing a “non-whistleblower whistleblower” (whose identity would remain unpublished although since made apparent) (but don’t all whistleblowers eventually come forward—and in fact must they not do so? Isn’t that the point of being a whistleblower? After all, how can a “whistleblower” remain secret and still carry the gravitas of being a whistleblower? What is the point if you cannot see and hear THAT whistleblower?).

But none of this seemed to matter: NOT TO THE GOVERNMENT, NOT TO THE MANY AMERICANS WHO HAD OBVIOUSLY BEEN THOROUGHLY BRAINWASHED into believing that it is okay to break the Law of the Land (to SAVE THE LAW AND THE LAND? REALLY!)


Through the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST “ELITES” control of the Democrat Party leadership that at the time had control over the House, Pelosi and her team, went to work, undertaking their impeachment.

The Pelosi House DID impeach Trump.

But the U.S. Senate, under the control of Republicans—most of whom were not Bush Republicans—and a few Republicans who were aware of the GLOBALIST’S control over much of the Executive Branch and much of Congress, and which knew the Articles of Impeachment against Trump were bogus, ridiculous, and would not convict Trump. And Trump had obtained for himself an excellent Defense Team that pointed out, legally, the idiocy of the Articles of Impeachment and made that fact crystal clear.

And Pelosi, likely fuming, was left simply to mouth an empty gesture of defiance, asserting Trump would go down in history as a President who had suffered impeachment. She left out the fact that Pelosi and the Democrat Party-controlled House would go down in History as jackasses who misused the Constitutional Process to attempt to bring down an innocent man and that man would force Pelosi to play an incredibly weak hand.

And, at the end of the day, what did Pelosi accomplish except play to her base, waste time and taxpayer money instead of doing the work of the American people and heed the orders of her Globalist overlords?

It is she, not Trump whom history will say much of her treachery to the Country, Constitution, and people. And, of the present matter, so she has her seemingly moment in the sun. She has an impeachment of Trump under her belt.


Trump was still President and he would serve out his First Term.

Moreover, enough of the Electorate was pleased with the success of Trump’s efforts to preserve and protect the Nation and prove to the Electorate that, in the face of adversity and attempts to control him, he was a man OF HIS WORD AND TRUE TO HIS WORD UNLIKE Clinton, and Bush, and Obama who preceded him.




The NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST “ELITES” found the idea of a Second Presidential Term for Trump to be intolerable.

They had hand-selected the corrupt, mentally, physically, emotionally weak, and dementia-riddled Biden Puppet to succeed Trump.

This poor excuse for a man, and one whom as President of the United States was the very definition of insanity and absurdity. Biden could not be trusted to campaign. But how could a person running for President of the United States, selected as the Democrat Party Candidate, not campaign for Office? And he was just a contender, not the presently sitting President. So he must campaign. And yet could not, must not campaign. This was a veritable conundrum.

How could a person hide from the public during the Campaign season—especially a contender for Office?

Yet, a large section of the polity had fallen prey to psychological conditioning.

People who had no intention of voting for Trump in 2020 could not tell you what it was that Trump had done during his First Term that warranted voting for Joe Biden—the weakest man, emotionally, physically, and mentally ever to run for President of the United States.

An obliging Press filled in the gaps, to conjure up additional reasons for the American Electorate to vote for Biden, and not vote for Trump.

Still, the idiocy of how this 2020 Election was playing out would not be lost on the American people.

The Neoliberal Globalists and the Democrats knew this.

They both knew that they could not rely on a fair election to see a majority of the polity actually voting for a physically and emotionally frail, weak-willed, incompetent, and corrupt individual, and one exhibiting unmistakable signs of incipient dementia.

Never before had someone with the mass of infirmities and deficiencies of a man like Biden ever served in the Highest Office of the Land before.

The public expected their Chief Executive to be a person of courage, and fortitude, exhibiting strength of mind and body, and not susceptible to bribes or threats—someone whom Joe Biden was not. He had not one saving grace, not one redeeming character trait.

Biden’s weaknesses were painfully obvious to everyone. And to believe that millions of people would vote for Biden simply because he wasn’t Trump could not be relied on to get Biden the 270 ELECTORAL VOTES needed to win an ELECTION.

So, even that matter had to be taken care of. And the image makers went to work.

The Press would argue that Trump was an awful person and that he was an “Autocrat” and that, even if there was no evidence of his being a Despot in his First Term, he definitely would become one during the Second Term. Such was the power of propaganda that many Americans fell for that nonsense.

And Trump did lose the 2020 Election—Or SO THE PUBLIC WAS TOLD.


And, as we see now, the latest charges against Trump brought by Merrick Garland’s Attack Dog, Jack Smith, amount to literally criminalizing what had hitherto been Press and Social Media attacks on anyone who would dare assert or even suggest that the 2020 General Election wasn’t fair or aboveboard.

See the report of the FEC:

There was apparently 158,383,403 cast in the 2020 General Election overall, which included a few million votes cast for write-in candidates. The FEC says that, as for Trump and Biden, alone, there were a total of 155,485,078 votes cast. And, of that number, the FEC says Biden won the election, receiving 81,268,924 votes, amounting to 51.31% of the vote for those two candidates; and that Trump received 74, 216,154 votes, amounting to 46.86% of the total votes cast for the two candidates.

That, at any rate, is the official story. But, there is much more to this.

In his well-researched book, “Final Battle,” the writer David Horowitz points to a number of disturbing matters, and patterns of behavior, across multiple States, pertaining to the behavior of the courts refusing to hear Trump’s lawsuits [including those he filed with the U.S. Supreme Court, as reported by Forbes].

Horowitz writes,

When the votes were counted and the results were in, two factors stood out as particularly painful for Trump. The first and most important was the conviction that he had won. For more than four years Democrats and their media allies had waged a relentless slander campaign against him. . . .

Despite the constant drumbeat of these lies, when the 2020 election results were in Trump has outperformed every incumbent president before him. Every one, including Barack Obama, had received fewer votes in his run for a second term. But in 2020, Trump miraculously increased his margin by 11.2 million votes, making his total of more than 74 million, the most votes ever cast for an American president in the past.

On the other hand, to believe that Biden had won, one would have to believe that a mentally challenged candidate, who campaigned from his basement, who could hardly sustain a train of thought and couldn’t get through a campaign speech without a teleprompter, whose crowed were generally in the low double-digits, while Trump was drawing thirty and fifth thousand supporters to his rallies—one would have to believe that this fumbling figure received nearly 12 million more votes than Barack Obama at his peak.

Trump was also confident he had won because despite all the irregularities and unconstitutional practices by the Biden campaign, Biden’s margin of victory was still razor thin. Roughly 159 million total votes had been cast in the 2020 presidential election. Biden’s margin of victory was 43,000—or 0.027 percent of the total. If the votes illegally cast in Pennsylvania and two other battleground states had been properly thrown out by the courts, Trump would have won.

A Second Painful Fact

Trump’s recognition of this gut-wrenching fact was accompanied by another—the knowledge that in five of the six battleground states, Republican majorities ruled the legislatures but had refused to enforce the constitutional provision that would have declared the Democrat rules unconstitutional, and secured his victory. Despite his direct appeals to these Republican legislators, they had sat on their hands and refused to either investigate or rectify the illegal proceedings.

As the new year approached, Trump was running out of authorities he could appeal to if he was going to reverse the election result. The Trump team had filed 61 suits in the lower courts, nearly all of whom refused to examine the evidence. The only hope they had left was a lawsuit filed by the state of Texas. The Texas suit was backed by 126 of 196 Repbulicans in the House and 19 Republican States that filed motions in support. Trump referred to the case as ‘the big one.’ It sought to delay the vote by presidential electors in the battleground states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, arguing that voting procedures in those states had been changed in violation of their own state laws, and of the Constitution. These illegal votes in turn devalued the votes in other states like Texas by weighting the overall election result.

On December 11, despite its conservative majority, the [Texas] Supreme Court refused to hear the suit. ‘The Supreme Court really let us down,’ Trump tweeted in disappointment. . . . There would be no justice for him in the judiciary. . . .

The betrayals of the Republican legislatures were accompanied by the betrayals of other prominent Republicans who Trump and American voters more fealty than they were able to muster. This included Attorney General William Barr, Vice President Mike Pence, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, all of whom could have stepped forward to support his quest for a fair hearing but didn’t.

Throughout Trump’s efforts to rectify a corrupt election, Democrats deliberately and consistently confused the act of questioning an election result with an attack on democracy itself, which they pointedly associated with treason. . . .

Democrats and their partisan media leveled this grave charge calculating that to do so would intimidate their opponents into inaction. To be accused of being an enemy of democracy and a traitor to your country is obviously a damaging accusation for anyone with political ambitions, particularly, with a media that functions as an echo-chamber for such charges. This was no doubt a significant factor in the defections of Republican elected officials.

Despite the Democrats’ claim that challenging a vote is treason, the fact remains that such challenges happen all the time and are perfectly legitimate within a democratic framework. Dictatorships outlaw critics of their elections; democracies don’t. But raising hypocrisy to whole new levels, the Democrats themselves had questioned the results of all three Republican presidential election victories since 2000, agitated to decertify electors, and attempted to reverse the results.

Since the Courts refused Trump’s legitimate challenges, inexplicably refusing even to hear the cases, Trump appealed to the voters themselves, and for his troubles—over two and half years later—the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST’ PUPPETMASTERS—would go after Trump again. Seeing that Trump did intend to run for U.S. President for a second term after he was unlawfully denied doing so in 2020, and seeing Trump as popular as ever, and having no one to challenge him but the same idiot they had set up as a Department Store mannikin the first time around, they likely ordered the Biden Administration to order the DOJ’s Merrick Garland to launch a flurry of criminal actions against Trump. The latest of these played on Trump’s last attempt at obtaining a modicum of justice when Trump gave his speech to his supporters on January 6, 2021. Garland’s Henchman, the thoroughly reprehensible Jack Smith, filed a number of “conspiracy” charges against Trump, stemming from that speech.

David Horowitz writes,

In a last-ditch effort, Trump announced that he would hold a ‘Stop the Steal’ rally on January 6, 2021, the time the House of Representatives was scheduled to convene to certify the electors and confirm the election result. Because he was aware that lawlessness had become an accepted norm in Democrat cities since the death of George Floyd in May 2020, and since there were bad actors battling each other from both sides during those riots, Trump offered to provide 10,000 federal National Guard troops to protect the Capitol on January 6, His offer was rejected by the Democrat Mayor and Black Lives Matter supporter, Muriel Bowser. Trump’s offer was also rejected by Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Police. [See article in PM, cited by Horowitz].

Curiously Left-wing websites and the Legacy Press denied there is any proof of this. See e.g., the article in Politifact and the article in the Dispatch

Even more curiously, the news website, “The Hill” never mentions Trump’s assertion of a request made to Pelosi or Bowser, but merely cites to an AP account, referring to confusing inconsistent remarks by Pelosi once people did gather at the Capitol. The Hill never follows up on this.

‘As Speaker of the House, Pelosi does not direct the National Guard,’ the AP reported in its fact check. ‘Further, as the Capitol came under attack, she and the Senate Majority leader called for military assistance, including the National Guard.’” [Well, what became of that?]

But even the Leftist NPR pondered this matter, simply adding compounding to the disparities.

The former chief of U.S. Capitol Police says security officials at the House and Senate rebuffed his early requests to call in the National Guard ahead of a demonstration in support of President Trump that turned into a deadly attack on Congress.

Former chief Steven Sund— who resigned his post last week after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for him to step down—a made the assertions in an interview with The Washington Post published Sunday.

Sund contradicts claims made by officials after Wednesday's assault on Capitol Hill. Sund's superiors said previously that the National Guard and other additional security support could have been provided, but no one at the Capitol requested it.” See also New York Post article. There isn’t much of a clue, just confusion. Nor does the Military Times offer anything concrete, just more obfuscation.

Horowitz concludes his chapter on 2020 voting irregularities with the following Trump remark delivered during the “Stop the Steal” Rally on January 6, 2021:

‘In Pennsylvania,’ . . . ‘the Democrat secretary of state and the Democrat state Supreme Court justices illegally abolished the signature verification requirements just 11 days prior to the election. So think of what they did. No longer is there signature verification. . . . Eleven days before the election they say we don’t want it. You know why they don’t want it? Because they want to cheat. That’s the only reason. Who would even think of that. We don’t want to verify a signature?’

It was a good question, but to raise it, according to the Democrats, was treason.”

The term, ‘Treason,’ is not a frivolous term to be bandied about.

But Democrats and the Press and many other people who should be careful about the words they use don’t seem to mind saying the most outrageous things when it comes to Trumps and “MAGA” Republicans.

Let’s in fact have this discussion about “Treason.” Treason and sedition are in ample supply in this Country. But, those horrible crimes are not to be found in the hearts, minds, or actions of Trump, nor in those of his supporters and followers—tens of millions of Americans, but, rather, in those high-ranking officials of Government who have sold out this Country, and who have betrayed both the Nation’s Constitution and the American people. And what clearer way to demonstrate that betrayal than through the only mechanism available to the public through which they can have a small voice in the running of their Government—the electoral process? If that process is compromised, then, as AQ, sees it, the only other way to preserve and protect the Republic is through outright Civil War. To avoid such a dire happenstance, Americans must insist on and Republicans in the States and in Congress must take steps to ensure the integrity of our Electoral Process.

In his section on, “Staying the Course,” Horowitz says,

In sum, the in the wake of the rejection of their policies and agendas at the ballot box, Democrats were determined to double down as though the vote hadn’t taken place. Like the authoritarians in whose footsteps the Democrats were following, they regarded elections as obstacles rather than opportunities. That would explain their determination to demonize their opponents, to take authority away from the states and centralize the voting system in Washington, to press for universal unsolicited mail-in ballots, and to make their primary political campaign a crusade against voter IDs and election integrity. . . .

Biden won the State of Georgia with fewer than 12,000 voters, yet according to the Democrats themselves, 270,000 voters in Georgia have no ID and were still able to vote in the 2020 election.

Democrats have already codified their plans to centralize elections under Washington control, rely on fraud-friendly unsolicited mail-in ballots, legitimize ‘ballot harvesting’ and ‘vote navigators,’ along with other practices that the bipartisan Carter-Baker Commission on Federal Election Reform warned were fraud-facilitating practices in HR-1, the ‘For the People Act’ passed by Nancy Pelosi’s House in 2021. Nothing could be clearer than the fact that the Democrat Party is on a mission to dismantle the political system under whose auspices Americans have prospered for more than 240 years. Believing, as so-called progressives, that they are on the ‘right side of history’—it is not clear what, if anything, would deter them, from this destructive path.”

Of course, AQ argues that blatant attempts to destroy the integrity of the Electoral Process—both the extent of the measures devised and implemented and the severity of them, so harmful to our system of elections—cannot be adequately explained away as opportunism exploited by overzealous Political Progressives. There are grounds for impeachment aplenty against these people and probable cause of criminal activity that is completely lacking in the nonsense drummed up by Jack Smith and his team in recent days and weeks.

People like Pelosi and Schumer in Congress, and renegades in the DOJ/FBI and DHS, DOD, Military, and the Intelligence Apparatuses would not dream of doing what they have been doing and have done against the Constitution and Country if they felt they would have to answer for their serious felonies. No! This is coming from unelected forces outside the Federal Government and outside the Country and these elements have taken control of vast swaths of the Government, of the States, of Business, the Press, and Technology. And they answer to no one.

Those who owe their allegiance to the United States and to our Constitution are apparently more afraid of these outside forces than they are of the American people, whom they have betrayed and whom they continue to betray.

David Horowitz lays out the facts of betrayal eloquently, and he perceptively and presciently inferred that Trump would forever remain a target of persecution. In a section of his book, titled, “Trump the Target Forever!”, Horowitz writes,

For five years, Pelosi had led Democrats in their attempts to convict, remove, and charge Donald Trump for alleged crimes against the Constitution, against the country, and against common decency, and had failed. By now, most people not affected by Trump hysteria had concluded, that in all these efforts, the target was not really Trump himself but the party he led, the country he put first, and the record 74 million voters who still supported him despite all the attacks.

By ignoring these voters and dismissing them as racists, the Democrats had effectively told them their votes did not count—and would never count. This was made apparent by the reactions of the Democrats to Ron DeSantis, a rising Republican star. The Florida governor had implemented the border and Covid-19 policies embraced by Trump supporters and had shown himself to be a fighter in Trump’s mold. The Democrats’ reaction to his rising popularity was to characterize him as ‘more dangerous than Trump,’ which showed that as far as they were concerned, Trump would continue to function as a bar to judge, and a whipping boy to dismiss any Republican who reflected the views of the movement that Trump had called into being.

Demonizing Trump was—and had been for more than five years—the Democrat’s chief political weapon in their relentless drive to create a one-party state. Demonizing Trump and his followers laid the necessary groundwork for a political system in which dissenters were rendered powerless, and ‘bipartisanship’ an empty promise.

If Democrats could still deploy Trump-hatred and serial slanders of Republicans as ‘white supremacists,’ patriotic extremists,’ and ‘violent insurrectionists,’ and use them to win the 2022 midterms, they would be in a position to secure the provisions of the For the People Act—to federalize elections, to make mail-in balloting the law nationwide, to outlaw voter IDs, to enforce open borders, to change the electoral map, to abolish the Electoral Collect, to pack the Supreme Court, and to establish that tyranny of the majority [MOB RULE] they had spent so much political capital to achieve.

On the other hand, if Republicans supporting America-first policies, secure borders, free markets, law and order, and a color-blind society won the midterms, the Democrats’ entire nation-transforming agenda would go down in defeat. And every indicator—past and present—was pointing toward a Republican landslide which would accomplish just that.

Democrats and Progressives as “Radical Utopians” [as coined by Horowitz] can’t be bothered with the such little details and concerns as preserving the integrity of America’s Electoral Process. They are in a hurry.

David Horowitz says,

Radical Utopians Seeking to change the world invariably have three traits in common. These flow from the radical nature of their mission, which is to change the world. First, radicals are in a hurry. Their task is large and the opportunities to achieve it scarce. America’s political culture is specifically designed to support incremental reforms, not abrupt breaks with the past. Ramming through transformational changes on eh basis of razor thin majorities is exactly what the American system is designed to frustrate and thwart. But this is the very goal of radicals, and they are consequently pitted from the outset against the majority.

Second, because radicals are in a hurry, they are impatient with process and persuasion [hence the reluctance to engage in debate], which makes them generally tone deaf to the majority that opposes them. Radicals dismiss their opponents because their schemes are implemented—by whatever means necessary—they are confident that a majority will see just how liberating their policies are, and they will be grateful. Blinded by arrogance, they prefer government mandate and diktat to the frustrating conversations that are the lifeblood of a democratic system.

Third, radicals generate energy for their movements by singling out a social subgroup, usually a racial or religious minority, to demonize as the enemy of these liberating schemes. In this way they remove opponents from the deliberative process and deny them a proverbial ‘seat at the table’ where they can express their opposition.

And the transformation of society the Democrats Progressives push for is meant to rupture the Nation to its core.

Horowitz convincingly argues,

Progressives seek a fundamental transformation of society that, the claim, would establish peace, justice, and equity as the orders of the day. Why, then have they killed so many people in peacetime, and taken away the freedom of so many others in gulags and concentration camps? This is a question better examined before the American radicals achieve a one-party state than after.

[But][t]he answer to the question should be obvious. When a righteous elite becomes a party powered by hatred and marches in lockstep toward its ideological goal, and when this same party sets out to transform society into a politically correct realm, there is no limit to the control they will require to achieve the perfection for which they strive. There will always be another politically incorrect deviant who needs to be canceled, another microaggression that needs to be punished, another dissent that needs to be suppressed. . . . Already if you are white but fail to concede to a workplace diversity trainer that your skin color makes you a white supremacist, you are facing the loss of a job and possibly a career. Already, the party of righteous Democrats is planning to impose internal passports on the entire population, putting its freedom of movement and access to services under the government’s thumb.

With such a wide-encompassing, severe transformation meant to shred the sanctity and inviolability and supremacy of our Constitution, and to eradicate our Nation’s history, heritage, culture, national ethos, and Judeo-Christian ethic, and to disrupt the entire social fabric of society, and when exhibiting extraordinary impatience to accomplish all of that, is it any wonder that Democrats and Progressives would resort to manipulating the American Electoral Process to their advantage, all the while claiming, disingenuously, the changes they wish to implement are meant to promote fairness and ease in voting, even as they skirt over the potential for massive fraud, thereby compromising the integrity of the system and, in so doing, severely weakening, not strengthening the goal of securing fundamental fairness of voting? For, a fraudulently cast ballot doesn’t promote fundamental fairness to one. Rather, it denies to another the worth of that person’s honest vote.

In his book, “The Return,” Dick Morris poignantly asks:

Is our blessed democracy to be debased by altered ballots, phony signatures, and ghost voters, all because the burden of voter identification is too onerous [this last point is likely meant to be a trifle facetious].

Dick Morris ends his book with several questions, as a haunting echo of the well-recited litany of treachery that has occurred in this—the first couple of decades in Twenty-First Century America.

Although neither author offered prognostications of the DOJ bringing serious criminal charges against Trump, albeit charges created out of whole cloth to prosecute (really persecute) Donald Trump—how could they divine the depths to which the Biden Administration and the Neoliberal Globalist puppet masters would plunge, to keep a strong-willed, successful President and true leader of the Nation, who did in fact “MAKE AMERICAN GREAT AGAIN,” as he had promised, from seriously contending for the 2024 U.S. Presidential election against an emotional and physical wreck of a man, hopelessly, irrefutably and irredeemably corrupt, wholly immoral, clearly dementia-riddled travesty posing as Chief Executive, and altogether incapable of engaging in serious debate—these authors, Horowitz and Morris would not at all be surprised. And, as mentioned, supra, Horowitz pointed out that attacks on Trump would never end. And, as Morris points out, “Each futile attempt distracted our attention from a crucial national crisis.” So, there were diabolical reasons for these incessant attacks against Trump. They served to keep both him and tens of millions of his supporters preoccupied and off-balance and played to that segment of the polity that wanted Trump harmed and eventually, gone.

But, after years of investigating Trump on fabricated, absurd, allegations, and coming up empty-handed, and after two impeachments grounded on flimsy, spurious claims, would the Democrats and those behind the scenes who control them, relent? Not a chance—certainly not as long as Trump represented a tenable threat to their agenda.

So these authors, Horowitz and Morris, would not be surprised to learn of a new plot to damage Trump: A flurry of criminal charges being hurdled at him.


Given the import of the title of his book, “FINAL BATTLE,” AQ asks, “Is Horowitz surmising or alluding to the fact—and would Dick Morris agree with him—that we, Americans, are at the stage where, if positive change does not occur in the General Election of 2024, then our Country is lost, that nothing further can be done to save it, to salvage it?

From what each of these authors has said and laid out in detail, with substantial supporting evidence, and, given, as they make clear, the tenacity of the forces that seek to harm this Nation, and the dire nature of the measures they wish to implement which would do no less than transform our Nation into a Marxist/Communist nightmare if successful, which IS there goal, do Americans just capitulate? Or do they try to take their COUNTRY back by force from those who betrayed Country, God, Constitution, and People? That of course means CIVIL WAR. One must wonder, what advice the Founders of our Republic would have for us.

NEITHER AUTHOR ALLUDES TO CIVIL WAR, and this means they do not see the need to go there. They emphasize HOPE and the need to work to make sure that the Republicans maintain control of the House, regain control of the Senate, and return Trump to the White House in 2024.

But, both authors are nonetheless blunt. In the last chapter of his book, “The Return,” Dick Morris makes a pointed remark, and asks pointed questions:

We Cannot Read the plans of the woke left without understanding, in a way that we never have, the true stakes involved in the elections of 2022 [which have yielded mixed results for America’s Patriots] and 2024 [which happens to be the most important U.S. Presidential Election in our Nation’s History. America’s Patriots know this. And, both the Neoliberal Globalist Empire Builders and Neo-Marxist Internationalists Cultists know this, too, given the extraordinary lengths they are going to in a naked and unlawful attempt to prevent Trump from running against Biden (or any other Democrat Party candidate in 2024, in the event Biden drops dead at some point in time either on or before the November 2024 election or otherwise is too feeble to continue even to go through the charade of running for a Second Term as “Great Pretender,” assuming he is running anything now during this First Term)].

In other words, Americans still have a VOICE, which can be used at the VOTING BOOTH in 2024, and AQ ADVISES that America’s Patriots better USE that VOICE at the VOTING BOOTH (NOT SIT THIS ONE OUT) THAT THEY NEED NOT BE COMPELLED to use FORCE OF ARMS to combat TYRANNY.

Morris continues,

Are the gains of generations of American families to be burned alive on the coals of woke envy? Is all that we have achieve as a nation, as families, to be held hostage in order to punish us for slaves we never owned (and our ancestors died to free), discrimination we never practiced, and racism we never felt in our hearts.

Are our children to be taught to hate and envy one another? Is the emerging post-racial era in our society to be forfeit in new cancel culture? Are our heroes to be debased, and our great past presidents to be demeaned as slave-owning imperialists? Is brotherhood to be sacrificed for hatred? Is reconciliation to be wiped out in the name of meting out what the Left calls ‘equity’—balancing the accounts of history by robbing the present to pay the supposed debts of the past?

Are the shared sacrifices of the past . . . to be swept aside with each swipe of the woke guillotine of the cancel culture?

Are the rungs of the ladder we all need to use to climb above our current stations in life to be sawed away by what President Bush 43 called ‘the soft bigotry of low expectations’? Are to be yoked to a technocracy where our innermost thoughts can be read by Chinese and American Big Tech masters?

Are we to be drowned in a sea of illegal immigrants?

Will crime again rule our streets at night? Will blind partisanship, motivated by class hatred and envy, so divide us that we become one another’s enemies?

And, in “Final Battle,” David Horowitz makes these perspicacious point:

Overnight, it seemed, America had been transformed from a nation of inalienable rights guaranteed by the Constitution—and the right to assemble, to worship, to speak freely—into a nation in which those rights were now contingent upon doing what unelected health experts and government officials demanded. . . .

Indeed, Communist governments discovered long ago that the best way to control a population was through a ‘reward-punishment-type system’—benefits earned if people did what they were told, benefits denied if they did not. In totalitarian states. . . people who failed to comply with government orders were often not overtly punished. Instead, disobedient or dissenting citizens simply saw their promotions denied, their children’s applications for university rejected, their efforts to acquire a car stymied, long-planned vacation trips canceled,

Historically, Americans reject this vision of total government control over their lives as the opposite of the freedoms they have fought and died to protect. But now the nations is divided and the Democrat Party and its followers have embraced a totalitarian vision and mentality. This has produced a resistance by patriotic Americans. . . .

Biden’s response to these challenges was to portray himself as the nation’s savior and his opponents as misinformed and misguided enemies of essential remedies for the nation’s plight. . . .

Historically, Americans reject this vision of total government control over their lives as the opposite of the freedoms they have fought and died to protect. But, now the nation is divided and the Democrat Party and its followers have embraced a totalitarian vision and mentality. This has produced a resistance by patriotic Americans. . . .

During a television interview with Fox’s Laura Ingraham, DeSantis spoke to the hypocrisy of Biden’s claim to represent the truth about the [Chinese Communist Covid Health Crisis] and to possess a monopoly on the virtuous way to deal with it. ‘This is a guy [said DeSantis] that ran for President saying he would shut down the virus. He was not going to shut down America or the economy. He would shut down the virus. Yet what is he doing? He is bringing in people from over 100 different countries across the southern border. Every variant on this planet—some we don’t even know about—are absolutely coming into our country that way. . . . He is lecturing people about imposing Covid restrictions and lockdowns and not only doing nothing to stop the border surge but actually facilitating it. And then addressing [Biden] directly, DeSantis said: ‘Why don’t you do your job? Why don’t you get this border secure? Until you do that, I don’t want to hear a blip about Covid from you.

It was a classic standoff—one that spoke to the heart of the political debate over whether the country would stand by its constitutional principles and traditions or, under the cover of a malleable crisis, transition to a one-party state that sought total control over the population.


The Horowitz and Morris Books stand out as messages of caution but also hope and they provide a recipe for curing what AQ has referred to as “the rape of our Country” by the “Forces that Crush.”

On the first page of “The Return,” Dick Morris says,

“All is Not Lost. Thank God we live in a democracy with regular elections, and what liberty and democracy have lost on one cycle can be restored in the next. It’s our last chance! In past elections, we were always told that the stakes have never been higher. Pundits regularly warn us about the consequences of the other party winning. The other party will bring disaster. But the elections of 2022 and 2024 are different. The other party already won the election of 2020—sort of—and disaster is already upon us. To win these next two elections, we must realize that there are new rules under which any electoral battle in the future will now be conducted. We must adjust to them and learn to win under them.

But before we turn ahead to the coming contests, let’s frankly and honestly answer the core question:

Did Donald Trump win or lose the election of 2020?

Would a fair vote count of only timely ballots cast by eligible voters aware the election to Trump or to Biden?

The deliberate efforts of the Democratic machine politicians in swing states to conceal and obfuscate the truth has meant that we may never know the correct answers to either question. And the cowardice of the US Supreme Court provides us no help or clarification. . . .

But one thing is clear: The voter turnout, on both sides, was overwhelming, vastly outpacing any in modern history. The turnout in 2020 exceeded that in 2016, just four years earlier, by almost 20 percent. . . .

Everything we knew—or thought we knew—about American politics is obsolete in this new era of massively higher turnout.

Did the Democrats win because of fraud? Was the election stolen?

It’s certainly true that many paper ballots were forged or cast in the names of voters who had died or moved away—or who simply did not exist.

Much of the fraud involved real, active voters casting real ballots but doing so after the time deadlines specified by law.

Still, more were cast by eligible voters under the in-person pressure of a Democratic election worker standing in the doorway, compromising their right to a secret ballot.

We can and must change these laws and administrative procedures to stop post-election voting, drop boxes serviced by party workers, and ballot harvesting. We’ve got to require full signature verification, and above all, we must require photo identification to register and vote. We must demand that every mail-in ballot has the last four digits of the Social Security number correctly entered.

To all the corrections needed to safeguard the integrity of our Electoral Process, AQ would add the need to scrap the use of proprietary run and owned digital voting machines. Even The Radical Leftist CNN reporting acknowledges that the Dominion machines utilized by many States during the 2020 U.S. Presidential election allow for tampering, even while then denying that such occurred, relying on the findings of the intelligence community whom we know well cannot be trusted to be truthful with the public. Back in May 2022, CNN said,

Federal cybersecurity officials have verified there are software vulnerabilities in certain ballot-marking devices made by Dominion Voting Systems, discovered during a controversial Georgia court case, which could in theory allow a malicious actor to tamper with the devices, according to a draft analysis reviewed by CNN.

The vulnerabilities have never been exploited in an election and doing so would require physical access to voting equipment or other extraordinary criteria standard election security practices prevent, according to the analysis from the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

But see the November 2018 article in “Mashable.”

Experts have also found that electronic voting is incredibly vulnerable to hacking. U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that Russia attempted to penetrate the voting systems of 21 states in 2016, and were successful in at least one (Illinois).

It also turns out that the recommended way people should vote is with a paper ballot that allows voters to check that they're casting the ballot the way they intended. That's known as a ‘voter-verified paper audit trail’ (VVPAT). It means that the most secure and accurate way to vote is through leaving an analog record.

‘We need an election system that is resilient to the threats,’ voting security expert Bruce Schneier writes. ‘And for many parts of the system, that means paper.’

So why did we turn to electronic voting in the first place?

Also, see the article on the problem of electronic voting machines reported in EFF:

Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy. The mechanics of how we vote, and how those votes are counted, are critical to ensuring our votes are meaningful. EFF supports paper records for every vote, and automatic, risk limiting audits for every election. We'll oppose legislation that doesn't include those two critical measures. EFF opposes online voting.

In 2018, several senators introduced the Protecting American Votes and Elections (PAVE) Act. This proposal mandates the use of paper ballots and risk-limiting audits in every federal election, which will assure that our democratic process isn’t hijacked by hackers or foreign powers. It’s a great step forward, and we hope Congress considers a similar bill in a future session.

Touchscreen voting machines, counting machines, and other devices involved in elections are subject to hacking. Such attacks by their very nature can be stealthy and ambiguous. A skillful attack can tamper with voting machines and then delete itself, making it impossible to prove after the fact that an election suffered interference. Paper records ensure that it is possible to detect and quickly correct for such interference. Many states still don't follow this baseline best practice.

Risk Limiting Audits

To catch vote tampering, it's important to check some paper records by hand, and not rely on a machine “recount.” An audit shouldn't be a special occurrence during a disputed election. High-quality audits should be automatic, regular parts of our democratic process. Risk Limiting Audits (RLAs) are a proven, innovative way to pick a small sample of ballots for manual counting while achieving a very high level of statistical confidence that any electronic vote-tampering will be detected. This makes them cheap enough to perform audits on every election. As of 2018, three states have implemented RLA mandates, with Colorado leading the way. The other forty-seven should do the same as soon as possible.

No Online Voting

Proposals surface every now and then to allow voting from home or abroad via smartphones or laptops. Security experts are near-unanimous that this is unacceptably risky, and EFF supports this conclusion.

But, then, none of the suggestions by experts and none of the bills prepared by Republicans to secure the integrity of our elections have been implemented. Quite the opposite has transpired, and there is nothing that AQ has seen that suggests massive changes to secure the integrity of our U.S. Presidential election coming up in 2024. Why is that? What is preventing action? What we do see is that any attempt to deny the fairness of the 2020 Presidential Election and the Midterm Election of 2022 the latter of which oddly saw the worst sorts of people elected to the U.S. Senate, giving the Senate to Democrats (as Schumer pompously declared would happen—did he know something that the public wasn’t privy to?) is met with anger or derision and subject to the censoring of speech and “cancellation” on social media and—as is presently happening to Donald Trump—actual charges of criminal conspiracy for exercising one’s First Amendment Right to question the fairness of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

Dick Morris points out succinctly, “The Democrats are trying to transform America into a nation none of us will recognize.” But, would they be able to do that if they did not control so much of the Federal Government apparatus? Morris says, “Before We Even Get to 2024, we have to retake Congress in 2022.” His book, “The Return,” came out in 2022, obviously before the results of the 2022 Midterms. And Republicans did retake the House—barely—but they lost the Senate.

And, in his work, “Final Battle,” David Horowitz points to the fact that,

Progressives seek a fundamental transformation of society that, they claim, would establish peace, justice, and equity as the orders of the day. Why, then, have they killed so many people in peacetime, and taken away the freedom of so many others in gulags and concentration camps? This is a question that is better examined before American radicals achieve a one-party state than after.

The answer to the question should be obvious. When a righteous elite becomes a party powered by hatred and marches in lockstep toward its ideological goal, and when this same party sets out to transform society into a politically correct realm, there is no limit to the control they will require to achieve the perfection for which they strive. There will always be another politically incorrect deviant who needs to be canceled, another microaggression that needs to be punished, another dissent that needs to be suppressed. . . . Already, if you are white but fail to [answer] to a workplace diversity trainer that your skin color makes you a white supremacist, you are facing the loss of a job and possibly a career. Already, the party of righteous Democrats is planning to impose internal passports on the entire population, putting its freedom of movement and access to services under the government’s thumb. . . . Such is the awesome and terrifying power of an ideological zeal justified by planetary crises and mostly imagined social inequities.

The 2022 Midterms were a mixed bag at best. Horowitz points to major wins for Republicans in the States and a repudiation of Democrats’ policy issues but Democrats thereupon made clear their intention to take firm control over the mechanics of America’s elections. We reiterate, to emphasize, the point about elections that David Horowitz makes in his book, “Final Battle,” that we quote from, supra.

In sum, in the wake of the rejection of their policies and agendas at the ballot box, Democrats were determined to double down as though the vote hadn’t taken place. Like the authoritarians in whose footsteps the Democrats were following, they regarded elections as obstacles rather than opportunities. That would explain their determination to demonize their opponents, to take authority away from the states and centralize the voting system in Washington, to press for universal unsolicited mail-in ballots, and to make their primary political campaign a crusade against voter IDs and election integrity. . . . Democrats have already codified their plans to centralize elections under Washington control, rely on fraud-friendly unsolicited mail-in ballots, legitimize ‘ballot-harvesting’ and ‘vote navigators,’ along with other practices that the bipartisan Carter-Baker Commission on Federal Election Reform warned were fraud-facilitators. . . .


It is the firm belief of AQ that the extent of and severity of and the rapaciousness of and the constancy of the violence done to our Constitution and laws and institutions, especially in these first few decades of the Twenty-First Century, cannot, ALONE, be the result of designs and actions by Radical elements in our Congress, and in the myriad offices, departments, bureaus, and agencies of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government and by Radical elements in many State Governments, contemptuous of our Constitution and Laws and Institutions. NO! This involves the coordinated work and effort of more powerful, sinister, and jealously guarded and secretive elements, unelected and unaccounted for and unmentioned in any Legacy Press news accounts or Cable and Broadcast News commentary.

AQ cannot know and we will not surmise that David Horowitz and Dick Morris would agree with our inference (there is nothing in our review of their books that we recall that would suggest this), but to our mind, the rapid transformation of our Country—completely at odds with every aspect of our Nation’s core beliefs upon which our Constitution was crafted and upon which our Nation has prospered—leads AQ to infer that many and powerful and secretive enemies are behind an effort to tear down the foundational structure of our Country, to eradicate our history, heritage, culture, ethos, and Judeo-Christian ethic, and to destroy the social fabric of our society beyond all recognition. And these forces have compromised and corrupted those Americans who have sworn an Oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States. These American Oath-Breakers have betrayed their Nation, their Constitution, and their people. They have explicitly or implicitly sworn allegiance to an “agency” that abhors the very concept of the ‘sovereign, independent nation-state, whose laws reign supreme and are not subordinate to foreign laws, “international laws,” or foreign norms and ethical systems. And this “agency” has specifically targeted the United States, the most powerful, prosperous, productive Nation on Earth and the only truly Free Constitutional Republic, where the American people themselves are sole sovereign over Government.

These ideas don’t sit well with those powerful forces that seek to dominate all Governments, and must, therefore, expend considerable effort on destroying the United States—and from within, using corrupt, radicalized Americans themselves to do the dirty work. We have identified the nature of this malevolent, malignant entity, and we make inferences of their intentions from the effects wrought by their designs, as implemented by the puppets in Government who do their bidding.







WHO ARE these combatants in this FINAL BATTLE to do battle against those Americans who betrayed us and those foreign elements who should never have gained a foothold in our Country but would not have but for the weaknesses of the MISFITS IN GOVERNMENT who allowed this to happen, allowed these FORCES THAT CRUSH to RUIN THE COUNTRY and to INJURE—NAY, MURDER—Average Americans, these the “COMMON MAN.”



It is for AMERICA’S PATRIOTS to take a stand against TYRANNY for the SAKE OF and for their LOVE OF LIBERTY.

Was it not always so? Will it not always be so?


*This Essay consists of additional content, including the editing and revision of earlier published content, controverting or clarifying a few of our earlier remarks.

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Introductory Quote:

A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.

The cited passage is taken from Taylor Caldwell’s novel, “A Pillar of Iron,” published in 1965. See “Short Biography of Taylor Caldwell.”

Taylor Caldwell, a prolific and accomplished writer, (born  1900 and died 1972), utilized the vehicle of fiction to express basic truths about society and man.

Through years and decades, of observing and processing world events and the operation of governments, she realized that many of the evils prevalent in the world didn’t come to be by accident or happenstance but by design.

This disturbing reality did not “except” the United States, notwithstanding that it had emerged as a Phoenix free and independent from the raging fires of Tyranny, a dominating force for Freedom and Liberty.

Indeed, it is precisely because of the import of the Bill of Rights and the indomitability of Americans that has made it a prime target for destruction by the powerful forces that crush countries and people—those forces intent on creating a worldwide tyranny.

These powerful malevolent and malignant forces at work to destroy a Free Constitutional Republic and independent sovereign Nation-State and a free and sovereign people know that to make their nightmare vision a reality, they must first Crush the will of the American people.

To do that, they must Dissolve their Constitution, Deny to the American People their National Emblems, Dismantle their Monuments, Desecrate their Art, Erase their History and Heritage, Make Mockery of their Culture and Ethos, and, above all, Eradicate their Faith in the Divine Creator, upon which Moral Truth and the Sanctity and Inviolability of the Spirit and Soul and Selfhood and Individuality and Personal Autonomy alone resides.  

This is a monumental task, but their first order of business. And they have made substantial strides in the last thirty years to accomplish this, but then, unexpectedly, for Four Years, from January 2017 to January 2021, the Presidency of Donald J. Trump brought their Agenda to a Screeching Halt, almost Derailing Decades of Prodigious Effort to cut the Legs of a Mighty and Proud Nation.

The American People have long prided themselves on the idea that it is they and they alone who decide the fate of their Nation. They do this through belief in the integrity of their electoral system. It is they who decide who shall run for High Office and it is they who elect those members of Congress and that individual who serves as leader of the Nation, the President of the United States. And the people elect these people to High Office with the belief that they  will best serve their interests and the interests of their Nation, consistent with the import and the purport of the U.S. Constitution. But is that true? Was it ever really true? And if not, what has prevented absolute Tyranny? Might it be the forces that crush has been unable to date, try as they might, to dismember the Bill of Rights, a codification of Natural Law Rights that cannot easily be—and certainly not lawfully—eliminated because these rights are of a different order of magnitude.


No other nation or group of nations, such as those of the EU, and no NGO, i.e., the UN, make such a portentous pronouncement or allude to such, or imply such in their pretentious but vacuous delineation of “rights of men” as set forth in their tracts or constitutions.

Americans have their natural law rights that the powers that crush have not been able to dislodge although they have made inroads in confining, constraining, and even ignoring in the past several years, despite the efforts of one Branch of the Federal Government, the U.S. Supreme Court to prevent this.

But these forces that crush have neutralized the integrity of America’s Electoral Process, that many Americans, through the machinations of a compromised “Free Press” and powerful social media organizations deny. And many Americans believe the lies conveyed to them through the Press and through the airwaves. They believe they control the destiny of their Nation through their elected leaders whom they have duly and fairly elected. That is a strong belief and a necessary one. For, if the people doubt the integrity of the electoral process, then they would have to acknowledge that they have no control whatsoever over the Federal Government. Many Americans don’t believe that, refuse to accept that, and the propaganda mill does its best to foster the myth of a fair electoral process, going so far as vehemently condemning and censoring any voice to the contrary. And so many Americans—perhaps even most Americans—believe that their elections are fair and aboveboard, and, therefore, that the American people do in fact control their Nation’s fate and destiny.   

Taylor Caldwell provides a compelling argument that this is a false notion.

Like Sir Thomas More, a philosopher and politician and advisor to King Henry VIII, centuries ago, who realized the dangers inherent in those who wield absolute power, and who described those dangers and foibles through the vehicle of fiction—a little work titled, “Utopia,” which spawned an entire genre of literature bearing the name of that title—Taylor Caldwell does the same.

Thomas More utilized fiction, expounding basic truths, to avoid certain death were he to draft a non-fiction account of the ruthlessness of Henry VIII.

More was later beheaded anyway, becoming an object lesson to anyone who crosses a Tyrant. Sir Thomas More was, however, a principled man, thoughtful and of profound courage. He would rather face death than deny his sacred principles and bow to Tyranny.

The founders of the United States, centuries later, would do the same. They would suffer not Tyranny, but would willingly sacrifice their life to secure liberty for themselves and their fellow man.

Today, in America, people aren’t hanged for expressing a thought contrary to that of the Ruler. Or are they? And, in that regard, who IS the present Ruler of the United States?

Is that Head of State and those seemingly elected by the people of the United States to serve Congress truly bound to service to the U.S. Constitution?

Is the legislation enacted by Congress and supposedly implemented by the U.S. President consistent with the Supreme Law of the Land, the U.S. Constitution? And are the American people truly in control of their Nation’s fate and destiny?

Taylor Caldwell suggests otherwise, and what she saw transpiring in the Country, during the mid-Twentieth Century in the middle years of her life, during which she wrote the preponderance of her great novels, she perceived that things were not as they might seem.

What profound works would she have penned today if she could but see the horrors impacting the Country and threatening the world in this, the first decades of the 21st Century under such “elected Presidents” as George Bush, Barack Obama, and, presently, Joe Biden.

George Bush, with the backing of or inaction of Congress, and awfulness of the privately owned central banking system referred to by the abbreviation, the “Fed,” (as if to suggest this is a public institution), and, at the time, under the tutelage of the pompous Alan Greenspan, drove the Country to war with Iraq. George Bush said the war would cost only $50 Billion to $60 Billion. See the article in the Guardian.

Lawrence B. Lindsey, . . . was ousted as President Bush’s first economic adviser partly because he predicted the war might cost $100 billion to $200 billion. . . . [and] Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, and critic of the war, pegs the long-term cost at more than $4 trillion.

This is all Taxpayer dollars gone to waste and causing substantial harm to the Nation’s security in the process. 

A report from Brown University revealed that 20 years of post-9/11 wars have cost the U.S. an estimated $8 Trillion and have killed more than 900,000 people.”

To this day, no Mainstream Media account would remark the Iraq War was grounded on a lie—which it was, but only a “mistake.”

CNN calls the war a “terrible mistake.”

Forbes calls the Iraq war “The Biggest Mistake in Military History.”

And Slate calls the war “a grotesque mistake.”

Apart from that “military mistake,” and partly because of it, Bush and Greenspan destroyed the American economy. See, e.g., Judiciary Report, written in 2007.

After this mess the people voted a Democrat into Office, Barack Obama, a man of “many slogans.” See the Washington Post article.

Did America have enough of wars and the costs and all the ravages of them? Would Barack Obama do something to alter that? With a little urging from his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton—who was expected to succeed him in 2017—the two created a new vacuum in the Middle East, by giving the Green Light to destroy Libya’s Ruler, Ghaddafi. See, e.g., the article in CATO. And Obama added to the mess in Afghanistan. See the article in Yahoo News, citing the Washington Times, citing Brigadier General Don Bolduc.

The American public had had enough. Unhappy with both Bush Republicanism and the Democrats’ sense of “feel-goodism,” the polity opted for a person with a new vision, Donald Trump, and decided to give him a chance. They elected him to the Office of the President of the United States.  

Trump’s lasting legacy, promulgated on a campaign slogan for his policies and initiatives, as promised, “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) did just that, but the Biden Administration subsequently reversed all of Trump’s crowning achievements in service to the U.S. Constitution and the American people.

To besmirch the prior President’s policies, the Biden Administration transformed the acronym, “MAGA,” into a pejorative, even an obscenity—aided by a sympathetic Press and compliant social media.

Biden’s Administration made a mess of all of Trump’s gains. The Administration’s policies negatively impacted both foreign policy and domestic policy.

Worst of all, the Biden Administration demonstrated a perverse propensity, not merely to criticize, denounce, and even condemn the legitimate rulings of the Nation’s Third Branch of Government, the U.S. Supreme Court. But that wasn’t enough. It went much further. The Administration contemptuously, arrogantly, and illegally, defied those rulings. See, e.g., the article in Next News Network.

The many perverse and damaging actions and policy aims of the Biden Administration are too numerous to discuss, even to list in this essay. But AQ goes into that in another essay we are presently at work on and will publish shortly.

All this alludes to the matters that Taylor Caldwell saw at the time she worked on her novel, a work that became her magnum opus, “Captains and the Kings.”

What she observed she wrote about, and the inference she drew from this is damning.

Her conclusion is that a conspiracy is afoot to manipulate both the Federal Government and the governments of other Western nations.

The propaganda machine working overtime for this conspiracy against the population of the United States and the populations of other Western nations talk glowingly about “Democracy” and the virtues of the “Democratic Process” but without ever defining what they mean by the use of those expressions. It is all illusion, but one cunningly conceived, carefully crafted, assiduously cultivated, and meticulously disseminated to the populations of America, the British Commonwealth Nations, and the Nations of the EU.

Caldwell plainly and unmistakably exclaims the existence of a criminal conspiracy and of the conspirators who control the United States Government. That is the central theme of “Captains and the Kings” and is a major theme in many of her writings.

She writes, in Captains and the Kings,

“They were a criminal conspiracy, but they did not regard themselves as either criminal or conspirators. They were businessmen, realists. What gave them power, was in their eyes, virtuous and righteous and reasonable, for who was more worthy than themselves to control and manipulate the world of me? Someone had to rule, and who better than men of intellect, money, strength, and unemotional judgment.” ~ passage from Taylor Caldwell’s magnum opus, “Captains and the Kings,” published 1972.

This statement of a conspiracy against the polity of the United States, and of western civilization generally, is the essence of her magnum opus. And this conspiracy is her greatest concern, and it should be of grave concern to us.

There are forces at work that override the political process and they have clout and money to do this.

And, as Caldwell points out, they do this because they believe their decisions better serve the interests of the people whom these forces consider too stupid and naïve to be entrusted to make such decisions affecting the nation themselves. This is evidence of a criminal conspiracy.


The word, ‘conspiracy’ although utilized by propagandists who have crafted a colloquial meaning for use of the term for political purposes to manipulate the American public, the word is a legal term of art.

In federal law, the word, ‘conspiracy,’ refers to a crime—a felony—and it is defined thus:

“If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.” 18 USCS § 371.

As used in popular culture for malicious purposes by the legacy Press, the word has nothing to do with the crime of conspiracy, as understood in law.

Rather, the Press uses the word to describe people whom the Press wishes to mock: Americans who ascribe to a belief that the Press dismisses as false and spurious, even absurd.

In popular parlance, the word ‘conspiracy’ (to which the word ‘theory’ is attached, yielding, ‘conspiracy theory’) is defined as “a theory that explains an event or set of circumstances as the result of a secret plot by usually powerful conspirators” (Merriam Webster Dictionary Definition).

The online encyclopedia, adds this:

Conspiracy theory [is] an attempt to explain harmful or tragic events as the result of the actions of a small powerful group. Such explanations reject the accepted narrative surrounding those events; indeed, the official version may be seen as further proof of the conspiracy.”

A detailed explanation of ‘conspiracy theory’ in pop psychology (see the article in “Psychology Today”), asserts a connection between those “conspiracy theory” and “psychosis.”

Conspiracy theories are defined as a minority theory, or alternative explanation, for important events. Conspiratorial thinking typically challenges conventional wisdom, and has often been likened to paranoid ideations. In fact, recent evidence suggests there are commonalities underlying certain personality traits of individuals who strongly endorse conspiracy theories to those with psychological illness.

Conspiracy theories often result when an explanation for a major event is unfounded or believed to be insufficient. It is, therefore, the result of the human tendency to need resolution and understanding. Specifically, conspiracy theories attempt to explain events in ways that foster a sense of control and safety in the mind of the believer (Douglas, Sutton, & Cichocka, 2017). Conspiracy theories tend to be formed in monological thinkers (i.e. those who garner information from a singular source that is believed to be true and is without consideration of contrasting discourse).

It is not surprising, then, that conspiracy theories tend to flourish, and they do so for a number of reasons. For one, conspiracy theories are attractive as they appeal to the emotions of belief-holders. Conspiracy theories offer an answer, or explanation of events, that reduces anxiety. In doing so, conspiracy theories give a false sense of control to the believer. Conspiracy theories also flourish by nature of their tendency to be neither testable nor, as a result, falsifiable. Take, for example, the classic hypothesis-testing paradigm: if you want to prove that all swans are white, you shouldn’t look for white swans. You must look for black swans. The design of conspiracy theories is to look for white swans, it is thus both unscientific and self-perpetuating.

However, conspiratorial beliefs also persist in spite of strong evidence to the contrary. Herein lies the correlation to psychotic processes. A primary symptom of psychosis is delusional thinking. Delusions are defined as false beliefs. They can be paranoid, grandiose, or persecutory in nature, however, they all share their tendency to be unwavering in the face of contrasting evidence. This type of poor reality testing is also found amongst individuals who hold strong beliefs in conspiracy theories.

Other commonalities amongst individuals with psychosis and those who hold conspiratorial beliefs are a tendency to be anxious, to hold other paranormal and paranoid beliefs, to engage in monological thinking, and to overly endorse their own intuition/causal attributions rather than engage in analytical and rational problem-solving. The jumping-to-conclusions bias, which is well-documented in individuals with psychosis, has also been attributed to conspiratorial believers (Drinkwater, Dagnall, & Parker, 2012).

While finding causal explanations for events is a crucial part of understanding the world around us, the deviant cognitive processes underlying both psychosis and conspiratorial thinking can be dangerous. For example, delusions are a key factor in psychosis that leads to poorer quality of life and are typically resistant to antipsychotic medications.

One might wonder how it is and whom it is that came up with the modern concept of “conspiracy theory” as a pejorative.” Likely, it did not materialize out of the void. As with expressions, like ‘assault weapon,’ ‘MAGA Republican,’ ‘Gun Violence,’ ‘White Privilege,’ ‘Christian Nationalist,’ and ‘Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,’ and dozens of others, these phrases were carefully crafted and utilized by news people, psychologists, and propagandists to serve a purpose: the manipulation of public thought, to obtain a  consensus in support of Government policy, to serve an agenda—one contrary to the well-being of the American people, contrary to the Nation’s interests, and contrary to the strictures of the Constitution.

It is the Press, propagandists, and psychologists that fabricate, with abandon, extravagant “conspiracy theories” about America’s 45th President, Donald Trump. Many Americans, treat THESE conspiracy theories as gospel, never bothering to question the veracity of the assertions made, nor the motivations of the news organizations that thrust such outrageous and defamatory assertions about Trump on the public.

Of course, the newspapers and cable and broadcast news organizations that spread this nonsense don’t dare refer to their own fairy tales about Trump as “conspiracy theories” but as verifiable Truth, that they never trouble themselves to verify, nor bother to proffer sources by which audience or readership might verify for themselves, the assertions made.

So, then, when a person holds to a theory that runs contrary to the narrative propounded by a seditious Press, then that person is deemed a proponent of a “conspiracy theory,” that is to say, a ‘conspiracy theorist.’

And once so categorized, that person is held up to public ridicule, and contempt.

But, if it is the Press itself that creates a myth and foists it on an unsuspecting, naïve public to effectuate a political outcome, and the public accepts unquestioningly the myth crafted and propagated, with the aim that it become a part of the American psyche, those members of the public that immerse themselves in the myth are deigned “normal” members of the community. And, those Americans who think something amiss are deemed abnormal, “conspiracy theorists.”

Were she alive today, Taylor Caldwell would not be one subject to mass amnesia.

Reality is not so easily malleable. Either public policy that leads to negative consequences for the American public is accidental or it is purposeful.

Ineptitude does exist in Government. There is no question about that, but incompetence cannot account for the same negative consequences occurring with regularity and then worsening over time.

One must then conclude that such awful states of affairs are due to constant accident—unintended consequences of sound policy happening over and over again that cannot be avoided regardless of the ability of the policy advisors and policy makers intentions to create and implement sound Governmental policy, in service to the American people, consistent with law and the Constitution—or one is left to consider and ultimately to infer that incidences of horrible states of affairs occurring with regularity are and must be deliberate. And if so, that suggests an evil intention at play. This is a matter of logic, not political rhetoric.

Taylor Caldwell writes,

“But the ‘Captains and the Kings’ haven’t ‘departed’ at all! They were stronger than ever, . . . . They would continue to grow in strength, until they had the whole silly world, the whole credulous world, the whole ingenuous world, in their hands. Anyone who would challenge them, attempt to expose them, show them unconcealed and naked, would be murdered, laughed at, called mad, or ignored, or denounced as a fantasy-weaver”

——and, we might add, prosecuted, as we see in the endless ludicrous and quasi-legal and pseudo-legal prosecution (really persecution) of Donald Trump.

Why it is that such powerful and ruthless forces should be motivated to destroy a successful Constitutional Republic need not be considered here. That such forces do exist and are at work in this Country is of major importance, given the extent of the damage they have already done to the Nation and to the people and the damage yet to be done. And the end goal is plain: the destruction of the United States as an independent sovereign Nation-State and free Republic to bring to fruition the creation of a world socioeconomic and political empire.

Such people do exist and do exert influence on Congress and on the U.S. President and his Administration, and to such an extent that they essentially run the Country as unelected officials.

These people constitute a malevolent and malignant force whose harm to the Country is so extreme their actions do constitute Conspiracy or worse.

They must be found out, and named, and prosecuted for heinous crimes committed against the Nation.

IF, IN FACT, there are such people exerting such force on Government and on our institutions, to rule with impunity as TYRANTS (and unelected TYRANTS at that), they obviously would not wish to be found out, or caught, much less charged, and convicted of federal conspiracy or of something worse. They would wish and must reside in the shadows.

Consider possible other charges that may be levied on these people——

The Federal crime of “Insurrection and Rebellion”:

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. 18 USCS § 2383

And, if such people who manipulate elected policymakers  operate to such an extent that such manipulation amounts to overthrowing the Government, they have committed the serious crime of “Advocating the Overthrow of the Government”:

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.” 18 USCS § 2385.

And if such individuals owe allegiance to the United States, especially those individuals who as U.S. citizens owe allegiance to the United States by law, (unless they take steps to renounce such allegiance), these people have effectively levied war against the U.S. They should then be charged with the crime of Treason, which, if convicted, is punishable by death, or by some lesser punishment. 18 USCS § 2381.

Taylor Caldwell no doubt inferred that such criminal conspiracies do exist. But she would wish to avoid the appellation of “Conspiracy Theorist” with all the baggage attached to that appellation. Writing a novel avoids that.

There are forces that intend to manipulate the public for their own evil and this is mentioned in “Captains and the Kings” as well, noting that the forces that crush are ever-present.

Caldwell makes clear, in “Captains and the Kings,” that elected officials were taking their marching orders from forces beyond what the public had wanted, and what they thought and had reason to believe they had agreed to through the electoral process.

Caldwell realized that the public had been sidelined, and whatever policies aims and goals they sought to see assiduously implemented, just the opposite had occurred.

Through years of careful observation and processing of America’s political processes, in the middle decades of the Twentieth Century, she came to realize the public was played for a fool.

Although Caldwell thought that these forces that had captured control of the Federal Government had believed such to be necessary to serve the best interests of the people as well as themselves—even if this bespeaks the height of arrogance as well as a serious violation of the U.S. Constitution and contrary to the concept of a Free Republic, where elected officials of the people craft and implement policy consistent with their wishes, in strict accordance with the U.S. Constitution—today the forces that crush, that have captured this Government, have no interest in serving the people of the Country and make no pretense of doing so. This is clear from the dire effects of the policies their pawns, the elected representatives of the people, have implemented.

These ruthless, malevolent, malignant people serve THEIR OWN interests.

Their interests ARE NOT the interests of the American people. their interests DO NOT promote the Nation’s security. Their interests are in fact diametrically opposed to those of the Nation and its people. Their interests are contrary to the strictures of the Constitution.

Through the pernicious invasion of the U.S. Government, these pretentious unelected, uninvited guests deign to take over the reins of Government. They comprise a criminal cartel. And the Government officials who obsequiously bend to their will are cowards as well as criminals, who, through bribes, threats, or flattery, have betrayed their Oath to the Country and have sold out their Nation and their Countrymen. Such people deserve the contempt of the American people. They should be imprisoned for their crimes and publicly denounced, shamed, and condemned.

Public officials such as George Bush, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and now Joe Biden and Cabinet Level officials of Biden’s Administration are implementing policy that manifestly harms the well-being of the Nation and the people and is contrary to the strictures of Congressional Statute and the U.S. Constitution.

This is not mere ineptitude we are seeing. It is deliberate orchestrated destruction of a free Republic.

These public officials are taking their order from extraordinarily powerful and wealthy people whose intention it is to dissolve the U.S. Constitution and to destroy the United States as an independent and sovereign Nation-State and Free Constitutional Republic.

Unlike the assertions made in Captains and the Kings, there is no longer any pretense of serving the interests of the people, grounded on the idea that these wealthy, powerful “businessmen” know what is best for the common man. They have nothing but contempt for the common man. And it is ironic that these very people would invoke “Democracy” as the catchword to describe what they are doing.

If the word has anything to do with the notion that the people, qua “common man” in deciding policy through their elected officials who purportedly act on the will of the people to effectuate policy aims that they promised to the people but renege on because they are taking their cue from forces who deem “the American people,” mentally deficient, having not capacity to realize what is in their best interests anyway.

This means their use of the word, “Democracy” to describe both the system of our Government (which, by the way, is a “Republic” NOT a “Democracy”) and the inherent morality of “Democracy” are both a bad joke and outright lie propounded by politicians, from the get-go. It is parody or burlesque. Worse, it is outright farce.

Most Americans see the joke played on them and are not amused. Many Americans, however, do not and would not care if they knew the truth, and that is unfortunate for the rest of us.

But the use of public officials as pawns by unscrupulous, arrogant individuals to obscure the manipulation of public policy is another matter. That fact is so outrageous, it cannot be tolerated.

The idea must be wiped from the public conscience and consciousness. And much of the American public refuses to believe what their senses show them and their mind tells them. Rather, they engage in cognitive dissonance and in other psychological tricks to avoid admitting the truth to themselves.

They play mind games. People have a knack for avoiding unpleasant realities when they wish to block them out of their consciousness, and many Americans are doing just that

They tell themselves all the evil they see around them is accident, or that it is the result of an act of nature, or that it is Trump’s fault, or that the current state of affairs is not so bad after all, or that such evil that exists is due to white extremism and to centuries of oppressing the black man or oppressing “people of color” or they block out the evil altogether by taking vacations away from the dangers of noxious places, and lunatics, and criminals if they can afford vacations or can afford to reside in castles surrounded by moats.

But most people cannot easily avoid the noxious reality around them—a reality they did not ask for, and do not want, but that was thrust upon them by a wholly corrupt Government taken over by forces that have long ago—a half-century past the time that “Captains and the Kings” was published.

Yet, the average American must bear a measure of responsibility for it. For there was and still is enough of the rights secured in our Bill of Rights to take stock of our situation and do something about it if the public has the will to resist.

The first order of business is to recognize that a problem exists by looking for evidence of a problem. And that part is easy. Just take a look at our Country. Dick Morris, in his book, “The Return,” published in 2022, devotes an entire Chapter to this, with evidence aplenty. The Chapter is titled, appropriately, “The Unrecognizable America.”

He says, in part,

The radical Marxist, and revolutionary forces that propped up a senile and dysfunctional Joe Biden”— [which itself raises a few evidentiary questions: Who in their right mind would vote to elect such a man to the Highest Office in the Land? How many Americans did actually vote to elect Biden, President? And why are the voting machines “proprietary” denying the public access to the voting tabulation tapes?]—demanded the enactment of legislation and executive action that would has fundamentally altered our nation as to render it unrecognizable were they to have been enacted. . . .

Partisanship Becomes a Blood Sport. . . Election Fraud Becomes Normalized. . . Impeachment Becomes Routine. . .”

In the chapter of the book titled “Race and Gender,” Morris writes,

“Let’s start with race—and Everything now is about race. Even as race disappears from the American demographic—due to inter-racial marriage—our politics has become polarized around race and issues of privilege and discrimination.

After the civil rights movement of the ‘60s, race seemed to be on its way out as a dividing line in our society. . . .

Today, about nine million people live in bi-racial households, including a large number of African Americans.

But despite the demographics, race is back, stronger than ever, as a dividing line in our politics and society. The idea of a colorblind America is farther from reality now than it has been.

Segregation has made an astonishing comeback. No longer is it the exclusive province of racist Southern Democrats and the Ku Klux Klan. Now, it is openly embraced and spread by the leftist academic, corporate, and political elite.

In 2021, Congress passed Biden’s stimulus program, which contained a $5 Billion program only to “people of color” in rural areas. . . .

And reverse racism continues.

Back in the sixties and seventies, Black Muslims, led by Elijah Mohammed and Malcolm X, rejected integration and touted Black supremacy. But, now, in our unrecognizable America, this twisted, racist thinking lies at the core of both the current civil rights movement and much federal legislation. . . .

[And] Democratic race-based policies are especially destructive. . . .

The Left has drawn a line in the sand to distinguish equity from equality. While we have come to see these terms synonyms, leftist dogma holds that they are, instead, opposites.

Equality means the treatment of all people equally, regardless of race.

To the new, racist Left, that dream is nightmare.

They prefer to emphasize equity, in which people of color are given preference over whites to compensate for past injustice and discrimination, presumably going back nine generations. . . .

Paula Dressel of the leftist Race Matters Institute wrote, ‘The route to achieving equity will not be accomplished through treating everyone equally. It will be achieved by treating everyone justly according to their circumstances.

In that dichotomy, the Biden Administration casts its lot—and its money—decisively behind equity and rejects equality. . . .

Now let’s look at gender. Of all the nutty policies the Left is trying to foist on us, the most absurd is its attempt to change our gender and sexuality. . . .

They go to extreme lengths to eliminate gender from the national language. . . .

This evidence of the deliberate destruction of the National Ethos, and the Judeo-Christian Ethic, is the Billionaire Neoliberal Globalists’ nod to the Neo-Marxist Theocrats. The Globalists “Elites” couldn’t care less about this Neo-Marxist nonsense. But they realize that the Neo-Marxists share with them, the same ultimate goal: Destruction of the United States as a sovereign independent Nation-State and Free Constitutional Republic, having clearly defined and defended geographical Borders.

The Globalists who comprise the shadowy force drafting and preparing the Biden Administration’s foreign and domestic policies directed to weakening the Nation’s economy and security, know that the Neo-Marxist agenda as implemented weakens the psyche of the Country.

The Neoliberal Globalists have allowed the Neo-Marxist Cultists to implement, through the Biden Administration, policies designed to weaken and eventually destroy the moral fabric of the Country.

The David Horowitz book, “Dark Agenda,” published in 2018, four years before his latest book, “Final Battle,” is devoted specifically to the Marxist war on Religion in America.

The Arbalest Quarrel uses the expression, “Neo-Marxism,” to distinguish this American-driven version of Marxism from “Classical Marxism.” David Horowitz uses the term, “Cultural Marxists” to describe this dangerous phenomenon. But, David Horowitz and AQ are referring to the same negative force that, when given free rein, can tear down America’s Judeo-Christian Ethical system upon which the moral foundation of the Country.

Marxism has no use for America’s natural law rights. In fact, the idea of God-Given rights beyond the power of the State to lawfully tamper with is anathema to Marxists, whether of the modern, American “cultural” bent or of the Classical bent. David Horowitz says this:

Religious liberty is America’s first freedom and the foundation of all American freedoms.” [AQ believes that Horowitz is referring to the idea of the sacred autonomy of the human “Self”. If so, we would agree that the sanctity and inviolability of the Individual Self is the cornerstone of U.S. Constitution, as it is based on the tenets, precepts, and principles of Individualism, that recognizes the sanctity of the Individual. This idea is antithetical to that of the Marxists who hold the Collective as superior to the Individual. In fact, Marxists insist that Individualism is a threat to the power and authority of the State, which demands conformance of all behavior and thought, lest the individual threaten the State. Further the State is perceived as a Supreme Being, eschewing any idea of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and morally perfect Divine Being, whose power and authority is of an order of infinite magnitude beyond that of even the most powerful Government on Earth. Marxist Rule is not possible where the people look to the Divine Creator for moral guidance].

Horowitz adds:

The left’s attacks on religious freedom, and general hatred for those who don’t agree with them, are driven by ‘identity politics.’ Identity politics is an anti-American ideology and a sanitized name for cultural Marxism. Marx viewed market societies as divided into capitalists and workers, to which he ascribed moral attributes: oppressors and oppressed. Society was the site of continual warfare between these classes. Cultural Marxists have extende this picture of class warfare to races, genders, and sexual orientations, attributing all inequality to the institutions and actions fo the oppressor groups: whites, males, heterosexuals, and religious ‘reactionaries’—in particular Christians—whose views allegedly serve the interests of the oppressors.

Contrary to Marx and the identity politics left, which now includes the Democratic Party, the source of inequalities between individuals is not the work of oppressor groups but is a combination of circumstances (often beyond one’s control), individual talents, and choice. As Christians, the American founders believed in freewill—the responsibility of individuals for their actions and the results of those actions and the results of those actions. . . .” [Deontological ethical systems predicate morality on one’s intentions unlike utilitarian ethical systems which place essential or exclusive emphasis on the consequences of one’s acts, grounded on the notion of utility (however the State defines the “good”, where maximizing utility for the benefit of the State, the Hive, the Collective, is the essence of morality. Concepts of ‘Free Will’ and ‘Motive’ or ‘Intention’—internal characteristics of morality, springing from a Higher Power are either irrelevant or meaningless to those who espouse utilitarianism and advocate for the application of Utilitarian Ethical systems in all facets of American life and in all of its institutions. One can see that, if Marxists were to employ their concept of utilitarian consequentialist ethics to criminal law, State and Federal Criminal Codes, along with our Nation’s massive body of jurisprudence would have to be replaced because they are all inconsistent with utilitarian ethical systems. Deontological approaches to morality, ‘Free will” and intention, are the mainstay of our present Criminal Codes that spring from the English Common Law and from the Nation’s Christian heritage, as Horowitz accurately asserts].

Horowitz continues,

Free will is what makes us equal, so long as the government does not restrict our freedom. Recognizing that individuals make choices, which affect their destinies, puts responsibility for overcoming the handicaps of circumstance squarely on the individual’s shoulders. This is a liberating idea. It is why triumph of the underdog, the ability of individuals to overcome their circumstances, to rise above their allotted stations in life, to achieve something better. For over 200 years that vision has been the American dream.

Until now. Identity politics—which is currently the politics of the Democratic Party—rejects this inspirational idea and attributes inequality to the machinations of oppressor groups, who are defined by race, gender, and sexual orientation, characteristics that an individual cannot change. This is a prescription for true oppression, as the government steps in to create ‘social justice’ by depriving those who have earned it, the fruits of their labor, and distributing them to those who have not. It is a prescription for irreconcilable conflict and division, not the compromise and coexistence that the American founders worked so hard to achieve. The success fo the cultural Marxists in reshaping our institutions is why America now appears to be two nations instead of one. . . .

Of course, Trump was halfway through his Presidency when Horowitz published his book. Horowitz realized that “Cultural Marxism,” a product of the Obama years was deeply entrenched in America. Horowitz says that

Observers were bewildered by Trump’s success, particularly his support from evangelicals and religious Americans. According to Pew Research, 81 percent of evangelicals voted for Trump, a man who seemed anything but a model of Christian morality. Evangelicals still voted for him—and it made leftists apoplectic. . . . The left could not fathom why Christians preferred a morally flawed man in Trump, who promised to defend religious liberty over a morally flawed woman, in Hillary, who was bound to take it away.

Not only did liberals attack Trump viciously, but they held Trump responsible for the unhinged nature of the attacks on him. To Trump’s enemies, he provoked this bitterly personal warfare against him by unorthodox, combative political style. They thought: What should Trump expect after tagging his opponent, ‘Crooked Hillary’?

In fact, Trump is more accurately seen as a political counterpuncher and most of his barbs were reactions to others’ attacks on him. . . .”

The 2016 Democratic presidential campaign was a classic prosecution of these identity politics. . . .

A seminal moment occurred during the 2016 presidential campaign when Hillary addressed an ‘LGBT for Hillary’ fund-raising event. Speaking to the crowd of radical activists, she said, ‘You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic—Islamophobic—you name it. . . . Now, some of those folks—they are irredeemable, but thankfully, they are not America.”

This is a revealing statement. According to Hillary and her supporters, America is divided into two kinds of people. On the one hand there are real Americans who care about gay people, minorities, and other victim groups. On the other, there are the Trump supporters, the un-American ‘deplorables’ who hate an oppress society’s victims.

This was a frank expression of the Democrats’ hatred for their political opponents. It’s also a major departure from traditional American values of tolerance, compromise, and respect for dissenting opinions. It exposes how the very language of the Democrats’ politics is designed to dehumanize and delegitimize anyone who disagrees with its leftist agendas. . . .

Remember, Horowitz published “Dark Agenda” five years ago. The polarization of America was already well underway. And Trump, who the Left refers as the cause for the polarization wasn’t that at all.

The Left’s attack on its opponents is notable for the ease to which it posits on its opponents the very faults that not only exist in itself but that are policy predicates of all that it does.

The Neoliberal Globalists use this to their advantage. They allow these Cultural Marxists (Neo-Marxists) to force confrontations among Americans on every social, political, and philosophical point. But the Leftists don’t debate. They just shout. And the Press emboldened them to do this, actually joining in. This manifests itself as a major clash of ideologies. A COUNTERREVOLUTION OF 2024 embracing the techniques of TOTALITARIAN CONTROL discussed in George Orwell’s Classic, “1984” directly attacking the historical and sociopolitical and ethical philosophical system upon which the AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 1776 based its struggle against Tyranny. And it appears that the AMERICAN REVOLUTION OF 1776 is not to be construed as absolute victory over TYRANNY, but rather, an HISTORICAL EVENT THAT MUST BE CONTINUALLY DEFENDED FROM THE DEADLY FORCES THAT CRUSH EMANATING FROM WITHIN THE NATION AS MUCH AS FROM ANY THREATS EMANATING FROM OUTSIDE THE NATION.  


Unfortunately, there are too many Americans too far gone—having been taken in by incessant propagandist messaging, becoming seduced by the media and the Press and politicians telling them how to think and what to think and that they are bad people and that all the bad heaped on them is due to their own behavior or due to the “sins of their fathers” that they must now bear. Many Americans have become rueful and soulful and accepting of this nonsense even as they don’t become outright disciples of it.

Other Americans flagellate themselves mercilessly, becoming Neo-Marxist Cultists, joining the ranks of the most extreme and alien systems known to man, and having to deal with them right here in the only truly Free Republic on Earth. And, it is precisely because of this, our Country is attacked with such ferocity. Many Americans have fallen to the viral messaging emanating from the Biden Administration, from Congress and from Social Media, from the Entertainment Industry and Big Tech; from Big Business and Finance. Very little remains of American that has been untouched and left unscathed by the relentless attack on every core value and belief; on every sacred precept upon which this Nation was built. Many Americans—especially many young people have succumbed to this. These people are too far gone to be successfully “deprogrammed.” Any attempt to decouple the noxious virus of cultism from their sentient mind would result in psychosis or death.

Then there are many Americans who simply don’t give a damn about anything. In fact, they would be hard-pressed to notice, difficult as it is to believe this.

For these people, as long as their appliances are working and they have clothes on their backs, and food in their belly, and are left pretty much to their own devices—not complaining to give a conspiratorial Government reason to go after them—they remain contented sheep.

These Americans remain oblivious to the fact that they are about to lose their Country and those little freedoms, set down in the Nation’s Bill of Rights.

But, as long as they have access to the necessities of life and a modicum of comforts and they are content to live with the illusion of freedom, that is enough for them. But even that illusion of freedom will eventually be lost to them, and the necessities and comforts of life in America will be denied them, requiring them to rely exclusively, not just extensively on Government largess to care for their needs.

Defending one’s fundamental rights from those intent on eradicating them, takes conscious effort. The founders knew that—and fought a war to assert their fundamental, unalienable rights bestowed upon them by the Divine Creator—a hard fought war against a mighty foe—the British Empire.

The Founders of our Nation would be absolutely appalled to see the slow dissolution of a free Republic that they had placed their own life on the line to create.

They would visit contempt, and with good reason, on those Americans who exhibit apathy.

Fortunately, there are enough Americans—the rest of us—who see the inexorable dissolution of their Country, the corruption of public officials, the shadowy presence of a monstrous evil that has taken hold of our Government and has robbed many Americans of rational thought.

At least a few authors today bear the mantle of Taylor Caldwell. They lay out, clearly, plainly and painfully, the fact of and the nature of the threats to our Nation, to our Constitution, our people, our entire way of life.

AQ has looked intently at what Horowitz and Morris have  said. We point to their assessment and discuss what we see as the endgame fate of our Country and of the western world if the American public doesn’t wake up to the danger and put a stop to it.

The authors David Horowitz and Dick Morris have written extensively about the attack on America. Their works are prescient, and what they have to say is frightening. The attack on our Nation’s core values are very real and this is no accident.

There is a concerted effort to destroy this Country. And the forces behind this are powerful and they are winning.

See AQ’s recitation of select passages from the book, “Dark Agenda,” by David Horowitz and, “The Return,” by Dick Morris, that we recite, supra.

These authors show in plain and forthright language, with clear supporting evidence—something missing in much of the hallowed institution of what was once known as the “Free Press”—the PLAIN, UNVARNISHED TRUTH, what we Americans face. A day of reckoning is quickly coming upon us.

David Horowitz lays this out at length in a book that is due to become a classic, “FINAL BATTLE,” published in 2022. See, generally, the Arbalest Quarrel essay, posted on July 20, 2023.


The American institution of the “Press,” which has itself fallen prey to corruption, jealously guards the Freedom provided to it under the First Amendment while showing no reluctance in denying the exercise of the Right of Free Speech and exercise of other fundamental Rights to the common man. And, so, this vaunted Press has become not the guardian of a free Constitutional Republic, but as one with those forces that seek the destruction of it.


Many Americans are oblivious to the danger. Bizarrely, and frighteningly, some Americans even welcome this. That demonstrates the power of psychological conditioning and the technology that has permitted the dissemination of propaganda on an industrial scale over a period of many years.


The Neo-Marxist Internationalist Counterrevolution of 2023 cum Neoliberal Globalist expansionist program to overturn the American Revolution of 1776 is full upon us, the people of the United States. This is, as Horowitz accurately proclaims, the “Final Battle.” The shared goal of both of these forces is the destruction of all independent, sovereign nation-states, and the emergence of a multicultural, socio-economic, and political Neo-Feudalist empire that spans the globe. Proof of this is all around us. Tracts, treatises, policy, and position papers drafted by the UN; and the creation of international organizations. See, e.g. the website Defense Adda for a list.

As these world organizations increasingly become more powerful—less mere advocates and more dictators of policy—treacherous national Governments, including the Biden Administration secede power to them.

Not that long ago, in March of 2022, the Globalist Elites’ messenger boy, and Great Pretender, Joe Biden, said this, as reported by Steve Forbes, himself, the Editor-in-Chief of Forbes:

In off-the-cuff remarks at a recent meeting of the Business Roundtable, President Biden said, ‘There’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it.’

This episode of What’s Ahead argues that if the President is serious about the U.S. leading positively for a better world order, there’s one crucial area in which we’ve been negligent and need to make a course correction: international monetary policy.

Sounds boring, but the 1930s demonstrated what happens when we get this wrong.

We got it right after WWII, with the creation of the Bretton Woods monetary system, whereby the dollar’s value was fixed to gold and the value of other currencies were tied to the dollar at a fixed rate. Bretton Woods was a critical reason that the U.S., Western Europe and Japan experienced incredible economic booms even after prewar levels of production were exceeded.

For fallacious reasons we destroyed Bretton Woods in the early 1970s. Since then, our historic average rates of economic growth have fallen by more than one-third. The performances of other developed countries have suffered as well.

We and the world would benefit enormously from a new Bretton Woods-type monetary system.

Referring to the U.S. as the world leader in creating the “new world order” is a remark both sly and sinister. This remark, contrary to Steve Forbes’ statement is definitely, not “off-the-cuff.”

There was no retraction here by Biden’s handlers, which is often the case when Biden DOES assert “off-the-cuff” remarks—those that do not cohere with, conflict with, or directly contradict the Globalists’ policy directives. The remark that Biden delivered is a message, probably well-rehearsed. Those dictating policy in the White House, had to be certain that their puppet, Joe Biden, physically and emotionally fragile, and riddled with dementia, would get the words right.

The message delivered by the Grand Harlequin in Chief is that the United States, under this Administration, is not an independent-sovereign Nation-State and does not ascribe any longer to be one.

Biden proclaims that his Administration the United States Government is no longer an independent, sovereign Nation-State and free Constitutional Republic whose sole allegiance is supposed to be directed to the Nation and to the Nation’s Sovereign, the American people, and whose sole duty is, as set forth in the Oath of Office of the U.S. President: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Article 2, Section 1, Clause 1, Clause 8.

Instead, Biden asserts his allegiance to some shadowy group of others, those unnamed, Mega-rich “Neoliberal Globalists,” who jealously guard their privacy, and with good reason for their goals and interests are not that of the United States, and whose allegiance is to the creation of a world empire through which they would reign supreme.

This world empire, a new socio-political entity, that is projected to supersede the power of all State governments of heretofore independent and sovereign nation-states is variously described as:

One, the “New World Order” (the first descriptor utilized and well recognized by Americans and, for this reason, utilized by the Biden puppet as an “in your face” assertion of contempt and a challenge directed toward Americans who wish to preserve a Free Constitutional Republic),

Two, the “Liberal International Order,”

Three, the “Rules-based International Order,”

Four, the “One World Government,”

Five, “Global Governance,”

Six, “Sustainable Development,”

Seven, the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,”

Eight, “Agenda 21/2030,”

Nine, the “Great Reset,” and

Ten, the (Soros) “Open-Society.”

So, then, by referring to the United States as the leader in promoting a grandiose world empire, Biden isn’t asserting the transcendence of the United States, but promoting and predicting something quite different: the Nation’s demise; its rout and ruin; its dissolution.

The Biden Administration like the Obama Administration before it, and as the Clinton Administration was destined to be, had the American electorate said otherwise in 2016, “is become” a giant caretaker institution whose allegiance is not to this Nation, “ONE NATION, UNDER GOD,” in which the strictures of the United States Constitution, as the Law of the Land are supreme, but to some other lesser god. This lesser god, Mammon, is this new world empire. And the remains of a once great Nation is destined to be unceremoniously passed to a new Ruler a new Caesar—  amoral, fabulously wealthy, extraordinarily covetous, and utterly ruthless: the Neoliberal Globalist Materialist Barons, descendants of the Rothschild international banking clan.

But, establishing political-social stability across the world will be a massive undertaking, albeit a necessary one to sustain a mammoth empire. But the masses, those living in Countries with their own history, culture, and morays, will resist.

The Neo-Marxist Theocrats, working in league with the Billionaire Neoliberal Globalist Robber Barons have an answer for that: teach a new dogma—a new religion, but a secular one—and give it a name. Develop precepts for the people to adopt and adhere to and entrust a new Unholy Order of Priests and Priestesses to deliver the Gospel and to ascertain that all the institutions of the State, adopt it and instill it in the members of those institutions by which “this new flock” become willing disciples. But this Gospel is not designed to enshrine free will but to trap it, imprison it, enslave it.

Those who inculcate this Gospel—meant to induce cult behavior—are not free but slaves, easily betraying friends and families to the STATE, not realizing they have first of all betrayed themselves TO themselves, having lost their own soul. And yet, they live with the illusion of freedom and morality, treating harshly those who do not readily accept the new Gospel. They will censor them, ostracize them, and ridicule them mercilessly, and remorselessly, as Taylor Caldwell points out in “Captains and the Kings.”

And for those dissenters who have a strong following, those people will be silenced quickly, and permanently, and this will be announced to the masses, as an object lesson for those tending to dissent and disobey the edicts, prerogatives of the STATE.

Today, in America, though, assassination, while employed in secret, cannot be so readily used against a person who is in the limelight. There are repercussions, possible Civil War and that is to be avoided for those that control the levers of Government, powerful as these individuals are, they do not yet wield absolute power.

But they can employ harsh punishment against those dissenters who have a massive following. In attempt to silence these people they have to be more circumspect. So they misuse the legal system. They indict these people on false charges to harass them, hound them, cause them misery, and they utilize sounding boards, such as the Press and cable and broadcast news organizations and social media to turn the public against them. And, while many Americans see through this, others are cowed by it. Even some previous supporters now exhibit doubt.

But the Neoliberal Globalists and Neo-Marxist Radicals who have met with some success in turning “Democratic” States into “Autocratic” ones while insidiously disguising that fact, have met with limited success in the United States. And there is a reason for that failure.

In the United States, the Law of the Land is premised on the Sanctity and inviolability of the individual.

The sovereignty of the American people over Government is grounded on fundamental rights and liberties bestowed upon him BY THE DIVINE CREATOR, NOT BY MAN, NOR BY GOVERNMENT OF MEN.

The history, heritage, culture, ethos, and Judeo-Christian ethic rests deep within the psyche of most Americans.

Dislodging that FAITH and BELIEF SYSTEM, grounded on a TRUTH beyond that of MAN or GOVERNMENT OF MEN that resides deep in ONE’s SOUL is not so easy a task.

THE NEED to destroy the United States—required if the aim of a Global Empire is to be achieved—coupled with THE DIFFICULTY in destroying a Free Constitutional Republic, A FREE REPUBLIC IN FACT, NOT JUST IN NAME, explains the monumental effort the would-be Destroyers of America have expended on the Nation and its people. For, IT WAS the power of this Nation, derived from FAITH in the Divine Creator, and upon a TRUTH upon which that FAITH rests that had allowed a band of upstart Colonists to revolt against Tyranny and to succeed in their Revolution, the American Revolution of 1776 against that Tyranny. And most Americans intend to keep the promise of that REVOLUTION and the gains derived from it, alive.


To bring three hundred and fifty million Americans and billions of people around the world—a world of so many different cultures and belief systems—into the frame of a ONE WORLD STATE requires the eradication of culture and ethos and national pride. It requires that the masses be forced into conformance upon which subservience may be easily derived and maintained.

But how do the malevolent, malignant forces that seek to create a ONE WORLD STATE intend to accomplish that?

This requires implementation of a stratified hierarchical class structure, and a system of controls on human beings not hitherto possible, [in the time of Caldwell but recently made possible through substantial advances in technology and neuropsychology. But the stratification of society into a major caste system is nothing new. This one will be like others before it.

It will include Royalty and Noblemen (Mega-Billionaire Neoliberal Globalist “Elites” to issue legal edicts AND Neo-Marxist “Theocratic” “Elites to impose the ethical, moral, and cultural dogmas on the masses. These dogmas are designed to induce a compliant, docile populace. We already have seen the outlines of this as well as the effects from it: “DEI”—DIVIDING THE COMMON PEOPLE AGAINST EACH OTHER: CREATING A FICTION OF OPPRESSORS AND OPPRESSED YET ALL OF THEM SLAVES, UNAWARE THAT THE OPPRESSORS ARE THOSE WHO FEED THE DOGMA TO THE MASSES, THOSE THAT DESIGNED THE DOGMA.

Immediately below the Rulers, there are the Technocrats. These are the Rulers’ overseers, through which the daily mechanics of economic and financial matters are tended to, and through which the Rulers’ legal edicts and the Theocrats’ moral and cultural codes are operationalized.

Below the Technocrats are the Knight-Retainers (Military and heavily armed Paramilitary Police, and many more complementary Civil Police and Intelligence apparatuses). This class is tasked with ensuring the legal edicts and the moral and cultural codes are adhered to by the masses to keep them constrained.

At the bottom of this stratified structure is everyone else, the populations of Earth (the subjugated masses, that is to say, the “Serfs”) herded, corralled, constrained and cowed whose serried ranks—billions of people—will be quietly culled as inadequate food stores, and water, and energy resources dwindle from time to time as will invariably happen despite the best efforts of the Technocrat Class to deal effectively with this, aided by “AI” and automation.

This system will not suffer problematic people.

Common criminals will be carted off to prisons, sans trial.

Lunatics will be sent to insane asylums and tranquilized.

Dissenters/agitators will be carted off to detention/re-education centers or, in worse cases, to hospitals for the hopelessly insane, along with lunatics. In worst cases, these people will simply be erased.

Like all empires, this one eschews freedom of thought and expression and it will not tolerate, in the hands of serfs—that mass of peasants, cattle, serfs, preterite—weaponry of any kind, especially firearms.

But can America be goaded or tricked into selling its birthright?

In her classic, “Captains and the Kings,” the writer Taylor Caldwell dealt with the secret Government that seeks the demise of the United States as a Free Republic. Perhaps as a firm belief, or perhaps as a hope that the American Revolution could be eviscerated, one of the characters in that magnum opus, representing the Neoliberal Globalist would-be destroyers of the Nation said this:

Republics never survive, for their people do not like freedom but prefer to be led and guided and flattered and seduced into slavery by a benevolent, or not so, benevolent despot. They want to worship Caesar. So, American republicanism will inevitably die and become a democracy, and then decline, as Aristotle said into a despotism.

And it is a curious thing indeed that the puppets of the Billionaire Globalists who seek to destroy our free Republic constantly mouth the word, ‘Democracy.’

They never define it, but they keep mentioning it as if some sort of Divine Goodness exists in the term that should be self-evident, true.

But the ‘Democracy’ that today’s Neo-Marxists and Progressives and Liberals in Government and in the Press talk about is really Mob Rule—using the ignorance of the public to vote for something they do not understand but profess belief in just the same. And they are oblivious to the fact that the bastards who placed the thoughts in their heads about what to think and how to think have gone one step further, in coming to think that those thoughts were theirs all along, not germinating weeds.

That ignorance has led to the installation of a walking ghost—a man so feeble in mind and body—that to look at him and hear him speak makes one queasy. Americans are told this wreck of a man is the President of the United States, the leader of the Country and of the Free World. But no one really believes that Joe Biden leads anything. It is he that is kept on a leash and is led by others——


Still, America is a Republic, not a Democracy, and that Republic is still free because Americans still are able to exercise their natural law right of speech to dissent against the ravaging hordes of Marxists that seek to squelch any voice but their own. And Americans still have alternatives to see and hear over the B.S. that they hear day in and day out on the airwaves and that they see in the Legacy Press, and even if that alternative voice is often difficult to track down due to illegal censorship.

Dissent is not as free as it should be, as it must be, in a free Republic but it still exists.

And the American people still have access to firearms but the Biden Administration and some States, such as New York, fight extensively, vociferously, rigorously, against exercise of the right of the people to keep and bear arms—contemptuous of the right and contemptuous of the U.S. Supreme Court that issued a ruling on June 23, 2022. See the recent essay posted in the Arbalest Quarrel on July 11, 2023.

The High Court in Bruen reaffirmed the key rulings of the Heller case, making clear that the right to armed self-defense doesn’t stop at the doorstep of one’s house.

And see the recent article published Friday, July 28, 2023, by the website, “The City.” The article is titled, “NYPD Granting Fewer Gun Permits After Supreme Court Ruled It Had To Grant More, Data Shows.”

Despite the negative pronouncements of this essay. There is still a glimmer of hope.

First, the 2024 General Election is still months ahead. Despite the concerted effort of the Biden Administration’s DOJ to damage Trump politically, through these absurd Federal charges, those efforts have not borne fruit.

If anything Trump is stronger than ever. He has retained a commanding lead in the quest for the Republican Party nomination and a substantial portion of the electorate strongly support him in his bid for a Second Term that was wrongly, unlawfully denied him in 2020. The electorate is itching for payback.

Second, the Democrats, pawns of Neoliberal Globalists and the Neo-Marxist buffoons, have no one but the frail, brain-addled Biden as their Presidential nominee to serve a second term if they can keep him standing upright long enough to make it to November 2024. And, what then? Do they have a backup? And who might that be? They will need someone? And whoever it is, it will have to be someone the public is familiar with.

But would the public really vote for Kamala Harris? Gavin Newsome? Michelle Obama? Some members of the public would, of course. But how many? Seeing what the Biden Administration has wrought, the public knows that a Democrat Party win in 2024 will see the end of the Republic. That fact should give the electorate pause.

Third, the public is turning away in disgust from the abhorrent tenets of Collectivism and the bizarre ideological beliefs of the Neo-Marxist Cultists and their rude, abhorrent behavior. Americans have had enough of them.

One major concern rests with the integrity of the electoral system. How do we know it is secure? Why should we, Americans believe anything is different from the election of 2020 and 2022. There is much doubt, and little reason to trust the kind of system we have with proprietary digital voting machines, and few checks and balances to ensure security of ballot processing. And, we don’t see anything to suggest that Republicans are working to revamp the electoral system to correct the abuses of the prior two elections and the systems that allowed for those abuses to occur. That remains a nagging concern.


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A sense of legitimacy attaches to those individuals or groups that connect themselves to venerable institutional structures.

In our political system, connection with one of the three Branches of the Federal Government, the Legislative (Congress), the Executive (the President), and the Judicial (the U.S. Supreme Court) secures “legitimacy.” Broadly, this means an individual has the “right to be there” which assumes the integrity of the electoral system had not been compromised. A person thus fairly elected to the position “legitimately” wields and therefore legitimately enjoys all the power, authority, and perks attendant to the political position thus secured.

This fact creates a problem for those individuals or groups that are not vested in, or that do not have behind them, the gravitas of a Governmental institution through which they gain, with the fact of that power, the “legitimacy” needed to wield and use the power and authority of that Office, which implies that the power and authority obtained was legitimately derived from the vote of the people. And that, in turn, implies the integrity and, hence, the legitimacy of the electoral process was preserved.

But what if a wealthy, powerful person, representative of a Group with vested personal interests destructive of the well-being of the Republic does not obtain high office that would otherwise provide for him and for the Group the vehicle through which they can “legitimately” wield vast power and authority? Such Groups are left to attempt, through their vast wealth and “connections,” to entice those in power to enact legislation or implement edicts or render judicial opinions that serve the interests of that Group.

Lobbying Congress, for example, is one such mechanism developed and honed through time. Lobbying Congress for favors is not part of the U.S. Constitution, and the framers of the Constitution would be justly appalled to believe that “LOBBYING” Congress is lawful and a that it has, through time, grown into an institution.

Lobbying Congress is generally considered lawful if the lobbying does not involve outright “bribes.” But the old saying “money talks” is as true today as it ever was. A donation to a Congressman’s campaign is in effect a bribe to that person, even if “legally” permissible, for it always involves a quid quo pro transaction: a monetary exchange in return for Congressional action pursuant to the wishes of the lobbying effort that might not be consistent with the Congressman’s own belief system and, in many instances—and probably most instances—is not in the best interests of the Country and the American people, and is contrary to the strictures of the U.S. Constitution.


Congressional lobbying is one thing, but influencing a U.S. President, thereby compromising a U.S. President is quite another—patently illegal, and dangerous “TO THE SECURITY OF A FREE STATE.” But it is a way to urge or compel action in accordance with one’s desires or aims when that person or group cannot wield power and authority directly.

But, if a U.S. President is subject to manipulation, is that not also true of the U.S. Supreme Court? Quite simply, it is not done. First, U.S. Supreme Court Justices are not elected. But, they still have to attain their position through the “legitimate” means prescribed by the Constitution.

In our political system, to become a U.S. Supreme Court Justice is a two-step process. First, the U.S. President has to nominate a person to serve in that position. Second, the person has to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. If the U.S. Senate does not confirm that person, the person does not become a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

But, if confirmed to serve as a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, that person then wields legitimate authority—such authority consistent with Article 3 of the Nation’s Constitution. A U.S. Supreme Court Justice serves for life unless the Justice resigns or is impeached by the House and convicted in the Senate.

Since 2022, there have been 116 Justices that served on the Court.  Of that number one, Samuel Chase, has been impeached by the House but he wasn’t convicted in the Senate. There was a trial in the Senate, to be sure. But since the Senate did not convict him, Chase continued to serve on the High Court until his death in 1811.

The second Justice, Abe Fortas resigned from the Court under the threat of impeachment, in 1969. See the article posted on the “History” website.

U.S. Supreme Court Justices generally have an abundance of integrity. And a lifetime appointment further ensures a Justice is not subject to outside influences in rendering his or her legal Opinion on a case.

A lifetime appointment reduces the threat of outside influence to a near nullity as over two centuries of the U.S. Supreme Court’s existence attests to.

But, the nine Justices can and do influence each other. That is perfectly acceptable, expected, and normal practice.

Justices often render decisions that may be unpopular. This attests to the Justices’ freedom from coercion. But, of late, some in Congress, along with Joe Biden, and many regular Americans have viciously attacked several recent Opinions of the Court. The attacks are emotionally laden rhetorical diatribes, often laced with invective directed at Justices personally. The diatribes are both legally and logically unsound and aimed at exploiting anger and resentment in that segment of the polity sympathetic to the aims and goals of the person who delivers the diatribe.

Many Americans are easy prey for this, easily swayed by emotion, having been captured by a bizarre, irrational belief system through years of psychological conditioning delivered to the public by an unethical Press, unethical cable and broadcast news organizations, and unethical social media companies. One of the most notorious and pernicious examples of unethical rhetorical attacks on the High Court, and one that borders on the criminal as it threatens the life and safety of Justices is that presented by U.S. Senate Majority Leader, Charles (“Chuck”) Schumer, attacking the Dobbs decision (involving the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of the rulings in the Roe vs. Wade abortion case). See the YouTube video. See also the article in “Vox.”

The Chief Justice, John Roberts wasn’t amused and he delivered a strong rebuke.

Republican Senators rightfully called Schumer out for his despicable behavior. But Schumer never apologized. “U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts on Wednesday issued an unusual rebuke of ‘dangerous’ comments by top U.S. Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer about two conservative Supreme Court justices appointed by President Donald Trump and how they might rule in a major abortion case.” See the article in Reuters. Schumer never apologized.

The National Review said this—pointing to intent to “DELEGITIMIZE” the Court.

“The senator’s despicable attack is part of a concerted effort to delegitimize the court.

‘If, then, the courts of justice are to be considered as the bulwarks of a limited Constitution against legislative encroachments, this consideration will afford a strong argument for the permanent tenure of judicial offices,’ argued Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78.

If we ever needed a pristine example of why justices are bestowed lifetime appointments and shielded from the vagaries of the electorate and the intimidation tactics of unethical politicians, Chuck Schumer has now provided us with one.

While speaking to pro-abortion protesters in front of the Supreme Court today, the Senate minority leader threatened — there’s no other way to put it — two sitting justices with repercussions if they ruled to uphold a Louisiana law requiring abortionists to gain admitting privileges to hospitals before offering their services to women:

I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.

It’s conceivable that Schumer — who, like the rest of his party, doesn’t have the slightest interest in protecting babies who’ve survive botched abortions — can’t think of any good reason for hospital-admitting privileges. But treating as an “undue burden” any laws that require abortion clinics to provide basic medical facilities for women is just an example of the Democrats’ extremism on the issue. Threatening justices over the case is hysterical.

Moreover, Schumer’s thuggish attack on Kavanaugh and Gorsuch is a transparent attempt to intimidate justices. And wow — a sitting senator threatening an independent judiciary. Surely the champions of norms and decency will be horrified by this development. When Donald Trump, rather absurdly, demanded that Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse themselves from “Trump-related” Supreme Court cases because of their partisan positions — and, yes Notorious RGB is openly partisan and anti-Trump — it was a major national story. In this case, I suspect we’re going to hear a lot about a general ‘coarsening’ of discourse.”

These reprehensible members of Congress, along with a debilitated, decrepit, demented, corrupt Messenger Boy, pretentiously pretending to be the leader of the Nation, deliberately and callously incite mob reaction directed not only toward the Court’s Opinions, but to specific Justices themselves.

Each Branch of Government should respect the roles and powers and authority of another Branch when authority is exercised consistent with the U.S. Constitution. Of all the Branches of the Federal Government, the U.S. Supreme is the least susceptible to action outside its Constitutional PURVIEW OF AUTHORITY.

If Congress and the Executive Branch disagree with a U.S. Supreme Court decision their reaction should be respectful of the institution. Objections to Opinions should address the soundness of the Opinions if they can. If they can’t, then Congress and Biden should respectfully indicate disagreement on policy grounds if they wish. But they don’t do this. They didn’t do this. They respond with  spurious, illogical, and unsound invective, directed to the emotion, not to reason. It is in the nature of this renegade Executive Branch Office of the U.S. President and in the members of Congress who have sold out this Country to confound the public with implausible rationalizations.


The High Court Justices abide by their Oath to defend the U.S. Constitution. They do not render opinions designed to win popularity contests. This sours powerful interests at home and abroad that have grown frustrated by Supreme Court Opinions that run counter to their Global aims and trajectory. So, they try to change the Court’s composition or attempt unconstitutionally to usurp the Court’s Article 3 Authority. Those elements they control—Congress, and Biden and his Administration, and much of the Federal Bureaucracy, Social Media and the Entertainment and Sports Industry, Finance and Big Business, Technology, the Cable and Broadcast “news” Organizations, and even some in Academia—come out in force to vilify the Court.

“Joe Biden is setting up a bipartisan commission to consider reforming the US Supreme Court, including expanding the bench beyond its current panel of nine justices. The president on Friday fulfilled a campaign promise by issuing an executive order forming the commission of experts, including legal scholars, former federal judges, lawyers and reform advocates. The White House said the purpose of the group was to “provide analysis of the principal arguments in the contemporary public debate for and against Supreme Court reform”. The executive order directed the commission to issue a report on its findings within six months. The commission marks a significant development for liberal advocates of expanding, or ‘packing’, the Supreme Court with additional judges, as well as those who want term limits imposed on justices.”

The Commission issued its comprehensive report in 2021. Fortunately, the Commission indicated its concern over Biden’s proposals. The Commission was of the mind that changing the Court’s composition and constraining the Court’s jurisdiction over a substantial range of cases would compromise the proper functioning of the Court, placing it under the Control of Congress. This would be unconstitutional. The Court has an essential role to play in the preservation of a free Constitutional Republic.  

The Biden Administration’s attempt to tamper with the Court would imperil the Court. The Administration failed. The integrity of the High Court’s structure would, for the moment at least, remain unscathed, independent. The National Constitutional Center said this,

“On May 28, 1788, Alexander Hamilton published Federalist 78—titled “The Judicial Department.”  In this famous Federalist Paper essay, Hamilton offered, perhaps, the most powerful defense of judicial review in the American constitutional canon.  On the one hand, Hamilton defined the judicial branch as the ‘least dangerous’ branch of the new national government.  On the other hand, he also emphasized the importance of an independent judiciary and the power of judicial review.  With judicial independence, the Constitution put barriers in place—like life tenure and salary protections—to ensure that the federal courts were independent from the control of the elected branches.  And with judicial review, federal judges had the power to review the constitutionality of the laws and actions of the government—ensuring that they met the requirements of the new Constitution. Other than Marbury v. Madison (1803), Hamilton’s essay remains the most famous defense of judicial review in American history, and it even served as the basis for many of Chief Justice John Marshall’s arguments in Marbury itself.” See the article posted in the “Constitution Center.”

The Biden Administration and one of its major echo chambers, The New York Times, couldn’t care less about any of this. If the Biden Administration doesn’t like a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court because the Court’s Opinion doesn’t cohere with the Administration’s policy objectives, then the Administration attacks the Court, mercilessly, without any consideration to the import of the Court’s findings.

The New York Times actively, avidly supports the wild and toxic statements of Biden, suggesting that the Court is not operating lawfully. In reference to the Court’s recent decision on affirmative action, for example, the Times provided a platform for Biden to unleash his fury on the Court without justification, attacking the integrity of the Court, grounded solely on the Administration’s personal disagreement with the Court’s decision:

“President Biden declared on Thursday that the Supreme Court ‘is not a normal court,’ delivering an extraordinarily critical assessment of another branch of government shortly after the court’s conservative majority ended nearly a half-century of affirmative action in college admissions.”


It may well be that the Opinions of the liberal wing of the High Court, comprising Justices Kagan, Sotomayor, and recently, Brown-Jackson, satisfy the Neo-Marxist Cultists, a particularly vocal group, along with the Press, and the Neoliberal Globalists since those Opinions cohere with attempts to harm the Constitution and the foundation of a system derived from America’s First Patriots success in defeating a mighty empire, in the American Revolution of 1776. But the Opinions of these Justices follow upon, are consistent with, and reflect their jurisprudential political and social ideologies and preferences which cohere with the methodologies employed in rendering their decisions. They remain true to their convictions even if their approach to the case is colored by jurisprudential precepts that are contrary to historical precedence.

Similarly, the Conservative wing of the Court, comprising stalwarts Justices Thomas and Alito, do not compromise their principles when rendering their Opinions that seem out of favor with some members of the polity and that are abhorrent to the Biden Administration and the Democrat Party. For these Justices begin their analyses with a basic premise that dictates the methodology they employ when considering the merits of a Governmental action that impacts a fundamental, unalienable right of the people.

These Justices vigorously defend the Constitution in accordance with the original and plain meaning of it. And their reasoning and rulings ably reflect the methodology they employ.

Justice Amy Coney Barrett, from her rulings as a Judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and on her rulings as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Her jurisprudential philosophy is in line with that of her brethren, Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

Justice Neil Gorsuch is reliable and consistent on matters involving the Bill of Rights, but statutory interpretation seems at times discordant. Justice Kavanaugh is a bit of a cypher. His concurrence in the New York City “Gun Transport Case” is difficult to fathom. It reads as if the Justice felt at odds with his vote on the issue of mootness and seems almost as if he is asking for forgiveness (from whom it isn’t clear) for his decision. For, without his vote, the Court would have reviewed the case on the merits and a decision on the right to armed self-defense outside the home might have obviated the need for the Bruen case that arose a couple of years later that Justice Kavanaugh seemingly predicted and welcomed. And that raises the question of why Kavanaugh cast his vote with the Liberal wing and with the Chief Justice John Roberts in the first place.

The jurisprudential philosophy of the Chief Justice, too, is difficult to get a handle on. It seems at times his decisions are motivated more by a desire to achieve equanimity among the two wings of the Court and less by a strict adherence to his professional jurisprudential convictions about a case. But there is no doubt Roberts will defend the Court indefatigably and forcefully against those foes in the Press and antagonistic voices emanating from the other two Branches of Government that castigate him and “His” Court mercilessly.

It wasn’t by accident that Chief Justice Roberts decided to author the Majority Opinion in the recent “student loan” case. The Chief Justice obviously saw a serious problem posed by the Biden Administration that could seriously endanger the doctrine of three Co-Equal Branches and that case illustrated more directly and acutely than any other action of the Administration, that “the President”, Joe Biden, was not only betraying the Oath of Office by failing to faithfully execute the duties of that Office that require a U.S. President to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, but that he, Joe Biden, and those in his Administration intended clearly to defy Congressional Statute.

And now, it is apparent that, because the Administration dislikes the Court’s decision in Biden vs. Nebraska, 2023 U.S. LEXIS 2793 (the “Student Loan” case), Biden will defy the Court as well.

But why defy the Court on this case in particular?

Might this not have something to do with the fact that Biden had “promised” millions of students that he, on his own initiative, and contrary to law, would waive one-half trillion dollars in student loans? And might the Biden Administration’s motivation for waiving repayment of loans have something to do with an unethical, and no less illegal attempt “TO BUY” votes—millions of votes in the coming 2024 U.S. Presidential election, thereby operating contrary to the Congressional Statute, and outside the strictures of the Electoral System?

And does not this action of the Administration along with many others allude to an Administration that is not only corrupt but wholly compromised by private and foreign interests whose aims are contrary to the well-being of the American People and the Nation, and inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution? And what does this mean in terms of “LEGITIMACY” of the Office of the U.S. President?

It means that the present holder of the Office of the U.S. President serves with only “THE TRAPPINGS” of “LEGITIMACY”—a FAÇADE OF LEGITIMACY, and NOT THE FACT OF LEGITIMACY.

But these TRAPPINGS of LEGITIMACY exclusive of the FACT of LEGITIMACY appear to be enough for this Great Pretender and for the Legacy Press and for many Americans.

And as has become plain, the policies generated by the Office of the U.S. President ARE NOT THOSE OF the “President,” but OF THOSE who tell the President what he can and must do.

Democrats constantly bluster that the Country was in the midst of a Constitutional crisis when Trump was President but that was deflection. Trump brought the Country back in line with the Constitution as dictated by its strictures, and consistent with the intention of the Framers of it. It is Biden, and those many elements inside and outside that are complicit with him, that have brought this Nation to the reality of a TRUE CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS, that can only be repaired, at the Federal Governmental level by Trump himself. No other individual running for U.S. President on the Republican Party ticket has the fortitude of Trump to resist the powers that crush entire Countries into submission.

David Horowitz, author of “Final Battle,” doesn’t mince words when calling Biden out for treason and betrayal, and explicitly questions why Biden hasn’t been prosecuted for his crimes. On June 15, 2023, in a Newsmax article, Horowitz made plain that——

“. . . that President Joe Biden ‘has been committing treason’ for three decades in what has been nothing less than a ‘betrayal of the United States.’

While discussing his latest book ‘Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last’ on ‘American Agenda,’ Horowitz pointed out that even though former President Donald Trump has been embroiled in a series of legal challenges, ‘there are no charges against Biden’ despite ‘massive evidence that he has been committing treason for 20 or 30 years.’

Referring to allegations by Republican House leaders on the Oversight Committee, Horowitz said about Biden: ‘He's received payments, millions and millions of dollars, and his whole family is on the payroll,’ he said, adding that "what people call ‘influence peddling’ . . . it's really betrayal of the United States.’”

In an earlier Newsmax article, dated, January 4, 2023, David Horowitz categorically expressing his well-reasoned belief that this Country is facing a Constitutional crisis.

“New York Times bestselling author David Horowitz has released a new book, ‘Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last,’ and he tells Newsmax that the book details how the United States is facing a crisis that is the ‘direct result of the Democrats' decision to declare all-out war on Republicans.’

‘Five days after [Donald] Trump's election, they held a meeting with Nancy Pelosi to form what they called a resistance,’ Horowitz said on ‘National Report.’ ‘They never accepted Trump as a legitimate president. They are free with their slanders and lies about him. This is so antithetical to what democracy needs to function.’

He used the example of Jan. 6, telling Newsmax that the first response from Democrats was to call the protests an ‘armed insurrection.’

‘This is before they knew anything,’ he said. ‘There was no investigation. There were no real facts, and then immediately it was revealed that no arms were confiscated, so they just dropped the armed and called it an insurrection, which is treason. How can you have an insurrection if you don't have arms?’”

In such desperate times the Nation needs a leader who has proved his mettle in confronting forces that are intently focused on destroying our Free Republic, subjugating a sovereign people, and bringing ruin to a sovereign, independent Nation-State—the greatest, grandest, and most powerful and successful the world has ever seen.

Even Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida who has done tremendous good for the State has backpedaled his position on Ukraine. See, e.g., AP News Report of March 23, 2023.

“Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is walking back his characterization of Russia’s war in Ukraine as a ‘territorial dispute,’ following criticism from a number of fellow Republicans who expressed concern about the potential 2024 presidential candidate’s dismissive description of the conflict.

In excerpts of an interview with Piers Morgan set to air Thursday on Fox Nation, DeSantis said his earlier comments referenced ongoing fighting in the eastern Donbas region, as well as Russia’s 2014 seizure of Crimea. Ukraine’s borders are internationally recognized, including by the United Nations.

‘What I’m referring to is where the fighting is going on now, which is that eastern border region Donbas, and then Crimea, and you have a situation where Russia has had that. I don’t think legitimately, but they had,’ DeSantis said, according to excerpts. ‘There’s a lot of ethnic Russians there. So, that’s some difficult fighting, and that’s what I was referring to, and so it wasn’t that I thought Russia had a right to that, and so if I should have made that more clear, I could have done it.’”

As courageous as this man is, Ron DeSantis does not have the necessary resolve to steadfastly hold to his convictions and his attempt to clarify his position on Ukraine, is proof of this.




WHAT CAN an inordinately wealthy powerful individual or group DO, that is not “IN” the Office of the President and so does not have the LEGITIMATE POWER and the LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY to exercise the POWER and AUTHORITY of that Office but deigns to do so—deigns to gain access to the Office to EXERCISE INFLUENCE over the U.S. President?

The Office of the U.S. President—the INSTITUTION OF U.S. PRESIDENCY—wields tremendous power since it controls the vast apparatuses of military, police, and intelligence, among others, and executes policies that generate great effects, for good or naught, on the Nation and the World. Those policies implemented have grave and lasting consequences for the Nation and the World.

This was the situation faced by the mega billionaire Neoliberal Globalists when Donald Trump won the U.S. Presidency in 2020, defeating the Globalists’ choice, Hillary Clinton, whom they thought was a shoo-in. How do these extraordinarily wealthy, powerful, and ruthless individuals, along with the powerful groups they belong to, and those potent and evil forces aligned with it, now “TRANSACT BUSINESS” with an unknown quantity? Is Trump a man whom the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALISTS can subvert and control?


Trump ran on a campaign to reverse what is plain—a SELL-OUT of the Nation. This SELL-OUT commenced under Bill Clinton, proceeded well under George Bush, and greatly expanded, gaining speed under the Presidency of Barack Obama. The results of the SELL-OUT were to be completed once Hillary Clinton gained the mantle of the U.S. Presidency. It is all disheartening.


Both NEO-MARXIST CULTISTS and NEOLIBERAL GLOBALISTS were both alarmed and flabbergasted and irked by Trump’s win over their chosen candidate Hillary Clinton. Many were enraged.

The NEOLIBERAL GLOBALISTS HAD A FRIEND IN HILLARY CLINTON. She was, after all, one of their own.

As President she would wield enormous power—all of it gained through THE LEGITIMACY attaching to her election. But her POLICIES and INITIATIVES would be governed or tempered by the wants, needs, and desires of her benefactors, of whom she saw herself as one among them. They had nothing to fear from her Presidency. Their goals were, after all, her goals.

And those goals of the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALISTS were singularly focused on manipulating and binding the world’s economies to them; inextricably tying them to each other through economic pacts and compacts and treaties among nations. The whole would operate on a global scale, with minimal interference from governments of nation-states, and the wealthy Globalists would reap yet further monetary benefits and tremendous power for themselves, therefrom. Globalization would ensure their ability to continue to amass extraordinary wealth and exert control never before realized.

They would be unaffected by multivarious concerns of the populaces of the nation-states and would not be impeded by Governments of the various nation-states, including the United States. That was the aim; that was the goal.

They have had success before, as reported by the Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance (“CAFTA”).

“The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was a free trade agreement between Canada, the United States (US), and Mexico. NAFTA was built on the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement (CUSFTA), which was brought into force in 1989 and superseded by NAFTA in 1994. Designed to eliminate trade and investment barriers between the three countries, the agreement came into force on 1 January 1994. In addition to being one of the most ambitious trade agreements in history, NAFTA also created the world’s largest free trade area. Since 1994, NAFTA generated economic growth and rising standards of living for the people of all three member countries.

Under NAFTA, tariffs on all covered goods traded between Canada and Mexico were eliminated in 2008. In 2015, NAFTA represented 28% of the world’s gross domestic product, which amounts to a combined total of US$20.7 trillion in trade despite having less than 7% of the world’s population. Over the nearly three decades of NAFTA and the CUSFTA, Canada’s agri-food exports grew by more than five-fold, from under $10 billion in 1988 to $56 billion in 2016. Together, the United States and Mexico account for more than half of these exports.

NAFTA served as an institutional cornerstone to agri-food trade in North America and was very beneficial for Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Canada is among the top five suppliers of in eight of ten of the United States’ top agri-food food imports, and is the a top supplier in nine of ten of Mexico’s top agri-food imports. Since the adoption of NAFTA, US agri-food exports to Canada and Mexico have more than quadrupled from $8.9 billion in 1994 to $38.6 in 2015.

 While Canadian agri-food exporters have largely benefited from NAFTA, there are areas in which NAFTA could be improved. Renegotiation should not allow new tariffs, new non-tariff barriers, or any other provisions that could be used to limit trade. A successful modernization of NAFTA could serve as a model agreement that can be used by the partners to promote trade liberalization in other multilateral and plurilateral negotiations.”

The creation of previous trade pacts in the latter part of the Twentieth Century and into the first years of the Twenty-First was just a steppingstone.

The NEOLIBERAL GLOBALISTS had grander objectives.

They directed their immediate goal to subordinating the laws of the individual nation-states to international law. Legal issues that arise were to be dealt with either in international tribunals or in the courts of member nation-states that would be compelled to apply international law, rather than local law. Those laws would be established in the various pacts, agreements, and alliances.

And those laws would be weighted heavily in favor of the WILL of the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALISTS as specified in meticulous detail in those TRADE AGREEMENTS, PACTS, and TREATIES that were expected to be passed by the GOVERNMENTS of the member nations, and with relative ease, having previously obtained compliance from the leaders of those Governments.

Through time, once NEOLIBERAL GLOBAL POLITICS gained a measure of “LEGITIMACY,” the GLOBALISTS would next turn their attention to devising strategies to further subordinate, to their will, such powers wielded by Governments of nation-states in other spheres, impacting the societies of those nations generally.

Their ultimate goal was clarifying to the astute observer: Through the device of multilevel and expansive “FREE TRADE,” the GLOBALISTS would not derive immediate monetary benefits, these devices would drastically reduce the independence and sovereignty of individual nation-states. Eventually the import and purport of nation-states would become superfluous and redundant. The very idea of and concept of ‘NATION-STATE’ would become meaningless. For all Economic, Political, Social, and Juridical matters would devolve to them, THE NEO-LIBERAL GLOBALISTS, in fact if not in perception. They would become the world’s OVERSEERS.

To the meaninglessness of the concept of ‘nation-state’ would there now be added the concepts, ‘citizen’ and ‘patriotism.’ These expressions, too, would grow to be strange, archaic, anachronistic.

A NEO-FEUDAL WORLD EMPIRE would emerge. A new reality would manifest for billions of people throughout the world, and—with the aid of technology—a that would not take long to be achieved, aided by weak and compliant Governments, whose allegiances would be secured with bribes and with the trappings of power.

The culture, history, and heritage of many nation-states would erode and eventually be extinguished.

Mass conformity of thought and conduct would be encouraged, and eventually legally enforced. The vast populations of the Earth would be subjugated and reduced to penury. The United States would be no exception to this.

America’s vast wealth and resources, and the strength of America’s military, police, and intelligence apparatuses and the innovations coming out of the technology sector, would all be harnessed by and utilized by the Neoliberal Globalists, who as supreme rulers, would maintain that power through legions of military and paramilitary forces, and intelligence apparatuses. All laws and edicts would come from these new NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST LORDS and TASKMASTERS of PLANET EARTH—changing at will as whim or circumstance dictate. A world PRESS/PROPAGANDA ORGAN would pass along and explain the news laws and edicts to the world’s new SERF CLASS—THE PRETERTITE—BILLIONS OF PEOPLE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. That was the goal—the NEW NEOLIBERAL INTERNATIONAL ORDER.




Back in 2016, Brookings Executive Vice President  Martin Indyk, said, “I think that Hillary Clinton—if she is the nominee of the Democratic Party, which seems to be a fair assumption at this point—will continue a lot of Obama’s policy as I’ve outlined it. . . .” But what of Donald Trump if he were to become President? Martin Indyk said this, as reported in Brookings,

“In the case of Donald Trump, it’s a complete guess as to where exactly he’s going to come down, partly because it’s not clear that he actually means what he says at any particular moment, partly because in the foreign policy speech that he outlined [April 27], which was the most coherent expression of his foreign policy, there were a lot of contradictions . . . . On the one hand, he’s going to be a reliable ally, but on the other hand he’s going to make our allies pay for [our] part of defending them, as opposed to paying for their own part of defending themselves, paying more for that. And if they don’t do that, then he’s going to break the alliances, and that doesn’t make us a very reliable player.

“Then there’s the whole suggestion that he would enter into trade wars; [and] the big question mark over what he would to do with ISIS, because he says he’s not going to let anyone know about that. So we don’t have a really good, clear sense of where he’s going except that he’s clearly much more in the kind of nationalist, populist, and perhaps isolationist mode of America foreign policy.”


“One of the phrases that kept cropping up in Republican election rhetoric is that Hillary Clinton is ‘running for Obama’s third term.’ Oftentimes it is used as though the distastefulness of such a scenario is self-evident. ‘POTUS making no bones about it: Hillary running for Obama’s third term,’ gloated Republican senator John Cornyn during Obama’s convention speech.”

The import of a THIRD OBAMA TERM through his SECRETARY OF STATE is that the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST goal of creating more “FREE TRADE PACTS and TREATIES and ALLIANCES through which they would ultimately neutralize Government control over their activities AND permit them to control Governments POLITICALLY as well as ECONOMICALLY was to be recognized and realized through a massive new venture that they were working on in secret, first with its first stirrings in the Bush Administration at the turn of the Century and then moving apace under Obama, a centerpiece of his Administration, as reported in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and it was fast-tracked to be enacted and signed by the member nations. See also articles in “Cultural Survival”, and “The Balance.” It was completed in 2015, the year before the U.S. Presidential election. An election that would be a milestone for the People and headache, ultimately for the wealthy NEOLIBERAL GLOBALISTS.

And it was all taking shape beyond the purview of the American public. See report by the Electronic Frontier Association (EFF).

This NEOLIBERAL GLOBALIST “TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP (TPP) controversy became a subject of conversation back on July 27, 2016. The controversy arose during a U.S. Presidential Debate between the Democrat Party Candidate, Hillary Clinton, and the Republican Party Candidate, Donald Trump. The details of what was said about the TPP during the Debate proved interesting. CNN reported this,

“Hillary Clinton hasn’t even said anything about the Trans-Pacific Partnership recently – and yet, in 24 hours, she became embroiled in a new controversy about her stance on the deal.

A top ally’s prediction that Clinton would flip-flop after the election and support the trade pact – after escaping the political threat from Bernie Sanders.

Making things more uncomfortable: President Barack Obama’s appearance Wednesday night to make the case for Clinton. His administration negotiated the deal; she says she opposes it.

Whether that was ever true, her opponent, Donald Trump, DID OPPOSE it, and he seized on the Democrats’ mixed messaging Tuesday to slam Clinton, as reported by CNN.

Referred to colloquially, as “NAFTA on Steroids”, the Bernie Sanders Neo-Marxist crowd hated it, the Trade Unions hated it, Trump supporters hated it, but Bush Republicans and the Neoliberal Globalists who supported Obama and Hillary Clinton who helped craft the thing, in secret, for many years, loved it, wanted to have it, and intended to make it a reality once Clinton got into Office on January 20, 2021. That was necessary; an important condition precedent to gaining supremacy over the world’s economies and piggybacking off that to gain further control over the political, social, and legal institutions of western nation-states. See article in “The Nation.”

CNN added this about the TPP:

“Think of the TPP as a stealthy delivery mechanism for policies that could not survive public scrutiny. Indeed, only two of the twenty-six chapters of this corporate Trojan horse cover traditional trade matters. The rest embody the most florid dreams of the 1 percent—grandiose new rights and privileges for corporations and permanent constraints on government regulation. They include new investor safeguards to ease job offshoring and assert control over natural resources, and severely limit the regulation of financial services, land use, food safety, natural resources, energy, tobacco, healthcare and more.” Id.

During their debate, on September 26, 2016, a little over a  month before the election, Donald Trump pointed out that Clinton said TPP was a wonderful thing, “a Gold Standard in Trade Agreements.”

Hillary Clinton demurred. She lied and even the Radical Left Washington Post Rag had to acknowledge Clinton’s bald-faced lie:

Fact Check: Clinton did call TPP ‘the gold standard’

TRUMP: You called it the gold standard of trade deals. You said it’s the finest deal you’ve ever seen.


TRUMP: And then you heard what I said about it, and all of a sudden you were against it. 

CLINTON: Well, Donald, I know you live in your own reality, but that is not the facts. The facts are — I did say I hoped it would be a good deal, but when it was negotiated.

THE FACT CHECKER: Trump is right. Clinton is subtly adjusting her words here when confronted with a question about her consistency on policy positions.

But the fact is she never used the word ‘hoped.’ Instead, she was more declarative, using the phrase ‘gold standard’ when she was Secretary of State.”

“This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field,” she said in Australia in 2012. ‘And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world’s total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment.’”

Clinton was caught in a difficult situation. To appease the Neo-Marxists Sanders supporters in the Party and in the Nation at large, and thereby encourag them to vote for her rather than sit out the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, she constantly stated she would not support the TPP. And the Press and media, avid supporters of Clinton, pushed the narrative on the American public. See, e.g., articles in Time; October 8, 2016 article in Politico; and October 7, 2015 article in CNN Politics.

But the Neoliberal Globalists would have none of this. The TPP wasn’t just something they wanted to have. It was something THEY HAD TO HAVE.

 There was no way in Hell that Clinton, a Globalist in her own right, was not going to sign the TPP into law when or if she became President. In fact the Neoliberal Globalists knew her overtures to the Bernie Sanders crowd was an inveterate lie, mere “posturing” as they said, as reported in an article on the website, “Our Future”:

“The business community, for example, sees Clinton's position as simple posturing to voters for the election, believing she will switch back to supporting the agreement immediately after the election, as Obama did on NAFTA after promising throughout the 2008 campaign to renegotiate the agreement.

 For example, Chamber of Commerce President Tom Donohue went so far as to say in a recent Bloomberg TV interview that he believes Clinton will switch to supporting TPP after the election. . . .

The business community doesn't believe for a minute that Clinton really opposes TPP.”

Fortunately, for the American people and the welfare of the Nation Clinton lost to Trump, surprising to most people and the Press, and to the rest of the world.

Democrats were infuriated, but all that anger, fury, and frustration, was somewhat ameliorated by the fact that Trump would not sign on to the TPP.

The Neoliberal Globalists, i.e., the “BIG BUSINESS COMMUNITY,” for their part, was worried.

Shortly after he became U.S. President, Trump, in one of his first actions as President, as reported by the BBC on January 24, 2017, said that——

“President Donald Trump has fulfilled a campaign pledge by signing an executive order to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

The 12-nation trade deal was a linchpin of former President Barack Obama's Asia policy.

‘Great thing for the American worker what we just did,’ said Mr. Trump as he dumped the pact with a stroke of a pen.

He also cut funding for international groups that provide abortions and froze hiring of some federal workers.

Mr. Trump's executive order on TPP was largely symbolic since the deal has not been ratified by a divided US Congress. [But the executive order served another purpose apart from that of a campaign pledge. Trump was telling Congress that, if they passed the TPP, he would veto it. Congress never took the thing up. The Neoliberal Globalists were furious, for all their secretive work hammered out over years, since the early days of the Bush Administration, came to naught]

During his presidential campaign, he criticized the accord as a ‘potential disaster for our country’, arguing it harmed US manufacturiHis action won some plaudits from the left as well as the right.

Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders told the BBC he backed it because trade deals like this have been a ‘disaster’ and cost millions of jobs.”

But the TPP was only part of the picture. There was another major Trade Agreement the Neoliberal Globalists were hammering out on the other side of the world: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP).

This project started in 2013. See article in Investopedia.

Also see archival report of the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) that posits:

“The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) is an ambitious, comprehensive, and high-standard trade and investment agreement being negotiated between the United States and the European Union (EU). T-TIP will help unlock opportunity for American families, workers, businesses, farmers and ranchers through increased access to European markets for Made-in-America goods and services. This will help to promote U.S. international competitiveness, jobs and growth.

The U.S. and EU economies are two of the most modern, most developed, and most committed to high standards of consumer protection in the world.  T-TIP aims to bolster that already strong relationship in a way that will help boost economic growth and add to the more than 13 million American and EU jobs already supported by transatlantic trade and investment. T-TIP will be a cutting edge agreement aimed at providing greater compatibility and transparency in trade and investment regulation, while maintaining high levels of health, safety, and environmental protection. T-TIP presents an extraordinary opportunity to strengthen the bond between vital strategic and economic partners.”

The British Guardian newspaper points out that what is good for the Globalists is not good for average workers:

“TTIP will hit Europeans like you in the pocket, critics argue, so you need to pay attention. While the European commission estimates that, by 2027, TTIP could boost the size of the EU economy by £94bn or 0.5% of GDP, an economic study by Jeronim Capaldo of the Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University argues that the commission’s econometric modelling is jejune and that, in fact, TTIP will clobber Europeans. Capaldo predicts 600,000 European job losses as a result of TTIP, a net fall in EU exports, declining GDPs for EU member states and a fall in Europeans’ personal income.”

Trump halted T-TIP negotiations as well since they were inconsistent with his agenda to protect American business.

He was using Tariffs, a mechanism incompatible with the T-TIP and TPP, and the economy was doing well under his tutelage.

Back in June 2018, The New York Times acknowledged if grudgingly, as its benefactors were and are Neoliberal Globalists, that, under the Trump Presidency, there was little to be gained from signing on to T-TIP because——

“The United States is fighting from a position of strength, with the American economy on track for one of its strongest years in a decade. Europe doesn’t have the same defenses. Growth in the region is slowing, and that weakness has been compounded by political turmoil in Italy and Germany, as well as Britain’s decision to leave the European Union.”

But, the mega-billionaire Neoliberal Globalists attempted to change Trump’s mind. They sent their messenger, Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, to talk to Trump; to attempt to appease him.

During a meeting of the two at the White House, on July 26, 2018, there was an inkling of an agreement on T-TIP, as reported by The New York Times:

“Mr. Trump’s threat to impose large new unilateral tariffs on imported automobiles shook German business to the core — and it would also have had a large impact on the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain and other countries that are important suppliers and manufacturers to the German car industry.

Now the president has agreed to push that threat to the side as the two parties begin broader negotiations. The trade war erupted after Mr. Trump imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum, and the European Union responded with retaliatory tariffs on iconic American products like bluejeans, bourbon and Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Those tariffs will remain for now, but will be part of the negotiations.

‘Juncker’s achievement was to get Trump to say publicly that he would reconsider’ steel and aluminum tariffs and not impose car tariffs in return for a negotiation,’ said Guntram B. Wolff, director of Bruegel. ‘For the E.U., the gun is still loaded but it’s not pointed at our heads, so for us it’s a good moment to negotiate.’

Indeed, some analysts argued that the new negotiations effectively represent a resurrection, in some fashion, of the effort begun by former President Barack Obama — and halted by President Trump — for a free-trade pact with Europe, known then as the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP. Together, the United States and the European Union comprise half of the global economy, and analysts were optimistic about the commitment by Mr. Trump and Mr. Juncker to work together to overhaul the World Trade Organization, especially given the rising power of China.”

There would be no deal.

The Neoliberal Globalists, first furious over the TPP failure, now added T-TIP to the list of their reason to hate Trump. These Trade Agreements were essential to their goal to amass further wealth by reining in governments’ exercise over them as they sought to gain control over the world market.

Given the tone of the Guardian Newspaper’s report of the failure of T-TIP, it is apparent the Neoliberal Globalists were venting their anger toward Trump.

And to add to this the Globalists, through their Press mouthpiece, wouldn’t allow Trump to receive benefit for his actions from the Sanders crowd and from the Unions. The Guardian said the deal was dead anyway, regardless of Trump’s actions.

But this simply means that European workers themselves had nothing to gain from T-TIP and everything to lose from it if Trump had agreed to it, which, as President, he could have done. So, by helping America’s workers, Trump was also aiding Europe’s workers.

Neither the workers in Europe nor those here at home, in the U.S., had any say in the matter. 

The Neoliberal Globalists, through the British Guardian newspaper, did a Hit Piece on Trump, arguing that, although the political left in this Country might be appeased by Trump’s actions, Trump should get no credit for it, as his actions were self-serving and it “helped him to get his racist message a hearing”—What? “[R]acist message”?——

“Donald Trump’s victory should be a warning to those on the centre left pushing for more ‘market’ in our lives. But early signs suggest that there is every danger of Europe’s leaders falling into an even deeper sleep.

The United States-European Union Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership trade agreement has become a hated modern symbol of the power of big business and the market over our societies. The TTIP deal has rightly been seen as less a traditional agreement on tariffs and more an attempt to give big business new powers over our laws and public services. All of this would be enforceable in special ‘corporate courts’ only accessible to large foreign investors.

Trump cynically exploited working-class anger over these sorts of trade deals. He spoke of the devastation caused by TTIP’s forerunner, the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta), which radically speeded up the ability of corporations to ‘offshore’ jobs to Mexico, leaving communities hollowed out and their voices silenced in the mainstream media. He also promised to halt TTIP’s sister deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

All this helped him to get his racist message a hearing in traditionally Democrat parts of the US. But Trump offers no hope for those who are rightly angry about the sort of politics that TTIP represents.

First, TTIP is already dead. It has been killed off by the millions of European and American activists who have campaigned against it for the last three years. This campaign has been run not by Trump supporters but by people who believe in an open, equal and democratic society where diversity is embraced and everyone’s rights are respected.

These activists objected to TTIP largely because it will further erode our democracy and hand power to big money – and to businessmen like Trump. In fact, Trump proudly admitted during his campaign that he has got rich by exploiting trade agreements such as Nafta to ‘offshore’ jobs and avoid regulation.

Second, despite his rhetoric, Trump believes in the power of big business. Within a certain framework, he supports the deregulation and privatization agenda embodied in TTIP. Where he differs is in his belief in massive public investment and industrial strategy, but for Trump this is all about creating a much closer relationship between big business and the nation state.

Trump’s support for public investment and industrial strategy are, at their most basic, simply essential tools any governments should use to plan and manage economies. Neoliberalism’s rejection of these tools is economically illiterate. It’s how these tools are used that should be the central question.”

Just what is it that the Guardian newspaper, on behalf of the Neoliberal Globalists, is saying? Is it that multi-Billionaire Neoliberal Globalists don’t give a damn about European workers but that is okay because Donald Trump doesn’t care about America’s workers either? That remark is false. But if it were true, so what? What matters is Trump’s policies and their impact on the Country and on the American people. And his policies benefitted small business and the hard-working American.

What the NEOLIBERAL GLOBALISTS were beginning to see from the actions of Trump on TPP and T-TIP was that Trump had no compunction about crafting and then implementing policies that did not coincide with their wishes, and that would have ramifications beyond these abstruse economic desires and aims of the Neoliberal Globalists.

Neither entreating Trump to play along nor cajoling him to go along would not work. The GLOBALISTS saw further problems looming. They did not wish to contend with a U.S. President who, for four years, would uproot their goals, carefully developed for and planned for decades, hammered out with difficulty but that had  moved ahead inexorably, if not altogether smoothly, for twenty-six years before Trump’s election to the U.S. Presidency. They began to consider removing him from Office.




The legacy Press never made much of any claim that Trump came into Office serving his own interests. If there is anything on the World-Wide Web about it, it is well hidden. How could there be anything? The headaches that the job brings to any man is plentiful and the ugly forces martialed against Trump from the first day he assumed the heavy task to the day he left Office was one long slugfest. In fact, he was attacked incessantly long prior to taking Office, while campaigning. There was certainly little if any money to be made in the job. In fact, Trump was the one of a very few Presidents in history to give away most or all of his salary. See, e.g. story in the Business Insider. The website says Trump promised to give away all his U.S. Presidential salary, and did not do so, but acknowledges that, for the first three and a half years he did give away his salary, which left the last 6 months uncertain, and yet if he kept his salary for the last 6 months, is that supposed to be a worthy basis to hound him for it? But that is what Business Insider does, retrieveing information from and referencing an article from the Washington Post. Business Insider says,

“It is unclear what Donald Trump did with his salary from his last 6 months in office, which he promised to donate, according to The Washington Post.

While in office Donald Trump pledged to give away all of his $400,000 annual presidential salary. For the first three and a half of his presidency, he donated the money to federal agencies.

The Washington Post said it surveyed all major federal agencies and none reported receiving anything from Trump after a gift in July 2020.

The paper said it could not account for the last $220,000 of his salary.”

Of course, if Trump gave his salary away for the entire 4 years of service to his Country, there would be no story. But, the fact that his enemies in the Press would nitpick this shows poor form.

To say that Trump took the job of U.S. President for personal profit would be ridiculous. In fact the incessant, vicious, virulent, vile attacks on him and his family during his entire tenure in Office belie any claim that the U.S. Presidency was a boon to him and his family. So his enemies in the Press forbear.

Rather, his enemies in media, both at home and abroad, talk incessantly about Trump’s purported “CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.” See, e.g., the BBC article posted in 2017, and a 2016 article appearing in Time Magazine.

The arguments made against Trump are weak and should not be of matter to anyone unless there is corruption. And a case for that against Trump would be weak at the get-go, unlike corruption in the Biden Administration. In fact, Joe Biden is arguably the most corrupt person to ever sit in the Oval Office. His corruption and lies concerning that corruption are legion.

The Press should have a field day with this. In fact, the Press, for the most part, seems not only uninterested but has actively engaged in a media blackout over myriad scandal. See, e.g., May 13, 2023 article in The Hill.




Integrity is of late in very short supply, especially when discussion turns to politicians. A person campaigning for the U.S. Presidency, or for any public office for that matter, is that the person is true to his word, and to his message, and to the promises he makes.

A voter is called upon to trust the person campaigning for public office. The person campaigning is telling the voter that the voter can rely on what the person campaigning is saying to him, especially in regard to campaign promises and pledges. If a person agrees with the messaging and the promises made, he tends to vote for that person. If the person does not agree with the messaging and the promises, then doesn’t vote for that person, or certainly shouldn’t. If none of the people campaigning for a particular office, are not to the liking of the voter, both equally repugnant to the voter, then he has the right to abstain or to write-in a candidate of one’s choosing.

For all the caustic, vile remarks made about Trump by politicians, the Press, and by ordinary Americans, no one ever claimed—certainly with any proof or conviction—that Trump wasn’t truthful about his campaign promises and pledges.

In fact, in one fair, comprehensive appraisal, the BBC provided the reader with a list of Trump’s major accomplishments on October 15, 2020, based on the promises he made to the voter.

The report shows that Trump made good on the majority of the promises and even on those the BBC labels “No Progress” because the BBC’s explanation following upon the label belies the label. President Trump did make true progress on those. Finally, apropos of those that the BBC labels, “Abandoned,”—there are only three—the label suggests that Trump made a campaign promise that he later reneged on. In two cases that is true, and in one, the BBC is categorically wrong, and, in fact, miscategorized. We provide a synopsis of these forthwith and encourage our readers to peruse the BBC report, themselves. 

On 20 major campaign promises, the British BBC captions them either ‘DELIVERED,” or “PARTIALLY DELIVERED” and proceeds to assert what they are.

In the case of three of the election promises that the BBC designated “PARTIALLY DELIVERED”, Trump’s achievements involved multi-step processes and were therefore complicated endeavors that were subject either to changed events in the world or to a situation where Trump was unable to follow through due to Court action or Congressional action that blocked him.

On four of the election promises, the BBC uses the label, “NO PROGRESS.” But the accompanying explanation on three of them belie the label since Trump made specific progress in achieving those campaign promises, and more could have been accomplished but for the actions of the Courts and/or Congress that created hurdles for Trump.

In fact, no U.S. President in history has suffered such extensive and intensive constraints imposed on him by Congress, the Press, or by many other forces than what President Trump had to contend with for the four years of his tenure as U.S. President.

On one of those seeming, “NO PROGRESS” items, the BBC says, as Democrats and the Press point out, that Trump promised to have Mexico pay for a “Wall” on the Southern Border and that didn’t happen. So what? That’s de minimis. Trump DID build the Wall, thereby doing his best to protect the Nation’s security, and Congress fought him all the while on this, abandoning a wall—allowing building materials to rust, once the Great Pretender, and Grand De-Unifer, Biden took over.

Apart from Congressional obstacles, in some instances, Trump faced outright sabotage from his own people: staff and bureaucrats dutybound to assist the President.

For example, Trump wanted to post 250,000 troops on the Southern Border to help secure it. His own Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper countermanded the order from his Commander-in-Chief, Donald Trump. See the article in The Hill.

Trump wanted to send troops into Mexico to hunt cartels if the Mexican Government refused to help. There was no serious work done on this. Trump’s National Security officials balked. See the article in “Business Insider.”

On another promise labeled, “NO PROGRESS,” that had involved the deportation of illegal aliens, the BBC quotes the President as having said during his campaign “that every single undocumented immigrant—of which there are estimated to be more than 11.3 million—‘have to go’.” To say that these illegal aliens “have to go” doesn’t mean that Trump promised that he will deport every one of them. It simply alludes to his desire to remove them. And, in fact, he did deport 267,000 of them.

Trump also sought to rescind Obama’s “DACA” program, taking the matter all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, but the U.S. Supreme Court ruled against him. The fault for failing to deliver on his desire to remove millions of illegals, then, does not rest with Trump, it rests with the Court. Trump respected the decision of the Court even if he disagreed with it, something that Biden would not do in the very recent Biden vs. Nebraska (Student Loan Case) that we discuss in Part Three of this essay to be finalized and posted as soon as time permits.

The British Public Broadcasting Corporation placed the label “ABANDONED” on three campaign promises. But the matters involved in those election promises are more nuanced, as explained in the BBC’s explanation of them.

On “Rebuilding Infrastructure,” the BBC quotes Trump as saying, during his victory speech that “The country's infrastructure ‘will become, by the way, second to none, and we will put millions of our people back to work as we rebuild it.” The BBC said that he had “ABANDONED” this. But did he? By way of explanation, the BBC says,

“By March 2018 Congress had allocated $21bn for infrastructure spending - far short of the $1.5tn Mr Trump has called for. The money will be spent on a wide range of upgrades and investments, according to a congressional graphic. In April 2019, Mr Trump and Democratic leaders agreed to spend $2tn on infrastructure, an agreement that later fell apart. This June there were reports the Trump administration had a $1tn plan in the works, but no announcement has been made.” This doesn’t sound at all like Trump abandoned the campaign promise. In fact by the BBC’s own account, Trump sought to make this happen. But Congress controls the purse strings, and Congress would not provide the monies that would make the policy goal a reality. Both Republicans and Democrats are to blame for this. See, e.g., a May 17, 2018 article in The Hill.

Two of the items that the BBC marks “ABANDONED” are, concededly, the result of false bravado, and Trump would have done better not to recite them as campaign promises. One of them had to do with reinstating the Bush program of “torture” on international terrorists. Trump’s comment is, admittedly, ridiculous, and would be contrary to our own laws and the U.S. Constitution if employed, quite apart from international law. And, yes, we are aware that the Bush Administration sought to get around legal issues by creating a new category for Islamic Terrorists, referring to them as “ENEMY COMBATANTS” rather than as “PRISONERS OF WAR” or simply common “CRIMINALS.”

Press Reports, Government papers, papers written by the ABA and others, and academic articles on this are legion. But, the reader should keep in mind that, with this Biden Administration, the DOJ and White House have both said or insinuated that Domestic Terrorists, loosely defined as “WHITE EXTREMISTS,” WHITE SUPREMACISTS,” and even people designated by the Administration and by the legacy Press as “MAGA REPUBLICANS,” or “CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS” and possibly including anyone who vocalizes opposition to the BIDEN REGIME to be the most serious threat posed to “DEMOCRACY” and to the COUNTRY. If so, and if “Torture” were reinstated as a matter of Government policy, what would stop the Biden Administration from using “Torture” on American citizens.

Just consider the outrages committed to date on ordinary Americans who happened to venture into the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, at the behest of people like Ray Epps and others, and suffered from Biden Administration prosecution and persecution as a result. See e.g., recent Washington Examiner article on Ray Epps, posted July 18, 2023, and article that appeared in the New York Post on March 8, 2023.

Trump had also stated that he would request the DOJ to appoint a Special Prosecutor to take a fresh look at Hillary Clinton’s ostensible criminal behavior on a multiple of matters. Trump did abandon this. Chalk this one up to simply playing to his base of supporters. It was right to address the egregious conduct of the DOJ and FBI in this matter. But, Trump should simply have said that this matter should be looked into, without committing to doing anything on it that would just rile the Democrats and their mob of NEO-MARXIST CULTISTS, and as Trump said, as reported by the BBC in the article, Trump “had other priorities,”—definitely true, even if Clinton has walked away, free, as have so many other politicians and bureaucrats. Such is the state of our Country.

And, last, the BBC said that Trump pointed out that NATO is obsolete but, on assuming Office he said that NATO isn’t obsolete, but he did point the following out in 2018, as reported by the BBC, “suggesting the US might still leave [NATO] if allies did not acquiesce to his budget demands.” See also December 12, 2019 article in the New York Post.





The concept of Individualism undergirds the U.S. Constitution. And the essence follows upon recognition of the sanctity and inviolability of one’s Selfhood. Compare that with the concept of Collectivism, which is the political and social philosophical foundation of the Neoliberal Globalists and Neo-Marxist internationalists. During the period of the 2020 U.S. Presidential election, AQ wrote: From a political, social, cultural, juridical standpoint, the coming election is one between adherents of the tenets of Collectivism and the adherents of Individualism. It is about those who support the Bill of Rights—and the one fundamental right that preserves all other rights along with the sovereignty of the American people, the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution—and those who abhor, absolutely loathe, the very notion of the supremacy of the individual over that of the Collective, and who intend to erase free speech, free association, and the ability of the American citizen TO BE his own person, individual; to see Government amass unlimited power, usurping the natural sovereignty of the people. These radical Marxists and Billionaire Globalists do not intend to leave the American citizen alone, but to subjugate the citizen, reduce the citizen to penury, and to keep the American citizen in a constant state of fear. We see the plans of these Destructors of our Nation playing out today, even before the General election. These Destructors of our Nation are providing the American citizenry a foretaste of what it can expect and what it will experience if the Destructors do secure complete control over the Federal Government. They will never permit the individual TO BE individual. They will never leave the individual alone. They will control all thought and conduct. And to avoid revolt, they will never sanction the citizenry's ownership of and possession of firearms and ammunition. Guns and ammunition will be the first things they will confiscate. They will reconfigure the Country, turning it from one where Government is the servant of the people to one where the people are the servants of Government, a Government to be merged into a new world order. Supporters of Individualism are fighting back against this push of Destructors both here and abroad who intend to wrest the Nation from the citizenry. Supporters of Individualism wish to preserve our Nation as the founders presented it to us, as set forth in the Nation’s blueprint, the U.S. Constitution; as the framers of our Constitution intended for our Nation to remain: a free Constitutional Republic, in which the people, themselves, are sovereign. Supporters of Collectivism want to eradicate our Nation’s history, culture, and core Christian values. They intend to create an entirely new and alien economic, political, social, cultural, and juridical construct, grounded on an expansive, powerful, centralized governmental authority through which the lives, thoughts, and actions of individuals are strictly controlled and modulated, according to a uniform standard, permitting no deviancy in thought, action, or conduct. Nothing better exemplifies the vast irreconcilable differences between those who adhere to the tenets of Individualism and those who adhere to the tenets of Collectivism than in the manner each perceives the Bill of Rights. Individualists perceive the Nation’s Bill of Rights as codifications of natural law bequeathed to man by the Divine Creator.” See the AQ article posted on July 9, 2020. Also see the AQ article title, “In The Throes of America’s Modern Day Civil War.” Peruse our Blog for many other articles on this subject.

The Constitution together with the Nation’s Declaration of Independence are assertions of the Framers’ strongly held belief that the sole purpose of Government is to serve the interests of the people. And if Tyranny arises within it, then it is the moral right—and, under the Constitution, the legal duty and responsibility—of the American people to take the strongest action against it, to restore and secure their sole and ultimate sovereignty and authority over it.

This may also necessitate the people forcibly compelling a recalcitrant Government to yield—when it demonstrates a disinclination to do so or outright repugnance to do so—to the fundamental, unalienable, unmodifiable, immutable eternal, and absolute Natural Law Rights of the people as the Divine Creator bestowed those Natural Law Rights on them, which therefore preexist in them, mandating the Government refrain from imposing any constraints over or curtailing the exercise of them.


This was the most urgent focus of the Founders when hashing out a Constitution for the Nation, for it brought into question whether the Nation needed a Constitution at all if the primary purpose of a Constitution was to establish THE FACT of a powerful CENTRAL GOVERNMENT, apart from the States.

In that debate there were two camps: The FEDERALISTS and the ANTIFEDERALISTS. See, e.g., the article from the Gilder Lehrman Institute.

“The differences between the Federalists and the Antifederalists are vast and at times complex. Federalists’ beliefs could be better described as nationalist. The Federalists were instrumental in 1787 in shaping the new US Constitution, which strengthened the national government at the expense, according to the Antifederalists, of the states and the people. The Antifederalists opposed the ratification of the US Constitution, but they never organized efficiently across all thirteen states, and so had to fight the ratification at every state convention. Their great success was in forcing the first Congress under the new Constitution to establish a bill of rights to ensure the liberties that the Antifederalists felt the Constitution violated.”

See, also the article in the “National Archives” on this:

“The Federalists, who believed that a strong central government was necessary to face the nation’s challenges, needed to convert at least three states. The Anti-Federalists fought hard against the Constitution because it created a powerful central government that reminded them of the one they had just overthrown, and it lacked a bill of rights.”

The Federalists won the day on this. But they, no less than the Anti-Federalists, realized the danger inherent in a strong centralized Government for the Nation because all Government, regardless of the nature of it, tends to tyranny. That is an inherent dilemma inherent in the existence of a strong centralized Government.

The Antifederalists concluded there is no way out of the dilemma, so they felt that the best way to deal with the problem is avoiding entangling one in it at the outset since it would be extraordinarily difficult, and probably impossible, to extricate oneself from the negative effects of Government devolving into Tyranny, short of war, and that next war would involve Americans fighting other Americans.

One of the great Founders of the Republic and Framers of the Constitution was James Madison. He said this:

“But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature. If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In forming a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.” (James Madison, The Federalist No. 51” cited in the CATO Institute).

This passage might suggest that Madison was an Antifederalist. He wasn’t. He was a Federalist. He felt a strong central Government for the United States was necessary. He therefore felt the dilemma of Tyranny in Government could not be avoided but must, then, be dealt with.

The Federalists began with this assumption: All Nations require a strong Central Government for self-preservation.

But self-preservation from whom, exactly. If from abroad, that is understandable. For, with the American Revolution of 1776 foremost in their mind, and with their knowledge of both Ancient History and European History, in their time, they understood that the most efficient and effective way for a Nation to deal with outside threats was through a strong Central Government and a STANDING ARMY.” Protecting the Nation, then, for the Federalists, also meant protecting the citizens of the Nation from Outside Threat.

Okay, fine. And now suppose the threat to the Nation and its people comes from the Government itself? This is the dilemma, and it isn’t hypothetical. Americans now living in this 21st Century see TYRANNY OF GOVERNMENT COME TO THE LAND, firsthand, OR IS IT? Many Americans—perhaps even most Americans—would say that this present Government, especially with the present Biden Administration is problematic, but would balk at saying the Nation’s Central Government, i.e., the Nation’s “FEDERAL” GOVERNMENT HAS DESCENDED into Tyranny even if there is a threat the Government “MAY” DESCEND into Tyranny. And that, in any case, the best way to deal with THAT EVENTUALITY is through the ELECTORAL PROCESS.

But, what if the Nation’s “ELECTORAL PROCESS” is compromised? What if the “ELECTORAL PROCESS” was compromised during the 2020 General Election? If so then, the person sitting in the OVAL OFFICE” isn’t really the LEGITIMATE U.S. PRESIDENT” at all. That would mean the Nation has suffered a coup d’état. And that fact entails the disturbing conclusion that TYRANNY HAS DESCENDED on America. For, if one BRANCH of GOVERNMENT is FALSE, the entirety of Government is FALSE.

Of course there can be no debate over the issue of the integrity of the 2020 Electoral Process. Both the Federal Government, and the Legacy Press have placed a damper on that. And what might “WE THE PEOPLE” expect of a fair and aboveboard General Election in 2024, if the same mechanisms and procedures in place in 2020, are utilized once again in 2024?

 Once the Antifederalists were forced to capitulate to the Federalists on the question of drafting a Constitution for the Nation which meant, most importantly, creating FOR THE NATION, a central “FEDERAL GOVERNMENT,  the salient issue for the Framers of the CONSTITUTION, and one that underwent substantial debate and iterations, focused on the precise nature of this CENTRALIZED “FEDERAL GOVERNMENT” for the NASCENT Nation with the aim of GRANTING TO THIS GOVERNMENT specific, i.e., limited, although significant powers and authority. Carefully, carving out for the Government a set of powers and authority but describing and explicating the nature of them, demarcating their parameters, and doling them out among three CO-EQUAL BRANCHES, was all expected to FORESTALL, or INHIBIT, or “CHECK,” but LIKELY NOT  PREVENT the onset of TYRANNY.

THAT at least was the ANTIFDERALISTS CONSTANT CONCERN. Hence, after “OFFICIAL” ratification of the ARTICLES of the U.S. CONSTITUTION, on June 21, 1788.

The Antifederalists insisted on inclusion of a set of AMENDMENTS to it, that would serve better or as a final FAILSAFE to prevent TYRANNY through subsequent ratification of a BILL OF RIGHTS for the AMERICAN PEOPLE. And the Bill of Rights was “OFFICIALLY” Ratified on December 15, 1791.

James Madison and Thomas Jefferson engaged in serious debates on the matter. See “Teaching American History.”

But, from what is in evidence today, the debates would have been unnecessary. Whatever reservations that Madison might have had over a formal, written “Bill of Rights” at the time, would be moot if he could but witness those forces at work today attempting to destroy the fundamental natural law rights of the American people. The only thing that constrains these forces that crush is the fact that our Bill of Rights is explicit, formally codified and incorporated into the U.S. Constitution.





The Framers of the Constitution of a fledging Nation were well aware of a paradoxical concern in creating such a Government: the rise of Tyranny. What would they think of the monstrous creature they had spawned that was supposed to protect the Nation and its People and not has turned on the Nation and its People? They must have known the Federal Government—a Powerful Entity—is by definition a FORMIDABLE BEAST, as it was clearly expected to be. A perusal of Articles 1 through 3 makes the point. But, what if that FORMIDABLE BEAST turns its back on foes outside the Nation and, facing the Nation and its People, turns against the Nation and its People, using the mighty powers it has to destroy the Republic and to subjugate the people? It has then become a MONSTER, wielding MONSTROUS POWERS WIELDED AGAINST THE PEOPLE.

The Founders of the Republic, having eliminated one Tyranny, did not wish to see a new one take its place and one, all the worse, because they themselves had a hand in seeding it, albeit unintentionally. Recognizing the possibility of this, they created a Government of three Co-Equal Branches—each with substantial but carefully defined, limited powers. NO one organ or “BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT” would be lawfully permitted to exercise all the powers of this new central “FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.”

The purpose of each BRANCH would be explicated and demarcated in the Constitution, principally, in the FIRST THREE ARTICLES. And to each BRANCH, would be allotted specific powers and authority.

To make clear the powers and authority of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT were not to consist of any but those that the Articles of the CONSTITUTION provide for, a BILL OF RIGHTS was thereafter ratified by the States and then incorporated into the CONSTITUTION to make certain the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WOULD NOT ASSUME FURTHER POWERS AND AUTHORITY FOR ITSELF, USURPING THE POWERS AND AUTHORITY RESERVED TO THE STATES AND TO THE PEOPLE AND CURTAILING THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE.

The Doctrine of Federalism, proclaimed in the TENTH AMENDMENT of the BILL OF RIGHTS, establishing the RELATIONSHIP between FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and STATES said expressly that——

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

Other provisions of the Bill of Rights, the FIRST NINE AMENDMENTS, and those held by the people in the TENTH, or JOINTLY held by the People and the States, are construed as clear and categorical CODIFICATIONS OF “NATURAL LAW RIGHTS” or, in a few instances, imply CODIFICATIONS of NATURAL LAW RIGHTS preexisting in man, and, so, fall outside the lawful power of Government to deny, forbid, ignore, dismiss, modify, or abrogate.

The distinction between the Bill of Rights and the Articles is stark. The BILL OF RIGHTS are EXPLICIT GOD-GIVEN LAW, NOT MANMADE.

The ARTICLES are MANDMADE CONSTRUCTS and those subsequent Amendments to the Constitution that are PROCEDURAL MECHANISMS are MANMADE LAW or “POSITIVE” MANMADE RIGHTS, (see discussion infra).



Importantly, the PREAMBLE of the CONSTITUTION makes categorically clear that it is the PEOPLE that have created the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and are therefore SOLE SOVEREIGN over it. Since the People alone have created the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, it is THEY and THEY ALONE, who may LAWFULLY DISSOLVE IT.


The TENTH AMENDMENT is a STATEMENT of RESIDUAL, UNENUMERATED RIGHTS HELD BY THE STATE which also serve an explicit description of the relationship between the STATES and the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, which is a reference to the DOCTRINE OF FEDERALISM, alluding to the fact that STATES reserve to themselves through the powers they wield, SOVEREIGNTY that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT must respect. Since “THE PEOPLE” are also mentioned in the TENTH AMENDMENT, this must be given effect. THE PEOPLE HOLD POWERS TOO. But the use of the term, ‘OR’ in the TENTH AMENDMENT is not clear: IS IT AN “INCLUSIVE” or an “EXCLUSIVE” ‘OR’?

If, ‘INCLUSIVE,’ this means that the PEOPLE hold the same POWERS as the State which may be a statement of PARALLEL POWERS, or a single set of POWERS “JOINTLY” held. And to the extent that THE BILL OF RIGHTS is an expression of “GOD BESTOWED” NATURAL LAW RIGHTS, this means such POWERS that THE PEOPLE have may be expressed as RIGHTS. This is, admittedly, a novel theory. But, it helps resolve a problem remaining between the STATES and PEOPLE, especially apropos of the STATES’ use of their POLICE POWERS to curb the PEOPLES’ EXERCISE OF THEIR RIGHT TO ARMED SELF-DEFENSE.

Several States, such as New York claim a right to interfere with the right of the people to keep and bear arms even after the rulings in Heller, McDonald, and Bruen.

The McDonald case relied extensively on the DUE PROCESS CLAUSE of the FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT to bring the exercise of the SECOND AMENDMENT into the ORBIT of mandatory State recognition of the RIGHT. But States, like New York, New Jersey, California, et. al., still balk.

There is an argument to be made though, whether States are required to adhere to the SECOND AMENDMENT through the PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES CLAUSE of the “FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT,” apart from the DUE PROCESS CLAUSE. An appeal may also be made to the PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES CLAUSE that appears in ARTICLE IV, SECTION 2 of the U.S.  CONSTITUTION, which obviously predates inclusion of the FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT to the U.S. CONSTITUTION.

There is substantial room for debate on this.


The FIRST NINE AMENDMENTS OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS ARE REFERRED TO, AND ARE TO BE UNDERSTOOD BOTH LOGICALLY AND LEGALLY, AS “NEGATIVE RIGHTS” meaning that such rights accruing to MAN by DIVINE RIGHT and are not to be intruded upon by any other MAN or GOVERNMENT. See article posted in the Santa Clara University Markkula Center for Applied Ethics on this.

“POSITIVE RIGHTS” unlike “NEGATIVE RIGHTS” are essentially MAN-MADE, NOT NATURAL LAW RIGHTS—inclusions that help secure one’s well-being: gainful employment, a good education, housing, medical care, food, are examples.

“NEGATIVE NATURAL LAW RIGHTS” emanate from God, not from MAN, nor from GOVERNMENT. These RIGHTS operate as prohibitions on GOVERNMENT and on OTHER MEN. They are ETERNAL and they are ABSOLUTE.

They are basically laws of NONINTERFERENCE. It is through these NEGATIVE “NATURAL” LAWS that the SANCTITY and INVIOLABILITY of the INDIVIDUAL is understood and realized.


Erosion of NATURAL LAW RIGHTS is one salient sign of TYRANNY. The problem arises what to do about it. If Americans are expected to deal with it through the Electoral Process alone, and, if powerful forces seeking to harm this Country—both those in Government, and those outside it—have effectively compromised the Electoral System, what then might Americans do? Reliance on the Second Amendment is a drastic measure, and while armed resistance by one hundred million Americans with assistance from parts of the military might effectively topple a Tyrannical Government, much tragedy and bloodshed would be the result. But there are other issues before one even gets to the utility of armed resistance.

Below in BULLET POINTS, we simply set down a few of them, to be dealt with at a later time, although AQ has already written extensively on TYRANNY. But consider:






The first and last bullet points are the most perplexing and vexing. And we will deal with them at length in a future essay. We are focused here primarily on the legal and moral and historical bases for resisting tyranny, and this necessarily raises important Bill of Rights issues—especially Second Amendment right to bear arms issues, and First Amendment Right of speech/dissent and freedom of (political-expressive) association, entailed by the freedom of speech clause.





Several writers today, having seen the damage done to the Country through the Presidencies of Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barack Obama.

These writers recognized in the Presidency of Donald Trump, a return to normalcy—a return to the core values of this Country.

One writer, Dick Morris, writes, in “The Return,” that “Donald J. Trump has been one of America’s great presidents. Not just good, but great. Part of his greatness is reflected in his immense achievements. But the greater tribute is how he defied the economic establishment by getting Congress to pass a massive tax cut, skillfully crafted to aim at the middle class, the working poor, and small businesses. This establishment said cut taxes on the wealthy, and it will trickle-down doesn’t always happens. So he made sure his tax cuts were the first in recent history to target the lower middle class—the working class. Trump sighed a law giving a tax credit of $2,000 per child, and changed tax rates so the lower-income people did not even have to file returns.”

Does this sound like a man who has an uncaring attitude toward American workers and the plight of low income families? Trump represents American workers like Democrats once did or purported to do, but no longer care about decades later.

Bill Clinton knew that, in the coming General Election of 2016, Hillary should not take the vote of workers for granted. She did. She apparently thought the Union Head, like AFL-CIO Richard Trumpka would be able to get Union workers to toe the line and vote for Clinton over Trump. She was wrong.  They didn’t.

To this day the Democrat Party Big shots can’t wrap their head around the idea that most Americans are individuals, first, not anonymous, conformist, amorphous, unthinking blobs. Democrats can’t see this because, at an extremely deep level of the psyche below clear conscious awareness rests the foundational premises of their ideology grounded on Collectivism.

The problem for Democrats is that the foundation of American culture, history, heritage, and National Ethos, is grounded on the tenets and precepts of Individualism and those tenets and precepts are reflected in the Constitution itself, through the first Three Articles that recognizes the threat of a large, powerful Federal Government. Thus, the framers constructed a Government of limited, demarcated powers, distributed among three co-equal Branches. Then, there is the Bill of Rights, unlike any existent in the world for the fundamental rights and liberties set forth in the Bill of Rights are, unlike the Articles, not the man-made constructs, but codifications of Natural Law, preexistent in Man, and bestowed upon Him by the Divine Creator.

None of this is accepted by the Democrat Party leadership nor by many rank and file Democrats, whether they see themselves as wealthy, sophisticated, fashionable, liberal “elites” or Neo-Marxist Cultist Academicians, or simply knee-jerk Democrat Party members, whatever their race or socio-economic standing. What many of these people seek is the creation of a new America, over-throwing the ideals of the American Revolution of 1776 but for others, who simply vote the Democrat Party ticket because that is something they have always done, and that is something  their parents and grandparents and relatives have always done, but without realizing that that Democrat Party of today has transformed into something manifestly different from the Party of Roosevelt, Kennedy, Carter, and even Bill Clinton. But the Legacy Press and the Propagandistic organs of broadcast and cable news, and social media, and “influencers” on Tick Tock, and the popular sports figure heroes of the masses and the groupies who follow singers, and actors all create a mythology that hides a sinister agenda. And, now that the Neoliberal Globalist puppet masters have in Office puppets who do their bidding, unhesitatingly, without complaint, legitimizing the power of High Office even though they do not make policy but simply implement the policy made for them, it is not necessary for these powerful interests to hold Office themselves.

That was very much different when Trump came into Office. He was a force to be reckoned with. By nature he isn’t the sort of person to take orders from the Globalists.

As the writer says, in “The Return,” “The establishment wanted free trace, just like Adam Smith prescribed. But Trump insisted that we use our power to stop China from cheating, and force it to compete on a level playing field. The establishment cautioned him not to mess with China as we owe them so much money, they could pull the plug on us anytime they want to. But, as a businessman, Trump understood that it is we who have th upper hand because we buy three times as much from China as they buy from us.

The establishment wanted free flow of labor and open borders. But Trump demanded that we keep illegal immigrants out. He said that if we have millions of people willing to work for very little, there’s no way the middle class can move up in wages.” Curiously, the Communist Bernie Sanders said the same thing, back in 2019 (see the article in Politico) before it became unfashionable to buck the Democrats’ changing position that an “Open Borders” policy is good for the Country, although they don’t wish to acknowledge the obvious that the Southern Border of the Country is, in fact, open.

The Conservative Economist, Milton Friedman, agreed with Trump’s assessment on Open Borders and with the same assessment that Sanders came to—a Libertarian concept out of sync with Communism but at least Sanders at the time did wish implement policies that would aid the low or middle income American wage earner.

The Heritage Foundation pointed out, back in 2007 that,

“A decade ago, Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman admonished the Wall Street Journal for its idée fixe on open-border immigration policy. ‘It's just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state,’ he warned. This remark adds insight to the current debate over immigration in the U.S. Senate.

To be fully understood, Friedman's comment should be viewed as applying not merely to means-tested welfare programs such as food stamps, Medicaid, and public housing, but to the entire redistributive transfer state. In the ‘transfer state,’ government taxes the upper middle class and shifts some $1.5 trillion in economic resources to lower-income groups through a vast variety benefits and subsidies. Across the globe, this sort of economic redistribution is the largest, if not the predominant, function of government in advanced societies.

The transfer state redistributes funds from those with high-skill and high-income levels to those with lower skill levels. Low-skill immigrants become natural recipients in this process. On average, low-skill immigrant families receive $30,160 per year in government benefits and services while paying $10,573 in taxes, creating a net fiscal deficit of $19,587 that has to be paid by higher-income taxpayers.

There is a rough one-to-one fiscal balance between low-skill immigrant families and upper-middle-class families. It takes the entire net tax payments (taxes paid minus benefits received) of one college-educated family to pay for the net benefits received by one low-skill immigrant family. Even Julian Simon, the godfather of open-border advocates, acknowledged that imposing such a burden on taxpayers was unreasonable, stating, ‘immigrants who would be a direct economic burden upon citizens through the public coffers should have no claim to be admitted’ into the nation.

There is also a political dimension to the transfer state. Elections in modern societies are, to a considerable degree, referenda on the magnitude of future income redistribution. An immigration policy which grants citizenship to vast numbers of low-skill, low-income immigrants not only creates new beneficiaries for government transfers, but new voters likely to support even greater transfers in the future.”

Trump was obviously aware of all of this. He sought to find common ground between helping lower income wage earners and also upper-middle Class Americans. In other words, as U.S. President he recognized that implementing policies that benefitted most of the citizenry would be the best way to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.”

The Democrats, including the radical NEO-MARXIST CULTISTS AND the fabulously wealthy NEOLIBERAL GLOBALISTS didn’t care about any of this. Application of their policies provided the worst of both worlds. Kept lower income workers in a constant state of despair, and possibly throwing them and many lower middle class workers into abject poverty, while adding yet more wealth to the most wealthy individuals in the world. Whether the Neo-Marxists could understand any of this is debatable. They were and are so wrapped up in bizarre dogmas they take to be reality that the Globalists accede to their games, and both go their merry way to destabilize and destroy the United States, each gaining something from destruction of the U.S. Constitution and the dismantling of the world’s only truly free Constitutional Republic.

Dick Morris writes, “The civil rights movement (more specifically, the Black Lives Matter movement) said that minorities have been discriminated against for decades and that we must abandon the idea of equality. Instead, they claimed that we must begin discriminating against white people. They called it ‘equity.; Trump stood firm for colorblind government and cut the ground out form under them by ushering in policies that led to Black household income rising to historic heights.”

Myth creation is a major component of the Neo-Marxist plan to reeducate “WHITE” and “BLACK” America. It is not an easy thing to do, involving a lot of work to create, fabricate, manufacture new dogmas and to sell them to the public. That requires assistance from Government, from the business, social media, the legacy Press, academia and education. It involves marginalizing core traditional institutions like the family and traditional Religion, love of one’s Country. It involves denigrating the cherishing of our Nation’s fundamental, unalienable, eternal Rights and Liberties bestowed onto man by the Loving, omnipotent, omniscient, morally perfect and omni-benevolent Divine Creator. It involves besmirching the lofty works and texts of Founders of our Republic and being respectful of their memories. It involves the desecration of and dismantling of our sacred artifacts, including statues, monuments, and art work, and our historical relics, including flags, medals, uniforms—every conceivable referent to our history—to erase the whole of it.

In his work, “Final Battle,” the author David Horowitz alludes to the Neo-Marxists’ reprehensible resurrection of race hatred; the conjuring of armies of White Supremacist hordes—Ghosts from the Antebellum South—to support their new mythology, comprising batteries of Dogmas and vocabularies to thrust on the American public and on the school children, all with the help of the Press, Academia, and NGOs, and not least of all by word of mouth. This is all aided by the marvels of technology that allow for rapid  dissemination of content on an industrial scale throughout the Country, via television, radio, and smartphone. Such is the power of the World-wide Web.

Horowitz writes, “Because America in 2021 was such a racially integrated and egalitarian society, and because racists were such an obviously marginal group, the left had developed an entire Aesopian vocabulary to obscure the fact that racism was already confied to a marginalized and insignificant social fringe. Terms such as unconscious bias, implicit bias, and structural racism, which for cecades were mainly the purview of academia, came to the fore, deployed by the left to obscure the rarity of visible racist in the body politic and also to absolve supposed victim groups of responsibility for their circumstances.”

Donald Trump had to contend with this insidious, caustic, dangerous nonsense during his Presidency. It exploded on America when the Great Pretender, Joe Biden, took over the Executive Suite on January 20, 2021.

Horowitz continues, “The importance of these subterfuges became apparent as the Biden administration unveiled a new term to describe the central theme of its policy agenda: equity [a point recognized by Dick Morris, too, see quote infra]. This buzzword quickly emerged as the guiding principle of the new administration’s social and economic policies.”

In his book, “Justice for All,” the author Greg Kelly, son of celebrated NYPD Police Commissioner, Ray Kelly, also mentions the word, ‘equity’ and devotes an entire section of his book to it. He writes, ‘Equity’ is a funny word, as the wokesters use it. It sounds a lot like equality but actually means the exact opposite. When we talk about equality in society, we usually mean that everyone should get an equal shot—equality of opportunity. Everyone should have access to education and training. Everyone should get treated fairly when it comes to getting a bank loan or getting a job. That’s why we instituted antidiscrimination laws almost six decades ago, in order to ensure that people could get equyal treatment before the law.” The author continues,

“Equity is something else. Equity means taking into consideration the fact that not everybody gets an equal shot at opportunity for a variety of reasons. . . .

According to Ibram X. Kendi, ‘Racial inequity is evidence of racist policy and the different racial groups are equals.’ Equity means equality of outcome, in other words.” . . . Equity is meant to eliminate ‘disparate impact,’ which is the tendency of different groups to do different things and excel in different ways. Economist Thomas Sowell has analyzed the ways in which different ethnic or national groups all over the world have, for a variety of reasons pertaining to culture, family, caste, or history gravitated toward specific trades or professions. This ‘sorting’ is occasionally the result of discrimination but occurs naturally in free societies. . . .

In any case, all discussion of disparate impact, equity, structural racism, etc., is pointed toward one main idea: that America is a white supremacist authoritarian state, and white Americans are in a stupor of denial about it because the current state of affairs protects their ill-gotten riches. According to the 1619 Project, among many other leftist misreadings of history, all of the wealth of America was generated by the unpaid labor of black slaves which demands repayment in the form of reparations. White people owe black people trillions upon trillions of dollars—essentially everything.”

Note, the fiction of this 1619 project is actively and avidly promoted by the New York Times. This speaks volumes of the newspaper’s complicity in destroying this Nation. In an attempt to justify this monstrous action, the editors, curiously don’t try to hide the fact of their deception, but actually engage in relishing it. The NY Times writes: “The goal of The 1619 Project is to reframe American history by considering what it would mean to regard 1619 as our nation’s birth year. Doing so requires us to place the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are as a country. [“The 1619 Project is an ongoing initiative from The New York Times Magazine that began in August 2019, the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.” (from the NY Times)]

The Biden Administration having having sympathetic agencies such as the New York Times to assist it, crafted its propaganda campaign targeting the American people, and it wasted no time in implementing this destructive, psychic damaging meme on the Nation.

In the Horowitz book, “Final Battle,” the author continues,

“On Inauguration Day, Biden issued an executive order outlining his agenda titled ‘On Advancing Racial Equity,’ which read, in part: “Equal opportunity is the bedrock of American democracy, and diversity is one of our country’s greatest strengths. But for too many, the American Dream remains out of reach. Entrenched disparities in our laws and public policies, and in our public and private institutions, have often denied that equal opportunity to individuals and communities.”

“But, if there were actually ‘entrenched disparities’ in American laws and policies resulting in discrimination against particular races and genders, they would be illegal. This made it clear from the outset that the new administration had no intention of dealing with actual denials of equal opportunity. It would instead implement a socialist vision in which government would redistribute income and privilege on the basis of gender and race. Mere disparities would become the unexamined rationale for this unconstitutional, unlawful, and anti-American redistribution of wealth by the Biden administration.

Biden’s Executive Order continued: ‘Our country faces converging economic, health, and climate crises that have exposed and exacerbated inequities, while a historic movement for justice has highlighted the unbearable human costs of systemic racism. . . .’ This was a veiled reference to the Black Lives Matter Movement, a Marxist organization that was officially endorsed by the Democrat Party and which had allegedly helped raise $60 million for Biden’s presidential campaign but produced no evidence for its claims of systemic racism and white supremacy and showed no interest in justice if the injustices were committed by blacks.”

The Marxist group Black Lives Matter plays a central role in the development of and implementation of mythology of endemic, systemic racism. And reference to the group crops up with frequency in “Final Battle.” “The Democrat Party had already enthusiastically endorsed Black Lives Matter and its many fictional slanders, despite or perhaps because of its leaders’ dedication to convicted domestic terrorists such as cop-killer Assata Shakur. Biden campaign staffers even donated money to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, an organization that funded bail for the rioters charged with serious crimes. . . .

On the very day Joe Biden assumed the office of the presidency, he described the inspiration for one of his first Executive Orders as ‘a historic movement for justice [which] has highlighted the unbearable human costs of systemic racism,’ a clear allusion to Black Lives Matter. A more accurate description of what Black Lives Matter had done was to highlight and exploit the lives of the new anti-white, anti-cop hatred that was driving the lft’s violent assaults on American cities.”

Clearly, “Black Lives Matter” has a use beyond its rhetoric. It provides a vehicle through which the Biden Administration can engage in societal terrorism by using this organization as cover for what would otherwise be  evident unlawful conduct engaged in by the Government itself. That would mean the Biden Administration, and by extension, the entire Executive Branch of Government is a renegade syndicate, consciously, contemptuously, and  systematically, engaging in terrorism against society, the Constitution, and the American people in furtherance of a heinous agenda. Some Americans are onboard with all of this. Many other Americans are oblivious to this, refusing to see the truth that exists before their very eyes—so blinded are they by a rabid hatred of Trump. They refuse to countenance the fact that Trump had actually improved their personal lives and secured the Nation from grievous harm caused by the very agents and agencies they think are their friends.

And how did this abhorrence of Trump come to be? There is no real secret to this.

It is the result of four years of incessant, vicious, vile, erroneous messaging, a wall of noxious noise, simplistic sloganeering, reiterated endlessly, buffeting their psyches relentlessly, and delivered to them, mainly through Cable and Broadcast “news” organizations including such old stalwarts as ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, and PBS—all working in tandem with and at the behest of the DNC and the Biden Administration, likely with assistance of and guidance from wealthy, powerful, well-organized, shadowy, sinister individuals and groups, operating both here in the U.S. and overseas.


This Nation is at a flexion point. The Country can go either way:


Democrats and their wealthy secretive benefactors here and abroad have shown no sense of moderating their wild radical policies at least for the next several months preceding the 2024 election.

This suggests that they feel they have sufficient control over the levers of power of Government, over “Big Tech”, “Big Business”, the Press, the Electoral System, the populace, and other major institutions, that they feel secure in their belief they will emerge victorious after the 2024 General Election.

But, Patriotic Americans inured to the propaganda permeating all around them, voted Trump into Office once, and he began to turn matters around, for the benefit of the Country, revitalizing the economy, securing our physical borders, providing hope for the future of our Nation to millions of Americans.

The Neoliberal Globalists were furious, but despite all the monies and organization effort to remove Trump from Office, they could not do so. Such was the energy and fortitude of the man. In a last ditch effort, these malevolent, malignant forces took control over the electoral process and engineered a coup, sitting a weak, corrupt, demented fool in the White House—someone who would willingly act the part of messenger boy without moral compunction, likely unaware of what he was even doing or saying. And, in less than three years, the forces that crush civilizations had reverted the Nation back to the place it had been when Obama had left Office.

Slowly, the forces that crush have secured a noose around the neck of an independent, sovereign Nation-State and free Constitutional Republic, and the Hangman has slowly, inexorably tightened that noose, strangling the life out of the Nation.

Americans can still turn the nightmare around. We can rid ourselves of the diseased corruption of the Administration presently holding Office. This requires first and foremost that Patriotic Americans support the most recent attacks on Trump—this time through the filing of a multitude of lawsuits, Federal and State.

The prosecution and persecution of this man continues unabated. This means that the forces that crush are very, very worried. Let them remain fearful.

We must all support Trump and we must encourage the RNC and the candidates for the Republican Party Nomination to switch gears and get behind Trump. Trump is a force to be reckoned with. We, Americans can still save our Nation. And the way to do so is to support Trump’s candidacy for the Republican Party Nomination so that he can serve the second Term that was wrongly denied him and secure for our Country and for all Americans the promise of the Founders of our Republic: continuation of the only truly Free Constitutional Republic on Earth. Trump is the only person that can do this for us. He is the only one with the fortitude to stand up to those powerful ruthless elements that seek to destroy our Great Nation and to reduce the average American to servitude and misery. Trump has proved his mettle to fight for Americans. Let us not lose faith in him.




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Once Oral Argument had concluded in the  New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. Bruen, 142 S. Ct. 2111, 2155 (2022), the New York Government under Governor Kathy Hochul likely didn’t wait for an adverse ruling it knew was coming.

The Government scrambled to overhaul the State’s Handgun Law (the Sullivan Act) in anticipation of a major ruling striking at the heart of the State’s concealed handgun carry licensing regime: the “Proper Cause” requirement.

The Hochul Government intended to be ready for that. And, in fact, the U.S. Supreme Court did just that.

The Court held that Proper Cause, the mainstay of New York’s Handgun Law (the Sullivan Act), violates the Fourteenth Amendment because it prevents law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms. The Court thereupon struck “Proper Cause” down. New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. Bruen, 142 S. Ct. at 2155.

The High Court knew that application of the “Proper Cause” requirement is not only useful to New York’s Handgun Licensing Regime but essential to its functioning in constraining civilian citizen access to handguns for the purpose of self-defense.

But why is “Proper Cause” essential to the Sullivan Act?

To understand why “Proper Cause” was essential to the Sullivan Act and why it so worried Hochul and the Anti-Second Amendment Democrat Party Controlled Legislature in Albany when the High Court, having found the application of it to infringe the core of the Second Amendment, had thereupon struck it down—and to understand the problems attendant to the Hochul Government’s attempt to find a suitable replacement for it—it helps to know what this concept “Proper Cause” is, and how it has functioned in the Sullivan Act.

Justice Thomas, writing for the Majority in Bruen, offers by way of explanation, this:

“No New York statute defines ‘proper cause.’ But New York courts have held that an applicant shows proper cause only if he can “demonstrate a special need for self-protection distinguishable from that of the general community.” E.g., In re Klenosky, 75 App. Div. 2d 793, 428 N. Y. S. 2d 256, 257 (1980). This ‘special need’ standard is demanding. For example, living or working in an area “‘noted for criminal activity’” does not suffice. In re Bernstein, 85 App. Div. 2d 574, 445 N. Y. S. 2d 716, 717 (1981). Rather, New York courts generally require evidence ‘of particular threats, attacks or other extraordinary danger to personal safety.’ In re Martinek, 294 App. Div. 2d 221, 222, 743 N. Y. S. 2d 80, 81 (2002); see also In re Kaplan, 249 App. Div. 2d 199, 201, 673 N. Y. S. 2d 66, 68 (1998) (approving the New York City Police Department’s requirement of “‘extraordinary personal danger, documented by proof of recurrent threats to life or safety’” (quoting 38 N. Y. C. R. R. §5-03(b))).

When a licensing officer denies an application, judicial review is limited. New York courts defer to an officer’s application of the proper-cause standard unless it is ‘arbitrary and capricious.’ In re Bando, 290 App. Div. 2d 691, 692, 735 N. Y. S. 2d 660, 661 (2002). In other words, the decision ‘must be upheld if the record shows a rational basis  for it.’ Kaplan, 249 App. Div. 2d, at 201, 673 N. Y. S. 2d, at 68. The rule leaves applicants little recourse if their local licensing officer denies a permit.”

The U.S. Supreme Court found “Proper Cause” unlawful and unconstitutional because it is incompatible with the concept of “Armed Self-Defense,” which rests at the heart of the fundamental, unalienable, immutable right codified in the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

The Right to Armed Self-Defense isn’t subject to two “degrees” of threat: “extraordinary” versus “ordinary.” A threat to one’s physical safety is absolute. It doesn’t admit degrees. It either is or it is not. To create an arbitrary distinction is logically flawed and legally indefensible. The New York State Government created it for one purpose only: to unlawfully constrain an American’s lawful right to keep and bear arms. And the Government succeeded.

For years New Yorkers have fought the Government over the Government’s extraordinarily restrictive handgun measures. But only in recent years, beginning with District Columbia vs. Heller, 554 U.S. 570; 128 S. Ct. 2783 (2008) has the U.S. Supreme Court, one Branch of Government, done anything about it.

The Executive Branch, for its part, has done nothing to strengthen the Second Amendment, and the Legislative Branch has, through the passing decades, done much more harm than good.

Thus, States, like New York, that have abhorred the Second Amendment, have not been reluctant to tread all over it, have found Heller, 554 U.S. at 570, 128 S. Ct. at 2783, and, subsequent to Heller, McDonald vs. City of Chicago, 561 U.S. 742, 130 S. Ct. 3020 (2010), annoying, but not insurmountable.

The State Government simply ignored the rulings in those cases and went its merry way, proceeding unimpeded with its agenda to continue to frustrate those Americans residing or working in New York, from exercising their fundamental, unalienable right to armed self-defense; devising and implementing even more outrageous assaults on the Second Amendment and toward those Americans who sought to exercise their fundamental right to armed self-defense.

In 2013, the New York Governor at the time, Andrew Cuomo, rammed through the Legislature in Albany, the New York Safe Act of 2013.

Since that date, both he and his predecessor signed into law further burdensome measures. This culminated in the first major challenge to New York’s Handgun Law that the High Court agreed to review in the 21st Century: New York State Rifle and Pistol Association vs. New York City, 140 S. Ct. 1525 (2020). Although the High Court could have reviewed the constitutionality of a Handgun Law that patently infringed the right to armed self-defense outside the confines of one’s home, at that time, Chief Justice Roberts confined the issue on review to one specific challenge: the constitutionality of a New York City rule regarding the transportation of Petitioners’ handguns outside the City.

Petitioners, who held valid but highly restrictive New York City handgun licenses challenged the rule that prevented them from transporting their firearms to a second home or shooting range outside the City. Obviously realizing that the Chief Justice had provided the Governor (at the time, Governor Cuomo) with a way to avoid a discussion of the issue on the merits that would have likely brought into play the import of “armed self-defense” (for holders of restricted handgun licenses cannot have access to their handguns when transporting those handguns outside the home, even if an aggressor threatens their life, which is the point of rendering the handguns useless for self-defense), the Governor simply amended the State Law, and the NYPD License Division amended its Rules, to allow Petitioners to transport their handguns to a second home or to a shooting range outside the City. The Majority then dismissed the case, ruling it moot.

Justice Alito, joined by Justices Thomas and Gorsuch, was not pleased with this. In a vigorous Dissent, Justice Alito first made plain what the real issue in the case was. He said, “We granted review to consider the constitutionality of a New York City ordinance that burdened the right recognized in Heller.” 

So, the central issue to be dealt with goes to the import of the concept of armed self-defense and what, if any, are the parameters for exercising the right of armed self-defense inherent in the Second Amendment. Justice Alito also pointed out that the Majority had not applied the proper test for mootness.

Justice Alito wrote in pertinent part,

“Thus, in this case, we must apply the well-established standards for determining whether a case is moot, and under those standards, we still have a live case before us. It is certainly true that the new City ordinance and the new State law give petitioners most of what they sought, but that is not the test for mootness. Instead, ‘a case “‘becomes moot only when it is impossible for a court to grant any effectual relief whatever to the prevailing party.’” Chafin v. Chafin, 568 U. S. 165, 172, 133 S. Ct. 1017, 185, L. Ed. 2d 1 (2013) (emphasis added). “‘As long as the parties have a concrete interest, however small, in the outcome of the litigation, the case is not moot.’” Ibid. (emphasis added).”

Although New York had, since its inception as a State, a blatant dismissive attitude toward the Common Man’s exercise of the right to armed self-defense, evidenced by the failure to recognize the right in the State’s Constitution—a matter never rectified up to the present day—the State’s negative attitude has not at all softened through the passing years decades and centuries, but has instead hardened to the point that the Government abhors the notion of the armed civilian citizen.

People carried handguns in New York for decades in New York without major Government interference, until 1911. In 1911, New York introduced licensing of handguns. This meant the State Government would henceforth insist on interposing itself between the people and exercise of the right embodied in the Second Amendment. At the time, the New York Government felt it was on firm ground as the Nation’s Bill of Rights was simply viewed as a limitation on Federal Government action directed against the people, not the States.

The Sullivan Act, rudimentary as first enacted, would become the vehicle through which, the State would slowly but inexorably erode operation of the Right to armed self-defense so that, at the time that the McDonald case ruled that the individual right to armed self-defense applies to the States as well as to the Federal Government, the machinery for frustrating a person’s exercise of the right to armed self-defense in New York had long since been in operation. The constraints on the average person’s exercise of the right to armed self-defense in New York had far exceeded anything the New York Government had first effectuated in 1911 and likely extended far beyond anything the Government at that time, over a century ago could have imagined, although the proponents of the Sullivan Act would certainly be gleeful at what the Sullivan Act had grown into.

Still, even in the early years of the Sullivan Act, the New York Government had intimations of the utility of handgun licensing as a device to constrain civilian citizen access to handguns.

Just two years after the enactment of Sullivan, in 1913, the Government amended the Sullivan Act, adding the “Proper Cause” requirement. And “Proper Cause” became a fixture of the Sullivan Act for 110 years.

The New York Government felt invincible. It felt that neither McDonald nor Heller could touch it. And with the Government’s ability to weather a crisis posed by NYSRPA vs. New York City (colloquially referred to as “the New York City Gun Transport case”), it had no reason to believe that any new case would come along to severely challenge the mighty handgun regime that the Government had created and that it had added to in 110 years since the enactment of Sullivan.

But, then Bruen came along.

Many Anti-Second Amendment forces knew that Bruen posed a potential problem—more urgent than that posed by the New York City Gun Transport Case. It would not be easy to frame the central issue of Bruen precluding a review of the core of the Sullivan Act—concealed handgun carry. Bruen directly impacted concealed handgun carry licensing, which meant impacting the “Proper Cause” standard that drastically reduced the number of concealed handgun carry licenses issued.

But the application of “Proper Cause” requires one to suspend rational thought. “Proper Cause” mandates that the average civilian citizen hoping to obtain a coveted unrestricted concealed handgun carry license prove, to the satisfaction of the Government licensing official, that his need to carry a handgun for self-defense transcends the basic need of most everyone else who might lay claim to a need to possess on his person the best means available by which he can best defend his life against a violent aggressor who threatens that life. In other words, an applicant for an unconcealed handgun carry license must somehow convey the idea that a threat to his life is greater and graver than that threat faced by essentially everyone else in New York.

But, for the New York Government to require a person to establish ‘extraordinary need’ to carry a handgun for self-defense to the satisfaction of a Government agent (the licensing authority) is ludicrous.

It either manifests in a jurisdiction such as New York City, where the License Division constructs a set of arbitrary standards that some people may be able to meet while most cannot. Most other jurisdictions in New York, perhaps realizing the futility in creating arbitrary standards and attempting to apply them fairly doesn’t bother to do this.

Instead, these license officials issue concealed handgun carry licenses piecemeal on the basis of one’s position in life: great wealth, fame, or power. But that creates equal protection problems as wealthy, powerful, influential, well-connected people become the principal beneficiaries of a system that leaves the “Common Man,” the vast majority of us, defenseless. This is ironic.

The Second Amendment was meant to make certain that the Common Man might exercise his God-given right to keep and bear arms to safeguard his life and that of his family and to maintain his sovereign authority over Government but that has not come to be—certainly not in New York. But Bruen meant to change that.

And the U.S. Supreme Court finally did something about this. The Court reset the balance of power by issuing a series of rulings, culminating in the Bruen decision, making clear that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is an individual right, applicable to all Government, State as well as Federal, and that the right to armed self-defense extends beyond the perimeter of one’s home. Heller also makes clear that the Second Amendment’s salient function is to function as a failsafe—the final check on the power of a Government that tends toward tyranny.

The concept of armed self-defense is, then, multifaceted, and critically important to the maintenance of liberty and to the preservation of a free Constitutional Republic. While emphasizing the common man’s right to armed self-defense against predatory attacks in one’s community, the idea inherent in the U.S. Supreme Court’s three seminal Second Amendment case decisions is the common man’s right to thwart a graver threat—the predatory Government: State or Federal.

Kathy Hochul and the Democrat Party that controls the Legislature in Albany were forced to jettison “Proper Cause.” There is no question about it. If Hochul refused to do so, her Government’s disregard for the Article 3 authority of the U.S. Supreme Court would be too blatant. Kathy Hochul and her Government were not prepared to go that far. She could rant and rave about the Bruen rulings, but she wasn’t going to defy a Court holding directly, by refusing to strike “Proper Cause” from the New York Handgun Law and applying it as if the Court never held the standard unconstitutional. She would have to confront the Court circumspectly—at least give some suggestion of forbearance to the Court’s decision. So the Hochul Government did strike “Proper Cause” from the Handgun Law but the Government then needed to find a suitable replacement for it. And that would be no easy task.

The Hochul Government had no intention of acceding directly and categorically to the Court’s dictates, thereby overturning 120+ years of an agenda focused on subjugating the Common Man, who as a Free and Sovereign Man would suffer no predator, whether that predator be beast, man-beast, or beast-Government.

The Hochul Government intended to secure her State Government’s Tyranny and the vehicle for doing so was the Sullivan Act. As long as the Common Man could be kept in fear of man-beasts running amok, her predatory Government could keep the impulses of the Common Man’s desire for Liberty in check. But to secure and strengthen the Sullivan Act the Hochul Government had to devise an effective replacement for “Proper Cause.” Clearly, the Biden Administration would be curious to see how and to what extent the Hochul Government might tie up the U.S. Supreme Court.

Since the Biden Administration, and a weakened, ineffectual Congress that the Executive Branch could manipulate, might constrain the Common Man’s exercise of his salient Rights, the present composition of the Court—most of whom wish to preserve a free Republic that the Founders created—pose an obstacle to those forces, both here at home and abroad, who are slowly strangling the life out of the Nation, and that wish to destroy a free Constitutional Republic, and that intend to subjugate a free and sovereign people.

Could the Hochul Government successfully battle the U.S. Supreme Court? States like California along with the Federal Government wanted to know this and needed to know this in formulating their own policies.

A replacement for “Proper Cause” must, in the first instance, not only prevent damage to the heart of the Sullivan Act and remain true to the State’s long-standing agenda—one committed to further constraining the average citizen (the Founding Fathers’ “Common Man”) from exercising the right to armed self-defense—but it must also suggest, however implausibly, to the Press and to the Public, the appearance of compliance with the salient rulings and reasoning of the Court that would, hopefully, withstand any new challenges to the Sullivan Act that Hochul and the State Legislature in Albany knew were coming.

Hochul and Albany were hoping that the lower New York Federal District Courts, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, which had heretofore demonstrated acquiescence to the Government’s unlawful, unconstitutional meddling with and intrusion upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms, would continue to side with the Government against the U.S. Supreme Court.

Hochul and Albany wanted and needed to buy time before the next case would wend its way to the High Court, hoping that, with a reconstituted Court (with more people like Ketnaji Brown Jackson on board), the Court would reverse course and strike down the central holdings of Heller, McDonald, and Bruen.

Such a reconstituted Court, no longer beholding to the Constitution, would cast aside a methodology for analyzing cases grounded on “textualism” and “originalism,” as championed by the late Justice, Antonin Scalia, and as adhered to by Justice Scalia’s contemporaries, Justice Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, and replacing “textualism” and “originalism” with a completely different methodology antithetical to the preservation of the Constitution as constructed by the Framers of it. This replacement methodology is  called “pragmatism.”

The pragmatic approach to Constitutional case analysis involves redefining the Constitution to cohere with the radical transformation of society presently taking place, and to reframe decisions and reasoning to be consistent with “international norms” even if they are antithetical to this Nation’s. Application of this methodology entails the slow eradication of the import and purport of the Constitution as understood by the Framers of it.


While Justice Thomas spends considerable time—actually an excruciatingly lengthy amount of time—expounding on the test a court of competent jurisdiction must employ to ascertain the constitutionality of Government action that impinges on the Second Amendment, the two salient points coming out of Bruen are straightforward and are found in two specific places. We quote them explicitly, below.

The First one is a reiteration of a central holding in Heller and McDonald:

It is this:

“In Heller and McDonald, we held that the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense.”

The Second one is this:

“Although we remarked in Heller that the need for armed self-defense is perhaps ‘most acute’ in the home, id., at 628, 128 S. Ct. 2783, 171 L. Ed. 2d 637, we did not suggest that the need was insignificant elsewhere. Many Americans hazard greater danger outside the home than in it. See Moore v. Madigan, 702 F. 3d 933, 937 (CA7 2012) (‘[A] Chicagoan is a good deal more likely to be attacked on a sidewalk in a rough neighborhood than in his apartment on the 35th floor of the Park Tower’). The text of the Second Amendment reflects that reality.

The Second Amendment’s plain text thus presumptively guarantees petitioners Koch and Nash [Bruen Plaintiff Petitioners] a right to ‘bear’ arms in public for self-defense.”

To secure the Sullivan Act and, at one and the same time, to strengthen it the Hochul Government’s Gambit involved a two-prong process.

Kathy Hochul knew the New York Government would be processing many more applications for concealed handgun carry licenses and that it would be required to issue many more licenses because of Bruen.

The Government sought to constrain the issuance of a sizable chunk of applications even if the “Extraordinary Need” predicate of “Proper Cause” was no longer available to it.

The Hochul Government settled on a concept already existent in the Handgun Law: “Good Moral Character.” That was the first prong of a plan to revitalize the Sullivan Act in light of Bruen. It involved significantly strengthening “Good Moral Character” and making it the centerpiece of the Sullivan Act. But that would create a whole host of new problems for the Government.

The second prong, “Sensitive Place” (also referred to as “Sensitive Location”) applies only to those individuals whom the State licensing authority approves for issuance of a concealed handgun carry license under the New York Penal Code § 400.00 (2)(f). These two concepts are the foundational bases of a reformulated Sullivan Act.

We analyze this second prong of “Sensitive Place,” at a later date.

When reconfiguring, reconstructing, and embellishing “Good Moral Character,” the drafters of the amendments to the Handgun Law—that, as a package, are referred to as the “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” or by the acronym, “CCIA”—must have paid significant attention to what the U.S. Supreme Court said about it before the Hochul Government would expend time on developing a scheme around it.

The Majority Opinion mentions “Good Moral Character” twice in Bruen.

First, the Court writes:

“A license applicant who wants to possess a firearm at home (or in his place of business) must convince a ‘licensing officer’—usually a judge or law enforcement officer—that, among other things, he is of good moral character, has no history of crime or mental illness, and that ‘no good cause exists for the denial of the license.’ §§400.00(1)(a)-(n) (West Cum. Supp. 2022). If he wants to carry a firearm outside his home or place of business for self-defense, the applicant must obtain an unrestricted license to ‘have and carry’ a concealed ‘pistol or revolver.’ §400.00(2)(f ). To secure that license, the applicant must prove that ‘proper cause exists’ to issue it. Ibid. If an applicant cannot make that showing, he can receive only a ‘restricted’ license for public carry, which allows him to carry a firearm for a limited purpose, such as hunting, target shooting, or employment.

The reader will note that the factors, “good moral character,” “no history of crime or mental illness,” and that “‘no good cause exists for the denial of the license’” are and continue to be, after Bruen, conditions precedent to obtaining a handgun license of any sort. For, without meeting these factors, a person cannot legally possess a handgun anywhere in New York. These requirements remain true Post-Bruen, as they do Pre-Bruen.

Second, the Court writes,

To obtain a concealed-carry license for a handgun, an applicant must satisfy certain eligibility criteria. Among other things, he must generally be at least 21 years old and of ‘good moral character.’ §400.00(1). And he cannot have been convicted of a felony, dishonorably discharged from the military, or involuntarily committed to a mental hygiene facility. Ibid. If these and other eligibility criteria are satisfied, New York law provides that a concealed-carry license ‘shall be issued’ to individuals working in certain professions, such as judges, corrections officers, or messengers of a ‘banking institution or express company.’ §400.00(2). Individuals who satisfy the eligibility criteria but do not work in one of these professions may still obtain a concealed-carry license, but they must additionally show that ‘proper cause exists for the issuance thereof.’ §400.00(2)(f ).”

The point here is that Pre-Bruen, satisfaction of all the requirements for possession of a handgun at one’s residence or place of business remains one of two conditions precedent to obtaining a concealed handgun carry license. “Proper Cause,” the second condition precedent, had to be proved to the satisfaction of the licensing authority before the Licensing official would issue the applicant a concealed handgun carry license under § 400.00 (2)(f ).”

Post-Bruen, in the absence of “Proper Cause,” and in the absence of a suitable substitute for “Proper Cause,” the satisfaction of requirements for possession of a handgun, restricted to the home or place of work would mean that one ALSO SATISFIES the requirements for carrying a handgun concealed outside the home or place of business.

So, then, why would an applicant for a New York State handgun license apply for a barebones highly restricted residence license when he would automatically qualify for a license to carry a handgun concealed outside the home or place of business? The answer is there would be no reason for doing so and there would be no reason for maintaining a litany of different kinds of licenses issued as there have been Pre-Bruen. That is what Bruen intended to accomplish—to simplify the process by which an individual might exercise his Second Amendment right, cutting through all the garbage inherent in the Sullivan Act that had become increasingly more elaborate and cumbersome in the century since its enactment.

The High Court ruled that the right to armed self-defense exists no less outside one’s home (or place of business) than inside it.

Implicit in this was an order by the U.S. Supreme Court, telling the Hochul Government to dismantle the Sullivan Act.

Hochul would do no such thing. And her remonstrations against the High Court and its ruling came fast and vociferously.

Obviously, such a thing as dismantling the Sullivan Act was anathema to a Government that had, since New York’s inception, as the eleventh State to become part of the United States, never recognized for the denizens of the State the fundamental right of the people to keep and bear arms even as the State did ratify the Bill of Rights for the Nation, which, of course, included the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms.

Happy, then, the State Government was when it took as self-evidently true that the right to armed self-defense only applied to the Federal Government, not to the States. So the States could decide not to recognize an immutable, eternal right of man—the fundamental, eternal, illimitable right to preserve his own life and well-being against anyone, man or animal, or any Government that might desire to, and have the ability to, take his life from him.

Odd that, the right to armed self-defense—the central import of the language of the Second Amendment—as the best means, now, as then, to secure one’s life against predatory animal, man, or government, should have been a matter tacit but ignored and dismissed by several States since the founding of the Republic, until the U.S. Supreme Court, through the tenacity and courage of Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito, would demand that matters regarding the most Basic of all Elemental Rights of Man be set aright.

The three Justices evidently knew that but for a strong Second Amendment, no other Right could exist. It was high time that the Court stated explicitly in the text of a U.S. Supreme Court case that an American does have the fundamental right to defend his life against unlawful aggression, with the best means available by which to preserve it, and this Basic Right of armed self-defense applies wherever a person happens to be, inside a home or outside it. Bruen was that case. But it would be wrong to read Heller, McDonald, and Bruen, as three distinct, discrete cases. They all work together and are inextricably tied to each other. Bruen doesn’t extend Heller. Bruen simply elucidates Heller.

And McDonald makes plain what is implicit in the notion of Natural Law Rights—Rights that preexist Government. Such Rights exist within Man. They are not Rights or Liberties created by the State. These Rights exist independently of States and Governments which are artificial constructs created by Man. Natural Law Rights are eternal, embodied within Man. Those politicians, many members of the Press, and many scholars don’t accept the truth of Natural Law Rights. They believe that all such Rights are man-made, no less than any other man-made construct. So, they infer that the Justices read into the Second Amendment what coheres with their particular belief systems. But, the rulings in Heller, McDonald, and Bruen are not creations of the Justices. They are no more nor less than the reaffirmations of the plain meaning of Natural Law. And the Second Amendment is simply a codification of that Natural Law, plainly stated. The sad state of affairs is that Heller, McDonald, and Bruen were needed at all. And, given the Hochul Government’s stubbornness, it must come to pass that the U.S. Supreme Court will be required yet again to respond to Government action that refuses to accept the import of Natural Law Rights.

Governor Kathy Hochul, her wealthy benefactors, and many deluded residents of New York hated Heller and McDonald. But they could dismiss those rulings—at least for a time and they did so, with Courts happy to oblige them. But, when Bruen came down the pike, they could not easily ignore the right of the people to keep and be armed.

The idea of the ‘Common Man’ as the ‘Armed Citizen,’ Sovereign over Government, any Government, is absolutely abhorrent to Hochul and to her benefactors and to many other elements both inside the Country and outside it who view the Second Amendment as a veritable abomination that must be dealt with accordingly so that they can achieve their goal: the dismantling of all Nation-States, with the remains of them to be merged into a monstrous, bloated Neo-Feudalistic world empire that serves the interests of the few and mercilessly oppresses the lives of the many. Achievement of that goal is not possible as long as America adheres to the tenets of Individualism upon which the U.S. Constitution is grounded. And the linchpin of a strong, vibrant America is, as history demonstrates, a strong, independent citizenry, whose independence and personal autonomy are secured through the right to dissent from conformist Government dictates and absurd dogmas thrust on a free sovereign citizen, and through the right to bear arms to secure that independence from a predatory Government that would rob the individual of his Selfhood. It is this the Hochul Government and the Biden Administration fear. But they don’t talk about their tyranny. They talk about “Public Safety” and the fact that, as they exclaim, an armed citizenry poses a danger to “Public Safety.” So, let’s talk, then, about “Public Safety.”

The right to armed self-defense is reason enough to carry a handgun for self-defense when out and about, and that right of armed self-defense is presumed. Hence, a person applying for a concealed handgun carry license need not state it and the Government cannot require him to do so, to explain a “reason” to carry for self-defense. It should be apparent that the problem here rests with the entire notion of State licensing. But, for that, the striking of “Proper Cause” from the Sullivan Act would have been the death knell for New York State Licensing of Handguns.

But the High Court DID NOT strike down handgun licensing as unconstitutional, and Hochul and company had no intention of conflating the entirety of the Sullivan Act to “Shall Issue” concealed handgun carry licenses—as they saw it—pell-mell, no matter what the High Court opined and insisted upon.

Still, the Hochul Government had to come up with something to replace “Proper Cause,” and “Good Moral Character” was something already in the Statute. So, it seemed like a good device to use. But how is this “Good Moral Character” now to be utilized?

Since the Court had not ruled against “Good Moral Character,” the Hochul Government machinated a scheme through which “Good Moral Character” would operate like “Proper Cause” had operated for decades: as a means to preclude the issuance of concealed handgun carry licenses to tens of thousands of New Yorkers who might wish to secure one.

But “Good Moral Character” cannot operate exactly like “Proper Cause” because the High Court made clear that, since the right to armed self-defense exists as much outside the home as in it, the Government could no longer require an applicant to demonstrate “extraordinary need.”

But could the Hochul Government transform “Good Moral Character” into a devastating force through which many applications could still be denied even if it were still not as effective as “Proper Cause” had been?

Although not as useful as “Proper Cause,” the newly reconfigured “Good Moral Character” requirement would have to suffice, and, when utilized in conjunction with another device—a novel device, “Sensitive Place” restrictions—the Hochul Government could still make life difficult for New Yorkers who wish to exercise their Second Amendment right to armed self-defense.

Worse, for many present holders of concealed carry licenses who had, through the years, adapted to the schemes that some New York jurisdictions had created to implement “Proper Cause”—the most elaborate scheme being that one devised by the NYPD License Division, tasked with governing handgun licensing in the City—might not these present holders who had “passed the test” for issuance of a concealed handgun carry license under § 400.00 (2)(f ), Pre-Bruen, fail to meet a new test devised by the Hochul Government for the entire State, utilizing “Good Moral Character,” Post-Bruen?

But, the preliminary question is this——


After all, what does the nature of one’s character have to do with one’s exercise of the fundamental, unalienable, immutable, illimitable, eternal right to self-defense of which armed self-defense":  ANYTHING? EVERYTHING? NOTHING? Does anyone ever question this? Apparently not, certainly, not in New York. And why is that?  

Both “Good Moral Character” and “Proper Cause” Requirements are Government constructs, nothing more. The Government designed them for one purpose: to constrain one’s exercise of the fundamental, unalienable right to armed self-defense.

“Proper Cause” has served the New York Government well for decades. It has taken over 100 years for the U.S. Supreme Court to strike “Proper Cause” down.

But what sort of argument can be made that use of “Good Moral Character” is as repugnant to exercise of the fundamental right to armed self-defense as “Proper Cause” before it? There are, to date, many challenges to it, along with challenges to “Sensitive Place” Restrictions.

Many of these cases are wending their way through the Federal District Courts of New York. Several presently reside in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. At some point, in the U.S. Supreme Court’s next term, the Court will have to deal one or more of these cases. The CCIA is a bald-faced attack on the High Court’s Bruen rulings and, more, a hardly subtle repudiation of the Article 3 authority of the High Court.

In the next Article, we drill down into this thing, “Good Moral Character.” We look at how the Hochul Government has rejiggered it to work like “Proper Cause” insofar as it is designed to salvage the multi-tiered handgun licensing structure and to maintain the “May Issue” paradigm that the Bruen decision intended to scrap when the Court made clear that “Proper Cause” as utilized by the New York Government unconstitutionally infringed the Second Amendment.

There is much to deal with here and we will get to it as quickly as possible and as much as practicable to demonstrate the illegality of it, discussing approaches that challengers of the CCIA may not have broached but are angles definitely worth considering.



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“When Hitler came for the Jews. . . I was not a Jew; therefore, I was not concerned. And when Hitler came for the Catholics, I was not a Catholic, and therefore, I was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the Catholics, I was not a Catholic, and therefore, I was not concerned. And when Hitler attacked the unions and the industrialists, I was not a member of the unions, and I was not concerned. Then, Hitler attacked me and the Protestant church — and there was nobody left to be concerned.” ~ Quote best ascribed to Martin Niemoller, German Theologian, and Lutheran Pastor. Also check out Stephen Halbrook’s book, “Gun Control in the Third Reich” that Robert Unger cites.

We wish to thank Robert Unger, Attorney at Law, for pointing this quotation out to us. He writes, “As documented by the cutting-edge book, ‘Gun Control in the Third Reich,’ the totalitarians are once again trying to prevent Jews from defending their lives. Every decent human being, whether Jew or Gentile needs to be concerned. As the Rev Martin Niemoller stated in this shortened paraphrase, ‘First they came for the handicapped, and I said nothing, and then they came for the Jews, and I said nothing. Then they came for me and nobody was left to say anything.’”

Special Note: Robert Unger hosts the podcast, “The Bob Unger Show” @thebobungershow1567 Check out Bob’s Podcast on Rumble.

Also check out Stephen Halbrook’s book, “Gun Control in the Third Reich” that Robert Unger cites.

The Goldstein vs. Hochul Case

With dozens of cases filed challenging New York’s reprehensible “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” (CCIA), which the Democrat Party-controlled legislature passed on July 1, 2022, and that Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law the same day, coming on the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen decision, published just one week earlier, on June 23, 2022, one obscure case is worth mentioning. It is Goldstein vs. Hochul, 2023 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 111124 (S.D.N.Y, June 23, 2023).

The facts of the Complaint as presented by the Court are as follows:

“Goldstein ‘is a U.S. citizen who resides in Kings County in the State of New York.’ Goldstein [and other similarly situated Plaintiffs] have carried handguns for self-defense at shul [Jewish Temple] prior to the enactment of the CCIA. They allege that after the enactment of the CCIA, they have (1) decreased their attendance at shul due to their inability to carry a firearm, ‘significantly curtail[ed]’ their religious practice, Plaintiffs further allege that the prohibition of concealed carry within places of worship and religious observation ‘acts as a deterrent for law-abiding people to enter’ and makes religious locations more dangerous. On the same day, Goldstein individually and on behalf of the Congregation, and Ornstein filed a motion for TRO and PI enjoining Defendants Governor Hochul, Attorney General James, Commissioner Sewell, Sheriff Falco, District Attorney Gonzalez, and District Attorney Walsh from enforcing the Sensitive Locations restriction, the provision in CCIA designating ‘any place of worship or religious observation’ as a Sensitive Location. Plaintiffs claim that the Sensitive Locations restriction of the CCIA violates their rights under the FirstSecond, and Fourteenth Amendments. Plaintiffs seek to enjoin Defendants from enforcing the places of worship and religious observation exclusion, alleging that they would suffer immediate and irreparable harm without immediate injunctive relief.” [document citations omitted]

The Goldstein lawsuit is directed to the unconstitutional “Sensitive Place” (also referred to as “Sensitive Location”) restriction/prohibition to otherwise lawful concealed handgun carry that the Hochul Government has imposed on all holders of valid New York State concealed handgun carry licenses who derive their licenses to carry through the operation of NY CLS Penal § 400.00 (2)(f) of the State’s Handgun Law.

Goldstein’s motivation for filing a lawsuit against the Hochul Government is not hypothetical.

In recent years Synagogues in the United States, have been selectively targeted in a spate of “hate crimes.” See, e.g., the NPR article, dated February 17, 2023; the ABC News report, dated, January 19, 2022; and an updated June 16, 2023, CBS News report.

The essence of the Plaintiffs’ claim is that the meaning of ‘House of Worship’ in the New York State Penal Code is vague and that the Government’s prohibition on the carrying of a handgun violates the First, Second, and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Goldstein and other Plaintiffs have asked for immediate relief. But, the Court ruled that the Plaintiffs had not met the stringent standards required for a Preliminary Injunction and that the Plaintiffs’ Constitutional Arguments did not outweigh the Government’s solitary claim (coming solely from a Press Release) that the Governor has a duty to “‘protect New Yorkers,’ and that ‘keeping the people of New York State safe’ was their greatest priority.’”

Apparently, armed Congregants in a “House of Worship” setting are a present danger to “keeping the people of New York State safe.” This is simply a platitude and a trite, vacuous banality, and, worst of all, a bald-faced lie. The Hochul Government, under Governor Kathy Hochul, and the Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams have not protected the people of New York. Violent crime has skyrocketed in New York, especially in New York City. See, e.g., Arbalest Quarrel essay, dated, June 26, 2023.

But Hochul’s assertion that “keeping the people of New York Safe” is her Government’s “greatest priority” comes across not simply as empty political rhetoric—which is bad enough—but as sarcasm, in the face of horrific incidents of often random violent crime perpetrated on innocent people going about their daily life in New York.

In such a climate, it is incumbent on average, innocent, rational people to take responsibility for their own safety and well-being. And a responsible person carrying a handgun, concealed, in public for their own personal protection, and knowledgeable in the use of it and prepared to use it if or when the need arises, provides hands-down the best means of personal protection against violent, aggressive attack. It has always been so. But, IT IS the very effectiveness of a handgun for personal self-defense that the New York Government abhors. For the well-armed citizenry is the gravest threat to the Tyrant. It is THIS fact, more than anything else, that drives the Hochul Government’s antagonistic firearms policy—a fact left unremarked on. But why, after all, would Tyrants acknowledge their own Tyranny? The Tyrant need not assert a Tyrant’s fear of their own people. That fear is exhibited clearly enough in their self-righteous, deceitful rhetoric and in the subsequent actions taken to constrain dissent and to strenuously constrain if not curtail the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

It is the same dreaded fear of the armed common people that drove Kathy Hochul’s predecessor, Andrew Cuomo, to institute further firearms restrictions in the State, which he accomplished when he signed the New York Safe Act into law, in 2013.

And it is that same fear of the common people that drives the present Biden Administration to attack the fundamental, unalienable right to armed self-defense.

It is this fear of the armed citizenry that motivates the Administration to craft and implement a plethora of policies aimed at maximizing control over that citizenry—the common people of the United States.

The aim of the Government should be to provide “Public Safety,” not merely to recite it in a Press Release.

But, the Government act of providing for “Public Safety” need not be and ought not to be construed as antithetical to one’s right and responsibility to provide for his or her “Personal Safety.”

The two can coexist happily together. They are not logically inconsistent concepts. One is the aim and responsibility of the Government. The other rests with and is the responsibility of the individual.

But the Hochul Government treats the two as incompatible, adversarial concepts, or otherwise, presumes, albeit wrongly, that the one, “Personal Safety” is subsumed in the other, “Public Safety.”

Yet the Government’s duty to provide for the one doesn’t offset or replace the responsibility of the individual to adhere to and provide for the other. And the sad truth is that both fail in the reality of a failed State, which is what New York is becoming.

The Hochul Government gives lip service to “Public Safety” concerns, yet faults the U.S. Supreme Court for ordering the State to adhere to the plain meaning of the language of the Second Amendment that speaks incisively and decisively of the basic human right of “Personal Safety”—understood as the fundamental, unalienable, illimitable, immutable, and unmodifiable right to Armed “Self-Defense.” The two are co-extensive.

The Hochul Government pretends to provide for the one, that it must, and does not, and yet denies a person his right to secure the other, but cannot, given the constraints of Government, preventing him from doing so even though it be inextricably tied to his very Being. And, so, a person is left with neither. How can that be?

The concept of Armed Self-Defense is nothing new. Our Country, a free Constitutional Republic would not have existed without the application of it.

The fundamental right to Armed Self-Defense proceeds from the right to Self-Defense. It is not distinct from it. It is one with it, inextricably bound to it. ‘The Right to Self-Defense’ means ‘The Right to Protect one’s Life.’

The Right to Armed Self-Defense’ is not then, to be perceived as a thing different in kind from ‘The Right to Self-Defense.’ It is simply an aspect of it: Recognition that a firearm provides the best, most effective means of defense available to thwart an aggressive attack—whether such an attack emanates from a predatory beast, predatory man, or predatory government.

The Hochul Government and the Biden Administration must know this. Both are Tyrants. Both know they are Tyrants and both know that a free Constitutional Republic cannot and will not long suffer Tyrants. An armed citizen presents a tangible threat to the Tyrant. That troubles the Tyrant, as well as it should. And, so, an armed citizenry troubles the Tyrant.

For, if the armed citizen has the fundamental right to defend himself against an aggressive predator threatening his life, that armed citizen also has the fundamental right to defend himself against a tyrannical, predatory Government. And, in both instances, he has a duty to do so. The Tyrannical Government would rather not talk about the right of the people to keep and bear arms against that Tyrannical Government. So, instead, the Government talks about the armed citizen in connection with criminal violence.

The Government argues, deceptively, cunningly, that it is the job of the Government, not the citizen, to deal with the violent criminal (which the Government has done a very poor job doing), and that an armed citizen will eventually commit criminal violence by virtue simply of being armed, even though there are no statistics to support that conclusion.

Thus, the Government deflects conversation away from the subject of Tyranny, and of the predatory behavior of Government, and of the natural tendency of all Governments to eventually turn to Tyranny in the absence of substantial Checks and Balances on Government behavior and in the absence of a well-armed citizenry—the ultimate fail-safe to prevent, or curb or, at least, frustrate the onset of Tyranny.

But even as we see today strenuous attacks against the Divine Right to Armed Self-Defense to secure one’s life and safety and that of one’s family from a predator, we see scurrilous and bizarre attacks by the Government on the very notion of a right to ‘Self-Defense’ at all. This suggests clear intent on the part of the Government, today, to devalue human life. The Framers of the Constitution would be appalled. Such an idea is inconsistent with the basic tenets of the Constitution grounded on the sanctity and inviolability of human life.

The U.S. Constitution is grounded on the tenets, principles, and precepts of Individualism. Those tenets, principles, and precepts are anathema to those holding power in Government today who are attempting to foist an entirely new political philosophical system on the Country—one that is based on the tenets, principles, and precepts of Collectivism.

CCP China is a prime example of this. But, even in CCP China, the State does provide for “Public Safety,” if, for no other reason, than to promote stability within the State. Crime is not tolerated in China. Violent crime is dealt with quickly and harshly. Physical safety exists, but it comes at a cost. The sanctity of the individual counts for little if anything. There is no notion of individual autonomy. One might well wonder whether life under Tyranny is better than no life at all. The Founders of our Republic didn’t think so. And they fought a war to a successful conclusion to make their feelings known.

Had they failed, they would have been hanged. Some Patriots caught by the British were hanged.

In America today, the Government, under the Biden Administration, talks about favored and disfavored “Groups,” not “Individuals.”

One either belongs to a favored Group or one belongs to a “Group of Outcasts,” such as “MAGA” Republicans, “Christian Nationalists,” and “Political Conservatives,” generally.

But, unlike CCP China, the Biden Administration and several State Governments such as that of New York don’t even provide a modicum of “Public Safety.” Violent criminals are not dealt with harshly. Rather, they are continually released to commit more violence on innocent people.

And these same Governments that refuse to provide any measurable “Public Safety,”  talk not of “Personal Safety.” That concept isn’t part of their political philosophy and, so, does not appear in their lexicon. And there is a reason for that. ‘Personal Safety’ is tied to ‘Self-Defense,’ and that entails ‘Armed Self-Defense.’ And those concepts are anathema to these Governments.

The Biden Administration and the Hochul Government eschew both, finding Self-Defense inconsistent with their adherence to Collectivist principles that place value on “Group Conformity” over “Individual Autonomy.” And they especially abhor the concept of “Armed Self-Defense” as that represents an existential threat to their accumulation of and lust for power and concomitant absolute control over the common people.

A Government that operates within the strictures of the U.S. Constitution has nothing to fear from an armed citizenry. A Government that does not has much to fear from an armed citizenry. And Government today is much afraid of an armed citizenry that hews to a belief system that adheres to the principles of the Founders who constructed a free Constitutional Republic when the Government, today, no longer does so.

When a Government—this Government—forgets that its sole existence derives from a free sovereign people, then it becomes a veritable enemy of the people. And, knowing that it has become an enemy of the people, commences to treat its people as a threat, and proceeds, unlawfully, to constrain the fundamental rights of the people whose best interests it has a duty to serve, but has long since removed itself from.

New York’s Hochul Government, for its part, could, if it truly wished to do so, clamp down on rampant, violent crime, plaguing the State, and particularly the City of New York, but it chooses not to do so. There are several reasons for this. Two major ones are worth mentioning here.

One, her base of supporters, her constituency, will not allow concerted efforts to clamp down on violent crime. Even as that constituency, itself, suffers the consequences of violent crime, its mindset is so confounded and befuddled by incessant psychological programming, that it refuses to consider the impact that a highly restrictive firearms policy has on its own safety and well-being and, at one and the same time, insists upon a lax justice system and a shackled police, thereby inviting the very crime visited upon it.

Two, Kathy Hochul and her Government take their cue from the Biden Administration. The Biden Administration’s end goal is the dissolution of the Republic, the dismantling of an independent, sovereign Nation-State, and the subjugation of a once free and sovereign people.

Thus, the Biden Administration and the Hochul Government devise more and more scurrilous lies to cover their unethical, and patently unlawful objectives, pretending that all their policies are well-intentioned, even as they deliberately, duplicitously set one American against another, lest they organize and unite against the true threat to their well-being and safety: the Government, itself.

And, so it is that Hochul goes on and on clamoring over “Public Safety” and how her application of it is impeded by the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in New York State Pistol and Rifle Association vs. Bruen, and that it is she and not the High Court that has the best interests of New Yorkers at heart.

But truth to tell, Hochul has jabbered about “Public Safety” well before the Bruen decision came down. And, with the publication of Bruen, the public hears this constantly, insistently without reprieve. See the article in the Gothamist, posted on March 25, 2022, and note the “props” on the stage. But, even if the Hochul Government truly desired to provide for “Public Safety,” that doesn’t obviate the responsibility of the individual to provide for his or her own “Personal Safety.”

The fact remains the right to armed self-defense and the responsibility for it rests, as it always did, with the individual, not the State. See January 19, 2020 article posted on Ammoland Shooting Sports News. In that same publication, see also the article posted on August 6, 2020, titled, “The Government Cannot Protect You; You Must Protect Yourself,” and the article posted on November 26, 2019, titled, “Can We, As Individuals, Rely On The Police To Protect Us.”

It is with the realization of the failure of the Hochul Government to truly promote “Public Safety,” despite her vehement remarks to the contrary, and it is with the equally important realization that one’s “Personal Safety” and that of one’s family ultimately rests solely with the individual, that Goldstein and others similarly situated filed their lawsuit against the Hochul Government.

The Goldstein case is the latest of the dozens heretofore filed in New York Federal District Court that present holders of valid New York concealed handgun carry licenses filed against the Hochul Government for refusal to abide by the U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings in Bruen.

Enactment of New York’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act—although presented by Hochul as evidence of the State’s compliance with the Bruen rulings—was and is a bald-faced violation of the Bruen rulings and, at one and the same time.

Striking “Proper Cause” from the State’s Handgun Law serves as mere window dressing. The amendments to the Law (the CCIA) as enacted are more of an arrogant remonstration against the U.S. Supreme Court and a contemptuous repudiation of the Article 3 authority of the Court than they are a concerted effort to comply with the Court’s rulings. It would have come, then, as no surprise to Kathy Hochul that New York handgun licensees would see through the ploy.

The Plaintiffs in Goldstein filed their Notice of Appeal, of the adverse decision of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, on July 5, 2023.

On July 6, 2023, Arbalest Quarrel had an opportunity to talk to a spokesman for the Temple who is knowledgeable about the lawsuit, Tzvi Waldman. Mr. Waldman’s group, the “NYS Jewish Gun Club,” is backing the lawsuit. And on July 10, Bob Unger (whom we reference in the first paragraph of this article) invited Tzvi Waldman to appear on Bob’s Podcast that aired on July 10, 2023, on the Rumble Video Platform.

When AQ spoke with Mr. Waldman on July 6, 2023, a few days before Bob’s Podcast, we pointed out that the Arbalest Quarrel cannot and does not give legal advice, but we do provide non-legal, well-researched information about the Second Amendment for educational purposes.

Both Bob Unger and the Arbalest Quarrel wish to assist the NYS Jewish Gun Club in their challenge to the Hochul Government’s unlawful attempt to abridge the fundamental right to armed self-defense of the Jewish Community in New York that has suffered substantial hate crime attacks, especially in the last few years.

The Hochul Government is oblivious to the needs and concerns of Jews, and of all innocent New Yorkers despite her claims to the contrary.

On her official website, on January 10, 2023, Hochul said this:

“Public safety is my top priority. . . .“I am committed to using every tool at my disposal to protect the people of this state, crack down on gun violence and violent crime, and invest in proven solutions that keep New Yorkers safe.”

It is all empty rhetoric. While spurning a person’s fundamental right to provide for one’s own “Personal Safety” through the exercise of the basic right to armed self-defense, the Hochul Government leaves the Common Man abjectly defenseless, for she provides neither “Public Safety” for the New York communities, nor allows the Common Man to bear arms for his own personal defense.

Concerning the salient legal matters for Plaintiffs to address apropos of the Goldstein case——

First, we mentioned to Mr. Waldman that, as the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York and others have ruled that Governor Kathy Hochul is not a proper Party defendant for a lawsuit involving the CCIA, any case naming her principal Party Defendant will be dismissed for lack of standing since she is not the person actively implementing and enforcing the CCIA. For the same reason, the New York Attorney General, Letitia James, is not a proper Party Defendant to the lawsuit. The Plaintiffs should strike her name from the Goldstein case.

Consistent with the allegations of the Complaint, the principal and proper Party Defendant is the NYPD Police Commissioner, since it is the NYPD Police Commissioner, here, not the Governor, who is directly involved in the enforcement of the CCIA, as it affects the Plaintiffs in the Goldstein case, and notwithstanding Hochul’s obvious connection in getting the thing enacted and then signing it into law in the first instance. Had she not signed the CCIA into law, there would be nothing about the CCIA that the Police Commissioner would be able to enforce. Hence, it is quite understandable that the Goldstein Plaintiffs would assume that the New York Governor would be a proper Party Defendant and the principal Party Defendant, even if Hochul, is not, after the fact, the person who is enforcing the CCIA. It

The present interim New York City Police Commissioner, Edward Caban, recently appointed by Mayor Eric Adams, is the proper and principal Party Defendant in the Goldstein case. This is a ministerial problem that is easily corrected. See the NY Times article published on June 20, 2023. The Times reports,

“Edward Caban, the New York Police Department’s first deputy commissioner and an ally of Mayor Eric Adams, will become the interim head of the agency, the mayor said Friday.

‘There’s a natural process in place that the first deputy commissioner falls in line until we make a permanent announcement on who the commissioner is going to be,’ Mr. Adams said during a radio appearance on 1010 WINS. ‘And we are going to find a suitable replacement.’

The announcement coincided with the last day in office of Keechant L. Sewell, the department’s first female commissioner, who abruptly announced her resignation two weeks ago, after finding that her powers had been circumscribed by the mayor and his allies.”

And, the Plaintiffs should also add the name Steven Nigrelli, the acting Superintendant of the New York State Police, as a Party Defendant to the suit. All or most Post-Bruen New York cases challenging aspects of the CCIA in a United States District Court for one of the four Districts in the State have captioned these cases with the name Steven Nigrelli, as the principal Party Defendant. This practice is consistent with the captioning of the parent case, NYSRPA vs. Bruen, challenging the Constitutionality of New York’s Handgun Law, where, at the time, Kevin Bruen was the Superintendent of the New York State Police. The recaptioning of the case is essentially a ministerial, administrative matter that does not go to the substantive matters of the case.

Second, and much more concerning, is the Court’s opinion that fails to mention the ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Hardaway v. Nigrelli, U.S. Dist. LEXIS 200813 (W.D.N.Y. November 3, 2021). This flaw impacts the salient substantive matter pertaining to the right of worshippers to carry handguns into a House of Worship for self-defense. The only qualifier is the worshipper must be the recipient of a valid New York concealed handgun carry license issued by the appropriate New York licensing official. But, the U.S. District Court ruled that Houses of Worship are “Sensitive Places” under the Concealed Carry Improvement Act, and therefore a worshipper cannot carry a handgun into a House of Worship. This flies in the face of the ruling of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in the Hardaway case.

The Court, in Goldstein, must have known about the Hardaway case, and the matter addressed by the Second Circuit in its interlocutory order is certainly relevant to and directly impacts the central issue in the Goldstein case, namely, whether a member of the Temple can carry a concealed handgun into the Temple for the purpose of self-defense. But the U.S. District Court, in Goldstein, says not a word about that Opinion. In fact, the District Court’s opinion on the matter is summed up in a paragraph where the Court asserts,

“Laws forbidding ‘the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings’ are consistent with the Second Amendment. Lower courts may ‘use analogies’ to historical regulations of sensitive places, such as schools, government buildings, legislative assemblies, polling places, and courthouses, to ‘determine that modern regulations prohibiting the carry of firearms in new and analogous sensitive places are constitutionally permissible. Although the Court does not explicitly define what constitutes a sensitive place, it does address specific examples that provide lower courts with some guidelines on the limits of doctrine. For example, we know that it would be ‘too broad’ to classify the entire island of Manhattan simply because it is ‘crowded and protected generally by the New York City Police Department. However, it is also not so narrow that the Government must find an identical law from the relevant historical periods for the modern-day regulation to be allowed.” [Citations Omitted]. The District Court does not consider the fact that Houses of Worship are exempt from the CCIA’s “Sensitive Place” Restrictions to the lawful carrying of a handgun.

But the District Court says nothing about the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruling in Hardaway, where the Court pointed out (prior to the Goldstein case) that a lawfully licensed person carrying a handgun concealed in a House of Worship is exempted from the ‘Sensitive Place’ prohibition when that person is “tasked with the duty to keep the peace.” The failure of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York to acknowledge this ruling and either adhere to it or attempt to argue around it constitutes a fatal flaw in the District Court’s reasoning, negatively impacting the entirety of the District Court’s Opinion in Goldstein.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in Hardaway v. Nigrelli, said this:

“Appellants request a stay pending appeal of the district court's order dated November 3, 2022 (W.D.N.Y. 22-cv-771, doc. 52), enjoining Appellants from enforcing a provision of New York's Concealed Carry Improvement Act criminalizing possession of a firearm in a place of worship or religious observation. See N.Y. Penal Law § 265.01-e(2)(c). Having weighed the applicable factors, see In re World Trade Ctr. Disaster Site Litig., 503 F.3d 167, 170 (2d Cir. 2007), we conclude that a stay pending appeal is warranted. Accordingly, upon due consideration, it is hereby ORDERED that the motion for a stay pending appeal is GRANTED and the district court's November 3 order is STAYED pending the resolution of this appeal. To the extent that the district court's order bars enforcement of § 265.01-e(2)(c) as it pertains to persons who have been tasked with the duty to keep the peace at places of worship, such category is EXCEPTED from this order.” [emphasis our own].

The failure of the Court in Goldstein to even mention the Hardaway Opinion is concerning and disconcerting. But, on the Plaintiffs’ new appeal to the Second Circuit, the Second Circuit should see through the flaw in the District Court’s Goldstein opinion. The Second Circuit should find that consistent with its earlier Opinion in the Hardaway case, people who have a lawful license to carry a handgun in New York must be allowed to carry a handgun in a House of Worship precisely because that “Sensitive Place” Restriction is now EXCEPTED from Government enforcement.

A decision of the Second Circuit involving one U.S. District Court applies to all the lower U.S. District Courts in New York. Apparently, the Southern District of New York, where the Goldstein case was brought, doesn’t see this. That might explain why the Court doesn’t mention the Hardaway opinion. But, there is a wrinkle to this, and it is one that the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in Goldstein might have and should have fleshed out for itself. That it did not do so is troubling.

But there is a potential problem, and it involves the meaning of “with the duty to keep the peace.” If that phrase implies that anyone who carries a handgun in a “House of Worship” is, ipso facto, presumed to be carrying “with the duty to keep the peace,” which is a reasonable conclusion to be drawn, then any person who desires to carry a handgun in a House of Worship for the Constitutionally protected purpose of armed self-defense, and who holds a valid New York State concealed handgun license to carry has complied with the CCIA.

However, if the phrase means that only armed security guards are those individuals who are considered as having “the duty to keep the peace” (apart from Police Officers, Peace Officers, and others exempted from “Sensitive Location” restrictions, as set forth in N.Y. Penal Law § 265.01-e), then a person who wishes to carry a handgun into a House of Worship must comply with stringent and onerous requirements to obtain a special license to carry. See, e.g., requirements as set forth on the New York Government’s Division of Criminal Justice Services website.

But the State Statute doesn’t explicitly refer to armed security guards in the context of “House of Worship” in the Penal Code.

It may well be that the phrase “with the duty to keep the peace” was intentionally meant by its drafters to be vague. If so, that explains why the State Legislature in Albany would add that phrase as a trap for the unwary. In effect, it would mean that carrying a handgun into a House of Worship remains a “Sensitive Place” where one cannot lawfully carry a handgun for self-defense, after all.

If this is true, and it may be an argument the Government would henceforth make, when its agents commence arresting worshipers who happen to be carrying a handgun in a House of Worship, that would be in keeping with the State’s agenda to continually harass handgun owners, as the Government continues to constrain the exercise of one’s fundamental, unalienable right to armed self-defense.

The New York Government’s end goal seems to be to make the entire State into one all-encompassing “Sensitive Place Gun-Free Zone,” and the common people and the U.S. Supreme Court* be damned if they don’t agree with that.


*Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority in Bruen, aware that the New York Government would attempt to transform broad swaths of New York into “Sensitive Places,” expressly cautioned the State against doing this. The Justice writes, “Although we have no occasion to comprehensively define ‘sensitive places’ in this case, we do think respondents err in their attempt to characterize New York’s proper-cause requirement as a ‘sensitive-place’ law. In their view, ‘sensitive places’ where the government may lawfully disarm law-abiding citizens include all ‘places where people typically congregate and where law-enforcement and other public-safety professionals are presumptively available.’ Brief for Respondents 34. It is true that people sometimes congregate in ‘sensitive places,’ and it is likewise true that law enforcement professionals are usually presumptively available in those locations. But expanding the category of ‘sensitive places’ simply to all places of public congregation that are not isolated from law enforcement defines the category of ‘sensitive places’ far too broadly.”

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New York’s handgun licensing regime is an omnipresent and omnipotent roadblock to Americans’ exercise of their fundamental and unalienable right to keep and bear arms in that jurisdiction.

But the licensing regime isn’t the cause of New York’s strenuous antipathy toward the commonalty’s natural law right to armed self-defense. It is merely the effect of the Government’s longstanding dismissiveness toward the average man’s exercise of his unalienable right to armed self-defense.

Apart from the untenability of the New York Government’s stance toward a fundamental right of the American people on both legal and philosophical grounds, there are societal consequences; horrible repercussions that follow from this Government stance.

First, there is the scourge of random criminal violence. This didn’t just happen. It occurred because of specific policy choices, including cashless bail; a reluctance of prosecutors to prosecute criminals; and a disinclination of a justice system to incarcerate dangerous elements, thereby preventing them from harming innocent members of the community.

This diffidence toward criminals and lunatics coupled with Government’s confrontational attitude toward the rank and file municipal police forces and toward State’s rural county sheriffs, and pathological abhorrence to the notion of civilian armed self-defense have all had a deleterious impact on the welfare of the people and well-being of the community.

The public no longer feels safe because quite simply the public isn’t safe.

When the New York Government couples its resentment of police, its tolerance toward the worst elements of society, a callous disregard for  the safety of the citizenry, and a refusal to countenance a person’s natural law right and responsibility to defend his or her own life against insistent predatory threats, then destabilization of society is imminent.

Such is evident in New York. It all results from deliberate policy choices of the New York Government. And there is something both devious and weird for a Governor of the State—in this instance, Kathy Hochul—who  insists she cares deeply about public safety but does nothing to secure it, handcuffing police, mollycoddling murderous criminals and dangerous lunatics, and presumptuously declaring that it is the armed citizen, and not the armed criminal, who endangers the very thing, “public safety,” she vociferously  declares and adamantly claims that it is she, not the U.S. Supreme Court, who seeks to protect the life, safety, and well-being of New Yorkers.

In an article posted on the National Shooting  Sports Foundation (NSSF) website on July 7, 2022, two weeks after the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in Bruen, and one week after Albany passed and Hochul signed into law a comprehensive package of amendments to its Handgun Law, called the “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” of 2022 (“CCIA”), Larry Keane, Senior Vice President and General Counsel for the NSSF, aptly demonstrated that Hochul’s defiant sanctimony was nothing more than vacuous rhetoric, self-serving gibberish, created for the cameras:

“It only took 30 seconds, that’s all. New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul held a press conference calling back her state’s legislature for an ‘extraordinary’ session to pass more gun control after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down New York’s restrictive and subjective ‘may issue’ pistol permit license scheme.

In 30 seconds, she vocalized why her gun control agenda is destined to fail.

Failed Approach

Gov. Hochul exclaimed, ‘I’m absolutely shocked,’ after the Supreme Court held in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen that the Second Amendment protects the right of law-abiding Americans to carry a firearm in public for self-protection. She shouldn’t be. It only takes a simple reading of the actual amendment.

She called her state’s Democratically-controlled legislature back to Albany to restrict where licensed conceal carry permit holders can lawfully carry their firearms. The new laws include even more restrictive provisions like background checks and a state database for ammunition purchases, increased training requirements to obtain the permit, a mandatory sit-down, in-person interview and even requiring applicants to submit social media accounts for content review.

‘Do you have the numbers to show that it’s the concealed carry permit holders that are committing crimes? The lawful gun owner will say you’re attacking the wrong person,’ asked Albany-based CBS 6 News anchor Anne McCloy. ‘It’s really people that are getting these guns illegally that are causing the violence, not the people that are going to get the permit legally and that’s the basis for the whole Supreme Court argument. Do you have the numbers?’

‘I don’t need to have numbers,’ the governor shot back. ‘I don’t have to have a data point to point to to say this is going to matter.’

That’s what is called ‘the tell.’  These laws aren’t aimed at stopping criminals. They’re designed to rob law-abiding citizens of their rights.

What’s The Data Say?

Some estimates suggest New York has more than 200,000 conceal carry permit holders. For the entire United States, it’s over 21.5 million. These are law-abiding gun owners that meet state requirements and were approved after an FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) verification. New York is one of the states with the most stringent conceal carry requirements.

The actual data shows concealed carry permit holders are among the most law-abiding people in America. The Heritage Foundation’s 2019 data says, ‘. . . concealed-carry permit holders accounted for 801 firearm-related homicides over a 15-year span, which amounts to roughly 0.7% of all firearm-related homicides during that time.’

A Fox News report paints a picture Gov. Hochul would rather ignore. According to the FBI, Census Bureau and Rand Corporation data, states with lower rates of gun ownership and more restrictive gun control – like New York – have more firearm murders per 100,000 residents as a percentage of gun-owning population than states with high gun owner rates.

New York ranks fifth, with just 19.9 percent of households saying they possess a firearm and 1.53 firearm homicides per 100,000 residents. The Violence Policy Center attempted to ‘fact check’ a claim about concealed carry holders committing fewer crimes but ended up ‘revealing’ there were 37 firearm incidents (not specifically intentional homicide) involving concealed carry permit holders between May 2007 and May 2022. That’s less than 2.5 per year in the entire country.

Crime rates, especially in New York City, continue to climb.”

But if “public safety” and “Gun Violence” are just deflection created by the New York Government, and by a handful of other “May Issue” jurisdictions around the Country, and by the Federal Government under the present Biden Administration, what, then, is the true reason for the constant and vigorous assault on the armed citizen?

This is the second and more serious problem facing the commonalty of the Nation because the Federal Government and New York and these other “May Issue” concealed handgun licenses are outliers.

These Governments that act contrary to the tenets of the U.S. Constitution damage the core ethos of the Country.

It is one thing for a Government to disregard the general welfare of the Community. That is bad enough. But it is quite another for a Government to prevent, to deny, to the individual his right and duty to do what he can and must to secure his own life and well-being and that of his family.

A recalcitrant Government that trusts not its own people will expend much of its energies to exerting control over its people. The result is totalitarianism—the worst sort of authority under which a human being can live. And we are rapidly moving toward that. And in a free Constitutional Republic, upon which this Nation was constructed, such usurpation by Government of that sovereign authority belonging solely to the American people is an abomination.

The Biden Administration and many in Congress intend to disarm the public, and the common man rightfully resists. And States, like New York, sympathetic to the goals of the Biden Administration and to the mindset of the Collectivists in Congress perceive any American who holds to the values of the founders of the Republic is perceived as a threat that must be contained. Attempts to rein in speech and access to firearms and ammunition is Government’s response to a perceived threat to its power and authority. But who is the defiant rebel, here? Is it the common man who holds to the Constitution and to the Laws of the Land, and to the natural law rights bestowed upon him by the Divine Creator? Or is it Government actors themselves who betray their Oath to Country and God and Constitution and People? Many academicians would argue that Government cannot itself be capable of treachery to people and Constitution. But, if that is true, then tyranny is impossible. For, if it were possible, then the American people would have both the moral and legal right, and the duty to rise up against tyranny, as indeed the first Americans once did. Curiously, those first Americans are today denounced for it, by those who speak of a New American Revolution, by which they mean, although they don’t say, a Counterrevolution against the American Revolution. That explains the attacks against both the American founders and the Constitution they drafted and that the States ratified.

This present Federal Government under the Biden Administration and some States like New York, do not trust the common man, and therefore will place all manner of obstacles in his path to frustrate his personal autonomy and the power he wields through the firearms he bears. And, so, the Federal Government and States like New York attack armed self-defense incessantly, aggressively.


The New York Government under Governor Kathy Hochul is no different from that of her predecessor, Andrew Cuomo. How it is that many Americans tend to vote for those people that, through their actions, and often through their words as well, couldn’t care less about the life and well-being of the commonalty is difficult to grasp, rationally.

This can be explained in part, at least, to advances in psychological conditioning imposed on the public.

The Government, through the Press and media, manipulate the psyche of the public.

Many fall prey to this manipulation. But many more Americans do not. They are inured to these machinations. But why does the Federal Government and States like New York attempt to ensnare the human mind if not to exert power and control over them for fear of them? But why does Government fear the common man? Would there be cause to fear the common man if Government would but forbear exerting power and authority upon him? For is it not that very power and control that Government exerts upon the common man that causes the common man to fear Government? It is an infinite loop, a vicious loop.

Government’s exercise of power and control over the common man causes anger and fear and resentment in man against Government. Government then comes to fear the common man and exerts more control over him, and thereby gradually becomes a Tyrant. And the common man then sees reason enough to overthrow the Tyrant, through force of arms. The Tyrant sees a threat to its authority and power grow in direct relationship to the power and authority wielded by the Tyrant. At critical mass, the public revolts against the Tyrant. The Tyrant sees anger brewing and rather than desisting from exercise of power, increases the exercise of it, which includes taking action against the common man, demanding, compelling the common man to forsake his arms on penalty of imprisonment or death if he fails to comply. Tyranny thus grows, becoming more evident, more strident, more emphatic with each new edict.  

At bottom the Federal Government and the New York Government fear the armed citizen more, much more, than they fear the armed, combative, violent criminal. The violent, depraved criminal and mindless lunatic are petty annoyances at worst, even if they are grave threats to the commonalty.  The Government leaders and the wealthy “elite” of society are cocooned against the threats visited daily on the average man by garden variety criminal elements and the criminally depraved and insane.

Unbeknownst to the criminal element, the Government uses this lowest common denominator of society to keep the public in check. That helps explain why the Federal Government and various State Governments are doing little to nothing to prevent rampant, raging violent crime and why it is that Government treats criminal violence gingerly, circumspectly—employing its energies to prevent the average, law-abiding, responsible, rational citizen from keeping and bearing arms, as it is the common man, not the depraved criminal and rampaging lunatic that Government sees as potentially the greater threat to IT, i.e., to Government.

But, if the Government’s first duty is to provide generally for the public safety and welfare of the denizens of the community, generally, there is something singularly odd for that Government to claim the armed citizen is himself a threat to that very public safety and order by the mere fact that he would wish to be armed to provide for his personal protection.

It is odd that the Government would see this common man doing his part to promote public safety by providing for his own safety and fault him for that.

Kathy Hochul engages in word games,  false rhetoric—at once discordant and absurd.

How is it that a Government would fear the common man—perceiving the safety and well-being of the community as threatened by that common man who provides for his own well-being and safety? Where is the harm in that? Does not that common man, in having taken due responsibility for his own well-being and safety serve the betterment of the community in which he lives? Or is there something more going on here? And of course there is. It is Tyranny that has taken over Government. And the Tyrant will ever fear the armed citizen—the keeping and bearing of firearms by the common man.

There is a singular irony though where tyranny comes to a Nation such as ours, and none not more so than ours, that is born in freedom.

Is it that the New York Government and the present Federal Government fear what is a basic truism of America: the idea that the common man is sovereign over Government? That idea clashes with the manifestation of a new world empire taking shape. It is one ostensibly predicated on global economics—a thing ubiquitous today. But that notion is also shaping political, social, and ethical thought.

The European Union has evolved, or, perhaps, metastasized is a better word, from a purely economic union—at least as explained to the populations of western Europe—to something much more elaborate and frightening. It has become a political, social union.

More power is now concentrated in Brussels than in the individual Countries.

One can understand the concern of a Country like Hungary that had lived under Soviet domination and that can perceive clearly what other Countries that had suffered under the weight of the Soviet Union are blind to—the movement of an ostensibly democratic-based confederation of nations to a decidedly undemocratic union of disparate countries that must come kicking and screaming to a new reality—thrown as they are into a burning kettle where they are all transformed into one homogenous amorphous super-state.

And the U.S. is moving in that direction. The Biden Administration, taking its lead from the EU is attempting to change the thought patterns of Americans—away from their uniqueness, which has worked well for the Country and for the American people—to an entirely new way of thinking, predicated on the tenets of Collectivism, that is decidedly contrary to the political and social and legal philosophy of the Country upon which the Constitution is based, grounded on the tenets of Individualism.

In this new Collectivist-themed universe, there is no place for freedom of thought, freedom of association with like kind, and there is definitely no place for an armed citizenry.

New York and a handful of States like it are intractable. They find anathema the promise of a secure and safe Country, one in which the American people are sovereign over Government. But given the power of a seditious Press and Government’s control over the vast apparatuses of military, police, and intelligence—and given that academia and big business and big finance and big tech are all onboard as well—this present outlier Federal Government along with several outlier State Governments have attacked the bedrock principles upon which this Nation survived and thrived. They are arguing that the sacred principles, precepts, and tenets of Individualism are archaic and no longer of significance in new neo-feudalistic empire that the world is rapidly marching toward, and must be therefore be dropped so that the remains of the United States can be easily, smoothly merged into this new Global empire.

These points aren’t mere supposition. They are supported by the weight of recent historical evidence.

Our Country has prospered like no other Country before it, and in the space of only a couple of hundred years. And, yet there are those that fault the common man, the average American for his accomplishments and the accomplishments of this Nation on behalf of and by the efforts of the common man. He is mocked and attacked. He is called a racist, a white supremacist, a nativist, and worse.

Those forces that are attempting to usher our Country into a new political, social, cultural, economic, and juridical reality are having a hard time of it.

At least one-third of the people of the Nation—a substantial number of people by any estimate—have serious reservations about that and demand to have their say.

And the Bill of Rights—a formidable ally to their Cause, hardly a little thing, although some make light of it—has their back.

No less so, do a few Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court have the back of the American people, through the Court’s principled and avid defense of the Nation’s Bill of Rights.

Several Justices have come under concerted attack by many in the Legacy Press—a thing that would have been unthinkable even a decade ago. It is the only Branch of Government that has remained true to its sacred duty under Article III of the Constitution and has scrupulously adhered to its singular responsibility to preserve and protect the Constitution, without which the Nation and its people would be undone.


Some argue that the Third Branch of Government, the U.S. Supreme Court, is considered of lesser importance than the first two. That is patently ridiculous.

See New York Times Guest Opinion, posted, October 11, 2018, by Pepperdine Law Professor, Barry P. McDonald, “Should the Supreme Court Matter So Much?”

He writes,

“If you paused during the heated battle over Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination to ask yourself whether it made any sense for the appointment of one individual to one position in our government to matter so much, let me assure you: The answer is no. It doesn’t make any sense.

Why did Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation matter so much? Because the Supreme Court has come to matter so much — indeed, because it has come to matter too much. The court has become a political actor that wields excessive power in our democracy. The uproar over the Kavanaugh hearings was, at bottom, a reflection of that unfortunate fact.

Americans have become so used to having the Supreme Court decree the country’s policy on such vital matters as abortion, gun rights, same-sex marriage and campaign finance that they assume this is how the court is supposed to function. But that assumption is mistaken.

Our nation’s founders would blanch to see how different the court is today from their conception of it. Only if we can figure out how to restore the Supreme Court to its intended role can we avoid a future in which a court nomination continues to be capable of tearing our country apart.

When the founders established our system of self-government, they didn’t expend much effort on the judicial branch. Of the roughly three and a half long pieces of inscribed parchment that make up the Constitution, the first two pages are devoted to designing Congress. Most of the next full page focuses on the president. The final three-quarters of a page contains various provisions, including just five sentences establishing a “supreme court,” any optional lower courts Congress might create and the types of cases those courts could hear.

Why was the judicial branch given such short shrift? Because in a democracy, the political branches of government — those accountable to the people through elections — were expected to run things. The courts could get involved only as was necessary to resolve disputes, and even then under congressional supervision of their dockets.

It was widely recognized that the Supreme Court was the least important of the three branches: It was the only branch to lack its own building (it was housed in a chamber of Congress), and the best lawyers were seldom enthusiastic about serving on it (John Jay, the court’s first chief justice, resigned within six years and described the institution as lacking ‘energy, weight and dignity’).”

These latter two remarks are in the nature of straw man arguments that beg the salient question at issue which Professor McDonald merely assumes to be the case rather than a thesis to be proved. Did the Framers consider the Judicial Branch to be of lesser importance than Congress and the Executive Branch? If true, that cuts into the doctrine of three co-equal Branches with carefully demarcated functions and authority.

Now, it is true that the Supreme Court does not have the power of the purse wielded by Congress, and it does not wield control over the vast military, police, and intelligence apparatuses, falling within the purview of the Executive Branch. But, the High Court is a Branch of Government that has one unique power that the other two Branches do not have: the power to say what the Law is—no small thing, that.

And Professor McDonald stretches to deal with this matter, as he must. He says,

“What about the task of interpreting the Constitution? This question is the subject of some debate, but the founders most likely believed that each branch of government had the right and duty to determine for itself what the Constitution demanded, unless the Constitution was clearly transgressed. If the Constitution was clearly transgressed, the Supreme Court had a duty to hold Congress or the president accountable — but only in the case before it. The founders almost certainly did not envision a roving mandate for the Supreme Court to dictate to Congress, the president or state governments what actions comported with the Constitution (unless they were a party to a case before it).”

If the interpretive function could be relegated to Congress, and if the Framers truly thought the U.S. Supreme Court to be “the least important of the three branches,” why would the Framers trouble themselves to create an independent Judiciary at all?

Professor McDonald recognizes this fact as problematic given the assumption he begins his paper on—taking as a given that the U.S. Supreme Court is not on an equal footing with the Congress and the Executive Branch. He asks and then responds to the question he raises:

“What about the task of interpreting the Constitution? This question is the subject of some debate, but the founders most likely believed that each branch of government had the right and duty to determine for itself what the Constitution demanded, unless the Constitution was clearly transgressed. If the Constitution was clearly transgressed, the Supreme Court had a duty to hold Congress or the president accountable — but only in the case before it. The founders almost certainly did not envision a roving mandate for the Supreme Court to dictate to Congress, the president or state governments what actions comported with the Constitution (unless they were a party to a case before it).

Professor McDonald contends that only “if the Constitution was clearly transgressed, the Supreme Court had a duty to hold Congress or the president, accountable—but only in the case before it.”

But, if Congress or the President were a party to a suit, would not that raise a political question that the Court would refuse to hear because of lack of standing, as determined by the Court, even if the Constitution were in fact transgressed by Congress and/or the President?

Consider, the recent immigration case, United States vs. Texas. Wasn’t this precisely the kind of case that Professor McDonald says the High Court could entertain—a case where the Biden Administration likely did transgress the Constitution and such an instance of unconstitutional conduct would operate as an exception Professor McDonald himself recognizes when he states, “the founders most likely believed that each branch of government had the right and duty to determine for itself what the Constitution demanded, unless the Constitution was clearly transgressed [emphasis my own].

Nonetheless, the Court Majority argued that the States lacked standing to challenge Executive Branch policy that arguably did violate Congressional law. The lone dissenter, Justice Alito, raises the tantalizing question that the failure of the U.S. Supreme Court to render a decision on the merits of the case, does not honor the separation of powers doctrine, but “actually damages that system by improperly inflating the power of the Executive and cutting back the power of Congress and the authority of the Judiciary.” See, e.g., analysis of the decision by Amy Howe. Justice Alito’s compelling Dissent serves as a powerful rejoinder to Professor McDonald’s generally dismissive attitude toward the authority of the Court.

And what would Professor McDonald’s retort be to matters involving the Bill of Rights? If Article III of the Constitution were to be repealed, and the authority to interpret cases were left to the lower Courts—those created by Congress— a patchwork quilt of decisions across the Country would leave fundamental natural law rights in tatters. Those members of Congress and many Americans across the Country who despise the Dobbs abortion case decision, correctly decided precisely because it does not involve a fundamental, unalienable right and properly belongs to the States, are in an uproar. Yet those same people—certainly Congressional Democrats—would have no issue with denigrating the natural law right to armed self-defense. And the presence of the High Court makes all the difference apropos of preserving the sanctity and inviolability of natural law rights without which a truly free Constitutional Republic and a free and sovereign people would no longer exist and, in fact, would not even be possible.

To that end, and for that purpose, the Court has set its imprimatur on three three landmark Second Amendment cases: Heller, McDonald, and Bruen, all decided in the last fourteen years. THE HIGH COURT HAS EXPLAINED WHAT THE LAW IS—AND IT IS FOR THE HIGH COURT, IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS, TO SAY WHAT THE LAW IS. THAT AUHTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY BELONGS SOLELY TO THE U.S. SUPREME COURT, NOT TO CONGRESS AND NOT TO THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH.

These cases explain cogently, coherently, and categorically, what the Second Amendment says and what it means, in accordance with the plain meaning of it, as the framers of the U.S. Constitution intended.

But, what the Court has to say about the Second Amendment does not sit well with the would-be Destroyers of a Free Republic, nor fit well with the type of Country these would-be Destroyers and their puppets in the Federal Government under the Biden Administration and in some State Governments like New York, and in the Press, and by some in the academia wish to create.

The High Court—at least those of the so-called Conservative Wing—understand that public opinion (constantly changeable and ever subject to the whim and caprice of Government, Press, and media propagandists) is not a factor in their deliberations and decisions, as well such factor should never be). That frustrates and angers those forces that are determined to overthrow this free Constitutional Republic, waging a Counterrevolution to the American Revolution of 1776. But, as long as the High Court remains true to the Constitution as written, and as long as a substantial number of Americans does not allow itself to be swayed by a mobocracy under the firm control of the propagandists, who target the “Lizard Brain” of broad swaths of the population, disrupting the psyche through incessant and massive campaigns deception, the American Revolution of 1776 will remain intact and the promises made by the Founders of the Republic to the generations of Americans since, will be preserved.


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“Final Battle,” copyright 2022 by David Horowitz, is a wake-up call and an ominous warning for America’s patriots, 74 million citizens who voted for Trump in 2020.

“Elections [DO] matter.” That is the title of Chapter 1 of the book. The incoming President sets the tone for the Nation, and the Biden Administration would do just that.

What the Biden Administration has wrought is a complete reversal of Trump’s accomplishments. Biden reverted to the agenda of the Obama years—the agenda that Hillary Clinton would have carried out had the American people seen to it that she would not be allowed to carry on the destruction of the Country. The electorate voted in Donald Trump, an outsider, not connected with the Washington, D.C. political elite. Trump had slammed on the brakes of the Obama agenda—one that George W. Bush too had served.

Through manipulation of the electoral system, the forces that crush nations and people, sat their stooge in Office, a shell of a man; one who was and is corrupt and pliable, compliant, and ill-informed, a person physically and emotionally weak, suffering the onset of dementia. The worst person to serve as President of the United States, on a host of factors, especially personal traits. Biden is intellectually, emotionally, physically and physically weak. And he projects that weakness to the Country and the world, just as his benefactors want and expect. Biden is the perfect placeholder for those forces that seek to destroy the Nation. They require a willing manikin to serve as the public face of an America in the throes of weakness and malady. Biden’s Administration would return to completing the agenda that Bush and Obama had worked to achieve for their powerful and shadowy benefactors. But is this what the majority of the electorate truly wanted?  

Was the 2020 U.S. Presidential election fair and aboveboard? Hardly.

Horowitz does present a convincing argument, poking holes in any claim that the election was free and fair. And he succeeds without need to dwell on the technical aspects of a fraudulent election. He doesn’t have to. A few cogent remarks speak volumes:

“. . . when the 2020 election results were in, Trump outperformed every incumbent president before him. . . . in 2020, Trump miraculously increased his margin by 11.2 million votes, making his total of more than 74 million, the most votes ever cast for an American president. On the other hand, to believe that Biden had won, one would have to believe that a mentally challenged candidate, who campaigned from his basement, who could hardly sustain a train of thought and couldn’t get through a campaign speech without a teleprompter, whose crowds were generally in the low double-digits, while Trump was drawing thirty and fifty thousand supporters to his rallies—one would have to believe that this fumbling figure received nearly 12 million more votes than Barack Obama at his peak. . . . Biden’s margin of victory was still razor thin. Roughly 159 million total votes had been cast in the 2020 presidential election. Biden’s margin of victory was 43,000—or 0.027 percent of the total. If the votes illegally cast in Pennsylvania and two other battleground states had been properly thrown out by the courts, Trump would have won.”

Election fraud permeated the 2020 election. Apart from the fraud, the hypocrisy of the Democrats is also displayed.

Horowitz points out that Democrats had questioned Republican election victories in the past to decertify electors and attempt to reverse the result.

Democrats’ hypocrisy and double standard is revealed when it is now Republicans who made accusations about the conduct of the electoral process and raised cogent, sound, and reasonable arguments for investigation into irregularities and sought a suspension of the certification of the election results until an investigation into irregularities was conducted. Democrats would not hear of it and pounced.

Vice President Pence had the authority to call a halt to the certification process in the House. He didn’t. His failure to act might have been due to fear of reprisal from Democrats and the shadowy, sinister powers behind them, or it may be due to his own close connection with Bush Republicans, who are more tied to Democrats than they let on to be.

And now Pence is running for U.S. President himself. Who is he kidding? He has as much chance of gaining the Republican Party nomination as Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney. A better chance he would have if he ran as a Democrat. The idea of ‘voter fraud” isn’t in Pence’s lexicon.

But, when Trump talked about voter fraud in the election, Democrats and a sympathetic Press called it ‘the Big Lie, and likened Trump to Adolf Hitler.

The accusations were not only false, but insulting. Trump took it all in stride, as he had done numerous times in the past, as U.S. President. Trump has a character trait that many politicians lack: fortitude, and indomitable will, essential for a person who would serve the American people as U.S. President. Fortitude and will are traits wholly lacking in Biden.

Democrats and their silent, secretive benefactors are fearful of Trump. That explains why they continue to foment vehement attacks on him; why they continue to level civil lawsuits, and criminal charges against him, and why they mock and scold those tens of millions of people who voted for him, calling them “racist.”

But why is there so much frenetic energy and urgency surrounding this matter, if Democrats honestly believed the 2020 U.S. Presidential election was conducted fairly and was wholly aboveboard? Could it be they know the truth? They must know since they plotted to manipulate the process a couple of years before it even took place.

Substantial evidence points to serious irregularities and machinations in the election system. The bottom line is that Biden did not win the 2020 general election. Trump did. The Press should be investigating this matter itself. But it never did. It did the opposite. The Press is a party to a massive cover-up.

In his book, Horowitz also draws attention to the January 6, 2021 march on the U.S. Capitol Building. Democrats and the Press erroneously refer to as an “insurrection.” The word ‘insurrection’ is a legal term of art in the Federal Code.

There was no insurrection, and, while the Biden Administration has waged an unholy crusade against those Americans who marched to the U.S. Capitol Building that day, no one has been charged with insurrection.

Even so, Democrats drew up an article of impeachment against Trump, claiming that Trump’s actions on that day point to a scheme to take control of the Capitol Building to halt the counting of the electoral votes in the House.

But did Trump truly foment a scheme to take control of the Capitol Building with unarmed civilians or was the entire episode a “False Flag” operation that the Congressional Democrats and the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had concocted to serve as a pretext to launch an impeachment inquiry against him and to hound those who took part in it, serving as an example that, regardless of the fundamental right to dissent, the new order will not tolerate dissent, the Constitution be damned?  

That is a probing question the discerning reader will ask after perusing the book. It is one the Press avoids dealing with or denies if it mentions the matter at all. But it is one that Horowitz does not shy away from.

Horowitz writes that, when Trump called for a peaceful, patriotic protest at the Capitol, he offered 10,000 federal National Guard troops to provide safety and security, and that Democrats rejected the offer.

The Capitol Police failed to secure the perimeter and those protesters who did enter the building walked in unimpeded and unopposed.

Horowitz also points out that, contrary to the claims of Democratic Party and media reports, the protesters were not armed, and that three of the four deaths that occurred on January 6 were Trump supporters, and occurred as a result from stress-related causes or other medical natural causes, not from violence.

One person, a victim of homicide, was an unarmed female Air Force veteran. A Capitol police officer shot her. It was deliberate, unnecessary, unprovoked. A reporter caught the shooting on video. That reporter was thereafter arrested, and the footage confiscated. The Capitol Police did not release the identity of the officer.

The officer’s identity came to light much later in time, and he was exonerated after a secret Justice Department investigation, despite video evidence pointing to criminal homicide. 

Still, Democrats and their friends in the legacy Press insist on referring to the protest as an “armed insurrection” and have never veered from that narrative. But it was no such thing.

Moreover, the Capitol Police refused to release more than 14,000 hours of unedited video surveillance. Why is this content being kept away from the public? Don’t they have a right to see the video evidence for themselves? And, Fox News Host, Tucker Carlson, having obtained that video footage devoted an episode to the January 6 protest and lost his job because of that. And, why is that? Had he demonstrated the flaws in the narrative produced by the Democrats and by the Press? But do the powers behind the Democrats have sufficient control over the Murdoch publishing empire, too, that they can exert their will and power on all whom they choose and compel obedience? What does this all mean and what does it portend for us, American citizens?

House Speaker Pelosi subsequently ordered 25,000 armed troops to guard the Capitol Building at a cost of half a billion dollars of taxpayer money. Was that really necessary? Or was it theater, to frighten Americans? But she did relent. Was she ordered to do so because the optics were deemed unacceptable, suggesting that, yes, the United States is in the throes of Autocracy, but that fact should not yet be made evident to the people?

Pelosi later reduced the number of troops to 1,500. And those 1,500 troops would remain at the Capitol for more than four and one-half months.

On January 11, 2021, Democrats filed an article of impeachment against Trump, charging him with “incitement of insurrection”—the second such action against Trump, altogether legally unmerited, politically unwarranted, and certainly unprecedented.

The book serves as a scathing indictment against Democrats and the Biden Administration. But Horowitz leaves to the reader the inference to be drawn.

And the inference to be drawn is that Democrats, on behalf of their powerful, wealthy, and secretive benefactors, have succeeded in an unlawful, unconstitutional, and scurrilous coup d’état of the Federal Government. The Nation is definitely all the worse for it, suffering the consequences of it. And the horror commences with Biden’s inauguration speech. Horowitz writes,

“In his inauguration speech on January 20, Biden repeated this pledge: ‘Today on this January day, my whole soul is in this: Bringing America together. Uniting our people. And uniting our nation. . . . I will be a President for all Americans. I will fight as hard for those who did not support me as for those who did.’

Biden’s executive actions launched the most radical regime in American history, the very opposite of what he had promised voters during his presidential campaign. It announced that Biden was coming out as the leader of the radical left in his own party and would abandon all the promises of moderation he had made during his campaign.”

Horowitz devotes the bulk of the book to a discussion of the tremendous misdeeds of the President and the horrific effects of his Administration’s agenda that followed upon the reversal of Trump’s policies. These include, inter alia:

  •  Stopping the construction of the southern border wall that “opened the southern border to what turned out to be an invasion by close to 2 million unknown and unvetted individuals from approximately 100 countries, including failed terrorist states,”

  • Having “the United States rejoin the World Health Organization (WHO) from which Trump had withdrawn and [restoring] much of the nearly $500 million in funding for the WHO that Trump had cut off,”

  • Cancelling the “‘1776 Commission project Trump had launched at the very end of this term . . . to oppose the Times’ 1619 Project, which was designed to portray America as a white supremacist nation from its origins,” and

  • Creating “‘an ambitious whole-of-government equity agenda’” that was unconstitutionally discriminatory on its face, as Biden intended for this program to apply only to select groups, excluding white Americans, especially poor white Americans,” which meant “a repudiation of America’s most essential value, enshrined in its birth certificate, which proclaimed that ‘all men are created equal,”

  • Blaming gun dealers for spiking crime rates, all the while mollycoddling the criminal element and shackling the police.

  • Blaming Trump for the devastation caused by the Coronavirus outbreak in America, and at once censoring speech to protect the actions of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who bears significant responsibility for the pandemic, for Fauci was instrumental in funding “gain of function” research in China which he continues to deny despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary,

  • Engaging in “the biggest, most destructive spending spree ever,”

  • Denying responsibility for the disastrous withdrawal of American forces in Afghanistan, which also involved abandoning billions of dollars of sophisticated weaponry, delivering this weaponry “into enemy hands,” and

  • Shredding Trump’s achievements in the Middle East.

The last chapter of the book, “Final Battle,” is titled, “Where Are We Headed?” Horowitz recites the concern of many of us when he asks, “Is American already an empty shell of its greater self, and are its days already numbered?” The question is meant to be rhetorical. Horowitz says,

“Only a fool would say, with any certainty, no. Barbarian terrorist forces are already at the gates, and inside them, American leaders—both military and civilian—are preoccupied with delusional threats that are said to be existential—climate change, white supremacy, patriotic extremism. But the greatest existential threat to American democracy is the drive by the Democrat Party to create a one-party socialist state—a fascist state. This is manifest in their assault on the First Amendment through so-called ‘cancel culture,’ and their collusion in the deplatforming a president of the United States and his 74 million supporters.”

The central theme of the book is that upward of one-third of the Nation is being systematically ostracized, persecuted and abandoned. Reference to this 74 million Americans is mentioned throughout the book.

Horowitz doesn’t say it, but it becomes apparent that he justifiably thinks it: the Federal Government has devolved into tyranny, and a type of tyranny that suggests this Country is taking orders from malevolent, malignant, ruthless but also inordinately wealthy, powerful, and well-organized forces outside it, a type of totalitarianism unlike the classic totalitarianism of the past, where individuals wielded immense power.

The powers directing this present totalitarianism are unknown, and they wish to keep their identities private. Sheldon Wolin coined the expression “inverted totalitarianism” to describe this new totalitarianism. It is this sort that Americans see overlaid on our Republic.

The Biden Administration has come into Office manifestly unlawfully, and the purpose for doing so is manifestly to corrupt and destroy the Nation and he is obviously working for others, benefactors whom the public is not permitted to see. He is a messenger boy, nothing more, and not particularly adept one as he is hardly an adroit speaker. But he is reliable and easily controlled, and his manifold weaknesses reflect what is meant to be projected to the world: a Nation in decline. The differences between an America under Biden and an American under Trump are stark. One need only look to a Country that was well on the way to recovery under Trump whose policies and initiatives aligned perfectly with his campaign slogan to “Make America Great Again.”

This was the very thing the Biden Administration and its secret benefactors would have none of. Not content to simply ignore Trump’s campaign slogan and the import of it, the Administration denigrated it, treated it as an obscenity, and, in so doing, made clear that, far from making American great again, they intend to destroy the Nation, reduce it to rubble, further evidencing that the Biden Administration is not directing its efforts and resources for the benefit of the Country and the American people for the detriment of both, actively, avidly directing efforts and resources to destroy it, s

The horrible effects of the Administration’s policies cannot be ascribed to ineptitude and incompetence, alone, nor to events beyond the control of the Administration, for they are shapping those events. The Administration has orchestrated a scheme to weaken and drain the vital health out of the Nation: economically, financially, societally, militarily, geopolitically.

David Horowitz doesn’t say this expressly, but it is another inference to be drawn. The book is replete with evidence for it. The evidence is made explicit in the extensive documentation that the author provides in his book. The Country reels from the extent of the damage to the Nation, its people, and to the Constitution the Biden Administration has wrought. One need only look to the effects of the Administration’s policies and to the people that serve in high office in that Administration. They are not only ill-equipped intellectually, lacking native ability and experience. They lack moral scruples, integrity. Many have serious psychological issues, yet wield immense power over the Country, its institutions, and its people. Selected on the basis of and consistent with the dogma of “Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion,” percolating through the Government and the Country, Americans see well, the extensive damage to people, institutions, and government, wrought through implementation of this dogma.

74 million of us, though, roughly one-third of adult population of voting age, have had enough of Biden, his Administration, and those elements both here and abroad they are beholden to that have made their intentions known, and those intentions do not have our Nation’s best interests at heart.

Horowitz references these 74 million voters and supporters of Donald Trump throughout the book.

In the last couple of paragraphs of his book, David Horowitz, summarizes the damage already done to this Nation. And makes poignantly clear that any American who objects to the ravaging of the Nation will be the next target. He writes,

“They have pressed for the dismantling of the system of checks and balances, which has been the bulwark of the American democracy for over 240 years. They have done this by demonizing their domestic political opponents, attempting to abolish the Electoral College, and pushing to abolish the filibuster and to pack the Supreme Court; they have attacked the integrity of the electoral system by opposing voter IDS; they have assaulted anyone who questions election results as enemies of American democracy; and they have replaced America’s liberating culture of individualism with a tribal identity politics that undermines the foundations of the constitutional system. Finally, while handing the Islamic terrorists their greatest victory since 9/11, they have sought to attack and discredit their democratic opponents as ‘domestic extremists’ and terrorists. Their zealous advocacy of socialist economics and political fascism sets us on the path to a totalitarian future. All that awaits the sad conclusion to these efforts are the gulags and deprogramming camps, which are not shy about promoting.”

The last sentence is particularly ominous. Is it prophetic? Consider the words of Donald Trump, in a speech he gave to his supporters in Columbus, Georgia on June 10, 2023, after Biden’s DOJ dared to bring charges against him, a former U.S. President—a thing never before seen in our Nation’s history. Trump said, “. . . in the end, they're not coming after me. They're coming after you — and I'm just standing in their way. . . .

Who the hell would vote for them with the policies that they have of open borders and no voter ID? . . .

Can you imagine if it was the other way around? . . . They spied on my campaign and we caught them. They forge false evidence to get illegal surveillance warrants. The FBI offered $1 million for a fictitious dossier written by a foreign spy. To try to frame me for it.

They're trying to do it again.

‘These people don't stop and they're bad and we have to get rid of them . . . . We have to get rid of them ourselves.

If it's somebody else, that person will not be able to withstand the fire . . . . If it's not me, you know it'll be somebody else .  . . that fire doesn't stop just with me. That fire is going to go on against any conservative, any Republican anybody other than them. Because they want the power. They actually want to destroy our country. I believe that because there could be no other reason.”

It is uncanny how Trump’s speech echoes the concerns in the Horowitz book.

Both Trump, and Horowitz, and many other people, 74 million strong, know a violent storm is on the horizon. The coming U.S. Presidential election may well be our last, as Horowitz warns. But the “Final Battle” for the Nation’s Soul may not be the 2024 election results, but what comes after if Biden or someone like him secures the Office of U. S. President and continues the disastrous policies of the Biden Administration. A possible physical, not merely metaphorical, conflagration is in the offing.

There are, then, two possibilities for the future of the Nation, and only one of them can exist.

The American people may see the promise of the American Revolution of 1776 preserved in 2024 and thereafter. That is one possibility.

The second possibility is that the American people will witness a Neoliberal Globalist/Neo-Marxist Counterrevolution that will overthrow a truly Free Constitutional Republic that came about and that had flourished as a result of the American Patriots’ success in overthrowing the tyranny of the British Monarch, George III.

The Counterrevolution is in our midst. Americans now see firsthand the inklings of what it means, of what it portends. If it succeeds, America as a free Republic will cease to exist. And an American citizenry too will cease to exist. All vestige of an independent sovereign Nation and a free Constitutional Republic, and a sovereign people will come to an abrupt halt, and once gone, all of it will be gone forever.

Perhaps a few trappings of a free Republic here and there will be allowed to exist for a time, lest the public fall into despondency, leading to catatonia. But soon enough, even those trappings will be eliminated, no longer necessary, as the young people growing up today in tyranny will know nothing of freedom. A few of them may feel a pang now and again of the past, despite indoctrination. They may have a fleeting recollection of a once free and sovereign people—through an ancestral memory floating briefly and vaguely to the surface of their mind, but that will pass.

Whatever does come to pass, that rests with the American people. To capitulate to the forces behind the Biden Administration is to betray those who fought and died to create a free Republic, having successfully overthrown tyranny and to betray those Americans who, through the succeeding years and decades and centuries, had fought and died to preserve a free Republic.

Those Americans who think they can sit this one out have, by their non-action, taken a stand against the promise of our American Revolution, and deserve to feel the pain that comes to haunt him because of their indifference. And they will suffer pain and remorse. But it will be too late for them. Unfortinately, it will be much to late for us, too, who do understand and cherish the greatness of our Country and people, and who cherish our history, heritage, culture, ethos, and Judeo-Christian ethic, and who understand and cherish the significance of our fundamental rights, codified in the Bill of Rights of our Nation’s Constitution.

Only a Trump Presidency can now protect and secure and preserve a free Constitutional Republic for us, against those intent on destroying us, using stooges like Biden and others in his Administration to carry out their edicts.

It will be difficult to read through the David Horowitz Book without coming away with the realization that, yes, in fact, Americans are facing their “Final Battle.”

The book is an easy read, but it does not entertain. It wasn’t meant to. And for many Americans, it confirms much of what we believe to be true but offers documentary proof to support what many of us believe, transforming our beliefs into knowledge—uncomfortable knowledge, to be sure, but convincing knowledge, nonetheless.

For many other people the book provides eye-opening information that will shatter any preconceived notion that the 2020 electoral process was conducted fairly, that, having taken Office, Biden and his Administration have done a good job for the Nation and for the pepple, and that any bad consequences that have befallen us, are not his fault or the fault of his Administration.

Those readers who hate Trump should instead direct that hatred onto Biden and his Administration. They have severely weakened this Country, exploiting it on behalf of others, and obtaining personal reward for their betrayal. This will make recovery difficult, especially in matters of foreign policy. On that front, Biden and his Administration has devastated this Nation, placing both it and the world in a singularly precarious situation. It is impossible to read the Horowitz book and not see this.

To the rest of the world, the United States appears weak. That does not bode well for the security of the Nation and the world. The perception of weakness, in a once strong Nation that friendly nations had gained support from and that adversaries respected, means that many countries, both great and small, will use the signal of a weak United States to engage in warfare against their neighbors and will challenge the U.S., as China and Iran, have now done. Under Trump, this would never have happened. And during the four years that he was in Office, the United States would not engage in another war, and those countries that have warlike tendencies were careful about acting on those tendencies. With Biden the world has a completely different perspective, and the damage done to this Nation’s security and to the security of the world is painfully clear.

Biden has placed the world in a state of extraordinary tension that can explode at any moment into a full blown Global Thermonuclear conflagration.

David Horowitz’s book establishes Joe Biden’s incompetence and that of his senior officials. More, the book raises the specter that this incompetence is so wide in scope and extreme in impact that the fact of them can only be explained as deliberate, as difficult it may be, for many Americans, to accept. That raises the question who or what is behind the Biden Administration’s actions to destroy our Country, and the reason for this. The damage deliberately done to the Nation cannot rationally be attributed to Biden people. They wouldn’t dare. Powerful interests, here and abroad, must be orchestrating planned destruction of the Nation.

The Arbalest Quarrel has speculated on this. For there must be an answer. A demented fool for President and the implementation of policies designed to harm the Nation don’t just happen. They happen for a reason. And that reason is found somewhere beyond a consideration of Biden and his Administration alone.

There must be powerful but unseen forces behind the horrific events that have unfolded since Biden took office of which he and his Administration have implemented but that, on a higher plane of influence, these secretive others have devised and fed to the Biden Administration. “Final Battle” alludes to this and urges the public to secure their Nation from buffoons and charlatans and corrupt officials that would sell out our Country for a little gold and for the chance to wear the trappings of power.

The first order of business is to make sure our electoral system is fair, honest, and aboveboard. If the public doesn’t have faith in the electoral process, then faith in our Republic is weakened. But how does the public demand an overhaul of the electoral process and how might the public know, really know, that our elections are conducted fairly? And assuming the public can faith in the electoral system, it is then imperative that Americans vote, and that they vote into office a person that will protect our Nation and promote policies that do not impede one’s personal growth, responsibility, and chance of success. Under Biden this is impossible. Under Trump it is not only possible. It has occurred. During the first term of his Presidency, he began to turn America around to its once greater glory—and this was all the remarkable given the efforts to harm him and to sabotage his policies and initatives.

Once he is in Office he will be more careful when nominating individuals to Cabinet Level positions, and, even though it will take effort to rebuild what Biden has destroyed, he can still make American great again.

Trump will beat these recent ridiculous lawsuits and criminal charges against him. He will gain the Republican Party nomination. He is and will remain the front runner. And once he gains the nomination, it is imperative that the voting public vote for him. Whatever biases a person has about the man, consider what four years of his Presidency have brought: a secure economy, a safe and secure world, and pronounced faith in our Nation’s history, heritage, culture, ethos, and Judeo-Christian moral system. Compare that with what just two years of Biden has brought for America and its people. And Biden has another year and a half to go, to continue the destruction of the Country on behalf of his secretive and powerful benefactors to whom he is beholden, having betrayed the Oath of Office he has taken.

Read the Horowitz book, “Final Battle.” What Horowitz has to say may not be what some wish to hear. But it is the truth. And for most of us, there is value in that. 





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On November 3, 2021 the U.S. Supreme Court heard Oral Argument in the third major Second Amendment case, NYSRPA vs. Bruen.

The Hearing was a mere formality. Both parties, Plaintiff Petitioners, and Defendant Respondent New York State Government, knew the outcome before the hearing took place, or had good reason to suspect a positive outcome for Petitioners and a decidedly adverse one for the State.

New York’s Handgun Law was in the crosshairs of U.S. Supreme Court for at least a couple of years.

New York, like several other jurisdictions, had pushed back on the Court’s rulings in Heller and McDonald for years, angering Americans who sought to exercise their natural law right to armed self-defense, and rightfully irritating several members of the Court having perceived State Government administrations and courts failing to  jurisdictions failed to adhere to the High Court rulings in those two landmark Second Amendment cases.

Heller made clear the right to armed self-defense is an individual right, unconnected with one’s service in a militia, a point plain from the text of the Second Amendment. This is consistent with the Standard Model, grounded on “the text of the Second Amendment and its historical underpinnings.” See, e.g., Critical Guide To The Second Amendment,” 62 Tenn. L. Rev. 461, 466 (Spring 1995), by Glenn Harlan Reynolds. Heller conforms to the most reasonable interpretation of the Second Amendment, which foes of the Second Amendment dismiss outright.

Failing to appreciate the import and purport of the Second Amendment, Anti-Second Amendment jurisdictions went their merry way. State Government administrations and their legislatures immediately rebelled against Heller, and the Courts of those jurisdictions, giving their imprimatur on unconstitutional acts. Through tortuous legal reasoning they gave their imprimatur on unconstitutional acts, requiring the U.S. Supreme Court to step in once again.

McDonald held the right of the people to keep and bear arms applies equally to the States and the Federal Government, albeit, apropos of the States, it applies to them through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Relying on its own case law precedent, in Barron ex rel., Tiernan vs. Mayor of Balt, 32 U.S. 243, 7 Pet. 243, 247, the High Court conceded the right codified in the Second Amendment applied originally to the Federal Government only, not to the States.

But, through its further analysis of the Constitution, the Court’s Majority inferred that the Right does in fact apply to the States, albeit through the Fourteenth Amendment.

But does that fact alter the force of the Bill of Rights, and do we treat these Rights contained therein, like any other Constitutional provision?

These are not trivial questions. For if the Rights contained therein are to be construed as elemental, fundamental, illimitable, immutable, unalienable and eternal Natural Law Rights, as the Founders of our Republic accepted as axiomatic, then these Rights are not the sorts of things that government, any government—State, Federal, or local—has the lawful authority to ignore, dismiss, tinker and tamper with, or abrogate, in any matter. That is to say, these are primordial Rights existent in the individual by Grace of the Divine Creator. They are “Natural Law.” They are not constructions by man. So, if Government, a collection of men, did not create these natural law rights, then it follows that Government has no lawful authority to bestow them on other men, or to rescind the right thus bestowed, or to deny the exercise of them. Yet many State governments do just that and insist they, alone, maintain and retain the sole right to do so. This leads inevitably to a problem of logic, more basic than one of law, and this logical conundrum plays out amply on review of the New York Sullivan Act.

New York State and Federal Courts acknowledge that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right. But then they argue that, since the State requires the individual to acquire a license as a condition precedent to the exercising of the right to keep and bear arms, and as acquisition of a license is within the sole prerogative of the State, and since the Governmental act of bestowing a license on one person and denying it to another, all the while maintaining that such licenses once bestowed are subject to rescission, revocation, or suspension at the whim of Government, this means that acquisition of a license to exercise a fundamental right, is itself, a privilege, not a right. And the Courts have ruled.

This reduces a fundamental right to mere platitude, and it is one without force or effect. The Government interposes itself between a preexisting natural law right and one’s desire to exercise it.

The impact of the logical issue is not resolved through Heller or McDonald; nor does Bruen resolve it. It is a man-made problem, arising from a man-made act——

Government licensing of firearms.


The Fourteenth Amendment that McDonald relies upon, is, of course, not part of the Bill of Rights that three-fourths of the States, then existing in the United States, ratified on December 15, 1791.

Better it would be for the High Court to rule that the Bill of Rights, as a collection of Natural Law, stand outside the power and authority of Government to regulate.

If that idea sounds outlandish, is it any less outlandish for a State, like New York, to claim that, although the right to keep and bear arms “cannot be” infringed, the ability to do so is dependent on first securing a license to do so, and the issuance of a license is a privilege gained by grace of the State, not a right existent in a person which he may therefore demand of the State? “‘That’s some catch, that catch-22. . . .’ ‘It’s the best there is.” [re: Joseph Hellers’ novel, “Catch-22.”]

The Indiana Courts recognized the problem but attempted to chart a course between Scylla and Charybdis.

‘The people shall have a right to bear arms, for the defense of themselves and the State.’ However, the Indiana Constitution also ‘affirmatively recognizes the state's police power.’ ‘It declares that government is ‘instituted for [the People's] peace, safety, and well-being.’” Id. (quoting City Chapel, 744 N.E.2d at 446 (quoting Ind.)). In this case, the governmental police power of regulating arms challenges the limitations on government when addressing the right to bear arms.” Reddington vs. State, 992 N.E.2d 823 (Ind. Ct. App. 2013). [citations generally omitted].

New York was likely the first jurisdiction to impose handgun licensing on American citizens. That was the Sullivan Act in 1911.

The Sullivan Act was created on a lie, besmirching entire national groups or ethnic classes, new to the City, Italians and Jews as “dangerous people” responsible for crime in New York City:

“Whatever the actual dangers of the automatic revolver, immigrants scared authorities on both sides of the Atlantic. Crime by Jewish and Italian immigrants spurred New York State to enact the Sullivan Law in 1911, which required a license for handgun buying and carrying, and made licenses difficult to obtain. The sponsor at the Sullivan Law promised homicides would decline drastically. Instead, homicides increased and the New York Times found that criminals were ‘as well armed as ever.’” “All The Way Down The Slippery Slope: Gun Prohibition In England And Some Lessons For Civil Liberties In America,” 22 Hamline L. Rev. 399 (Winter 1999), by Joseph E. Olson and David B. Kopel.

The Sullivan Act created out of a paroxysm of fear is still very much with us. In fact the impact of it is worse than ever.

Through time the Sullivan Act grew more elaborate, more burdensome, more restrictive. The New York Government intended this to occur.

Slowly at first, but inexorably, and gaining momentum in the second decade of the 21st, Century, notwithstanding or in spite of and contemptuous of the Heller and McDonald  rulings, the New York Government made patently clear its disgust for and abhorrence of the natural law right to armed self-defense codified Second Amendment.  

Challenges were inevitable.

New Yorkers’ anger toward the State’s actions, reining in exercise of a natural law right to armed self-defense grew in direct proportion to and relation with the Government’s own recalcitrance and arrogance.

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to review the first challenge to the State’s Handgun Law in 2020.

The case NYSRPA vs. City of New York, 140 S. Ct. 1525 (2020), is referred to colloquially as the “New York Gun Transport” case. The Arbalest Quarrel has written several articles on this. Among our published papers,  See, e.g., article posted on April 27, 2020.

The Court could have taken up review of the merits of the case, the Constitutionality of Sullivan, head-on. Justices Thomas and Alito certainly wanted to. And had the Court done so, it might have spared both itself and handgun licensees in New York the time, expense, and frustration of having to deal with further challenges down the road.

Even as Associate Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito would have wished that, the Leftwing did not and Chief Justice John Roberts, along with Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, sided with the leftwing of the Court.

Those Justices—Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan— don’t merely oppose exercise of the natural law right of armed self-defense, they detest it. This is plain in their opinions.

The New York Government under Andrew Cuomo, through sleight of hand, amended the Handgun Law ever so slightly to allow Roberts, Kavanaugh, and the leftwing of the Court to declare the case moot.

The Justices dismissed it, avoiding review of the case on the merits.

This is precisely what both the New York Government and those Justices, who dismissed the case on the ground of mootness, wanted.

Justices Alito and Thomas were rightfully livid.

The machinations of Cuomo did not meet the test for mootness, but there was nothing Justices Thomas and Alito could do except prepare a comprehensive dissent.

Justice Kavanaugh, who sided with Chief Justice Roberts and the leftwing of the Court, wrote an odd concurring opinion. He obliquely acknowledged the disappointment of his brethren, and perfunctorily declared there would be other opportunities to vindicate Heller and McDonald. Whether he meant it or not, another opportunity did arise: the case was NYSRPA vs. Bruen.

With Justice Amy Coney Barrett now on the Bench, the Conservative wing of the Court had garnered sufficient votes to grant review of the case but with the aim of vindicating and clarifying the salient points of the two prior seminal Heller and McDonald cases.

Unlike the previous New York City case that could have emerged as the third landmark Second Amendment case, the present Bruen case did just that. This case challenged the core of the Sullivan Act: the idea of armed self-defense outside the confines of one’s home or place of business.

Governor Kathy Hochul, who had replaced Andrew Cuomo whom the secretive and powerful Globalist elites had grown both concerned about and tired of, forcing Cuomo to resign, knew that Bruen posed the greatest risk to the Sullivan Act since the Act’s inception, over a hundred and ten years ago.

The Government could not easily amend the Handgun Law, as Cuomo did in the prior New York case.

The Bruen rulings had the potential of gutting Sullivan Act. Hochul and the Progressives in Albany had no intention of allowing that to happen, regardless of the outcome of Bruen.

But how could Hochul and Albany preserve and even strengthen the Handgun Law consistent with past practice and with its goal of whittling away at exercise of the right to armed self-defense.

News accounts would have the public believe the New York Government had worked feverishly to amend the Handgun Law only after the Court published the decision on June 23, 2022.

But, given the breadth and depth of the Amendments to the Handgun Law, and the ingenuity that must have gone  into the crafting of a response, severely weakening the impact of the Bruen rulings on that Law, it is unlikely the Hochul Administration and the Progressive Legislators in Albany could have accomplished this task within a week of publication of the decision.

Albany passed the packet of amendments, referred to as the “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” (CCIA), on July 1, 2022, just one week after publication of the decision in Bruen, becoming the first State to amend its Handgun Law. See CNN article published July 1, 2022.

Hochul and Albany likely knew the U.S. Supreme Court would strike down the State’s May Issue “Proper Cause” Requirement, the day after Oral Argument in Bruen, held months before.

The mainstay of the CCIA includes two provisions: one aimed at restricting exercise of the right to armed self-defense in the public domain upon those whom State licensing officials have issued a concealed handgun carry license, and the other aimed at restricting the number of licenses so issued.

The upshot of all this is the Hochul Government aims, through the CCIA, to maintain the same oppressive standards for handgun carry in the State post Bruen, as it had done pre Bruen. That, of course, has led to a flurry of challenges many of which rest at the moment at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Decisions should be forthcoming.

Individuals who obtain a concealed handgun carry license pursuant to the CCIA, will see that “unrestricted carry” no longer exists.


With enactment of the CCIA the Hochul Government has established a new set of stringent requirements, replacing “Proper Cause.”

It is true a person no longer has to establish a reason for carrying a handgun for self-defense in the public arena.

A demonstration of “EXTRAORDINARY NEED” to carry a handgun for personal protection” IS OUT.

The Government has deleted the words from the Handgun Law, and the import of ‘PROPER CAUSE.’

A right of Armed self-defense IS IN, and it is presumptively demonstrative of sufficient need to keep and bear arms and need not be stated in the application.

But, on scrutiny, the amendments to the Handgun Law are no less deleterious, confusing, and confounding as the Law prior to Bruen. The two new provisions establish new hurdles to acquiring a license to carry, for those who are lucky enough to acquire one, the utility of having it is now much in doubt. The provision is worrisome.


With a plethora of “Sensitive Place” restrictions added to the Penal Code, holders of valid concealed handgun carry licenses see themselves unduly constrained from using a handgun for self-defense if the need arises. All concealed handgun carry licenses are now de facto “restricted carry” licenses, but with exemptions made for retired police officers, thereby creating an equal protection problem right off the bat.

Justice Thomas, who authored the decision in Bruen, anticipated that New York might attempt to dilute the utility of carrying a handgun for self-defense in New York and warned the Government of attempting to do so.

Hochul and the Anti-Second Amendment legislators who controlled the legislative process in Albany, didn’t listen. They did what they wanted to do anyway. They severely constrained the carrying of firearms for self-defense.

Hochul’s insolence and brazenness toward the Court isn’t subtle. It’s glaring as evidenced in her response to queries from reporters. See NY Times article, posted on June 30, 2022, titled, “N.Y. Democrats to Pass New Gun Laws in Response to Supreme Court Ruling.”

“‘When asked by reporters what areas would be left for permit holders to legally carry a firearm, Ms. Hochul said: ‘Probably some streets.’”

That perfunctory assertion is hardly reassuring. And she follows that caustic and defiant retort with another one—and this one also incongruous in light of the first:

“‘We know we have to make sure this is constitutional. we’re not looking to go back to the court,’ Ms. Hochul said, adding that, “I will go right up to the line, not cross the line.’” Id.

Well, Hochul did cross it.

If she honestly thought she would avoid a challenge, she is more of the fool for thinking so. There is nothing in the new ponderous, unconscionable amendments to the New York Handgun Law that would suggest that applicants for a New York handgun carry license would find the State’s amendments to the Handgun Law fair, aboveboard, and consistent with the Bruen rulings.

Be that as it may, the new “Sensitive Place” requirement against lawful carry of handguns only applies if a person is awarded with a concealed handgun carry license in the first instance. Just obtaining a handgun carry license is no less difficult than under the now defunct “Proper Cause” requirement. And, for renewal applicants who had met the arbitrary standards that licensing officials created—since the Legislators in Albany never defined what “PROPER CAUSE/EXTRAORIDINARY NEED” means, and each jurisdiction in New York had concocted its own standard or left entirely open what the requirement meant and what was required of an applicant to meet it—those individuals hoping to renew their applications, having, in many cases, held valid concealed handgun carry licenses for decades would now find renewing those applications in jeopardy. They would have to meet stringent new requirements, just as subjective and arbitrary as under the old “PROPER CAUSE/EXTRAORDINARY NEED” requirement.



Through a combination of audacity, sly ingenuity, and craftiness, the Hochul Government has repurposed the “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” Requirement, that Justice Thomas, author of the Bruen Majority Opinion, mentions merely in passing.

Of course, the issue of whether application of a “Good Moral Character” requirement infringes the natural law right to armed self-defense was not at issue in Bruen. But clearly the Conservative wing was aware of a potential issue, reading the Hochul Government’s “mind” like an open book.

The Court clearly, categorically, emphatically ruled that “PROPER CAUSE”/“EXTRAORDINARY NEED” as used in New York’s Handgun Law is unconstitutional, the Hochul Government could not slither around it in a bald-faced attempt to keep it in the Sullivan Act. Hochul and Albany had to strike it from the Handgun Law. And, since “PROPER CAUSE”/“EXTRAORDINARY NEED” was the vehicle through which the State’s licensing regime severely constrained the number of concealed handgun carry licenses it would issue, the State needed to engineer another vehicle through which it could continue to remain a stringent “MAY ISSUE” jurisdiction, severely curtailing issuance of New York concealed carry handgun licenses, and those the State would issue would have little use for armed self-defense. The ‘SENSITIVE PLACE’ provision would suffice to deny a license holder an adequate means to lawfully defend him or herself with a handgun, without a roadmap, pinpointing the numerous areas in New York that a handgun could not be used for self-defense and, in fact, could not be lawfully carried.

To take up the slack at the other end—to control issuance of concealed handgun carry licenses—Kathy Hochul and Albany didn’t create a new device to severely constrain exercise of a Constitutional right, but reconfigured a thing already present in the Sullivan Act, which the High Court did not strike down or even carefully scrutinize: “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER.” There is much wrong with the way the Hochul Government repurposed this, and New York Plaintiffs challenged the constitutionality of it, but what they did not challenge and, in fact, did not address, but merely assumed to be within the prerogative of the State to insist upon, is whether assessment of a person’s “CHARACTER” is proper to consideration of one’s right to keep and bear arms in the first instance. That, as used in the CCIA, the expression is inherently vague. That is a fault in and of itself. Plaintiffs also object to a specific  manner in which “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” verbiage appears, suggesting that a person cannot be of “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” under New York Law if he were to use a handgun for self-defense. Plaintiffs in Antonyuk vs. Hochul, 2022 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 182965, ____F. Supp.3d___ (N.D.N.Y. 2022), suggested verbiage which would exclude use of a handgun for self-defense. Apparently, Plaintiffs were concerned, and justifiably so, that use of a handgun for self-defense MIGHT NOT serve as a defense to aggressive attack on a person whose life would be placed in mortal danger, and that failure to exclude armed self-defense from the language of “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” means that armed self-defense is not justified and that a person cannot be considered to have “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” that he would consider using a handgun at all for self-defense—the most effective means to ensure one’s self-preservation against life-threatening assault—in an increasingly hostile environment like New York City.

But, this notion of “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER,” applied to exercise of a fundamental, unalienable right, is singularly bizarre.

How does a Government of men, THIS Government of men, GO ABOUT DECIDING who, among the great body of men, have the proper character and bearing to keep and bear arms? And That question entails another one:

How does a Government of men, This Government of men, GO ABOUT DISTINGUISHING those men who exhibit the proper character to keep and bear arms from other men whom the Government infers do not have the proper character and bearing to keep and bear arms?

This was the problem besetting New York Governor Hochul and her compatriots in Albany.

But why should these questions be entertained at all?

The questions are incongruous and absurd. They presume that moral character is an appropriate area of inquiry. The Hochul Government assumes that one’s moral character is here, an appropriate area of inquiry, and, further, takes as axiomatic that only people whom the Government deems to have “Good Moral Character,” however that trait is defined and tested for, may keep and bear arms.

But the question of the NATURE of one’s CHARACTER presumes what must be proved:

IS THE QUESTION OF  MORAL CHARACTER AN APPROPRIATE AREA OF INQUIRY, where exercise of one’s fundamental, unalienable right to keep and bear arms is involved? Resolution of that question precedes inquiry into how one’s character is to be assessed—if in fact, it should be assessed at all.

Why should Americans presuppose that “Good Moral Character” is a legitimate area of inquiry here?

What does “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” or “BAD MORAL CHARACTER,” or, for that matter, the notion of “CHARACTER,” at all, have to do with one’s exercise of the natural law right of self-defense against predatory man, predatory beast, and as against the most dangerous predator of all, the MAN-BEAST predatory Government? Anything?

From whence does the natural law right of self-defense or any other natural law right derive?

The Hochul Government responds that such rights derive from the grace of Government, which entails the denial of such things as NATURAL LAW RIGHTS. But to deny such Rights is to dismiss an idea that the Framers of the Constitution, the Founders of our Republic, took as self-evident, true. But, then, Political Progressives such as Kathy Hochul demonstrate little regard for the Founders of our Republic, and dismiss out-of-hand their belief system upon which a Free Constitutional Republic sits.

From a pragmatic viewpoint, alone, it is difficult to refute the benefits and success of our Nation. So, then, why tinker with something that has worked so well for so many people, for almost two hundred and fifty years. A backwater Country has become the most powerful and successful Country in the world. Were it not so, we would not see literally millions of people from all over the world wishing to enter here, most of them illegally.

The Bill of Rights is a codification of Natural Law. That Natural law is wholly unlike man-made law.

Man-made law is transitory, modifiable, limited to a particular time and place, and subject to the whim and caprice of those men who wield power over other men. Natural law is innate, bestowed on and in man by the Divine Creator. For this reason, natural law rights are inextricably linked to one’s essence. Such rights are fundamental and unalienable, immutable and illimitable, not capable of modification, eternal.

It is in this belief of the Framers that our Constitution took shape. The Ethical System suffusing the Constitution is grounded in Deontology, predicated on morality. And that morality derives from the Divine Creator, not within Man, himself. Good conduct and bad conduct are based on one’s intentions first. Political and Social Progressives do not accept this. Their Political and Social system is based on Collectivism, the antithesis of Individualism. It substitutes the sanctity and inviolability of the Individual Soul with the well-being of Society, the Hive. The needs and desires of the Individual are secondary considerations if they are considered at all. And the Ethical System that underlies Collectivism is Utilitarianism. Consequences of actions alone dictate what constitutes good or bad moral conduct. Collectivists seek to maximize utility—the greatest good for the greatest number of people. That means the needs and desires of the individual must be sacrificed to the needs and desires of the Hive. But what constitutes the greatest good for greatest number of people? In other words, how does the Collectivism define ‘UTILITY’ and ‘UTILITY MAXMIZATION.’ We have a clue. On the Governor’s website (Undated to suggest a broad policy statement), Hochul drops a number of hints and none of them have anything to do with recognition of the right and responsibility of the individual to protect him or herself against the ravages of a society that has run amok with sociopathic criminals, psychopathic killers, and psychotic lunatics free to prey on innocent civilians——

“Governor Kathy Hochul is committed to protecting public safety, ending gun violence, and combatting the rise of domestic terrorism. The FY 2023 enacted budget invests in bold initiatives that will strengthen gun violence prevention efforts, change our public safety laws to make our state safer and more just, and protect victims of hate crimes and domestic violence.

In early June 2022, less than one month after the tragic shootings in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas, Governor Hochul signed a comprehensive legislative package to immediately strengthen the state's gun laws, close critical loopholes exposed by shooters in Buffalo and Uvalde, and protect New Yorkers from the scourge of gun violence that continues to infect our nation and endanger our communities.

In response to the Supreme Court's decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen, the State has taken steps to address the consequences of the Supreme Court decision and the resulting increase in licenses and in the number of individuals who will likely purchase and carry weapons in New York State. Less than a week after the ruling, Governor Hochul signed landmark legislation to bolster restrictions on concealed carry weapons, expand eligibility requirements, add background checks for ammunition, expand safe storage & amend a ban on body armor.”

Armed self-defense doesn’t factor into the above equation and, in fact, is considered a danger to the sanctity of and well-being of New York as a COLLECTIVE. How, then, can a person who must acquire a handgun license before he or she can exercise the fundamental, unalienable right to armed self-defense demonstrate the proper character to own and possess a handgun, or any firearm, if the armed citizen, the HIGHEST COMMON DENOMINATOR of society, is classified with the LOWEST by the very fact that a person chooses to exercise the fundamental right to armed self-defense?  

The natural law right of self-defense SUBSUMES armed self-defense.

There is nothing in Nation’s codification of the right of the people to keep and bear arms that mentions or alludes to an idea of “CHARACTER” as a defining or limiting factor in the exercise of a fundamental, unalienable, right to keep and bear arms.

IT BEARS REITERATING: The natural law right of self-defense proceeds from and is grounded on the instinctual need for self-preservation. As with all natural law rights, the right of self-defense is not bestowed onto man by other men but exists innately in all men.


As with all natural law rights, the right to armed self-defense is not one bestowed onto man by other men, or by Government—which are, basically, just a collection of men—flawed, yet vested with power to act over other men and, if not themselves constrained, exercising their power and authority with impunity.

And if a man, on behalf of Government, is given authority to judge the character of another man to keep and bear arms, how does that man assess the character of another man? And there is a more basic question? Who is it that assesses the character of the judge? Is that not a fair question to ask? Apparently not for Kathy Hochul and for her friends in Albany.

When the New York Government under the Progressive Hochul, and the Democrat Party majority in control of the Legislature in Albany, mulled over the problem of constructing a new mechanism to limit issuance of concealed handgun carry licenses in New York, and decided on utilizing a robust “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” requirement, they didn’t bother themselves to ask the questions we ask, let alone provide answers for them.

And, yet answers are necessary precisely because we are discussing Government constraints here on the exercise of a natural law right.

New York does have a problem. New York has a host of problems and most of them are of the Government’s own making.

To be sure, the New York Government has a serious crime problem that it masks as a “Gun” problem. But there is no “Gun problem,” while there IS a crime problem. BUT that problem is tied to the criminal. Guns are objects, not agents. They have no sentient will.

GUNS DO NOT CAUSE VIOLENCE BECAUSE THEY CANNOT CAUSE VIOLENCE. Yet the Hochul Government insists on talking about a scourge of “GUN VIOLENCE” in New York.

What Hochul is really talking about is the Criminal Element THAT CAUSES VIOLENCE. And that Criminal Element CAUSES VIOLENCE with whatever means are available. Guns are just one of many means. If the Hochul Government dealt with CRIME and CRIMINALS with the same tenacity as she deals with GUNS, there would be little of any “CRIMINAL VIOLENCE” and little of what she refers to as “GUN VIOLENCE,” in New York.

But Kathy Hochul and her Progressive compatriots in Albany aren’t interested in tackling crime. What they are interested in doing is disrupting exercise of the right of armed self-defense of normal, average, rational, responsible, law-abiding citizens—the vast majority of Americans, WHO ARE NOT THE CAUSE OF so-called “GUN VIOLENCE.” But it is those people whom she is targeting and blaming the U.S. Supreme Court all the while for wrecking her plans to create a “GUN FREE”  NEW YORK, even as violent crime escalates. And why is this? The answer is at once plain and disturbing.

The Hochul Government is afraid of the normal, average, rational, responsible, law-abiding New Yorker. This is not something new, even as it is strange. New York has for centuries abhorred and detested and feared the idea of the armed citizen. All autocratic governments do—State Governments under Hochul in New York and Gavin Newsome in California, to name two of them, and the Federal Government under the Biden Administration.

Happy the New York Government was to ratify the Nation’s Bill of Rights in 1791 that included the natural law right of the people to keep and bear arms, so long as, when having done so, the Government did not bind itself recognizing a citizen’s exercise of the natural law right in the State. In the first version of the State Constitution, a Bill of Rights was noticeably lacking. When the State got around to including a Bill of Rights in a subsequent State Constitution, there was no mention of the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

Perhaps, as an afterthought, the State Legislature thought it prudent to recognize the right but, would do so only by placing it in the Civil Rights Statute as an act of the State Legislature rather than in the Constitution which would require assent of the people. This is no small matter.

Situated in Statute, rather than in the Constitution, means the right is a creation of Government, not a right residing in the person, bestowed on man by the Divine Creator, instead of Government.

The New York Government could and, thereafter, would control exercise of the right by crafting a massive set of laws governing firearms, and, eventually, would create an elaborate handgun licensing regime to suppress and repress the urge of many New Yorkers to exercise their right to armed self-defense, and oppress those who would insist on exercising their fundamental right to armed self-defense, regardless of the hurdles they would be forced to contend with.

Coming now to the present, after Bruen, the New York Government has, through the creation of a discordant requirement of “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER,” shown its hand. The Government intends to reduce the number of concealed handgun carry licenses that it would otherwise, under Bruen, be expected to issue.

Although the “Proper Cause” Requirement was always Constitutionally suspect because a demonstration of need for armed self-defense is inconsistent with both the plain meaning of the Second Amendment and with the logic of self-preservation, especially, where, as here, one resides in a dangerous jurisdiction, there is, in the “Good Moral Character” requirement something even more concerning and just as inconsistent with the plain meaning of the U.S. Constitution, and logic. Good Moral Character is difficult to assess even where it has utility, and in the context of a fundamental, unalienable right it has none.

Furthermore, if the Good Moral Character requirement is grounded on risk, then delineate those risk factors and, if they do not offend the core of the Right, then application of them will weed out those considered a risk to others from keeping and bearing arms.

The State doesn’t need and should not be using a “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” where application of objective  “RISK FACTORS” can be better employed and utilized. And, at the same time, the State can direct its energies to clamping down on criminals who would not bother to apply for a New York State concealed handgun carry license anyway.  

New York’s padded “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” requirement as applied to those individuals seeking a New York concealed handgun carry license is no more than a ruse, and a ridiculous one at that. We continue our analysis of The New York Handgun Law’s “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” in the next article of this Post-Bruen series.


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“This is not about the Second Amendment, the Founding Fathers' murky protection of firearms. It's no more absolute than the First Amendment is. Rights have limits; they may be indistinct and subject to interpretation, but they exist, regardless of the braying of absolutists.What this is about is priorities: public safety vs. the right to own any kind of weapon; children's lives vs. the right to carry firearms designed for mass murder. In New York, there is a willingness to take facts into account, while in Texas, the compulsion, apparently irresistible, is to ignore such facts no matter how much blood is spilled or how young the victims.” From a Buffalo News editorial, reposted on Governor Hochul’s Official Website, on May 24, 2022, reflecting where the Governor’s sympathies, rest, apropos of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Note: this editorial appeared one month prior to publication of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n v. Bruen, 142 S. Ct. 2111 (2022)and conceivably in anticipation of it: Hochul’s opening salvo directed against the High Court, taunting the Court and ridiculing, in insulting language, those Americans who support the exercise of the natural law right to armed self-defense.



To say the Bruen rulings directed primarily to New York’s Handgun Law were not to Hochul’s liking, nor to the liking of her friends in the State Legislature in Albany, is an understatement.Hochul was apoplectic with rage—or perhaps not. And, if not, she must, at least, appear so: feigning all sorts of righteous indignation during her Press conferences or when distributing her official Press Releases.Hochul had expected an adverse decision from the High Court, surely, and was undoubtedly prepared for it, but she had to set the stage for what would come after, the imposition of a new set of highly restrictive handgun licensing measures, building on all that came before.Those amendments were already written—the Legislature must have drafted the amendments well in advance of the publication of the Bruen decision, given the breadth of detail in them and the scale of them—well before the Bruen rulings came down. They only needed to be finalized.To that end, Hochul’s temper tantrum directed to the Court upon publication of Bruen was obviously meant to pave the way for legislation designed to cohere with related contemporaneous Anti-Second Amendment legislation, apart from, but complementing, the “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” (CCIA) and operating seamlessly with it.The Press Release, dated June 6, 2022, on the Governor’s website, sports the headline: “Governor Hochul Signs Landmark Legislative Package to Strengthen Gun Laws and Protect New Yorkers.” The “Ten-Bill Package” includes:“Legislation S.9458/A.10503 Bars Purchase of Semiautomatic Rifles by Anyone Under Age 21 by Requiring a LicenseLegislation S.9407-B/A.10497 Prohibits Purchase of Body Armor with Exception of Those in Specified ProfessionsLegislation S.9113-A./A.10502 Expands List of People Who Can File Extreme Risk Protection Orders and Requires Law Enforcement to File ERPOs Under Specified Set of CircumstancesPackage Also Strengthens Crime Reporting; Closes ‘Other Gun’ Loophole; Requires Microstamping of New Semiautomatic Pistols; Eliminates Grandfathering of High-Capacity Feeding Devices; Requires Social Media Companies to Improve Response to and Reporting of Hateful Content.”Approximately one month later, on July 1, 2022, scarcely one week after the publication of the Bruen decision, i.e., on June 23, 2022, and again, on the Governor’s official website, and, under the bold, brash, impertinent headline, “Governor Hochul Signs Landmark Legislation to Strengthen Gun Laws and Bolster Restrictions on Concealed Carry Weapons in Response to Reckless Supreme Court Decision,” Hochul lays out a series of amendments to the Handgun Law itself, ostensibly responding to the Bruen rulings:“Legislation (S.51001/A.41001) Restricts the Carrying of Concealed Weapons in List of Sensitive LocationsInstitutes a Default of No Concealed Carry on Private Property and Businesses Unless Deemed Permissible by Property OwnersEstablishes New Eligibility Requirements and Expands Disqualifying Criteria for Those Seeking Concealed Carry PermitsEnhances Safe Storage Requirements, Extends Requirements to VehiclesRequires Backgrounds Checks for All Ammunition PurchasesAmends Body Armor Purchase Ban to Include Hard Body Armor Used by Suspect in Buffalo Shooting.”Again, given the depth and breadth of these amendments to New York’s Handgun Law, this new package of amendments, “The Concealed Carry Improvement Act” MUST HAVE BEEN DRAFTED WELL IN ADVANCE OF PUBLICATION OF THE COURT’S OPINION IN BRUEN.At most, the Hochul Administration and Albany had merely to tidy up some of the provisions in the CCIAperhaps striking the words, ‘PROPER CAUSE,’ from the Handgun Law if the High Court were to demand that much from Kathy Hochul’s Government—which Governor Hochul and Albany did. And that assumes, of course, that Hochul didn’t receive an advance copy of the decision from leakers at the Court. Hochul was probably kept apprised about what to expect from Bruen (probably from the same people on the Court that illegally released a draft of the Dobbs decision).On the matter of “PROPER CAUSE,” the Court ruled that, since the words were tied inextricably to the requirement that the applicant for a concealed handgun carry license must demonstrate “EXTRAORDINARY NEED” to carry, apart from and above basic self-defense, when in the public domain, the New York Handgun Law, apropos of concealed carry, was inherently illegal and unconstitutional.This was a mere annoyance. The Hochul Government could dispense with it and concoct ways around it, making the Handgun Law no less severe than before Bruen. Kathy Hochul didn’t try to hide that from the Press or from the Court.After all, Hochul used the phrase in one of her Press Releases, “LANDMARK LEGISLATIVE PACKAGE TO STRENGTHEN GUN LAWS.” See supra. And she rationalized that message of defiance directed at the Court, by adding that her Government had designed these amendments “TO PROTECT NEW YORKERS.”Did Hochul presume the High Court did not wish to protect New Yorkers? The phrase is not only troubling but also insulting. Yet it plays into a running narrative that MORE GUNS ON THE STREET EQUALS MORE CRIME ON THE STREETS—A platitude held by Progressives, but false.How many average, responsible, rational, law-abiding gun owners have turned to crime, and further, how much of this presumed bad seed committed a crime with a gun? Hardly or nary a one, notwithstanding there are millions of Americans who lawfully carry a handgun for self-defense. See the article on Gun Facts.By striking ‘PROPER CAUSE’ from New York’s Handgun Law, and then repurposing the “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” requirement along with a host of other ludicrous Anti-Second Amendment laws, the Government could and has accomplished much the same thing: DISCOURAGING AND FRUSTRATING, CONFOUNDING APPLICANTS WHO SEEK A NEW YORK CONCEALED HANDGUN CARRY LICENSE.The Hochul Government had scripted its entire response to Bruen. It would be ready to play out with the official publication of the case. And, on the very day, it was published and through successive days and weeks, Hochul would never miss a beat. She would constantly harangue and berate both the rulings of the Court and, unforgivably, the Justices themselves.The Hochul Government would make the High Court out to be the Antagonist in a play, and the State, with the Government, as Protagonist Hero.Hochul would present herself as the Defender of New York residents, desiring only to protect and serve the residents of New York against an uncaring U.S. Supreme Court.How incredibly presumptuous of Hochul and those behind the scenes, in her Administration, and in Albany, working on her behalf to make the High Court into an Evildoer and “Fall Guy.”Once the U.S. Supreme Court came down with the Bruen decision on June 23, 2022, New York Governor Kathy Hochul went to work, wasting no time in publicly slamming both the Court and its decision.But would the public buy it? Could the public be so easily manipulated? Some obviously would, most, from her perspective, hopefully. Hochul knew that, in her messaging, she was addressing not merely New York, but the Country at large, and the Biden Administration, and many in Congress too, her compatriots.But to say her words and conduct toward the Court are disrespectful and that her response to the Bruen rulings amounts to evasion, not compliance, is to trivialize the seriousness of the actions of this Governor.Necessary as it was to set the groundwork for defiance of the High Court, Hochul was playing a dangerous game. She could not do this unless she felt she could rely on powerful interests both seen and unseen that would have her back on this.For, the Governor’s actions border on contempt of Court, and all the worse was it that she would vent with unrestrained, unconscionable fury against the Highest Court of the Land; railing against a Court exercising its own proper, legitimate Article III authority under the U.S. Constitution, to interpret the meaning of the Bill of Rights which was and is within the Court’s prerogative, alone, not that of Congress, nor that of the President, nor that of the Executive or Legislative components of State Governments.Hochul didn’t care, and she didn’t mince words. She called the Court’s rulings not only “reckless” but “reprehensible.” See the article in Spectrum Local News.The word, ‘RECKLESS’ means ‘THOUGHTLESS.’The word, ‘REPREHENSIBLE’ means ‘DISGRACEFUL.’In other words, Kathy Hochul tells the Court that it is worthy of her contempt toward it and she would not abide by the Court’s rulings. At most, she would give lip service to it. And that is what both she and Albany did.Upon the conclusion of the oral argument, on November 3, 2021, in the third landmark Second Amendment case, NYSRPA vs. Bruen, the New York State Government, under Governor Kathy Hochul, wasted no time in concocting a scheme to waylay the rulings that they knew were coming down the pike. And as a precursor to that she stated in no uncertain terms, in her Press Briefings—clearly directed to the Court—what she intended to do, castigating the Court for daring to involve itself in New York law.The amendments to the State’s Handgun Law (referred to, as a package, as the “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” (CCIA)), are the visible manifestation of the disdain she displayed toward the Court, in her Press Releases.On July 1, 2022, about one month after signing the CCIA into law, Governor Hochul, in a provocative move proclaimed the New York Government would not abide by the U.S. Supreme Court rulings in Bruen, and in fact would defy the Court, continuing the process laid down by her predecessors of eradicating exercise of the right to armed self-defense in New York.The Headline of her Press Release, posted on the Governor’s official website, on that date, set forth in bold San Serif typeface, proclaimed:“Governor Hochul Signs Landmark Legislation to Strengthen Gun Laws and Bolster Restrictions on Concealed Carry Weapons in Response to Reckless Supreme Court Decision.”Hochul’s defiance and contemptuous attitude toward the High Court could not have been on more audacious display. The CCIA exemplifies her brashness and brazenness.These are the highlights of the CCIA that appear on her website that she has reiterated during the period of time since the publication of the case as challenges to the CCIA were filed immediately.“Legislation (S.51001/A.41001) Restricts the Carrying of Concealed Weapons in List of Sensitive LocationsInstitutes a Default of No Concealed Carry on Private Property and Businesses Unless Deemed Permissible by Property OwnersEstablishes New Eligibility Requirements and Expands Disqualifying Criteria for Those Seeking Concealed Carry PermitsEnhances Safe Storage Requirements, Extends Requirements to VehiclesRequires Backgrounds Checks for All Ammunition PurchasesAmends Body Armor Purchase Ban to Include Hard Body Armor Used by Suspect in Buffalo Shooting”Anticipating the Hochul Government might attempt to turn broad swaths of the State, especially, Manhattan Island, into a massive Gun-Free zone, and to forestall that, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the Majority in Bruen, opined:“Although we have no occasion to comprehensively define ‘sensitive places’ in this case, we do think respondents err in their attempt to characterize New York’s proper-cause requirement as a ‘sensitive-place’ law. In their view, ‘sensitive places’ where the government may lawfully disarm law-abiding citizens include all ‘places where people typically congregate and where law-enforcement and other public-safety professionals are presumptively available.’ It is true that people sometimes congregate in ‘sensitive places,’ and it is likewise true that law enforcement professionals are usually presumptively available in those locations. But expanding the category of ‘sensitive places’ simply to all places of public congregation that are not isolated from law enforcement defines the category of ‘sensitive places. far too broadly. Respondents’ argument would in effect exempt cities from the Second Amendment and would eviscerate the general right to publicly carry arms for self-defense that we discuss in detail below. . . . Put simply, there is no historical basis for New York to effectively declare the island of Manhattan a ‘sensitive place’ simply because it is crowded and protected generally by the New York City Police Department.” [Case Documentation omitted]What did Hochul do? She and Albany concocted an elaborate nightmare of new requirements for those individuals applying for a concealed handgun carry license under the CCIA.And, notwithstanding, the High Court’s warning to the Hochul Government, the Governor, and Albany proceeded to transform much of New York into a massive “SENSITIVE PLACE” Jurisdiction anyway—in direct defiance of the High Court’s warning.Manhattan Island, which Justice Thomas specifically warned the Government about, would become a huge “SENSITIVE PLACE” restricted zone anyway.The Government had spent substantial time on this, transforming the State into a confusing patchwork quilt of SENSITIVE LOCATIONS.Most curiously, the very words, SENSITIVE PLACE,’ never before appeared in the Handgun Law prior to Bruen. That would change.Here the New York Government was deliberately using that phrase to antagonize the Court, making the ‘SENSITIVE PLACE’ prohibition a major fixture of the “CONCEALED CARRY IMPROVEMENT ACT.”Were Kathy Hochul and Albany taunting the Court by choosing to utilize the very terminology the Court had expressed concern over but had not ruled explicitly against using?Prior to the effective date of September 1, 2022, the date when the CCIA took effect, there was no mention of ‘Sensitive Place’ in Section 19 of the amended Handgun Law (NY CLS Penal § 400.00 (19)), which reads:“Prior to the issuance or renewal of a license under paragraph (f) of subdivision two of this section, issued or renewed on or after the effective date of this subdivision, an applicant shall complete an in-person live firearms safety course conducted by a duly authorized instructor with curriculum approved by the division of criminal justice services and the superintendent of state police, and meeting the following requirements: (a) a minimum of sixteen hours of in-person live curriculum approved by the division of criminal justice services and the superintendent of state police, conducted by a duly authorized instructor approved by the division of criminal justice services, and shall include but not be limited to the following topics: (i) general firearm safety; (ii) safe storage requirements and general secure storage best practices; (iii) state and federal gun laws; (iv) situational awareness; (v) conflict de-escalation; (vi) best practices when encountering law enforcement; (vii) the statutorily defined sensitive places in subdivision two of section 265.01-e of this chapter and the restrictions on possession on restricted places under section 265.01-d of this chapter; (viii) conflict management; (ix) use of deadly force; (x) suicide prevention; and (xi) the basic principles of marksmanship; and (b) a minimum of two hours of a live-fire range training course. The applicant shall be required to demonstrate proficiency by scoring a minimum of eighty percent correct answers on a written test for the curriculum under paragraph (a) of this subdivision and the proficiency level determined by the rules and regulations promulgated by the division of criminal justice services and the superintendent of state police for the live-fire range training under paragraph (b) of this subdivision. Upon demonstration of such proficiency, a certificate of completion shall be issued to such applicant in the applicant’s name and endorsed and affirmed under the penalties of perjury by such duly authorized instructor. An applicant required to complete the training required herein prior to renewal of a license issued prior to the effective date of this subdivision shall only be required to complete such training for the first renewal of such license after such effective date.”Once the CCIA took effect, the expression, ‘Sensitive Place’ suddenly appears and, for those new holders of “Concealed Handgun Carry Licenses,” and for those renewing their licenses, Section 19 of the amended Handgun Law (NY CLS Penal § 400.00 (19)) presently sets, forth:“Prior to the issuance or renewal of a license under paragraph (f) of subdivision two of this section, issued or renewed on or after the effective date of this subdivision, an applicant shall complete an in-person live firearms safety course conducted by a duly authorized instructor with curriculum approved by the division of criminal justice services and the superintendent of state police, and meeting the following requirements: (a) a minimum of sixteen hours of in-person live curriculum approved by the division of criminal justice services and the superintendent of state police, conducted by a duly authorized instructor approved by the division of criminal justice services, and shall include but not be limited to the following topics: (i) general firearm safety; (ii) safe storage requirements and general secure storage best practices; (iii) state and federal gun laws; (iv) situational awareness; (v) conflict de-escalation; (vi) best practices when encountering law enforcement; (vii) the statutorily defined sensitive places in subdivision two of section 265.01-e of this chapter and the restrictions on possession on restricted places under section 265.01-d of this chapter; (viii) conflict management; (ix) use of deadly force; (x) suicide prevention; and (xi) the basic principles of marksmanship; and (b) a minimum of two hours of a live-fire range training course. The applicant shall be required to demonstrate proficiency by scoring a minimum of eighty percent correct answers on a written test for the curriculum under paragraph (a) of this subdivision and the proficiency level determined by the rules and regulations promulgated by the division of criminal justice services and the superintendent of state police for the live-fire range training under paragraph (b) of this subdivision. Upon demonstration of such proficiency, a certificate of completion shall be issued to such applicant in the applicant’s name and endorsed and affirmed under the penalties of perjury by such duly authorized instructor. An applicant required to complete the training required herein prior to renewal of a license issued prior to the effective date of this subdivision shall only be required to complete such training for the first renewal of such license after such effective date.”And where are these“Sensitive Place” restricted areas? A new provision of the New York Penal Code, Penal Code, 265.01-e, recites them.NY CLS Penal § 265.01-e(2) provides,“2. For the purposes of this section, a sensitive location shall mean:(a) any place owned or under the control of federal, state or local government, for the purpose of government administration, including courts;(b) any location providing health, behavioral health, or chemical dependance care or services;(c) any place of worship, except for those persons responsible for security at such place of worship;(d) libraries, public playgrounds, public parks, and zoos, provided that for the purposes of this section a “public park” shall not include (i) any privately held land within a public park not dedicated to public use or (ii) the forest preserve as defined in subdivision six of section 9-0101 of the environmental conservation law;(e) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, funded, or approved by the office of children and family services that provides services to children, youth, or young adults, any legally exempt childcare provider; a childcare program for which a permit to operate such program has been issued by the department of health and mental hygiene pursuant to the health code of the city of New York;(f) nursery schools, preschools, and summer camps; provided that for the purposes of this section, nothing shall prohibit the activity permitted under subdivisions seven-c, seven-d, and seven-e of section 265.20 of this article where such activity occurs at a summer camp in accordance with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations;(g) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded by the office for people with developmental disabilities;(h) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded by office of addiction services and supports;(i) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded by the office of mental health;(j) the location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded by the office of temporary and disability assistance;(k) homeless shelters, runaway homeless youth shelters, family shelters, shelters for adults, domestic violence shelters, and emergency shelters, and residential programs for victims of domestic violence;(l) residential settings licensed, certified, regulated, funded, or operated by the department of health;(m) in or upon any building or grounds, owned or leased, of any educational institutions, colleges and universities, licensed private career schools, school districts, public schools, private schools licensed under article one hundred one of the education law, charter schools, non-public schools, board of cooperative educational services, special act schools, preschool special education programs, private residential or non-residential schools for the education of students with disabilities, and any state-operated or state-supported schools;(n) any place, conveyance, or vehicle used for public transportation or public transit, subway cars, train cars, buses, ferries, railroad, omnibus, marine or aviation transportation; or any facility used for or in connection with service in the transportation of passengers, airports, train stations, subway and rail stations, and bus terminals;(o) any establishment holding an active license for on-premise consumption pursuant to article four, four-A, five, or six of the alcoholic beverage control law where alcohol is consumed and any establishment licensed under article four of the cannabis law for on-premise consumption;(p) any place used for the performance, art entertainment, gaming, or sporting events such as theaters, stadiums, racetracks, museums, amusement parks, performance venues, concerts, exhibits, conference centers, banquet halls, and gaming facilities and video lottery terminal facilities as licensed by the gaming commission;(q) any location being used as a polling place;(r) any public sidewalk or other public area restricted from general public access for a limited time or special event that has been issued a permit for such time or event by a governmental entity, or subject to specific, heightened law enforcement protection, or has otherwise had such access restricted by a governmental entity, provided such location is identified as such by clear and conspicuous signage;(s) any gathering of individuals to collectively express their constitutional rights to protest or assemble;(t) the area commonly known as Times Square, as such area is determined and identified by the city of New York; provided such area shall be clearly and conspicuously identified with signage.Police officers and other designated categories are exempted.”Failure to abide by the ‘Sensitive Place’ Restriction requirement is a Class E Felony, as specified under NY CLS Penal § 265.01-d (1)”“A person is guilty of criminal possession of a weapon in a restricted location when such person possesses a firearm, rifle, or shotgun and enters into or remains on or in private property where such person knows or reasonably should know that the owner or lessee of such property has not permitted such possession by clear and conspicuous signage indicating that the carrying of firearms, rifles, or shotguns on their property is permitted or by otherwise giving express consent.”But Note: Subsequent to Plaintiff Appellants’ Motion for a Stay pending Appeal, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, granted the Motion in Part. In a short opinion, the Court stated, in pertinent part, in Antonyuk vs. Hochul , 2022 U.S. App LEXIS 36240 (2nd Cir, December 7, 2022): “Appellants request a stay pending appeal of the district court's order dated November 7, 2022 (N.D.N.Y. 22-cv-986, doc. 78), enjoining Appellants from enforcing certain aspects of New York's Concealed Carry Improvement Act (‘CCIA’). Having weighed the applicable factors . . . we conclude that a stay pending appeal is warranted. . . . To the extent that the district court's order bars enforcement of the CCIA's provisions related to persons who have been tasked with the duty to keep the peace at places of worship, airports, and private buses, such categories are excepted from this order. Appellees' motion to expedite the resolution of the matter is granted.”Governor Kathy Hochul’s displeasure with the Bruen decision and anger toward the Court Majority was expected, was never a secret, and, so, isn’t at all surprising.  Yet, her hostility toward the Court, amounting to a rabid denunciation of the rulings and of the Justices themselves, is of another order of magnitude, and cannot be condoned, and ought not to be tolerated.The New York Government has detested the idea of civilian citizen possession of firearms for well over a century (actually for substantially longer (see author’s comments supra and infra)).Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, author of the Majority Opinion in Bruen, made the point, tacitly, at the outset of the Court’s argument, when discussing the State’s long-standing efforts to constrain, through overzealous regulation, the carrying of handguns.“New York State has regulated the public carry of handguns at least since the early 20th century. In 1905, New York made it a misdemeanor for anyone over the age of 16 to ‘have or carry concealed upon his person in any city or village of [New York], any pistol, revolver or other firearm without a written license . . . issued to him by a police magistrate.’ 1905 N. Y. Laws ch. 92, §2, pp. 129-130; see also 1908 N. Y. Laws ch. 93, §1, pp. 242-243 (allowing justices of the peace to issue licenses). In 1911, New York’s ‘Sullivan Law’ expanded the State’s criminal prohibition to the possession of all handguns—concealed or otherwise—without a government-issued license. See 1911 N. Y. Laws ch. 195, §1, p. 443. New York later amended the Sullivan Law to clarify the licensing standard: Magistrates could ‘issue to [a] person a license to have and carry concealed a pistol or revolver without regard to employment or place of possessing such weapon’ only if that person proved “good moral character”  and ‘proper cause.’ 1913 N. Y. Laws ch. 608, §1, p. 1629.”


The systematic erosion of a fundamental, immutable, illimitable, eternal, and unalienable right—the most basic of all RIGHTS and NEEDS, that of “SELF PRESERVATION”—commenced, in New York, as a result of a reluctance by the New York Government to acknowledge the right of the people to keep and bear arms in the State, notwithstanding the State did eventually ratify both the U.S. Constitution and the subsequent Bill of Rights component to it, which included a prohibition on the Federal Government to infringe that right.The nascent threat to the civilian citizens’ right to keep and bear arms in New York itself, had always existed, in fact, PRECEDED Ratification of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights which would suggest a schizophrenia on the part of the New York Government, concerning its actions toward exercise of the Right.



Consider:New York is one of only a handful of States that currently does not have a fundamental right of the people to keep and bear arms in its State Constitution. And it never did.“. . . The states without rights to bear arms enshrined in their state constitutions are: California, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, and New York. Citizens of these states must rely on the federal Constitution and statutory regulation of arms. See, e.g., N.Y. Civ. Rights Law § 4 (McKinney 2012) (‘A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed.’).”“Symposium: ‘Gun Control and the Second Amendment: Developments and Controversies in the Wake of District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago’: Article: ‘The (New) New Judicial Federalism: State Constitutions and the Protection of the Individual Right to Bear Arms,’ 39 Fordham Urb. L.J. 1449, October 2012, Michael B. de Leeuw*See also, “Shocking the Second Amendment: Invalidating States’ Prohibitions On Taser With The District Of Columbia v. Heller,’ 20 Alb. L.J. Sci. & Tech. 159 (2010) By Ron F. Wright.“Ratified in 1909, New York’s right-to-bear arms provision differs from the latter provisions in that it is a statutory rather than constitutional grant. While its language is similar to the Second Amendment, contemporaneous sources carry strong undertones of keeping and bearing arms for strictly militia purposes. Looking first to New York’s treatment of the phrase ‘the people’ in its Civil Rights Law, we note that other than its right-to-bear arms provision the phrase refers to a right only one other time: the individual right to be free from unreasonable search and seizures. Furthermore, in the other appearances where the phrase ‘the people’ appears not a single instance refers to an actual right, express or implied.”In fact, in the original iteration of the State Constitution, New York did not incorporate a Bill of Rights. Later renditions did include a State Bill of Rights, but originally, involved procedural matters rather than substantive rights. The Bill of Rights of New York’s Constitution evolved sporadically over time.But New York always intended to whittle away at the natural law right to armed self-defense. Half-heartedly, or grudgingly at best, it eventually placed the right of the people to keep and bear arms in its Civil Rights Statutory scheme.NY CLS Civ R § 4 (Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms), says,“A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed.” [underlining added]Note, the substitution of the words, ‘SHALL NOT’ as they appear in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, with the word, ‘CANNOT,’ in Section 4 of the Civil Right Law of New York.The word, ‘CANNOT,’ means ‘TO BE UNABLE TO DO OTHERWISE THAN.’ It isn’t a legal term of art. The words, ‘SHALL NOT’ however have a specific meaning in law: “THE ELEMENT OR ACTION IS PROHIBITED.” Is this change of major significance? Surely, the alteration of the language of the Right, in the Consolidated Laws of New York wasn’t an inadvertent oversight but made with intention.The New York Legislature made sure that “CANNOT BE INFRINGED” does not mean the Legislature has no authority to infringe on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. On the contrary, the suggestion is that no person or entity but the New York Government itself can infringe the right for the Government here establishes that it has created the right, i.e., statutorily. The Right, then, is neither something the people of New York create nor that of a Divine Being.Use of a nonlegal word establishes and avoids any foreseeable problem that might arise from a citizen contesting Government infringement of a Right that “CANNOT” be infringed. At least that is the obvious rationale for the change in construction.Providing only statutory recognition of a right to bear arms, the State could not easily be constrained from hobbling the exercise of the right. And both New York State and the State and Federal Courts were complicit in supporting each outrageous Government action, through regulation, of the “RIGHT” THAT “CANNOT BE INFRINGED.”New York's Executive Branch and Legislative Branch constantly invented ways to erode the exercise of the right of the people to keep and bear arms and, in so doing, to sever the people’s connection with their fundamental right—ultimately creating a permanent estrangement.Overzealous regulation coupled with a lengthy, industrious campaign of psychological conditioning, affected the mind. “Gun Possession” became identified with and equated with “Gun Violence.” Many New Yorkers didn’t mind this. In fact, they fanatically embraced the viral memes planted in their minds.The latest developments in psychological conditioning and in technology that allows for rapid dissemination of information, affecting millions of people simultaneously, made this possible.Instead of dealing with crime and criminals, the Government would instead go after average Americans, creating a nightmare for those citizens who were not taken in by the contortions and distortions of the New York Government and who insisted on exercising their natural law right to self-defense that the Government was loathed to recognize or allow.What eventually emerged in New York was an elaborate, expensive, time-consuming, and confounding licensing regime that New Yorkers would be required to navigate through. The questions no one in Government dared to consider and that a Press, sympathizing with the Government, would never ask are these:“Why should it be so difficult for me to exercise a fundamental, unalienable right?”“Why should I be compelled to navigate my way through a mass of confusing firearms regulations, and then once failing to gain State permission to defend my life with the most effective means available, I am thrown to the winds and compelled to navigate through a cesspool of criminals and lunatics that dot the landscape of New York?“Why is it the New York Government constrains my right to defend myself against depraved criminals and lunatics, and, at the same time, refuses to use my tax dollars to protect me against those elements that incessantly threaten the life, safety, and well-being of millions of average, rational, law-abiding, responsible citizens like me?”“By what inductive or deductive reasoning does the New York Government and Kathy Hochul presume to reduce the highest denominator of society with the lowest, refusing to allow me to defend myself against predators, arguing that, on the matter of firearms, I can no more be trusted to responsibly keep and bear them than would the common criminal, the psychopathic murderous gang member, or the raving drug-addled lunatic?With the enactment of the Sullivan Act in 1911—a law that introduced handgun licensing to the State—the New York Government would, through the years and decades, enact more laws, aimed at frustrating those Americans residing or working in New York who merely wish to exercise the fundamental right to keep and bear arms as is their natural law right to do so?The Sullivan Act of 1911 would serve as the New York Government’s answer, exemplifying their disdain for the average citizen. And the Government did not stop with the enactment of that. Introducing handgun licensing to New York was merely a precursor to and an inkling of what was yet to be.The Sullivan Act of 1911 served, then, merely as a stepping stone in a lengthy inexorable process, whittling away at the citizens’ exercise of their unalienable right to armed self-defense.Whether by conscious intent or by unconscious conditioned reflex, the State had effectively placed a New Yorker on a medieval torture rack, tormenting those individuals who insisted on—dared to—exercise the right that the New York Government did not wish for New Yorkers to exercise.Once on that rack, the State slowly tightened the screws, enacting more constraints on a person’s exercise of the right, through time, frustrating those New Yorkers who demanded that Government not interpose itself between the right of the people to keep and bear arms as bestowed on man by the Divine Creator, not Government, and the exercise of that right that the founders of a free Constitutional Republic recognized and insisted on.And the process of whittling away at the natural law right to armed self-defense gained speed over time, frustrating the desire of anyone who simply wished to exercise his basic right of self-preservation with the most effective means available: A handgun.Hochul’s predecessor, New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, had added extensive amendments to the Handgun Law and to related New York Statutes, affecting all firearms and possession of them. through the enactment of the New York Safe Act of 2013.Cuomo rammed that through the State Senate in the dead of night, and, once it had passed the Senate, he immediately signed it into law, on January 15, 2013.Hochul’s“Concealed Carry Improvement Act” of 2022 doesn’t ease the dire impact of the Safe Act on those who seek to keep and bear arms. One might rationally expect that the CCIA would ease the exercise of the fundamental right, consistent with Bruen. Rather, the CCIA builds upon the earlier Act and is part and parcel of several other Anti-Second Amendment laws that Hochul signed into law on or about the same date she signed the CCIA into law.Bruen changed nothing. NY Safe and the CCIA continue a process that began not with the passage of the Sullivan Act of 1911, but over a hundred years earlier—in fact earlier yet—much earlier.In fact, New York’s antipathy toward the natural law right to armed self-defense always existed, going back prior to the founding of the Republic itself, through the ratification of the U.S. Constitution on July , 1788.“The first New York Constitution was adopted by the Convention of Representatives of the State of New York on April 20, 1777,” 15 months before ratification of the U.S. Constitution that New York, among other States that existed at the time, agreed to. See Historical Society of the New York Courts and content infra.What began as a concern and annoyance over the exercise ofthe right of the people to keep and bear arms in New York, evolved, over the centuries, into distress and disgust, and anxiety over the citizens’ keeping and bearing of arms.That distress, disquiet, and disgust grew into trepidation and panic, coupled with a rabid abhorrence over the notion a person should possess firearms at all.Today, Governor Hochul proclaims her anger over the Bruen decision. Worse, she articulates a visible contempt for the Court.But, how much of that anger is grounded on true and firm belief and how much is mere political rhetoric, playing to a “woke” audience?A decade ago, Hochul, ever the consummate politician, evinced a different position toward the Second Amendment. See the article in Bearing Arms. What caused a transformation in her thought—a complete 180-degree turn?It matters not. If Hochul is duplicitous and is behaving theatrically, her present words and actions must be taken at face value, not minimized. No one should attempt to explain them away as mere emoting as if to suggest her words are not to be taken seriously. They are TO BE TAKEN MOST SERIOUSLY.Hochul’s words, both their insolent tone and the detrimental impact on those who wish to exercise their natural law right to armed self-defense at home or in public, cannot be assigned simply to fabrication or theatrics. The intent behind those words, seen in the legislation enacted, which Hochul has signed into law—a flurry of new restrictive Anti-Second Amendment legislation—has real-world impact and dire consequences for New Yorkers.Regardless of what Hochul the politician really believes the fact remains that New Yorkers, especially the politically progressive denizens of New York City, and Hochul’s wealthy, Neoliberal Globalist benefactors, have long held to a New York tradition antithetical to and wholly destructive of the Second Amendment right. And Hochul, the politician, through her present words and actions, mirrors the predilection of her base, millions of New Yorkers, most of whom reside in NYC.Attuned to her supporters’ beliefs, she rails incessantly against “guns,” “gun owners,” and that thing the Anti-Second Amendment wordsmiths had recently concocted to push their narrative against the right to armed self-defense on the public: “Gun Violence.”Long-standing New York tradition contra recognition of the basic right to armed self-defense overpowers any thought of compliance and obeisance to the dictates of “shall not be infringed,” much less acquiescence and adherence to High Court rulings on the matter.As noted, supra, several years before New York ratified the U.S. Constitution, on July 26, 1788, and, later, when New York ratified the Nation’s Bill of Rights, on March 27, 1790, the Revolutionary Convention of the Representatives of New York (see New York Archives) prepared the groundwork for a State Constitution:“In August 1776, the revolutionary Convention of the Representatives of the State of New York appointed a committee to draft a state constitution and a bill of rights. Despite this command, the constitution eventually produced did not contain a separate bill of rights. Robert Yates, a member of the drafting committee, later explained that advocates of a bill of rights thought in terms of an instrument by which ‘the power of the rulers ought to be circumscribed,’ modeled after the 1628 Petition of Right and the 1689 Bill of Rights. The committee, however, took the view that the American Revolution placed the people ‘in a state of nature’ such that the new fundamental instrument the people themselves created, the constitution ‘would operate as a bill of rights.’ This view was not uncommon in revolutionary America. John Jay, for instance, a principal drafter of the 1777 federal constitution, used the same argument when objecting to the adoption of a federal bill of rights in 1788.  The constitution adopted by the New York Convention in April 1777, did contain certain clauses guaranteeing basic rights, such as might be found in a bill of rights: all power derived from the people, right to counsel in criminal trials, freedom of religion and abolition of religious establishments, and trial by jury and prohibition of attainder (to take effect after the war). In addition, on the motion of Gilbert Livingston (later a radical antifederalist), the Convention added to the constitution a clause guaranteeing due process. In the face of Loyalist threats to the existence of the new government, the Convention refrained, however, from adding to the constitution any further assertions of fundamental rights that would hinder efforts to suppress counter-revolutionary activity.” “New York’s Statutory Bill of Rights: A Constitutional Coelacanth,” 19 Touro L. Rev. 363, 366-367 Winter / Spring, 2003, by  Robert Emery. “The New York legislature adopted the original version of the statutory bill of rights, ‘an Act concerning the rights of the citizens of this State,’ in January 1787.” Id. at 368. There was no mention of a right of the people to keep and bear arms in the first rendition of the New York Constitution, nor would there be any future version of the State Constitution. There certainly was no serious consideration for that.“New York has adopted four constitutions (1777, 1821, 1846, and 1894) and held eight constitutional conventions (1801, 1821, 1846, 1867, 1894, 1915, 1938, and 1967). The Constitution of 1894, revised in 1938 and amended over 200 times, remains in place today. As provided in this document, the state legislature can propose a constitutional convention at any time, subject to approval by the electorate.  However, the state constitution also mandates that the question of whether to hold a convention be submitted to the electorate every twenty years.” In a climate openly hostile to the very thought of relaxation of New York’s Gun Law—having placed more and more restrictions on the exercise of the right to armed self-defense through 112 years of the Sullivan Act—it stands to reason the Hochul Government wouldn’t be dissuaded from continuing its concerted, single-minded march toward achieving the goal of Dissolution of the right to armed self-defense in New York or, if not able to that, grudgingly, at least, getting damned close to attaining it.Notwithstanding the State had recognized the right of the people to keep and bear arms at the National level, having ratified the Nation’sBill of Rights in 1790, it felt no compunction to do so at the State level, believing, apparently, that, whatever negative impact the Second Amendment on the Federal Government, its application would pose no hardship on the States and would not limit the State’s ability to do away with the entirety of it if it wished. Was the State Government being disingenuous? Was it holding disparate, inconsistent beliefs that defy rational explanation? Who can say what the State Government's motivations were at the time?Prior to the McDonald decision, and for those theorists who mistakenly held to a “collective rights-only” notion of the Second Amendment, (and many still do), the early New York Government felt it need not worry about the Second Amendment. The State would have its Police Powers and could deny all residents of the State and those who work there the keeping and bearing of arms. And, for a time, it would seem the State could get away with its perfunctory dismissal of the fundamental right of the people to keep and bear arms.And, even with the McDonald decision in 2010 (McDonald vs. City of Chicago, 561 U.S. 742, 130 S. Ct. 3020 (2010)), New York would continue to evince schizophrenia toward the Second Amendment, as would a few other jurisdictions around the Country. They would all pretend that, whatever McDonald happened to say about a State’s obligation to adhere to and respect the citizenry's exercise of the right codified in the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, through the application of the Fourteenth Amendment, those States could regulate the exercise of the right to an effective nullity. That is what such State Governments presumed to think and that is how they acted.State licensing is the vehicle that drives the impetus for State arrogance toward the natural law right to armed self-defense.Prior to Bruen, Federal and State Courts in New York held an incongruous position, when rubber-stamping what is clearly illegal New York Government action.These Courts acknowledged that, while a person has a fundamental, unalienable right to keep and bear arms, that person must still obtain a valid State handgun license to exercise his fundamental right.The New York Courts had heretofore preposterously argued that, since having a license to exercise one’s Second Amendment right is, one, a condition precedent to the exercise of one’s fundamental right, and that, two, since the issuance of a handgun license is a prerogative of the State, a completely discretionary act and that, further, since the acquisition of a State issued handgun license is a privilege, not a right, be that right fundamental or not, the State can lawfully deny a person exercise of his fundamental, unalienable right to keep and bear arms. New York Courts’ ruling considered this reasoning as valid and sound law, “black letter law” in New York, and, as expected, especially for those who sought to obtain a New York concealed handgun carry license, the acquisition of those coveted licenses to exercise a fundamental right was very few in number. Such was true before Bruen. And now, after? Will there be many more issuances of concealed handgun carry licenses? And of those that are issued, will they truly work as intended by Bruen, to enable the licensee to truly exercise armed self-defense? This all remains to be seen.The Hochul Government did not assert—it felt it wouldn’t have to—that 225 years of refusal to countenance a citizen’s natural law right to armed self-defense as it saw fit was argument enough to continue to constrain the exercise of the right and to require much from those individuals who had the fortitude to demand what they should not have had to demand: an exercise of their unrestrained right to armed self-defense. Long-standing State tradition would circumvent any argument about the purported supremacy of the natural law right to armed self-defense over the State's authority to deny a citizen's exercise of that right.New York’s negative attitude toward the Second Amendment, coupled with a firm belief, taken as self-evident true for well over two hundred years—that New York Government police regulatory authority supersedes an American citizen’s exercise of his fundamental, illimitable, immutable, eternal natural law rights and would always remain so and hold sway over a U.S. Supreme Court decision to rule or hold otherwise, is soon to be tested. It must be tested.Heller, McDonald, and Bruen, together, apparently do not operate, in the mind of the New York Government, as a formidable force, powerful enough to overcome the New York Government’s belief in its own legal and moral invincibility. New York continues to go its own way.How many U.S. Supreme Court decisions must, then, come down the pike before jurisdictions like New York accept the Article III authority of the Third Branch of Government—the authority of the High Court to say what the Law Is? But is it just New York that is rebelling against the authority of the High Court?Clearly, there are dangerous, ominous stirrings afoot, suggesting the actions of shadowy, ruthless forces both here and abroad that have set wheels in motion to destroy a free Constitutional Republic and a sovereign American citizenry. It all bespeaks tyranny at the highest levels of Federal and many State Governments. What we are doing here is looking at the manifestation of those wheels set in motion, as pertaining to the incremental, continuous, devastating erosion of the Bill of Rights, and the blatant misuse of authority by Federal and State Governments to control the life, safety, well-being, and personal autonomy of the American citizen.One need only reflect carefully and honestly on the manner in which Governments are shredding the Bill of Rights slowly, methodically, and inexorably to understand the mortal danger facing our free Constitutional RepublicLooking at the New York Government’s actions despicable actions toward the U.S. Supreme Court is explanation enough that something more is afoot than imbecilic behavior by Governor Hochul and the Democrat-Party-controlled Legislature in Albany.The New York Government would not have dared to contend against the High Court unless they knew that powerful interests and forces stood behind them to protect them. The New York Government's insolent maneuverings are not emanating solely from the Government. The masterminds of the treachery against our Nation stand well above Government agent toadies. They are merely the faces the public sees; that the public is permitted to see. All we can do here is try to convey to our kind readers the legal, logical, and Constitutional weaknesses of New York’s actions. And we must remain content with accomplishing that. It is more than enough work for us, a small voice supporting our Constitution as the founders of our Republic intended.With this groundwork laid as an explanation for New York’s recalcitrance in obeying a direct High Court ruling, we will, in the next few articles of this series draw our attention to the deceitfulness at work through the operation of the “Good Moral Character” provision of the CCIA the Hochul Government has repurposed to operate like the past “Proper Cause” Requirement, to frustrate the applicant. The New York Government continues on the path it had first set for itself centuries ago, at the dawn of New York's statehood. Hochul and her Government intend to restrict the issuance of New York concealed handgun carry licenses, now, as then, and to constrain the use of those licenses for those individuals who happen to be among the few to acquire them.________________________________________*A decade after this article came out, Iowa amended its Constitution to include “a right to bear arms.” In a news article posted November 8, 2022, The Des Moine Iowa Register reported that,“Iowa voters have adopted an amendment to the Iowa Constitution to add the right ‘to keep and bear arms,’ adding language that goes beyond the protections contained in the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment, according to unofficial results.Iowa will become the fourth state with ‘strict scrutiny’ language to protect gun rights in its state constitution, achieving a longtime goal of Republicans in the Iowa Legislature. . . .The language of the amendment states: ‘The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The sovereign state of Iowa affirms and recognizes this right to be a fundamental individual right. Any and all restrictions of this right shall be subject to strict scrutiny.’The amendment described the right to keep and bear arms as ‘a fundamental individual right,’ requiring any restrictions on gun rights to survive ‘strict scrutiny.’Strict scrutiny is the highest legal hurdle for legislation to clear. It requires any restrictions on gun rights to be narrowly tailored to achieve a compelling state interest.”Two weeks after Iowans voted to amend their Constitution, the U.S. Supreme Court held oral argument in Bruen, and the Court published its decision seven months later. Much of the Majority Opinion clarified the test that Courts must follow in deciding whether State Government action conforms with or offends the core of the Second Amendment when a Government action is challenged.But twelve years before Bruen, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down means-test scrutiny, in favor of a historical test. Although the late eminent Associate Justice, Antonin Scalia, writing for the Majority, in Heller, had specifically mentioned defects in the lowest standard of means-test scrutiny, “Rational Basis,” it was clear from the decision that the Court had scrapped the entirety of means-test analysis in Second Amendment cases, including, then, “Intermediate” and “Strict” Scrutiny, in favor of historical analysis. The vast majority of Courts failed to get the message or otherwise chose to ignore it. Although many Courts, prior to Bruen may have utilized a historical analysis, in analyzing the constitutionality of State action impinging on the Second Amendment right, they went impermissibly further, unable or unwilling to disavow means-test scrutiny altogether. But nothing in Heller suggests the High Court retained so much as an iota of means-test scrutiny. Moreover, the Majority in Bruen explicitly states that the Court wasn’t creating a new methodology. Bruen merely clarifies what Heller asserts. Associate Justice Thomas, writing for the Majority in Bruen, said this:“Since Heller and McDonald, the Courts of Appeals have developed a ‘two-step’ framework for analyzing Second Amendment challenges that combines history with means-end scrutiny. The Court rejects that two-part approach as having one step too many. Step one is broadly consistent with Heller, which demands a test rooted in the Second Amendment’s text, as informed by history. But Heller and McDonald do not support a second step that applies means-end scrutiny in the Second Amendment context. Heller’s methodology centered on constitutional text and history. It did not invoke any means-end test such as strict or intermediate scrutiny, and it expressly rejected any interest-balancing inquiry akin to intermediate scrutiny.”This brings us back to Iowa’s amendment to its State Constitution. Since the Amendment refers explicitly to the use of “strict scrutiny,” the Amendment is unconstitutional. The irony is that supporters of the Amendment sought not only to cast in stone the fundamental right of the people to keep and bear arms for Iowans but to preclude the State Legislature and the State Federal and Appellate Courts from employing any test that might henceforth weaken the exercise of the natural law right to armed self-defense. The supporters of the Iowan Amendment thought that strict scrutiny in Second Amendment cases would prevent unconstitutional State action from infringing the core of the right. The U.S. Supreme Court had no such illusion, as a Strict Scrutiny means-test methodology suffers from the same defect as all means-test (weight analysis) methodology. There exists a tendency of Courts to find, almost invariably, in favor of a Government’s action, denying a challenge of unconstitutional infringement. This is one reason, and probably the salient one, why the Court struck down means-test scrutiny altogether, in Heller.Can the Iowa Legislature amend the verbiage of the Constitutional amendment to cohere with Heller and Bruen? Probably not since that would involve statutory reconstruction of a Constitutional amendment, which in the action would defeat, even if the intention were honest, the force and efficacy of the State Constitution, either subordinating the State Constitution to State Statute or placing the State’s Constitution on the same footing as State Statute. Neither possibility is acceptable.It appears Iowans will have to undertake another round of voting, first to repeal the unconstitutional amendment, and second to vote on a redraft of the amendment first voted on, that omits the “strict scrutiny” language.The Des Moines Register article, supra, also refers to four other States that have employed the language of strict scrutiny in their own constitutions:“Iowa will become the fourth state with ‘strict scrutiny, language to protect gun rights in its state constitution, achieving a longtime goal of Republicans in the Iowa Legislature.”If true, those States as well must amend their constitutions to cohere to the rulings and reasoning of Heller (District of Columbia vs. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 128 S. Ct. 2783 (2008)) and Bruen, (N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n v. Bruen, 142 S. Ct. 2111 (2022)).___________________________________Copyright © 2023 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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New York Governor Kathy Hochul and the Democrat Party-controlled Legislature in Albany designed amendments to the State Handgun Law to avoid compliance with the U.S. Supreme Court’s rulings in Bruen and thus avoid the categorical dictates of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. There is no question about this, no tenable away around this. To believe otherwise is a delusion.Hochul makes the case herself. There are numerous accounts detailing this: Press accounts and Press Releases abound. Consider one example: In August 2023, Hochul said this, as presented on the Governor's website:“‘In response to the Supreme Court's decision to strike down New York's century-old concealed carry law, we took swift and thoughtful action to keep New Yorkers safe,’ . . . . ‘I refuse to surrender my right as Governor to protect New Yorkers from gun violence or any other form of harm. In New York State, we will continue leading the way forward and implementing common sense gun safety legislation.’”In other words, Governor Kathy Hochul, in her role as Tyrant Nanny of New York, keeping her wayward children, residents of New York, and citizens of the United States, safe and sound from all those dangerous, nasty firearms, will ignore the fundamental, unalienable right of the people to keep and bear arms, etched in stone in the Second Amendment of the Nation’s Bill of Rights, and will defy the Article III authority of the U.S. Supreme Court.Hochul had unconscionably harsh words for the High Court, calling the Bruen decision “reckless and reprehensible.” See the article in NCPR.One thing motivates Governor Hochul’s actions and others like her who have, through the passing years, decades, and centuries, enacted laws to cut the Bill of Rights to ribbons:INCOMPARABLE LUST FOR POWER, INORDINATE WEALTH, AND SELF-AGGRANDIZEMENT—ALL AT THE EXPENSE OF THE COMMON MAN. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN SO.The history of civilization illustrates an unfathomable and unquenchable desire of sociopathic/psychopathic individuals to wield control over their respective tribe, nation, or empire, or other political, social, economic, and juridical structure.These ill-begotten men desire to thrust their will, their reality, onto everyone else.The Articles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of this Nation—of this Nation alone—were drafted with the aim to at least forestall, if not, prevent the perpetuation of this theme from happening here: the urge to dominate and rule.Of course, the presence of power-hungry misfits in the world is nothing new.Some who have succeeded in wielding control over the life, well-being, and happiness of the populace create the illusion they exercise power by virtue of Divine Right. Through time that odd idea becomes embedded in the public psyche. The public comes to accept this and accepts, too, that the rule over others by Divine Right is in the natural order of things, that it has always been thus.Rule by Divine Right—the wielding of near absolute power over others—is sometimes disguised.In our Nation, a free Constitutional Republic, the sociopaths, and psychopaths who lust for power, wealth, for personal aggrandizement and who have the wherewithal, knack, and tenacity to bend the mechanisms of power to their will, to their liking, must resort to deceptive messaging to woo the public, to lull them into dull complacency to accept the messaging conveyed to them by the deceivers and fabricators to mislead them into thinking that curtailment of their God-Given Rights is for their own good. But the truth is other than what is conveyed to the public.The Nation’s Bill of Rights is a check on the power of Tyrants. These Rights, especially the first two Rights are the final fail-safe to keep would-be Tyrants in check.The First Amendment codifies, inter alia, the right of Free Speech, i.e., the Right to Dissent; the Right to Personal Autonomy; the Right of the Individual TO BE and to Remain Individual, against public pressure, at the behest of the Tyrant to compel compliance to his edicts. Those edicts demand uniformity of thought, of conduct, of action. The idea is to force submission of one’s will to the will of the State, the Greater Society, the “Hive,” the Tyrant.The Right of the people to keep and bear arms is the vehicle through which the Individual prevents the Tyrant from forcing submission. This was meant to be so. Americans, millions of individuals, discrete souls, retain sovereignty over the Tyrant by force of arms and thus prevent usurpation of their will to that of the Tyrant.The Tyrant knows this. Many in our Country do not. They are denied THE TRUTH. Each American should know the TRUTH:The preservation of the right of the people to keep and bear arms, a right to be exercised by the common man, serves as a counterweight to the usurpation of the sovereign power of the people over the power of the Tyrant. The Tyrant seeks to restrict and constrict this right as the Tyrant cannot continue to wield power and cannot accrue more power at the expense of the people so long as they are armed. Thus——The common man cannot be controlled, corralled, nor subjugated so long as he bears arms. That he does so constitutes a threat to the Tyrant. The Tyrant knows this even if the polity does not, and the Tyrant utilizes the organs of a corrupt Press to prevent the people from recognizing the slow disintegration of their basic, core Rights, bestowed on them by the Divine Creator, and not by Government.Corruption of  Government proceeds from corruption existent in the Tyrant himself. Corruption of Government and concomitant corruption of every facet of society and of our institutions are recognized in decay, in the destabilization of society, and in the demoralization and degradation of the common man who resides within it. The physical manifestation of destruction is mirrored in the corrupt soul of the Tyrant. On a macro level, one sees this in the immolation of a once great Nation, and of its institutions, culture, ethos, and people.On the micro level one sees this corruption in the immolation of major cities and in the degradation of the lives of the people who reside in them, run by a host of petty tyrants.The salient purpose of armed Self-Defense is to prevent the onset of Tyranny of Government. If you, the reader, don’t see this, take a look at the Second Treatise of Government by the English Philosopher, John Locke. Our Constitution is constructed from the well-reasoned political philosophical remarks of John Locke.Do you need further proof: Take a look, once again, at the U.S. Supreme Court cases District of Columbia vs. Heller and McDonald vs. City of Chicago.The Tyrant knows that the exercise of the right to armed self-defense must be constrained else he cannot wield and maintain power and control over the commonalty, but he doesn’t say this. The Tyrant makes a different argument, directed to denizens of a free Republic.The argument against the exercise of the right to armed self-defense in this Country is that the Second Amendment is archaic and that the proliferation of guns in this Country causes “Gun Violence.”More recently, consistent with absurd political dogma, the Tyrant claims that the roots of the Second Amendment are racist. And a seditious Press echoes those sentiments.But then, ask yourself: Where is this disorder, this violence manifested? Is it in the actions of tens of millions of average, rational, responsible, American citizens—the commonalty that happens to possess firearms?When was the last time you heard that the common rational, responsible gun owner committed a crime through the use of a firearm or through the use of any other implement? When was the last you heard of an average gun owner who went on a shooting spree? How many of those occur in our Country anyway? How might they be prevented? Has not an armed citizen, in the midst of a “mass shooting, often prevented many deaths because he was able to stop the killer? If more people were armed, would they not be able to secure their life and that of others?Where does this so-called “Gun Violence” emanate and predominate?Is not the escalation of  “Criminal Violence” in the Country and especially in the major urban areas, the deliberate result of Government policy that allows the criminal element and the occasional lunatic to run amok?Why should curtailment of the basic natural law right to armed self-defense proceed from Government’s failure, oft deliberate, TO CONSTRAIN THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR of society: the foul, drug-addled lunatic; the monstrous, murderous gang member; and the opportunistic criminal—all of whom are devoid of empathy for the innocent person.Why should curtailment of a basic natural law right to armed self-defense proceed from instituting strict control over the natural law right of THE HIGHEST COMMON DENOMINATOR: tens of millions of average Americans?And, if those tens of millions of average Americans were to surrender their firearms to the Tyrant, how might that prevent the criminal and lunatic from engaging in less mayhem? Might not that encourage more illicit behavior and leave the common man absolutely defenseless, dependent completely on the goodwill of the Tyrant to dispel threat?But isn’t that really the point of disarming the citizenry: to leave the common man, the sole sovereign over Government, defenseless, powerless against the Tyrant, lest the common man rises up against the usurper?The New York Handgun Law and related laws as codified in the Consolidated Laws of New York, illustrate the Tyrant’s irrationality, arrogance, and lust for power over the citizens of the Country, residents of New York. But in the Gun Law and in other laws peppered throughout the breadth and depth of the Laws of New York, one sees, if one but reflects on those laws, a raw fear exposed. The Tyrant fears the common man.New York’s Handgun Law, the Sullivan Act, was enacted in 1911. It was predicated on fear of the common man—at the time, those were construed as new Italian immigrants to New York.The Sullivan Act was grounded on a lie at the outset: based on the idea that Italians were by nature, criminals, and their conduct in public had to be forcibly restrained lest they commit untold crimes throughout the State. This meant keeping firearms out of the hands of Italians. The form of the argument may have seemed valid to many. The premises were false, laughably so.The idea of converting a fundamental, unalienable right into a privilege is mystifying and disconcerting.Did the New York Government issue handgun licenses to Italians, recent naturalized citizens, residing in New York? One must wonder. If the idea behind the Sullivan Act, seemingly content neutral on its face, was to keep Italians from exercising their right, as citizens, to keep and bear arms, the law makes perfect sense.Yet the Sullivan Act came to be, and it survived, and thrived.The Sullivan Act requires all individuals who seek to carry a handgun in public to first obtain a handgun license from the Government to lawfully exercise their natural law right to armed self-defense.So then, the New York Government insists on inserting itself between the natural law right to armed self-defense, as codified in the Second Amendment, and one's exercise of that right, free of Government interference.The Handgun Law expanded exponentially to include further restraints, to encompass many more groups of people—the common man en masse—and to make the acquisition of a handgun carry license more expensive, time-consuming, and frustrating. That was the point.Many New Yorkers conceded defeat. They threw in the towel. They gave up the effort to obtain a license. The Handgun Law worked THAT well.Through time, the Handgun Licensing Statute became more elaborate. It developed into a cumbersome Handgun Licensing Regime. The challenges were many. But none succeeded in toppling the unconstitutional construct. And, then came the Heller case.The U.S. Supreme Court had for years stood idly by while State Government Tyrants and the Tyrant Federal Government road roughshod over the absolute right of the people to armed self-defense.In the 21st Century, some Justices on the High Court had had enough. It was clear that Two Branches of the Federal Government, the Executive and the Legislative, and many State Governments, including the District of Columbia, were not going to adhere to the strictures of the Bill of Rights, especially the dictates of the Second Amendment to the Constitution.Associate Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito set matters aright.With the indomitability of Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, and assisted by two able Associate Justices, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito, and, having convinced or perhaps cajoled the Chief Justice, John Roberts, and Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy to climb on board, the Court agree to review a case where the District of Columbia had enacted a law banning, outright, civilian citizen possession of handguns for self-defense, in the District.Since the District of Columbia law was predicated on the notion that the right to keep and bear arms was a collective right, not adhering to the individual, an erroneous notion, the Court Majority held clearly, concisely, and categorically that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is an individual right—one unconnected with association with a militia. And, having enunciated the clear, plain meaning of the natural law right codified in the Second Amendment, the High Court struck down the D.C. law.The anti-Second Amendment States were appalled and argued that Heller applied only to the Federal Government. That led to another challenge, this time from Plaintiff gun owners in Illinois, who argued that the right of the people to keep and bear arms applies with equal force to the States. The U.S. Supreme Court agreed. Justice Samuel Alito, who authored the Majority Opinion said, the right of the people to keep and bear arms applies with equal efficacy to the States through the application of the Fourteenth Amendment.Further challenges to States that refused to adhere to the rulings of Heller and McDonald went unreviewed by the Court, until a good ten years after McDonald.The High Court agreed to hear r a challenge to New York’s Handgun Law in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, vs. The City Of New York, 140 U.S. S. Ct. 1525 (2020)—the first major assault on the Sullivan Act to be heard by the High Court. In that case, Petitioner holders of valid restrictive handgun premise licenses sought to be able to transport their handguns to target ranges outside the City. The Rules of the City of New York forbade that.the narrow issue in the City of New York case dealt with the Second Amendment rights of holders of highly restrictive New York premise licenses. Yet, the case implicated broad Second Amendment questions impacting Heller and McDonald.Hochul’s predecessor, Andrew Cuomo, feared a decision on the merits of that case would open up a serious challenge to the core and mainstay of the State’s Sullivan Act, pertaining to the carrying of handguns in public.He could not, must not, allow a decision on the merits that would render the Sullivan Act vulnerable to further challenges that might eventually lead to the decimation of Handgun Licensing in New York.The Cuomo Administration weathered the storm by amending the State’s Gun Law. Those amendments required the City of New York to amend its own Gun Rules, pertaining to the transportation of handguns outside the home, by holders of New York City handgun premise licenses.The amendments satisfied Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice  Brett Kavanaugh. Those two votes, together with the votes of the liberal wing of the Court, sufficed to avoid the substantive merits of the case from review.With changes made to both the State Handgun Law and to New York City’s Handgun Licensing Regulations, the High Court dismissed the case, ruling the Plaintiffs’ claims moot.Associate Justice Alito thought otherwise. In his dissent, he argued there was no legal justification for a finding of mootness. Justice Alito laid out his arguments comprehensively and convincingly.Justice Kavanaugh without addressing the mootness matter, mentioned, in a separate Concurring Opinion,“I share Justice Alito’s concern that some federal and state courts may not be properly applying Heller and McDonald. The Court should address that issue soon, perhaps in one of the several Second Amendment cases with petitions for certiorari now pending before the Court.”Kavanaugh’s point came to fruition with Bruen, two years later, and in a major way, vexatious to the liberal wing of the Court, and likely so to the Chief Justice as well, and, no less so, the gravest fear of Governor Cuomo.But the conservative wing—now with Justice Amy Coney Barrett on the Bench—would no longer be constrained by foes of the Second Amendment who would erase the exercise of the right altogether if they had their way. Vindication of the Heller and McDonald rulings was at hand.The Hochul Government and Kathy Hochul, especially, weren’t pleased.If the City of New York case gave her predecessor, Governor Andrew Cuomo, a trifling headache, the Bruen case gave Hochul and Albany a full-on migraine.Bruen involved a challenge to the core of the State’s Handgun Law: the Constitutionality of predicating issuance of concealed handgun carry licenses on demonstration of “Proper Cause”/“Extraordinary Need.”Bruen struck down “Proper Cause.” And that required Hochul and the State Legislature in Albany to strike the phrase from the Handgun Law. There was no way around that.But Hochul and Albany had no intention of complying with a ruling that would tear the guts out of a handgun Law that existed for well over a century and that, through time, grew increasingly elaborate and more oppressive.So Governor Hochul and Albany brushed the rulings aside, concocting the Concealed Carry Improvement Act (CCIA) of 2022 that gives lip service to Bruen and is, at once, consistent with the State’s end goal to transform the State, eventually, into one massive “Gun Free Zone.” Likely Hochul and Albany were working on the CCIA once the oral argument had concluded on November 3, 2021, having anticipated the High Court intended to shred the core of the Sullivan Act.The Hochul Government was prepared. The High Court issued its decision on June 23, 2022. Ten days later the State Senate enacted the “CONCEALED HANDGUN CARRY IMPROVEMENT ACT” (CCIA). Hochul signed it into law on the same day, July 3, 2022.That word, ‘Improvement,’ as it appears in the title of the Act is incongruous, even incoherent. For what is it the Act improves? Certainly not the right of the American citizen, residing and/or working in New York, and the Act did not comply with the Bruen rulings.The CCIA was a cleverly, cunningly drawn evasion tactic that strengthened the Handgun Law, consistent with an age-old plan.This plan, this agenda, involved the methodical, evisceration of gun rights—a plan going back over a century ago. The Hochul Government did not design the CCIA to comply with the rulings, except on a superficial level. The Court did not like the words, “PROPER CAUSE,” so the Government would strike those words from the Sullivan Act.Since the Hochul Government still had to contend with the salient ruling that the right of the people to keep and bear arms for self-defense is not confined to one’s home but extends to the public arena, the State would slither around the ruling. That was the intent of the Hochul Government, and the CCIA well reflected that intention. They did that through the creation of a new construct: “SENSITIVE PLACE” restrictions, and through a bold reconfiguration of an old one, “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER.”Through the CCIA Hochul and her cohorts in Albany laid bare their objective: Erosion of the civilian citizen’s right to armed self-defense outside the home, notwithstanding the import of the Bruen decision: recognition of the right to armed self-defense outside the home, no less than inside it.The CCIA was to take effect on September 1, 2022. The Act's challengers wouldn’t wait for that to happen.The ink had not yet dried on the CCIA document Kathy Hochul signed when the Plaintiffs came forward to challenge the amendments to the Gun Law. There would be others—most of them in New York, but several across the Country as well, challenging similar Gun Laws, the language of which is contrary to the Bruen rulings.Several New York cases, including the main one, i.e., Antonyuk vs. Nigrelli, presently sit on review at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.Fully briefed, the Court conducted oral hearings for each of them, on March 20, 2023. Expect final orders during the summer months.


As we stated supra, two provisions of the CCIA stand out as they serve as the basis of the State’s defiance of the Second Amendment and the Bruen rulings: “SENSITIVE PLACE” and “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER.”The “Sensitive Place” provision is new. There is no correlation with it in the prior version of the Law or in any previous version, hearkening back to the commencement of handgun licensing in 1911 with the enactment of the Sullivan Act. Much has been said about the “Sensitive Place” provision and challenges to the CCIA invariably point to it.The “Good Moral Character” requirement, on the other hand, is not new.Little is said about it in the prior version of the Handgun Law. And, apart from mentioning it in Bruen, the High Court had nothing to say about it.As applied to applications for restrictive handgun premise licenses—and a multi-tiered Handgun structure remains in the New York Gun Law—there is no change from the prior Law.However, as applied to applications for concealed handgun carry licenses, the State Legislature added substantial and significant provisions—a massive transformation from what had existed before.A major distinction between the two provisions, “Sensitive Place” and “Good Moral Character,” needs to be mentioned and discussed before we proceed to a comprehensive analysis of the latter provision.


“Sensitive Place” restrictions affect holders of State concealed handgun carry licenses only, not those holders of highly restrictive premise handgun licenses —a point seemingly trivial. It isn’t.A holder of a premise license cannot lawfully utilize a handgun for self-defense outside the home or place of business, notwithstanding instances of dire threats to life presenting themselves outside the home or one’s place of business.The lawful use of a handgun for self-defense begins and ends within the confines of the walls of the structure.As if to emphasize the point, the holder of a home or business license, who wishes to transport his handgun outside the home, lawfully, must keep the handgun in a handgun case, not in a holster on his person. Ammunition must be kept in the case as well and separate from the handgun itself.This means that, if the holder of a restricted premise license were confronted by a deadly threat while out in public, the handgun won’t be readily accessible. And that is the point. And that is concerning for two reasons.First, a handgun case is easily identifiable as such.If the licensee is in a subway, say, on the way to a New York City target range, a determined and highly aggressive thief can strongarm the case away from the owner.In that event, the owner must immediately notify the NYPD of the fact of the theft, and he will likely be required to surrender his premise handgun license during the investigation. If the police fail to recover the handgun, the owner will likely be denied issuance of a replacement license, which is a condition precedent to lawful receipt of a new handgun. And to add insult to injury, the owner will likely be blamed for the theft having occurred. The police report will indicate that the owner had lost possession of the case, suggesting that, if the owner had been deficient in protecting the property, and, perhaps, should haven’t taken the handgun outside the home or place of business in the first instance.Second, if the licensee were threatened with violence to self and were able to access the handgun and successfully avert a tragedy to self by incapacitating the aggressor by shooting him, the licensee would lose his license. There is no question about that.Worse, the licensee would be prosecuted for misuse of the handgun.Worst of all, the aggressor would likely be charged with criminal assault and wrongful possession of a handgun, for the premise license doesn’t lawfully allow the licensee to wield a handgun in public. As if to emphasize this point, Governor Hochul made patently clear that Bruen doesn’t authorize a person to carry a handgun in public for self-defense. In other words, New York remains a Handgun Licensing State Par Excellence among Anti-Second Amendment fanatics.Further, if the aggressor died of his wounds, the licensee would be indicted for manslaughter or murder. That outcome isn’t merely likely. It is certain and inevitable.Under New York Law self-defense may be a perfect defense to a charge of manslaughter or murder if one didn’t initiate the aggressive act, but “armed” self-defense isn’t if the person appealing to it happens to use a handgun in the absence of a valid State issued concealed handgun carry license.This is true even if the perpetrator himself is armed and threatens to kill the innocent person.The idea that an innocent person cannot defend him or herself but for use of a handgun and would suffer indictment for unlawful homicide notwithstanding, is ludicrous. But that is the nature of New York law.Isn’t that the tacit point of a fundamental right of the people to keep and bear arms? And isn’t that the central point of the Bruen rulings?Raw abhorrence of firearms precludes rational debate over the right to armed self-defense in the face of imminent violent assault against self.In fact, even if the licensee does hold a valid concealed handgun carry license, that may not protect him from a charge of manslaughter or murder. The best that can be said about this is that at least the licensee is alive when he would otherwise be dead. But the ramifications of armed self-defense reflect the sad truth about living and working in New York.The Hochul Government’s aversion toward firearms and civilian citizen gun ownership is so strong that the New York Government begrudges the issuance of handgun licenses at all.And it gets worse. Of late, even where a handgun isn’t employed in self-defense, any use of self-defense that results in harm or death to an assailant may still result in a felony indictment. Recall the recent incident involving a retired Marine whom Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, brought a charge of manslaughter against. See, e.g., the article in Reuters. Even as violent crime escalates around the Country, especially in the major cities run by Democrat-Party administrations, the right to self-defense, armed or not, is under assault.The irony of an increasingly dangerous society, a wary, tentative police force post-Floyd George, and the incessant Government attack on Americans who would logically wish to carry a handgun for self-defense—since it is the most effective means available to defend one’s life—is both a disheartening and disorienting fact of life for those living or working in New York and in similar jurisdictions across the Country. That is what they must contend with.As if reading the minds of New Yorkers, the Hochul Government issued a reminder (actually a warning) to all New York residents, on June 24, 2022, one day after the Bruen decision came out, that New Yorkers should take care not to carry a handgun in public without a valid concealed handgun carry license, that Bruen hasn’t changed anything.“Governor Kathy Hochul today issued a reminder to gun owners that the U.S. Supreme Court's Thursday decision to strike down New York's concealed carry law does not mean New York State's licensure processes and rules do not need to be followed. It does not automatically give current residential permit owners the ability to carry guns outside the home. Gun owners are required by law to follow current restrictions.” Hochul made these remarks on June 24, 2023, one day after the publication of the Bruen decision.Hochul would have known that most of the amendments to the Handgun Law were already drafted and coming down the pike, momentarily. That meant the nuances and peculiarities of multi-tier Gun licensing Statutes would remain.And that raises the question, post-Bruen: Why would a person seek to acquire a restricted New York handgun premise license in lieu of a concealed handgun carry license? After all, didn’t the elimination of the “Proper Cause”/“Extraordinary Need” requirement make the acquisition of a concealed handgun carry license easier? Not really.Sure, the Hochul Government struck “Proper Cause”/“Extraordinary Need” from the Sullivan Act. But she remains stubborn and undeterred.Hochul continues to place roadblocks in the path of those individuals who wish to exercise their natural law right to armed self-defense. A plethora of sensitive place restrictions on lawful carry and use of a handgun for self-defense now plague holders of concealed handgun carry licenses: both new applications and renewals.The inclusion of the “Sensitive Place” provision and the “Good Moral Character” requirement in the CCIA operate essentially as stand-ins for “Proper Cause.”If the Hochul Government must acknowledge the right to armed self-defense outside the home no less than inside it, then the New York Government will place a plethora of obstacles in the path of those whom the State issues licenses to carry.The holder of such a license now finds himself constrained in the act of lawful carrying of a handgun and, therefore, constrained from lawfully using a handgun for self-defense in places that heretofore had no such restrictions.New York State, and New York City, especially, has become a patchwork quilt of places where the carrying of a handgun for self-defense—and therefore the use of it for self-defense—is illegal, notwithstanding the issuance of a concealed handgun carry license.Pre-Bruen, the only place restrictions pertained to were school zones and Federal and State Government buildings. The licensee knew that and avoided carrying a handgun in those areas and buildings. Now, the holder of a valid concealed handgun carry license must play a child’s game of  “Hopscotch”—kept mentally off-balance not precisely aware whether he and his handgun and the concealed handgun license he carries, are situated in a prohibited “Sensitive Place.” Did he miss a marker? What if he has to walk through or drive through a designated “Sensitive Place” to arrive at his destination? Must he detour around the area?The concealed handgun carry licensee must also keep in mind that “Sensitive Locations” are subject to revision. New restricted areas may be listed, and he must keep assiduously abreast of all amendments to those“Sensitive Place” restrictions.So then, “full carry” UNRESTRICTED handgun licenses no longer exist in New York. Under the CCIA, such “full carry” licenses, are constrained by numerous rigidly enforced place restrictions—which the Government may add to at any time.New York UNRESTRICTED “FULL CARRY” CONCEALED HANDGUN LICENSES are for all intents and purposes now reduced to RESTRICTED “LIMITED CARRY” CONCEALED HANDGUN CARRY LICENSES, most notably, on Manhattan Island.


The “Good Moral Character” requirement operates differently from the State’s “Sensitive Place” provision.The idea behind amendments to “Good Moral Character” as applied to applications for New York concealed handgun carry licenses is to dissuade an applicant from going through the hurdles of obtaining one.That is a strong inducement for the applicant to forego attempting to acquire such a license, opting instead for a restrictive premise license. That is why the Hochul Government has maintained the confounding multi-tiered handgun licensing structure post-Bruen.While there would appear, at first glance, no rational reason for a person to opt for a HIGHLY RESTRICTED New York premise handgun license Post-Bruen, the Hochul Government there are more than enough hurdles in place, making the acquisition of a RESTRICTED concealed handgun carry license no assured proposition, and the detailed information the CCIA mandates might cause a conscientious person to wish to refrain from divulging substantial details of his private life to the Government. In that case, a person might wish to forego the intricate, confusing, and intrusive process to obtain a concealed carry license and accept, instead, a New York premise handgun license.


For the individual undeterred in his quest to acquire a concealed handgun carry license, he must willingly accept Government interference with his fundamental right to privacy and autonomy.Application of this bolstered “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” provision has a chilling effect on the First Amendment Freedom of Speech clause and on tacit Freedom of Association, and on the Fourth Amendment right of a person to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. An Applicant must now waive those rights if he wishes to pursue the acquisition of a concealed handgun carry license.“GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” also butts up against one’s right to due process and equal protection under the Fourteenth Amendment—the very reason the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the“PROPER CAUSE” requirement.As applied to applicants for either highly restricted or restrictive premise handgun licenses only, the 2023 version of New York’s Handgun Law does not change anything. The CCIA reads as the prior version of the Gun Law read:NY CLS Penal §400.00(1):“Eligibility. No license shall be issued or renewed pursuant to this section except by the licensing officer, and then only after investigation and finding that all statements in a proper application for a license are true. No license shall be issued or renewed except for an applicant (a) twenty-one years of age or older, provided, however, that where such applicant has been honorably discharged from the United States army, navy, marine corps, air force or coast guard, or the national guard of the state of New York, no such age restriction shall apply; (b) of good moral character, which, for the purposes of this article, shall mean having the essential character, temperament and judgement necessary to be entrusted with a weapon and to use it only in a manner that does not endanger oneself or others (c) who has not been convicted anywhere of a felony or a serious offense or who is not the subject of an outstanding warrant of arrest issued upon the alleged commission of a felony or serious offense; (d) who is not a fugitive from justice; (e) who is not an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance as defined in section 21 U.S.C. 802; (f) who being an a noncitizen (i) is not illegally or unlawfully in the United States or (ii) has not been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa subject to the exception in 18 U.S.C. 922(y)(2); (g) who has not been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions; (h) who, having been a citizen of the United States, has not renounced his or her citizenship; (i) who has stated whether he or she has ever suffered any mental illness; (j) who has not been involuntarily committed to a facility under the jurisdiction of an office of the department of mental hygiene pursuant to article nine or fifteen of the mental hygiene law, article seven hundred thirty or section 330.20 of the criminal procedure law or substantially similar laws of any other state, section four hundred two or five hundred eight of the correction law, section 322.2 or 353.4 of the family court act, has not been civilly confined in a secure treatment facility pursuant to article ten of the mental hygiene law, or has not been the subject of a report made pursuant to section 9.46 of the mental hygiene law; (k) who has not had a license revoked or who is not under a suspension or ineligibility order issued pursuant to the provisions of section 530.14 of the criminal procedure law or section eight hundred forty-two-a of the family court act.”The above requirements apply to the issuance of all New York handgun licenses: the highly restrictive premise home or business license and the concealed handgun “full carry” license.Note that the requirements set forth in the aforesaid section of the Handgun Law mirror the requirements of Federal Law, 18 USCS § 922, but also, in some instances, as illustrated in the State law, go well beyond what counts as a disability under Federal law. But understand——


The requirement is both inherently vague and markedly, nakedly subjective.How does a licensing officer determine an applicant has “the essential character, temperament, and judgment necessary to be entrusted with a weapon and to use it only in a manner that does not endanger oneself or others”? If the individual falls into a Federal disability—for example, the individual has been involuntarily committed to a mental asylum, has a felony conviction, or having served in the military, has received a dishonorable discharge—the licensing officer will point to the disability and likely add the applicant lacks the necessary character to be trusted with possession of a handgun or with the possession of any firearm. But then, a claim of lack of proper character and temperament adds nothing to a notice of denial to issue a handgun license. THE REQUIREMENT IS REDUNDANT.But, if the licensing officer does not specify a disability in the notice of denial apart from the assertion that, in the licensing officer’s opinion, the applicant lacks proper character and temperament, then, in the absence of a factual basis for such a finding, other than mere recitation of subjective, personal opinion, a Court of competent jurisdiction would likely find the decision to be arbitrary and capricious.But an applicant would have to go through the lengthy, arduous, and costly process of filing a New York “ARTICLE 78” action, challenging the licensing officer’s decision, to obtain relief from a Notice of Denial to Issue a License.That has always been a problem with the use of a Character requirement in the Handgun Law. But, prior to the enactment of the CCIA, the requirement never posed a viable problem.The licensing officer wouldn’t point to the absence of proper character and temperament EXCEPT if the denial were grounded on an objective disability. Recitation of the disability would suffice to deny the issuance of a handgun license. But, of itself, recitation of lack of proper character would not suffice to support a notice of denial to issue a handgun license. Lack of Good Moral Character was, heretofore, in New York, neither a necessary nor sufficient condition to obtaining a license.The Licensing Officer might append his Notice of Denial with a finding that the applicant lacks proper temperament and character, but its inclusion would not add anything portentous to the Notice of Denial.An Article 78 judicial action challenging the Notice of Denial would address the license officer’s litany of disabilities—discrete and specific matters. For, it would be on the basis of the disabilities that character objectively comes into play. Still, one might make the case that severe mental illness, severe enough to require institutionalization is not of itself demonstrative of “BAD MORAL CHARACTER,” any more than a person having a serious heart condition, or cancer, should be considered to have “BAD MORAL CHARACTER” due to illness.Where a person has committed a serious crime due to mental illness (for example, a person is found not guilty by reason of insanity), a case may or not be made out that such a person has “BAD MORAL CHARACTER.” It is a gray area. But, in any event, the New York licensing officer would refuse to issue a handgun license to that person. The issue of “GOOD” or “BAD” MORAL CHARACTER is really irrelevant in that case.Moreover, by itself, the issue of “CHARACTER” counts for nothing. And yet, for those individuals now applying for a concealed handgun carry license, this elusive and illusive provision becomes a new highly ramped-up basis to deny issuance of a handgun license. It is even more subjective, and just as arbitrary, as New York’s old “Proper Cause” requirement.Like the multi-tier structure of handgun licensing, the inclusion of a character requirement in the Handgun Law has itself developed into a complex multi-tier structure.The requirement for those applying for a concealed handgun carry license, the “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” requirement established for application for a highly restricted handgun carry license is now merely the first step in a two-step process to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the licensing authority, that the applicant has the proper character to be issued a concealed handgun carry license.Post-CCIA, NY CLS Penal §400.00(1)(o):“for a license issued under paragraph (f) of subdivision two of this section the applicant shall meet in person with the licensing officer for an interview and shall, in addition to any other information or forms required by the license application submit to the licensing officer the following information: (i) names and contact information for the applicant’s current spouse, or domestic partner, any other adults residing in the applicant’s home, including any adult children of the applicant, and whether or not there are minors residing, full time or part time, in the applicant’s home; (ii) names and contact information of no less than four character references who can attest to the applicant’s good moral character and that such applicant has not engaged in any acts, or made any statements that suggest they are likely to engage in conduct that would result in harm to themselves or others; (iii) certification of completion of the training required in subdivision nineteen of this section; (iv) a list of former and current social media accounts of the applicant from the past three years to confirm the information regarding the applicants character and conduct as required in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph; and (v) such other information required by the licensing officer that is reasonably necessary and related to the review of the licensing application.It isn’t clear whether only one, or two, or all five requirements listed above all fall into the sphere of “Good Moral Character” and we must wend our way through the thicket to get a handle on this.To begin, it is odd to require more than one standard of proper character in the State’s Handgun Law.Logically, if a person cannot be deemed to have sufficient good character to possess a handgun at all, what does it mean and why should it matter to require more of one’s character to carry a handgun in public?Surely, if a “Character” requirement is going to be posited at all, then it follows that a person either has the proper character and temperament to possess a handgun or does not. This is not to suggest that a person should be required to demonstrate special Character traits. Indeed a person can have bad character, but, unless he is a blatant threat to others, a licensing authority should not wield one’s Character as a sword against him.The problem here rests with the Government licensing of handguns. The multi-tier handgun scheme that New York has constructed around which the Government creates ridiculous requirements to justify, or rationalize, the need for such a tiered structure, only makes the entire notion of “CHARACTER” more ridiculous. But, to employ a “CHARACTER” provision in a licensing scheme at all is just “nuts.”Government creates handgun licensing schemes and then interjects requirements that beg the question of whether Government should be in the game of licensing exercise of a fundamental right at all.Sure, a person requires a license to practice law or to practice medicine, but, while a person does enjoy a basic (we would argue an unenumerated Ninth Amendment) right to make a living, and, in fact, has a duty to provide for himself and for his family, so as not to be a burden on himself and on society, a person does not have a Constitutional right to practice law or medicine.And the professions, not the Government, regulate whether one has the proper character to practice law or medicine, anyway. If a professional Board sitting on review of a person’s character does not believe a candidate has the proper character, the Board will not allow a person to sit for the Bar Exam or, in the case of the medical profession, to sit for the Medical Licensing Examinations. These exams are necessary conditions precedent to acquire a State License to practice law or medicine.But the inclusion of a “Good Moral Characterrequirement as a condition precedent to obtaining a license to exercise the fundamental right to armed self-defense is bizarre, and, in practice, application of the requirement adds nothing substantive, definitive, or even rational to the process. Application of the requirement merely reflects the personal bias of the licensing authority.And there never was anything substantive about it. It is just a makeweight, and wholly subjective.The Federal grounds for disqualification are sufficient,* as they are, for the most part, objective and tend to preclude the insinuation of personal bias, conscious or not, into the process of adducing whether one can or cannot possess a firearm. The instant background check undertaken at a firearms dealer is enough.The mindset of the Hochul Government is crucial in analyzing and evaluating these new requirements in the CCIA.We will delve into this in the next article, beginning with whether New York makes use of this thing, in other State Statutes. It does. And we will take a look at how other States that have such a provision, utilize it, and lay out our arguments in support of the remarks made herein that there is no justification for employment of “GOOD MORAL CHARACTER” in New York’s Handgun Law.____________________________________*We must stress, consistent with prior statements made in previous articles, that our position is that, despite the seeming contradiction, the natural law right to armed self-defense is absolute.

But does this mean that all individuals should possess a firearm if they wish? The term ‘absolute,’ means ‘unqualified,’ and ‘without restriction.’ This logically entails the proposition that the natural law right to armed self-defense is an unqualified right of man, hence a right, without restriction.

But refer back to the word, ‘should,’ in the afore-referenced question, “Should all individuals possess a firearm if they wish? Further to the point, should there be some limitation on who possesses a firearm?

The word ‘should’ changes a proposition into a normative, moral statement that does not readily fall into the basic “true”/“false” paradigm. Our position is that pragmatic considerations require tough choices when it comes to who “should” “be allowed” to possess a firearm. That ultimately means some people, for pragmatic reasons, “should not” be permitted to possess guns.

Murderous psychopaths and psychotic maniacs fall into categories of individuals who should not possess firearms because their use of firearms is not limited to self-defense or for such benign purposes as hunting, target practice, or sport, such as skeet or trap-shooting, or Olympic events. And, recall the codification of the natural law right to armed self-defense (subsumed into “self-defense”/“self-preservation”) as the core predicate of the right, eliminating, then, use of firearms to commit murder or to threaten murder or other violence.

Federal Law also prohibits “illegal aliens” from possessing firearms. And that is right and proper. The United States is a Nation State, with physical geographical borders, comprised of citizens, whose allegiance, whether they accept it or not, is to the Nation—its Constitution, history, heritage, culture, ethos, and core ethical values.

By definition, an ‘illegal alien,’ is a person who intentionally defies our National geographical Integrity, our Constitutional integrity, and our Laws. His allegiance is not to our Country, nor to our Constitution. Therefore he, like a murderer, is a threat to our natural law right to self-defense, and therefore is prohibited from possessing a firearm, and, from a normative perspective, “ought” rightfully to be prohibited from possessing a firearm.

“Mental Defectives” are another category of individuals that are not in a position to be trusted with a gun as a very young child, as they pose a threat to others if they have access to a firearm. And as for those members of the armed forces who have been dishonorably discharged, they have brought dishonor on their Nation and on themselves and have demonstrated an inability to be trusted with a firearm, as, by definition, they pose a danger to the Nation, People, and Constitution.

But how far should these pragmatic bases to deny possession of firearms extend? The Government itself exists to preserve and protect the Constitution and provide for the common welfare of the citizens.

But Government is naturally inclined—given the power it wields—to subvert those ends, usurping the sovereignty of the American people.

The Biden Administration has disdainfully, unabashedly usurped the sovereignty of the American people and has deliberately, and maliciously failed to faithfully serve and protect the Nation, and has intentionally, malevolently, and spitefully, ignored enforcement of the Laws of the Land. And the Administration has gone further yet: coldly, callously, designing and implementing policy for the purpose of subverting and sabotaging the Laws of the Land.

It is not by accident this Administration has deliberately thwarted the citizenry's exercise of their Bill of Rights. The Administration has designed and implemented policy systematically designed to weaken the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

The Biden Administration is hell-bent determined to dismantle the institutions of our Country, to destroy our history, heritage, culture, and Judeo-Christian ethical values, fully embracing a Tyranny to thrust upon the Nation. And Democrat Party-controlled State Governments across the Country have taken the policy positions and messaging of the Biden Administration to heart: zealously following in the Administration’s footsteps, designing and implementing similar policies, all with the aim of destabilizing society, destroying the economy, demoralizing the people, and promoting all matter of vices against God, Country, and People.

It is but an understatement to assert that neither the Federal Government nor many State Governments are the best arbiter to decide how or whether the natural law right to armed self-defense is to be exercised.

As we see most clearly today, Government tends, through time, to institute more and more restrictions on who may “lawfully” possess firearms, and places ever more draconian restrictions on the types, kinds, and quantity of firearms and ammunition one may possess, and on the component parts and paraphernalia a person may “lawfully” keep.

The Arbalest Quarrel has discussed this notion of ‘Tyranny’ in some depth, in previous articles and we will have much more to say about it and will do so in future articles. We will also deal at length with the notion of ‘absoluteness’ of our natural law rights and lay out further how that concept can be seen to cohere with a seeming logical inconsistency of ‘limitation’ placed on absoluteness in the exercise of natural law rights, utilizing “pragmatic realism” and “normative principles” to secure the Bill of Rights for all time, notwithstanding the strong desire and goal of the Neo-Marxist Internationalists and Neoliberal Globalist Empire Builders that insist the U.S. Constitution's Bill of Rights is archaic, unworkable, and, therefore, must eventually be eliminated, as part of their major overhaul of this Nations  Constitution.

___________________________________Copyright © 2023 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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The U.S. Supreme Court struck down New York’s “May Issue” concealed handgun carry license “Proper Cause” requirement in New York on June 23, 2022, in the third landmark Second Amendment case, NYSRPA vs. Bruen. That much is known among both friends and foes of the Second Amendment alike. And the Democrat Party legislative machinery in Albany, at the behest of New York Governor Kathy Hochul, did strike “Proper Cause” from the State’s Handgun Law, the Sullivan Act.But a comprehensive set of amendments to the Law did nothing to weaken the import of the Act.Hochul and Albany simply rejiggered it, leading immediately, and unsurprisingly, to a new round of challenges.But what accounts for this brazenness of the New York Government? And why is it fair to say the recent set of Amendments to New York’s Handgun Law (the Sullivan Act) is no less in conflict with the right codified in the Second Amendment, after Bruen, than before the Bruen decision?As we argue, the Amendments to the Handgun Law, “The Concealed Carry Improvement Act” of 2022 (“CCIA”), negatively impact not only the Second and Fourteenth Amendments but the First and Fourth Amendments of the Bill of Rights as well.Moreover, for holders of valid New York concealed carry licenses prior to Bruen, the Amendments to the Handgun Law do not secure acquiring a renewal of their concealed handgun carry license any easier, but create new hurdles for those licensees, no less so than for new applications for concealed carry licenses.And, for those individuals who do acquire a valid New York concealed handgun carry license under the CCIA, its usefulness is jeopardized.Prior to Bruen, the State had established two tiers of concealed handgun carry licenses: Restricted and Unrestricted. That distinction no longer exists. The CCIA collapses the two tiers. Henceforth, all concealed handgun carry licenses are now, in effect, “Restricted.”What is going on here? How has the New York Government come about?One must dig deep into Bruen for an answer, and that analysis must extend to Heller and McDonald. For the three landmark Second Amendment cases operate in tandem.


The New York Government has exploited weaknesses in the rulings and reasoning of Bruen and in the parent Heller and McDonald cases.Consistent with our prior analyses, we continue to delve deeply into U.S. Gun Law.In this and subsequent articles, we unpack and decipher the language of the three seminal 21st Century Second Amendment cases to gain an understanding of the weaknesses and flaws that have allowed State Government foes of the Second Amendment to flaunt the High Court rulings.Sometimes these Government schemes demonstrate adroitness and cunning. At other times the schemes show ineptitude, appearing crude and amateurish. No matter. Foes of the Second Amendment illustrate, through their actions, unmitigated Government contempt for theArticle III power of the Third Branch of Government, a marked disdain for the natural law right to armed self-defense, and outright hatred toward Americans who exhibit a marked intention to keep and bear arms, consistent with the right guaranteed to them by eternal, immutable Divine Law, albeit contrary to transitory, ever-changing international norms.  High Court rulings do not and cannot transform innate and open hostility toward the Second Amendment, harbored by and exhibited by the legacy Press; a plethora of native Anti-Second Amendment interest groups; the Biden Administration and its toady functionaries; Democrat Party-Controlled State Governments; International Marxist-Communist, and Neoliberal Globalist influences; the fixtures of the EU and UN; the Nation's Political liberals, Progressives, and Radicals among the polity; and international-sponsored NGOs.Reason doesn't factor into the equation. Those forces hostile to the very existence of the Second Amendment remain so. The hostility is attributed to and engendered by the agenda of the Globalist Billionaire Class the goal of which is to bring to fruition a neo-feudalistic corporatist Globalist economic, and financial empire, around which a one-world socio-political Government is to be constructed, through which the Hoi Polloi of the world, amorphous billions, are to be ruled with an iron fist, keeping them corralled and constrained.Constitutions of individual nation-states, especially those of the U.S. that embrace God-Given natural law, beyond the lawful authority of any Government to tamper with, are antithetical to The Globalist end-game. And, so, the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court are deemed both dangerous and irrelevant.Yet, the salient job of the U.S. Supreme Court is to preserve the import and purport of the U.S. Constitution by interpreting the plain meaning of it as drafted, and, in so doing, constrain malevolent or opportunistic forces that would manipulate the Constitution to serve an agenda at odds with it, whose unstated goal, as has become increasingly apparent, amounts to the wholesale destruction of a free Republic and the Nation’s sovereign people. It need hardly be said, let alone argued, that decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court are not and ought not to be determined by popular opinion. Inferring the plain meaning of the Constitution, the decisions of the Court are not to be shunted aside due to the fervor of the moment. In any event, public opinion is fickle; easily manipulated. The public, much of it, is easily roused to anger. Now a mob, it is whipped into a frenetic, frenzied rage through the launching of industry-wide propaganda campaigns— elaborate psychological conditioning programs, blanketing the entire Nation. It is in this climate of induced fear and rage toward firearms and toward those of us who intend to exercise our fundamental, unalienable, immutable, eternal right to armed self-defense that the U.S. Supreme Court operates and must navigate in and through, never losing sight of one axiomatic principle enunciated by John Marshall, Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, over two centuries ago in the landmark case Marbury vs. Madison, 5 U.S. 137, 1 Cranch 137 (1803). All first-year law students come to know this case.

It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is. Those who apply the rule to particular cases, must of necessity expound and interpret that rule. If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each. 

So if a law be in opposition to the constitution; if both the law and the constitution apply to a particular case, so that the court must either decide that case conformably to the law, disregarding the constitution; or conformably to the constitution, disregarding the law; the court must determine which of these conflicting rules governs the case. This is of the very essence of judicial duty.

See also, the article, The Court and Constitutional Interpretation, on the High Court's website:

“When the Supreme Court rules on a constitutional issue, that judgment is virtually final; its decisions can be altered only by the rarely used procedure of constitutional amendment or by a new ruling of the Court. However, when the Court interprets a statute, new legislative action can be taken.Chief Justice Marshall expressed the challenge which the Supreme Court faces in maintaining free government by noting: ‘We must never forget that it is a constitution we are expounding . . . intended to endure for ages to come, and consequently, to be adapted to the various crises of human affairs.’” This suggests the High Court should never be tentative, circuitous, or vague in its opinions, especially when dealing with the Bill of Rights.Alas, that normative commandment is less objective practice and more unattainable goal. The elusiveness of it is due more likely to stormy conditions in the Court itself, among the Justices, that require them,  at times, to pull their punches.


The problems attendant to Bruen rest not with the rulings themselves, but with abstruseness; a lack of clarity. The authors of Heller, McDonald, and Bruen, could have closed the loopholes. They didn’t.But the fault does not lie with the late, eminent Justice Antonin Scalia, author of the Heller Majority Opinion, nor with Justice Samuel Alito, author of the McDonald Majority Opinion, nor with Justice Clarence Thomas, author of the Bruen Majority Opinion.The fault, more likely than not, rests with Chief Justice Roberts. Conscious of the political headwinds, and desirous to establish a modicum of common ground between the two wings of the Court, he likely had demanded watered-down versions of the Majority Opinions.Were Justices Scalia, Alito, and Thomas given free rein, they would have denied to State Government actors and their compliant Courts, an escape route, however narrow, allowing these foes of the Second Amendment to concoct mechanisms to skirt the Heller, McDonald, and Bruen rulings and reasoning that supports those rulings.


On a few major findings, the three landmark cases were patently clear.Heller held firmly that the right of the people to keep and bear arms is an individual right, unconnected with service in a militia, and the Federal Government is prevented from disturbing that right. McDonald made clear the rulings and reasoning of Heller applied with equal force to the States. Bruen made clear the individual right to armed self-defense isn’t confined to one’s home but extends to the public domain.At each step, the three LandmarkSecond Amendment cases strengthened, in turn, an aspect of the plain meaning of the natural law right to armed self-defense, drawing upon and building upon and then clarifying a central plank of the predecessor case.The foes of these Landmark cases contested findings of law and fact. The arguments invariably began with a false premise: that the U.S. Supreme Court has impermissibly expanded the right embodied in the Second Amendment. The High Court did no such thing. It expanded nothing.The High Court simply laid out what exists in the language of the Second Amendment but that some State Governments fail to recognize or know but fail to acknowledge. And, in their actions, these Governments contort and distort, and inexorably weaken the clear, concise, and categorical meaning of the natural law right codified in the Second Amendment.The central thesis of the latest Landmark case, Bruen is this:


And, yet there exists a conundrum, a problem, a painful shard embedded in the heart of Bruena  carryover from Hellerthat begs for resolution in a fourth Second Amendment case that likely is coming down the pike: Antonyuk vs. Nigrelli, another New York case.That case is the progeny of an earlier case, Antonyuk vs. Bruen—the first major challenge to the U.S. Supreme Court case, NYSRPA vs. Bruen.The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, amenable to the allegations made attacking the legality and Constitutionality of New York’s Concealed Carry Improvement Act, dismissed the case without prejudice, tacitly, but unsubtly, encouraging the Plaintiff, Ivan Antonyuk to refile the case.New York Governor Hochul, apparently oblivious to the fact that the dismissal of Antonyuk vs. Bruen did not mean the Court found the CCIA Constitutional, pompously reported the District Court’s action as a win. She should have saved her breath. She would have looked less the fool.The Plaintiff, Ivan Antonyuk, promptly filed a new complaint, and five other holders of valid New York concealed handgun carry licenses joined him as Party Plaintiffs. During the litigation of the case, the Parties filed a Motion for Preliminary Injunction to stay enforcement of the CCIA, and the District Court granted the Motion.The Hochul Government appealed the Injunction to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The Appellate Court reversed the District Court’s granting of the stay, and the Plaintiffs filed an interlocutory appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court. In an unconventional request for a response from the Government to the Plaintiffs’ appeal, the Hochul Government filed its opposition to the lifting of the stay of enforcement of the CCIA case—eventually, recaptioned Antonyuk vs. Nigrelli—and the High Court, in deference to the Second Circuit, did lift the stay, permitting the Government to enforce the CCIA while the Second Circuit rules on the Preliminary Injunction.Having received what it wanted from the High Court and knowing or suspecting the core of the CCIA would likely be overturned on appeal of a final Order of the Second Circuit, the Hochul Government would have every reason to dawdle.The High Court, aware of this, cautioned the Government against this, in its Order, stating that that the Government must proceed apace with the case, and explicitly asserting that Plaintiffs can appeal to the High Court if the Government deliberately drags its feet.Yet, months later, the case, Antonyuk vs. Nigrelli, still sits at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.


State Governments—like New York and others—that abhor exercise of the right embodied in the Second Amendmentwill continue to enact Statutes spurning the High Court’s rulings until the Court deals with this conundrum.The central premise of Bruen is that the right to armed self-defense, inherent in the language of the Second Amendment, is not bounded in space or time.A person need not, then, present a reason to carry a handgun for self-defense in public. Self-defense is reason enough, and that reason is presumed in a person’s application for a carry license.It was the presumption of “May Issue” jurisdictions that an applicant for a handgun carry license must show the need for a handgun carry license that the U.S. Supreme Court attacked head-on.Justice Thomas, writing for the Majority in Bruen, said this:  “New York is not alone in requiring a permit to carry a handgun in public. But the vast majority of States—43 by our count—are shall issue’ jurisdictions, where authorities must issue concealed-carry licenses whenever applicants satisfy certain threshold requirements, without granting licensing officials discretion to deny licenses based on a perceived lack of need or suitability. Meanwhile, only six States and the District of Columbia have ‘may issue’ licensing laws, under which authorities have discretion to deny concealed-carry licenses even when the applicant satisfies the statutory criteria, usually because the applicant has not demonstrated cause or suitability for the relevant license. Aside from New York, then, only California, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, and New Jersey have analogues to the ‘proper cause’ standard. All of these ‘proper cause’ analogues have been upheld by the Courts of Appeals, save  for the District of Columbia’s, which has been permanently enjoined since 2017. Compare Gould v. Morgan, 907 F. 3d 659, 677 (CA1 2018); Kachalsky v. County of Westchester, 701 F. 3d 81, 101 (CA2 2012); Drake v. Filko, 724 F. 3d 426, 440 (CA3 2013); United States v. Masciandaro, 638 F. 3d 458, 460 (CA4 2011); Young v. Hawaii, 992 F. 3d 765, 773 (CA9 2021) (en banc), with Wrenn v. District of Columbia, 864 F. 3d 650, 668, 431 U.S. App. D.C. 62 (CADC 2017).” [Bruen, Majority Opinion]Justice Thomas says Appellate Courts have upheld “May Issue” in six which include New York and the District of Columbia. What Justice Thomas doesn’t say but suggests is that “May Issue” is henceforth unconstitutional in all those jurisdictions because those jurisdictions embrace a“Proper Cause” schema even if the precise phrase, ‘Proper Cause,’ isn’t used in those “May Issue” in the handgun laws of those jurisdictions.Moreover, insofar as the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in those jurisdictions have heretofore held “May Issue” Gun Laws Constitutional, the holdings of those Courts are henceforth overruled to the extent they conflict with Bruen. That means the reasoning in conjunction with and supporting those holdings is to be given no effect.A showing of “Extraordinary Need” is the mainstay of “Proper Cause”/“May Issue.” But, as to what had heretofore constituted this “Proper Cause”/“Extraordinary Need” was never defined in New York Statute. So, then, what is this thing, “Proper Cause?” How does New York define ‘Proper Cause’ since the Legislature never defined it?“No New York statute defines ‘proper cause.’ But New York courts have held that an applicant shows proper cause only if he can “demonstrate a special need for self-protection distinguishable from that of the general community.” E.g., In re Klenosky, 75 App. Div. 2d 793, 428 N. Y. S. 2d 256, 257 (1980). This ‘special need’ standard is demanding. For example, living or working in an area “‘noted for criminal activity’” does not suffice. In re Bernstein, 85 App. Div. 2d 574, 445 N. Y. S. 2d 716, 717 (1981). Rather, New York courts generally require evidence ‘of particular threats, attacks or other extraordinary danger to personal safety.’ In re Martinek, 294 App. Div. 2d 221, 222, 743 N. Y. S. 2d 80, 81 (2002); see also In re Kaplan, 249 App. Div. 2d 199, 201, 673 N. Y. S. 2d 66, 68 (1998) (approving the New York City Police Department’s requirement of “‘extraordinary personal danger, documented by proof of recurrent threats to life or safety’” (quoting 38 N. Y. C. R. R. §5-03(b))).’”It was, then, left up to the various Licensing Authorities in New York to construct operational rules for “Proper Cause”/“Extraordinary Need.”The expression, ‘Proper Cause,’ means ‘Special Need.’ And the expression, ‘Special Need’ means that an applicant for a concealed carry license must establish a reason for carrying beyond simple ‘self-defense.’A demand that a prospective concealed carry licensee convince the licensing authority that his need arises from an “Extraordinary Need,” i.e., a need beyond that faced by most people is what New York and similar “May Issue” jurisdictions demand. And it is this the U.S. Supreme Court finds both incongruous and repugnant under both the Second and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.Justice Thomas points out that “May Issue”/“Proper Cause”/“Extraordinary Need”—all allude to the fact that the Government licensing authority may exercise discretion in issuing a handgun license. This wasn’t a feature of New York’s Handgun Law Licensing Statute when the State Legislature enacted the Sullivan Act in 1911. “Magistrate” (i.e., Government Authority) discretion in issuing a carry license came about a couple of years later.“In 1911, New York’s ‘Sullivan Law’ expanded the State’s criminal prohibition to the possession of all handguns—concealed or otherwise—without a government-issued license. See 1911 N. Y. Laws ch. 195, §1, p. 443. New York later amended the Sullivan Law to clarify the licensing standard: Magistrates could ‘issue to [a] person a license to have and carry concealed a pistol or revolver without regard to employment or place of possessing such weapon’ only if that person proved “good moral character” and ‘proper cause.’ 1913 N. Y. Laws ch. 608, §1, p. 1629.” [Bruen, Majority Opinion] Through the passing years and decades, New York added more requirements, further constraining the exercise of the right of the people to keep and bear arms.The history of New York’s Sullivan Act illustrates a consistent and systematic course of action by foes of the Second Amendment to frustrate efforts by those individuals who desire to exercise their fundamental right to armed self-defense.  Eventually, as the trend toward ever more elaborate, convoluted, and oppressive amendments continued, the Handgun Law came to embrace several categories or tiers of handgun licensing and became increasingly difficult to decipher.New York’s Courts stamped their imprimatur on these Government actions, opining disingenuously, ludicrously that New York Law did indeed recognize a right of the people to keep and bear arms, but that exercise of that right required the acquisition of a license, and applicants had no right to demand a license of the Government. The Courts stated the obvious—that issuance of a license is a privilege, not a right, and one the New York Government reserved, to itself, the right to bestow or not, and to rescind once bestowed, as a matter of right.Americans who resided or worked in New York had had enough and challenged the legality and constitutionality of the State’s handgun law.  The process of obtaining a New York concealed handgun carry license is especially difficult demonstrating the Government’s callousness toward gun owners and its utter disdain for those civilian citizens who deign to exercise their natural law right to armed self-defense.“A license applicant who wants to possess a firearm at home (or in his place of business) must convince a ‘licensing officer’—usually a judge or law enforcement officer—that, among other things, he is of good moral character, has no history of crime or mental illness, and that ‘no good cause exists for the denial of the license.’ §§400.00(1)(a)-(n) (West Cum. Supp. 2022). If he wants to carry a firearm outside his home or place of business for self-defense, the applicant must obtain an unrestricted license to ‘have and carry’ a concealed ‘pistol or revolver.’ §400.00(2)(f ). To secure that license, the applicant must prove that ‘proper cause exists’ to issue it. Ibid. If an applicant cannot make that showing, he can receive only a ‘restricted’ license for public carry, which allows him to carry a firearm for a limited purpose, such as hunting, target shooting, or employment. See, e.g., In re O’Brien, 87 N. Y. 2d 436, 438-439, 663 N. E. 2d 316, 316-317, 639 N.Y.S.2d 1004 (1996); Babernitz v. Police Dept. of City of New York, 65 App. Div. 2d 320, 324, 411 N. Y. S. 2d 309, 311 (1978); In re O’Connor, 154 Misc. 2d 694, 696-698, 585 N. Y. S. 2d 1000, 1003 (Westchester Cty. 1992).” [Bruen Majority Opinion]Thus, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that demonstration of “extraordinary need” for carrying a handgun in public for self-defense, heretofore inextricably tied to “Proper Cause”/“May Issue”,  is unconstitutional. The Court articulated this point clearly and categorically. But, having taken this action, the Court stopped. It did not take the next logical step. It did not deal with the issue of “May Issue” Handgun Licensing itself.And that is why Bruen leaves us with a disheartening quandary; a diluted, seemingly equivocal opinion, as also occurred in Heller. The Hochul Government recognized this as a weakness in Bruen, and her Government ran with it.This must have frustrated Justice Clarence Thomas, author of the Bruen Majority Opinion, along with Justice Samuel Alito, author of the McDonald Majority Opinion.No doubt the late Associate Justice Antonin Scalia, author of the Majority Opinion in the parent Heller case would register his own frustration and indignation at repeated attempts by some on the High Court, to inhibit the citizenry’s exercise of the natural law right to armed self-defense.The basic problem with the Bruen decision, and the source of the quandary, goes to the High Court’s handling of “May Issue” licensing.The Justices must have known that lukewarm handling of “May Issue” would provide the Hochul Government with a loophole—just enough, perhaps—to allow the Government to slither around the fundamental right of the people to armed self-defense at home and in the public arena.Drilling down the problem with“May Issue,” we proceed to the legitimacy of handgun licensing itself.


Is the practice of “May Issue” handgun licensing constitutional? This is the source of our inquiry here. It is a question that the U.S. Supreme Court must at some point contend with. We hope it does so, and in short order, in the next major Second Amendment case to come before it.In Bruen, the Court Majority doesn’t deal head-on with the matter of the legitimacy, legality, and Constitutionality of Government “May Issue” Licensing of firearms generally and with handguns particularly. The Court touches upon it, tentatively acknowledging the problem, noting that very few States, including New York, and the District of Columbia, are “May Issue” jurisdictions, but does not pursue it. This, to our mind, is a major failing of the case.That failing, a major and pervasive one, and one longstanding, going back fifteen years to Heller, has provided jurisdictions like New York, and others, with a path through which they not only are able to salvage draconian handgun licensing schemes but to strengthen them—all this despite the prominence and impact of Heller and Bruen that would seem at first glance to have closed all loopholes, demanding compliance.It is curious that obtaining a New York “restricted” handgun license for, say, hunting or target practice, is a relatively easy endeavor, at least in comparison to the hoops a person has had to jump through to acquire a concealed handgun “FULL CARRY” License. New York may be construed as a “SHALL ISSUE” jurisdiction apropos of restricted home or business premise licenses. In other words, so long as the applicant does not fall under a disability established in Federal Law, 18 USCS § 922, (and the State embellishes those, making it even more difficult to overcome the disability provisions set forth in the Penal Code), the State licensing authority would issue a restricted handgun premise license. Generally, if the applicant did not meet the State's stringent “PROPER CAUSE”/“EXTRAORDINARY” (“SPECIAL”) NEED” requirement, sufficient to acquire a restricted or unrestricted concealed handgun carry license, the licensing authority would inquire of the applicant if he would accept a highly restrictive handgun premise license in its stead. That would, at least, avoid the need for the applicant to go through substantial time, effort, and expense necessary to reapply for a premise handgun license. And THAT would be the extent of the New York Government's concession to a person who wishes to exercise his right to armed self-defense under the Second Amendment. The only requirement for one to obtain a limited use premise license is that a person isn’t under a disability which would entail automatic denial from legally possessing a firearm at all.Acceding to issue HIGHLY RESTRICTED, LIMITED USE HANDGUN LICENSES amounts to a booby prize. To this day, notwithstanding the Bruen rulings, New York remains a “MAY ISSUE” jurisdiction.The New York State Legislature has made the acquisition of a concealed carry license an extraordinarily difficult endeavor traditionally, and so it remains today. New York disincentivizes the acquisition of concealed handgun carry licenses post-Bruen, as it has done pre-Bruen. The process is lengthy, costly, and time-consuming. That doesn’t bother Associate Justice Steven Breyer. He feels acquisition of a handgun carry license should remain difficult, the reason articulated predicated on the prevalence of violent crime in society.He reminds the target audience of a connection between handguns and violent crimes that he and other foes of the Second Amendment invariably draw:“Consider, for one thing, that different types of firearms may pose different risks and serve different purposes. The Court has previously observed that handguns, the type of firearm at issue here, ‘are the most popular weapon chosen by Americans for self-defense in the home.’ District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570, 629, 128 S. Ct. 2783, 171 L. Ed. 2d 637 (2008). But handguns are also the most popular weapon chosen by perpetrators of violent crimes. In 2018, 64.4% of firearm homicides and 91.8% of nonfatal firearm assaults were committed with a handgun. Dept. of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, G. Kena & J. Truman, Trends and Patterns in Firearm Violence, 1993-2018, pp. 5-6 (Apr. 2022).” [Breyer, Dissenting Opinion in Bruen]What is interesting about this argument—one routinely made by foes of the notion of civilian citizen armed self-defense—is the implication derived therefrom.The implication is that the lowest common denominator of society—inhabited by the common criminal opportunist, the psychopathic killer, and the psychotic maniac (all of whom Democrat-Party-Controlled Governments allow to run amok), and at times, here and there, the atypical, careless, irresponsible, but otherwise law-abiding, rational adult—should dictate firearms’ policy negatively impacting exercise of the natural law right to armed self-defense for the rest of us: tens of millions of the common people, i.e., responsible, sane, trustworthy, law-abiding Americans. Who are these Americans? Roughly a third of the Country, over 80 million Americans. See, e.g., American Gun Facts.There are proven ways to deal with the lowest common denominator of society. Get them off the streets and into prisons or institutions for the criminally insane. But those Americans who consider themselves “Liberals” or “Progressives” and who are, as a group, antagonistic toward the very notion of a natural law right to armed self-defense, focus their energies on curbing or curtailing the right to armed self-defense of the vast commonalty—using a sledgehammer rather than a surgical knife to deal with violent crime posed by a small but virulent element of society.This suggests that intractable violent crime is but a pretext for the accomplishment of a goal: disarming the citizen. One wonders: Is it a pervasive violent crime that motivates Anti-Second Amendment sentiment among those who seek to eliminate the exercise of the right to armed self-defense, or is it something else, something much different: the threat that the armed citizenry poses to an Authoritarian Government? Is it not the latter, rather than the former that motivates and drives the Government to disarm the American public en masse?Justice Scalia, writing for the majority in Heller, discussed tyranny but there is nothing in that discussion to cement as a rationale for the “individual right to keep and bear arms” holding—what Justice Scalia points out to be the key point of the Second Amendment for the framers of the Constitution—that the Second Amendment is the final “fail-safe” to prevent or, at least, to forestall the onset of tyranny. Rather, the right of the people to keep and bear arms is tied to a notion of armed self-defense against the criminal element. Thus, the Heller rulings operate as a counterweight to the dissenting opinions' arguments that guns should be removed from civilian citizens precisely because they are often utilized by criminals and lunatics, suggesting erroneously, that the way to prevent Gun Violence from thousands of psychopathic criminals and psychotic maniacs, whom the political and progressive elements in society are loathed to deal effectively with, is to remove guns from the hands of everyone else: approximately a third of the Nation, one hundred million law-abiding, rational, responsible, American citizens. But then, it is this armed citizenry—upward of one hundred million Americans—whom the Anti-Second Amendment contingent of the Country and one-world-government proponents are really targeting.Tyranny is what the world empire builders have sought for decades and what they intend to accomplish, for that is what a world government means. And the armed citizenry—that which is nonexistent in CCP China and Russia, the EU and in the British Commonwealth Nations, and in almost every other nation or political grouping of nations on Earth, save for Switzerland and Israel—is the one definitive preventive medicine to Tyranny. Our Constitution’s framers knew that. They fought a war over it. And, but for the force of arms, this Nation today would still, more likely than not, still be under British rule, a part of the British Commonwealth.  With the truth of this as a given, all talk of “Gun Violence” is to be perceived as a deflection—a “dodge,” irrelevant. True “Criminal Violence”—if there is any import to the expression equates with “Tyranny.” Armed self-defense against predatory animal and man is understood and need not be stated.The Second Amendment directs one’s attention to the threat to a free people as a whole—a dire threat, posed by Predatory Government. Justice Scalia undoubtedly recognized it. And, in Heller, he surmised that future scholars of U.S. case law would see in the Heller decision that the case is a doctrinal essay on the rationale for the Second Amendment, and, thus, for the central holding—the individual right of the people to keep and bear arms, qua the armed citizenry, as necessary for the security of a Free State: Tyranny Thwarted only through the continued existence of the armed American citizenry.It is that idea that is both repugnant to and frightening too and therefore intolerable to those forces both within this Country and outside it, who understand, in these three cases, Heller, McDonald, and Bruen, a direct assault on their goals and initiatives. Those goals and initiatives are directed at eliminating, not safeguarding, preserving, and strengthening the Bill of Rights—especially the natural law right to armed self-defense.This natural law right to armed self-defense is tied to the right of free speech, i.e., the right of the individual TO BE individual: the natural law right of the individual to dissent from Government dictates and mob rule and societal pressures that compel uniformity in thought and conduct; that demand obedience; demand the surrender of one’s will to the will of the “Greater Society,” to the will of “The Hive.”  Those forces that crush entire nations and populations into submission view the U.S. Supreme Court’s 21st Century Second Amendment rulings in Heller, McDonald, and now Bruen, as an unacceptable and intolerable assault on what they wish to achieve: a Neoliberal Globalist empire. These forces perceive the Nation’s Bill of Rights as anachronistic, antagonistic, and antithetical to that goal. Individual thought and an armed citizenry cannot coexist in such a reality. Thus, the goals and policy initiatives in vogue today are employed to drive a wedge between the American people and their history and heritage, culture, and ethos. The aims of these forces are directed at eliminating, not preserving and strengthening, the Bill of Rights—especially the natural law right to dissent and to armed self-defense. The New York Government has long resided in the camp of these Globalist, world empire builders.The New York Government under Governor Kathy Hochul—and before her, Andrew Cuomo—is virulently opposed to civilian citizens carrying handguns in the public domain for personal defense.The New York Government, with the assistance of Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, weathered the previous challenge to the Sullivan Act and New York City handgun rules, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, v. The City Of New York, 140 U.S. S. Ct. 1525 (2020), but that case dealt only with the constitutionality of certain restrictions on the use of a restricted New York City premise license. The State and the City modified the Handgun Statute and the City modified the Rules of the City of New York to avoid a possible attack on the core of the Sullivan Act, involving the carrying of a handgun concealed in New York. The core of the Sullivan Act, though could not be avoided in Bruen. For, the legitimacy, the legality, the constitutionality of the core of the Sullivan Act was at issue.The Hochul Administration and the Democrat Party-controlled Legislature in Albany attempted an end-run around Bruen by complying with a superficial aspect of the Bruen holding. The High Court held that,“New York’s proper-cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment in that it prevents law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms.”So, then, if the High Court found “Proper Cause” to be problematic, the Government would strike the words, “Proper Cause” from the Sullivan Act—which turned out to be a superficial genuflection. The Hochul Government thereupon bolstered the “Good Moral Character” requirement of the Gun Law that the High Court mentioned in a cursory fashion in Bruen but did not remonstrate against because “Good Moral Character” had not functioned as anything more than a makeweight. It did not factor substantively into the equation whether the New York Handgun Licensing Authority would issue a person a concealed handgun carry license. What does that mean? How does the Licensing Authority process an application for a concealed handgun carry license in New York? The process of issuing a concealed carry license in New York, prior to Bruen, involved a two-step process. First, the licensing official determined whether the applicant falls under a disability that precludes that person from possessing a firearm at all.If the applicant falls into a category of disability as set forth in the “Crimes and Criminal Procedure” Section of Federal Law, Title 18, Part I (“Crimes”) Chapter 44 (“Firearms”), then that person is incapable of legally possessing any firearm.18 USCS § 922 sets forth:“(g) It shall be unlawful for any person—(1) who has been convicted in any court of, a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year;(2) who is a fugitive from justice;(3) who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802));(4) who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or who has been committed to a mental institution;(5) who, being an alien—(A) is illegally or unlawfully in the United States; or(B) except as provided in subsection (y)(2), has been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa (as that term is defined in section 101(a)(26) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(26)));(6) who has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions;(7) who, having been a citizen of the United States, has renounced his citizenship;(8) who is subject to a court order that—(A) was issued after a hearing of which such person received actual notice, and at which such person had an opportunity to participate;(B) restrains such person from harassing, stalking, or threatening an intimate partner of such person or child of such intimate partner or person, or engaging in other conduct that would place an intimate partner in reasonable fear of bodily injury to the partner or child; and(C)(i) includes a finding that such person represents a credible threat to the physical safety of such intimate partner or child; or(ii) by its terms explicitly prohibits the use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force against such intimate partner or child that would reasonably be expected to cause bodily injury; or(9) who has been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence,to ship or transport in interstate or foreign commerce, or possess in or affecting commerce, any firearm or ammunition; or to receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce; [and](n) It shall be unlawful for any person who is under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year to ship or transport in interstate or foreign commerce any firearm or ammunition or receive any firearm or ammunition which has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.”In the letter of denial, the licensing officer will state the basis for denial and add that in the License Officer’s judgment the individual does not satisfy the “Good Moral Character” requirement. The words, “Good Moral Character” do not add anything pertinent to the letter of denial. For, whether mentioned or not, the applicant cannot lawfully possess a firearm under federal law, once the licensing officer sets forth the ground or grounds of federal disability and/or the State's own grounds, which build on the Federal grounds of disability. For example, the New York Handgun Licensing Officer in New York City, i.e., the NYPD License Division, has routinely denied the issuance of handgun license, whether for an unrestricted concealed handgun carry license or a restricted premise license if a person has an arrest record, even without conviction and even if the arrest or arrest and conviction occurred while the applicant was a juvenile, and the arrest or conviction record would likely be under seal, or if the individual has a history of mental illness whether or not the applicant had been institutionalized.It should be noted the NYPD License Division, for one, always denied a person’s application for any kind of handgun license if the individual had an arrest record, even sans conviction, although the denial in that circumstance could often—depending on the nature of the prior arrest or arrests, but not invariably—be overcome through an Administrative Hearing.Assuming the applicant did not fall into an 18 USCS § 922(g) or (n) category and the applicant did not seem, to the licensing officer, to have an “objective” flaw such as an arrest record, or history of mental illness, AND the applicant sought a concealed carry license, the officer would proceed to the second step, to ascertain whether that person satisfied the “Proper Cause”/“Extraordinary Need” requirement. This, traditionally, was difficult for the average applicant to satisfy, as noted, supra.Since the U.S. Supreme Court saw no Constitutional flaw in the “Good Moral Character” requirement of the Handgun Law—and as the Plaintiffs in Bruen did not, apparently object to it—the High Court did not find fault with it either, apart from mentioning it in the Bruen Majority Opinion. It was never seen as an issue demanding resolution.The Hochul Government immediately perceived the “Good Moral Character” as a useful mechanism to maintain the “May Issue” prerogative and jumped on it.After the publication of the Bruen decision, the Hochul Government went to work to transform the “Good Moral Character” Requirement into a de facto “Proper Cause”  requirement. It did this by demanding that the applicant for a concealed handgun carry license comply with a host of new requirements that had not heretofore existed in the Handgun Law.Now, under the Amendments to the Handgun Law, “current through 2023,” NY CLS Penal § 400.00(1),“. . . for a license issued under paragraph (f) of subdivision two of this section, the applicant shall meet in person with the licensing officer for an interview and shall, in addition to any other information or forms required by the license application submit to the licensing officer the following information: (i) names and contact information for the applicant’s current spouse, or domestic partner, any other adults residing in the applicant’s home, including any adult children of the applicant, and whether or not there are minors residing, full time or part time, in the applicant’s home; (ii) names and contact information of no less than four character references who can attest to the applicant’s good moral character and that such applicant has not engaged in any acts, or made any statements that suggest they are likely to engage in conduct that would result in harm to themselves or others; (iii) certification of completion of the training required in subdivision nineteen of this section; (iv) a list of former and current social media accounts of the applicant from the past three years to confirm the information regarding the applicants character and conduct as required in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph; and (v) such other information required by the licensing officer that is reasonably necessary and related to the review of the licensing application.”Requirements (i), (iii), (iv), and (v) are problematic on grounds of legality and constitutionality, and vagueness. Each one is a potential stumbling block—and this is by design.We will delve into each of these in a forthcoming article. In our analysis, we will also attempt to discern the reasoning behind each.But, for now, concerning the new “Good Moral Character” requirements (i), (iii), (iv), and (v), let it suffice to say that, since these requirements were not mandated before the Bruen decision, there is no legitimate rationale for mandating them now other than to maintain “May Issue” through the creation of a new set of hurdles to replace the loss of the “Proper Cause” requirement.These points are important. If true, this would strongly suggest, as applied to New York, that the mere act of striking the words ‘Proper Cause’ from New York’s Handgun Law doesn’t alter the subjective nature of the “May Issue” standard through which a New York licensing authority may, in its discretion, deny issuance of a concealed handgun carry license. That discretion continues to exist under the CCIA.The Legislature in Albany basically transformed the “Good Moral Character” requirement that, prior to Bruen, was essentially redundant—which is why Plaintiffs did not claim fault with it—into a new “Proper Cause” requirement with a litany of new subjective criteria that a New York handgun licensing authority has as its disposal to confound the applicant and through which that licensing authority can effectively deny issuance of a concealed handgun carry license.Although the Hochul Government was astute enough to refrain from tying this bolstered “Good Moral Character” with “Extraordinary Need,”  “May Issue” a concealed handgun carry license remains. And that is problematic.The CCIA “Good Moral Character” requirement and the “Sensitive Place” restriction provisions are two principal bases of challenge that have generated, to date, at least two dozen lawsuits in New York. Again, this could have been avoided. Apart from finding New York’s “Proper Cause” requirement Unconstitutional, Justices Thomas and Alito, along with Trump’s nominees, Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Coney-Barrett might have made an unequivocal pronouncement that “May Issue” handgun licensing statutes are per se illegal and unconstitutional because “May Issue” jurisdictions allow for improper use of Government discretion. But they forbore doing so.That failure led to the enactment of New York's Concealed Carry Improvement Act and gave New York handgun licensing authorities the tools to continue to deny an applicant, not under a disability, from exercising his fundamental, unalienable right to keep and bear arms. The Justices must have been aware of the problem, and they must have seen this coming. They probably realized the New York Government would recognize the weakness in the High Court’s rulings just as they did. In fact, Justice Thomas, alluded to the problem, when, he said, as we iterated, supra,“New York is not alone in requiring a permit to carry a handgun in public. But the vast majority of States—43 by our count—are shall issue’ jurisdictions, where authorities must issue concealed-carry licenses whenever applicants satisfy certain threshold requirements, without granting licensing officials discretion to deny licenses based on a perceived lack of need or suitability. Meanwhile, only six States and the District of Columbia have ‘may issue’ licensing laws, under which authorities have discretion to deny concealed-carry licenses even when the applicant satisfies the statutory criteria, usually because the applicant has not demonstrated cause or suitability for the relevant license. [Bruen Majority Opinion].So, “MAY ISSUE”/“PROPER CAUSE”/“EXTRAORDINARY” (“SPECIAL”) NEED” lives on—unconditional, unalloyed, absolute Government Discretion to continue to refuse to issue concealed handgun carry licenses, contrary to the right of the people to keep and bear arms for self-defense in the public domain as well as in one's home.Did Chief Justice Roberts tie the hands of Justices Thomas and Alito in Bruen, just as both he and Justice Kennedy tied the hands of Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito, in the Heller case?Unfettered Government discretion reduces an intrinsic, unalienable, right into a mere privilege: To be bestowed on one or not at the whim of Government, and just as easily rescinded, if once bestowed.New York’s Governor Kathy Hochul and her Democrat Party supporters in the State Legislature in Albany have taken advantage of the weaknesses and vagaries in Bruen, to launch a scheme to keep the core structural scheme of the Sullivan Act.The Hochul Government concocted a set of unconstitutional amendments to the Sullivan Act, referred to, collectively, as the “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” (“CCIA”). Together with a series of other oppressive Anti-Second Amendment Statutes, the State’s Gun Law is as potent and as noxious, and as illegal as it was prior to Bruen. And so, a flurry of new lawsuits ensued.The essence of the problem here isn’t ‘May Issue’ versus ‘Shall Issue’ a handgun carry license. The essence of the problem rests with the very act of requiring a license to exercise a fundamental right in the first instance.There is something deeply disturbing and discordant with State Government requiring licensing as a condition precedent to exercising a fundamental, unalienable right.Drilling down to the bedrock, the question is:  “Is the Act of Government Handgun Licensing Legal and Constitutional, at all?” The majority of States recognize inherent Constitutional problems with licensing, and as of January 2023, most States have established “permitless carry.”The U.S. Supreme Court did not address the issue of whether Government licensing of a fundamental, unalienable right is legal and Constitutional. The Court alluded to it fifteen years ago in Heller, and once again in Bruen, last year, but that is as far as the Court went, as far as it was willing to go.But that doesn’t mean the Court condones Government firearms licensing regimes. And so, the legitimacy of State Government handgun licensing remains an open question. And jurisdictions like New York have taken advantage of the Court's failure to take firm and categorical action on this.,The tentativeness of the High Court to address this issue directly and the seeming elusiveness of the conjecture have led some jurisdictions to infer, erroneously, that gun licensing is a legitimate prerogative of the State. It is not, but that doesn’t stop foes of the Second Amendment from making the claim, anyway. And New York has made such a claim.In the New York’s “Brief in Opposition to Emergency Application for Relief and to Vacate Stay of Preliminary Injunction” in Antonyuk versus Nigrelli, pending in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, Letitia James, Attorney General, representing the New York Government, made the blanket statement,“Indeed, this Court in Bruen endorsed shall-issue licensing regimes [citing Bruen at 2138 n.9; and Kavanaugh’s concurring at 2161-62.”But is that true? What DID the Court really say?Footnote 9 of Bruen reads, verbatim:“To be clear, nothing in our analysis should be interpreted to suggest the unconstitutionality of the 43 States’ ‘shall-issue’ licensing regimes, under which ‘a general desire for self-defense is sufficient to obtain a [permit].’ Drake v. Filko, 724 F. 3d 426, 442 (CA3 2013) (Hardiman, J., dissenting). Because these licensing regimes do not require applicants to show an atypical need for armed self-defense, they do not necessarily prevent ‘law-abiding, responsible citizens’ from exercising their Second Amendment right to public carry. District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570, 635, 128 S. Ct. 2783, 171 L. Ed. 2d 637 (2008). Rather, it appears that these shall-issue regimes, which often require applicants to undergo a background check or pass a firearms safety course, are designed to ensure only that those bearing arms in the jurisdiction are, in fact, ‘law-abiding, responsible citizens.’ Ibid. And they likewise appear to contain only ‘narrow, objective, and definite standards’ guiding licensing officials, Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham, 394 U. S. 147, 151, 89 S. Ct. 935, 22 L. Ed. 2d 162 (1969), rather than requiring the “appraisal of facts, the exercise of judgment, and the formation of an opinion,” Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310 U. S. 296, 305, 60 S. Ct. 900, 84 L. Ed. 1213 (1940)—features that typify proper-cause standards like New York’s. That said, because any permitting scheme can be put toward abusive ends, we do not rule out constitutional challenges to shall-issue regimes where, for example, lengthy wait times in processing license applications or exorbitant fees deny ordinary citizens their right to public carry.”Letitia James is wrong. Moreover, her remarks are insulting.The High Court HAS NOT endorsed the notion that Government licensing of handguns is Constitutional. To the contrary, the Court acknowledges only that licensing regimes in 43 “Shall Issue” Jurisdictions will be tolerated so long as they do not offend the core of the Second Amendment right. And even there, the Court said, “we do not rule out constitutional challenges to shall-issue regimes.”That IS NOT an endorsement of licensing. Furthermore, the Court’s remarks, in dicta, categorically exclude “May Issue” regimes such as New York, which led to the Court’s review of New York’s licensing regime in Bruen, in the first place.Justice Kavanaugh’s remark on page 2162 of Bruen, which James also cites, reiterates the points appearing in FN 9 of the Majority Opinion.A complete analysis of the three seminal Second Amendment cases requires a perusal of Justice Scalia’s remarks in Heller.Scalia made clear that concessions made to State regulation of the Second Amendment do not mean the Court acknowledges an unbridled State right to license the exercise of a fundamental right.Scalia said this:“Apart from his challenge to the handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement respondent asked the District Court to enjoin petitioners from enforcing the separate licensing requirement ‘in such a manner as to forbid the carrying of a firearm within one's home or possessed land without a license.’  App. 59a.  The Court of Appeals did not invalidate the licensing requirement, but held only that the District ‘may not prevent [a handgun] from being moved throughout one's house.’ . . . Respondent conceded at oral argument that he does not ‘have a problem with . . . licensing’ and that the District's law is permissible so long as it is ‘not enforced in an arbitrary and capricious manner.’  Tr. of Oral Arg. 74-75.  We therefore assume that petitioners' issuance  of a license will satisfy respondent's prayer for relief and do not address the licensing requirement.”Keep in mind the last sentence: “We . . . do not address the licensing requirement.” In other words, the issue of the constitutionality of handgun licensing, per se, remains unsettled. It is certainly important, in fact vital. By pointing to it, Scalia suggests the issue will be taken up at a later time. That time is now.The Court cannot continue to evade the central issue: Is State Government licensing of a fundamental, unalienable, right Constitutional? This issue must be addressed and must be addressed soon, and it must be addressed clearly, comprehensively, and emphatically.Foes of the Second Amendment in the States and in the Federal Government are pressing ahead with their agenda aimed at eliminating the exercise of the right to armed self-defense before the 2024 U.S. Presidential election.It no longer behooves the U.S. Supreme Court to simply review this or that provision of a State handgun law. Doing so does not get to the heart of the matter. It only results, as we have seen, in countless more brazen attempts by State Governments to intrude on one’s exercise of the natural law right to armed self-defense against animals, predatory men, and, worst of all, the predatory, tyrannical Government.The Founders of the Republic, the Framers of the Constitution, did not envision the kind of wholesale unconscionable intrusion into the sovereign citizens’ exercise of their fundamental right to keep and bear arms that Americans witness and suffer today. And they certainly wouldn't endorse this idea of Government licensing prior to exercising a fundamental right, that is prevalent in many jurisdictions.These unconstitutional, unconscionable actions by State actors must stop here and must stop now.The case Antonyuk vs. Nigrelli, which the Government and the Second Circuit are presently sitting on, in defiance of Justice Samuel Alito’s admonishment to the Government to avoid delay, is likely, at some point, to be reviewed by the High Court.If or when the Court does so, it should not quibble or equivocate any longer on the salient issue of the day but should deal directly with the constitutionality of handgun licensing.That is the only way to impede the inexorable erosion of our Nation’s most important Right—the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms—in the absence of which preservation of a free Constitutional Republic is impossible, and Tyranny in all its horror is inevitable and unavoidable.____________________________________Copyright © 2023 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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The recent scurrilous attack on Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is part and parcel of the Political “Progressives”* attempt to neutralize the independence of the Third Branch of Government, the Judiciary, and its most ardent supporter of an armed citizenry.On April 9, 2021, two years ago to this day of posting this article on the Arbalest Quarrel, Joe Biden issued an executive order, forming the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States, “to examine the Court’s role in the Constitutional system; the length of service and turnover of justices on the Court; the membership and size of the Court; and the Court’s case selection, rules, and practices.”The key phrase in this executive order is “the Court’s role in the Constitutional system.”The Commission’s purpose may seem benign. It is anything but benign. Almost a hundred and thirty years earlier, Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted the same thing. Both sought to sideline and neutralize the U.S. Supreme Court.Fortunately, for the Nation, the efforts of Roosevelt and Biden came to naught.But the Biden Administration’s Progressive Globalist agenda is more extravagant and elaborate than anything dreamed up by Roosevelt and the fabricators of the “New Deal.”The Progressives’ goal of a neo-feudalistic global empire requires neutralizing the High Court and erasing America’s armed citizenry.The U.S. Supreme Court remains the only Branch of the Federal Government today that recognizes the importance of an armed citizenry to resist tyranny.In three seminal case law decisions—Heller, McDonald, and Bruen—coming down in the last fifteen years, the conservative wing majority, led by Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and the late Justice Antonin Scalia, made patently clear the right to armed self-defense is an individual right and a natural law right, the core of which Government is forbidden to interfere with.But these decisions are at loggerheads with the Progressives’ desire to neuter the right of the people to keep and bear arms.In a report on “progressivism,’ published on July 18, 2007, the Heritage Foundation has described the nature of and the aims of the political, social, and cultural transformation of the Nation, using the word, ‘Revolution,’ to describe it.Progressives have since made substantial strides in undermining the Constitution and transforming America beyond all recognition.But use of the word, ‘Revolution,’ to describe this transformation is inaccurate. Rather, this extraordinary and extensive push to remake American society, is not properly a Revolution because we had our Revolution—the American Revolution of 1776—when America’s first Patriots defeated the British empire.These Patriots constructed a free Constitutional Republic, unlike anything the world has seen before or since.Having thrown off the yoke of tyranny, the framers of the U.S. Constitution, created a true Republican form of Government.This “Federal” Government is one with limited and carefully delineated powers and authority. And those powers and authority are demarcated among three co-equal Branches.The Government comes to be not by Divine Right nor by Right claimed for itself by itself. Rather, it comes into existence only by grace of the American people, who are and remain sole sovereign.Since the people themselves created the Government, they retain the right to dismantle it when that Government serves its interests to the detriment of the people, devolving into tyranny.The natural law right to armed self-defense, a right that shall not be infringed, is the instrument of last resort through which the American people maintain and retain both the legal and moral right to resist tyranny that Progressives impose on Americans. See AQ article, posted on October 1, 2021.Progressivism is a thing openly hostile to and antithetical to the tenets and precepts of Individualism upon which the U.S. Constitution rests. See, e.g., article AQ article, posted on October 6, 2018.Adherents of this political and social ideology perceive Government as sovereign over the people, turning the Constitution on its head.Progressivism is an evil perpetrated on the American people, coming into being without the consent of the governed. It seeks a Globalist “Counterrevolution” in counterpoise to the morally good and successful “American Revolution.” See AQ article posted on October 26, 2020.It is in this that the arrogant and ludicrous attack on Justice Thomas comes plainly into view.Representative Ocasio-Cortez, a Progressive Democrat, has recently brought up the subject of impeachment against Clarence Thomas pertaining to “luxury trips and outings on yachts and private jets owned by Dallas businessman Harlan Crow, according to an investigation by ProPublica . . . .” See the article published in adds, in her typical hyperbolic, rhetorical fashion,“‘Barring some dramatic change, this is what the Roberts court will be known for: rank corruption, erosion of democracy, and the stripping of human rights.’” Id.Impeachment of a sitting Justice does fall within the purview of Congressional authority, but it is impractical and almost unheard of in the annals of history.The House of Representatives impeached Associate Justice Samuel Chase, in 1804. He was acquitted by the U.S. Senate in 1805 and served on the High Court until his death in 1811. Another Associate Justice, Abe Fortas, resigned under threat of impeachment, in 1969. See the article posted in Justice Thomas in a Republican-controlled House won’t happen.Progressives try a different tack.“Sixteen lawmakers led by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., and Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., sent a letter to Roberts on Friday requesting an investigation into ‘allegations of unethical, and potentially unlawful, conduct.’” See the article in the Chief Justice to launch an investigation of his brethren is pompous, absurd, lame, and bogus.Roberts will do no such thing. And this will rankle Progressives.The Third Branch of Government remains constantly, aggravatingly, tantalizingly beyond the ability of Progressives to tamper with.Unable at present to sit more mannequins like Ketanji Brown Jackson on the Court, they continue to probe for weaknesses. As a last resort, these Democrat Progressives challenge the Court’s importance, independence, and role.Progressives employ like-minded attorneys to undercut the authority of the High Court.One such attorney is Barry P. McDonald, Law Professor at Pepperdine University. In an essay, posted on The New York Times, on May 26, 2016, McDonald writes,“The Supreme Court today is both political and powerful in ways that would be unrecognizable to the framers of the Constitution. They penned a mere five sentences creating a ‘supreme Court’ and defining its jurisdiction. The judicial branch was something of an afterthought for them, because they believed that in a democracy the elected branches would be responsible for governing the country.Judicial review, in its modern sense, did not exist. As the framers envisioned it, the justices appointed to the Supreme Court would mainly interpret and apply federal law when necessary to resolve disputes involving the rights of individuals. And though the framers’ views on the court’s role in interpreting and enforcing the Constitution are the subject of debate, it seems most likely that when disputes required determining whether a federal law comported with the Constitution, the court’s interpretation was supposed to bind only the parties in the particular case — not the legislative and executive branches generally.Over time, however, and especially from the mid-20th century on, the court’s vision of its role in our democratic system changed, from dispute resolver to supreme arbiter of all matters of constitutional law, so that elected branches of government at federal and state levels were bound to accept its interpretations. The American people largely went along with this accretion of power. But they surely never anticipated that eventually, many politically charged and contestable questions — for example, whether the Constitution guarantees the right to possess guns, to have an abortion, to allow gay couples to marry, or to allow corporations to spend money to help elect our political representatives — would be decided by one unelected justice who straddled political voting blocs on the court.This is democratic folly.”And, in a follow-up article posted in the Times, on October 11, 2018, Barry McDonald, writes,“When the founders established our system of self-government, they didn’t expend much effort on the judicial branch. Of the roughly three and a half long pieces of inscribed parchment that make up the Constitution, the first two pages are devoted to designing Congress. Most of the next full page focuses on the president. The final three-quarters of a page contains various provisions, including just five sentences establishing a ‘supreme court,’ any optional lower courts Congress might create and the types of cases those courts could hear.”McDonald claims the founders relegated the U.S. Supreme Court to a subservient role in our Three-Branch Governmental structure. This is not only an uncommon viewpoint among scholars, and legally odd; it is demonstrably false.In the Federalist Papers Alexander Hamilton made patently clear that, on matters of Constitutional authority, the Legislative Branch must yield to the Judiciary.“No legislative act . . . contrary to the Constitution can be valid.  To deny this would be to affirm that . . . men acting by virtue of powers may do not only what their powers do not authorize, but what they forbid.  If it be said that the legislative body are themselves the constitutional judges of their own powers, and that the construction they put upon them is conclusive upon the other departments, it may be answered, that this cannot be the natural presumption, where it is not to be collected from any particular provisions of the Constitution. . . . . It is more rational to suppose that the courts were designed to be an intermediate body between the people and the legislature, in order to keep the latter within the limits assigned to their authority. The interpretation of the laws is the proper and peculiar province of the courts.”– Excerpt from Federalist Paper No. 78, written by Alexander Hamilton and published in 1788, part of the founding era’s most important documents explaining to the people the nature of the Constitution then under consideration for ratification. See the article in The article also cites to one of the Barry McDonald articles for comparison and contrast.Hamilton’s essay in Federalist Paper No. 78 is an outright repudiation of  McDonald’s remarks about the U.S. Supreme Court. See citations, supra.U.S. Supreme Court Justice, John Marshall was certainly aware of Alexander Hamilton’s remarks in the Federalist, when he drafted his opinion in Marbury vs. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803). The case is a mainstay of Constitutional Law, taught to first-year law students and one of the most important cases in American jurisprudence.The case lays out clearly and categorically the vital role played by the U.S. Supreme Court in our Three-Branch Federal Governmental system.In no uncertain terms, John Marshall, made definitely and definitively clear that it is for the Judiciary, not the Legislature, to determine the constitutionality of Congressional Statutes. We cite below a portion of  Justice Marshall’s erudite opinion.“If an act of the legislature, repugnant to the constitution, is void, does it, notwithstanding its invalidity, bind the courts, and oblige them to give it effect? Or, in other words, though it be not law, does it constitute a rule as operative as if it was a law? This would be to overthrow in fact what was established in theory; and would seem, at first view, an absurdity too gross to be insisted on. It shall, however, receive a more attentive consideration.

It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is. Those who apply the rule to particular cases, must of necessity expound and interpret that rule. If two laws conflict with each other, the courts must decide on the operation of each.

The judicial power of the United States is extended to all cases arising under the constitution.Could it be the intention of those who gave this power, to say that, in using it, the constitution should not be looked into? That a case arising under the constitution should be decided without examining the instrument under which it arises?

This is too extravagant to be maintained.”

Progressives pretend the U.S. Constitution is capable of shapeshifting. It isn’t.That doesn’t bother them, though, because they intend to eliminate the Constitution. Referring to it now, as they must, just to destroy it, and creating something novel, more to their liking—a thing subordinated to international law or edict, and subject to change as whim or chance dictates—that's what they they have in mind.In the interim, they force it to cohere to their precepts, agenda, and goals, all of which are antithetical and anathema to the Constitution, as written.In the naked attempt to knead the Constitution as if it were a lump of clay, they show their hand.Trivializing the role of the Court because they can’t easily control it and going after a U.S. Supreme Court Justice they don’t like because he defends a natural law right they don’t agree with, Progressives proclaim to all the world their shameless contempt for Nation, Culture, History, Heritage, Constitution, Ethos, Ethic, and People.They dare disparage us. Yet, it is we, true American Patriots, who rightfully ought to visit derision on them.______________________________________________*The expression ‘Progressive’ as with the expression, ‘Liberal,’ (less so with the expressions, ‘Marxist,’ ‘Neo-Marxist,’ or ‘Classical Marxist’) do not have precise and rigid definitions, due in part, perhaps, to the ubiquity and popularity of the first two terms in the Democratic Party vernacular.Most Democrats, it is here presumed, prefer use of ‘liberal’ as applied to them. And some no doubt prefer the term ‘Progressive,’ as an acknowledged more extreme version of ‘Liberal,’ and they take the label as a note of pride. See article on the website, most, if not all, Democrats avoid the appellation ‘Marxist,’ at least publicly, even if that label is most in line with their ideological beliefs, social, political, and economic, and demonstrated in their actions. They might use that expression amongst themselves even if they dare not refer to themselves as ‘Marxist’ in public and would deny the description vehemently if the label is thrust on them by an outsider. For this article, we are staying with the expression, ‘Progressive,’ as it aligns most closely with the theme of the article and apropos of references made in it.____________________________________Copyright © 2023 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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School shootings are rare events. But they need not happen, and should not happen. But they do happen. And the reason why is no secret. And, NO, the reason for school shooting incidents has nothing to do with too many “GUNS” in society.The reason for school shootings, as with shootings anywhere else in the Country, has nothing to do with the quantity of guns or the types of guns circulating in America, notwithstanding the fuss and furor of Anti-Second Amendment forces in Government, in the Press, or in the greater public. The reason why is simple:Guns, of themselves, “DON’T CAUSE” violence.“GUNS DON’T CAUSE ANYTHING” because, like any other implement, “GUNS CAN’T CAUSE ANYTHING.” A FIREARM IS AN INANIMATE OBJECT, NOT A SENTIENT AGENT.A firearm, be it an antique black powder musket, or modern assault rifle or submachine gun—or “assault weapon” qua “weapon of war” (expressions concocted by propagandists and subject to constant fluctuation and expansion)—have no will of their own.These implements might sit for a million years in a military armory or in one’s private abode, and, left alone, nothing would happen. They won’t sprout legs and arms and go off on a shooting spree because they aren’t sentient beings. They have no “will” to act and no ability to act. Only sentient agents CAN ACT, are capable of action, for good or naught.Yet, to hear Joe Biden, for one, go on about guns, one would think that guns are the seminal cause of criminal violence in our schools and elsewhere around the Country—A “SCOURGE” OF THE COUNTRY AND OF “GUN VIOLENCE” he has long said—as if this AWFUL “SCOURGE” is independent of the SENTIENT AGENTS, the PSYCHOPATHS and LUNATICS that use guns, or any other implement, to commit their unspeakable acts. “Get rid of Guns,” so the illogical messaging goes, “and peace and harmony will reign throughout the Land.” Nothing could be further from the truth.And, THE TRUTH IS THIS:The overwrought, pensive, incessant dwelling on “GUNS” would dissolve into nothingness like the chimera it is and ever was if Government would spend less time, money, dwelling on guns, and spend more time, money, and effort “RIDDING SOCIETY OF PSYCHOPATHIC CRIMINALS AND DANGEROUS LUNATICS”—placing and then keeping serial violent criminals in prison and placing and keeping dangerous lunatics in asylums. Then, there would be no issue about guns as a SCOURGE” on society.But, the SCOURGE IS NOT GUNS. It is, rather, the crazed individuals permitted, even encouraged, to run amok in our Nation to terrorize innocent Americans at will.This should be obvious. The Anti-Second Amendment Biden Administration and the Legacy Press prostrate themselves to “THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR IN SOCIETY,” (those elements of no use to society and of little, if any, use to themselves) who intrude upon and trample the natural law rights of the “THE HIGHEST COMMON DENOMINATOR IN SOCIETY: tens of millions of responsible, rational, ethically minded citizens, who are the most significant part of the polity.In fact, given the present state of affairs, in this strange cultural milieu of DEI, CRT, SEL, ESG, and LGBTQIA+, the public sees the community police departments themselves handcuffed and in leg irons, underfunded or defunded, and often demoralized, and unable to provide a modicum of protection for their communities. In such a society that America, under the Biden Administration, has become, the import of the natural law right to armed self-defense is unmistakable, becoming more acute, insistent, and emphatic with each passing day.And Americans DO FIND themselves compelled to resort to armed self-defense more frequently, and they do successfully ward off the threat to life, and often without having to fire a shot because the display of a firearm is enough to deter a hardened but by no means dull-witted criminal.If an aggressor is hopped up on illegal narcotics, and undeterred by the mere presence of a firearm, a couple of well-placed gunshots renders the most maniacal assailant compliant, whereas a whistle, or pepper spray (diluted for civilian use), or a stun gun marketed for civilians, or a rap on the head with a baseball bat, or a firm command (“stay the f**k away from me”) would only tend to enrage the assailant more.Yet, the Press deliberately underreports the utility of the firearm for self-defense, notwithstanding statistical evidence to support it. See, e.g., the August 10, 2022 article by John R. Lott, Jr., titled, “The ‘Good Guys With Guns’ the FBI Stats Omit,” on RealClear Investigations.See also the March 31, 2023 in Americangunfacts. These statistics don’t lie, but, also they don’t fit the narrative of the Anti-Second Amendment Biden Administration and its friends in the Press, so these statistics are never mentioned.But, when a lunatic goes into a schoolhouse and murders children, the Government and media perk up their ears. They zero in on it, magnify it, and talk endlessly and vociferously about it.But does the Government—this Biden Administration—do this because it really cares about the plight of school children? No! The Biden Administration doesn't care about the plight of the children.Rather, a school shooting incident is the kind of event the Biden Administration exuberantly awaits and yearns for. Regardless of what the Administration says, the lives of children are not sacred and inviolate to the Administration. The public takes from the words of Joe Biden what it wants to hear, and wishes to believe, but the public is naive. The words are empty; worse they are lies.Children are viewed by the Administration as CANNON FODDER, THEATER PROPS, a PLOT DEVICE to be utilized in service to an agenda: illegal confiscation of semiautomatic weapons—weapons that are in common use by and for millions of average, responsible, rational Americans. And these Americans utilize these weapons for many lawful usesprincipally, among themfor self-defense and in defense of one's family against rabid, violent assault.The Biden Administration and news organs use psychological conditioning techniques to create in the psyche of Americans a phobic reaction toward GUNS—treating the entire sordid event—Childrens’ violent deaths at the hands of a Lunatic intent on destroying innocent life, and the Lunatic, in turn, meeting a violent death through the same mechanism of destruction—are cast as a singular horrific event to overload the mind.This is the sort of event the Biden Administration and other foes of the natural law right to armed self-defense salivate over because the overarching focus and central aim is to constantly constrain and eventually eliminate civilian citizenship ownership and possession of firearms, commencing with semiautomatic firearms, encapsulated in the inflammatory, political expression, “assault weapons.” Remember Emmanuel Rahm’s Law: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”That IS the mantra of the Biden Administration. And it WAS the mantra of the Pelosi's House of Representatives.The Government and the Press prey on the horror of innocent lives lost—the lives of children lost.This type of event helps them spin a narrative of the evils of “THE GUN” as the DESTROYER of innocent life rather than as PRESERVER of innocent life. There is something archetypal in this.The Biden Administration does not permit the American public to see firearms in a positive light. The KILLER and the WEAPON become “ONE ENTITY,” inextricably linked and bound: a SINGLE instrument of Death.The matter of news reporting of the recent tragedy that occurred in a small, private, Christian elementary school, “The Covenant School” in Nashville, Tennessee, demonstrates how news coverage has evolved into an elaborate theatrical production.


In the film, presented to the public, through carefully drawn video vignettes and an accompanying film script, the perpetrator of the violence, the psychotic maniac, Audrey (“Aiden”) Elizabeth Hale and her “assault weapons” serve as a “TROPE,” a thematic storytelling device that drives the plot forward.The INANIMATE OBJECT, THE “ASSAULT WEAPON” bound to the ANIMATE SUBJECT, an emotional wreck of a human Being, are, together, presented as the “CENTRAL ANTAGONIST” in a carefully scripted and presented horror psychodrama.Photographs of both the person and the weaponry are presented.See March 28, 2023 article in Newsweek with sharp graphics of the firearms Hale carried into and utilized in carrying out the murders. and in New York Post, on March 23, 2023, shows “stills” and video of Hale shooting out the doors of the schools and walking the corridors with rifle at the ready.And see articles published in, and rhetorical talking points are all in service to an agenda, creating a false narrative about “guns,” using the murder of innocent children as a “plot device” to achieve a goal: Gaining Public Support for A Wholesale Ban On “Assault Weapons.”And, like all good theater, there must be a CLIMAX TO THE FILM. And there is one, here.The Nashville Metro Police provided detailed bodycam footage of the search for and takedown of Hale by an officer (a Metro SWAT Team member, perhaps?) as he methodically removes his assault rifle from the trunk of his squad car, racking the slide of the rifle as he walks determinedly, if curiously not particularly hurriedly, up to the entrance to the school, and waits patiently as an unknown party opens the door with a key. Upon entering the school other officers lead him (to clear?) several rooms of the school, all of which are devoid of the shooter, students, and staff. Apparently, children and staff had been previously shepherded out of the school.As he (and we, the audience) hear shots fired at an upper level of the school building, the officer double-times up a couple flights of stairs where yet other officers guide him to a large lobby area. It is here that he confronts the shooter, Audrey Hale, and takes the shooter out. We are not privy to the shooting itself (due to careful post-production editing of the body camera footage, ostensibly to garner a PG Rating for the film).A second officer (another METRO SWAT Team member, perhaps?) performs the coup de grâce, shooting Audrey Hale four more times, with his handgun, while standing over the fallen shooter. The actual shooting scene, too, is cut, post-production.A final “still” shows the fallen ANTAGONIST, with head deliberately obscured, body visible and contorted on the floor.The entire video camera sequence does appear to have a refined, staged look.The two officers, as with the ANTAGONIST, are demonstrably and inextricably linked with the weapons they bear (one wielding a presumably “selective fire assault rifle,” and the second officer wielding a semiautomatic handgun). See, e.g., video provided by CNN.The two police officers, Rex Engelbert and Michael Collazo, the two PROTAGONISTS in this news PSYCHODRAMA, who had neutralized the shooter, are hailed as heroes. And that’s, that! Or is it?Dis Collazo need to kill Hale? Was she already mortally wounded from Engelbert’s shots? In any event, she no longer appeared as a viable threat.Would it not have been preferable to keep Hale alive, if possible, once incapacitated. She would have some explaining to do, and better to hear directly from her, her motivations, than try to glean them from a diary or journal, news organizations pretentiously refer to as the killer’s ‘manifesto.’ See Newsweek article for one.Collazo could have kicked her rifle away from her hands if she were still grasping it.Reuters recounts the following:“‘Shots fired, shots fired, move,’ Collazo says before joining Engelbert and the other officer in confronting the shooter.With the perpetrator on the floor, Collazo presses forward to take the final four shots, exhorting the shooter to ‘stop moving!’There is no response from the mortally wounded assailant, as Collazo says, ‘suspect down, suspect down.’” “‘Shots fired, shots fired, move,’ Collazo says before joining Engelbert and the other officer in confronting the shooter.With the perpetrator on the floor, Collazo presses forward to take the final four shots, exhorting the shooter to ‘stop moving!’ (all the while he simultaneously appears to be shooting her).There is no response from the mortally wounded assailant, as Collazo says, ‘suspect down, suspect down.’”We now come to the narrative epilogue that lays bare the purport of the film:The rhetorical talking points are all in service to an agenda, creating a false narrative about “guns,” using the murder of innocent children as a “PLOT DEVICE” to achieve a goal: GAINING PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR A BAN ON “ASSAULT WEAPONS.”But the public is left with a seemingly daunting incompatible view of “ASSAULT WEAPONS”:THEY ARE BOTH GOOD (OR NEUTRAL) AND EVIL, DEPENDING ON THE CAMERA’S VANTAGE POINT—THE PARALLAX:ASSAULT WEAPONS IN THE HANDS OF AVERAGE CITIZENS ARE AN EVIL THAT MUST NOT BE TOLERATED; INVARIABLY LEADING TO DEATH, DESTRUCTION, AND UNMITIGATED HORROR FOR EVERYONE; BUT,ASSAULT WEAPONS IN THE HANDS OF AGENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT, POLICE OFFICERS, ARE PERCEIVED AS “GOOD” (OR, PERHAPS, AS “NEUTRAL”) PROMOTING THE PRESERVATION OF INNOCENT LIFE AND DEATH (BUT ONLY IN EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES, AS FOR EXAMPLE WHEN AN OFFICER GOES TO THE ASSISTANCE OF SCHOOL CHILDREN, THREATENED BY A KILLER.Thus, resolution of the incompatibility of “ASSAULT WEAPON” (EVIL) VERSUS “ASSAULT WEAPON (GOOD OR OTHERWISE, AT LEAST, NEUTRAL) demands a magician’s trick, a feat of legerdemain.The messaging conveyed in the Coventry School Psychodrama is subtle—below the threshold of conscious awareness, residing in the subconscious mind.It is that GUNS qua “ASSAULT WEAPONS” are an EVIL, sometimes unadulterated, pure evil—at such time when “THE SENTIENT AGENT (A MANIACAL KILLER) murders children.But, GUNS qua “ASSAULT WEAPONS” are a (GOOD (OR AT LEAST NEUTRAL)) “NECESSARY EVIL” where another SENTIENT AGENT (THE TRAINED, CAPABLE, AND DETERMINED POLICE OFFICER) uses his WEAPON to KILL the KILLER.In other words, it takes a “SHOOTER” TO KILL A SHOOTER.” But isn’t that what armed self-defense is all about? And, if that is a commendable act for a police officer, why should that act be any less commendable if performed by the average civilian in defense of his or her life and that of one’s family?The Head of The Covenant School in Nashville, Katherine Koonce, whom one news account attributes with saving the lives of many of the school children, but at the cost of her own, as she ran directly toward the killer, Audrey Hale, had undertaken, according to the source, “active shooter training,” but the nature of that training was not provided. The author of the article, Billy Hallowell, writing for said he “cannot” (or would not) provide details.


The Biden Administration and other Anti-Second Amendment elements treat the common people as random bits of energy that, at any time, can go off the deep end, and their tendency for violence, i.e., “GUN VIOLENCE,” must therefore be constrained.The notorious American Federation of Teachers (AFT), a politically connected organization tightly aligned with the Biden Administration, posits:“A diagnosis of mental illness does not predict gun violence,”—a true statement—but the AFT, then uses that statement to declare, “Gun control can help prevent gun violence,” implying that, because no can know for certain who will one day go off on a killing spree, the better course of action dictates disarming the public, beginning with a ban on “ASSAULT WEAPONS”—i.e., all semiautomatic firearms.Recall that Biden’s first nominee to head the ATF, David Chipman “. . . believes those tens of millions of semi-automatic rifles should be reclassified as machine guns, which would require registration with the government and the payment of a $200.00 tax stamp for every legally purchased and possessed firearm, with the potential of a 10-year federal prison sentence for those who simply kept their guns without registering them under the National Firearms Act.” See the article in, posted on May 21, 2021.


The United States has this—an Armed Citizenry—both a FACT and an IDEA. The FACT and the IDEA are A Reality: insistent, resilient, and tenacious, not easily ignored or dismantled.Getting guns out of the hands of the citizenry is a physical matter—difficult enough. But, to force the public to forfeit an idea requires the Biden Administration to get inside the mind of Americans and, once inside the American psyche, to reshape it in such a way, that the psyche would willingly turn away from and forsake its natural law, eternal rights.Self-preservation is innate in all living creatures. Americans have a strong desire to protect “self” and to protect one’s offspring. Self-defense is a natural law, fundamental, eternal right. And armed self-defense is not a difference in kind. The natural law right to armed self-defense simply means that an individual has the unalienable right to utilize the most effective means available to ensure his or her life. And for hundreds of years the best means of ensuring one’s life is with a firearm.The propagandists working with and through both the Biden Administration, the Legacy Press, social media, and galvanizing a base of supporters, seduced by the fallacious rhetoric, have devised a stratagem to cajole more and more Americans to turn away from the natural law right to armed self-defense.The stratagem involves psychically weakening, fracturing the idea of “GUNS” as a mechanism for one’s self-preservation by focusing on the murder of young children by gun-wielding maniacs.But the stratagem embodies a fatal flaw that undermines one’s confidence in the seriousness of the effort.If the Biden Administration’s concern for the life and well-being of children, while attending school were truly forthright, earnest, and sincere, then the Administration would be duty-bound to encourage implementation of all measures that would best ensure the physical safety of the children while in school.What would that mean? It means the Biden Administration would encourage officials of public and private schools to harden their schools against armed attack. There are specific measures that, once implemented, would prevent an aggressor from entering a school, and possibly deter that aggressor from contemplating an attack on a hardened school. This isn’t a supposition. It’s fact.The New York Post reported that,“Police said Hale was equipped with at least two assault weapons and a handgun, and in searching her family home in Nashville, officers found detailed maps and a manifesto of the attack.‘We have a manifesto, we have some writings that we’re going over that pertain to this day,’ Nashville Metropolitan Police Chief John Drake said about the discovery.He added that Hale was ‘prepared to do more harm than was actually done,’ and that she had drawn up plans to attack another school in the area, but backed out of them because the school was too secure.” See also article in Newsweek.“Drake told reporters that ‘there was another location that was mentioned, but because of threat assessment by the suspect, too much security, they decided not to.’”Drake also said, as reported in newsweek,“. . . that Hale had come with ‘multiple rounds of ammunition’ and ‘prepared to do more damage than was actually done,’ having been stopped from carrying out further bloodshed after being fatally shot by responding officers.”We can infer from these synopses, that Audrey Hale had meticulously planned out her murder of children, and that she considered and deliberately avoided attempting to penetrate any school that she knew as secured against assault.The Police Chief points out that the quick actions of his Officers had prevented Audrey Hale from murdering more children. But, that raises the question: “Suppose well-armed resource officers, or off-duty or retired police officers, had been employed to patrol the Coventry School corridors and school grounds, would utilization of armed personnel not have prevented the killer from gaining entrance to the School, or, would they not, otherwise have stopped the would-be killer immediately had she succeeded in gaining entry into the School?Did Joe Biden get the message? Apparently not. He never mentioned the need to harden schools. It wasn’t on his radar, not in this instance or in any prior instance. And so school shooting recur. There is an immense and disconcerting disconnect between Biden's ostensible concern over school shootings, as seen through the florid language he employs, and a resolute stance AGAINST implementing measures to curtail these horrific school shootings from reoccurring from time-to-time, as inevitably they do. After the Coventry School tragedy, Biden said this, as reported in“It’s sick. It's heartbreaking . . . a family's worst nightmare,’ Biden said in brief remarks at the White House before beginning a planned event on women-owned small businesses.‘We have to do more to protect our schools so they’re not turned into prisons. You know, a shooter in this situation reportedly had two assault weapons and a pistol, two AK-47. So I call on Congress again to pass my assault weapons ban.’”Apart from the gaffe pertaining to “two AK-47”, Biden’s point about not turning schools into prisons alludes directly to his absolute refusal (and that of his Administration) to entertain securing schools from armed attack. (Biden doesn't know a damn thing about firearms but he would ban all of them if he could). The words, We have to do more to protect our schools” are both telling and vacuous. They are telling because the term, ‘children,’ is noticeably absent from the declaration. It is children that need protecting, and hardening the schools against attack, serves to protect the lives and well-being of the children. And Biden's declaration is hollow and vacuous because he isn't serious about protecting children. His concern, and the concern of his Administration is directed solely to confiscation of firearms from the hands of millions, nay tens of millions, of Americans, the commoners. That one-dimensional view of school shootings is the beginning and the end of the matter for Biden and his Administration. And he rails against Congress. The Hill reports, on March 3, 2023,“President Biden on Tuesday argued that he can’t do much more to curb gun violence other than plead with Congress to act, blaming lawmakers for their lack of legislation to ban assault weapons following another deadly school shooting — this time in Nashville.”The Biden Administration won't even give lip service to hardening schools against aggressive armed assault. The Administration vehemently opposes that. And, such vehement opposition to securing schools against armed attack is particularly alarming, because securing schools against armed attack does work. In fact, as noted supra, the Nashville, Tennessee Police Chief, John Drake, pointedly asserted that Audrey Hale intentionally avoided attempting entry at another school, after consideration, precisely because she was aware that this second school was impenetrable. She was a homicidal maniac, sure. But, unlike Joe Biden, and the other puppets in his Administration, she wasn't a colossal idiot.“In Thursday's White House press briefing, Karine Jean-Pierre made the Biden administration's clearly partisan position clear regarding legislation aimed at making schools and students safer: Biden won't consider anything other than a ban on ‘assault weapons.’As Townhall reported earlier on Thursday, Republican Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty of Tennessee introduced the SAFE Act, a $900 million grant program to help public and private schools harden their physical security and hire veterans and former law enforcement officers as additional security and as a deterrent to assailants.But the White House, according to Karine Kean-Pierre, isn't interested in taking steps to make schools safer for the students who attend them by making it more difficult for assailants to enter the premises, introduce trained individuals who could defend schools and the students within them, or create more deterrents that could dissuade a would-be assailant from targeting schools in the first place.” See there you have it: Biden won't consider anything other than a ban on ‘assault weapons.’” This means either that Joe Biden and his Administration don't give a damn about the life of an innocent child while in school, as that child is completely dependent on a school's administration to provide for that child's physical safety and well-being, OR that Joe Biden and his Administration see that the death of a child HAS UTILITY THAT IT Serves a useful purpose.COLDLY AND CALLOUSLY INDIFFERENT TO THE LIFE OF AN INNOCENT CHILD, OR COLDLY AND CALLOUSLY CALCULATING, PERCEIVING THE DEATH OF AN INNOCENT CHILD AS USEFUL TO SECURING AN OBJECTIVE: GAINING PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR A WHOLESALE CIVILIAN CITIZEN BAN ON "ASSAULT WEAPONS," I.E., A WHOLESALE BAN ON SEMIAUTOMATIC WEAPONS—IN FURTHERANCE OF A GOAL: SUBJUGATION OF THE AMERICAN CITIZENRY AND DESTRUCTION OF A FREE CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC TO PAVE THE WAY FOR A NEO-FEUDALISTIC WORLD EMPIRE.THE ONE POSSIBILITY IS HORRIBLE AND HORRENDOUS TO CONTEMPLATE. AND THAT IS BAD ENOUGH. BUT, THE SECOND IS MIND-NUMBINGLY HORRIFIC, THE VERY CRUCIFIXION OF SANITY, AS THE SANCTITY AND INVIOLABILITY OF THE LIFE OF A CHILD AND THE LIFE OF ANY AMERICAN IS CONSIDERED TO BE WORTHLESS. Logically, one or the other position is the case. There is no getting around this, given WHAT JOE BIDEN AND HIS ADMINISTRATION SAYS AND WHAT THEY DO!SUCH IS THE MINDSET OF THE COLLECTIVIST—AN ACOLYTE OF AN IDEOLOGY THAT IS COMPLETELY ANTITHETICAL TO THE TENETS OF INDIVIDUALISM UPON WHICH THE BLUEPRINT OF OUR NATION, THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, IS CONSTRUCTED.This refusal to even consider hardening schools is inexplicable if Biden and his Administration are serious about protecting a child’s life. But, THEY AREN'T. That fact is clear and inescapable.The lack of empathy for the life of an innocent child is an inference to be derived from present and previous assertions made by both Biden and his Press Secretary, and those assertions put the lie to any claim that anyone who supports Trump might say: that he cares one whit about the the death of children and the heartbreak that the death of a child causes parents.The Arbalest Quarrel has written extensively both about this and about the basic strategies that schools can and should implement to protect their students and staff.  See, e.g., AQ articles posted on March 13, 2018, November 17, 2022, January 30, 2023, February 9, 2023, and February 23, 2023.Biden only talks about banning firearms—those, by the way, “in common use”—those held by millions of average, responsible, and level-headed Americans. It is these firearms he refers to by the false pejorative, weapons of war.And from, we have this,“President Joe Biden said Tuesday in the wake of the latest US school shooting that most Americans think owning the types of military style rifles regularly used to carry out such massacres is ‘bizarre.’‘The majority of the American people think having assault weapons is bizarre, it's a crazy idea. They're against that,’ he told reporters at the White House when asked how to respond to the incident in Nashville, where a heavily armed former student gunned down three children and three staff before being killed by police.”What is this “majority” of Americans is Biden talking about? The only thing “bizarre” here is Biden’s comment about “AR-15 Style Rifles.” See article in Business Insider.“Around 19.8 million AR-15 style rifles are in circulation in the US, a nationwide tally that's surged from around 8.5 million since a federal assault weapons ban expired in 2004.The more recent estimate comes from a November 2020 statement by the National Shooting Sports Foundation. In the statement, its President and CEO Joseph Bartozzi called the AR-15 the ‘most popular rifle sold in America’ and a ‘commonly-owned firearm.’”See also article in Forbes. Even an attempt at a ban is ludicrous on many levels.Perhaps Biden would like to see a little Civil War? The attempt to institute a comprehensive ban on semiautomatic rifles would do just that.But more to the point, apart from this fixation of “GUNS,” why does Biden oppose securing the schools? A desire to ban firearms in the general population, while ludicrous, is not inconsistent with securing schools from an armed lunatic desirous of gaining entry for the purpose of murdering children. Yet, Biden opposes securing schools. What can possibly explain this?We can draw only one inference—one that is horrific to consider but the only plausible one that is consistent with a single-minded FIXATION ON A NATIONWIDE “ASSAULT WEAPON” BAN and “ABSOLUTE REFUSAL TO COUNTENANCE SECURING SCHOOLS FROM ARMED AGGRESSION.”Joe Biden, and his Administration and the Press, and the Democrat-Party machinery see school children as useful cannon fodder in support of an agenda: the destruction of a free Constitutional Republic and a sovereign people. And exclaiming that loss of children to “GUN VIOLENCE” is awful, but relishing the utility of their death in service to their agenda makes their disingenuous words even more noxious.The Biden Administration and other Anti-Second Amendment interests know that nothing stokes the public more and tugs at the heartstrings than the senseless death of a young child. If anything can encourage more Americans to get onboard with mass confiscation of a popular firearm for self-defense, it is the senseless death of a child from a lunatic who murders a child with the instrument the Government wants to preclude the common man from possessing.The cold and callous Biden Administration knows this and uses the public's moral conscience against itself. School shootings will therefore continue because the Administration wants them to continue. The Administration is fixated on only one thing: disbanding the Armed Citizenry, the one mechanism that alone can ably resist Tyranny. Until it gets what it wants, a wholesale civilian citizen ban on semiautomatic weaponry, the Biden Administration will allow for, even encourage, school shootings to continue. The Biden Administration will do nothing to curtail school shootings. Killers get the message and willingly, gleefully, oblige Joe Biden and his Administration.And why is the Biden Administration so fixated on “semiautomatic weapons?”The Administration is fixated on those weapons precisely because they are popular with the public — See article, — and they are useful instruments, in fact, highly effective tools for the purpose of self-defense, against creature, against an aggressor, and, most importantly (in the mindset of the Biden Administration), against Government Tyranny.The Armed Citizenry will never permit a free Constitutional Republic to fall. The Armed Citizenry has both the means and the will to resist a Government, this Government, from destroying the sovereignty of the American people over Government. That fact makes this caretaker Government and the secretive agency behind it apoplectic with rage.The life of an individual, child or adult means nothing to a TYRANT. A Tyrant’s goal is the accumulation of power in HIM or ITSELF. An armed citizenry is the bane of all Tyrants.Is the Biden Administration A Tyrant? No. Biden and those making up his Cabinet and other high offices are too stupid, inept, and craven to be considered a Tyrant. They aren't TYRANTS themselves, but they are compliant, base, and corrupt, and lust for the trappings of power, while not actually wielding power. Biden and the rest are compliant, obedient, servile tools in the employ of formidable, powerful, wealthy, malevolent, forces that are the true TYRANT.The Biden Administration is in league with these secretive, powerful, ruthless interests, operating both here and abroad. And Biden and his Administration pay homage to these forces and swear allegiance only to them.The Biden Administration is best perceived as a Governor-General in service to powerful interests that utilize the Administration, as their willing servant, to gain control/mastery over the Republic and the American people. These ruthless interests control the currency of the Nation, and are intent on confiscating the weaponry of the citizenry. With the collapse of the economy and the Nation's institutions, a new neo-feudalistic world empire can emerge. The empire envisioned has many names. The ones recently utilized are the “Liberal Rules-Based International Order,” which Anthony Blinken has referred to, and the (SOROS) “Open-Society.” If there is doubt about any of this, just focus on the recent and most formidable, disheartening, and alarming outrage:THE IMPENDING CRIMINAL INDICTMENT OF DONALD TRUMP, PAST UNITED STATES PRESIDENT, AND FRONT-RUNNER IN A 2024 SECOND-TERM BID.  A GEORGE SOROS-CONTROLLED TOADY, ALVIN BRAGG, A CRASS AND CRAVEN OPPORTUNIST WHO LIKELY HAS BEEN PROMISED THE NEW YORK GOVERNOR’S MANSION FOR SERVICES RENDERED TO HIS SECRET WEALTHY BENEFACTORS HAS BROUGHT PSEUDO-CRIMINAL CHARGES AGAINST TRUMP. BUT IT IS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, THE TRUE PATRIOTS, WHO ARE, BY EXTENSION, PERCEIVED AS CRIMINALS, WITH TRUMP.THE CRIME? FAILURE TO FORSAKE THEIR CONSTITUTION AND BILL OF RIGHTS, AND SOVEREIGNTY OVER GOVERNMENT, AND WILLINGLY ACCEDE TO THE REALITY OF A POST-NATION-STATE WORLD. ____________________________________Copyright © 2023 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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In an article published in Ammoland Shooting Sports News, the NRA-ILA asserts,“Since the District of Columbia v. Heller decision in 2008, gun control advocates have parsed every word of Justice Antonin Scalia’s opinion for ways in which to continue their campaign against the Second Amendment. Relying on creative interpretations of dicta, these activists try to twist the landmark gun rights ruling into an endorsement of their anti-gun policies.An example of these efforts is on display in the NRA-supported case New York Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen. The case concerns the validity of New York’s discretionary carry licensing regime, where law enforcement is tasked with determining if an applicant has “proper cause” to carry a firearm for self-defense.”That article came out on March 7, 2022, about four months before the U.S. Supreme Court came out with Bruen.The NRA-ILA is correct. Anti-Second Amendment activists do twist legal opinions.Heller held, “The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.”Attempting to secure a loophole, the City of Chicago said the Heller ruling serves as a limitation on the Federal Government, not the States.McDonald shot that idea down, holding “the Fourteenth Amendment incorporates the Second Amendment right recognized in Heller.”Did Anti-Second Amendment zealots accept defeat? No. It just invigorated them, even enraged them.They argued the right to armed self-defense in the home does not extend to the public arena, and energetically pushed that idea, frustrating Americans who sought to exercise their right to armed self-defense wherever they happened to be. Note: there is nothing in the Second Amendment that so much as suggests that the natural law right to armed self-defense is confined to one's home or to some specific place. The natural law right to armed self-defense goes with the man wherever he happens to be. That is basic common sense. The right of self-preservation is not meant to be applied to this or that place, but, rather, it applies to all places and at all times. The right to armed self-defense simply means that a person has the right to use the best, most effective means available to defend his life and that of his family when the need arises. And for the last several hundred years the most effective means available to defend one's life is that provided by a firearm. No one can rationally dispute that. In fact, those activist groups, individuals, and governments that rail against civilian citizen armed self-defense implicitly acknowledge the efficacy of a firearm over any other implement. It works! Compare a firearm to any other instrumentality: knife, bat, golf club, bow and arrow, bullwhip, pepper spray, mace, whistle, air horn, cowbell, arms and legs, stun guns, taser, baton, self-defense keychain, proficiency in martial arts, et cetera. Nothing else comes close in immediate effectiveness for the average person, trained in the use of a firearm for self-defense, and prepared to use it when the need arises.Associate Justice Thomas, writing for the majority, made clear:“The constitutional right to bear arms in public for self-defense is not ‘a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees.’ We know of no other constitutional right that an individual may exercise only after demonstrating to government officers some special need. That is not how the First Amendment works when it comes to unpopular speech or the free exercise of religion. It is not how the Sixth Amendment works when it comes to a defendant’s right to confront the witnesses against him. And it is not how the Second Amendment works when it comes to public carry for self-defense.New York’s proper-cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment in that it prevents law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms.”Looking for loopholes in High Court Second Amendment rulings and reasoning has become progressively more difficult for activist Democrat-Party-controlled Governments, true. But they are a creative, resourceful, and crafty bunch.Like the Devil, they always attempt to outmaneuver and outwit the U.S. Supreme Court.The result is a constant dizzying merry-go-round of government action infringing the core of the right.And that, in turn, leads inevitably to challenges to the governmental action and to U.S. Supreme Court rulings striking down an unconstitutional action.What follows is yet more governmental action, looking for loopholes in the Court rulings that might allow for constraints on the exercise of the natural law right, and on, and on, and on. . . .In Bruen, the Hochul Government placed a ‘bug in the ear’ of the High Court.In its Brief in support of the State’s “Proper Cause” requirement, the Hochul Government mentioned the need for “Sensitive-Place”   restrictions even though, at the time, curiously, the Consolidated Laws of New York never made mention of such “Sensitive-Place” restrictions.Was this use of the expression ‘Sensitive-Place’ restriction, in the Government’s Brief, a “motif” for salvaging the State’s concealed handgun carrying regime in anticipation of a negative U.S. Supreme Court ruling?If so, did the Court see through this and hope to get the upper hand on it, or did it fall into a stratagem devised by the Hochul Government that intended to use, and did make extensive use of, this ‘sensitive-place’ motif? It isn’t clear.Justice Thomas made much of it, opining, on behalf of the Court’s majority, “Although we have no occasion to comprehensively define ‘sensitive places’ in this case, we do think respondents err in their attempt to characterize New York’s proper-cause requirement as a ‘sensitive place’ law. In their view, ‘sensitive places’ where the government may lawfully disarm law-abiding citizens include all ‘places where people typically congregate and where law-enforcement and other public-safety professionals are presumptively available.’ It is true that people sometimes congregate in ‘sensitive places,’ and it is likewise true that law enforcement professionals are usually presumptively available in those locations. But expanding the category of ‘sensitive places’ simply to all places of public congregation that are not isolated from law enforcement defines the category of ‘sensitive places’ far too broadly. Respondents’ argument would in effect exempt cities from the Second Amendment and would eviscerate the general right to publicly carry arms for self-defense that we discuss in detail below. Put simply, there is no historical basis for New York to effectively declare the island of Manhattan a ‘sensitive place’ simply because it is crowded and protected generally by the New York City Police Department.”This did not stop the Hochul Government. On the contrary, the Government included it in the CCIA.“Sensitive-Place” restrictions, along with a bolstered “Good Moral Character” requirement (that the Court did not address), are a mainstay of the “Concealed Handgun Improvement Act” (“CCIA”), amending the State’s Handgun Law.It would seem the Hochul Government, predicting a challenge to the CCIA, intends to reiterate the need for “Sensitive-Place” restrictions.Further, the Government plans on arguing that the CCIA’s “Sensitive-Place” prohibition complies with the U.S. Supreme Court’s concerns. But does it?One thing is clear: The Hochul Government would expect to see a sharp increase in filings for a State concealed handgun carry license, and the “Sensitive-Place” restriction provision is meant to lessen the impact of issuing a substantial number of concealed handgun carry licenses—unheard of prior to Bruen—thereby weakening the State’s Handgun Licensing regime.In fact, as of August 2022, just two months after the Bruen decision came down, The New York Times reported a 54% increase in applications for concealed handgun carry licenses.New Yorkers desirous of obtaining a concealed handgun carry license do feel they are much more likely to have their applications approved after the Bruen decision than at any time prior to Bruen.In theory that’s true, assuming they can contend with the bolstered “Good Moral Character” requirement the Court did not address, and assuming they don’t mind waiving their right under the Fourth Amendment’s freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures clause.Do applicants really believe that the acquisition of a concealed handgun carry license is a godsend? Likely they do. But is it, really?There’s a catch. There’s always a catch, and the catch now rests on this notion of ‘Sensitive-Place’ restrictions.The licensing of concealed handgun carry goes to the heart of New York’s licensing regime—going all the way back to the Sullivan Act of 1911 that started the thing.The New York Government has no intention of allowing the defeat of the machinery of handgun licensing that's been in place for well over a century—much less being itself the agent of the New York licensing regime's own destruction. The agenda of the New York Government is to make the acquisition of concealed handgun carry licenses increasingly more difficult and onerous, as time goes on, not less so. The U.S. Supreme Court rulings fly in the face of that effort. The Hochul Government zealots will not allow the U.S. Supreme Court to waylay the State's singular campaign against—and, in fact, obsession directed to thwarting—civilian citizen exercise of the natural law right to armed self-defense, in New York. That explains the Hochul Government's brazen defiance of the U.S. Supreme Court along with its visible contempt for the Court's conservative majority.New Yorkers who think they now see a new golden era emerging in New York gun law matters with the publication of the Bruen decision, may be sadly mistaken. They should be a little less cheerful and gullible, and a little more watchful and reflective, regarding their expectations. In their exuberance to acquire a concealed handgun carry license, first-time applicants don’t see potential problems. But they will unless the ‘Sensitive-Place’ provision in the CCIA is struck down. At the moment the CCIA is active, and that includes the ‘Sensitive-Place’ provision. But for a couple of minor ‘Sensitive-Place’ suspensions, the CCIA is enforceable, and the Hochul Government IS enforcing it. Acquisition of a concealed handgun carry license may leave much to be desired. License holders may find that a seemingly unrestricted concealed handgun carry license is very much restricted, offering much less than what was anticipated and what was sought, and leaving the licensee vulnerable to arrest if he isn't very, very careful and mindful of where he happens to be carrying a handgun while out in public. And he must be extraordinarily careful of displaying it, always asking himself if, one, a threat to life is genuine and imminent and, two, if he is presenting a gun in a designated, non-sensitive place. At the end of the day, the licensee may be left asking himself——What’s the point of acquiring a license to carry a concealed handgun if I face severe constraints on where I can lawfully carry it for use in self-defense, as the need arises, and if the need is real enough to satisfy a Court of law. In a State plagued by a high incidence of random violent assaults—especially in New York City—the need for an effective means of self-defense, a handgun is acute. See the March 27, 2023 article in the New York Post. But, when residing and/or working in a jurisdiction that abhors firearms and that maintains a jaundiced view of the armed civilian citizen, Courts will demonstrate leniency toward the depraved criminal, and throw the book at the average, responsible, rational, law-abiding citizen. Such is life and justice in New York's major cities. That explains the reason for escalating violence and the irony. The criminal remains undeterred, even encouraged to commit violence. And the innocent victim of random, violent crime, is often resigned to his fate—hoping the odds play in his favor, that someone other than him will be the victim of random violence—or trusts that his concealed carry license, if he does acquire it, will provide him, at last, the ability to avoid being the victim. But the Hochul Government is doing the licensee no favors.The New York Government may issue more concealed handgun carry licenses, sure, but licensees are now severely hampered in where they can carry it and, therefore, where they can lawfully use it if the need should arise.This means that the era of issuance of true New York “unrestricted” concealed handgun carry licenses is, at this moment in time, at an end, for all civilian citizens whether applying for a new license or for the renewal of an existing license. The impact of the issuance of more licenses serves only to dilute their utility.There is no “grandfathering in” of issuance of true unrestricted carry licenses for those holders of licenses acquired under the old “Proper Cause” standard. Every licensee is in the same boat.The holder of a freshly minted State concealed handgun carry license, under the CCIA, would do well to talk to those individuals who have heretofore held valid unrestricted” concealed handgun carry licenses under the “Proper Cause” standard. Those days are over as long as the CCIA remains in effect.  And it remains to be seen how the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit will decide Antonyuk vs. Nigrelli, which involves a major challenge to the CCIA. New York has become, under the CCIA, a massive patchwork quilt of designated restrictive ‘Sensitive-Places.’ A licensee will need to carry a map, demarcating all those areas in New York where he can and cannot lawfully carry a handgun. Worse, “Sensitive-Place” restrictions are subject to amendment which means “subject to constant expansion.”This is more than problematic. It’s potentially unnerving for law-abiding New Yorkers who have newly minted concealed handgun carry licenses—especially for those New Yorkers residing and/or working in New York City. See the article in the world population review. New York City's 2023 population stands at 20,448,194, hardly an insignificant number.“Nearly 43% of New York state's population live in the 305 square miles that comprise New York City. The next largest city in the state of New York is Buffalo, with just over 250,000 residents. This means New York City is over 33 times larger than the second largest city in New York.” 


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit is presently reviewing a challenge to the constitutionality of “Sensitive-Place” restrictions and other provisions of the CCIA, in the parent post-Bruen New York case, Antonyuk vs. Nigrelli, and related cases.The U.S. Supreme Court, having lifted the stay on enforcement of the CCIA that the lower U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York had granted, has allowed enforcement of the CCIA during the Second Circuit Court’s review of the merits of the case.The Second Circuit had reversed the District Court’s stay of enforcement.The High Court agreed to the lifting of the stay, not because it thought the District Court was wrong in having issued it, but out of deference to the Second Circuit, as the High Court acknowledged in its Order.*Major portions of the CCIA are unconstitutional: in particular, the “Good Moral Character” requirement and the “Sensitive-Place” restriction designations. There’s no doubt about any of this. The District Court made a convincing argument for this. That was the basis for the Court’s issuance of a preliminary injunction—which is no easy thing for a party to obtain given the requirements for convincing a Court to grant one.If the Second Circuit, on review, fails to strike down those unconstitutional provisions, the Plaintiffs will appeal that negative ruling to the High Court. And the High Court will take that appeal up, as it must since the CCIA not only infringes the core of the Second Amendment, but it is a blatant affront to, and contemptuous of, the Bruen rulings.But what happens when law enforcement sees the CCIA colliding with the Bill of Rights, during the pendency of the Antonyuk case?That may not concern the State Police and major city police officers, but it does present a problem for New York’s County Sheriffs, like Fulton County Sheriff Richard Giardino. See the Arbalest Quarrel article posted on our website on March 15, 2023, and reposted in Ammoland Shooting Sports News, on March 20, 2023, we explored how Sheriff Giardino contends with a conundrum.After all, the CCIA may be “THE LAW OF THE STATE” since 2022, but the “BILL OF RIGHTS” is “THE LAW OF THE LAND and it has been so since 1791.The CCIA must take a backseat to the stricture of natural law, as codified in the Bill of Rights.Where there is a conflict, Sheriff Giardino will always follow the dictates of the Bill of Rights of the Constitution, not State law. But doing so amounts to chancing to incur the wrath of the Governor. What can she do against perceived recalcitrant Sheriffs?Governor Hochul has no authority to remove rural Sheriffs, at will. For they are elected by and are therefore beholding to the people of the County that elected them.But Hochul may, pursuant to the consolidated laws of New York, bring a civil suit against a Sheriff who refuses to comply with the CCIA, claiming malfeasance in office. Such an action will bring to bear a clash between a Sheriff’s duty to uphold the U.S. Constitution versus a duty to uphold State law as ordained by the Governor._____________________________




Sheriff Giardino has repeatedly and pointedly asserted that when or if State law conflicts with the United States Constitution, his duty, as Sheriff, is to uphold the Constitution, which he has taken an oath to faithfully serve.He has not taken an oath to serve the interests of the State’s Governor, and there is no implicit requirement that he do so either.But then, is a given “Sensitive-Place” prohibition on lawful carry, inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution? How can a law enforcement officer know? That places the law enforcement officer in a quandary. And that is but one puzzling question to be resolved. The Sensitive-Place prohibition on the carrying of a concealed handgun raises another more obscure question.There are nuances and fuzzy areas connected with “Sensitive-Place” restrictions.In some cases what may at first blush seem to be a place where a holder of a valid concealed handgun carry license may lawfully carry his handgun turns out, on analysis, to be a “Sensitive-Place,” where a person cannot lawfully carry a handgun, after all.This places County Sheriffs in a quandary and under considerable strain.No less so it places the holder of a license in a precarious situation.That person is in danger of being cited for carrying a handgun in a “Sensitive-Place” even if this occurred innocently, and inadvertently.He then faces revocation of his license. He must surrender his handgun and any other firearms, rifles, or shotguns he may happen to possess. And he faces a serious misdemeanor charge.Sheriff Giardino’s observation provides an apt example of the problem.Although he wouldn’t take such drastic action against a person for engaging in an inadvertent slip-up, a person facing scrutiny in New York City would likely not be so fortunate.Sheriff Giardino says,“We’re not going to just arrest someone who carries concealed into a barbershop he has been going to his entire life. We’ll inform the person what the law now says and then we’ll focus our resources on actual criminals.” About carrying a handgun into a barbershop, Sheriff Giardino isn’t jesting.The ubiquity and ambiguity of New York’s Handgun Law carries over into the operation of other New York laws—creating entanglements that the average licensee wouldn’t be aware of. And many law enforcement officers may not be aware of the intricacies of the laws, either.We know. We delved into this. This is what we found——The notion of ‘Sensitive-Place’ as a legal restriction means the holder of a valid concealed handgun carry license cannot lawfully carry his handgun in a “Sensitive-Place” under the Handgun Law, codified in NY CLS Penal § 400.00 (19): “Prior to the issuance or renewal of a license under paragraph (f) of subdivision two of this section, issued or renewed on or after the effective date of this subdivision, an applicant shall complete an in-person live firearms safety course conducted by a duly authorized instructor with curriculum approved by the division of criminal justice services and the superintendent of state police, and meeting the following requirements: (a) a minimum of sixteen hours of in-person live curriculum approved by the division of criminal justice services and the superintendent of state police, conducted by a duly authorized instructor approved by the division of criminal justice services, and shall include but not be limited to the following topics: (i) general firearm safety; (ii) safe storage requirements and general secure storage best practices; (iii) state and federal gun laws; (iv) situational awareness; (v) conflict de-escalation; (vi) best practices when encountering law enforcement; (vii) the statutorily defined sensitive places in subdivision two of section 265.01-e of this chapter and the restrictions on possession on restricted places under section 265.01-d of this chapter; (viii) conflict management; (ix) use of deadly force; (x) suicide prevention; and (xi) the basic principles of marksmanship; and (b) a minimum of two hours of a live-fire range training course.The expression, ‘Sensitive-Place’  as mentioned in NY CLS Penal § 400.00 (19)(vii), is defined in a new section of the Penal Code: CLS Penal § 265.01-e. The expression, ‘Sensitive-Place’  is a legal term of art, not previously defined in New York law.Subsection CLS Penal § 265.01-e (2(b)) says, “any location providing health, behavioral health, or chemical dependance care or services” is a “Sensitive-Place.”Proceeding with our inquiry, further, we ask,“Is a barbershop considered a place “providing health” services?” If so, then it comes under New York’s public health code, NY CLS Pub Health § 225. The Health Code section, NY CLS Pub Health § 225, includes all places subject to the Sanitary Code, and the Sanitary Code IS part of the Health Code.Subsection 5(A) of the Sanitary Code says, “The sanitary code may: (a) deal with any matters affecting the security of life or health or the preservation and improvement of public health in the state of New York, and with any matters as to which the jurisdiction is conferred upon the public health and health planning council. . . .”We must now determine whether New York barbershops are subject to the “Sanitary code.” They are.NY CLS Gen Bus § 436, governing barbershops exclusively, says,“All barber shops shall be maintained and operated in accordance with the provisions of the state sanitary code, except in the city of New York where the city health code shall apply, and all licensees or persons employed or engaged therein or in connection therewith shall comply with the provisions of such rules.”So, then, Sheriff Giardino is correct in his supposition/inference.Under New York law, the holder of a valid New York State concealed handgun carry license cannot lawfully carry his handgun into a barbershop. Carrying a handgun, or any firearm, rifle, or shotgun into a barbershop falls within the purview of the CCIA, even if the expression “barbershop” isn’t specifically mentioned in CLS Penal § 265.01-e (2(b)). Application of other New York State Code sections makes categorically and conclusively clear the prohibition on carrying a concealed handgun into a barbershop, notwithstanding that a person holds a valid concealed handgun carry license. A barbershop falls into the category of a restricted “Sensitive-Place.”A holder of a valid license carrying a handgun in a barbershop in Fulton County need not be concerned about an arrest, but what if that person is carrying a handgun into a barbershop in New York City, and an NYPD officer notices that? How many other little traps exist—a preponderance of “Sensitive-Places” that a holder of a valid concealed handgun carry license is unaware of and that many law enforcement officers may not be immediately aware of, also?These little snares can get a licensee in a whole heap of trouble.Sheriff Giardino knows this full well and these problems trouble him. Complex Gun laws are vexing. Often, problem areas aren’t perceptible until after these laws take effect. And, if they work against the individual who wishes to exercise his natural law right to armed self-defense, the activist Government finds that a pleasant surprise, and is perfectly content with it.The expression, ‘Sensitive Place,’ never appeared in the Consolidated Laws of New York, prior to the enactment of the CCIA. And now that it has become a fixture in the law—possibly, hopefully, subject to remedial Court action—it is something that becomes, for the Hochul Government, a useful instrument for defeating the benefit that having a valid concealed handgun license was intended to provide holder.Prior to the CCIA, holders of “unrestricted” concealed handgun carry licenses could carry their handguns in “Times Square,” but no longer because “Times Square” is now a “Sensitive-Place.”But how large is this area colloquially referred to as “Times Square?” What does the area encompass? The expression itself is now a legal term of art.NY CLS Penal § 265.01-e (2)(t) says this:“For the purposes of this section, a sensitive location shall mean: the area commonly known as Times Square, as such area is determined and identified by the city of New York; provided such area shall be clearly and conspicuously identified with signage.”So, Mayor Eric Adams and the City Government determine the size of the area—expanding it or reducing it at will, like an accordion.The CCIA is designed to keep the holder of a valid concealed handgun carry license off-balance.And, once again, an activist government’s unconscionable, unconstitutional Anti-Secondment action is headed for the U.S. Supreme Court. A fourth seminal Second Amendment case is in the making with Antonyuk vs. Nigrelli, and it is not likely to be the last.If the High Court is going to get a handle on this gamesmanship of activist Governments—Federal, State, or local—it must end or severely constrain government licensing. This won’t, of course, stop further attempts by Anti-Second Amendment zealots to constrain the natural law right to armed self-defense. But it’s a good start.The Court has heretofore been hesitant to take on handgun licensing schemes directly and aggressively.In Bruen, the Court began to look at New York’s unconstitutional handgun licensing regime by striking down the “Proper Cause” requirement. But that at best was merely a half-hearted attempt, likely attributable to the actions of Chief Justice John Roberts, and with the urging or connivance of the Court’s liberal wing.The Court’s conservative wing must now exert its will.Antonyuk vs. Nigrelli is likely to come before it after the Second Circuit issues its final, appealable order.Associate Justices Thomas and Alito must exert maximum pressure on John Roberts, if the opportunity presents itself, to review New York’s Handgun licensing regime straightforwardly, unswervingly, and aggressively.The Court cannot just tinker around the edges as it has done in Bruen. That only emboldens activist Governments as we have seen.The fundamental, unalienable right to armed self-defense is not subject to negotiation. The U.S. Supreme Court has a duty to give effect to the Bill of Rights as the framers of the Constitution intended.We are at a pivotal juncture in our Nation’s history. The Biden Administration has made inroads into the High Court’s independence by seating Neo-Marxist Ketanji Brown-Jackson on the Court.Her aim is that of her sponsors: to eliminate the exercise of our natural law rights. It is not to strengthen them.Do we really want to see Merrick Garland joining her on the Bench at some point—and others like those two? That could happen.What then becomes of our sacred rights and liberties in this seemingly “free Constitutional Republic.”____________________________________


Major portions of the CCIA are unconstitutional: in particular, the “Good Moral Character” requirement and the “Sensitive-Place” restriction designations. There’s no doubt about any of this. The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, made a convincing argument for this in Antonyuk vs. Nigrelli, which the Hochul Government appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The appeal concerned the District Court’s issuance of a preliminary injunction, staying enforcement of the CCIA, pending resolution of the case on the merits. It is is no easy task for a party to obtain a preliminary judgment under any circumstances, given the rigorous requirements that must be met before a Court will grant a preliminary injunction. The fact that Plaintiffs, present holders of valid New York concealed handgun carry licenses, were able to convince the District Court of the necessity for a stay on enforcement of the CCIA, attests to the strength of Plaintiffs’ suit against the Hochul Government and the likelihood of success on the merits. The Second Circuit reversed the District Court, that had stayed the preliminary injunction, thereby allowing the Hochul Government to continue to enforce the CCIA during the Second Circuit’s review of the case. Plaintiffs appealed the adverse decision of the Second Circuit to the U.S. Supreme Court. As an interlocutory (non-final) decision of a Federal Circuit Court, it is rare for the High Court to consider a matter. But it did so here. In its issuance of an unusual non-order “request,” the High Court inquired whether the New York State Government would like to respond to Plaintiff concealed handgun carry licensees opposition to the lifting of the stay of enforcement of the CCIA. Realizing the necessity to respond, the Attorney General for the Government, Letitia James, filed a formal response, contra Plaintiffs’ opposition to the lifting of the stay. The arguments were weak, but any response, apparently, was all that the High Court needed to see. In its order, drafted by Associate Justice Alito, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the stay of the preliminary injunction to continue, asserting that this was done in deference to the Second Circuit, notwithstanding the merits of the lower District Court’s granting of the preliminary injunction in the first instance. But, the High Court cautioned the Government not to dawdle, as it would be inclined to do. The Government knows full well that the CCIA is inconsistent with the Bruen rulings and is likely to be struck down by the High Court if the Second Circuit finds for the Government, prompting the Plaintiffs to appeal a final adverse decision of the Second Circuit.____________________________________Copyright © 2023 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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In the March 2023 issue of the NRA publication, “America’s 1st Freedom,” the Arbalest Quarrel, in its daily review of publications, came across an article titled, “Shooting Straight with Sheriff Richard Giardino,” by Frank Miniter, Editor in Chief of the magazine.The NRA published the article in the form of a straightforward question-answer interview.The NRA contacted Sheriff Giardino to get his take on a pressing matter affecting law enforcement in New York: the impact of the Hochul Government’s amendments to New York’s Handgun Law, the deceptively named “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” (“CCIA”), and its impact on policing.That was what NRA’s Frank Miniter wanted to know. That is what we wanted to know.The NRA said this about Sheriff Giardino:“As an elected official, Sheriff Giardino doesn’t mind being in front of the cameras. But I [the NRA Editor in Chief, Frank Miniter] also found him to be a serious and humble official. He listens. He thinks of the people first. He next thinks of his deputies and the other employees he manages. Finally, he responds based on his long experience. And he does have a lot of legal experience. Sheriff Giardino graduated in 1984 from Albany Law School. While in college and law school, he served as a part-time police officer. After law school, he was hired as an assistant district attorney in Nassau County, N.Y. In 1986, he returned to Fulton County as an assistant district attorney and, in 1991, he was elected to be the second-youngest district attorney in the state. In 1996, he was appointed by New York’s governor to be a county court judge. In this role, he was a local licensing official for concealed-carry permits in what was then a ‘may-issue’ state, but he behaved as if he was in a “shall-issue” state. He served 18 years as a judge. In that time, he tried over 200 cases, including over 40 murder or attempted-murder cases.Of course, as with anyone we interview, Sheriff Giardino’s opinions are his own. I [Frank Miniter] point this out because, as he is a county sheriff in a state run by a governor who sees the Second Amendment as a problem, Giardino does find himself in some uncomfortable legal positions. He has to abide by the state laws, but he also raised his right hand and swore to uphold the U.S. Constitution, and lately—again, thanks to officials such as Gov. Hochul—those two things have come into conflict. This conundrum puts him—as well as many other law-enforcement officials and citizens who simply want to exercise their rights in various states and jurisdictions around the country—in some legally problematic situations.”The “Leader-Herald” newspaper, in a January 23, 2023 article, added this about Sheriff Giardino:“Giardino, a 64-year-old Republican, first ran for countywide office in 1991. He is the only person in New York state history to have served as a county district attorney, county judge and county sheriff, having won eight consecutive countywide elections.” These articles by the NRA and the Leader Herald newspaper whet our appetite to learn more about this intriguing, and highly learned man. And so, we got in touch with Sheriff Giardino.Thinking that we intended to employ a basic question/answer interview approach, as the NRA did, we instead pointed out that we wished to engage Sheriff Giardino in an informal, open-ended conversation, as that would be less constraining and, we felt, more productive.We spent substantial time talking to him, gaining insightful knowledge from the perspective of a man who deals, on a daily basis, with the practical problems associated with the CCIA and with the problems attendant to policing.This article segment and the segments to follow are a distillation of our talks with Sheriff Giardino, presented in the context of our own work, apropos of the Arbalest Quarrel’s raison d’être: to preserve, protect, and defend the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution from all threats to it from forces both here and abroad aligned against the sovereignty of the American people.We learned a lot about and from this man, and he, in turn, learned a lot about and from us at the Arbalest Quarrel.Sheriff Giardino’s philosophy pertaining to the import and purport of the Bill of Rights, and his socio-political attitude and stance apropos of the threats that face our Country today, are on all fours with our own.Sheriff Giardino’s adoration for our Constitution—especially for the natural law right to armed self-defense as codified in the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights is the cornerstone of a Free Constitutional Republic, the foundation of the sovereignty of the American people over Government, and the source of our Nation’s greatness, strength.Through what the NRA and the Leader Herald newspaper say, we add a point derived from our own conversations with Sheriff Giardino.The Sheriff’s service to the Fulton County community means service to the U.S. Constitution. And what Sheriff Giardino means by “service to the U.S. Constitution” is no small matter.Service to the U.S. Constitution is what his job is all about. And the Rights contained in it are not to be dismissed.Those Rights are not—as many politicians argue, and as the legacy Press echoes—to be construed as some sort of archaic, mutable appendix to the Articles, to be constrained, modified, abrogated, or ignored because, to some, those rights don’t cohere with the current fad or fashion.The Bill of Rights is a codification of natural law.The Rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution are not man-made constructs. These Rights are not subject to modification, alteration, abrogation, obliteration, or perfunctory dismissal. These Rights are not attendant to a particular time and place. They are eternal, and they reside in man, as bestowed on man by the Divine Creator. That is how the framers of the Constitution understood them and that, in fact, is what they are.That is our position and that is Sheriff Giardino’s position.It is the very sanctity, strength, and enduring power of the Bill of Rights that drives the would-be Destroyers of our Country to mount an incessant and aggressive campaign against it. Without the exercise of these cherished rights and liberties, our free Republic would cease to exist. But then, that is the aim of those ruthless forces that intend to eliminate their exercise of them: to dismantle a free Constitutional Republic and the sovereignty of the people. These malevolent forces intend to create a completely different sort of socio, political, economic, and juridical framework—one antithetical to the Government the framers of the U.S. Constitution created for themselves and for their descendants. It is one where the people are seen as subservient to the Government, not the masters of and over the Government.Of all the fundamental, unalienable rights, the right of the people to keep and bear arms—the right to armed self-defense against lowly creatures, aggressive men, and tyrannical Government—is absolutely essential to the preservation of a free Constitutional Republic and the supremacy of the American citizenry over Government.Without the force of arms, this Country, as an independent, sovereign Nation-State and free Republic, could not exist; nor can our Republic persist through time if the citizen is denied access to firearms and ammunition.The conservative wing of the U.S. Supreme Court knows this to be true. Sheriff Giardino knows this to be true. And we know this to be true. Yet, many Americans in the Federal and State Governments, including the New York State Government do not know this to be so, or, otherwise, choose to ignore Truth, because it is counter to their running narrative and to their agenda. They, therefore, deny the TRUTH, outright.And, that has placed Sheriff Giardino and others in law enforcement, in a bind: Either uphold recent law that contradicts the Bill of Rights or uphold the Truth of the Bill of Rights and incur the wrath of “woke” leadership.This isn’t an academic matter. It is playing out now, and most acutely, in New York.The Hochul Government has placed Sheriff Giardino like his fellow Sheriffs in a difficult position.How does law enforcement chart a course between a transitory, ill-conceived man-made handgun law, the CCIA on the one hand, with man’s fundamental, unalienable, unalterable, eternal, immutable, natural law right to armed self-defense, codified in the Second Amendment?How does Sheriff Giardino “square that circle.” That question was the focus of our conversation with him, and it raised a host of questions and concerns that we dealt with in depth during our conversations with him.___________________________________________



The CCIA is the Hochul Government’s response to the June 23, 2022, U.S. Supreme Court decision in NYSRPA vs. Bruen.The Hochul Government fabricated the CCIA to defy and defeat the High Court rulings in Bruen that reinforce the natural law right to armed self-defense.How does a law enforcement officer square enforcement of the CCIA when that enforcement conflicts with the language of the Second Amendment and U.S. Supreme Court rulings?This is what we wanted to obtain Sheriff Giardino’s thoughts on, as did NRA’s Editor in Chief of the NRA publication, America’s 1st Freedom,” that preceded our own conversations with Sheriff Giardino. What we learned from the interview that NRA’s Editor in Chief conducted with Sheriff Giardino became the springboard for further explication of the Sheriff’s thoughts on the CCIA, the U.S. Constitution and Second Amendment, U.S. Supreme Court rulings, attacks on police, and violent crime in New York.In his interview with Sheriff Giardino, NRA’s Frank Miniter asked the Sheriff point blank: “Will you enforce New York’s concealed carry restrictions?”Without pause and in no uncertain terms, the Sheriff responded, “I raised my right hand to uphold the constitution. Now the governor of New York wants me to break that oath. Law enforcement has been placed in an untenable position of enforcing laws that we might believe are unconstitutional. As a former judge and district attorney, I still have my law license. My legal experience tells me that many provisions of this new gun-control law are unconstitutional. So, given all of that, I see the law here in a state of flux and we have a tremendous amount of discretion as to what we enforce. So, we’re going to use our discretion. We’re not going to just arrest someone who carries concealed into a barbershop he has been going to his entire life. We’ll inform the person what the law [CCIA] now says, and then we’ll focus our resources on actual criminals.”The issue of police “discretion” is something the NRA glossed over, perhaps given time constraints or publishing restrictions. Yet, to our mind, the point of “discretion” in light of the CCIA is of paramount importance to a consideration of the daily dilemma law enforcement officers are confronted with, especially when they must make a split-second decision.The NRA interviewer did not pursue what Sheriff Giardino meant by   “discretion” and Andrew Waite, a columnist for the Daily Gazette newspaper, whom Sheriff Giardino also spoke with, misconstrued what Sheriff Giardino meant by the term.The use of discretion in policing does not give carte blank authority to law enforcement. And Sheriff Giardino is not saying here or implying that he can do whatever he wants.The columnist for the Daily Gazette, Andrew Waite, incorrectly interpreted Sheriff Giardino as inferring, erroneously, that,“The sheriff is absolutely entitled to choose how to enforce just about any rule.”No! Sheriff Giardino is not saying or suggesting that. Rather, he is pointing to a confounding box the CCIA places him in and the way—the only way—he can extricate himself from it without offending the U.S. Constitution. Sheriff Giardino took an oath to enforce the U.S. Constitution. He did not take an oath to enforce the CCIA.The CCIA is codified in State Statute, Section 400. That is the State's handgun law. It is therefore a component of the Consolidated Laws of New York.A State Statute is not in any manner to be construed as part of the U.S. Constitution. In fact, a State Statute doesn’t stand on the same footing as a State Constitution.The New York State Constitution stands above State Statute in prominence and authority. And, the U.S. Constitution stands above both State Statute and State Constitution, except where the doctrine of Federalism gives the States complementary power or powers that reside exclusively with the States that the Federal Government is not permitted to intrude upon.Sheriff Giardino is told to enforce New York law, but he must also enforce the Constitution of the United States, consistent with his oath. And where the two collide, the U.S. Constitution dictates his actions. That is an unalterable, inescapable TRUTH.Where the CCIA conflicts with the U.S. Constitution, Sheriff Giardino says he must adhere to the Constitution.Where the CCIA doesn’t make clear his duties or where there doesn’t seem to be a clear conflict with the Constitution, then he will use his discretion to chart a proper course, guided, all the while, by the Second Amendment guarantee.That is the import of Sheriff Giardino’s assertion, that——“I see the law [the CCIA] here in a state of flux and we have a tremendous amount of discretion as to what we enforce.”The CCIA is a logical, legal, and logistical mess, a quagmire, manufactured by the Hochul Government to serve an agenda, one antagonistic to the right of the people to keep and bear arms, a right that shall not be infringed. And, since all or part of the CCIA will, at some point in time be overturned either by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit or by the U.S. Supreme Court, as litigation is ongoing at this time, that is the “state of flux” that Sheriff Giardino is referring to.Law enforcement officials, like Sheriff Giardino, cannot extricate themselves easily from this morass but must contend with it.The application of “broad discretion” to deal effectively with a multiplicity of contingencies and complexities is necessitated by the inherent illegality of the salient portions of the CCIA. Further, the inscrutability of some of its sections, and internal inconsistencies along with inconsistencies with other portions of New York law and inconsistencies with the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, apart from the CCIA’s inherent inconsistency with the Second, abound. That is why we call the CCIA a mess.Sheriff Giardino’s actions must therefore be nuanced. But, where conflict is clear, i.e., where illegal constraints on the exercise of armed self-defense are acute and blatant, then he will enforce the U.S. Constitution, not the CCIA.As Sheriff Giardino says,“The fact that there are currently more than a dozen State and Federal Lawsuits at various stages in the litigation process in New York, over the new CCIA, can be very confusing, especially to those people who presently hold valid concealed handgun carry licenses.* And this confusion will continue to exist until, ultimately, the US Supreme Court decides, supports, and defends my decision to exercise broad discretion in favor of law-abiding citizens.”Adding to this awful burden there is a bitter irony.Sheriff Giardino points out that “on any given weekend, criminals, who can’t lawfully possess firearms, use firearms and, especially handguns, to commit dozens of robberies, murders, and attempted murders. Bear in mind that the chances that a holder of a valid concealed handgun carry license will use that handgun or any firearm in a crime is less than 1/6 of 1%, based on national studies.” So, ask yourself: ‘how many criminals will be adhering to Hochul’s new CCIA?” And to add insult to injury, Sheriff Giardino exclaims, “‘The Concealed Carry Improvement Act’ criminalizes conduct that, under the original New York handgun law, the law in place prior to September 1, 2022, the day the CCIA took effect, was legal.”The CCIA is simply a clever ruse——

  • The CCIA is a scheme designed to further the Government agenda while giving lip service to the U.S. Supreme Court rulings in Bruen.
  • The CCIA further constrains the average law-abiding, responsible, rational citizen, who happens to reside and/or work in the State, from exercising his natural law right to armed self-defense.
  • The CCIA does nothing to curb the misuse of firearms by the psychopathic criminal element running amok throughout the State, most noticeably in New York City.

The Daily Gazette columnist Andrew Waite doesn’t weigh in on any of this because he doesn’t truly understand the nature of the issues, or, otherwise, he doesn’t even begin to perceive a problem.Like most newspaper reporters and columnists, Waite sees “gun rights” vs. “gun control”/“gun safety” as a legitimate issue because politicians and news people manufacture that issue. But it has no substance. It is a fabrication, an illusion, a makeweight.There is the natural law right to armed self-defense. That is a fact. But those who abhor firearms and who fear and detest Americans who keep and bear them and who wish firearms and the right to keep and bear them would just go away, perpetrate and perpetuate a phantom issue, and thrust that specter on the public.These same people also deny the existence of natural law rights. They see the Bill of Rights as man-made artifices, no different than any other law, and therefore subject to modification or abrogation like any other law when whim dictates.They see people like Sheriff Giardino as driving a wedge between those Americans who desire to exercise their natural law right to armed self-defense and those who wish to severely constrain the exercise of the right or eliminate it.Yet, Sheriff Giardino is doing no such thing.Andrew Waite infers, oddly, that application of police discretion is less the result of a failure of the Government to acknowledge the right of the people to keep and bear arms in defense of self and in defense of innocent others, and to guard against the tyranny of Government, and more a personal predilection that causes consternation among those who abhor firearms and who hold disdain toward those Americans who do choose to exercise their natural law right.He says, in his article, supra: “But even gun-rights advocates who support Giardino’s positions on this issue should be worried about the ways in which a local sheriff’s discretion may only serve to further drive us apart.”Who are these “gun-rights advocates” that Waite refers to? Waite doesn’t say.Anyway, his remark is irrelevant, even discordant.It’s a logical red herring, introduced by unscrupulous politicians, and echoed by those in the legacy Press and social media, whether knowingly or not, to confound the public.Andrew Waite is right in the groove, reflexively singing a refrain piped into his psyche and then transmitted to millions of Americans.It is all projection, the product of an elaborate campaign of psychological conditioning, disbursed on an industrial scale, touching every part of the Country.Waite’s remark also shows a misunderstanding of the salient duty of all law enforcement officers.As Sheriff Giardino stated clearly, succinctly, and categorically in the Daily Gazette article, and as he has reiterated for those who do not understand:The duty of a law-enforcement officer is to “uphold the constitution.” That is the oath law enforcement officers swear to. That is and must be the predicate basis for and guiding principle for all his conduct in the field.Yet, in a Nation where the U.S. Constitution is routinely ignored, dismissed, deliberately misread, or even slammed and denigrated, there is, in that, for many, explanation enough explanation.That is how something as poisonous as New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” comes to be conceived, drafted, passed, and signed into law, and then, exalted as a fine, proper, and good thing.In a Country turned upside down and inside out, law enforcement officers like Sheriff Giardino must perforce contend with a situation that Government throws him into. It isn’t one of his own makings, but that of Hochul and the Democrat-Party-controlled Legislature in Albany, and the secretive powers behind both that have engineered the destruction of our Country.Is Andrew Waite even aware of this?The reporter for the Daily Gazette falls into the very trap that many reporters and columnists fall into, viewing fundamental, immutable natural law rights as a matter of public opinion and failing to grasp that some rights are not a matter of natural law, but are merely man-made constructs.The public’s reaction to the Dobbs “abortion” case is a prime example of this.Andrew Waite writes,“With diametrically opposed laws and individualized interpretations of how to enforce those laws, it can be hard to know which way is up, and which way is down. Amid the confusion and the divergent standards, we become even more divided, and our positions can become even more extreme.”A person becomes lost when he is unaware of or fails to follow the proper guideposts. Such is the case presented above.In the matter of fundamental rights, a person’s guide is the U.S. Constitution. It has always been thus, and must always be so.The Dobbs case is inapposite because “abortion” isn’t a fundamental right. It isn’t natural law. It is a man-made artifice, a judge-made right, fabricated as a matter of convenience, because the U.S. Supreme Court was, at the time, apparently, too afraid to acknowledge that the issue of abortion is not a Federal Constitutional issue. It is merely a matter for public debate, and as such, it should be left to the States to determine how each wishes to treat abortion. And, no the U.S. Supreme Court has done just that. It leaves the matter to the States to work out.But many Americans don’t see this. The Press doesn’t allow them to see this, but, disreputably, stirs up conflict as does Congress. The public gets caught up in a maelstrom of confusion, anxiety, and rage deliberately fomented by politicians and vociferously magnified by the Press, relying on incessant sloganeering and messaging, at once vacuous and malevolent.Many Americans fall for the garbled nonsense visited upon them by unscrupulous politicians, and then amplified through social media and the Press. The results are dangerous, reverberating throughout the Nation, causing discord, social instability, and violence, none of which is unanticipated, but all calibrated to attain the end goal:The annihilation of an independent sovereign Nation, a free Republic, and a free and sovereign citizenry.____________________________________*The Arbalest Quarrel has written extensively on both the parent U.S. Supreme Court case, NYSRPA vs. Bruen, and on Post-Bruen New York cases and we are keeping track of the progress of the litigation. To date, we have published over 40 articles on these cases.See, e.g., our article, posted on the AQ website on October 22, 2022, pertaining to the New York Government's interlocutory appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court, requesting the High Court to lift the Stay on enforcement of the CCIA during the pendency of the lawsuit in Antonyuk vs. Hochul.The Antonyuk case was subsequently recaptioned, Antonyuk vs. Nigrelli when the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York dismissed Governor Hochul from the lawsuit.Steven Nigrelli is the new Acting Superintendant of the New York State Police, appointed by Governor Hochul. Steven Nigrelli replaces both the Governor and Kevin Bruen, as the principal named Party Defendant, the latter of whom was the previous Superintendant of the New York State Police, appointed by Kathy Hochul's predecessor, Governor Andrew Cuomo.  See the AQ article posted on January 2, 2023.____________________________________Copyright © 2023 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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In our initial article on H.R. 1095, Part One, posted on the AQ website, on February 26, 2023, and reposted on Ammoland Shooting Sports News on February 28, 2023, we pointed generally to problems with H.R. 1095, a bill declaring the “AR-15 Rifle the National Gun of the United States.” In Part Two, posted on the AQ website, on March 2, 2023, we looked at flaws with this bill from a basic pragmatic/practical perspective.In this article and in the final article, we deal in depth with flaws in the bill, from three other perspectives: logical, legal, and Congressional procedural/mechanical.In this article, Part Three, we look at the principal problem with the bill from a logical standpoint.By “logical” we mean both “reasonable/rational” in a layman's sense, as well as “logical” in the academic, philosophical sense. From the reasonable/rational, commonsensical standpoint, does the bill have any positive feature or features to commend it? And, if so, do those positive features outweigh the negative aspects? And, what are those negative aspects? What works against it? Many things.Some comments by Ammoland readers of our first article on H.R. 1095 suggest there is nothing wrong with a bill declaring the AR-15 to be the National Gun of the United States and, that, if nothing else, the bill serves as “pushback” against those elements in our Country that rail against guns and bemoan the ubiquity of the AR-15 and bemoan the popularity of semiautomatic weapons generally among Americans.  Undoubtedly, the sponsor and co-sponsors of H.R. 1095, fed up with this endless assault on guns, and sanctimony, sought, through this bill, to goad these antigun fanatics.Anti-Second Amendment propagandists, providing fodder for members of the Press and leftist media sites and leftist Cable and Broadcast news anchors and commentators, incessantly and uniformly refer to the AR-15 as “a weapon of war,” an “assault weapon,” a “military-style rifle,” “a weapon having no use in a civilized society”—and so on and so forth. Constantly parroting each other, the public gets a daily dose of the same simplistic, noxious message, droning on endlessly, hypnotically. Public policy propagandists and psychologists create and then drill these viral memes deep into the psyche of Americans. These engineers of mind control hope to inculcate into the psyche of most Americans a pathological fear of firearms, a rabid abhorrence of them, and contempt toward those Americans who exercise their natural law right to keep and bear them. It is in this climate that Americans who are inured to the seduction that has worked its charm on so many, wish to fight back. But, is H.R. 1095 an effective mechanism upon which to resist? Is it not akin to lobbing ping-pong balls back at those who throw grenades?  Another Ammoland reader asserts in his comment to our article of February 28, “The sponsor of the AR bill [Representative Moore] was simply making the statement that the AR is here to stay! Because there’s plenty of people that seem to think it’s temporary.”Those are two points raised by some readers as criticism of our article. But, there is a third, not mentioned, although it might have been raised as a rebuke to our criticism of H.R. 1095.We had hazarded a guess that Moore didn't just happen to come up with the idea for H.R. 1095 out of the blue but probably got the idea from articles appearing in the January and February issues of America’s 1st Freedom, an NRA publication we refer to in an earlier article on H.R, 1095, posted on AQ on February 26, 2023. Id., supra. If so, isn't this a good thing—an argument favoring the enactment of H.R. 1095? No, it isn't.The authors of the articles mentioning the popularity and utility of the AR-15 among Americans in their NRA essays didn’t assert, or suggest the need for a Congressional Statute, declaring the “AR-15” the National Gun of the United States.One is therefore left to ponder whether the authors would favor such a Congressional Declaration if they were asked. The bill does nothing tangible to strengthen the Second Amendment. It simply enrages those on “the Left” who detest firearms and who visit contempt on those who cherish the natural law right to armed self-defense, codified in the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights.And if the bill enrages those who hate guns, inviting retribution, then that is hardly a constructive reason to introduce a bill.Further, if the bill is merely innocuous, not inviting attention good or bad, then why waste time, money, and effort on it?This bill isn’t a good idea, and it isn’t simply innocuous. It is deleterious to the import and purport of the natural law right to armed self-defense.It was a bad idea in the inception. It was worse yet when Representative Barry Moore introduced it in the House.The bill spurred the Press and Anti-Second Amendment politicians, such as New York Governor Kathy Hochul, to use it as a cudgel against the Second Amendment, proclaiming the bill to be an “insult to those people killed and wounded in mass shootings and their families.” See the article in Newsday.See also the article by Steve Benen, MSNBC Columnist, and producer of the Rachel Maddow ShowOne need only look to bills that Anti-Second Amendment Congressional Democrats fashion to see what a properly tailored bill includes.The recent House bill, H.R. 698, “Assault Weapons Ban of 2023,” introduced by David Cicilline, Democrat, Rhode Island, on February 1, 2023, provides an example.This bill has one, a stated purpose and rationale; two, a definition, explaining precisely what the sponsors and co-sponsors of H.R. 698, intend to ban; and three, a description of where it is to be placed in the United States Code if the bill were enacted into law.Then there is H.R. 1095. It is vacuous. If the sponsor and co-sponsors of H.R. 1095 intended to enact a law to counter the Democrats’ push to ban “Assault Weapons,” (Semiautomatic Weapons”), H.R. 1095 doesn’t do that.It has no text, and Barry Moore, the sponsor of it, evidently never intended for the bill to include text. It is a naked, empty declaration. What clarification could he give? What content could there be that might otherwise give weight to a bill that serves merely as a declaration of something that Americans already know: that the AR-15 rifle, particularly, and semiautomatic weapons generally, are in “common use.”On cursory musing, a person knows that semiautomatic weapons are a national emblem of a sort. No Congressional declaration of that is required to make emphatic something that is common knowledge.Had Representative Moore introduced a bill that sanctions, approves, entitles, and “legalizes” civilian citizen use of semiautomatic weapons, including the AR-15, or, had Moore introduced a bill that excludes all semiautomatic firearms from State and Federal regulation, such a bill would have a substantive, positive effect.Such a bill would be a marked improvement over a banal declaration that does nothing to secure Americans’ right to use such weaponry but merely taunts Anti-Second Amendment proponents and fanatics. If that were the intention of the sponsor and co-sponsors, they succeeded in the endeavor.But the H.R. 1095 makes light of the legislative process. The bill is bratty and puerile if all that its sponsor and co-sponsors expected it to do, and if all that its sponsor and co-sponsors intended for this bill to do, was to provoke, goad, and tease supercilious legislators on the other side of the aisle, along with a dementia-riddled President and his arrogant Cabinet, members of the legacy Press and of leftist cable and broadcast news shows. And that is the only thing, as written, that this bill is capable of doing. And the sponsor and co-sponsors of it appear remiss in not giving this bill more thought before putting pen to paper and affixing their names thereto. Better it would be had they done nothing.Neither H.R. 1095 nor Democrats’ H.R. 698, though, has any chance of passage, anyway. But that is beside the point. H.R. 1095 is senseless, whether enacted or not, but H.R. 698 is dangerous to the sanctity of the natural law right to armed self-defense if enacted.But suppose both did pass the House. Is that theoretically possible? It is. That points to a logical flaw in the bill from an academic standpoint.Logically, BOTH bills can exist side-by-side. They can both be given effect: one as a declaration the AR-15 Rifle is the National Rifle of the United States—a blanket and bold assertion with no impact—and the other positing a ban on civilian citizen ownership and possession of that rifle, a bill that, if enacted, would have a decisive and negative impact on the sanctity and inviolability of the Bill of Rights.The enactment of a wholesale Congressional ban on AR-15 rifles is consistent with the enactment of a law declaring the AR-15 to be the National Gun of the United States.So, calling the AR-15 Rifle the National Gun of the United States does not mean the “gun is here to stay” contrary to the assertion of one Ammoland reader.One can yell it till the cows come home, and all the while there could still be enacted a bill, or ATF ruling, or, perhaps, an executive decree that no civilian citizen can lawfully own or possess an AR-15 Rifle. So, a mere declaration that the AR-15 is the National Gun of the United States does not mean that the AR-15 is here to stay. That is false even if H.R. 1095 was passed by both Houses of Congress and signed into law by the U.S. President. And, that illustrates the vacuousness of asserting or acknowledging the AR-15 is the National Gun of the United States. It comes to naught.A declaration to that effect, enacted into law, is a meager reward to those who cherish the fundamental, unalienable right codified in the Second Amendment. And it is no reward at all, if, at the end of the day, Americans cannot lawfully own and possess that rifle.

  • The AR-15 is the National Gun of the United States. [Republican sponsored Statute]; and
  • The AR-15 is banned. No civilian citizen can lawfully own and possess the AR-15. [Democrat-sponsored Statute]

So, then, the AR-15 remains the National Gun of the United States and IT IS still outlawed. Wonderful. What, then, is one to make of the claim that the AR-15 Rifle is our “National Gun?”  Side by side, with the two bills enacted into law, the silliness of H.R. 1095 becomes painfully obvious. Anti-Second Amendment Democrats would get a good chuckle over that. In fact, that might be reason enough for Democrats to urge Biden to sign the thing into law just to illustrate the idiocy of a declaration that becomes a National joke if, at the end of the day, no civilian citizen can legally own and possess this “National Gun of the United States.”  Now, suppose Congressional Republicans had drafted H.R. 1095 as the obverse of H.R. 698. That means only one or the other bill would pass and could be given effect. The one is incompatible with the other, as a matter of ice-cold logic.A Congressional Statute that proscribes, i.e., makes illegal ownership and possession of the AR-15 Rifle contradicts a Congressional Statute that prescribes, i.e., legalizes the ownership and possession of the AR-15 Rifle.Of course, at the moment, fortunately for a free Constitutional Republic, no federal ban on ownership and possession of the AR-15 Rifle, or of any other semiautomatic firearm exists.And this is so even as several States do ban ownership and possession of AR-15 Rifles and/or many other kinds of semiautomatic handguns, rifles, or shotguns, or otherwise, stringently regulate civilian citizen possession of such weapons.But, if Republicans did control both Houses of Congress and the U.S. Presidency, then Americans could see a law passed by Congress and signed into law by a Republican President, sanctioning civilian citizen ownership of all semiautomatic firearms.Such a law would prevent States from banning ownership/possession of such weapons.Congress would have to repeal such a statute as a condition precedent to a ban on ownership/possession of such weapons.The point of our remarks here is that Congressional Republicans should carefully think through their actions before spending time, effort, and tax-payer dollars on fruitless enterprises and escapades that do nothing to preserve our free Constitutional Republic and that fail to strengthen our Nation’s Bill of Rights. That didn't happen with this bill.What remains of H.R. 1095 is something that seems, at first glance, to offer gun owners some comfort, but, on balance, doesn’t have a pretense of that either.H.R.1095 does nothing from a practical/pragmatic standpoint or from a logical/reasonableness standpoint to commend it.In our concluding article, we look at the procedural/mechanical problems of H.R.1095, and, most importantly, its legal flaws.____________________________________Copyright © 2023 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved. 

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We always read with interest comments of readers that spend time reviewing, thinking about, and responding to our articles. And we take readers’ comments to heart. This is in reference to our article posted on Ammoland Shooting Sports News on February 28, 2023.We surmised that some readers might disagree with our position on H.R. 1095, a bill introduced on February 17, 2023, by Representative Barry Moore, Republican, Alabama, and co-sponsored, originally, by three other Republicans, Andrew Clyde of Georgia, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, and George Santos of New York. See the article in Forbes.Marjorie Taylor Greene subsequently added her name to the bill as the fourth co-sponsor.Had we thought H.R. 1095 simply unproductive but benign, we wouldn’t have written about it. But we feel the bill isn’t merely unproductive and benign. It does harm, and on both pragmatic grounds and legal and logical ones.In this article, we look at the harm this bill does to the cause of preservation of the Second Amendment, on pragmatic grounds.First, in the mere assertion of the AR-15 as the National Gun of the United States the bill undercuts, if unintentionally, our natural law, God-Given right to armed self-defense.The bill is harmful to the preservation of our Second Amendment because it merely offers the public a slogan, nothing more. The slogan gains unwarranted gravitas as a bill.It would do better service as a bumper sticker. H.R. 1095 trivializes the natural law right of the people to keep and bear arms.Second, the bill alludes to something we believe untrue and harmful to the sanctity of the right: namely the false notion of America as a “Gun Culture.”One source attributes the creation of the phrase ‘Gun Culture’ to the American historian Richard Hofstadter, who wrote an article for the periodical “American Heritage,” titled, “American As a Gun Culture.” That was back in October 1970. See also articles in Boston Review,, and compass.The phrase, ‘Gun Culture,’ has since dominated Anti-Second Amendment literature and Anti-Second Amendment activism, along with expressions such as, ‘Gun Violence,’ ‘Gun Control,’ and ‘Gun Safety.’ Messaging is a major component of social conditioning.Third, a bill that would talk about this or that “gun” as the “National Gun” of the United States gives Anti-Second Amendment proponents and fanatics another reason to demonize and ridicule Americans who cherish their natural law right to armed self-defense.We do not need to give ammunition to those who abhor firearms and who demonize, ridicule, and heap contempt on those Americans who insist on exercising their God-Given right to keep and bear them.Fourth, the bill directs the public’s attention to firearms generally, and to semiautomatic weapons, particularly.The armed citizenry is as much needed today as the armed colonists were needed back at the dawn of our Nation’s birth. Back then, the first Patriots fought against tyranny to create a free Constitutional Republic, one devoid of noblemen and kings where the common man was deemed sovereign over his Government and sole master of his fate.Today, America’s armed Patriots are needed as a counterweight to those people in service to a new tyranny, one that seeks to destroy our Nation, selling the remains off to interests that aim to create a world empire. Yet, the empire envisioned today is vaster and more treacherous, and more dangerous than that of the British Empire under George III and of the nascent Rothschild Banking Dynasty.Fifth, Americans don’t need a bill to declare this or that firearm to be a National Gun. It isn’t “The Gun” per se that is the source of our Nation’s FREEDOM AND LIBERTY. A firearm is just a tool. It is, rather, the notion of the SANCTITY and INVIOLABILITY of the INDIVIDUAL and of the importance of the COMMON MAN who wields that firearm: the “ARMED CITIZEN.” It is the wielder of a firearm, then, not the firearm itself, that is the foundation OF FREEDOM AND LIBERTY. And it is in the COMMON MAN’S WILL and of his ability, THROUGH FORCE OF ARMS, to resist THE TYRANT who would dare crush his mind, body, and spirit, that our Nation’s GREATNESS derives and thrives.Sixth, A bill to enact a law that simply denotes something as a “NATIONAL SYMBOL” is unnecessary.Such symbols often become the target of aggression when attention is directed at them.Recall flag-burnings. Does this Country need or want to see the mass destruction of “GUNS” if this or that GUN is designated a national symbol?Yet, to raise the AR-15 to the status of “NATIONAL GUN OF THE UNITED STATES” merely taunts Anti-Second Amendment fanatics, nudging them to do just that: a call for the destruction of all AR-15 Rifles.Do we really want to see H.R. 1095 serving as the catalyst for public displays of the destruction of firearms across the Country?Just undertake some cost/benefit analysis. What is gained from this bill? A trifle? Anything? And what is the cost? Much!Further, national symbols have historical roots. If some Congressional Republicans wish to raise a particular firearm to recognition as a ‘national symbol’ we have better candidates: namely those that hearken back to the American Revolution.There is the “BROWN BESS” smoothbore flintlock musket. It would serve us better. First, it draws attention, but in a good way, to our great history—something the Neo-Marxist Internationalists and the Neoliberal Globalists loathe and wish to erase.The “BROWN BESS” is connected to the American Revolution. If we are going to draw out a debate, then let us compel these ruthless forces to call out the American Revolution as a bad thing, if they dare.Let us talk about our Nation's history and point to the ARMED CITIZEN to whom we owe our FREEDOM and LIBERTY.So, far, those who would destroy us, only tinker around the edges, using ANTIFA and BLM, and many unthinking college students as storm troops to burn buildings, deface art, and destroy statues and monuments.But it would be very difficult for the Federal Government to attack our history and artifacts directly: our HISTORICAL BATTLE FLAGS for example, even as the Government attempts to do just that, obliquely—claiming that those who cherish our history and its emblems are “MAGA” REPUBLICANS, “WHITE SUPREMACISTS” “CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS,”—presumptively, all of us “HINTERLAND HICKS.”If Republicans want to draw the ire of the Anti-Second Amendment fan base in an uproar, we don’t need to give these fanatics another reason to go after firearms by taunting them with this nonsensical bill. And that is all this bill does. It is meant as a colossal tease. But it is, rather, a colossal blunder.Seventh, H.R. 1095 does nothing concrete. The bill’s title says everything a person needs to know about it. And, while there are those who support it, (note very few Republicans have signed on to it), there are many people and interests in this Country that do not.And those who do not are especially irate over civilian citizen ownership and possession of firearms they refer to as “ASSAULT WEAPONS,” like the AR-15 Rifle. And they voice their anger vociferously, vehemently, endlessly, tying the “AR-15” to “mass shootings,” particularly at schools.“The AR-15 was used by the school shooter last year in Uvalde, Texas, to massacre 19 elementary school children and two teachers. It was used during the 2019 shooting in Parkland, Florida, to murder 17 students and educators. Of the roughly 24 guns that the 2017 Las Vegas shooter brought to the deadliest mass shooting in modern history, in which he massacred 60 people and injured hundreds, over a dozen were AR-15s.The effects of AR-15 style guns are brutal. The AR-15 is a weapon built for war, designed and manufactured to shred human flesh. During the Vietnam War, the AR-15 left bodies of Vietnamese fighters looking as though they had been hit with an explosive, much like the bodies of the children killed in Uvalde, some of whom first-hand witnesses said were only identifiable through the clothing left intact on their ripped-apart flesh.The bill [H.R. 1095] is the latest Republican display of the party’s worship of guns and its attempts to normalize the violence the right is often associated with.” See the article on the radical left website, No, contrary to the remark of the author of the above yellow journalism article, those who cherish the right codified in the Second Amendment do not worship guns. Those Americans worship the Divine Creator. But they recognize the utility of “guns” for self-defense and to resist tyranny.But, that is how the H.R. 1095 comes across: AS WORSHIPING GUNS, IN ADORATION TO A “GUN CULTURE.” In a nutshell, that explains why this bill is wrong-headed.Consider the remarks of New York Governor Kathy Hochul:“‘The governor, a Democrat, told Newsday in an interview Thursday that Santos' proposal is an insult to those people killed and wounded in mass shootings and their families.‘That is so abhorrent,’ Hochul said, ‘especially from a representative from New York, especially from a representative from Long Island, which is home to one of the victims of the Parkland shooting.’” See the article in Newsday.Hochul is not entirely wrong. We wouldn't say H.R. 1095, is “abhorrent,” but it is absurd. It was not well thought out.The aforementioned news and media reports prove our point. The bill is a bad idea because it draws volatile and unnecessary attention to the Second Amendment. The bill stirs up a hornet’s nest but does nothing to strengthen the Second Amendment. The only thing it does is give those who detest the Second Amendment, another reason for eliminating the exercise of the right in it.Perhaps that was the sponsor's salient purpose in drafting the bill up, and then introducing it in the House.* Perhaps that was the only purpose for the bill. If so, the sponsor and co-sponsors of it accomplished their aim. They got their wish.But, if it doesn’t strengthen the right of the people to keep and bear arms, then why bother with it if all it does is simply antagonize the opposition, drawing unnecessary attention to a firearm? It surely does nothing positive to secure the right, without which this Republic is well lost.In the next article in this series, we look at the legal and logical flaws associated with H.R. 1095.____________________________________*It is odd that many news reports tie H.R. 1095 to George Santos. He isn't the sponsor of the bill. He is only one of four co-sponsors. Perhaps it is that Santos generates so much antipathy among so many people, that they blindly tie a poorly drafted and poorly considered House bill with a sorry excuse of a person, an inveterate liar.____________________________________Copyright © 2023 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.  

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Readers of Ammoland Shooting Sports News are probably aware of a House of Representatives Bill (H.R. 1095) introduced by Representative Barry Moore (Republican, Alabama) that “seeks to declare that an “AR-15 style rifle chambered in a .223 Remington round or a 5.56x45mm NATO round . . . the National Gun of the United States,” according to a summary of the legislation.” See New York Post article, published February 23, 2023.American Military News, in an article also published on February 23, 2023, adds this:“The bill’s [two] Republican co-sponsors include Georgia Rep. Lauren Boebert and New York Rep. George Santos. AR-15s and similar rifles are the most popular in the U.S., with more than 24.4 million in circulation, according to trade group data reported by The Reload. The rifles are often targets for gun control because they have been increasingly used in mass shootings over the last decade, as reported by USA Today.”‘The anti-Second Amendment group won’t stop until they take away all your firearms,’ Moore said in a statement reported by ‘One rule to remember: any government that would take away one right would take away them all.’After bringing forward the bill for the AR-15’s national recognition last week, Moore stopped at a gun shop in Troy, Alabama on Tuesday to make the case for its passage. He said the AR-15 has been ‘a cornerstone of American culture for over 60 years,’ according to video taken at the event.’”Moore introduced the bill on the Floor of the House on February 17, 2023. The bill was referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Introduction of a bill and referral to the bill are the first two actions in the legislative process, turning a bill into a Congressional statute. See the article in, discussing this process.Often a bill languishes in Committee. This occurs when the House Speaker—or, if a bill is introduced in the Senate, the Senate Majority Leader—intends to kill it.Recall the ill-fated bill, H.R. 38, “Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017,” “a bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to provide a means by which nonresidents of a State whose residents may carry concealed firearms may also do so in the State.”An amended version of the bill passed the House after two Roll Call votes, on December 6, 2017, and went on to the Senate for action. Paul Ryan was the Speaker of the House, at that time. We were hopeful.Americans had their best shot at the passage of this bill since, at the time, Republicans controlled both Houses of Congress and the Executive Branch under U.S. President Donald Trump. But our wishes were soon dashed when we saw the bill languishing in a Senate Committee.In an AQ article posted on November 28, 2018, we wrote,“Representative Richard Hudson (R-NC) introduced the bill [H.R. 38] on January 3, 2017. The bill passed the House by Roll Call Vote of 231-198, on December 6, 2017. It was sent to the Senate one day later, where it was read twice and then referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. President Trump supports it. The NRA supports it. And rank and file law enforcement officers support it too. But there has been to date no further action on it. The bill sits in limbo. Its prospect of passage is, at present, low. Why is that?What is the U.S. Senate waiting for?”In answer to our own question, we learned the reason for the wait. Mitch McConnell wanted the bill to die in Committee. And it did die there. McConnell deliberately killed it. We had a window of opportunity. And that window is gone.With fortitude but little fanfare the author of the 2017  “constitutional carry” bill, Richard Hudson reintroduced the bill on January 4, 2021. Nothing came of it.That, incidentally, was sixteen days before the forces that Crush entire Countries placed the irredeemably corrupt and spineless, dementia-riddled, emotional and physical wreck of a man, the Great Betrayer of our Nation, Joe Biden, in the Oval Office. He has all the hallmarks of a useful puppet. He is someone who would obediently serve them, not us, the American people, accountable only to them, and not us. And, so, the puppet masters pushed him on the public and, having manipulated both the public psyche and the electoral process, making sure that he, Joe Biden, and not Donald Trump, would bear and wear the title, “Chief Executive.” The bill went nowhere.  It was referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security, on March 1, 2021, And there it died.On February 20, 2023, the “constitutional carry bill” was “re-reintroduced,” and, this time, in the Senate. John Cornyn sponsored it. Press coverage of it is sparse, essentially nonexistent. But, a trade group NSSF did reference and commend it. Yet, the bill is a dead letter in a Senate led by New York Democrat Chuck Schumer. In contradistinction to the “Constitutional Carry” bill of 2023, the “AR-15 National Gun” bill has received a lot of Press attention, most of it negative.There is a curious thing about the mechanics of the legislative process concerning that bill, though. The bill’s text has yet to be published. News accounts report this, but none of them hazard a guess as to why there is no accompanying text. Usually, if not invariably, a text immediately accompanies an announcement of a bill. One would expect a text for a bill. Right? Apparently, there wasn't one for H.R. 1095, though. And why might that be? Why would H.R. 1095 be introduced in Congress, sans text? Probably for the reason that there is nothing to be said about it that isn’t in the title of it.Be that as it may, there is nothing in the title that would suggest the bill accomplishes anything. H.R. 1095 is a vacuous exercise in conception, having no purpose other than to rile Anti-Second Amendment members of Congress, the Press, the Biden Administration, Governor Kathy Hochul of New York, and many others that loathe firearms and Americans' exercise of their right to keep and bear them. The bill has no useful purpose that we can see. It is counterproductive, the conception of it shallow and superficial, and the sponsor and co-sponsors of it, callow, thinking they are accomplishing something worthwhile through the presentment of it. They aren't.As explained on the website:“Bills deal with domestic and foreign issues and programs, and they also appropriate money to various government agencies and programs.Public bills pertain to matters that affect the general public or classes of citizens, while private bills affect just certain individuals and organizations.”But what does this bill [H.R 1095] do beyond a vacuous declaration, whether true, in some sense, or not, to ascribe to the notion that the AR-15 is [or should be designated] the National Gun of America?” Nothing positive that we can see. And in the blanket declaration, what does it accomplish? Nothing to strengthen the Second Amendment guarantee if the bill were somehow to become law, and much to harm it. And it is in the harm caused by the mere introduction of it in Congress, that there exists the principal problem with it.As a cursory note, the idea implicit in the bill—the notion of a declaration of a “NATIONAL GUN,” isn’t even original. The sponsor and co-sponsors of it likely didn't even come up with the idea.The sponsor and the co-sponsors of the bill likely didn’t brainstorm this but got the idea after perusing recent issues of the NRA publication, “America’s 1st Freedom.” We perused those issues too. The idea is prominently displayed on the covers of both the January 2023 and February 2023 magazines.The cover story of the January 2023 issue is “This is My Rifle,” subtitled, “AR-15 is America’s Rifle,” by Serena Juchnowski. The cover story of the February 2023 issue is emblazoned, “America’s Rifle,” and it is subtitled, “What the Gun-Control Crowd Doesn’t Want You To Know About AR-Type Rifles,” by the Constitutional Law expert, and author of several seminal textbooks on the Second Amendment, Stephen P. Halbrook. The articles and Stephen's books are well worth a read.One thing implicit in both articles is the fact that Americans have an unalienable right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, close friends, and family, and they have a right to keep and bear arms in defense of the security of a free state, from the tyranny of Government.But, there is nothing in either account of the two lead stories in the NRA that suggests the need for a Statute declaring, or that it would be a good idea to declare, the AR-15 rifle, the National Gun of the United States.”  The reason why is plain.Americans do not need an Act of Congress to tell them the AR-15 rifle or any other kind of firearm should be designated “THE NATIONAL GUN OF THE UNITED STATES.” Even the construction of the language of the bill is faulty.The use of the phrase “United States” in the bill alludes clearly and unmistakably to the Nation’s “standing army,” not to the civilian citizenry. Of course, the military doesn't use the AR-15 Rifle, anyway. The military versions today are the M4 and M16 assault rifles, which should be available to the sovereign armed citizenry as the final fail-safe against tyranny.And the word ‘Gun’ is a poor choice of terminology as it is a colloquialism and a slang word for ‘Firearm’ or ‘Weapon.’The drafters of the bill would have done better to use language such as, “AR-15 IS THE WEAPON OF CHOICE OF THE AMERICAN CITIZENRY.” This phraseology is preferred as it avoids ambiguity and a negative characterization that the informal verbiage of the actual bill, H.R. 1095 conveys. But this is quibbling. The bill is patently unnecessary at best and, at worse, it weakens the natural law right to armed self-defense that exists intrinsically in man. It isn't the sort of thing that Government bestows on man. Therefore, it isnt the sort of thing that Government can rescind, or deny to man.The bill was wrong-headed from the get-go, for many reasons. Worse than unnecessary, the mere introduction of it is counterproductive. The passage of it, unlikely though that is, would do nothing to secure our fundamental, unalienable right to armed self-defense were passage of it to occur.We discuss the many serious failings and shortcomings of this bill in the next article.____________________________________Copyright © 2023 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.  

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Mass shootings need not happen but continue to happen because of ineffective security measures.Video footage shows the assailant, Anthony McRae, walking through an unlocked door with a handgun.Yet, security officers didn't stop him.  A “mop-up” operation occurred after the fact, much too late to save lives.Mass shooting incidents don’t occur at our airports or in federal courts and office buildings because they are “hardened” against criminal violence.But the Biden Administration and the “woke” community oppose “hardening” schools and universities. Instead, they focus attention on futile gestures, like trying to discern a lunatic’s motive and decrying “guns,” “gun violence,” “far-right extremism,” and the Second Amendment.Such topics satisfy the predilections of some. They also deflect discussion away from solving a root problem and direct it toward reinforcing a narrative—one in service to an agenda. And the agenda is aimed at achieving a long-sought goal: erasing the exercise of the natural law right to armed self-defense.The Country is not served well by this. The MSU tragedy was senseless but, unfortunately, predictable.Places of learning remain both “soft targets” and desirable targets. Sadly, “mass shootings” will recur. That is a dead certainty.____________________________________Copyright © 2023 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved. 

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The Nation’s public schools exist for one salient purpose: to sharpen logical-thinking skills in our Nation’s youths so they become confident in their abilities and productive members of society.Something hinders the effectuation of that purpose: school shootings.Board members, administrators, teachers, support staff, and children cannot concentrate on the core purpose of education when they fear the next school shooting incident.There were four major, widely reported tragic school shooting incidents (K-12) in the past 20+ years:**Columbine in 1999, Sandy Hook in 2012, Stoneman Douglas in 2018, and, most recently, Robb Elementary in 2022.These incidents were devastating, profoundly affecting both the children and adults directly involved and the Nation.Each incident is unacceptable. Yet, all were preventable.What are the States doing about this? Some States are doing much; many others little to prevent the next school shooting. See the reportStates generally, but not invariably, delegate the responsibility for developing and implementing school security plans to the school districts and many have enacted statutes dictating policy in that regard. Id.There are 13,349 School Districts in the Country, and 731 are in New York.The largest School District in New York and in the Nation is the New York City School District, and it has an enrollment of 1,007,610 (K-12 Public Schools) as of June 30, 2021. The New York City School District has 1,400 schools, one-third of all the public schools in the State. The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) is the sole bargaining agent for teachers, non-supervisory educators, and paraprofessionals for the City School District. A rational person would think that given the size of the NYC School District (the City is divided into 32 geographic districts and 2 Citywide districts), and given the severity of violent crime in the City, and a host of related societal problems, the District would be a leader in “hardening,” (fortifying) schools against armed attack. But that isn’t true. See articles in the New York Post, the Washington Times, and the National Review.The UFT, taking its cue from the Biden Administration and from the National Education Association (NEA), adamantly opposes implementing the “hardening” of schools, claiming that it doesn’t work. Yet, this notion is at loggerheads with the position of the New York State Legislature that passed, in 2018, a bill funding schools specifically to use armed personnel “To strengthen security and help keep students safe.” The view of the Huntington School District, on Long Island, aligns with that of the State’s Legislators in Albany. The view of the UFT does not.See the Arbalest Quarrel companion article, posted on January 30, 2023. The Huntington School District has implemented a school safety program that makes use of armed staff to protect children, teachers, and staff. See the article in Newsday, and wshu public radio. The use of armed guards has stoked resistance even though such use of armed guards is authorized “on school grounds” but not “in the school.”  That has done nothing to placate deep-seated antipathy on the part of some parents and teachers who oppose all use of armed guards, notwithstanding that the armed school resource officers (SROs), not police officers.But what explains this strong resistance? There is a reluctance, even a hysterical reaction, to the use of armed police or armed school resource officers (“SROs”) at schools even as their effectiveness in protecting students, teachers, and administrative officials from aggressive armed assault is clear. See the article from the rand corporation.  This is a disturbing trend. And it is illustrated both in the New York City School District, and some of the other largest school districts in other areas of the Country.This reluctance must be attributed to a concerted attack on “guns” generally, by groups always opposed to guns, and a hyped-up fear of armed police and armed school resource personnel, particularly.Although the UFT is adamantly opposed to any armed personnel in the City's schools, apparently the District cannot prohibit NYPD from entering the schools in pursuit of their lawful police functions. This has led the ACLU to provide guidance to students when interacting with the police, suggesting a strained relationship from the get-go. See the article, titled, “How to Interact with the Police in New York City Public Schools.”The Legacy Press, itself, abhorring guns and contemptuous of those who choose to exercise their natural law right to keep and bear them, does nothing to alleviate the public’s phobic reaction toward guns. Instead, the Press exacerbates that irrational fear, exploiting shooting incidents—especially those taking place inside schools or outside, on school grounds, involving harm to children. Stoking fear of and concomitant hatred of guns furthers a political agenda. It is an agenda aimed at weakening and eventually eliminating the fundamental, unalienable, natural law right of the people to armed self-defense. The Press uses the alarmist expression “epidemic of mass shootings” to stoke public anger and rage toward guns, suggesting, falsely, that “mass shootings” are commonplace. They are not. See the article in the City JournalAnd the term ‘epidemic’ when tied to shootings falsely alludes to a public health emergency. It is not.Criminal conduct involves public safety, not public health. The implement used by a sociopath, or psychopath, or lunatic to commit mayhem doesn’t define the event.  A sentient agent’s use of a gun to commit a crime does not convert that act, a public safety matter, into a public health matter. Similarly, an epidemic or pandemic, like the outbreak of the Spanish Flu, the Bubonic Plague, or the recent CCP Chinese Coronavirus (COVID-19) doesn’t transform a public health matter into a public safety matter. Society doesn’t place a “virus” on trial for a crime. And Society doesn’t place the “gun” in a hospital because it, “the gun,” is deemed “ill.” That is discordant. Yet, the public doesn’t stop to think about the irrationality of the messaging so caught up it is in the cacophony on display.Publications like Time show no reluctance in treating a criminal matter as a health issue when that criminal matter involves guns. See the article in Time.One would think the medical community wouldn’t fall for this. Not so. Many medical practitioners and medical organizations are happy to shoehorn the misuse of guns, a public safety issue, into a presumptive public health issue, and even a public health epidemic. How can this be? Many in the medical community, apparently, are blinded by their own loathing of guns and therefore fail to perceive the irrationality of the presumption. Still, some medical practitioners, realizing the problem, try to make a case, nonetheless:“Advocates believe a public health approach is warranted not only because of the aggregate numbers of death and injuries, but also because epidemiological analysis suggests gun violence may share features with communicable diseases; exposure to gun violence can predict other incidents, and gun violence often diffuses like a contagion through connected social networks. Physicians also are being asked to step up. Various medical groups including the AMA and the American Academy of Pediatrics have issued policy statements calling for greater physician involvement in combating gun violence.” “Physicians’ Elusive Public Health Duties,” 99 N.C.L. Rev. 923, May, 2021, by Richard S. Saver, Arch T. Allen Distinguished Professor, UNC School of Law; Professor (Secondary Appointment), UNC School of MedicineThis is sophistry. The author of the above article equates “gun violence” with “communicable disease” or “contagion” because he mistakes his metaphor for a literal representation. If “gun violence” were really “like” a “communicable disease,” then this would mean that guns, as “viruses,” or “contagions,” would transform all people who happen to come into contact with a gun as having within them the seed of pathological criminal violence. That’s not only patently false, it’s also nonsensical. But, in fact, many in the medical community ascribe to this. And politicians and the legacy Press run with it. Many in the medical community, therefore, contribute to this hysteria over guns, rather than being a voice of reason. And a half-hearted debate over the matter does nothing to allay the tendency to hysteria. See Tulane University article.The desire to treat “guns” per se as a health matter informs all subsequent discussions on the matter. The result is disastrous public policy decisions. Fortunately, not all members of the medical community have jumped on the bandwagon. They do not treat “gun violence” as a public health matter, let alone a public health emergency. They perceive this notion as wrongheaded and illogical. See the website Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership.On the matter of guns, the Press, politicians, and many in the medical community are not serving the best interests of the Nation, least of all the best interests of and safety of our children.Children have become useful pawns, sacrificial lambs, in a high-stakes game, where the survival of the Nation as a free Constitutional Republic is at stake.____________________________



The refusal of many school districts to consider utilizing police or armed resource officers as a necessary part of an effective school safety plan arises from both an antipathy toward guns, culminating in an outright phobic reaction toward “guns.”   An irrational abhorrence toward guns has pervaded the Country. It has not come about by chance. It is all part of an elaborately conceived and orchestrated campaign aimed at disarming the American public. In this effort to affect the desired outcome, a child is viewed as a useful pawn, whose life is deliberately placed in mortal danger. This says everything an American need to know about the value the legacy Press, and many school districts, including the New York City School District and the Biden Administration place on the life of our Nation’s children. It is just a matter of time before another tragedy that need not occur will occur in a school. The usual cast of characters will piously declare how horrific that is and why it is that civilian citizen possession of guns must be drastically curtailed. This will do nothing to prevent another mass shooting incident to occur in a school or outside it. In fact, the contrary will ensue. A mass shooting incident is guaranteed to occur, demonstrating once again, ever again, that the goal of ending criminal violence with guns is not, and never was about guns.Consider the ubiquity of the hyper-alarmist expression “gun violence.”New York Governor Kathy Hochul incessantly goes on about this thing “gun violence” and “hypes” her package of restrictive gun legislation to “fight gun violence epidemic.” See the article on her website. But few people stop to reflect on her lengthy, convoluted package of gun legislation. They should. The legislation has nothing to do with stopping criminal conduct. It has everything to do with repressing the ability of average, responsible, rational, law-abiding Americans to own and possess a firearm—the only truly effective means available to safeguard one’s life against a violent, vicious aggressor. Such random, unprovoked attacks have increased exponentially in recent years, in New York, as reported by the New York Daily News, and the City Journal Magazine. Violent Crime is surging in major Cities, including New York, as reported by the New York PostBack in January 2022, New York City Mayor Eric Adams declared, Gun violence is a public health crisis that continues to threaten every corner of our city and he claimed to have the plan to deal with it.Do you remember: “The Blueprint to End Gun Violence.”How well is that working? Strange, the Mayor has said little to nothing about it since he rolled it out with great fanfare early last year.The answer to violent crime, as the legacy Press and the politicians explain is to constrain and eventually curtail the natural law right of the citizen to provide for his own defense. That is their answer. That is their only response. And why is that? Apparently, the law-abiding citizen gun owner is an easy target and a useful one. And, the Press and politicians point to the many guns in the hands of the law-abiding citizen. So? So, what?Conflating guns held by law-abiding gun owners with those held by violent criminals, the seditious Press and duplicitous politicians make a pretense of serving society, while stepping all over the Bill of Rights. Gun owners are perceived as “the other”—not representative of true law-abiding Americans.Although not expressly stated, the rationale, is this——Restricting the exercise of the natural law right to armed self-defense of the former, the average law-abiding citizen, will serve to distract from the problem of misuse of guns by the latter, the rampaging psychopathic and psychotic killer.Through this sleight of hand, the Destroyers of a free Constitutional Republic can methodically whittle away at the natural law right codified in the Second Amendment. This, of course, is and was their primary aim all along: erase the natural law right to armed self-defense ostensibly for the well-being of the greater society. It is all a ruse. But, it plays well.Thus, the more often that violent crimes occur—preferably through the use of guns—the more likely the public will be to embrace a policy whose end goal is a “Gun-Free” America. That is to say, the elimination of the lawful possession of firearms by civilian citizens. That, of course, has no impact on the criminal. But, witnessing the casual way in which many City Governments treat crimes and criminals today, tackling crime isn’t a matter of concern for them; disarming the average, honorable, rational, responsible civilian citizen is._____________________



All this focus on guns has affected the way much of the Country views the discussion of and treatment of guns, including, most despicably, how many school districts treat their charges. A life that has value only as a commodity in service to a higher aim: But the refusal even to consider a school safety policy using armed resource officers may place the lives of children, while in school, in mortal danger. Is not the lack of a truly effective school safety policy stark evidence of the lack of value that the Government, today, places on the life of a child—the lack of value that the Government places on the life of the average American citizen in our Country?But the refusal even to consider a school safety policy using armed resource officers may place the lives of children, while in school, in mortal danger. We had pointed this out in an Arbalest Quarrel article, posted on November 17, 2022, writing about this stubborn attitude of the New York City School District, we said,“The UFT isn’t interested in hardening the City’s schools. And it is particularly resistant to employing trained and armed resource officers in the schools.This stubborn stance is an ominous sign of bad things to come. This lax attitude invites school shooting incidents. It may be only a matter of time before a New York City school suffers this horror.I hope it never happens but, given the sheer size of the NYC school district and given the amount of criminal violence afflicting New York City, coupled with a casual attitude toward crime, demonstrated by New York Governor, Kathy Hochul, and New York City Mayor, Eric Adams, I am fearful that it is just a matter of time before a tragedy, at the hands of an armed lunatic, visits a City school.” Less than two months after we wrote this, our prognostication, unfortunately, came true. A Charter School in New York City, East-Williamsburg in Brooklyn was the site of a shooting incident. The New York Post writes,“Three people — two of them students — were shot outside a Brooklyn high school on Wednesday afternoon, police and law enforcement sources said.Bullets flew just past the 2 p.m. dismissal time after a fight erupted outside the Williamsburg Charter High School at 198 Varet Street, cops said.A 15-year-old girl was shot in the right leg and a 17-year-old boy was shot in the left thigh, cops said. A 37-year-old man — a security guard at the school — suffered a graze wound to the neck, according to police.The students were taken to Bellevue Hospital, and the staffer to Elmhurst General, all in stable condition.This started as a dispute, a physical fight,” down the block from the school, near White Street, NYPD spokesperson Lt. Paul Ng said in a press briefing.About 15 men got into the melee, and one of them whipped out a 2×4 stick — which is when the shooter opened fire, according to Ng.”We would be remiss not to point out that, although Williamsburg Charter High School is located in New York City, it does not come under the purview of the New York City School District and the UFT.The Guide to Charter Schools in New York State, says, in part,“Charter schools are completely independent of district school boards. What allows a charter school to provide education to the public is a “charter,” a type of contract, between the school’s board of trustees and a chartering entity (also known as an authorizer). According to the terms of the charter, a school agrees to meet rigorous academic, operational, financial, and legal standards. The authorizer oversees each charter school to ensure it is meeting the terms of its charter.”Yet, despite their independence from district school boards, “charter schools must follow the same health and safety, ci rights, and student assessment requirements as other public schools, but they are exempt from all other laws and regulations, except for Article 56 of the Education Law. v 6” Id.The Safety program appears to be one-dimensional, though, essentially limited to the use of metal detectors to scan for weapons. And “School Safety Agents” appear to be limited to being versed in the use of scanning techniques. Nonetheless, the school safety program falls under the auspices of the NYPD. But, there is nothing that we can decipher from the material we perused to suggest that NYPD officers or armed safety personnel are utilized.In a document involving “A Collaboration Between the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and the New York City Department of Education,” effective July 21, 2016, school safety seems directed to and limited to scanning for weapons coming into the school:“Since the late 1980’s, metal detectors have been used in New York City public schools in order to maintain a safe and secure school environment and prevent weapons from being brought into the schools. The scanning program continues to be a vital security initiative and significant deterrent to weapons and violence. Furthermore, when weapons are found, schools can implement appropriate supports, interventions and follow up measures to reduce the chance of recurrence and address underlying factors that affect the safety and security of the school community. In accordance with established procedures and protocols, including Chancellor’s Regulation A-432 on Search and Seizure and the NYPD Patrol Guide 215-18 on Search Protocols for School Safety Agents, all students and visitors entering a school facility where scanning takes place are subject to scanning. School staff may enter the building at a non- scanning entrance designated by the principal/designee, which is monitored by school safety agents. NYPD personnel who conduct the scanning are trained to respect students’ rights and to ensure that scanning occurs in the least intrusive and most respectful manner possible. A principal or his/her designee must be present whenever scanning occurs. Scanning is only conducted at High Schools or Middle Schools which includes grade levels 6 through 12. When an Elementary School is present in a Middle School or High School where scanning occurs, a separate entrance will be provided for Elementary level students to enter the building without being scanned. . . .The Role of School Safety Agent School Safety Agents are trained to treat all individuals entering a school facility with courtesy, professionalism and respect. School Safety Agents overseeing scanning in a school must: • Properly set up/dismantle equipment and test the scanning equipment daily to ensure it is in proper working condition. • Greet students and provide them with clear, concise instructions in a professional manner • Be aware and alert to the walk-through metal detector signals and correctly utilize the hand-held metal detector while carefully observing, interpreting, and reviewing the x-ray machine screen for any suspicious objects Conduct sweeps (searches) for weapons, contraband, and other prohibited items periodically throughout scanning operations each day on the perimeter of the school site. • Adhere to the established methodology for scanning procedures . . . .”Obviously, the shooting incident that occurred on Wednesday, February 8, 2023, involving multiple shots fired and several individuals being shot, on the school grounds of Williamsburg Charter School, suggests serious deficiencies in security, on many levels. That incident may be replicated in any other school in New York City and could lead to more severe consequences. It is just a matter of time.______________________________



What is evident today in New York City in the mammoth New York City School District and in many School Districts across the Country that develop deficient school safety protocols grounded on the biases of the Biden Administration and the NEA are disasters in the making. The crassness is quite remarkable. We reported on this before, in our AQ article posted on November 17, 2022, and it bears repeating:In a May 2022 Press Briefing, reported in the New York Post, prompted soon after the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, Biden’s Press Secretary pointedly said:“ ‘I know there’s been conversation about hardening schools, that is not something he [Joe Biden] believes in,’ Jean-Pierre told reporters at a White House press conference. ‘He believes that we should be able to give teachers the resources to be able to do their job.’” This wasn’t a mistake by the Press Secretary. The next month, on June 2, 2022, as reported in Breitbart, Joe Biden, himself, confirmed he doesn’t support hardening school buildings.“President Joe Biden delivered a 20-minute prime-time address about gun violence on Thursday in which he mentioned a litany of gun control policies without mentioning the need for hardening school security . . .” [and] nowhere throughout his speech did he mention the need to place armed security guards on school campuses or bettering school security overall.”Since the Biden Administration is adamantly opposed to the use of armed security officers in public schools and explicitly discourages the application of any steps to harden school buildings to protect children, this serves to dissuade the UFT leadership from pursuing “hardening” as a solution for New York City schools. And, many other school systems across the Country follow the Biden Administration’s policy.One is left to ponder the forces at work in this Country who have little if any regard for the life and well-being of the average American: whether man, woman, or child. The Biden Administration is merely a reflection of the monstrous claim that these shadowy, powerful forces have over our Country and its people.The goal of these forces with their toadies in the Biden Administration and in several State Governments across the Country is control over the Country and over the American citizenry. Gaining control over the Country and its people requires capturing the weaponry of Americans to affect absolute control over the populace. Propaganda plays a critical role in that endeavor. Capturing weaponry in this Country requires first capturing the minds of the majority of the people. The lives of Americans, and especially children, count for nothing to these ruthless forces. Rather, loss of life, through criminal misuse of guns, plays a central part in that effort. Regardless of what the politicians and the organs of the Press and media spout, it is control over thought and control over firearms that is essential to the dissolution of a Sovereign, Independent, Nation-State; essential to the dissolution of our Free Constitutional Republic; and essential to the subjugation of a sovereign and proud people. That is the endgame.The Biden Administration and much of Congress, and many of those in State Governments, have no reason for existing other than to carry out the will of their benefactors. And those benefactors have lavished money and power on their toadies to secure their compliance and their loyalty. And they have served their masters well. And what of we, the commoners, the sovereign people of a once Great Nation? We are destined for the yoke if we don't demand an accounting, long past due, of those scoundrels who have sold us out. For the sake of our children, for the founders of our Republic, the first Patriots, and for the many Americans, down through the years, decades, and centuries, who placed their lives at risk, and for those who paid the ultimate price to secure our freedoms, we owe it to all of them to make a stand. Otherwise, all that came before was in vain.___________________________________*This article updates and complements our article posted on January 30, 2023.____________________________________**AQ has corrected an earlier account of school shooting incidents where we stated that there were four school shooting incidents in the past thirty years. We wish to clarify that remark. An astute reader of this article explained to us, on February 9, 2022, that the assertion is inaccurate. We stand by the salient point but acknowledge its vagueness. Therefore, we add this clarification: There were four major, i.e., widely reported school shooting incidents (K-12), from 1999 through 2022; one from the last decade of the Twentieth Century, then two through the first two decades of the Twenty-First Century, and, at this moment in time, one during the third decade of the Twenty-First. The website, Statista, does report many more “mass shootings,” overall, from the time frame, of 1982 through January 24, 2023. Also, we note that the site Statista does not formally define the phrase, ‘mass shooting,’ saying only that “Mass shootings happen when there are several injuries or deaths from a firearm-related violence.” IdWhat, then, is a “mass shooting”? The newspaper, USA Today, which has a clear Anti-Second Amendment left-wing bias, writing about it in an article published on June 11, 2022, and that is upfront concerning its abhorrence of the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, calling for the outright repeal of it in a subsequent article, published one month later, on July 11, 2022, allows itself, unbidden, to proffer its own non-legal definition: “There's no single consensus on the definition.The Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit research group, defines a mass shooting as an incident in which four or more people are shot or killed, not including the shooter. In contrast, Everytown currently defines it as a shooting in which four or more people are shot and killed, again excluding the shooter – but Burd-Sharps noted that they are moving toward expanding the definition to also include four or more injuries in the future.The Federal Bureau of Investigation doesn't have a mass shooting definition. Instead, the FBI defines "mass murder" as an incident where four or more people are killed, which can include gun violence.USA TODAY defines a mass shooting as an incident where at least four people are hit with gunfire, even if there are no fatalities. Mass killing refers is an incident in which at least four people are killed.”The organization, The National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center (NMVVRC), whose mission, as stated, is directed to serving victims of “mass violence” points to a plethora of definitions for similar expressions, in an article, “Definitions of Mass Violence Crimes.”  AQ refuses to be pigeonholed, focused on terminology cunningly devised by propagandists. The use of argot designed by propagandists ensnares a person, traps him, and compels him to adopt a particular viewpoint, even a philosophy through which to view the world. Expressions, like ‘assault weapon,’ ‘gun violence,’ ‘gun culture,’ and ‘mass shootings,’ to name a few, direct a person to view firearms and anything associated with them, including, and most especially, the fundamental, unalienable, natural law right codified in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, to a particular and decidedly peculiar way of thinking, a way of thinking at once antithetical to our Nation's history, heritage,  cultural ethos, national identity, and to the philosophical underpinnings of a free Constitutional Republic.____________________________________**This article updates and complements our article posted on January 30, 2023.____________________________________Copyright © 2023 Roger J Katz (Towne Criour), Stephen L. D’Andrilli (Publius) All Rights Reserved.

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